Is it possible to increase eyelashes for yourself: a step-by-step description of the procedure. How to grow thick eyelashes at home

It's no secret that every girl would like to always look stunning. And as such they can be made voluminous, long and dark eyelashes. However, far from all the fair sex, nature endowed with lush vegetation around the eyes. Therefore, adding artificial hairs to your own is such a popular procedure among women. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to produce high-quality eyelash extensions at home? After all, many people want to be beautiful, and not all girls can afford the procedure in a beauty salon.

The technology originated in 2003 and gained popularity among girls with a spectacular look and practicality in use. The method involves gluing each individual eyelash or several to your own hairs on the eyelids, which ensures their attractiveness. All hairs differ from each other in length and thickness. This makes them look natural. As a result, you are the owner of luxurious thick eyelashes. Subject to the rules of care, the result lasts 2-3 weeks, after which a correction is needed. This extension looks natural and emphasizes the shape and shape of the eyes. In the salon, the procedure lasts from 1.3 to 4 hours, depending on the skill of the lash maker.

You can independently choose the length, thickness and bend of the hairs.

What materials are needed

If you decide to build eyelashes on your own, but have not done this before, it is advisable to consult with the masters or watch videos on the Internet. A set of eyelashes can be purchased at a specialized store or beauty salon.

Individual eyelashes can vary in length, material, curl, color and stiffness. Hairs made from natural material look better on the eyes, but they are more expensive than synthetic hairs.

As for the color, black is the most popular, but brown hairs are often in demand. For creative personalities, manufacturers have provided other bright colors, as well as sets with rhinestones and sparkles.

There are three lengths of eyelash extensions: short, medium and long hairs.

Let's dwell on the material and stiffness of the hairs and consider each option step by step:

  • suitable for girls who would like to give an effect to the look at a holiday or celebration. A set of artificial hairs will provide splendor and volume to the eyes, but is more suitable for an evening option due to its short duration.
  • Mink eyelash extension set is lightweight and thin in thickness. The hair looks great, gives expressiveness to the eyes and is suitable for long-term use. They should be chosen with caution for girls prone to allergic reactions.
  • Sable hairs are heavy and are best not attached to weak lashes. The option is characterized by a special splendor and effect.
  • Synthetic lashes are low cost and short lasting. The hairs will only last a couple of days, but they are easy to stick on and can help out when you are unexpectedly invited to a party.

The thickness of the hairs should be chosen based on the desired effect. The thicker the hairs are, the more unnatural the eyelashes will look in the end. However, with too thin it will be more difficult during the gluing process.

Based on the above choice, a girl who wants to become the owner of lush vegetation around her eyes needs to decide on the criteria for future eyelashes and purchase them in a specialized department of the store. However, this is not all that is needed for such a procedure as eyelash extension at home.

You need to get the following tools:

  • black eyelash glue that does not cause allergies;
  • glass container for diluting the adhesive composition;
  • degreasing spray;
  • toothpicks;
  • cotton buds;
  • small tweezers;
  • cotton pads.

Step-by-step instructions for building

If the list of necessary accessories for the gluing process is prepared, you can proceed to the procedure:

  1. It is necessary to close the area under the eyes with special patches and cover the lower row of eyelashes for greater convenience. Further stages are carried out with the eyelids closed.
  2. A cotton swab is wetted with a spray and the surface of the upper row of hairs on the eyelids is degreased. This must be done carefully so that the composition does not get on the mucous membrane. With a stick, draw in both directions, from the nose to the outer corner, then back.
  3. It is difficult to stick piece hairs on your own. And if this process is performed for the first time, then it is better to get an assistant. Each individual artificial eyelash must be glued to your own. To do this, a small amount of glue is squeezed into the prepared container. Then, holding with tweezers, the hair is dipped into the composition for ½ of the length and applied to the natural eyelash, indenting from the eyelid by 0.5-1 mm.
  4. In order to achieve a greater effect, you need to distribute the cilia in size (the shortest ones are glued at the inner corner of the eye, the medium ones are closer to the middle, and the longest ones are at the outer corner) and repeat the gluing process several times (about 30 pieces are attached to one eyelid , then a transition is made to the other eye and again we return to the first.So you need to do several steps until all the voids are filled).
  5. Now you can open your eyes and visually assess the uniformity of the extended hairs. If a pass is noticeable somewhere, then you need to make up for it additionally.

Precautions for working at home

While giving eyelash craft at home, do not forget about safety measures:

  1. During the procedure, do not open your eyes. Otherwise, the adhesive composition or its vapors can provoke discomfort, burning and tearing, and cause a chemical burn to the mucous membrane.
  2. Building with irritation, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and other eye diseases is strictly contraindicated. Also, you can not carry out the procedure for flu and colds.
  3. Girls with thin and weak own hairs are not recommended to stick artificial eyelashes.
  4. If your eyes are prone to tearfulness, you should not experiment with false hairs.

How to remove eyelashes yourself

Sooner or later, the time will come when the extended beauty will have to be removed. If there is no desire to go to a beauty salon for the procedure, then you can buy a special tool for removing artificial eyelashes. This solution is called a remover. There are gel, cream and liquid removers.

For home use, it is better to resort to a thicker consistency, as the liquid spreads strongly and can get into the eyes. The gel and cream base easily lays on the surface of the cilia and lingers in the right place.

How to remove glued hairs from the eyelids yourself - a step-by-step instruction:

  1. It is necessary to remove all decorative cosmetics from the eye area. You can use lotion or facial cleanser.
  2. Eyes should be blotted with a tissue or paper towel.
  3. Patches are placed under the lower eyelid. If the latter are absent, you can cut the cotton pads in half and give each part a moon-shaped shape for ease of use. The patches have an adhesive base, so they adhere well to the skin. Dry discs can easily fall during the operation, which is completely undesirable. To prevent this from happening, they should be slightly moistened with water and applied to the skin under the eyes.
  4. Now you can apply an eyelash remover. The remover is distributed over the eyelashes with the help of a brush, which is attached to the product. At the same time, you can not open your eyes, since the solution can cause a strong burning sensation. It is necessary to keep the applied preparation no more than 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the glue or resin that glued the hairs to dissolve.
  5. Exfoliated artificial cilia can be easily removed with a clean brush from an old mascara. You need to remove them, starting from the inner corner of the eye, moving towards the outer.
  6. When all peeled hairs remain on the patch or cotton pad, the lining can be removed from the skin along with fallen cilia and gel.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the eyes must be well rinsed from the remains of the remover and the dissolved adhesive base.

Girls at all times try to be beautiful and have a well-groomed appearance. The cosmetic industry offers a wide range of various products that allow not only to hide flaws, but also to emphasize the dignity of a young lady. Women spend a lot of time on daily makeup: from one to two hours at least. But by the evening, the perfect make up is still far from perfect. If a beauty plans to meet her beloved in the evening, go to a public place or go shopping with her friends, then her makeup will have to be restored. Recently, persistent make up is gaining popularity - for example, tattooing of eyebrows or lips, eyelash extensions. Not everyone knows how to grow eyelashes at home.

Extension methods

Many representatives of the fair sex have long appreciated all the charms of this procedure. Women regularly visit beauty salons for this purpose. Some refused the services of specialists and carry out such a procedure on their own. If you do not know how to grow eyelashes at home, then you can be sure that nothing is impossible. If you set a goal, then you will definitely succeed.

The main condition is patience, perseverance, attitude to a positive result. Don't be discouraged if you can't get it right the first time. As you gain experience, you will gradually get closer to the desired effect.

There are several techniques and extension techniques that are successfully used by girls at home. The most important thing is to decide on the expected result.

The main methods of artificial eyelash extensions involve two ways to carry out such a procedure:

  • Eyelash method- consists in attaching each hair separately. It is necessary to glue one artificial element to one own eyelash.
  • Beam extension- involves the simultaneous gluing of several eyelashes, which are collected in a bundle. This method is considered one of the easiest and fastest, since several hairs can be glued at the same time.

You can achieve different results using several different techniques and effects:

  1. natural effect- hairs of different lengths are glued, there is a smooth transition from small elements to large ones (from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one).
  2. "Fox" look- a sharp change is created (from small hairs to longer ones).
  3. "Squirrel" look- short eyelashes are glued along the ciliary row, and there are several long hairs at the outer corner of the eye. "Doll" eyes - eyelashes of the same length are built up throughout the eyelid. This technique looks somewhat artificial and is more suitable for a festive event than for daily wear.
  4. Sparse result- in the process of building long and short hairs alternate.
  5. 3D effect- allows you to create the most voluminous version of eyelash extensions. Both 2 and 3 artificial elements can be glued to one own eyelash at the same time. The main success of this type is the presence of its strong eyelashes, since weakened and thin hairs cannot withstand the weight of the glued ones and will break or fall out with them.

Advantages and disadvantages of various techniques

Starting eyelash extensions, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a rather painstaking task. It is suitable for girls who are distinguished by high perseverance.

The disadvantages can also be attributed to a significant investment of time - especially when it comes to beginners. You can spend from 2 hours to half a day on this procedure. Therefore, it is so important to be patient and carry out the procedure calmly and slowly.

Beam eyelash extensions are a faster process. It will save you time, but this option is more suitable for a gala event or a special occasion. For daily wear, it is better to use the eyelash method. Although you will spend much more time on such a procedure, the effect is worth it, as you will get a very expressive look.

The main advantages of using false eyelashes at home include the following:

  • Saving money- you will spend much less money on the purchase of cosmetics and accessories than on regular visits to the master. Especially if you buy a ready-made set. The purchased products will be enough for you for several procedures.
  • You can carry out such a manipulation at any convenient time, without adjusting to the work schedule of the master and without waiting for his turn in the salon.
  • You will get gorgeous voluminous and thick eyelashes that no mascara can create. You can completely refuse such decorative cosmetics, since the look will already be very bright and expressive.
  • Over time, you will get used to it and will be able to carry out such a process not only for yourself, but also for close people - for example, for mom, sister or girlfriend.

If you have enough time and perseverance, then feel free to try using false eyelashes to create a charming look.

Necessary materials and equipment

Learning the technique of self-building at home is not very difficult. Most at-home eyelash extension kits include special training discs that explain in detail the procedure.

If you are going to start the process of gluing artificial hairs, you need to equip a place where you will carry out such manipulation. It is better to sit near the window, there will be natural light, so you can see all your eyelashes. If this is not possible, then take care of good lighting. There will be no perfect result in the semi-darkness.

You should have a large mirror - sit as close to it as possible to examine each hair in the eyelash row.

Clear the workplace of everything superfluous, the best option is if there are no unnecessary items on the table that could distract you or interfere with the process of eyelash extensions.

To apply false eyelashes, you will need the following tools:

  • Tweezers- with it you will capture artificial hairs.
  • brush- useful for combing eyelashes before gluing, as well as after the process is completed.
  • Special plate for glue You can use a piece of cardboard instead. It is necessary in order to squeeze out a drop of glue into which an artificial element will be dipped.
  • Protective tape- it must be used to protect the lower lash line during the extension procedure.
  • Cotton pads and cotton swabs.

It is necessary to purchase special tools that are used in the building process:

  1. Glue- This substance is transparent or black. Some beauties prefer the black shade, as it adds volume to false eyelashes. Please note that it is hypoallergenic. Otherwise, your eyes may react sharply to its composition. An allergic reaction will occur, lacrimation and burning will appear. It is better not to save on this tool and purchase a quality product.
  2. Degreaser- used to remove sebum from eyelashes and eyelids. It also improves the adhesion of the adhesive to natural hairs.
  3. Remover - a tool that is used to remove false eyelashes. It will be required to eliminate the shortcomings in the process of eyelash extensions.

Of course, you will need artificial eyelashes. There are 3 types of such hairs: mink, sable and silk. They are made from a synthetic substance, and got their name because of the similarity with animal fur and natural fiber.

mink elements considered the thickest, they are suitable for those women whose own eyelashes are thick and can withstand the weight of extensions.

sable hairs- the middle option, they are most often used for special occasions.

Silk fibers- the thinnest and suitable for daily wear. They do not weigh down the ciliary row, and you will not feel them at all.

There is also a festive option when hairs of different colors are used - for example, blue, green, brown, purple. In everyday use, they will be a little out of place - unless, of course, you are looking for an eccentric look. But for a special event (for example, for a party or a photo shoot), they can be easily used

How to build up lashes?

If you are going to start the process of eyelash extensions, do the preparatory work:

  • Lay out all the necessary items and tools on the table.
  • Decide also on the size of the eyelashes.
  • Seal the lower eyelash row with special tape.
  • If you have a bang, then it must also be stabbed so that it does not interfere with you in the process.
  • Be sure to remove all decorative cosmetics from the face, as its residues can affect the process of gluing artificial hairs.

The step-by-step process for beginner lashmakers (eyelash extension specialists) is as follows:

  • Using a degreaser, remove sebum from the eyelids and eyelashes. To do this, soak a cotton pad in the indicated product and carefully wipe your eyelids and eyelashes with it.
  • Comb your eyelashes well. Do not forget to also degrease the brush that you use for these purposes.
  • Put a drop of glue on cardboard or a special plate.
  • Using tweezers, grab the selected artificial hair in the middle and carefully place it in the glue. Make sure that a little glue has collected on the eyelash, otherwise your work will not look very neat.
  • Attach the artificial element to your natural lash and press with your fingers for a few seconds until the glue sets. Be extremely careful not to glue the eyelash to the eyelid, as this will cause discomfort in the future.
  • Following this principle, grow eyelashes along the entire eyelash row. Make sure that everything is smooth with you, otherwise you will not get a very natural result.
  • When all the lashes are glued on, wait a few more minutes for the glue to set. Then comb the hairs, giving them the final shape.
  • If you were not very careful during the work, soak a cotton swab in the remover and use it to remove ugly eyelashes or excess glue droplets.

Stages of beam volume expansion

Beam extension allows you to quickly achieve the desired result. A beam increase in the volume of eyelashes can be done by analogy with eyelash extensions. Only instead of a single hair, a bundle is immediately glued onto one of your eyelashes.

The stages of beam extension are as follows:

  • Protect the lower lashes using a special adhesive tape.
  • Carry out the degreasing process.
  • Comb the hairs, giving them the desired shape.
  • Dip a bunch of artificial elements in a drop of glue and stick them to natural eyelashes.
  • Press everything down with your fingers and wait a few seconds for the glue to dry.
  • Glue the tuft lashes along the entire lash line, observing the proportions.
  • When the gluing process is completed, comb the hairs.

Eyelash care

Eyelash extensions do not require special care, the main thing is to be careful with them and treat them with care. Mechanical impact is not allowed - for example, you can not rub your eyes. If necessary, gently scratch the eye.

Water procedures also carry out carefully. Avoid direct jet from a faucet or shower to the face, as high pressure may damage the glued elements.

It is not allowed to use decorative cosmetics with a greasy base, as well as make-up removers, which include a variety of oils. They can break down the adhesive and cause lashes to fall out.

If necessary, you can shorten or trim the eyelashes. So you can keep your eyelashes in perfect condition for a long time and less often carry out the correction procedure.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself?

If you decide to remove eyelash extensions at home, then you will need to do it correctly.

The following actions are not allowed:

  • Try to pull them out, because at the same time as the artificial element, you will also remove your own hairs.
  • Use soap to remove hair extensions.
  • Take off when your eyes are inflamed. Wait until the inflammation process has passed.

The safest option is to use a special eyelash remover. Apply the remover to a cotton pad and use it to treat the lash line. Substances that are part of such a liquid will dissolve the glue, and false eyelashes will easily peel off.

How to increase eyelashes at home? In fact, this is not such a complicated process, so a cosmetic salon procedure can be carried out independently. However, this will require not only a lot of time, but also a lot of patience.

Extension technologies

In fact, all the various types of building can be divided into 2 groups.

  • Bundle - artificial hairs are pre-assembled into ready-made bundles that are glued to the ciliary edge. The shape, length and density of eyelashes is selected according to your desire. Beam technology is much simpler and faster: in the cabin, this procedure takes no more than an hour. Beginners are advised to start by attaching beams.

The advantage of the solution is the speed of transformation and the variety of options. Minus - correction will be required after 2 weeks: the bundles are heavier than individual hairs and do not hold so firmly. But if one eyelash disappears from the field of view, no one will notice its loss, but the disappearance of a whole bunch requires immediate action.

  • Eyelash - a separate artificial hair is glued to each eyelash. It is much more difficult to perform such work: jewelry accuracy is required when fixing the hair, because it must not only take the correct position, but also the correct direction. However, eyelash extension provides a much more stable and much longer result.

In addition, it is not necessary to build up really all the eyelashes. By placing longer or steeply curved artificial hairs in the corners of the eyes, alternating with short ones, you can get interesting solutions: to make the effect of doll eyelashes, a fox look, a squirrel.

This procedure takes at least 2 hours and requires accuracy and utmost care. Impatient young ladies can't handle it.

  • Volume extension- in fact, this is a kind of eyelash, but with variations: 2, 3, or even more are attached to one natural hair - Hollywood volume. The length and density of eyelashes at the same time changes very significantly, so this option is more suitable for especially solemn occasions or special ones - a stage premiere, shooting.

This procedure in the salon takes 3-5 hours. It is very difficult to do it at home: the work requires the accuracy of finger movements and their constant tension. But when you do it yourself, you have to keep your hands on weight, which noticeably complicates the work.

Build-up effect

This procedure includes both a significant transformation of the volume and the fastening of individual hairs - decorative, for example. With the latter, you can cope on your own, even in the absence of experience and patience.

  • Attachment of individual eyelashes- we are talking about a decorative type of jewelry: hairs of unnatural length, color, decorated with rhinestones or sparkles. To create an interesting image, a few pieces in the corners of the eyes or along the ciliary edge are quite enough. This option allows you to quickly change the look for 1 party.

  • Fox eyes - long hairs or tufts are attached only in the corners. Thus, the shape of the eye visually changes: they become elongated and seem slightly raised to the temples. A more complex option involves attaching hairs along the entire ciliary edge - long at the outer corner, and short at the inner.

  • Squirrel effect - bunches of long eyelashes are fixed, slightly stepping back from the outer corner, the bunch forms a kind of "squirrel tail".

  • puppet effect- a complex technology, not recommended for beginners: it is difficult to perform it correctly. Firstly, only eyelash extensions are assumed, and secondly, only long hairs are used, including when attached to the inner corner.

  • sparse eyelashes- refers to the alternation of short and long eyelashes from the inner to the outer corner. The technology is no less complex and requires taking into account the shape of the eye: with the wrong location of long eyelashes, you can visually emphasize a disadvantage instead of dignity.

  • Natural - the same very difficult technique. Eyelash extensions are made in compliance with the natural length: short near the inner corner, long - near the outer.

Material selection

There are many types of artificial eyelashes. Some allow you to increase the volume of eyelashes, others - the length, others allow you to achieve an unexpected decorative effect. When choosing, you will have to pay attention to a lot of nuances.

Hair thickness

This parameter determines not only, and not so much the density of future eyelashes, but its possibilities.

  • Silk is the thinnest and most delicate hairs, with a diameter of 0.05 mm. Ideal for volume extensions, but due to their thinness they require jewelry work with tweezers.
  • The columns are thicker, with a diameter of 0.10 to 0.15 mm. The kolinsky holds its shape better, so if curved tips are needed, this option is preferable.
  • Mink - up to 0.20 mm in diameter, suitable for many experiments with length and shape. It is easier to fix them, so with little experience in building up yourself, it is better to start with a mink.
  • Sable - the thickest and strongest hairs - up to 0.25 mm, are held for up to 3 months. Most often used to create a natural make-up and incomplete build-up. 3D, and even more so Hollywood volume, cannot be increased with their help: they create too much weight for natural eyelashes.

Tips to help you grow eyelashes yourself at home:

Length and shape

The length of the hairs varies from 4 mm to 25 mm. If fixation is supposed only in the corner, then longer cilia are chosen. If you build up throughout the volume, you will need products of different lengths - with the exception of the puppet effect.

When choosing, you need to keep in mind the purpose of building. Very long eyelashes look unnatural and are only suitable for special occasions.

Hair curl - gracefully curved tips visually make the eyelashes longer and the eyes bigger. The degree of bending can be very different. In the photo - bending options.

  • B - minimum bend. This is an option for owners of straight eyelashes, since too much difference between natural and extension hairs is unacceptable.
  • C - the bend is more, creates the effect of curling mascara.
  • D - this is how eyelashes look like for those who like to use tongs. In addition, with a large length of hairs, the bend should also be greater.
  • CC - extremely strong bend, necessary for volume building.
  • U - option for a puppet look.
  • L - relatively straight hair with a strongly recurved tip. This model is suitable for those who constantly wear glasses.


What do you need for eyelash extensions, besides the material? Of course, special fixing compounds and tools. A beginner home master can purchase a ready-made kit, which includes everything you need. More experienced, as a rule, prefers to look for material on their own.

Required tools:

  • tweezers, or rather, 2 tweezers: one with straight tips, the other with curved ones. When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the sponges: they must close tightly to a width of at least 3 mm, otherwise they will not be able to hold the hair or the bundle;
  • degreaser - special compositions that do not irritate the eyes, remove the remnants of decorative cosmetics, most importantly, natural grease;
  • glue for artificial eyelashes - again, this should be a special composition that does not irritate the mucous membranes. For beginners, it is recommended to choose a slow-fix glue so that it is possible to correct the position of the hairs;
  • if desired, the extension kit can be supplemented with a fixative - this tool enhances the strength of the fastening.

Do it yourself

Step-by-step instructions for eyelash extensions, which are used in salons, do not quite fit. It is much more convenient for the master to act, since he sees the “front of work” from above and holds his hands in a more correct position: the hands are below the elbows. Yes, it has a better view.

When working independently, it is difficult to assess the intermediate result, and when working, the hands are constantly in an uncomfortable position. Accordingly, the home master has to resort to various tricks.

Eyelashes are placed on a palette - if we are talking about a special set, or on a strip of foam rubber. In this case, the order of gluing is observed. Otherwise, you will have to constantly look for hairs. It is very important to provide good lighting.

  • Remove make-up from the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Then the eyelashes are treated with a special degreaser.
  • The bottom row is fixed with a backing.
  • A drop of special glue is placed on a strip of glass or cardboard.
  • Remove the hair from the palette with tweezers and dip the blunt tip into the glue - approximately to the middle. Excess glue, if any, is removed with a swab.
  • Then, with one tweezer, the cilia are pushed aside from the main one, and with the second they bring an artificial hair. Spend it on a natural eyelash to lubricate with glue, and apply without trying to press.
  • It is very important to observe the correct gap between the edge of the eyelid and the glued hair - 0.5–1 mm. If the distance is too small - 0.3 mm, the glue will tighten the skin of the eyelid and create discomfort. The hair should be attached from the beginning of the eyelash to the middle.
  • Then step by step repeat all the operations on the other eyelash.

  • If necessary, the result is fixed with a fixative.

Is it possible to get at home the same spectacular volume and length as in the salon, it depends not so much on the material, but on skill and patience. Everything is important: how accurately the artificial hair is placed, whether it coincides in direction with the natural one, whether it twisted during fixation, and, most importantly, whether the hairs stuck together due to excess glue or an unsuccessful position.

But even the most excellent result does not exclude some care recommendations:

  • you can moisten your eyes with water or just wash yourself only after 12 hours: during this time, the glue is completely polymerized;
  • it is not allowed to visit the sauna, bath or pool during the next day;
  • do not resort to steam baths, masks and lotions for 2-3 days;
  • it is advisable to paint the extended eyelashes with only one layer of mascara and in no case resort to special formulations - voluminous mascara, waterproof.

How to grow eyelashes for yourself at home? In fact, the same technologies are used as in the salon, but taking into account the specifics: worse visibility, inconvenience during operation and, as a rule, minimal experience. For beginners, it is better to start with tufts or long individual lashes, more experienced ones can try the full volume.

Every woman dreams of beautiful big eyes, framed by thick and long eyelashes. And if nature did not give her such eyelashes, then she has to look for ways - how to make her thin eyelashes "Hollywood".

Therefore, when the eyelash extension technique was created, which is done in stages in any beauty salon, the women of fashion perked up and decided to quickly make themselves such "Hollywood" eyelashes.

Step by step instructions for eyelash extensions

The extension technology itself consists in gluing several single or bunches of artificial eyelashes to the base of one's own female eyelashes. Previously, it was believed that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to carry out such a procedure with the help of a professional master exclusively in a beauty salon.

One of the types of eyelash extensions

But due to the high cost of such a procedure, many women have learned how to do extensions on their own at home.

The technique includes the preparatory stage and the main one. The step-by-step extension process is simple, and if you approach it with maximum attention and responsibility, you can build eyelashes even at home.

Consider first the classification of types and methods of building.

There are two main types of extensions:

  • eyelash - with this method, the cilia look natural and last longer;
  • beam (a bunch of artificial ones is attached to one of its eyelashes) - the look becomes more expressive, but the bunches will not last long.

Eyelash extensions vary:

  • length: short, medium and long;
  • by color: the most commonly used are black and brown, there are other colors;
  • according to the material: natural or artificial.

There are also various extension methods:

  • partial extension - when synthetic cilia are glued only in the corners or at a certain interval (usually they are longer than their own);
  • complete - when the cilia are glued along the entire line, with each artificial one joining its own;
  • 3D-building - sticks to each of its 2 synthetic ones, a three-dimensional effect is created;
  • creative extension (eyelashes of different colors with sparkles or rhinestones).

The duration of wearing artificial eyelash extensions is usually 2 weeks, after which they gradually begin to fall out. This process is usually invisible to others.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account their length, thickness, hair stiffness and bend.

When choosing eyelash extensions, you need to take into account the length, thickness, stiffness of the hairs and their bend when buying. Most often this is indicated on the packaging. The technique of the process itself can be mastered in stages by yourself, guided by the recommendations in this article.

With piece eyelash extensions, you must first choose the right type of cilia.

In total there are 4 types of eyelashes according to the type of material:

  • silk eyelashes - quite voluminous, slightly shiny, they will lengthen and add volume to their eyelashes (evening option, but not everyday);
  • mink eyelashes - light and thin, suitable for everyday wear, but have a drawback (may cause an allergic reaction);
  • sable eyelashes are heavier, so they do not stick to very thin own eyelashes, although they look very impressive;
  • artificial eyelashes - they are glued very simply (15 min.), but they last 1-2 evenings.

The thickness of the hairs that will be glued to the eyelashes should be no more than 0.15 mm, because thicker ones (from 0.2 mm) give a “doll-like” effect and are used for very catchy evening makeup.

It is better to choose the length of the hairs in the range of 10-18 mm. When buying, it is optimal to choose a set with hairs of various lengths, then longer ones are suitable for the outer corners of the eyes, shorter hairs for the inner ones.

Effects to create an image

There are also various effects used to create a specific eye look:

  1. Natural- the look becomes expressive without the use of cosmetics.
  2. fox effect- cilia of different lengths are used (usually 3), while the outer corner of the eye is visually lengthened.
  3. Squirrel- synthetic eyelashes are glued of different lengths, short - closer to the inner side, long - to the outer side of the eye, creating the effect of mystery.
  4. Puppet- eyelashes 12-15 mm long are selected, giving a look of puppetry and coquetry.

Main Rule

The classic eyelash extension method is the basis of the lash industry. This extension technique is popular, because. Eyelashes are lengthened in stages in a natural way by gluing artificial or thickening your own eyelashes.

This type of extension is widespread in Europe and supports the idea of ​​"naturalness" in makeup, when the eyes look spectacular without signs of excessive cosmetics.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is gluing one artificial eyelash to one of your own.

The main rule for classic eyelash extensions is to glue one artificial eyelash onto one of your own.

There are several basic guidelines for this procedure:

  1. The distance from the base of your eyelash to the beginning of the artificial eyelash is 0.5-1 mm.
  2. An artificial eyelash should be glued to its own in the direction from the base to the middle, and it is at the base that the eyelash is glued more tightly.
  3. The autonomy of each individual eyelash must be respected. If they stick together, then subsequently, with a difference in the growth of different eyelashes, a woman will feel discomfort.
  4. When sticking the entire row of eyelashes, it is necessary to set them in one direction so that there is no “tousled effect”.

Necessary tools and materials

For a phased home eyelash extension, you need to prepare a set of special tools, without which it is impossible to do it correctly and painlessly. All the technique and the process itself take place directly in contact with the eyes, so it is completely unacceptable for infection to get into the eyes.

List of required tools:

  • high-quality hypoallergenic glue (usually black);
  • several toothpicks;
  • packing of cotton pads;
  • small tweezers, preferably two;
  • container for glue (preferably made of plastic) or glass;
  • spray-degreaser for eyelashes;


To prepare for the extension procedure you need:

  • Prepare your hands(wash thoroughly with soap) and face (remove makeup).
  • Glue your bottom lashes to your skin. For this, special silicone pads or just paper tape are usually used. You need to stick it, starting from the corner, so that all the lower eyelashes are closed and do not interfere with work.

Carefully! When sticking, you need to make sure that the eye is closed. It is important that the glue and its fumes do not get on the mucous membrane of the eye, otherwise there will be a chemical burn, “tears will flow”.

  • Degreasing those eyelashes on which the extension will be made using a degreasing spray. We sprinkle a little liquid from the spray onto a cotton swab and carefully draw it along all the upper eyelashes, first in one, then in the opposite direction.

The preparatory process is over. Now, in order to master the technique of eyelash extensions, we will consider step by step how this is done.

Individual eyelash extensions step by step

After all the tools have been prepared and a set with eyelashes has been purchased, we will begin the extension process.

Note! If you are doing extensions for the first time in your life, then it is best to invite a friend or a more experienced person to help you so that they can objectively evaluate the result when sticking each individual eyelash.

The most popular classic extension method involves gluing one artificial hair onto one of your eyelashes.

With eyelash extensions, each lash is taken with tweezers.

For eyelash extension for each eye, you need 80-120 artificial eyelashes:

  1. Glue is squeezed onto the glass.
  2. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and with a blunt tip is lowered into the glue to the middle.
  3. Then the eyelash is glued, retreating 0.5-1 mm from the eyelid, to each own eyelash separately. At the same time, short cilia are glued to the inner corners of the eye, and the longest ones are glued to the outer corners. This creates the effect of "cat's eye".
  4. Professional masters advise to do several gluing procedures for each eye - 25-30 pieces for the first approach, then move on to the other eye. And so in succession.
  5. During the last approach, empty gaps are closed, and then both eyes are visually aligned in terms of the number of cilia.

Bundle extensions step by step

The beam look is also called "Hollywood" because it is considered a solemn style. Bundles last a maximum of 2-3 weeks.

Bundles with eyelashes are knotless type and nodular. A knot is a ball at the junction of several artificial cilia. If there is a knot, the bundle is easier to stick on, but it will be visible on the eyelashes at the end of the procedure.

15-20 bundles are usually glued to each eye

Knotless bundles (without balls) have a gentle mount and are glued to the skin of the eyelids.

The bundles also vary in length and density. Often in beauty salons, rhinestones are also glued for originality.

15-20 bunches are usually glued to each eye.

Step-by-step gluing of beams:

  • drip glue on the prepared glass;
  • a bunch of eyelashes is taken with long tweezers, the tip should be slightly dipped in glue;
  • own eyelashes in the right place are moved apart with the help of another tweezers, then the bundle is glued into this gap between the eyelashes either to the base of your own eyelash or to the eyelid itself;
  • the direction of gluing is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one, the beams must be distributed evenly along the eyelid so that there are no gaps.

Eyelash extension using Japanese technology

The most popular and effective technique today is the Japanese eyelash extension technology for each individual eyelash. With the help of a step-by-step instruction of this technique, any woman can do it at home.

Japanese technique (step by step):

  1. Pour the hairs onto white paper or a towel and choose the ones you need, sorting them according to length or other parameters.
  2. Prepare the glue - pour it into a small container.
  3. Degrease the tweezers with a special solution.
  4. Using a degreaser, treat the area around the eyes and your eyelashes, put wet cotton pads (halves) under the lower eyelids to protect the skin from glue.
  5. Own eyelashes need to be combed and separated with a brush.
  6. Each artificial eyelash is taken by the tip with tweezers, the base is lowered briefly into the glue, and then applied to its own eyelash near the base. The rest of your eyelashes, so as not to interfere, with a toothpick you need to move away. For high-quality attachment of an artificial hair, it must be slightly pressed against the eyelash.
  7. The direction when gluing is from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
  8. All eyelashes must be laid in the same direction.
  9. After the end of the procedure, you need to lie down and wait with your eyes closed for several minutes for high-quality gluing of hairs.

Correction of single eyelash extensions

Typically, eyelash extensions last about 3-4 weeks. As a rule, once a month it is necessary to make a correction. With oily skin, correction is done more often.

If a woman used additional tinting of extended eyelashes with mascara, then she would have to redo all the work: remove the eyelashes, because the carcass clogs into the roots of the eyelashes and it is impossible to remove it from there. Gluing eyelashes in this case is done again.

Eyelash extension care after correction

There are several rules for the care of eyelash extensions:

  • you can wet the eyelashes only 2-3 hours after the extension procedure, so that the glue has time to grab well;
  • you can not sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • you can not rub your eyes;
  • the washing process is carried out very carefully, because. getting wet reduces the period of wearing eyelashes;
  • it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna due to the possibility of straightening artificial eyelashes at high temperatures (approx. 100º);
  • you can’t cry, it’s also better to refrain from sea bathing (salt water does not have a very positive effect on glued eyelashes);
  • to wash off makeup, it will be optimal to use a tonic, and not a greasy cream (fat helps dissolve eyelash glue), you can also not use cosmetics with alcohol, this can greatly dry the skin on the eyelids;
  • to wash off cosmetics, it is best to use a cotton swab and do this without touching the eyelashes.

It is better to refrain from visiting the sauna temporarily

Removal of eyelash extensions

To remove artificial eyelashes, a special tool is used - a cream-paste for removing extended eyelashes. The paste should be rubbed into the base of the roots of the eyelashes and held for 15 minutes. Then the artificial eyelashes are carefully removed, the remaining excess cream is removed, everything is washed with warm soapy water.

It is important to know! When you take off the artificial eyelashes, your own will seem terrible - sparse and short. Don't be scared! This is not because your own fell out, but because you are visually accustomed to synthetic, thick and beautiful.

Contraindications to the extension procedure:

  • cold or SARS;
  • tendency to conjunctivitis or blepharitis;
  • allergic to glue or synthetic eyelashes;
  • very oily skin of the face or eyelids;
  • very weak and thin own eyelashes cannot withstand the weight of artificial ones;
  • high eye sensitivity and tearfulness.
  1. Sterilization of instruments is the main rule that cannot be dispensed with.
  2. With eyelash extension, which is a more complex procedure, you need to make sure that the glued cilia “look in one direction”.
  3. The lifespan of natural eyelashes is about a month, so when building, it is better to choose shorter eyelashes that will grow longer.
  4. It is very important not to allow the eyelashes to stick together during the extension process.

Common rookie mistakes:

  • incorrect gluing of the artificial eyelash along the entire length - it is best to fix the eyelash from the base to the middle of your own eyelash;
  • incorrect interval between the eyelid and the glued eyelash (should be 0.5-1 mm) - when the eyelash is glued to the skin of the eyelid, the woman has a feeling of tight skin and discomfort when wearing;
  • if the eyelash is glued far from the base, then an extra free edge is formed, the eyelash “dangles”, which reduces the wearing time of such eyelashes;
  • gluing several lashes together prevents them from growing normally, which speeds up the loss of their lashes.

After reading this article, a woman who wants to have "Hollywood" eyelashes will understand that the main thing is enthusiasm and experience. The correct eyelash extension technique described in this article will help you to follow all the steps step by step, gain experience and get an impressive result - beautiful thick eyelashes.

Master class on eyelash extension leads E. Lange:

See how eyelash extensions are done here:

The beam extension technique is shown in detail here:

Eyelash extensions are an increase in the volume and length of natural eyelashes by adding artificial ones. This procedure is simple, but delicate. It requires a certain amount of special knowledge and, most importantly, skills. Eyelash extension at home is possible only if the girl knows a lot about the choice of materials and tools, and also has an idea about the main types of extension.

For beginner lash makers and just young girls who are interested in how to build eyelashes, information about materials, tools for work, as well as extension technologies presented in this article will be of interest. So, how to build eyelashes at home?

Materials and tools

Before you do eyelash extensions at home on your own, you need to choose the materials and tools that are usually used by professionals in salons. It must be said right away that they are not particularly expensive, and you can purchase them at any specialized store or online store.

When choosing materials and tools, it is imperative to pay attention to manufacturers. They must be reliable, since the procedure itself is very delicate, and low-quality materials from unverified manufacturers can cause a variety of allergic reactions. It is best to pay attention to such brands as:

  • Vivienne original;
  • Kodi professional;
  • Queen Beauty professional;
  • Annabelle
  • Salon professional.

Note! Many manufacturers offer girls to purchase so-called starter kits, which include the basic materials needed to build eyelashes at home.

In order to grow eyelashes on your own, you will need:

  • palettes with eyelashes;
  • degreaser;
  • glue;
  • protective tape for the lower eyelids;
  • tweezers (sharp and with square edges);
  • eyelash tray;
  • ring, glass or stone for glue.

Particular attention should be paid specifically to eyelash palettes, degreaser and glue.


It is best to choose eyelashes made of polyester. It is they that are used by all professional lash makers in beauty salons. You need to pay attention to the length, thickness and degree of bending of the cilia (depending on what kind of end result you want to get). The maximum length is usually 20 mm, the thickness is 0.20 mm, and the bends are of the following types: B, C, D, CC.

Eyelash extensions at home will require the purchase of a minimum of three palettes, ideally with lengths of 8, 10 and 12 mm medium curl. Shorter eyelashes are glued in the middle of the eyelid to give more volume. Long - along the edge, in order to give the look depth and mystery.

Note! You can buy eyelashes in natural shades (black and brown), or you can buy colored ones. Everything depends on fantasy.

You can buy eyelashes both individually (on a tape) and in bunches. Don't choose a cheap item. It is best to purchase palettes from companies such as:

  • Ardell;
  • Kodi
  • Salon perfect.


A degreaser is also an important item for those who want to do their own eyelash extensions. Sometimes this tool is confused with a primer, but this is not always the same thing. A degreaser is necessary in order to clean the eyelashes before the procedure, and professionals use the primer not only for cleaning, but also in order to enhance the bonding effect. It not only cleans the cilia from all sorts of contaminants, but also opens the pores, scales, which subsequently helps the glue to penetrate deeper and work more efficiently.

Note! If the skin around the eyes is oily, then it should also be treated with a degreaser or primer.

After applying the primer, you should wait 20-30 minutes and only then proceed with the procedure.

  • lovely;
  • Lidan;
  • Crystal.


Eyelash extensions at home to yourself will be successful if you use the right and high-quality glue. When choosing, it is important to take into account such characteristics as:

  • hypoallergenicity (you need to pay attention to the composition of the glue and the quality of the resin used in it);
  • consistency (glue should be liquid, without lumps);
  • smell (high-quality glue that does not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye should not have a smell);
  • color (the color of the glue may be different, for dark eyelashes you can also use black glue, which will replace the eyeliner);
  • durability (for high-quality glue, the level of durability can vary from 10 to 45 days);
  • adhesion speed (in any case, it should not exceed 3 minutes, otherwise cilia will stick together).

Be sure to pay attention to the type of glue. There are three of them:

  • glue for beginners (adhesion - 4 seconds; resistance - 4 weeks);
  • glue for beginner lashers (adhesion - 2 seconds; durability - 6 weeks);
  • glue for professional lashmakers (adhesion - 1 second; durability - 8 weeks).

For those who do eyelash extensions for the first time, glue for beginners is suitable. Adhesives of brands such as:

  • Vivienne;
  • Ardell;
  • Lidan.

Extension types

After all materials are selected, it is necessary to decide on what technology the procedure will be carried out. For self-taught technologies such as:

  • eyelash extension;
  • beam extension;
  • classic extension.

A description of all these types of extensions can be found below. Each type of extension is considered in stages in separate lessons on eyelash extensions at home.

Lesson 1

Making eyelash extensions, or Japanese-style extensions, or 3D extensions is quite difficult, especially for a beginner at home. The downside of this technology is that it is easier to carry out with closed eyes. If the eyes are open, they will water, which will greatly complicate the work, which in itself is very painstaking - each artificial eyelash is attached separately to the natural one.

The advantages of the procedure are:

  • 100% volume effect;
  • stable result (3 months; correction - 1 time per month);
  • lack of the effect of thinned eyelashes (if a natural eyelash falls out, then an artificial one also falls out);
  • the ability to use the entire complex of decorative cosmetics for the eyes without fear of damaging the extended cilia.

The step by step procedure is as follows:

  1. Degrease eyelashes, wait 20-30 minutes;
  2. We squeeze the glue onto the stone (so we cool it and do not let it dry);
  3. We take an eyelash with tweezers, dip the tip into the glue, carry out the coupling;
  4. Immediately trim the eyelash and slightly bend upwards with tweezers;
  5. We carry out the procedure eyelashes, achieving the most voluminous result.

Note! We glue each next eyelash at a certain distance from the previous one, along the eyelash growth line. Thus, their gluing is not allowed. More eyelashes can be glued on the outer corner of the eye than on the inner one. Total balance: 1 natural - 2 artificial (eyelash extension 2d).

Everything must be done gradually and as carefully as possible. If gluing has occurred, then you can very carefully separate them with a toothpick. At home, you should not use a professional needle with a loop.

The job may take several hours. After completion of the procedure, it is not recommended to wet the eyes for about 2-3 hours. After a month, you can make a correction. Removing eyelash extensions is quite simple with the help of a remover.

Lesson 2 Beam extension: step by step instructions

Such a procedure, also known as Hollywood extension, is much easier than piece-by-piece fastening, even a novice lashmaker can handle it. In this case, there is a real increase in the volume of eyelashes, the eyes become more expressive and brighter without obvious weighting. The only drawback of the technology is its fragility. That is why they resort to beam extension before solemn events.

Bunches can be attached in two ways. In the first case, the eyelashes are attached to the growth line, in the second - to natural cilia. The procedure itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • degreasing;
  • attaching a bundle dipped in glue to cilia;
  • beam correction during the drying of the glue;
  • repeat the procedure with the next beam.

Note! Eyelash extensions at home in stages will help to avoid mistakes, which is very important. Only consistency and accuracy guarantee a positive and lasting result.

The procedure does not take much time. General balance of eyelash extensions: 15 to 20 bunches per eye. The length of artificial eyelashes is 25-30% longer than the length of natural ones.

Lesson 3 Classic extension master class

The classic way is very similar to Japanese 3D technology. The main difference between the procedure is that 1 artificial eyelash is glued to each natural eyelash, and not 2-3, that is, girls will increase their own volume of eyelashes by exactly 2 times. This procedure is shown to those who want to achieve maximum naturalness.

The procedure itself goes like this:

  • eyelashes and eyelids are degreased;
  • artificial cilia with glue are attached at a distance of 1 mm from the root line;
  • adjusted in length and height.

In time, this procedure lasts about an hour. Persistence with such a build-up is 1-2 months. Correction is carried out once.

On the Internet, there are a large number of video tutorials and tutorials on eyelash extensions at home. Masters try to show all the smallest nuances of the procedure in order to make the task easier for beginners.
