Wise parables about parents and children. Parables about humility Parables for short children 6 8

A parable is such a short story that has a deep meaning. Her characters are ordinary people, sometimes not very educated. Their stories and stories contain essential life lessons.

Parables have always given people a reason to think about the meaning of human life, about the role of man on earth. This is a very effective means of development, education and training. Wisdom, which is presented in a simple and clear form, teaches children to think, develops intuition and imagination, and also teaches them to find solutions to problems. Parables make children think about their behavior and sometimes laugh at their own mistakes.

These short stories will help you understand that one problem can always have several solutions and life cannot be divided into good and bad, black and white.

Parables are like seeds, once they get into the heart of a child, they will surely grow and bear fruit.

When is any harbor good?

One day, a rich merchant wanted to show his son the world, introduce him to his companion from another country, and therefore took him on a journey. During the journey, the father and son stayed in very expensive hotels, the father always taught that the son demanded to be treated like a master, then he would be given the best room in the hotel, the horse - an excellent stall in the stable, and the ship - a good place in the harbor.

They traveled in their own wagon, which was drawn by two horses. One rainy day, their cart got stuck in the mud, the place was deserted. Soon it got dark and it began to rain. Father and son unharnessed their horses and were forced to ride to the nearest village. There was no hotel there and they began to knock on the houses. People, having heard an unfamiliar language, did not open the doors, but shouted something in response. So the tired wanderers went through the whole village and only the door of the very last house opened. An old lady all in rags invited them in. The merchant's son, seeing the blackened walls and ceiling, backed toward the door.

“Father, let’s not spend the night in such a dirty shack,” said the young man.

“In a storm, any harbor is good,” his father answered him and gave the old woman a copper coin. The hostess pressed the coin to her heart and laughed.

“She is so sincerely happy about the copper coin, as if it were gold,” the young man chuckled.

“Just as in a storm any harbor is good, so in poverty any coin is gold,” said the father.

real mother

Once, a whining, still completely blind puppy was thrown into the yard. The cat, who lived in this yard and had kittens at that time, brought the puppy to her children and began to feed him with milk. The puppy very soon outgrew the foster mother, but obeyed her, as before.

- Every morning you must lick your wool to a shine, - the cat taught the puppy, and the kid tried, licking himself with his tongue.

And then one day a sheepdog ran into their yard. Having sniffed the puppy, she said good-naturedly:

Hello puppy! You are also a shepherd. You and I are of the same breed.

Seeing the cat, the shepherd barked angrily and rushed at her. The cat hissed and jumped up the fence.

Let's go with you, puppy, let's drive the cat out of here, - the dog suggested.

Let's go away from our yard and don't you dare touch my mother, the puppy growled menacingly.

She can't be your mom, she's a cat! Your mother should be the same shepherd dog as I am, - said the shepherd dog, laughed and ran away from the yard.

The puppy thought, but the cat purred affectionately:

Whoever feeds a child is a real mother for him.

Why didn't the mouse get married?

Dear mouse, will you marry me? - the brave gray mouse asked the mouse.

Well, - the mouse lowered its eyes, - but bring me something sweet as a gift.

Tomorrow I will go to the kitchen and be sure to bring you a piece of sugar. He's so sweet. - said the groom, twisting his mustache.

The next day, the brave groom climbed into the kitchen through a hole in the floor and, once under the cabinet, did not dare to get out from under it.

That same evening the mouse came to the mouse and said:

Dear mouse, I thought about it and decided to bring you a piece of candy, not sugar. Sugar is just sweet, but candy is fragrant and sweet.

I have never tried sweets before, - the mouse sighed.

The next morning, the mouse again went to the kitchen and again was afraid to get out from under the cabinet.

He again came to visit the mouse without a gift, but at the same time said:

I changed my mind about giving you sugar or candy. Tomorrow I will bring you halva. It's the tastiest treat in the world: hearty, sweet, and buttery.

You know, little mouse, I will not marry you, - the mouse said dryly.

Why? - the mouse was very surprised.

How many do not repeat the word "halva" - it will not become sweeter in the mouth.

If you read parables to children in kindergarten, you may encounter many questions. We discuss our actions and the actions of other children. The following parable made a huge impression on the children. It is quite difficult for children from 5 to 6 years old.

Parable about nails.

Once upon a time there was a hot-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one fine day, his father gave him a bag of nails and ordered that every time he could not restrain his anger, drive one nail into the fence post.

On the first day, there were several dozen nails in the post. Then gradually he learned to control his anger, and every day the number of nails he hammered became smaller. The young man realized that it was much easier to control his anger than to drive in nails.

And then the day came when he never once lost control of himself. He told his father about it. He looked at him and said that now, when the son manages to restrain his anger, he can pull out one nail from the post.

Time passed, and a day came when the young man came to his father and said that not a single nail was left in the pillar. Then the father led his son by the hand to the post and said:

You did a good job, but look how many holes there are in the post? He will never be the same again in his life. That's when you say something evil or bad to a person, he leaves a scar, like these holes in a pillar. And no matter how many times after that you apologize, the scar will still remain with the person.

In God's shop.

One woman had a dream: God himself was standing behind the counter of the store.

God! Is that really you?” the woman exclaimed with joy.

Yes, it's me, said God.

What can I buy from you?” the woman decided to ask.

You can buy absolutely everything from me, - God answered.

Then please give me happiness, health, success, a lot of money and love.

God smiled at her in response and retired to the back room for everything ordered. After some time, he returned with a small paper box in his hands.

Is that all? - the disappointed woman was surprised.

Yes, that's all, - answered God. - Didn't you know that only seeds are sold in my store?

About bad and good

Two friends were walking through the desert. Tired of the long journey, they argued and one rashly slapped the other. The comrade endured pain and did not say anything in response to the offender. He just wrote in the sand: "Today I received a slap in the face from a friend."

A few more days passed, and they were at the oasis. They began to bathe, and the one who received the slap almost drowned. The first comrade came to the rescue just in time. Then the second carved an inscription on a stone, saying that his best friend saved him from death. Seeing this, the comrade asked him to explain his actions. And the second answered: “I made an inscription in the sand about the offense so that the wind would erase it faster. And about salvation - carved on a stone, so that you never forget about what happened.

Conclusion: This parable about friendship will help you understand that bad things cannot be kept in memory for a long time. But the good deeds of other people should never be forgotten. And one more thing - you need to cherish friends, because in difficult times it is they who often find themselves next to a person.

Lie or tell the truth?

Three boys played in the forest and did not notice how evening had come. They were afraid that they would be punished at home, and began to think what to do. Should I tell my parents the truth or lie?

And here's how it all turned out. The first came up with a story about a wolf that attacked him. His father would be afraid for him, he decided, and forgive him. But at that moment the forester came and said that they did not have any wolves.

The second told his mother that he had come to visit his grandfather. Look - and he himself is on the threshold. Thus, the lies of the first and second boys were revealed, and as a result they were punished twice. First for being guilty, and then for lying. And only the third came home and told everything as it was. His mother made some noise and soon calmed down.

Conclusion: Such parables will prepare you for the fact that lying only complicates the situation. Therefore, in any case, it is better not to come up with excuses and not to hide your guilt in the hope that everything will work out, but to immediately admit to a misconduct. This is the only way to maintain the trust of parents and not feel remorse.

About two wolves

Once an inquisitive grandson asked his grandfather, the leader of the tribe:

Why do bad people appear? To this the elder gave a wise answer. Here's what he said:

There are no bad people in the world. But in every person there are two sides: dark and light. The first is the desire for love, kindness, compassion, mutual understanding. The second symbolizes evil, selfishness, hatred, destruction. Like two wolves, they are constantly fighting each other.

Sure, the boy replied. - And which one of them wins?

It all depends on the person, - finished the grandfather.

The top is always won by the wolf that is fed more.

Conclusion: for much that happens in life, the person is responsible. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all your actions. And wish others only what you wish for yourself.

Who is stronger?

The wind and the sun argued which of them is stronger. Suddenly they see: a passer-by is walking. The wind says: "Now I will tear off his cloak." He blew with all his might, but the passer-by only wrapped himself more tightly in his clothes and continued on his way. Then the sun began to warm up. And the man first lowered his collar, then untied his belt, finally took off his cloak and threw it over his arm.

Conclusion: This is how it happens in our life: with caress and warmth you can achieve more than with screams and force.


A parable about mercy and love for nature.

A flower grew in the field and rejoiced: the sun, light, heat, air, rain, life ... And also the fact that God created it not with nettles or thistles, but in such a way as to please man.
He grew, grew ... And suddenly a boy walked by and plucked it.
Just like that, without even knowing why. Crumpled up and thrown onto the road. The flower became painful, bitter. The boy did not even know that scientists had proven that plants, like people, can feel pain.
But most of all, the flower was offended that it was simply torn off and deprived of sunlight, daytime heat and night coolness, rain, air, life ...
The last thing he thought about was that it was still good that the Lord did not create him with nettles. After all, then the boy would certainly burn his hand.
And he, having known what pain is, did not want so much that at least someone else on earth would be hurt ...

Two tips.

The fox advised the hedgehog to go to the hairdresser.
- Such thorns, - she says, and she licks her lips, - they don’t wear anymore. Now the hairstyle "under the turtle" is in fashion!
The hedgehog listened to the advice and went to the city. It is good that after the fox the owl flew past him.
- Then you should immediately ask yourself to refresh yourself with cucumber lotion and carrot water! “When she found out what was going on,” she said.
- For what? - I did not understand the hedgehog.
- And to make the fox tastier to eat you, it was! the owl explained.

- After all, before that, your thorns interfered with her!
And only then did the hedgehog realize that not every advice, and even more so, not everyone who gives advice, can be trusted!


Parables for children are short and understandable stories that contain wisdom

Parables of the owl Anfisa
Parable for children "How to wean a magpie from stealing"

At the edge of the forest, behind the very oak that rests on the sky with its top, the owl Anfisa lives in a crevice of the rock. Animals go to her every now and then for advice, because there is probably no one wiser than Anfisa!

“Hey, magpie, what is that glittering in your beak?” - The owl asks its neighbor somehow.

“Ky-kysh, ky-ky, ky-ky,” muttered the magpie.

Then she sat down on a branch and carefully placed a tiny ring next to her:

- I say, I stole a trinket from a hare.

Anfisa is watching, and the neighbor is beaming with pleasure.

"When will you stop stealing, you shameless one?" she sighed ominously.

But, the magpie has already caught a cold. She flew off to hide her treasure ... Anfisa thought and thought how to teach the villain a lesson, and then she decided to turn to the bear.

“Listen, Prokop Prokopovich, I have business with you. Take the chest with the stolen "wealth" from the magpie. I noticed a long time ago in which clearing she hides it. Only I can never lift it myself - forty over the years filled it to the eyeballs!

- What should I do with him? - the clubfoot scratched the back of his head.

“Nothing,” Anfisa chuckled, “let her stand in your lair for the time being ...

Less than an hour later, the magpie stirred up the whole forest.

- Guard! Robbed! Villains! she shouted loudly, circling over the clearing.

Here Anfisa says to her:

“Do you see, neighbor, how unpleasant it is to be robbed?

The magpie shyly covered her eyes with a wing, and is silent. And the owl teaches:

Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself.

Since then, forty does not take someone else's. The animals, rejoicing at the things they found, threw such a feast in Prokop Prokopovich’s lair that the clubfoot still cannot drive them out ...

Parable for children "Terrible punishment"

Once a hedgehog came to the owl Anfisa, and began to complain about her beloved son:

- My mischievous one constantly strives to run away alone into the depths of the forest! Oh, you know, Anfisa, how dangerous it is! I have already told him a thousand times that without my father and I not a step out of the nest. Yes, it's all useless...

“So come up with some kind of punishment for him,” the owl advised.

But the hedgehog sighed sadly:

- I can not. He told me that week: “Since you scold me and punish me all the time, it means you don’t love me!”

Anfisa almost fell off the branch from such stupidity. Then she hooted busily several times, and said:

- Go home, hedgehog, and tell your son that everything is now possible for him, and you will not punish him for anything. And when the evening comes, I will come to visit you ...

And so they did. As soon as the first stars lit up in the sky, the owl spread its wings and hurried to the other end of the forest. I flew up to a familiar bush, under which a family of hedgehogs lived, and there so-and-so! The hedgehog fluffed up the thorns from happiness, and happy jumps around the nest. The hedgehog screams, shedding bitter tears. And only dad-hedgehog, as always calmly, reads the newspaper. He already knows - if the owl got down to business, then everything will be fine.

- What are you talking about here? - Anfisa hooted, going up to the hedgehog.

“My mother allows me everything now! - he exclaimed joyfully, - And he will not punish for anything else! Oh, I'm going to conquer the forest now! I’ll go around all the nooks and crannies, I’ll climb under every bush! After all, there are so many interesting things around ... And, I don’t need adults, now I’m my own boss!

The owl tilted its head to one side and thoughtfully stretched:

- Terrible horror, a nightmare ... Worse punishment in the whole wide world can not be found ...

What is this, an owl, - the hedgehog was surprised, - didn’t you understand or something? Now, on the contrary, everything is possible for me!

Anfisa narrowed her huge eyes and said:

- What a fool you are! This is the most terrible punishment - when your parents stop educating you! Heard what happened to the hare, whom mom didn’t punish for lying? The eared one lied so that the whole forest laughs at him, it’s a shame to show his nose from the hole.

The hedgehog became thoughtful, and the owl continues:

“Have you heard about our bear?” Prokop Prokopovich's whole family lives in the city. Both parents and brothers work in the circus - real stars! One of them was not accepted. Do you know how upset he is? And, all just because he did not like to train since childhood. Even shied away from charging. The bear took pity on him and closed her eyes to everything. And now our clubfoot dreams of a circus, but no one takes him there - too clumsy.

Here the hedgehog dad decided to intervene in the conversation:

- It's okay! What happened to the raccoon...

The adults looked at each other meaningfully. The hedgehog, who was even afraid to imagine what happened to the poor raccoon, plaintively asked:

“I don’t need such a terrible punishment!” Let it be better than before...

The owl nodded.

- A wise decision. And remember, hedgehog: whoever parents love is punished. Because they want to save you from trouble!

The hedgehog kissed the resigned son on the nose, and seated the owl at the table. They began to drink tea, and chat about all sorts of trifles. They had so much fun that the hedgehog suddenly thought: “And why did I run away from my parents all the time? Home is so good…”

Parable for children "About the fox and the squirrel"

Everyone in the forest knew that the squirrel was a real craftswoman. If you want, he will make ikebana from dry flowers, but if you want, he will weave a garland from cones. But, one day she thought of making herself beads from acorns. Yes, they turned out so beautiful - you can’t take your eyes off! The squirrel went to show off in front of all the animals. They marvel, they praise the needlewoman ... Only the fox is unhappy.

- What are you, redhead, depressed? the owl Anfisa asks her.

- Yes, the squirrel ruined the mood! - she answers, - He walks here, you know, and boasts! You have to be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing ...

Anfisa didn't say anything to that. She flapped her wings and flew to the stream. There, behind a rotten stump, lived her friend - a spider.

“Help,” the owl says to him, “weave the fox’s cape.”

The spider grumbled for order, and agreed:

“Come back in three days, it will be ready.” I can cobweb even the whole forest, for me some kind of cape is a trifle!

And, true, three days later he showed Anfisa such a marvelous shawl that she was breathtaking with delight! The owl gave the fox a gift, but she cannot believe her happiness:

- It's for me, isn't it? Yes, now I'll be the most beautiful in the forest!

Before Anfisa had time to open her beak, the red-haired cheat threw a shawl over her shoulders, jumped out of the hole, and rushed to brag to everyone in the neighborhood:

“Ah, dear animals, I have a cape, which cannot be found in any forest!” The squirrel is no match for me now with its beads!

So until late at night, the fox walked around friends and acquaintances until she became hoarse. Then an owl approached her and asked:

- Redhead, didn’t you recently teach: “We must be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing?

The fox blinked once, blinked again, but did not know what to answer:

— What is it, Anfisushka?! How am I like this?!

The owl lifted its wing and hooted:

- This, redhead, is a well-known wisdom: if you condemn someone, you will soon commit the same act yourself!

The fox tucked its tail, and whispers:

- I understood everything, Anfisushka ...

Probably true, I understand. Because, no one else heard that the fox would condemn someone. And, the spider has since become a famous fashion designer.

Parable for children "How a firefly wanted to become a beaver"

Owl Anfisa once noticed that the firefly got into the habit of flying to the river in the evenings. She decided to follow him. One day he observes, another ... Ah, the firefly does nothing special: he sits under a tree, but admires the work of a beaver. “All this is strange,” Anfisa thought, but she decided not to pester the firefly with questions. However, a real commotion soon began in the forest.

“Anfisa, what is going on in the world?! - Ladybug was indignant, - Last week, the firefly got some paint somewhere, and painted the same spots on his back as mine! Oh, I don’t need such a relative!

“Just think, it’s news,” the forest bee interrupted the ladybug, “I’m in trouble, so trouble! This firefly of yours asked to join us in the hive. But he doesn’t know how to do anything, and he does more harm than good!

Only Anfisa had time to listen to them, as the fox came running:

“Owl, reason with this stupid firefly!” He demands from the beaver that he take him as an apprentice. Ah, the beaver is angry - he doesn't need helpers. It’s not even an hour, they will fight ...

Anfisa flew to the river, looks, and the firefly sheds burning tears:

“Well, what a stupid creature I am! There is no use for me! Now, if I were a ladybug ... They are beautiful! Or, for example, a bee... They know how to make delicious honey!

“Ah, now what?” Have you decided to become a beaver? the owl laughed.

“Aha,” the firefly sobbed, “have you seen how deftly he carpenters ?! But he doesn't want to teach me anything. He says I won't be able to lift a single log - it's too small.

The owl listened to him, and says:

- Fly to my clearing as it gets dark, I'll show you something interesting.

The firefly of twilight waited, and set off. Arrived, and the owl is already waiting for him.

“Look,” she says to him, “who is hiding in the bushes there?”

A firefly took a closer look - and, however, behind a tree, a squirrel rustles with dry foliage, and is shaking all over with fear.

- Why are you sitting here? the firefly was surprised.

“It’s so dark,” the little squirrel whispers, “so I got lost.”

Then the firefly turned on his flashlight, and commanded:

"Follow me, I'll clear the path for you!"

While he saw off the little squirrel, he also met the little fox. Togo also had to be driven home. And, as he returned to Anfisa, she said to him:

- Well? Do you now understand that everyone has their own purpose? While you were offended that you were born a firefly, there were so many animals around that needed your help!

So the firefly began to patrol the forest at night. And when no one was lost, he flew to the beaver and complained:

“If it wasn’t for my job, I would have helped you build the dam.” Eh, we would have launched such a construction site with you! But, there’s no time for me, friend, there’s no time ... You manage yourself somehow!

Parable for children "Evil Pest"

Some particularly malicious pest has wound up in the forest. Everyone rushed to the owl Anfisa for advice. Please help us to catch this outrageous!

“He pulled out all the carrots from the garden for me,” the hare whimpers, “Ah, it’s too early to pick it!” Hasn't grown yet...

Here the wolf roars:

- Yes, you wait, eared, with your carrots! I have a more serious matter. I was picking berries for a squirrel just now. I scored half a basket, lay down on a hillock to rest, and, apparently, dozed off. I wake up - and, my basket is filled to the top! Here, I think, miracles! I carried the squirrel a treat, and she squealed: “Grey, are you going to poison me or something ?! "Wolf" berries brought! They're poisonous!"

The animals giggle, and the wolf scratches the back of his head:

- I'm embarrassed, owl. The squirrel doesn't want to talk to me now. Help find the one who put these berries in the basket! I'll teach him the mind-reason ...

Suddenly, a cuckoo came out into the middle of the clearing and said offendedly:

- This malicious pest was going to send me into retirement at all! I wake up yesterday, and there is a clock hanging on a nearby tree! Yes, not simple, but with a cuckoo!

Here even the beaver clutched his heart in excitement, and the narrator, switching to a conspiratorial whisper, continued:

- So now she cuckles instead of me, not knowing fatigue! Oh, what do you want me to do? It turns out that no one needs me in the forest anymore?!

Anfisa glanced around at all the animals, and hooted:

Don't worry, I'll find your pest by evening.

And, as soon as everyone dispersed about their business, the owl flew straight to the bear. While the clubfoot was pouring tea into cups, Anfisa said to him:

- Why are you, Prokop Prokopovich, turned into a villain? You prevent a hare from growing carrots, slipped poisonous berries to a wolf. I decided to send the old cuckoo to retirement at all ...

The bear froze.

"How did you know it was me?"

The owl just waved its wing.

- What is there to guess? You weren't the only one at our meeting. So, why are you doing all the nasty things?

The clubfoot thumped on the table, even the samovar jumped up:

- They make it all up! I tried for them ... I just felt sorry for the hare, so I decided to help him harvest. How was I to know that the carrot hadn't grown yet? And, I was specifically looking for "wolf" berries. I thought, since they are wolves, it means that wolves should love them ... So, while the gray one was sleeping, I went around the whole forest with a basket.

Anfisa suddenly became agitated:

“Ah, why did you hang the clock on a tree?” Where did you even get them?

- So this ... Borrowed from the village doctor, - the bear was embarrassed, - They hung on the wall in his bedroom. You understand, Anfisa, I wanted the cuckoo to rest. And then she’s all “coo-coo” and “coo-coo”! Who knew that she would be happy to cuckoo?!

The owl drank her tea and advised:

- You, Prokop Prokopovich, always think. Even if you are going to help someone. After all, there is no virtue without reasoning!

The animals of the bear, of course, were forgiven. But the clock was forced to return. The clumsy, remembering Anfisa's advice, tried to walk through the village on tiptoe so that no one would notice him. And, then last time both the doctor and his wife had to be soldered with valerian. Some timid ones got caught ...

Parable for children "A medal for a woodpecker"

On a fine spring day, a woodpecker flew to the owl Anfisa. He was beaming with joy.

- Give me a medal, my friend!

- For what merit? the owl said calmly.

The woodpecker took out from behind his back a huge scroll, inscribed from top to bottom, and said in a businesslike manner:

- For good deeds! Look at the list I made.

- You can bake a blueberry pie and treat your friends. You can wake up early and help the bees collect nectar. You can go to the river, find a sad frog, and cheer her up.

Then the owl stammered, and hesitantly said:

- You can take the old woman across the road ... Listen, but we don’t have any roads in the forest! Yes, and no old ladies either!

Then the woodpecker began to explain that he had read about the old woman in a book. However, it does not even matter whether they are found in the forest or not. The main thing is to figure out how to do good. For this, he, in fact, expected to receive a medal.

- All right, - the owl agreed, - Let's ask the animals what they think about this.

The woodpecker was pleased. He was sure that no one else could know about good deeds more than him. After all, he made his list all his life. The owl meanwhile flew to the fox.

“Listen, redhead,” she says to her, “what’s wrong with your shed?”

“The old one has become, so he squinted,” the fox sighed.

- So you call the woodpecker. Let him fix it! Anfisa advised.

Then she visited a hare, a squirrel and her hedgehog bosom friend. The owl advised everyone to turn to the woodpecker for help. And, three days later, Anfisa gathered a meeting in the clearing.

- On the agenda, - she solemnly hooted, - the question of awarding a woodpecker with a medal for good deeds!

Then the animals screamed:

- What more! You can't ask him for snow in winter!

“He didn’t want to fix the shed for me,” the fox was indignant.

“And he didn’t help us with the squirrel,” the hare confirmed.

“Ah, he didn’t even talk to me,” the hedgehog admitted with resentment.

The woodpecker was confused, began to make excuses:

- But, I have a list ... I know about all, all, all good deeds in the world ... I even learned them by heart!

The owl explains to him:

“It’s not enough just to know something good. It is imperative that this be done!

The woodpecker grieved that the medal was not given to him. And then I thought: “The owl said correctly. We need to help others." And, he went to exploits - he decided to do everything exactly according to the list. In vain did he compose it, or what? True, grandmothers are not found in the forest. But, if at least one comes across, he will certainly translate it through something!

Natalia Klimova

Reprinting of the material is possible only with the indication of the author of the work and an active link to the Orthodox site

Parables of the owl Anfisa. Parables for children are short and understandable stories that contain wisdom

"How to wean a magpie from stealing"

At the edge of the forest, behind the very oak that rests on the sky with its top, the owl Anfisa lives in a crevice of the rock. Animals go to her every now and then for advice, because there is probably no one wiser than Anfisa!

Hey, magpie, what's that glitter in your beak? - The owl asks its neighbor somehow.

Ky-kysh, ky-ky, ky-ky, - the magpie muttered.

Then she sat down on a branch and carefully placed a tiny ring next to her:

I say, I stole a trinket from a hare.

Anfisa is watching, and the neighbor is beaming with pleasure.

When will you stop stealing, shameless? she sighed ominously.

But, the magpie has already caught a cold. She flew off to hide her treasure ... Anfisa thought and thought how to teach the villain a lesson, and then she decided to turn to the bear.

Listen, Prokop Prokopovich, I have business with you. Take the chest with the stolen "wealth" from the magpie. I noticed a long time ago in which clearing she hides it. Only I can never lift it myself - forty over the years filled it to the eyeballs!

What should I do with him? - the clubfoot scratched the back of his head.

Nothing, - Anfisa chuckled, - let him stand in your lair for the time being ...

Less than an hour later, the magpie stirred up the whole forest.

Guard! Robbed! Villains! she shouted loudly, circling over the clearing.

Here Anfisa says to her:

Do you see, neighbor, how unpleasant it is to be robbed?

The magpie shyly covered her eyes with a wing, and is silent. And the owl teaches:

Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself.

Since then, forty does not take someone else's. The animals, rejoicing at the things they found, threw such a feast in Prokop Prokopovich’s lair that the clubfoot still cannot drive them out ...

"Terrible Punishment"

Once a hedgehog came to the owl Anfisa, and began to complain about her beloved son:

My mischievous one constantly strives to run away alone into the depths of the forest! Oh, you know, Anfisa, how dangerous it is! I have already told him a thousand times that without my father and I not a step out of the nest. Yes, it's all useless...

So come up with some kind of punishment for him, - the owl advised.

But the hedgehog sighed sadly:

I can not. He told me that week: “Since you scold me and punish me all the time, it means you don’t love me!”

Anfisa almost fell off the branch from such stupidity. Then she hooted busily several times, and said:

Go home, hedgehog, and tell your son that everything is now possible for him, and you will not punish him for anything. And when the evening comes, I will come to visit you ...

And so they did. As soon as the first stars lit up in the sky, the owl spread its wings and hurried to the other end of the forest. I flew up to a familiar bush, under which a family of hedgehogs lived, and there so-and-so! The hedgehog fluffed up the thorns from happiness, and happy jumps around the nest. The hedgehog screams, shedding bitter tears. And only dad-hedgehog, as always calmly, reads the newspaper. He already knows - if the owl got down to business, then everything will be fine.

What are you talking about here? - Anfisa hooted, going up to the hedgehog.

My mom allows me to do everything! - He joyfully exclaimed, - And he will not punish for anything else! Oh, I'm going to conquer the forest now! I’ll go around all the nooks and crannies, I’ll climb under every bush! After all, there are so many interesting things around ... And, I don’t need adults, now I’m my own boss!

The owl tilted its head to one side and thoughtfully stretched:

Terrible horror, a nightmarish nightmare... There is no worse punishment in the whole wide world...

What is this, an owl, - the hedgehog was surprised, - didn’t you understand or what? Now, on the contrary, everything is possible for me!

Anfisa narrowed her huge eyes and said:

What a fool you are! This is the most terrible punishment - when your parents stop educating you! Heard what happened to the hare, whom mom didn’t punish for lying? The eared one lied so that the whole forest laughs at him, it’s a shame to show his nose from the hole.

The hedgehog became thoughtful, and the owl continues:

Have you heard about our bear? Prokop Prokopovich's whole family lives in the city. Both parents and brothers work in the circus - real stars! One of them was not accepted. Do you know how upset he is? And, all just because he did not like to train since childhood. Even shied away from charging. The bear took pity on him and closed her eyes to everything. And now our clubfoot dreams of a circus, but no one takes him there - too clumsy.

Here the hedgehog dad decided to intervene in the conversation:

It's okay! What happened to the raccoon...

The adults looked at each other meaningfully. The hedgehog, who was even afraid to imagine what happened to the poor raccoon, plaintively asked:

I do not need such a terrible punishment! Let it be better than before...

The owl nodded.

A wise decision. And remember, hedgehog: whoever parents love is punished. Because they want to save you from trouble!

The hedgehog kissed the resigned son on the nose, and seated the owl at the table. They began to drink tea, and chat about all sorts of trifles. They had so much fun that the hedgehog suddenly thought: “And why did I run away from my parents all the time? Home is so good…”

"About the fox and the squirrel"

Everyone in the forest knew that the squirrel was a real craftswoman. If you want, he will make ikebana from dry flowers, but if you want, he will weave a garland from cones. But, one day she thought of making herself beads from acorns. Yes, they turned out so beautiful - you can’t take your eyes off! The squirrel went to show off in front of all the animals. They marvel, they praise the needlewoman ... Only the fox is unhappy.

What are you, redhead, depressed? the owl Anfisa asks her.

Yes, the squirrel ruined the mood! - she answers, - He walks here, you know, and boasts! You have to be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing ...

Anfisa didn't say anything to that. She flapped her wings and flew to the stream. There, behind a rotten stump, lived her friend - a spider.

Help, - the owl tells him, - to weave a cape for the fox.

The spider grumbled for order, and agreed:

Come back in three days, it will be ready. I can cobweb even the whole forest, for me some kind of cape is a trifle!

And, true, three days later he showed Anfisa such a marvelous shawl that she was breathtaking with delight! The owl gave the fox a gift, but she cannot believe her happiness:

This is for me, right? Yes, now I'll be the most beautiful in the forest!

Before Anfisa had time to open her beak, the red-haired cheat threw a shawl over her shoulders, jumped out of the hole, and rushed to brag to everyone in the neighborhood:

And, dear animals, I have a cape, which cannot be found in any forest! The squirrel is no match for me now with its beads!

So until late at night, the fox walked around friends and acquaintances until she became hoarse. Then an owl approached her and asked:

Redhead, didn’t you recently teach: “We must be more modest! Now, if I had some kind of new thing, I would sit quietly in a mink, but be happy. And, walking through the forest and wondering is the last thing?

The fox blinked once, blinked again, but did not know what to answer:

What is it, Anfisushka?! How am I like this?!

The owl lifted its wing and hooted:

This, redhead, is a well-known wisdom: if you condemn someone, you will soon commit the same act yourself!

The fox tucked its tail, and whispers:

I understood everything, Anfisushka...

Probably true, I understand. Because, no one else heard that the fox would condemn someone. And, the spider has since become a famous fashion designer.

"How a firefly wanted to become a beaver"

Owl Anfisa once noticed that the firefly got into the habit of flying to the river in the evenings. She decided to follow him. One day he observes, another ... Ah, the firefly does nothing special: he sits under a tree, but admires the work of a beaver. “All this is strange,” Anfisa thought, but she decided not to pester the firefly with questions. However, a real commotion soon began in the forest.

Anfisa, what is going on in the world?! - Ladybug was indignant, - Last week, the firefly got some paint somewhere, and painted the same spots on his back as mine! Oh, I don’t need such a relative!

Just think, news, - the forest bee interrupted the ladybug, - Here I have trouble, so trouble! This firefly of yours asked to join us in the hive. But he doesn’t know how to do anything, and he does more harm than good!

Only Anfisa had time to listen to them, as the fox came running:

Owl, reason with this foolish firefly! He demands from the beaver that he take him as an apprentice. Ah, the beaver is angry - he doesn't need helpers. It’s not even an hour, they will fight ...

Anfisa flew to the river, looks, and the firefly sheds burning tears:

Well, what a stupid creature I am! There is no use for me! Now, if I were a ladybug ... They are beautiful! Or, for example, a bee... They know how to make delicious honey!

Ah, now what? Have you decided to become a beaver? the owl laughed.

Yeah, - the firefly sobbed, - have you seen how deftly he carpenters ?! But he doesn't want to teach me anything. He says I won't be able to lift a single log - it's too small.

The owl listened to him, and says:

Fly to my clearing as it gets dark, I'll show you something interesting.

The firefly of twilight waited, and set off. Arrived, and the owl is already waiting for him.

Look, - he says to him, - who is hiding in the bushes there?

A firefly took a closer look - and, however, behind a tree, a squirrel rustles with dry foliage, and is shaking all over with fear.

Why are you sitting here? the firefly was surprised.

It's so dark, - the little squirrel whispers, - so I got lost.

Then the firefly turned on his flashlight, and commanded:

Follow me, I'll clear the path for you!

While he saw off the little squirrel, he also met the little fox. Togo also had to be driven home. And, as he returned to Anfisa, she said to him:

Well? Do you now understand that everyone has their own purpose? While you were offended that you were born a firefly, there were so many animals around that needed your help!

So the firefly began to patrol the forest at night. And when no one was lost, he flew to the beaver and complained:

If it wasn't for my job, I would have helped you build the dam. Eh, we would have launched such a construction site with you! But, there’s no time for me, friend, there’s no time ... You manage yourself somehow!

"Evil Pest"

Some particularly malicious pest has wound up in the forest. Everyone rushed to the owl Anfisa for advice. Please help us to catch this outrageous!

He pulled out all the carrots from the garden for me, - the hare whimpers, - Oh, it’s too early to pick it! Hasn't grown yet...

Here the wolf roars:

Wait a minute, big-eared one, with your carrot! I have a more serious matter. I was picking berries for a squirrel just now. I scored half a basket, lay down on a hillock to rest, and, apparently, dozed off. I wake up - and, my basket is filled to the top! Here, I think, miracles! I carried the squirrel a treat, and she squealed: “Grey, are you going to poison me or something ?! "Wolf" berries brought! They're poisonous!"

The animals giggle, and the wolf scratches the back of his head:

I'm embarrassed, owl. The squirrel doesn't want to talk to me now. Help find the one who put these berries in the basket! I'll teach him the mind-reason ...

Suddenly, a cuckoo came out into the middle of the clearing and said offendedly:

This malicious pest was going to send me into retirement! I wake up yesterday, and there is a clock hanging on a nearby tree! Yes, not simple, but with a cuckoo!

Here even the beaver clutched his heart in excitement, and the narrator, switching to a conspiratorial whisper, continued:

So now she cackles instead of me, not knowing fatigue! Oh, what do you want me to do? It turns out that no one needs me in the forest anymore?!

Anfisa glanced around at all the animals, and hooted:

Do not worry, by the evening I will find your pest.

And, as soon as everyone dispersed about their business, the owl flew straight to the bear. While the clubfoot was pouring tea into cups, Anfisa said to him:

Why are you, Prokop Prokopovich, turning into a villain? You prevent a hare from growing carrots, slipped poisonous berries to a wolf. I decided to send the old cuckoo to retirement at all ...

The bear froze.

How did you know it was me?

The owl just waved its wing.

What is there to guess? You weren't the only one at our meeting. So, why are you doing all the nasty things?

The clubfoot thumped on the table, even the samovar jumped up:

They invent everything! I tried for them ... I just felt sorry for the hare, so I decided to help him harvest. How was I to know that the carrot hadn't grown yet? And, I was specifically looking for "wolf" berries. I thought, since they are wolves, it means that wolves should love them ... So, while the gray one was sleeping, I went around the whole forest with a basket.

Anfisa suddenly became agitated:

Why did you hang your watch on a tree? Where did you even get them?

So this is ... Borrowed from the village doctor, - the bear was embarrassed, - They hung on the wall in his bedroom. You understand, Anfisa, I wanted the cuckoo to rest. And then she’s all “coo-coo” and “coo-coo”! Who knew that she would be happy to cuckoo?!

The owl drank her tea and advised:

You, Prokop Prokopovich, always think. Even if you are going to help someone. After all, there is no virtue without reasoning!

The animals of the bear, of course, were forgiven. But the clock was forced to return. The clumsy, remembering Anfisa's advice, tried to walk through the village on tiptoe - so that no one would notice him. And, then last time both the doctor and his wife had to be soldered with valerian. Some timid ones got caught ...

"Medal for Woodpecker"

On a fine spring day, a woodpecker flew to the owl Anfisa. He was beaming with joy.

Give me, my friend, a medal!

For what merit? the owl said calmly.

The woodpecker took out from behind his back a huge scroll, inscribed from top to bottom, and said in a businesslike manner:

For good deeds! Look at the list I made.

You can bake a blueberry pie and treat your friends. You can wake up early and help the bees collect nectar. You can go to the river, find a sad frog, and cheer her up.

Then the owl stammered, and hesitantly said:

You can take the old woman across the road…Listen, but we don’t have any roads in the forest! Yes, and no old ladies either!

Then the woodpecker began to explain that he had read about the old woman in a book. However, it does not even matter whether they are found in the forest or not. The main thing is to figure out how to do good. For this, he, in fact, expected to receive a medal.

Okay, - the owl agreed, - Let's ask the animals what they think about this.

The woodpecker was pleased. He was sure that no one else could know about good deeds more than him. After all, he made his list all his life. The owl meanwhile flew to the fox.

Listen, redhead, - she says to her, - why is your shed squinting?

The old one has become, so he squinted, - the fox sighed.

So you call the woodpecker. Let him fix it! Anfisa advised.

Then she visited a hare, a squirrel and her hedgehog bosom friend. The owl advised everyone to turn to the woodpecker for help. And, three days later, Anfisa gathered a meeting in the clearing.

On the agenda, - she solemnly hooted, - the question of awarding a woodpecker with a medal for good deeds!

Then the animals screamed:

What more! You can't ask him for snow in winter!

He didn’t want to repair the shed for me, the fox was indignant.

And he didn’t help us with the squirrel, - the hare confirmed.

And, he didn’t even talk to me, - the hedgehog admitted with resentment.

The woodpecker was confused, began to make excuses:

But, I have a list ... I know about all-all-all good deeds in the world ... I even learned them by heart!

The owl explains to him:

It's not enough just to know something good. It is imperative that this be done!

The woodpecker grieved that the medal was not given to him. And then I thought: “The owl said correctly. We need to help others." And, he went to exploits - he decided to do everything exactly according to the list. In vain did he compose it, or what? True, grandmothers are not found in the forest. But, if at least one comes across, he will certainly translate it through something!

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Do not miss witty, wise and instructive parables about friendship. Each of them is a priceless pearl of author's or folk art. And each will make you smile and think about the value of true friendship.

Read short parables about friendship and devotion to end. I promise you won't regret a single minute spent!


An instructive parable about friendship for children. A short story about an angry boy and his father will tell you how important it is to control your anger and not offend your friends.

Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible character. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to drive a nail into the garden wall every time he lost patience and quarreled with someone. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the following weeks, he tried to restrain himself, and the number of hammered nails decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering nails...

At last the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull one nail out of the fence for every day in which he did not lose patience.

Days passed after days, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled all the nails out of the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said:

My son, you have behaved well, but look at those holes in the fence. She will never be the same again. When you quarrel with someone and say things that can hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the interlocutor. You can plunge a knife into a person and then pull it out, but the wound will still remain.

No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound will remain. A mental wound brings as much pain as a physical one. Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their heart to you. Try not to hurt them...

Caesar and the doctor

The amazing parable about Caesar and his devoted doctor will remind you once again: never doubt your friends if your friendship has been tested over the years.

Caesar had the only person and friend he trusted: his doctor. Moreover, if he was ill, he took medicines only when the doctor personally gave him.

Once Caesar was not feeling very well, he received an anonymous note: “Be afraid of your closest friend, your doctor. He wants to poison you!" And after a while the doctor came and gave Caesar the medicine. Caesar handed the received note to his friend and, while he was reading, drank the medicinal mixture to the droplet.

The doctor froze in horror:

Lord, how could you drink what I gave you after you read this?

To which Caesar replied:

Better to die than to doubt your friend!

How many friends does a person need?

How many friends do you think you need to have to feel happy? One, two, maybe dozens? An interesting parable about friendship from Boris Krumer will aptly answer this rhetorical question and help dot the i's.

The student came to the Teacher and asked him:

Master, how many friends should a person have - one or many?

Everything is very simple, - answered the Teacher, - pick me that red apple from the topmost branch.

The student shook his head and replied:

But it hangs very high, Master! I can't get it.

Call a friend, let him help you, - the Master answered.

The student called another student and stood on his shoulders.

I still can't get it, Teacher, - said the upset student.

Don't you have any more friends? the Teacher chuckled.

The student called more friends, who, groaning, began to climb onto each other's shoulders and backs, trying to build a living pyramid. But the apple hung too high, the pyramid crumbled, and the student could not pick the coveted apple.

Then the teacher called him to him:

Well, do you understand how many friends a person needs?

Understood, teacher, - said the student, rubbing his bruised side, - a lot - so that together we could solve any problem.

Yes, - answered the Master, shaking his head sadly, - indeed, you need a lot of friends. So that among all this gathering of gymnasts there would be at least one smart person who would have guessed to bring a ladder!

Most valuable

Have you thought, dear friend, what is the most valuable thing in life? You will find the answer in the following parable about friendship. I'm sure he won't disappoint you.

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.

But as time went on, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute the young man was busy, and he did not have time to remember the past, or even to be with loved ones.

Once he learned that a neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy's deceased father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.

In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago ...

Here are just a small golden box, in which, according to the old man, was kept the most valuable thing for him, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.

However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing the neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.

Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch engraved with "Thank you for the time you spent with me."

And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend.

Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.

Time is slipping away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.