Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov reconciled after a loud breakup. Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov reconciled after a loud breakup Ksenia Borodina reconciled with Kurban

I've been through a lot of stress over the past few months. Business affairs, problems in her personal life fell on her head, and even two children in her care ..

Fans concluded that the first to decide, as expected, was a man. Kurban Omarov has repeatedly spoken about how much he loves his daughter Teya, and is ready for anything just to watch her grow up. Among other things, he also notes that his feelings for his wife did not fade away, despite all the scandal and accusations they created.

Recall that they were recently seen together in a store where. Then, together we went to an elite house, located in the village of the Moscow region.

“Two people met, standing, chatting, smiling at each other. There are no negative thoughts in their head, each of them sees a positive character in the interlocutor, they begin to make friends. After some time, one of them makes a remark to the other: “It’s correct to say turn, not wrap ...”. In general, a complaint was made, perhaps small and harmless, but it includes a certain process in the head of the opponent ... I often thought about how sometimes two friends, two girlfriends or a couple who were very friendly or in love, slide into strong quarrels over trifles. It seems to me that the answer is simple - a claim begets a claim. If you have an opinion on someone else, keep it to yourself. Sometimes speaking out without thinking, you can unwittingly force another to look for flaws in you. After all, making a remark, you exalt yourself, who will like this? Just look at it from the point of view I offer, maybe it will help someone.

After a while, a peculiar message to Kurban appears. The girl, probably with all her ability to disguise, turned to her husband with the help of lines from The Little Prince:

“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. - I don't want to die for you. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it is her, and not you, I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cap. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. For her, he killed the caterpillars, only left two or three for the butterflies to hatch. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she was silent. She is mine".

It is also curious that now photos with children appear daily on Omarov's Instagram: Marusya, Omar and Teya.

Ksenia Borodina was first seen with Kurban Omarov after a high-profile conflict. A married couple made purchases the day before in one of the shops near Moscow, reports Life.ru.

The paparazzi caught the host of the Dom-2 project making purchases in a supermarket near Moscow. Borodina's company was made up of her husband Kurban Omarov, with whom she was just about to divorce.

The couple reportedly purchased various household utensils for their home - brushes, mops, laundry baskets, as well as groceries. While Omarov paid for purchases, the star of "House-2" chose her perfume. After shopping, the couple drove home in separate cars.

The country house, in which the gossip stars decided to spend time together, is located in the elite village of Pavlovy Lakes on Novorizhskoye Highway. Borodina's husband bought the cottage for 18 million about a year ago, but it is now up for sale again.

The wedding of Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina took place in the summer of 2015, but a year later the couple had a serious quarrel. According to the TV presenter, Kurban Omarov constantly cheated on her. Upon learning of the adventures of her husband, Borodina immediately put him out the door and was about to file for divorce.

As before, Ruposters Life, on the ring finger of Ksenia Borodina, an engagement ring appeared again, presented to her by Kurban Omarov on her wedding day. Celebrity fans decided that the star couple had finally reconciled.

Summer for the TV presenter of the project "House 2" Ksenia Borodina has become a rather busy period. And all because in the warm period she had a quarrel with her husband Kurban Omarov. The case went to a divorce, as the TV presenter confidently stated. However, at the end of August, the couple came to reconciliation. Now no one remembers the divorce. Many positively perceived Ksyusha's reconciliation with her husband, because they believe that due to disagreements arising between adults, children should in no case suffer. According to most fans of Borodina, there is nothing good when children are brought up in single-parent families. However, after Borodina came to reconciliation with Kurban, there were many such people who reacted negatively to reconciliation. They considered the TV presenter too soft, since she was able to forgive her husband for betrayal.

For a long time, Borodina remained silent and did not give any comments. Note that at the end of May this year, information appeared that difficulties arose in the relationship between Ksyusha and his husband. Later, there was a major quarrel, which turned into a separation of the spouses. After that, they even began to live in different apartments. For a long time, Kurban and Ksyusha did not communicate with each other. In the middle of summer, information appeared that Borodina had even made a serious decision to divorce her husband and had already prepared documents for the court. It was also reported that she hired a lawyer who will deal with the divorce process. However, in an unexpected way, the couple reconciled.

Kurban and Ksyusha began to be noticed together in various places. Their appearance in a country house, which Kurban had previously acquired, was also recorded. Note that many fans, as well as people close to the family, knew that Ksyusha had problems in relations with her husband, as well as the reason for the breakup. Borodina herself said that the main reason for the breakdown of relations was betrayal by her own spouse. When the couple came to reconciliation, some fans expressed dissatisfaction and said that Borodina was a weak woman. They did not understand how to forgive a spouse for treason. In their opinion, if he went to the side, then Ksyusha did not like.

When confirmation appeared that the couple had reconciled, Borodina did not give any comments for several weeks. However, she recently decided to talk about her reconciliation with her husband. She said that they overcame the problems that were in their relationship, came to an understanding and are now together again. She also said that if the couple is happy, then there will always be a person next to her who will cost intrigue and do everything in order to ruin the lives of other people. According to her, this happened in their family life with Kurban.

The TV presenter said that when she married Kurban, they were both happy. This happiness increased many times after the birth of her daughter. However, according to her, during this joyful period, there were people who constantly turned them on each other and tried to do everything possible to upset the marriage. According to Borodina, they had the strength to survive all the difficulties and resolve misunderstandings. Now, as Borodina wrote on the social network, they are doing well and they will be together again. The TV presenter said that she and Kurban love each other and are ready to forgive for mistakes.

Note that recently Ksyusha published a joint photo with her husband, and as a signature under it left the phrase: “Happiness loves silence.” She also said that she was no longer going to devote all people to her personal life. She also wrote that she regrets only that the understanding of this came to her rather late. She also wrote that she loves her husband, whom she almost broke up with.

In the summer of this year, the upcoming divorce was vigorously discussed in the media. Xenia Borodina and her spouse Kurban Omarova. The TV presenter accused him of betrayal - she said that her husband cheated on her during her pregnancy, came home in the morning and never refused "party" with single friends. However, a few weeks after the celebrity frankly told about the reasons for her separation from Kurban, reports appeared in the press about the reconciliation of the couple.

This news certainly pleased the fans of this family - after all, Borodina and Omarov became parents at the end of December last year. A girl was born, who was named Theon. Soon after these rumors, their joint photographs appeared on the pages of Kurban and Ksenia, which was proof that the spouses managed to survive difficult times and start a relationship from scratch.

The TV presenter never commented on the reconciliation with her husband. However, she recently spoke about this for the first time. “The fact is that there will always be those who like to spoil the lives of others with their gossip and intrigues. It so happened that at the time of our grinding with Kurban, such people were nearby. A wedding, pregnancy, the birth of a child - everything happened very quickly for us, we didn’t even have time to really be with each other. Of course, we were also to blame for something, but, thank God, we found the strength to understand what was happening, to understand that we love each other, and move on. The most important lesson for us was the understanding that happiness still loves silence, ”admitted Borodina (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Approx. ed.).