Beautiful nicknames for a German Shepherd. What is the best name for a German Shepherd boy?

So, you have decided on the choice of breed - this is a shepherd dog. Found a club or kennel, or agreed with friends who will give (sell) you a puppy. The whole family is looking forward to it.

The day has come - and a nimble and carefree piece of fluffy energy appeared in the family -! He joyfully rolls around the apartment in a ball, fearlessly rushes at his enemies in the face of a broom or slippers and still does not look too much like an adult shepherd dog - a smart and serious creature.

Everything would be fine: there are bowls, a muzzle, a collar, a leash and toys.

Not only nicknames. What nickname to choose?

Just call me Sharik

If a dog is brought in as a cheerful companion or a summer house guard, then names like Sharik, Bagel, Bobik are not bad. But not for a shepherd!

A thoroughbred princess or a noble prince is waiting for something chic and euphonious. Still, this is a serious dog.

Shepherd, as the name of the breed implies, was bred to herd sheep herds - flocks.

Such a canine “profession” was necessary in many places on the globe, which is why the appearance of different shepherd dogs is so different.

Common to all- protective qualities, fearlessness (after all, the task of a shepherd dog is to drive away any, even a very large predator), mind (shepherd dogs do not wait for a command in an extreme situation, but make a decision themselves; it is impossible to wait until a slow person orients himself: the wolf will not wait!).

Maybe prefer a nickname that is somehow related to the "profession" of the dog? A huntsman, for example, or Hardy?

Nickname constructor

In fact, the acquisition of a thoroughbred dog has one more “side effect”: there are rules for choosing nicknames for puppies. There are several of them, and breeders adhere to them.

Firstly, all puppies of the same litter - boys and girls - must have nicknames that begin with the same letter. Moreover, this letter is determined by the management of the club (and in the kennel - by the kennel itself). For example, there are 9 puppies in the litter, and they are given nicknames Lucha, Labzina, Larry, Liang, Lloyd, Lyubim, Laura, Lotos, Leonardo.

Secondly, in the nickname there should be a hint at the club (nursery), for example, the first letter of its name.

Third, in the nickname of the puppy there should be some elements of the nicknames of the parents.

For example, letter -M, cattery "Selena", parents of Mars and Seila - Marseille. This is a convenient example, but it might not be so, then the puppy's nickname would come out of two or three words.

In the case of a thoroughbred puppy, you get a passport where the nickname is already entered, but it is quite possible that it is like the one you see in our example. It is impossible to click the puppy “Count Schutz Hund”. He should be given a "normal" nickname, so to speak, not for the exhibition, but for life. It may or may not be consonant with the "official" one.

There are a number of other rules.

For example, do not give to dogs human Russian names: different Alexandra and Veronica are not suitable for them. But if you want to call your beauty a foreign name - please: Harry, Lisa, Adriano, Jack, Oscar, Jacqueline and others.

Also not accepted use city names. But there are as many other toponyms as you like: Everest, Missouri, Yukon, Congo, Java, Europe. Here you can emphasize your patriotism: Baikal, Ural, Yenisei, Dniester, Kazbek, Shuya, Taiga.

In search of self-expression

The nickname of a shepherd dog - male or female - can reflect the interests and worldview of the owner.

  • popular, for example, computer nicknames - Byte, Gates, Web;
  • political— Clinton, Castro;
  • musical- Beethoven, Jazz, Harp, Giselle, Lyre;
  • cine- Brando, Monroe, Cruz, Noris, Uma, Sharon;
  • literary- Wendy, Laertes, Hamlet, Bagheera, Stalker, Quasimodo.

For those who are strong addicted to the occult, - nicknames Karma, or Chakra, for astrologers and astronomers- Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sirius, Vega, Alpha, Altair, Cosmos. Do not call only the Black Hole or the Milky Way - you will not be understood that way.

Wide scientific interests of the host appear in such nicknames as Kvant or Kant, Default or Oda, Constant or Sigma. However, before calling the dog Inflation or Forest, it is worth thinking about.

Chanel, Brandy, Porter, Harley, Karat, Sherry, Poker, Zero, Bridge, Eclair, Diamond, Yakhont, Broadway - not scientific, but still interests. This can also be attributed "money" nicknames: Thaler, Bucks, Currency, Evrik and others. If only not Cent, Kopek or Groshik!

Obviously, the owner of such a shepherd dog hopes for significant benefits from keeping a dog. Or dreams that the nickname will attract financial luck. Or maybe it's in case of a crisis, when he can say: “It's okay! We have one Bucks."

More examples of nicknames for shepherd dogs boys and girls, which brilliantly reflected the multifaceted interests and knowledge of the owners.

Automotive: Honda, Lexus, Ford, Audi, Opel.
mythological: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Naiad, Undine, Odysseus, Penelope, Ajax, Achilles, Nymph, Muse, Fairy, Fairy, Troy, Siegfried, Arjuna.
historical: Hannibal, Bagration, Caesar, Horace, Scythian.

Name and type of shepherd

Another option is to give the dog a “traditional” nickname, so to speak, from a book, a movie.

It's not the best way: well, how many German shepherds Rex, Mukhtarov, Dzhulbars can run around the streets! However, in extreme cases, this option for a shepherd dog is better than Quintessence or Microna.

You can refer to the shepherd breed and somehow associate the nickname with it:

  • collie(Scottish Sheepdog) may be called Kilt or Scotch;
  • - Kurt or Brunnhilde, Otto or Gerda;
  • - Abrek or Shaitan, Ali Baba or Bai;
  • - Kenga, Austria;
  • Australian kelpie(which, apparently, has a wild dog among its ancestors) - Dingo, Dynamo;
  • (there are 4 different species, all very nimble and active) - Best, Hercule;
  • bergama shepherd dog(used in the Alps, wool with "strings") - Alpa, Cord;
  • (bred in the UK) - Brita, Milord, Lady, Nanny;
  • (bred in England from dogs that arrived with the Vikings) - Viking, Kunigund;
  • bearded collie(except for sheep breeding, it was used to search for truffles) - Truffle, Rapunzel;
  • welsh corgi(the smallest shepherd dog) - Wales, Malysh, Berkut;
  • hungarian kuvasz– Matthias, Cherry;
  • (often silver or golden) - Arctic fox, Gold;
  • (Hungarian Shepherd Dog of exceptional intelligence, wool with cords or ribbons) Socrates, Lama;
  • bullets(originally from Asia, great jumper) - Froggy, Pamir;
  • (bred in the Crimea) - Crimea, Abrau, Whitey.

A couple of words about the nicknames of boys and girls shepherds

Actually, there is more than forty types of sheepdogs, although not all can be found in Russia. Nicknames may reflect the features of their appearance or origin, or may not be related to the breed characteristics themselves.

Often seeking a successful nickname, the gaze of the owner turns to flora(Palm tree, Rose, yes the same Flora) or fauna. There is, of course, room for creativity here. Tiger, Leopard, Tur, Panther, Leopard, Eagle, Golden Eagle, Vulture, Whale, Cobra - if only the brave disposition, strength, swiftness inherent in shepherd dogs are reflected in the nickname.

Finally, often the focus is on dog appearance. There is also a complete variety, because shepherd dogs are very different. The nickname can be reflected shepherd color Noir, Black, Brown, Grey. If you are not a polyglot, please specify what it means English or German word, which you want to make the dog happy as a name. No, the puppy will still love you, even if you name her, for example, Klein (small).

Among the owners of shepherd dogs is very common passion for "aristocratic" nicknames: Rex, King, Count, Sultan, Shah, Prince, Regina, Shahinya, Kaiser. Which is not surprising, because these dogs are so majestic and noble!

Does the name affect the character of the dog? Probably yes. Scientists say that dogs are very sensitive, willingly adapting to their beloved owner. And for us, all words mean something, and we involuntarily put all these meanings into our understanding of nicknames. The dog just catches what its name is: with humor (Broom), with admiration (Griffin) or imposing aggressiveness (Cobra; in general, a lot of “growling” sounds in the nickname make the dog more aggressive).

The nickname should, if possible, meet the requirements related to. It should not be long, preferably two syllables.

She shouldn't be consonant with the commands: Pound - "Fu!", Fax - "Fas!" and the like. She must well pronounced so that the owner does not stumble over the letters, and the dog immediately understands that this is her nickname, and not a compound word similar to her.

In general, a sonorous, beautiful name is desirable. You will have to shout it many times in the dog playground. Probably names like Pfennig should be avoided.

It is considered bad luck to name a puppy. nickname of his deceased predecessor. Yes, and there is no need. That dog is no more, and, having retained the nickname, you will involuntarily see the old one in the new pet.

Of course, no matter how you call a shepherd puppy, he will be your favorite dog, and you will be your favorite owner for him. But still, it is better to take the choice of nicknames seriously.

The name of the animal is the very first command that he learns. Choosing name for dog, it is important to choose it to match the character of the pet. Therefore, with the choice how to call male, difficulties often arise. - the breed is solid, and you need to take the choice of a nickname with all seriousness.

Nickname for a boy puppy

There is a tradition in dog handlers clubs to name all puppies of the same litter with nicknames with the same first letter.

In addition, in the word necessarily must be a letter, which indicates belonging to a particular club and letters from the parents' names. As a result, the names are not small, and sometimes even consisting of several words and sounding very pretentious.

Since this name does not always take root in the house, therefore puppy can be called diminutive or simplified version of the nickname. Try not to choose long unusual nicknames - limit your choice to one or two syllables. Such a short and clear nickname is quickly pronounced and easily perceived by the dog.

What can you name a dog? Below you will see list names to choose from.

Nicknames for boys dogs: Prince, Count, Duke, Marquis, Caesar, Sultan or Viscount. Such a name sounds beautiful, thereby emphasizing the aristocratic dignity of the pet.

Beautiful sound boy puppy names with meaning geographical names - Don, Ural, Yenisei, Baikal, Dniester, Kazbek or Batyr.

Best male name choose one that will suit the animal in everything, reflect its character, appearance or habits.

It must not be rude or obscene. You can often hear foreign names as nicknames for German Shepherds, such as Jim, Jack, Beal, Gray, Alex and others.

Many people like beautiful nicknames (for males) Altai, Almaz, Barkhan, Volt, Vityaz, Harold, Jared, Colt, Oscar and others.

Most popular nicknames, borrowed from foreign words - Buddy, Jake, Rocky, Buster, Charlie, Toby, Dick, Lucky, Sam, Harley ( beautiful name), Zeus, Winston, Tucker, Oliver and others.

For dogs, boys, large breeds the most suitable names: Bugai, Boar, Miron, Palkan, Storm.

And, of course, you can often meet a German shepherd that responds to the nicknames familiar to our ear - Rex, Mukhtar, Jack, Thunder, Dick, Polkan, Fight, Baikal, Pirate.

Sometimes the irrepressible imagination of the owners results in a very unusual, extravagant nickname for a puppy. Some of them are Duracell, Bounty, Yandex, Clinton, Bosch, Bentley, Armageddon, Ratatouille, Chanel, Poker, Broadway, Apricot, Aboriginal and Cake.

Russian nicknames: Ball, Bug, Fly, Spark, Berkut, Max, Klop, etc.

In any case, no matter what nickname the puppy got, he will certainly become a favorite for the owner and members of his family. But, nevertheless, take the choice of a name for a German shepherd puppy with all seriousness, because the dog does not care what nickname to respond to, but the owner may feel uncomfortable walking with his pet in a crowded place. Also, when choosing names for your dog, read their meaning. It happens that the meaning of the name does not correspond to the characteristics of the dog.

You have become the owner of a dog, and for sure you have a question about what nickname to give her, unless, of course, you came up with it in advance. As for people, for animals there is a huge list of names that can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • by breed (for example, nicknames for huskies, for pugs, and so on);
  • by (for females and males).

In this article we will talk about what nicknames can be given for a dog - for a German shepherd.

Where to begin?

When choosing a nickname for a German shepherd (girl or boy), it is important to remember that the dog will live with her all his life, so you need to at least take a responsible approach to this event. So, firstly, the nickname should be sonorous and well-remembered, and you should not make it too long (2 syllables will be enough).

Secondly, the nickname should be a kind of symbol of your pet and reflect its character. The German Shepherd is a strong and self-confident dog that is very devoted to its owner and can fulfill several roles at once: being a family friend and guarding a home or territory. In no case do not give the pet a Russian name (Sasha, Gena, Masha, Natasha). So, what are the suitable nicknames for a dog - for a German shepherd?

Name choice

Nicknames of German Shepherd Boy Dogs and Their Meaning

Nicknames for German Shepherd girls and their meaning

Chief in the world

Gorgeous, brilliant

noble dog

hard worker

fast, active

Always first

With a wide kind heart

With a brave heart

Smart and noble

With strong character and will

Rich, outrageous

In honor of the brave goddess

leader, king


chief, dominant


brave warrior



Brave warrior

Burning, effervescent (in honor of the drink)

Of course, these are not all nicknames that can be given to a German Shepherd. There are many more. You don't necessarily want to take any of them. After all, each owner is able to come up with a name for his pet. For example, the names Mukhtar and Rex are popular. That was the name of the dogs from the series of the same name, which the audience loved. You can also take names from the Scandinavian). The most important thing is that you and your pet like the name, because he will continue to live with him. If you are taking from a cattery, then it may already have a name, as breeders are required to give names to their charges. But when you have a four-legged friend, then you have the right to change the nickname.

Rare nicknames for a dog (for a German shepherd)

For girls

For boys

The experience of animal domestication for mankind began many millennia ago with the appearance of the ancestors of the modern dog near the tribal fires: jackals, wolves, wild dogs, foxes. Pack animals with a clearly demarcated hierarchy proved to be useful neighbors for ancient man.

Whose ingenious mind first came up with the idea to bring a tiny puppy into the cave, who still does not understand where friends are, where are enemies? It is clear that the hunter who committed such an extraordinary act was full and complacent, since he not only did not eat his squeaking prey, but also allocated a piece of meat or a bone for it. And what did he expect from the baby? Perhaps he had seen how a pack of wolves drove their prey and wanted to raise an assistant for hunting? Or a vigilant watchman vigilantly guarding a human settlement? Or just a soft toy for kids?

Hunting and guarding the home became the first "professions" of the dog in its centuries-old partnership with humans. Many generations passed before humanity moved from hunting and gathering to farming and cattle breeding. And it was here that the potential of the dog was revealed to the fullest extent - an indispensable assistant in the difficult shepherd's work.

Sheepdogs - commonality and diversity

Speaking about the nicknames of shepherd dogs, you need to remember: shepherd dogs are one of the largest breed groups. All these breeds originated as shepherds. At the same time, the area of ​​human settlement covers such diverse natural areas that the appearance of representatives of the shepherd tribe, formed in different conditions, is radically different. This group of breeds includes prim and strict German Shepherds, and South Russian Shepherds resembling a huge lap dog, and bear-like Caucasian wolfhounds, and miniature nimble Shelties ...

The commonality of character traits for most representatives of this breed group is determined by the unity of the tasks set during the selection. In general, for most herding breeds, independence in behavior is typical, the ability to assess the situation without waiting for the owner's order. In fact, while you are waiting for the command, the flock will scatter, or the wolves will have a delicious dinner ... Therefore, in the ratings of dog intelligence, most shepherd dogs are included in the second half of the list. This is especially true of ancient rocks that have retained their original purpose. At the same time, there are at least three shepherd dogs in the top ten most intelligent dogs: Sheltie, German Shepherd and Border Collie. These are the shepherds...

What factors influenced the formation of the character and appearance of shepherd dogs? First of all, strength and courage, because the main task of a shepherd dog is to protect the herd from predatory animals. Hence the large size. The only exception is, perhaps, only Sheltie - Shetland Sheepdogs. Well, there were no large predators on the Shetland Islands, and the four-legged assistant was required not to let the herd disperse and to give the owner a signal of disorder in time. Hence the Sheltie's appearance, which is somewhat atypical for shepherd dogs. However, their courage is quite typical, and does not depend on growth at all.

Another factor common to most shepherd dogs is the need to withstand fairly harsh weather conditions. All year round, in any weather, thousands of herds of sheep are on the pasture, and next to them are their faithful guards - shepherd dogs. Apparently, therefore, almost all representatives of this breed group can boast of a luxurious fur coat. By the way, thick long hair protects not only from the weather, but also from the sharp teeth of predators.

A very peculiar behavioral feature of many shepherd dogs is the tendency to “gather together” a wandering herd. It is interesting to observe the behavior of a collie on a country walk in a large company: as soon as the people go about their business, the dog starts running around barking, trying to gather everyone together. Moreover, she was born and raised in an apartment and saw sheep, at best, from a car window. But age-old instincts are in the blood, nowhere from them!

What's your name, dog?

Let's go back from the breed as a whole to the sheepdog you brought home. Or they haven’t brought it yet, but have already chosen, met and now carefully prepare for his appearance in a new home.

The choice of a nickname for a shepherd dog, a boy of a serious breed, must be taken seriously. Many dog ​​breeders believe that the name as a program sets the future fate of the animal. We will not once again cite the well-known phrase about the direct relationship between the name of a small passenger watercraft and its navigable qualities, but it has long been noticed - if you call a dog a Coward, you will get a coward; call Eagle- and ... No, under the heavens, proudly spreading its wings, it will not take off, perhaps ... But it will carry eagle courage and pride through life with dignity!

Coming up with nicknames for shepherd boys is very simple - and very difficult. On the one hand, a huge number of books and films about heroic dogs - service-search, frontier, simply living next to a person and at the same time regularly saving him from a thousand misfortunes, can serve as an inexhaustible source of ideas. On the other hand, after the release of such a film, the choice of a nickname for German Shepherd puppies is not worth it at all: the fantasy of most owners seems to stall and dozens of Rex or Mukhtar go out to the training grounds and exhibition courts.

How to get rid of an obsessive stereotype and come up with something original and at the same time reflecting the essence of a four-legged friend and protector? How to name a boy, a shepherd puppy, to fully reflect all your love and admiration for these magnificent representatives of the dog tribe?

Nicknames of German shepherds, males, which are planned to be used in service and search work, in protection, as well as in other areas where complete instant understanding between the owner and the dog is necessary, should be short, clear, well perceived by ear. The consonance of nicknames with traditional commands is not allowed.

For example, the nickname Funtik is not only absolutely inappropriate for a service dog in meaning, but can also be a cause of misunderstanding due to consonance with the traditional forbidding command “Fu!”. Before you stop at any name, say it out loud several times, with different intonation.

Another traditional direction when choosing the nicknames of shepherd boys is to emphasize aristocracy. Prince , Graph , duke , marquis , Viscount , Herr , Caesar yes the same Rex emphasize the dignity of your pet.

History with geography

Connoisseurs of history are generally in a winning position: take the names of any famous commanders or rulers of past centuries and turn them into dog names, for example, the name of the famous Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar can be divided immediately into three-shepherd boys. and for any other breed, human names common in your area.

Calling the dog Horace is a pleasure, but Alexander (even if the great Alexander of Macedon is meant) - no, no! And then all of a sudden all the surrounding Sasha will be offended ... Here is the cat Vaska - this is normal, the boar Borka is also, and the dog with a human name is taboo! I'm not trying to explain it, just accept it as a fact. Not accepted.

It is also not customary to call dogs names of cities. Moreover, other geographical names may well be used as a nickname for a boy's shepherd dog. In particular, such nicknames are often used for shepherd dogs of "exotic" breeds. So sonorous words taken from a map of the Caucasus Mountains are perfect as a nickname for Caucasian Shepherd Dogs: Kazbek , Elbrus , Araks. Or Dniester , Don , Yenisei , Ural- as a nickname for the East European Shepherd Dog. In general, for regional breeds, any sufficiently sonorous word with a local flavor can become a nickname. So, when choosing a nickname for the same Caucasian or Central Asian shepherd dogs, boys are often called the titles of eastern rulers: Sultan , Emir , Khan , bai. Or not so honorable, but no less sonorous words with local flavor: Abrek , Simoom , Dushman , Ali Baba , Batyr

What, a dog is not a person?

How to name a boy's shepherd dog if you think that your dog is quite worthy of a human name? You can offer a very simple way out: use foreign names. Diverse Jackie , Jims and others Grahams will provide you with the widest field for choosing a nickname for a German shepherd. Here the use of foreign names, as well as foreign words, is consecrated by tradition.

You can also play with the color of your pet. Gray(grey), Black(black) or Brown(brown) - and a sonorous and not entirely clear nickname for a shepherd dog, a male of the corresponding color, is ready. Maybe not appropriate, you think, someone will laugh ...

By the way, in general, when using as a nickname for dogs, any, not only shepherds, foreign words, as well as just the consonances you like, first check if this set of sounds means something not entirely censorship, or just something like that, what you would not want to hear in your address or in the address of your dog. It is clear that you will not be able to track all the languages ​​​​of the world, but it is quite possible to check if there are matches in English or German.

What else can you call a puppy, a German Shepherd boy? Quite often, associations from the kingdom of nature are used as nicknames for German Shepherd dogs. Proud as an eagle, swift as a golden eagle, agile and strong as a leopard - and now your pupil becomes Barsom , golden eagle , tiger and so on. And let's remember the formidable phenomena of nature: Typhoon , Buran , Hurricane. With such a nickname, your puppy will certainly grow up powerful and invincible.

Welcoming His Highness...

The conundrum of inventing a nickname for a pet is nothing compared to the problems of breeders or dog owners who are forced to come up with nicknames for pedigreed puppies in accordance with many traditions. How to name a puppy, a German Shepherd boy, if there are up to six or eight of these boys in a litter? And at the same time, do not violate many written and unwritten rules.

  • Rule one: if the puppy is received in a kennel, then the name of the kennel (or its “visiting card”) must be included in the official nickname.
  • Rule two: it is customary to start the names of all puppies of the same litter with the same letter. This letter is assigned by the club during the litter registration, for kennels it is determined by the kennel itself.
  • Rule three: it is customary to include pieces of the names of the father and mother of the puppies in the official nickname. This is not mandatory, but something like good manners.

Well, the puppy's own nickname.

The resulting multi-storey structure fits into the puppy's official document - the puppy card. This name will accompany the dog at all official events: exhibitions, competitions, it will be inscribed in the pedigree of the dog itself and in the pedigrees of his descendants up to the fourth generation. No one forces you to use an official nickname in everyday life, but you can build on it when inventing a nickname for a German, Caucasian, Scottish or East European Shepherd Dog, an adorable four-legged boy who entered your home.

Reference books are everything

You can do it easier. Go to the Internet (or go to the library), find the “Directory of dog names”, and for a long time and with pleasure go through thousands of dog names, trying on each of them for your puppy, and at some point you suddenly realize that the question is how to name your a dog, your boy, a sheepdog of any conceivable breed, is no longer worth it. Of all the variety of nicknames, one will stick to the baby - the one that will become the name for your pet for life.

Every dog ​​owner should know that a dog's name is a kind of calling card. Indeed, often the nickname reflects the temperament, bright character traits, and even the characteristics of the dog. In addition, by the nickname of pets, some people also judge the owners. The best dog names, as a rule, consist of several syllables, sound loud and simple. Our list of popular names for shepherd girls below will help you navigate the variety of names. And we hope that you will choose the best nickname for your shepherd dog.

All lovers of four-legged creatures know that choosing a nickname for a dog is a responsible and important moment. Especially carefully you need to choose names for German Shepherds. It should be noted that this breed of dog is distinguished by a rare mind, courage, pride and outstanding intellectual abilities. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate nickname in order to emphasize the breed qualities of the puppy and its character.

Choosing a name for a shepherd girl

When choosing a name for a shepherd dog, remember that it has some influence on the future character of the puppy. First of all, you need to consider the purpose for which the puppy was brought. Many breeders advise giving dogs short monosyllabic nicknames that the animal can quickly remember. As a rule, many service and watchdogs are given just such short names as: Colt, Rex, Guy, Lord. It should be noted that dogs with short sonorous names are easier to train.

You should not give common names to dogs, it is better to give a shepherd girl an exclusive name. Such melodic nicknames as: Chiara, Lady, Daisy are suitable for a shepherd girl. For fun and playful puppies, the name Milo is suitable. And, conversely, for serious and phlegmatic dogs, nicknames such as Gray, Diana or Earl are suitable.

Some dog owners use sonorous geographic features as names: Texas, Malta, Dallas; or the names of characters from cartoons: Shrek, Balto, Pluto. You can even use character names from popular movies. The main thing, remember, the name of the puppy should not cause laughter among others.

Beautiful names for shepherd girls: