What size is a 6 year old girl. How to determine the size of a boy's clothes: only good purchases! What to look out for

Today, it is becoming more and more popular to buy children's clothing in foreign online stores. To order American children's clothing, in order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to know the American dimensional grid. US children's clothing size chart is different from Russian and European. US children's size is determined by the age of the child. Children's clothing in the United States is sewn according to the average metric parameters of American children, appropriate for age.

Nevertheless, it is better to select the size of children's clothing according to metric parameters, and not according to the age of the child. To do this, it is convenient to use the table below. For babies up to six years old, the American clothing size can be determined by height and weight. If your height in the table shows a smaller weight, take a larger size. From the age of six, the US size grid is divided into clothing sizes for girls and boys. For this children's age, the American size can be determined by height, and the volume of the chest, waist, hips.

US size chart for babies up to 2 years old. The table shows different designations of the same sizes.

Size. USA Preemie (P) New born (NB), first size 0-3M, 0/3 3-6M, 3/6
Age premature up to 1 month up to 3 months 3-6 months
Height in cm up to 43 43-48 47-58 59-65
Weight in kg up to 2.3 2,5-3,5 4-5 5-7
Size. USA 6-9M, 6/9 9-12M, 9/12 12-18M, 12/18 18-24M, 18/24
Age 6-9 months 9-12 months 1-1.5 years 1.5-2 years
Height in cm 67-72 72-77 77-82 82-88
Weight in kg 7-8 8-9,5 10-11 11-12

American dimensional grid of clothes for children from two to six or seven years old.

For larger kids, the sizes are divided into girls' sizes and boys' sizes, which are shown in the following two tables.

Girls size. USA 7M 8,L 10L 12, XL 14, XL 16,XXL
Height in cm 128-131 133-136 138-146 148-151 153-158 161-164
Bust in cm 66 71 73 76 82 84
Waist in cm 57 61 63 64 66 71
Hips in cm 72 73 76 81 86 92
Boys size. USA 8,M 10L 12, XL 14, XL 16,XXL 18,XXL
Height in cm 126-134 136-146 146-153 155-161 161-166 167-169
Bust in cm 67 73 75 82 86 90
Waist in cm 58 64 65 67 72 75
Hips in cm 71 74 81 84 91 96

The data in the table may differ slightly from the dimensional grids of some companies. As elsewhere, each manufacturer of children's clothing chooses its own dimensional grid. Clothing models also impose their own characteristics. When buying branded clothing in an online store, you can specify the size according to the size chart of this manufacturer, and for specific products, the characteristic size is often indicated. When buying children's clothing in a store, you can measure the length of the sleeve, trousers, width in the chest, etc. by centimeter, comparing with similar measurements of the clothes worn by the child.

You can rarely find American clothes on the Russian market. But we often see the size of clothes with the designation of the age of the child and, as a rule, from manufacturers whose products do not correspond to average metric parameters, differing by two or three sizes from the real ones.

Your little one has already reached the age of six and will soon go to school. At this stage, it is very important for parents to understand how ready their child is for such a load - physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Physical development of a child at 6 years old

Let us name the main points that characterize the normal physical maturation of six-year-old children:

  • the change of milk teeth to permanent ones begins;
  • abdominal breathing is replaced by chest breathing, the diaphragm is strengthened;
  • there is an active development of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine;
  • the number of respiratory movements per minute (about 20-25) approaches the adult norm;
  • lungs mature;
  • the size of the heart increases, as this is required by a rapidly growing organism;
  • heart rate changes (up to 85-100 beats per minute) and blood pressure;
  • the immune system is actively functioning;
  • the nervous system is strengthened, the baby better tolerates the increased emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual stress;
  • speech improves, vocabulary expands, pronunciation defects disappear.

How much does a child grow in the 6th year

According to the WHO, the height of six-year-olds on average increases to 116 cm, while the allowable range is from 110.1 cm to 120.8 cm.

Like other indicators, the height of girls is somewhat less than that of boys, and by the age of 6, the average should be 115.1 cm (acceptable range of values ​​​​is from 110.1 cm to 120.1 cm). Boys grow up to 116 cm with normal limits from 111.1 cm to 120.8 cm.
If your baby is significantly different in height from the average values, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. Perhaps these are the individual characteristics of the child, or perhaps the first signs of disorders in the body.

Head circumference of a 6 year old

The head size of a six-year-old child normally ranges from 50.4 cm to 52.7 cm. At the same time, according to WHO tables, the average value for boys is 51.9 cm (permissible limits are from 51.1 cm to 52.7 cm), for girls - 51.2 cm (normal limits are from 50.4 cm to 51.9 cm).
In order for the result of measuring the circumference of the head to be correct, it is better to use a soft centimeter tape. Place it on the most protruding part of the back of the head, while making sure that the front of the tape passes along the superciliary arches and does not stretch too tightly.

The size of the feet of a boy and a girl at 6 years old

By the age of six, boys' feet begin to grow faster than girls'. Usually the shoe size of a six-year-old girl is approximately 28-28.5, which corresponds to a foot length of 17.5-18 cm. A boy's foot is slightly larger - 18.5-19 cm in length (29-30 size). For a quick and easy search for suitable shoes in the store, use the shoe size table for a child of 6 years old:

Before buying, it is important to correctly determine the length of the child's leg. Take measurements in the evening - by the end of the day, blood rushes to the limbs, and the size of the leg increases. In addition, it is wise to put on socks for a start - after all, the shoes will not be worn on a bare foot.
The length of the foot is measured using a sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Place the child exactly on the sheet and circle his foot along the contour. Using a ruler, find out the distance from the heel to the end of the thumb - these are the most distant points on the leg. Round up the result and remember. When choosing shoes for your baby, tell the seller this figure, and he will choose the right size for you.

What is the size of clothes for a boy and a girl at 6 years old

Unlike the situation with shoes, the size of clothes for boys and girls of six years is not yet different:

However, your baby may not match these numbers a little, and then it will be useful to know his parameters: chest, hips, waist, height and sleeve length. This data can also be useful when choosing a dress size for a 6-year-old girl, for example. Save your child's measurements on the phone, and then you will not get into trouble when buying.

How much should a boy and a girl weigh at 6 years old

Normally, at 6 years old, the child reached a weight of 20.4 kg - as evidenced by WHO. At the same time, indicators from 18.9 kg to 22.5 kg for boys and from 18.8 kg to 22.4 kg for girls are considered to be the limits of the norm. As you can see, the weight of girls and boys at the age of 6 does not depend much on gender.

Age features

It happens that we do not always notice the ongoing age-related changes in our child. Nevertheless, the baby grows not only externally, but also internally - it becomes more conscious, organized, asks many questions, including about the gender differences of people. The age characteristics of children at the age of 6 are such that they often seek to attract attention, especially if there are younger children in the family. This speaks to their need for love, acceptance, and self-expression. The desire to communicate with peers is pronounced, but their own “wants” often prevail, and the child constantly checks the strength of the boundaries of what is permitted in society and the family. So children learn to understand what is certainly possible and what is forbidden, and also learn the norms of behavior in society.
By the age of six, the guys are already coping well with their mood and emotions, striving for independence, but at the same time, they are very attentive to the behavior of others and tend to imitate. They still find it difficult to keep their attention on one topic for a long time, especially if it is not interesting to them. Therefore, it is very important not to forget to conduct training in the form of a game and to preliminarily intrigue the baby.

Psychology of a child of six years

The psychological characteristics of 6-year-old children are associated with different areas of their development:

  • awareness of one's own personality, gender, place in the family;
  • possession of an extensive vocabulary, reaching up to 7 thousand words;
  • getting rid of speech defects and can build sentences grammatically correctly;
  • the predominance of visual-figurative thinking, logical thinking is in the process of formation;
  • increasing the amount of memory;
  • the child learns to compare, generalize, classify;
  • mastering time;
  • understanding of norms, rules of behavior and decency;
  • desire for imitation, self-expression.

Parents just need to be interested in the psychological side of their kids' lives. Even a little knowledge in psychology will help you better understand your six-year-old child.
Speaking about the differences in the psychology of boys and girls of six years old, it is worth saying that girls have a large amount of memory and its stability, they show great neatness and accuracy. We have already mentioned that at this age children pay attention to gender, and, as a result, begin to make friends with others like themselves. When choosing a friend, future men value courage, strength, ingenuity, and little ladies value beauty, responsiveness, gentleness.
For boys, the figure of the father comes to the fore, who gives the right social guidelines and teaches his son about male activities. Daughters, on the contrary, gravitate towards their mother, show femininity and perform women's affairs with interest, help their mother around the house. Therefore, it is extremely important during this transitional period to give your grown-up babies the right values ​​​​and attitudes that they will carry through their whole lives.

Most adults always know the size of their clothes. Often it does not change for years, so even the most forgetful men easily name a couple of numbers or letters that are so necessary when shopping. Much more difficult - with the size of clothes for a child. Children grow, their height and weight change, and sometimes during the year they have to update their wardrobe several times. Therefore, parents should always be able to correctly determine the size of children's things. Moreover, taking into account the fact that for manufacturers in Russia, Europe or the USA, it may differ slightly.

How to determine the right size

In the size of clothing for a child, manufacturers usually take into account several parameters: height, weight, age, waist, chest, hips, as well as neck circumference and sleeve length. But this does not mean that the baby will have to be measured up and down. Usually different manufacturers take into account different parameters. Russian companies for children under 5-6 years old sew clothes “by height”, so parents most often only need to know this figure. And here there is a nuance: up to two years, clothing designers are advised to measure the growth of a child in a lying position, and only after two years - standing. And this is explained simply: after all, a little fidget very rarely stands exactly.

Sizes of Russian clothes for children

Size Height Age Weight, kg Breast volume (A), cm Waist (B), cm Hips (C), cm Inseam length (D), cm The length of the sleeve
18 50 1 month 3-4 41-43 41-43 41-43 16 14
18 56 2 months 3-4 43-45 43-45 43-45 18 16
20 62 3 months 4-5 45-47 45-47 45-47 20 19
22 68 3-6 months 5-7 47-49 46-48 47-49 22 21
24 74 6-9 months 6-9 49-51 47-49 49-51 24 23
24 80 12 months 9-11 51-53 48-50 51-53 27 26
24 86 1.5 years 11-12 52-54 49-51 52-54 31 28
26 92 2 years 12-14,5 53-55 50-52 53-56 35 31
26 98 3 years 13,5-15 54-56 51-53 55-58 39 33
28 104 4 years 15-18 55-57 52-54 57-60 42 36
28 110 5 years 19-21 56-58 53-55 59-62 46 38
30 116 6 years 22-25 57-59 54-56 61-64 50 41
30 122 7 years 25-28 58-62 55-58 63-67 54 43
32 128 8 years 30-32 61-65 57-59 66-70 58 46
32 134 9 years 31-33 64-68 58-61 69-73 61 48
34 140 10 years 32-35 67-71 60-62 72-76 64 51
36 146 11 years 33-36 70-74 61-64 75-80 67 53
38 152 12 years 35-38 75 65 82 70 55
40 158 13 years 36-40 78 67 85 74
42 164 14 years 38-43 81 69 88 77

Russian sizes of children's clothing

Sizes indicated by height usually differ by 6 units. Therefore, there will be such designations on dresses or panties: for height 86 cm, 92 cm, 98 cm, 104 cm, etc. After the age of five, other designations may appear on the clothes for the baby, you will already need to know his chest, waist, hips and sleeve length. It will not be difficult to calculate them, the rules are the same as for an adult: you just need to wrap one or another part of the body with a centimeter tape. And a step seam (the length from the groin to the intended bottom of the product) may also come in handy - this is necessary for sliders, panties or leggings.

Size chart for children under 2 years old

Age, months Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
0-2 56 36 18 56 2 0/3
3 58 38 18 58 2 0/3
4 62 40 20 62 2 3/6
6 68 44 20 68 2 3/6
9 74 44 22 74 2 6/9
12 80 48 24 80 2 S/M
18 86 52 26 86 2 2-2T
24 92 52 28 92 3 2-2T

During measurements, the baby should be only in underwear in order to choose the item for him as accurately as possible. And if a child by nature is a fidget and does not stand still for a minute, it is better not to torment him with this procedure at all. And determine the size according to the available clothes that “sit” on it as well as possible. Here it is worth remembering that things should not hamper the movements of the child, he should always be comfortable in them. And therefore, in case of doubt, it is better to take clothes one size larger.

Size chart for girls from 3 to 15 years old

Age, years Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
3 98 56 28/30 98 3 3T
4 104 56 28/30 104 3 4T
5 110 60 30 110 4 5 — 6
6 116 60 32 116 4 5 — 6
7 122 64 32/34 122 6 7
8 128 64 34 128 6 7
9 134 68 36 134 8 S
10 140 68 38 140 8 S
11 146 72 38/40 146 10 S/M
12 152 72 40 152 10 M/L
13 156 76 40/42 156 12 L
14 158 80 40/42 158 12 L
15 164 84 40/42 164 12 L

"Continental" features

There are manufacturers who, when designating the size, are guided by the age of the child.. Usually these are American clothing manufacturers. For example, for newborns, the size is simply indicated: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months. But at the same time, they most often mean growth of 61, 66 and 71 cm. And if the toddler at 3 months has already exceeded 70 cm, then it is better for him to buy sliders from six months.

For children from one year old to 15 years old, manufacturers from the United States usually also focus on age. Therefore, the size almost always coincides with the number of years. On the one hand, it’s simple, on the other hand, the physique of all children is completely different, so it’s usually worth considering the height and weight of the child (weight is measured in grams, so don’t be afraid of large numbers).

Size chart for boys from 3 to 17 years old

Age, years Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
3 98 56 28/30 1 3 3T
4 104 56 28/30 1 3 4T
5 110 60 30 2 4 5 — 6
6 116 60 32 2 4 5 — 6
7 122 64 32/34 5 6 7
8 128 64 34 5 6 7
9 134 68 36 7 8 S
10 140 68 38 7 8 S
11 146 72 38/40 9 10 S/M
12 152 72 40 9 10 M/L
13 156 76 40/42 9 12 L
14 158 80 40/42 9 12 L
15 164 84 40/42 11 12 L
16 170 84 42 12 14 XL
17 176 88 42 13 44 XL

European manufacturers have their own size grid features. The size always coincides with the height of the child, and when determining it, several parameters are necessarily taken into account at once: the volume of the chest, waist and hips, as well as the length of the sleeve, crotch, and also the girth of the neck. Therefore, going to a children's clothing store, parents will have to find out about the crumbs literally everything up to a centimeter in advance.

When choosing things from European manufacturers, one must be very careful. For example, if the child is overweight, and his height is up to 68 cm, you should not buy clothes in size 68, they will probably be small for him. But you can safely choose skirts and trousers in size 74, because it will be much easier to shorten them in length than to take them in at the side seams. If there is any doubt between the two suggested sizes, the choice should be made in favor of the larger one. After all, the baby will definitely grow up, and the thing will be able to serve him much longer.

- can be seen in the next article.

Child Size Chart, or rather, typical measurements that you need to know if you are going to sew or buy clothes for your child. Having determined the height of your baby from the table, you will see what the waist or chest circumference of the child should be. Of course, the table provides information for standard figures, individual deviations from the standard, I think, mothers will determine for themselves.

The main measurements of typical children's figures of preschool age

Measurement name

Measure symbols

Height, cm

neck girth



Hip girth

Shoulder Width

The length of the sleeve

Back Width

Back length
to the waistline

Front length
to the waistline

Top girth
parts of the hand

Typical measurements of children up to a year and up to 1.5-2 years

Height, cm 50 56 62 68 74 80 86 92
Bust 43 44,5 46 47,5 49 50,5 52 54
Waist 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Hip girth 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
Leg length 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
The length of the sleeve 15 18 21 24 27 30 33,5 37

Knitwear and garments for girls from 12 to 18 years old


Hip girth

Knitwear and garments for boys from 12 to 18 years old



neck girth

Knitwear and garments for girls from 2 to 11 years old



Hip girth

Knitwear and garments for boys from 2 to 11 years old



Hip girth

neck girth

How to measure the parameters of the child

The growth of a child up to 2 years old is measured in the prone position, after 2 years - in a standing position.

· The volume of the chest and hips is measured with a centimeter tape, attaching it to the most protruding points. In this case, the protrusion of the abdomen must be taken into account.

When measuring the waist, make sure that the child does not pull in the stomach.

Sleeve length is measured from the base of the shoulder to the tip of the thumb. The child should raise his arms freely, without exposing parts of the body.

· The length of the crotch is the distance from the groin to the ankle.

Neck girth is measured with a centimeter tape, attaching it to the base.

Children's clothing size chart according to age and weight

Size (EUR)

3-6 months

6-9 months

12 months

Children's Hats Size Chart

To determine the size of a child's hat, you need to measure the circumference of the child's head. To do this, attach a centimeter tape to the most protruding point of the back of the head at the back and on the brow ridges in front. In this case, the tape should not be stretched.

Some manufacturers, for example, write this on the label - 46-48, 44-46. That is, indicate the length of the circumference of the head in centimeters.

Cap size

0-3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months

Children's socks size chart

The following are the sizes of children's socks according to the size of the shoes and the length of the child's foot. In general, knowing the length of the foot, you can estimate the size of the socks "by eye". Measure the length of the mortar from the protruding end of the heel to the tip of the most protruding toe.

Foot length (cm)

Shoe size

Sock size

Size chart of children's tights

The sizes of children's tights are determined depending on the height of the child. Below are approximate data on the sizes of children's tights in accordance with age.

Correspondence table for Russian, American and European clothing sizes

Each country has its own size system for children's clothing. For example, American sizes of children's clothing are determined depending on the age of the child, which correspond to the average parameters. Europeans rely on the height and volume of the chest, waist and hips. Below is an approximate table of correspondence between the size rulers of Russia, the USA and the European Union.

European Union

New born, first size, 0-3M

How often have you been upset if clothes bought without first trying on turned out to be unsuitable for a child? It's not bad when it's too big: children grow up! What if it's not enough? Basically, such “misses” happen because the sizes of clothes from Russian and European manufacturers are indicated differently. To understand this "clothes" issue will help the table of sizes of children's clothing.

Russian-made clothes

Russian manufacturers sew children's clothing in accordance with GOST. And, if the manufacturer is conscientious, and the declared Russian sizes are true, then it will be difficult to make a mistake with the size: they are based on metric data. And since measuring the circumference of the chest, waist and hips of the child is simple, you can safely go shopping.

Sizes of Russian clothes for children:

Size Height Age
Bust (A),
Waist (B),
Hips (C),
Inseam length (D),
The length of the sleeve Double sizes
18 50 1 month 3-4 41-43 41-43 41-43 16 14 50/56
18 56 2 months 3-4 43-45 43-45 43-45 18 16
20 62 3 months 4-5 45-47 45-47 45-47 20 19 62/68
22 68 3-6 months 5-7 47-49 46-48 47-49 22 21
24 74 6-9 months 6-9 49-51 47-49 49-51 24 23 74/80
24 80 12 months 9-11 51-53 48-50 51-53 27 26
24 86 1.5 years 11-12 52-54 49-51 52-54 31 28 86/92
26 92 2 years 12-14,5 53-55 50-52 53-56 35 31
26 98 3 years 13,5-15 54-56 51-53 55-58 39 33 98/104
28 104 4 years 15-18 55-57 52-54 57-60 42 36
28 110 5 years 19-21 56-58 53-55 59-62 46 38 110/116
30 116 6 years 22-25 57-59 54-56 61-64 50 41
30 122 7 years 25-28 58-62 55-58 63-67 54 43 122/128
32 128 8 years 30-32 61-65 57-59 66-70 58 46
32 134 9 years 31-33 64-68 58-61 69-73 61 48 134/140
34 140 10 years 32-35 67-71 60-62 72-76 64 51
36 146 11 years 33-36 70-74 61-64 75-80 67 53 146/152
38 152 12 years 35-38 75 65 82 70 55
40 158 13 years 36-40 78 67 85 74 158/164
42 164 14 years 38-43 81 69 88 77

Sizes of children's hats (standard):

A feature of clothes in Russian sizes: the step between sizes is 6 units.

Sizes of children's clothing from Europe and the USA

How to determine the size of clothes for children from European or American manufacturers? We offer you tables containing the correspondence of these sizes to Russian ones.

Up to about 3-4 years old, a child of any gender applies the same clothing sizes. When the kids grow up, the difference in the physique of girls and boys becomes already obvious, so it is better to use tables for gender separation.

You can take clothes one size larger: many manufacturers take into account the fact that babies are growing rapidly, and they sew blouses and pants, pajamas and jackets so that the thing looks great on the child with folded sleeves and trousers.

Clothing size chart for children 0-3 years old:

Russian size Age (months)
Height (cm) Bust(cm) Europe England USA
18 56 0-2 56 36 56 2 0/3
18 58 3 58 38 58 2 0/3
20 62 4 62 40 62 2 3/6
20 68 6 68 44 68 2 3/6
22 74 9 74 44 74 2 6/9
24 80 12 80 48 80 2 S/M
26 86 18 86 52 86 2 2-2T
28 92 24 92 52 92 3 2-2T

Girls Clothing Size Chart:

Russian size Age (years)
Height (cm)
Bust(cm) Europe
England USA
28/30 98 3 98 56 98 3 3T
28/30 104 4 104 56 104 3 4T
30 110 5 110 60 110 4 5-6
32 116 6 116 60 116 4 5-6
32/34 122 7 122 64 122 6 7
34 128 8 128 64 128 6 7
36 134 9 134 68 134 8 S
38 140 10 140 68 140 8 S
38/40 146 11 146 72 146 10 S/M
40 152 12 152 72 152 10 M/L
40/42 156 13 156 76 156 12 L
40-42 158 14 158 80 158 12 L
40/42 164 15 164 84 164 12 L

Boys clothing size chart:

Russian size Age(years) Height(cm) Bust(cm) Europe England USA
28/30 98 3 98 56 0 3 3T
28/30 104 4 104 56 1 3 4T
30 110 5 110 60 2 4 5-6
32 116 6 116 60 2 4 5-6
32/34 122 7 122 64 5 6 7
34 128 8 128 64 5 6 7
36 134 9 134 68 7 8 S
38 140 10 140 68 7 8 S
38/40 146 11 146 72 9 10 S/M
40 152 12 152 72 9 10 M/L
40/42 156 13 156 72 9 12 L
40/42 158 14 158 76 9 12 L
40/42 164 15 164 84 11 12 L
42 170 16 170 84 12 14 XL
42 176 17 176 88 13 14 XL

As you can see, the size range of children's clothing from Russian and European manufacturers is almost the same, but there is a nuance: in Russia, GOST for children's clothing is designed for thin children, while European clothing is more free.

Children's clothing from China

The main difference in the marking of clothing sizes for children of Russian and Chinese production is that in Russia the orientation is based on the height of the child, and in China - on age. And since the vast majority of Chinese products are on our shelves, it’s worth knowing how Chinese sizes correspond to Russian ones. The Chinese size range is narrower than the domestic one. For example, for children under 12 months in Russia there are 6 sizes, and in China - only 4.

Related videos

Chinese clothing size for children: table by age

Children over 2 years of age:

Russian size Age, months Height, cm Bust, cm Size China
18 0-2 56 36 0
18 3 58 38 3
20 4 62 40 3-6
20 6 68 44 6
22 9 74 44 6-12
24 12 80 48 12
26 18 86 52 18
28 24 92 52 24

Boys 3-17 years old

Russian size
Age, years
Height, cm
Bust, cm
Size China
28/30 3 98 56 3
28/30 4 104 56 4
30 5 110 60 5
32 6 116 60 6
32/34 7 122 64 7
34 8 128 64 8
36 9 134 68 9
38 10 140 68 10
38/40 11 146 72 11
40 12 152 72 12
40/42 13 156 76 13
40/42 14 158 80 14
40/42 15 164 84 15
42 16 170 84 16
42 17 176 88 17

Girls 3-15 years old

Russian size Age, years Height, cm Bust Size China
28/30 3 98 56 3
28/30 4 104 56 4
30 5 110 60 5
32 6 116 60 6
32/34 7 122 64 7
34 8 128 64 8
36 9 134 68 9
38 10 140 68 10
38/40 11 146 72 11
40 12 152 72 12
40/42 13 156 76 13
40/42 14 158 80 14
40/42 15 164 84 15

Sometimes on Chinese clothes you can find markings with the letter "T". Such clothes are intended for children over 2 years old: the number in front of the letter indicates the age in years: 2T for a two-year-old baby, 3T for a three-year-old, etc.

A few tips when choosing children's clothing:

  • Clothes from France tend to run small, so you should take the product one size larger than you need.
  • On the contrary, German and Italian things are larger: if you want your child to wear them immediately after purchase, you can take a size smaller.
  • It is worth trusting the dimensional grid of things from China only if it is “China factory”. Fakes very often deceive with sizes both up and down.
  • When measuring a child's height, chest and hips, do so with the child wearing only underwear.
  • For children under 3, choose clothes made from natural fabrics and easy to put on: the simpler the closure, the better.
  • Wash before wearing, even those just bought things that are hermetically packed! At the same time, keep in mind that natural fabric is susceptible to high temperatures, and if you are going to wash things in very hot water, take them one size larger!