Pink necklace with cabochon beads. We embroider a cabochon. Selection of beads. Inspiration and good luck in your creativity!

Do-it-yourself cabochon braiding with beads (photo and video)

Do-it-yourself cabochon braiding with beads (photo and video)

Craftsmen who are keen on beadwork, eager to create a unique piece of jewelry using not only beads, but also a beautiful cabochon, are faced with the problem of how to weave it. This is quite simple to do and, as always when working with beads, very pleasant. A cabochon is a stone with a smoothly polished surface; its shape can be different. This master class will tell you in detail how cabochon braiding is done and will also look at such an interesting beading option as a beaded bead. Having mastered braiding techniques, you will be able to make brooches, earrings, necklaces, hairpins and much more. There are various photos of such products on the Internet. Handmade jewelry will be exclusive and will certainly attract attention.

Braiding a cabochon with a snake chain

There are a variety of ways to make a beaded cabochon setting. In this educational material we will look at the simplest and at the same time very effective method. Snake chain braiding is suitable for cabochons of various shapes and will look good in any decoration. After you master this technique, you will probably want to weave more than one beautiful polished stone with beads. To verify this, look at the photo of such a product.

To master this technique, you will need the following materials: beads of two matching colors and matching the cabochon, beads (can be replaced with large beads), monofilament, a beading needle and the cabochon itself.
You should start braiding by weaving the first row of the chain. To do this, leaving 90 cm of monofilament free, we weave a chain according to this principle: having strung three beads, we pass the thread through the first two so that we get a triangle of three beads. Then we string two more beads and pass the thread through the nearest bead of the first triangle and the free bead following it. The result will be two triangles looking in different directions. The entire chain is woven using this principle, which should be equal in length to the circumference of the cabochon. The diagram clearly shows how to do this. The diagram also shows how to connect a chain into a circle.

It is important to remember that if beads are used for decoration, there must be an even number of triangles. When the main chain is ready and connected into a circle, you will need to attach another one of the same to it. Attach it to the top edge of the chain. It is quite difficult to describe this, and therefore it is better for you to immediately refer to the diagram.

When the second chain is ready, you need to add beads of a different color, which should be attached between the top beads. After this, you need to tighten the edge of the frame. For the best effect, you should go through the monofilament 2-3 times. Having received this frame blank, you must place the cabochon in it so that its convex side faces the screed.
The master class does not end here. You still need to make the second side of the bead braid. With this technique, the braiding is double-sided. To do this, using the remaining free end of the monofilament, you should weave beads of the second color, as well as on the upper edge of the braid. When all the beads are in place, the edge is pulled tightly together according to the same principle as the top. As a result, the stone should sit very tightly in its beaded frame, not move or fly out. With this simple method you can easily braid a cabochon of any shape and size. For inspiration and development of braiding designs, you can always refer to the photo. Weaving cabochons will allow you to create your own unique collection of jewelry.

Photo master class on cabochon beading

This method of braiding is quite simple and fast and requires additional tightening of the tie:

We trim the cabochon with beads

To beautifully frame a stone, especially when making brooches, it is good to trim it with beads. This master class will certainly help you learn this technique. You will need: cabochon, beads, felt, glue and monofilament.
To begin, you will need to very carefully glue the stone to a small piece of felt, but do not cut it out. When the glue has dried, you can begin sheathing. To do this, the needle with monofilament is brought out from the inside at the edge of the cabochon. Then string two beads and, retreating a distance sufficient for the beads to lie down, we again bring the needle to the wrong side. Sending the needle again to the front side, it must be injected so that it comes out between the first two beads. Then we pull the thread through the right bead and again string two beads that will be attached in the same way. The entire circumference of your cabochon should be trimmed in this manner.

When the first row is completed, we pull the needle out to the front side again and begin braiding with small beads. This is done in almost the same way as when sheathing, but small beads are attached not to the fabric, but to the bottom row of beads. In this case, the needle is threaded each time through the previous bead, and then passed forward through the 5 lower beads. This is how the second row is done. The number of rows may be more.

This method is very good for sheathing a cabochon for a brooch or earrings. Or maybe you want to make a whole set. To choose the design of a future product, you should refer to the photo.

Beaded beads

Jewelry often requires beads, and they should not be out of step with the style of the item. Therefore, you need to use beaded beads, as well as regular ones that can be braided with beads. It's not very difficult and very exciting. Our master class will teach you an interesting mosaic technique for braiding beads.
Weaving the beads should begin with weaving the bottom. To do this, 9 beads are placed on a thread, and the tenth closes them. We tie the ends of the thread. The result is a ring.

Then, we string two beads and stitch them into the second bead from the needle of the previous chain. Let's do this in a circle. In the middle of each of the two beads we sew an additional one. We should have something like an asterisk.

Next, we repeat the previous steps and try on the resulting blank.

The five corners marked with blue lines in the photo will be expanders. each subsequent such expanding element must be created above the previous one.

We continue to stitch the next 2 rows with mosaic weaving. We try on our bead again and, if necessary, continue the expansion by adding one more bead in the middle of the beads of the previous row and two beads above the corners. Next we sew a row of mosaics. The expansion process is now complete.

Now we extend the weaving without expansion by six rows. The final row must be completed twice.

It remains to weave another half in the same way and sew both halves so that the extensions of the top fall between the extensions of the bottom. Tighten the braid tightly so that there are no protruding corners. These beaded beads will be ideal for jewelry.

This technique can be studied in more detail using photo or video materials.
We hope this master class will be useful to you, and you can easily braid a bead or cabochon.

Think for a moment that every handmade product is a kind of language of communication. With each new author's product, your vocabulary expands. Of course, you will not collect the same collection of words as in Dahl’s dictionary (your whole life will not be enough), but you will be able to express your feelings with ease through beadwork.

Today's bead weaving master class will tell you how to create a complex necklace with three cabochons and an openwork neckband with your own hands. The master class is designed for beginners who want to get quick results and immediately do something great. You can’t master the art of bead weaving in one go, but... the main thing is to start.

To make a necklace you will need:

  • monofilament,
  • three cabochons (I took black agates),
  • black beads No. 10 and No. 8,
  • black beads,
  • accessories,
  • scraps of genuine leather of the same color as the rest of the elements.

We trim cabochons

Glue the gems to the leather with rubber glue, leaving enough free space around each for sheathing.

Take monofilament thread and a beading needle. Having tied a knot at the end of the thread, we pierce the skin next to the cabochon, but not end-to-end, but approximately 1 millimeter from its edge. We put 2 balls on the needle and sew them on.

The first row is sewn with a back stitch.

When the first two beads are sewn, you need to return to the starting point of sewing, thread the thread through the two already sewn beads, pick up the next two, sew them, bring the thread back from the beginning of the stitch and pull the thread through the second pair.

This way the entire row around the cabochon is stitched.

After the first row is completely laid out, you can begin to braid the cabochon and create a decorative frame for the gem. To create the decorative frame, I used “brick” weaving, the sequence of which is presented in detail in the diagram.

To complete the cabochon sheathing, you will need to collect five rows of beads. The last row must be pulled together well, passing a thread through all its beads and securing it.

We trim all three cabochons at the same time.

We will make the central decoration of the necklace a little larger in size by adding a line of large beads along the outer oval (mine are No. 8). This additional row is sewn in the same way as the very first one (“back needle”), with which we started braiding the cabochon.

Now we carefully cut out the trimmed pendants from the leather base, trying not to damage the stitches and leaving 1.5-2 mm from them to the edge of the base.

To increase rigidity, glue the resulting ovals onto the second layer of leather, placing a piece of cardboard between the layers. This design is described in more detail in the master class “Do it yourself bead brooch” in the paragraph “Let’s give the shape of our brooch”, and therefore we will not repeat it.

Now the untidy edges of the base are clearly visible. We will disguise them by covering them with beads. What should happen is shown in the illustration, and how to sew it is shown in the diagram below.

Carved pendants (top) and base end trim (bottom)

Scheme of the first row of finishing

Well, we decorate the edges a little, adding one bead between every second.

Second row of suspension trim

Firmware diagram

Weaving a neck ribbon

The second part of the necklace is an openwork neck ribbon made of beads, which we will now weave. We will subsequently attach trimmed cabochons to it. The illustration shows what a neckband is and what it will look like. The weaving pattern is attached.

General view of a fragment of a neck band

Diagram of neckband weaving modules

The neckband is a geometric mesh, essentially made up of diamonds, or intersecting diagonal lines. With dark circles on the diagram I indicated the nodal points where the rhombuses interlock with each other. The weaving sequence is shown with a black dashed line. Large beads in the lower part alternate one after another and are fixed at the bottom with small beads.

The diagram clearly demonstrates how many rows the weaving consists of and the number of beads involved in the formation of the diamond. You can easily calculate how many beads you will need.

The length of the neckband is individual. If you are creating a beaded necklace with your own hands for yourself, then check the length by holding the product to yourself in front of the mirror, but if it is a gift for someone, then you need the appropriate measurement. You won’t be able to weave a ribbon by eye, because it may turn out to be either longer or shorter than it should be.

Assembling the necklace

In the illustration we see that the trimmed cabochons are attached to the neckband with beaded threads. The balls are simply collected onto a monofilament thread and they are sequentially attached directly to those beads that were used to secure the large beads of the neck ribbon. The number of beads at this stage can be calculated according to the diagram, but you can vary it based on your needs.

General view of attaching pendants to a belt

Mounting parts

Suspension mounting diagram

The decoration is simple, but contains two layers. The diagram shows the first level in red, and the second level in blue, which we lay on top of the first.

The final step is to attach the fittings and clasp. There are no special frills or options here. We attach the rings directly to the holes of the diamonds.

Fastening accessories

The finished necklace in unfolded form.

DIY beaded necklace

Tag: Beading

When we think of jewelry, the first thing that comes to mind is jewelry made from expensive metals and stones. But sometimes jewelry made from the most ordinary and simple beads can become a real decoration, helping to complete an image: giving it a national flavor or ethnic motifs, adding warmth or coldness, focusing on sophistication and elegance. In this article you will learn how to weave a stylish necklace yourself: weaving patterns, a detailed master class with step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

How to make a beaded necklace

Nowadays laconicism and minimalism are in fashion for jewelry, so we settled on a necklace, as in the photo below:

This will be a beaded cabochon on a mosaic strand.

Materials for work:

  • Beads (light blue with glitter, transparent blue) No. 10;
  • Beads (pearl soft lilac or violet) No. 7;
  • Felt (blue);
  • Strong thread for embroidery;
  • Black leather (small piece);
  • Transparent glue (superglue);
  • Cardboard;
  • Line 0.25 mm;
  • Bead needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Tweezers;
  • Lighter;
  • Thick thread (white);
  • Wire cutters;
  • Pliers;
  • Lock accessories (magnetic lock, 2 pins and cap each).

Beaded necklace: step by step MK

Stage 1.

Let's start by creating a pendant from a cabochon braided with beads. To do this, you need to glue the cabochon to the felt.

Then, the process of sheathing or braiding the stone with a mosaic seam begins.

For the first row, light blue beads are used. Two beads are threaded onto a needle threaded through felt. A stitch is made equal to the size of these two beads, the thread is tightened tightly. The needle is brought to the front side and threaded through the 2nd bead, after which 2 beads are again strung on it:

In this way we trim the entire cabochon in a circle.

The second row is also made with light blue beads. The needle is threaded through the bead of the 1st row. 1 bead is strung on a thread and the needle is pulled through the bead of the 1st row, which is located one after the other. All beads in the row are embroidered in the same way.

The third row is woven from dark blue beads. The needle must be threaded through the first bead of the 2nd row and put 1 bead on it, then the needle is threaded through the second bead of the second row. And in a similar way - we sheathe the entire cabochon in a circle.

Another type of bead (larger) is sheathed on the resulting blank. The trim goes in the same way as the first row. And then another row of blue beads is made around it, and the excess felt is cut off.

A piece of thick cardboard is glued to the wrong side of the cabochon according to the shape, then leather:

You can process the edges of the resulting pendant the “Russian way”: insert a needle between the felt and the leather, and bring it out between the two beads of the last row of embroidery around the stone.

Then you need to put on the bead, insert the needle from the inside, through the skin in front of the thread of the last row of embroidery.

Let's continue our master class on a do-it-yourself beaded necklace; instructions for making a mosaic strand are in front of you:

Stage 2

In order to weave a mosaic rope from beads, you must follow the following pattern:

According to Fig. 1, we put 7 beads on the fishing line: blue (2 pieces), blue (1 piece), blue (4 pieces). In general, to weave such a rope, you can take a different number of beads, but an odd number - from 5 and above (depending on what thickness is planned). The fishing line is pulled through all the beads and closed into a ring. You need to leave a free tip of about 15 cm.

According to the second picture of the diagram, you need to stretch the fishing line through the first blue bead and put another blue one on it. Then, one bead from the first row is skipped, and the thread is pulled through the third blue bead of the same row. One blue bead is put on the fishing line. And again, one bead is skipped and the line passes through the fifth blue bead. Next, the fishing line needs to be pulled through the last seventh bead of the 1st row:

In accordance with Figure 3 of the diagram, you need to string 1 blue bead onto the fishing line, stretch the fishing line through the first blue bead of the 2nd row and again string 1 blue bead onto the fishing line. Next, the fishing line is passed through the second blue bead of the second row and one blue bead is put on it. And then the tourniquet must be woven until it reaches the required length.

The ends that remain at the edges of the strand are pulled through jewelry pins and secured. Jewelry caps are put on the pins and a magnetic lock is attached.

Making such a necklace is very simple, but as you can see, it is very stylish and beautiful.

A necklace made of beads and beads will look no less impressive: the diagrams and video tutorials shown below will help you in making them.

Chic necklace in Egyptian style

What could be more entertaining than needlework? In the process of creativity, we not only show our talent, but also become better and kinder. Making jewelry with your own hands is the best way to diversify your fashion look, make it more original and stylish.

The favorite material for making all kinds of jewelry is beads. Matte or mother-of-pearl, classic or fancy shapes, sparkling beads in skillful hands turn into exclusive luxurious beads, pendants, bracelets and necklaces. We invite you to plunge into the world of creative experiments by making several original necklaces from beads and stones with your own hands.

Materials for making jewelry

The basis for success in needlework is the correct selection of materials for the job. To make jewelry from beads and stones with your own hands you will need:

  • Beads. As a rule, to make this or that decoration, the craftswoman selects a diagram that clearly demonstrates the entire step-by-step weaving algorithm. To ensure that the material is ideally suited for a particular product, you must follow the advice of experienced craftsmen. First of all, beads must be selected according to the shape, color, as indicated in the diagrams, and do not forget about the quality and reputation of the manufacturer.
Multi-colored beads

The size of any bead is always determined by the number on the package. Beginners should know: the smaller the number, the larger the beads.

On the shelves you can find materials made from glass, plastic, and bone. The best tandem of practicality, durability and aesthetics combines glass beads.

  • Cabochons. To make handmade jewelry from beads and stones, you need cabochons. Translated, the word means “head”; such a stone really resembles the crown of the head in shape. It can have a very different shape, color, structure, but must have a smooth surface. Beautiful stone ovals or circles are convex on one side and flat on the other, so that the decorative element can be easily attached to the base. When choosing cabochons to create hand made jewelry, you need to pay special attention to the convex part of the stone: there should be no cracks, unevenness or nicks on the surface.

Cabochons made of natural stones
  • The basis of the decoration. The classic basis of weaving is fishing line. Beginning craftswomen can use thin wire; it will help model the outline of the product. To create necklaces made of beads and cabochons, leather or fabric is used as the base. Such decorations look most advantageous on luxurious velvet or satin fabric.

The main rule for choosing materials for handicrafts is a combination of high quality, aesthetic harmony and an original solution.

Variety of beads

We make decorations with our own hands

It is believed that beautiful accessories give a woman confidence, unique charm and emphasize femininity. We offer you to make several exclusive jewelry from beads and natural stones with your own hands.

Bright set

Master class on embroidering an original necklace

As a rule, necklaces or bracelets that combine natural stones and beads are made using the embroidery technique. We offer you to make a magnificent accessory with your own hands. To work you will need beads, a piece of natural or eco-leather, several cabochons, beautiful faceted beads of various shapes to match, and a rhinestone ribbon.

Turquoise bracelet

Let's get started:

  • On a piece of leather we draw a line - the center of the product. We glue the central stone in the middle; there should be enough space on the sides for laying other elements.
  • We cover the central element with beads, stringing three beads each. You should get an even number of beads. We braid the stone in a mosaic way: we string one bead, threading it through one. To secure the stone, add smaller beads.
  • On a piece of leather, slightly higher than the main element, we glue a smaller cabochon of jasper, and we similarly braid it with beads. Next, we place the remaining cabochons and braid each one with beads.

When all the elements are ready, we make the initial layout of the decoration details on a sheet of paper. We trace along the contour and cut it out, stepping back a few millimeters from the line inward.

Necklace shape on paper
  • We glue paper to each piece; this technique will give the product density and help maintain the shape of the necklace. Next, we glue all the details to a piece of genuine leather and cut them out.
  • To make the edges look neat, we sew along the contour of each blank with beads to match the product. We lay out the parts again and sew them together. At the bottom you can make a fringe of beads, embroider the decoration stand with beads, and attach a lock to the edge.

A beautiful necklace in the style of the incomparable Hurrem, beloved of the powerful Sultan Suleiman, is ready. In the same way, you can create a whole collection of jewelry, combining materials, experimenting with the color and shape of the products.

Necklace with jade

Delicate pendant

Resourceful craftswomen and fashionistas manage to make luxurious jewelry for all occasions from the simplest and most inexpensive materials. To change your look every day, it’s enough to make several pendants that can be hung on a chain, leather cord or beaded rope. We offer a basic lesson on how to create a delicate pendant.

Pink pendant with pearls

The algorithm is as follows:

  • We will prepare beads for work in soft pink and cream colors, a rhodochrosite cabochon, quartz and agate, pearl beads, and several Rivoli. For the base you will need a piece of fabric and genuine leather.
  • We mark the decoration, glue a large cabochon in the center and cover it with beads in several rows. The last row is trimmed with golden beads, like a precious setting of natural stone.
  • We lay the rivoli below the cabochon, braid it with beads, and similarly lay out and decorate the remaining elements of the pendant according to the pattern.
  • When all the elements are glued and covered with beads, we cut out the blank and decorate the edges with pearl beads. We decorate the lower part of the pendant with a fringe of beads, weave a loop of beads on top, or simply insert a metal ring. This pendant looks equally elegant on a satin ribbon, chain or strand of beads.

Today we are publishing a master class on creating a beaded necklace with a malachite cabochon. A detailed description and photographs were prepared for us by a wonderful jack of all trades - Olga Biryukova.

The following were used to create the pendant:

  • large cabochon of malachite;
  • malachite stone chips;
  • Japanese beads 11/0 green;
  • Japanese beads 15/0 golden color;
  • two silk brushes;
  • a piece of felt from Rayher;
  • piece of leather for the back side
  • one large bead with a large hole;
  • orange bicone;
  • various shades of green;
  • connecting rings (about 10 pieces);
  • a carabiner lock, as well as scissors, glue, threads, pliers and wire cutters.

First we glue the cabochon onto the felt. You can wait a little, or you can immediately start sewing it in a circle with beads. We will need 11/0 beads. We trim the cabochon with beads around the entire perimeter, as shown in the photo.

This is what should happen:

Next we rise higher. The weaving will not be mosaic, but openwork (or for the lazy). It works out much faster this way. Important! The first row (pictured above) must have an even number of beads! There are 84 beads around this cabochon, and the triangles in the second row go in increments of 3 beads (since 84 is divisible by 3 without a remainder). Each triangle contains 5 beads. For the second row we connect beads size 15/0. Here we connect the vertices of the triangles from row 1 (that is, every third bead), as shown in the photo.

This is what should happen. This is quite enough to keep the cabochon in place. Next, we sew stone chips along the contour of the cabochon. We use golden beads 15/0. And carefully cut as close to the stitches as possible.

Now it's the turn of the brushes. We tie them tightly together with a thick thread. We make a chain with mosaic weaving in 2 rows using 11/0 green beads. It should mask the threads connecting the brushes. We close the chain on the hands. She must sit tight, don't loosen. But you also don’t need to do it completely.

The final 5th row of braiding. We make a thread of small golden beads and at the end - . We fasten the thread. We tie two ropes from the tassels so that the bead sits close to the base. We sew these ropes to the felt (you can also glue them to be sure).

Cut out an oval piece of leather. We glue the skin to the felt so that it does not move. And we begin to sew both parts together.

When the leather and cabochon with felt have become one, we begin to attach the chain. We fasten the thread inside under the stone chips, thread it through the bead that follows the contour, and collect beads. At the end we make a loop of beads, tighten it tightly, secure it and hide the thread under the bead. Insert into the loop connecting ring(a carabiner is attached to this ring on one side, and on the other side there are several more connecting rings so that the length can be adjusted).

Voila- that's all! 🙂

Other works by Olga Biryukova can be found on her page