Synopsis of nodes with elements of theatricalization. Summary of nodes for the development of children's speech with elements of theatricalization in the younger group “Fairytale mittens. Job Description

Kuzmenkova Valentina Ivanovna

MBDOU Kindergarten No. 3 combined type

Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Khlyupino village


Synopsis of an open display of GCD on the development of speech with elements of theatricalization in the middle group "Journey of the Kolobok".

Program tasks:

To form artistic and figurative expressive means in children (intonation, facial expressions and pantomimics)

Develop speech, consolidate the skills of correct speech, mastering the elements of verbal communication (gestures, facial expressions, intonation)

Activation and replenishment of the children's active vocabulary

Improving the grammatical structure of children's speech, developing the sound culture of speech

The development of monologic and dialogical speech of children

Encourage children to engage in dramatization of familiar tales

Preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Zayushkina hut"

Theater-scroll dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Examining illustrations for Russian folk tales, compiling a story based on plot pictures for fairy tales

Pantomimic studies "Animals", "Emotions"

Materials and equipment: a large scroll for dramatizing the fairy tale "Kolobok", bibabo dolls of the heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", masks depicting emotions, illustrations for the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Lesson progress

The children are in the group.

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, guests have come to us. Let's say hello to them.

Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

I suggest you go on an interesting journey. What can you travel on? (children's answers). And today we will fly in a hot air balloon.

But first, you and I need to inflate it. Let's get in a circle. Let's take an imaginary pump and to the sound of “F-f-f! we will inflate the balloon. The air must be inhaled through the nose, and exhaled in jerks, pronouncing the sound “ffff” (children imitate inflating a balloon).

Educator: well, they inflated the balloon and flew! From a height, everything below seems so small (the teacher, together with the children, put their hand with a “visor”), we fly over the seas, forests and fields. And here is the clearing that we need. We need to land, for this we will blow off our balloon a little. Let's show how the balloon deflates. We inhale through the nose and exhale the air with the sound “ssssss”. Here we landed.

Let's take a look, where are we? To the land of fairy tales!

On the flannelograph there is a planar theater "Zayushkina's hut".

Teacher: what is this story? (children's answers). Who are the heroes of this tale? (answers). What happened to them? How did the bunny feel when the fox kicked him out? And when the cockerel kicked out the fox, how did the bunny feel? Let's try to portray how the heroes of the fairy tale rejoiced and how they cried?

Game "Mirrors"

Children sit on chairs. The teacher shows a mask that depicts an emotion. The children name it and then show it.

Educator: “What mood does this mask convey? I will dress her now, and you will become my mirrors and portray the same mood. The teacher puts on 4-5 masks with emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc.)

Teacher: Let's continue our journey. Look, in which fairy tale is the second stop? (on the table there is a house and heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok", bibabo dolls). Who lived in the tower? Who first settled in it? Why did it collapse?

Let's stand in a circle and play a game. We will try to portray the heroes of this fairy tale. Children with the help of pantomime depict animals, heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok".

Educator: and here is the third tale ... What kind of hut is this? What fairy tales are grandfather and grandmother from? (Kolobok). I have a magic scroll, let's play the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with you.

The teacher spins the theater-scroll, children-artists take their places.

The teacher in the role of leader reads a fairy tale.

An old man lived with his old woman

In a small forest hut.

Grandfather once asked:

Bake for lunch

Gingerbread man ruddy, delicious!

You used to bake skillfully.

Broomed in the bottom of the barrel

Two spoonfuls of sour cream.

The glorious Kolobok came out,

Fluffy and ruddy.

(Kolobok appears).

Wait a minute, Grandpa, a bit.

Let the Kolobok cool down!

(Kolobok hides behind the curtain).

Fidget - Kolobok

Jump from the window - and into the woods

Kolobok rolled.

Past the Christmas trees, birches,

(Towards Kolobok comes the Hare).

Suddenly our naughty

Met the Bunny.

Hare (important).

I will feast on you.

I haven't eaten since morning.

What you! Wait, Kosoy!

Listen to the song!

(Sings a song.)

Gingerbread man, fidget,

Bake me for Grandpa

I'm mixed on sour cream

At the window I'm cold.

I left the old people

Jump from the window - and that was it!

Great hare honor:

Eat a ruddy gingerbread man!

(The hare listens to the song in fascination, and Kolobok runs away through the forest. Suddenly, a Wolf appears on his way).

Rolled up on the road

Gray wolf under the feet.

He knows a lot about koloboks.

How are you by the way, kolobok!

I am very hungry.

I'll eat you, my friend, -

I'll be full until the night!

What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf!

You don't eat me!

Better sit on a stump

Listen to the song.

(Sings a song.)

Suddenly, Potapych himself met him.

He growled, raised his paw:

Come on, Kolobok!

I'll have a bite!

What are you, what are you, clubfoot!

Put your paw down.

Better my song

You listen - I'll sing.

Rolled somersault

Straight through the grove.

I found myself at the edge.

How can trouble not happen here,

She sat on the edge of that

Red tail warmed in the sun.

(The fox looks slyly at Kolobok.

I saw Kolobok)

How handsome you are, Kolobok!

How blush and cheerful!

They say that you, my friend,

You know a lot of songs.

Gingerbread man, fidget,

Bake me for Grandpa

I'm mixed on sour cream

At the window I'm cold.

I left the old people

Jump from the window - and that was it!

I left the Bear

And from the Wolf and the Hare,

And Lisa behind Kolobok

Don't get caught either!

The gingerbread man sang a song to her,

I wanted to roll away

But the Fox thought

Pretend to be deaf.

Fox (slyly).

I'm a bit deaf.

Come closer, friend.

Sit on my toe,

Sing louder one more time.

Kolobok (sings louder).

Fox (kindly).

Oh, you eat so wonderfully!

I didn't hear the song.

Sit on my tongue

And sing for the last time!

(Kolobok comes closer to the fox and sits almost on the muzzle).

Innocent Gingerbread Man

Jump Fox on the tongue.

Silly! Is this the thing!

And the Fox - din! - and ate.

(All artists bow out.)

Educator: Well done, children! Real artists! Did you enjoy playing fairy tales? Did you enjoy our trip? (children's answers)

But it's time to go home. Let's get back in our balloon, inflate it again and fly home (the Balloon exercise is repeated).

Here we are back from our journey through fairy tales. Did you like it? What fairy tales have we visited?


Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

with elements of theatricalization in the senior group

Topic: "Journey to the country of the Snow Queen"

Compiled by: POTEKHINA





Target: development of children's speech and emotional activity through the use of theatrical activities.



Create conditions for:

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: enrich the dictionary with antonyms, words denoting the attribute of an object and the action of an object;

Teaching by means of facial expressions and gestures to convey the most characteristic features of the characters depicted;

Consolidation of the ability to recognize and depict the main emotions by auditory perception of the text;

Improving the performing skills of children in voicing the heroes of familiar fairy tales.


Create conditions for:

Development of attention, memory and creativity;

Developing the ability to understand the emotional state of another person.


Create conditions for:

Education of friendly relations, the ability to negotiate and act together in solving problem situations.

GCD progress

caregiver : Look, children, how many guests we have today. Let's look at them with kind eyes, give them a kind smile and say hello.

Children: "Good afternoon!".

caregiver : The sun has risen for a long time,

Looked into our window.

Gathered friends all in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now

Now let's go to the left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we'll all be back.

Smile, wink,

Let's go travel.

caregiver : And I have prepared a surprise for you. We have an unusual guest.

Brownie Kuzya appears from behind the chest

Kuzya: Hello, guys, I'm a brownie Kuzya, economic, homely, and I did not come empty-handed, with a chest with fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?

caregiver : Chest opens

The fairy tale begins!

Opens the chest lid. A fragment from the cartoon "The Snow Queen" is included.

Kuzya : Did you find out the name of the fairy tale and who wrote it? (children's answers)

Loud blizzard music is heard. An image of the Snow Queen appears on the screen:

I am the Snow Queen, you have entered my kingdom. Unfortunately, the mischievous trolls broke my magic mirror, and its fragments scattered throughout the ice kingdom, only the most brave, friendly, courageous children will be able to collect them.

To find the fragments you will need to complete difficult tasks. And if you do not collect the pieces and put them in a frame, eternal winter will come on earth and you will forever remain in my imprisonment.

caregiver : Yes, it's the Snow Queen herself! And what is she? (children's answers). I agree with you, she is evil. And how did you know about it? (children's answers).

What do you think needs to be done to make the Snow Queen good? (children's answers) Can we help her? (answers)

(Speech warm-up, Antonyms game, children complete sentences)

The queen is evil, and we will help her become ... ..

Her heart is cold, and we will make it ....

She does bad things, and we will teach her to do ....

After all, in fairy tales, good always wins ...

Kuzya : Winter is a wonderful season! Winter wonders happen! Or maybe it's good eternal winter? (Children's answers) Difficult trials await you! Do you know the fairy tale? I will help you! I have a map of the magical land of the Snow Queen. You go strictly along this map, you will meet the heroes of a fairy tale, and after you complete their task, they will give you pieces of a mirror.

Pictures corresponding to the pictures on the map are laid out around the hall.

caregiver : Guys, are you not afraid of difficulties?

Kuzya : Bon Voyage!

caregiver : But to get into the fairy tale, let's look at the map where we need to get first. (children's answers) Then let's go! We will put on magic boots - runners (children imitate putting on). Let's knock with heels and say together: "We all need to get into the fairy tale!". Spread your arms out to the sides like birds. Let's fly! A warm wind blows us, we look at the earth from a height (a hand over our eyes). We fly into the clouds, they are soft, fluffy, cool. Let's swing a little on them (spring). Clouds like cotton, we are pleased, easy. We land, take off your boots - runners, otherwise they will take us far from the fairy tale.

Music sounds and a beautiful garden appears on the screen. Slide

caregiver : Look, we are in a wonderful garden. It is not simple, but magical. It is always summer here, and therefore the sorceress knows absolutely nothing about snow or ice. And for this, let's divide into teams using split pictures.

On the table are two cut pictures (snowflake and ice).

caregiver : Let's tell the sorceress one team about snowflakes - what are they doing ?, and another team about ice (what is it?) Each team is given one minute, for this the sorceress has an hourglass. (children's answers)

caregiver . Guys, let's tell the sorceress what children do in winter, what they play.

Game "Magic Wand"

Children stand in a circle, the "Magic Wand" is passed from left to right, from hand to hand, looking into each other's eyes and at the same time is accompanied by a speech according to some predetermined order-rule

Educator: Guys, we will now pass the witch's magic wand from hand to hand and say "What do children do in winter"

caregiver : The sorceress thanks you for telling her so much about snow and ice and gives us a piece of the mirror, and it's time for us to move on.

A raven appears on the screen.

caregiver : Guys, the raven lives in the palace and has never met forest animals. What animals live in the forest? (children's answers) What is another name for forest animals? (wild animals) And how do forest animals winter? Let's you and I will depict forest animals.

Quest: "Magic Transformations"

Educator: Listen carefully to the music and you will guess which animal you need to portray.

Educator: Well done! The raven was very happy to learn about the forest dwellers and gladly gave us another shard of the mirror. He invites us to meet the Prince and Princess.

The Prince and Princess appear on the screen

Educator: Guys, the prince and princess do not like to be sad, but they love to play and have fun.

And how can you know the mood of a person? (children's answers) That's right, according to the expression on the face. Let's play now.

And you, try to show the mood

(the teacher reads poems, the children depict the mood with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the teacher attaches the corresponding picture to the board)

All the kids are playing in the yard. Only the gnome is sick at home and is bored in the morning(sadness)

The dwarf caught a snowflake in winter, picked up an ice floe on a hill,

Ran home and ah! Only water was in the hands!(Astonishment)

The night has come and in the dark the shadows are moving everywhere

The dwarf crawled under the bed, hid, and began to tremble. ( Fear)

All day long he frowns and shakes his fist at everyone.

Yes, today the gnome is not in a good mood, we will visit him later.(anger)

It's his birthday today and there are countless gifts from friends.

There are books, sweets, toys, even a balloon!(joy)

Educator: You have shown everything correctly. What mood did you show?

caregiver : And let's warm up a little, and funny snowmen will help us with this.

Musical physical education "Snowmen"

Educator: Well done! We managed to amuse the prince and princess, and they gave us another shard of the mirror. It seems to me that we are waiting for a new meeting!

Music sounds, a robber appears on the screen

caregiver : Guys, this is the Little Robber. Friends, we will be able to continue our journey only after we complete a very difficult task. A misfortune happened, the favorite disk with the fairy tale of the Little Robber was spoiled. It has no sound. You need to voice this cartoon. But first we need to guess what it's called.

A frame from the fairy tale "Frozen" appears on the screen (children call the cartoon)

Educator: Friends, and now we need to voice the conversation between the Snowman and Anna. Who wants to be an artist?

"Scoring of an excerpt from the film - fairy tales" Frozen "

caregiver : Guys, the Little Robber really liked how you coped with the task and she gives us two fragments, but from the mirror!

The Snow Queen appears on the screen.

Educator: Guys, we urgently need to assemble a mirror from the collected fragments and insert them into a frame, otherwise eternal winter will come on earth and we will forever remain in the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Let's quickly collect the mirror and the magic of the Snow Queen completely collapse and we will return to kindergarten.

(Children collect a mirror from fragments) music sounds and the children return to kindergarten.

caregiver : Welcome back!

Kuzya appears from behind the chest

Kuzya: How was your trip? What good deed did you do today? What heroes did you meet along the way? What test was the most difficult for you? And which one did you like the most? (children's answers) And I have a surprise for you from the Snow Queen.

"Fairy mittens"

Prepared by the teacher

Shinkar Ludmila Grigorievna

Software content.

Educational areas



Material: Doll Nastenka), Lesovichok, scenery (trees, birch stumps). Parcel, two large baskets, 10 multi-colored balls of thread, baskets according to the color of each ball. Flannelograph, mitten theater with the characters of the fairy tale "Mitten"; scenery (trees, birch stumps). Musical recordings (“Sounds of the Forest”, Stari “chok - Lesovichok” Root Z. Ya., Russian folk melody-musical game).

preliminary work

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment.

Let's greet you.

Hello guests.

Leading: (open package). Look - here is a ball. Strange ... Some kind of letter ( is reading).

“Hello, dear guys! The Old Man is writing to you - Lesovichok. I live in the forest, and although I live with the forest dwellers, I somehow got bored. And you have a lot of fun in kindergarten. I invite you to visit me. So that you do not get lost in the forest, I am sending you a ball. This is not a simple ball, but a magical one, it will show you the way. See you! Old man - Lesovichok.

Throws a ball (rolls).

1) Who will tell me what grows in the forest?




Hello guys! My name is Nastenka. I got in trouble. The evil stepmother mixed up all the balls and said that until you sort the balls by color, do not return home. Can you help me? Oh, I see - you also have a ball. But you have one, and I have? (A lot of.)

Educator: Guys, let's help Nastenka. It is necessary to place each glomerulus in its own house - a basket. The house should be the same color as the ball.

Nastenka: What a beauty - correctly found the colors! Thanks, I couldn't have done it without your help.



Educator: are tossed).

Children: (rolling).

Educator: Now look at your glomerulus and tell me what color it is, what does it look like?

Children: The glomerulus is red, similar to a tomato, blue is like a ball. Yellow ball - for the sun, green - for a watermelon and an apple. An orange ball looks like an orange, pink - like a balloon, blue - like a ball. Brown looks like a bear's tail, white - snowball, black - ember.



Educator:unwind the ball).

Children: Long thread.



Educator: We are going to visit the Old Man - Lesovichka.

Nastenka: throws a ball, it rolls

Guys, and the Old Man - Lesovichok fell asleep. You know he loves to have fun. Let's wake him up with a cheerful song . Children show movements according to the text. Sl. music Root Z. Ya. "Old Man - Lesovichok".



Lesovichok: Oh, I love fairy tales!



educator b: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We will come to visit you, Old Man - Lesovichok. (They say goodbye.)


2. Makhaneva M. D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. Moscow: Creative Center, 2009

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"Summary of nodes for the development of children's speech with elements of theatricalization in the younger group" Fairy mittens ""

Synopsis of nodes for the development of children's speech

with elements of theatricalization in the younger group

"Fairy mittens"

Prepared by the teacher

Shinkar Ludmila Grigorievna

Software content.

Educational areas: "Development of speech (basic), "Social and communicative development" (integrated), "Artistic and aesthetic development" (integrated), "Cognitive development"

Target: development of children's speech through Russian folk tales.


1. Create conditions for children to pronounce words loudly and clearly by combining speech with finger movements. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech. Enrich vocabulary words.

2. Fixing the color, shape, quality of the object (ball), determining the size.

3. To cultivate friendly relations and goodwill among younger preschoolers. To help create a joyful emotional mood in children.

Material: Doll Nastenka), Lesovichok, scenery (trees, birch stumps). Parcel, two large baskets, 10 multi-colored balls of thread, baskets according to the color of each ball. Flannelograph, mitten theater with the characters of the fairy tale "Mitten"; scenery (trees, birch stumps). Musical recordings (“Sounds of the Forest”, Stari “chok - Lesovichok” Root Z. Ya., Russian folk melody-musical game).

preliminary work: Creating conditions in the group for the theatrical activities of the educator with children, showing children various types of theater and Russian folk tales, as well as folk tales, their dramatization, viewing illustrations, discussing the content of fairy tales, outdoor games.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment.

Let's greet you.

Hello palms. Clap - clap - clap.

Hello legs. Top - top - top.

Hello cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Chubby cheeks. Plop - plop - plop.

Hello sponges. Peck - peck - peck.

Hello teeth. Click - click - click.

Hello my nose. Beep - beep - beep.

Hello guests.

Children enter the hall, there is a package.

Leading: Guys, today a package was brought to our group for you. Let's see what's in it (open package). Look - here is a ball. Strange ... Some kind of letter ( is reading).

“Hello, dear guys! The Old Man - Lesovichok writes to you. I live in the forest, and although I live with the forest dwellers, I somehow got bored. And you have a lot of fun in kindergarten. I invite you to visit me. So that you do not get lost in the forest, I am sending you a ball. This is not a simple ball, but a magical one, it will show you the way. See you! Old man - Lesovichok.

Guys, we are going to the magical forest. The road ahead of us is not easy, we will have to overcome many obstacles on the way. Throws a ball (rolls).

The children follow him to a magical clearing. Music sounds "Sounds of the forest." The children stop. - So we came with you to the magical forest. Look how beautiful it is here!

1) Who will tell mewhat grows in the forest?

(trees, trees, flowers, mushrooms).

- Show me the trees. What color are they?


2) - Where is the tall tree? Where is the low tree? (show)

A sad doll Nastenka sits on a stump, near her there are colored balls that are in a basket.

Educator: Girl, what are you doing in the forest? Why you so sad?

Nastenka (the teacher speaks for her) or sound recording?: Hello guys! My name is Nastenka. I got in trouble. The evil stepmother mixed up all the balls and said that until you sort the balls by color, do not return home. Can you help me? Oh, I see - you also have a ball. But you have one, and I have? (A lot of.) Yes many. And they need to be sorted by color.

Educator: Guys, let's help Nastenka. It is necessary to place each glomerulus in its own house - a basket. The house should be the same color as the ball.

Nastenka scatters colored balls across the clearing. Children collect balls, lay them out in a house - a basket by color.

Nastenka: What a beauty - they found the right colors! Thanks, I couldn't have done it without your help.

Educator: Guys, pick up your ball and examine it. ( Children take the balls in their hands, examine.)

Look at the ball, touch it with your hands. What is he?

Children: Soft, warm, light, airy, fluffy, woolen, round.

Educator: You said that the ball is light. Let's check, throw it up are tossed). That's right, light and airy. Guys, you said it's round. How did you know?

Children: It has no corners, you can ride (rolling).

Educator: Now look at your glomerulus and tell me what color it is, what does it look like?

Children: The glomerulus is red, similar to a tomato, blue is like a ball. A yellow ball is for the sun, a green one is for a watermelon and an apple. An orange ball looks like an orange, pink looks like a balloon, blue looks like a ball. Brown is like a bear's tail, white is like a snowball, black is like an ember.

Educator: Guys, do you know what the ball is made of?

Children: These balls are made of woolen threads.

Educator: Let's get a look. Which thread, long or short? ( unwind the ball).

Children: Long thread.

Educator: That's how the thread stretches, that's how long the thread is. Let's wind the thread into a ball so that they do not get tangled. Let's put them in our house.

Nastenka: Thank you guys for your help. Oh, and I completely forgot to ask, why did you come to the forest?

Educator: We are going to visit the Old Man - Lesovichka.

Nastenka: I know him. You helped me, and I will help you, I will take you to Lesovichok ( throws a ball, it rolls

and leads the children to Lesovichka). Guys, and the Old Man - Lesovichok fell asleep. You know he loves to have fun. Let's wake him up with a cheerful song . Children show movements according to the text. Sl. music Root Z. Ya. "Old Man - Lesovichok".

Lesovichok: Hello guys! And I thought I was dreaming, and you really are here. What a fun song about me! It was boring in the forest, so I fell asleep. You came to visit me, I am very glad. You made me laugh, and I'll make you laugh. I will turn your multi-colored balls into fabulous mittens. Close your eyes and repeat after me:

"The ball turn into a mitten turn" (Change balls for mittens).

Educator: Thank you, Lesovichok, for fabulous mittens. With such fabulous mittens, we will show you a fairy tale. The story is called "Mitten".

You can not believe in a fairy tale, you can check a fairy tale.

A fairy tale can come true, a fairy tale must not be forgotten.

Sit down Lesovichok, rest and remember everything.

Well done, who will keep silent, for them a fairy tale will sound.

Lesovichok: Oh, I love fairy tales! (Sits on a stump, listens to a fairy tale.)

Using the mitten theatre, children play the fairy tale "Mitten". A fairy tale is shown to the Russian folk melody.

Lesovichok: You made me laugh, I liked your story very much. I saw familiar forest dwellers in a fairy tale.

At the end of the tale, a problematic question is posed to the children: “What should wild animals do?” "How to be?". It is necessary to arouse a desire to help animals.

Nastenka: I also liked your story. I will definitely knit beautiful, warm mittens for all animals. It's time for me to go home.

educator b: And it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We will come to visit you, Old Man - Lesovichok. (They say goodbye.)

Lesovichok: for the fact that they came to visit me, my gifts amused you and here's a magic ball for you. He will show you the way back and help you get back to kindergarten. Goodbye guys, I look forward to seeing you at my place.

Music sounds. Children follow the ball and come to kindergarten.

List of used literature

1. Artyomova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. M.: Education, 1991.

2. Makhaneva M. D. Classes in theatrical activities in kindergarten. Moscow: Creative Center, 2009.

Meretukova Larisa Aslanovna
Job title: senior educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten of compensating type No. 26
Locality: Maykop city, Republic of Adygea
Material name: Methodical development
Subject:"Synopsis of GCD on cognitive development with elements of a theatrical game"
Publication date: 26.10.2018
Chapter: preschool education


directly educational activities on cognitive

development with elements of a theatrical game

in the middle group

Lexical theme "Tales"

Program content:



sentiments; to develop children's creative imagination and the ability to get used to

created image; develop an interest in the environment.



Wednesday: interior of the spring forest, caps-flowers: dandelion,

chamomile, bell; toys: bear, fox, hare, wolf; hats Kolobok

and animals from the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, do you like to ride the train? (children's answers)

Today I invite you to the forest. I will be a train, and you sit down in

wagons. (Children stand in a column behind the teacher)

What a long locomotive we have turned out. Show how the wheels move.

(Children, bending their elbows, move them back and forth)

Here our train rides, the wheels are knocking.

Lesson prepared and conducted

senior educator

MBDOU "Kindergarten

compensating type No. 26 "


Meretukova Larisa Aslanovna

(Children imitating movements

trains running after


And the guys are sitting on the train.

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo - the locomotive puffs.

He took the guys far, far away.

Stop! Stop! Get up guys!

Let's go for a walk!

(Bird chirping sounds)

Educator: Here we are with you and found ourselves in the forest. Let's listen to

forest sounds.

What season is it now in the forest? (children's answers)

So, in the forest, the snow has already melted, pale green leaves have blossomed on

trees. The birds also rejoice in the spring sun and sing their song for him.


herbs, different-different flowers make their way.

What flowers can grow in a forest clearing? (children's answers)

Let's imagine that we are flowers. (Give children hats of flowers,

specifying the name of each flower)

Our delicate flowers open their petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Reaching high for the sun

They felt nice and warm.

The breeze flew by, the stems shook.

Swinged to the left - crouched low.

Swinged to the right - crouched low.

Wind - run away! Don't break the flowers!

Let them bloom, grow, bring joy to children!

(Put the children on chairs, take off the hats of flowers)

Educator: Guys, flowers not only bring joy to children, but also

benefit to various insects. And what exactly? (children's answers)


wake up

lair, and wakes up in the spring? (children's answers)

Show how the bear walks, how it growls. (Children portray)

Educator: You portrayed the bear so well that he himself is a visitor

granted (brings in a Bear toy)

(Children imitate


And here is the Fox-sister came to visit us! (brings in Lisa's toy)

a little

let's play

a little.



sweeps. (Children portray the Fox)

Educator:(shows rabbit ears from behind a bush) - Oh, guys, who is this?

(children's answers)

Do you see a bunny? I only see long ears. What do you see?

(children's answers)


(Hides his ears) Hid, coward! Come to us! Go don't

be afraid! (the teacher shows a bunny toy, strokes it)

What a gray you are, what a fluffy you are! Ears are long. One

one ear looks up and the other also looks up. Guys, what do you think

who was so scared of the bunny? (children's answers)

Educator: It probably went like this:

The bunnies went out to the meadow to play,

The bunnies went out to the meadow to jump.

Suddenly, a gray wolf came out into the clearing - a click with his teeth.

The rabbits got scared and hid in the grass.

Educator: Probably all the hares in the grass were left to sit, and this one - to us

ran. But where did the wolf go? (children's answers)

Do you want the Wolf to come here to our clearing? Why? (Answers

Guys, but the Wolf is evil, because no one is friends with him. Let's

let's invite him to play with us, and he will immediately become good and kind.

(Children call Wolf)

caregiver(brings in a Wolf toy and says, imitating him):

Hello guys, I'm so glad you called me. I really want to be with you

play and I won't offend anyone.

Educator: So that's great! Look at our forestry company

gathered: Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox. Don't you think that they are all

came to us from a fairy tale? (children's answers)

From what? (children's answers)

And who is missing here? (children's answers)

Do you think a fairy tale will turn out without Kolobok? Why? (children's answers)

Well, since all the animals from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" came here, probably

the main character will come here. In the meantime, let's remember what happened in

Gingerbread man ran away from grandparents, met in the forest at first

Hare, then Wolf, Bear, Fox, and ate them all. So? (children's answers)

(Children imitate


But as? (children's answers)

Do you think this story has a sad ending or a happy ending? (Answers

What kind of fairy tales do you like more - with a sad or cheerful ending?

(children's answers)

And how can you change the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" so that it has a cheerful end?

(children's answers)

Now we will play the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with a cheerful ending. (Gives out

children's hats of the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok")

Music sounds (V. Gavrilin Tarantella)

Kolobok: Oh, where did I go? How many children are here!

caregiver: And the guys and I came here by train, to take a walk in the forest, yes

breathe fresh air. Where are you in a hurry?

Kolobok: I run where my eyes look.

Educator: So let's go to visit us in kindergarten. We are good.

Kolobok: What will I do there?

Educator: Children will now tell you what you can do in kindergarten.

(children's answers)

Kolobok: Okay, but can I take my friends with me? (Answers

Kolobok: Then wait for me here.

(Music sounds. Kolobok rolls. Runs up to the Hare)

Kolobok: Oh who are you?

Hare: I am a small bunny, I am a gray bunny. And who are you?

Kolobok: I am a bun, a bun. I am a blusher.

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

Hare, and the guys invited me to kindergarten, do you want to go with

Hare: Of course I want!

Kolobok: Then go to the clearing to the children and wait for me there.

(Music sounds. Gingerbread man rolls longer. Wolf comes out to meet)


Wait, I know you. You are the wolf. I saw you in a picture

book when it cooled on the window! And you won't bite?

Wolf: No, I'm not angry at all now, because everyone is friends with me.

Kolobok: Then I'll take you with me to kindergarten. Go to the meadow with the children

and wait for me there.


I am a bear, I walk, I wander. I don't find anything.

Where is the raspberry, where is the honey? Where is the sweet root?

(Kolobok appears)

Bear: Oh! The bun is rolling! Now I'll eat it!

Kolobok: Wait, Bear! Better go with me to the children's CD to the guys!

There you will be fed sweet pies and tea. And you will play

walk. Want?

Bear: Of course I want!

Kolobok: Then go to the forest clearing to the children and wait for me there.


Fox: So so so! The gingerbread man walks in the forest, even sings songs!

(Kolobok runs out)

Kolobok: Oh, Chanterelle-sister, how beautiful you are, how fluffy you are!

What a glorious ponytail, what eyes, to tell, just like fairy tales!

Fox: Oh, no one has ever praised me like that. You know, Kolobok, I won't

Yes, I want to be friends with you.

Kolobok: Then we quickly went to the Forest Clearing.

(All the animals and children gather in the clearing. The song “Forest Walk” sounds

music K. Titarenko, sl. V. Viktorova)

All animals and children “get on” the train and “go” to the kindergarten.

Summary of integrated continuous educational activities in ecology with elements of theatricalization in the 2nd junior group "Visiting a fairy tale"

Integratable educational areas:"Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Physical development".
1. Expanding children's knowledge about autumn as a season.
2. Education in younger preschoolers friendly relations, goodwill, desire to come to the rescue.
3. Contributing to the creation of a joyful emotional mood in children.
Educational task: To educate children in a benevolent attitude towards fairy-tale characters, to arouse a desire to help them. Cultivate love and respect for nature.
Development task: Develop the articulatory apparatus, enrich and activate the vocabulary of children: the name of mushrooms, leaves, rustling of foliage, the name of animals. Develop fine motor skills. To develop coordination of movements, plastic expressiveness, imagination, encourage children to actively participate in a theatrical game.
Educational task: Learn to build a teremok using building material. Teach children to navigate children in the space of the group.
Equipment: Three boxes, a basket with mushrooms, leaves, paths, a wonderful bag. Tape recorder, phonograms, heroes of the fairy tale "Teremok" on cubes, large building material for the teremok.
How to work with children: conversation, observation, word of art, surprise moment, didactic game "What color is the leaf", breathing exercises "Blow off the leaves", building "Teremka"
Previous work: Creation in the group of conditions for joint theatrical activities of the educator with children.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.
- Guys, the sun has peeped into our group and wants to play with us! Stretch your palms!
Palm is the sun
And the fingers are rays
Wake up rays
Warm up, little ones.
The sun woke up, touched the forehead,
And stroked and stroked.
The sun woke up
Touched the cheeks
And stroked and stroked.
The sun warmed his face.
Warmer, warmer.
Our hands stretched
Our lips smiled.
And now let's turn to the guests, smile at them, and say "Hello!"
Educator: Guys, are you ready to go on a trip?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Spin around yourself and find yourself in a fairy forest (children spin around themselves). Guys, where did we get to, what do you see?
Children's answers.
Educator: Yes, that's right, let's go down this path.

Physical education minute
"On a flat path." Speech with movement.
On a flat path

Legs are walking into the forest - one, two, one, two.
By pebbles, by pebbles
On pebbles, on pebbles, (jump on two legs, slightly moving forward)
In the pit - boo. (squatting down)
Got out of the hole. (children get up).
On a flat path
On a flat path (children walk)
Our legs are walking - one, two, one, two.

II. Main part.
Music by Chopin "Autumn Waltz"
Educator: Guys, we came to the autumn forest. (Colored leaves are laid out on the floor) Look how many leaves are on the ground, as if everything is covered with a beautiful, bright carpet. And what colors are these leaves? (Children's answers.) Red, green and yellow are correct.
Articulation gymnastics.
Educator: Guys, tell me, why do the leaves on the trees sway?
Children's answers.
Educator: Correctly the breeze blows on the leaves. How is the wind blowing? (Children make the sound: "s-s-s".)
Educator: Let's play with fallen leaves. Put a piece of paper in your palm and try to blow it off. (The guys perform breathing exercises “Blow off the leaves” 2-3 times)
Educator: Oh guys, look, someone left beautiful boxes, what do you think they are for?
Children's answers (If the children gave the correct answers, the children lay out the sheets in boxes).
Educator: Look here for some hint (we open the boxes and the leaves are glued to them by color) Help me lay out the leaves.
Didactic game "Colorful leaves".
(Children take the leaves to the music and lay them in boxes).

Music Chopin "Autumn Rain Waltz"

Look, the path, let's go along it.
The children walked along the path
And they found a basket
And the basket is not simple,
It is so magical!
- Guys, look in the basket, what is there?
Children's answers
Educator: That's right mushrooms. Mushrooms are edible and inedible.
Edible mushrooms include: White mushroom, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, russula, etc. And to inedible: fly agaric, grebe. This mushroom is poisonous not for all living things. For sick ungulates (moose) it is a medicine. It also brings certain benefits to trees, the fly agaric root nourishes the roots of birch, pine, spruce and larch with moisture and nitrogen. Therefore, do not shoot down the red fly agaric, do not impoverish the mushroom diet of animals and the beauty of our forests. These mushrooms are harbingers of the appearance of porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus (everything is accompanied by a display of edible and inedible mushrooms), the appearance of white
Educator: And now guys, we need to go further through our fairy forest.

Mozart "The Seasons. Autumn "(The melody of the forest sounds, the children are walking)

Educator: Children look, some kind of bag! Guys, I wonder what's in the bag? Let's get a look! These are riddles, listen and guess them.
(From the bag, after each guess, the teacher takes out a small cube)

PUZZLES: with the image of an animal (theater on cubes). And puts it on the table.
Small, white in the woods jump-jump,
on the snow poke-poke. (Hare)

To the ears green mouth.
She lives in the reeds.
And in the swamp laughter
Loudly croaks ... (frog)

Friendship leads only with a fox,
This animal is angry, evil.
He clicks and clicks with his teeth,
Very scary gray...

Red-haired cheat, cunning, but dexterous,
Got into the barn, counted the chickens (fox)

All winter he sleeps quietly in a den,
He does not walk around the yard,
In the forest, the owner is the most strict,
Masha is afraid of only one.

Someone deftly darted into the mink,
Grabbing a crust from bread
Do you know her baby
This is gray ... (Mouse)

Educator: Guys, who guessed what fairy tale these animals are from?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, "Teremok"! Do you want to become the heroes of a fairy tale?
Children's answers.
Educator: Guys, now come on, I'll read a poem about the heroes of a fairy tale, and you guys portray the animal in question.
Children sit on chairs and the teacher tells a short poetic description of the characters, the child imitates movements.

Fox, fox, fox!
Very sly eyes
Fur coat - do not take your eyes off.
"I love to eat chickens!"

Clumsy, clumsy
A bear walks through the forest.
If asked what he likes
He will say: “I would like to eat honey!”

Bunny went out for a walk
He began to jump and play.
Suddenly there was a crack and a click,
He pressed the bunny ears and jump-jump.

The frog, bulging eyes, sits,
He doesn't speak Russian.
In the swamp loves to live alone,
She catches mosquitoes.

A gray toothy wolf roams the field,
Looking for calves, lambs.
Gray little mouse
Hiding under the floor, afraid of cats.

We play all day
It's not too lazy to play all day,
You look, don't fall behind
Repeat after us.
(Hands on the belt. Children perform half-squats with turns to the right and left)
We're walking on toes
And then - on the heels,
Let's have fun jumping
Squat dance!

Educator: Well done boys. Oh look what is this?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, teremok. He is not low, not high. Sit closer and listen to the story.
Music. Russian folk tune.
After that, a dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok" is carried out. (the tower is already standing) Under the Russian folk melody, the teacher begins to tell a fairy tale.
Educator: There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Here a mouse runs across the field, stops at the gate, says ...
The text of the tale ends with the words:
Lived together, did not grieve,
They heated the stove in the house ...
Bear destroyed the house,
Almost crushed my friends.
At the end of the fairy tale, a problematic question is posed to the children: “What to do? How can we be? It is necessary to arouse in children the desire to build a new tower. To the Russian folk melody, children are building a new teremok. What a beautiful tower, better than ever!
There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,
Very, very high, oh, high.
You can't do without fun here
Friends live in the tower!
- Well done, they built a new tower, better than the previous one. And now, guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Spin around yourself and find yourself in kindergarten.

Summing up.
Educator: You guys enjoyed our trip.
Children's answers.
Educator: Guys, tell me, where were we today?
Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, in the autumn forest, but what interesting things did you see there?
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done boys. The guys visited the artists and the guys watched the fairy tale ...
The artists were very good, pat each other kids!

Literature: Breathing exercises (file cabinet)