The male voice is your weapon. Arousal in men: signs that he wants you

It is believed that men love low female voices. That's what the statistics say. However, a small survey conducted among my acquaintances suggests that a low voice is different for a low voice. So, despite the obvious advantages of the appearance of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, her voice attracts few people. Moreover, most men would have made their choice not in favor of such a woman precisely because of the unattractive voice. So what should a real woman sound like?
Psychologists believe that a woman's voice can tell a man a lot about her character and personality. This is not always true, but a certain image, nevertheless, develops. What can a woman's voice say to a man?
The low female voice is different. There are women with vocal cord problems or just smoky voices. Such men do not like unequivocally, simply because they sound the same as men. However, if a woman is the owner of a velvet voice, then she can consider herself truly fatal. After all, such a voice speaks of the self-sufficiency, strength and self-confidence of its mistress. It is difficult to possess such a woman, so a hunter wakes up in a man, and he begins to actively pursue her.
Like it very much men so-called "wet" voices. It is impossible to speak loudly and quickly with such a voice; it sounds beautiful only with slow, quiet speech, even with a whisper. This voice is truly feminine, it excites and lulls at the same time.
Also seduce a representative of the strong half of humanity maybe a breathy voice. Such a voice tells a man that he is desirable, that a woman is in a relationship, that she is ready for sensual love. This is a voice with a sexual connotation that cannot be unpleasant for a man.
High female voice adorns not every woman. And not every man is ready to perceive such a voice. Indeed, for many, a subconsciously high voice is associated with youth and immaturity, and therefore unpreparedness for adult relationships. However, if a man is set to communicate with an infantile girl and is ready to take responsibility for her, then a woman with such a voice will evoke only positive emotions in him.
Loud, harsh, staccato voice no one has positive emotions. So, for example, psychologists say that it is precisely children's and women's voices that are distinguished by loudness and sharpness that can cause panic in the crowd. This is how a man perceives a woman with a loud voice. It is impossible to relax with her, you cannot find peace, she does not cause passionate sexual desire. So if you are not too lucky with your voice, you should work on it.

How to develop a voice that will become your faithful companion in conquering a man?

Teachers of speech technique advise doing a few simple exercises in order to develop a beautiful voice.
For a start it's worth work on your body- after all, it is his stiffness that causes the tightness of the vocal cords. Stressed shoulders and neck, poor posture, chronic diseases - all this prevents your voice from breaking out. Do not forget about the importance of physical exercise - daily simple stretching exercises will help you relax the thoracic spine and pressure on the vocal cords. All this will allow your voice to sound softer and more sensual.
Sing! After all, singing not only relieves accent and speech problems (stuttering, for example), but also perfectly releases your true voice. If possible, take a few vocal lessons - an experienced teacher will show you breathing exercises. And do not forget to start every day with a song - this way you “cleanse” the speech apparatus, “wake up” the ligaments and all day you do not have to clear your throat before starting a conversation.
Read aloud good books. Voice the dialogues of lovers, trying to breathe life into them and your understanding of love. Alone with yourself, you will be able to translate into reality your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal voice, of how, in your opinion, a true declaration of love should sound. And only then, having practiced, it will be much easier for you to reproduce all this in reality - including in your own relationships.
Adjust the volume of your own voice. Do not speak too quietly - this is considered a sign of bad tone and disrespect for the interlocutor. At the same time, talking too loudly will alienate your counterpart and will not give you the opportunity to create the necessary intimacy and trust. So you should pay attention to the volume with which your interlocutor is talking and try to adjust to it. However, it is still better for a woman to speak a little quieter than a man, making the conversation pleasant and smooth.

To each his own approach

Each man is unique and requires a separate approach. You are unlikely to be able to charm different men in one way, so take a closer look at your potential companion.
A strong man can please a weak woman It makes sense, because opposites attract. And your voice will help you seem weak - speak quietly, smoothly, making pauses. Do not use obscene language, try not to raise your voice in any situation. A whisper, a quiet iridescent laugh, affectionate words - all this cannot be a truly strong man.
A soft and docile man requires a completely different approach. It is easier for him to feel that he is nearby woman you can trust who can take care and provide support. In this case, it is worth acting in contrast - if he speaks softly and smoothly, a woman needs to be able to clearly articulate her thoughts, not be afraid of specific expressions and power in her voice. All behavior show self-confidence, emotional stability and harmony with the outside world. In a word - do not be afraid to show maternal instinct, this is actually nothing special, because no one forces you to become his real mother, just be ready to meet the needs of a man who is dear to you.
In a word, if you do not want to become a chronic disappointment for your man, or for a man who is deeply sympathetic to you, work on your own voice - let it be a powerful weapon in the matter of seduction.

Answering the question, what are the signs of arousal in a man, any girl will immediately answer that it is an erection. However, how to find out that a guy wants to make love, if you check whether his body is ready "for work and defense" is not possible.

Arousal in men - signs:

  1. The position of the man's body.
  2. physical reactions.

There are non-verbal body signals that will tell you just as well as words if a man wants you. For example, if a guy is interested in you, wants to make love to you, he will begin to copy your actions on a subconscious level, this will manifest itself in repeating your movements, body positions. If the guy, on the contrary, starts playing mirror with you, this is a clear signal that he does not mind taking you to the bedroom.

During a conversation, an excited man will constantly reduce the distance between you, doing this absolutely automatically. In the process of communication, the distances between the bodies will slowly but surely decrease.

The next stage is direct contact - touch. This does not mean that a man will begin to dissolve his hands, allowing himself too much. The cooler your relationship, the less pronounced this stage will be. It can manifest itself in light contact with hands, feet. This is body language that clearly says that a man craves you. Pay attention to such accidents, which, as a rule, are not accidental at all.

In the process of communication, an excited man will not miss the opportunity to give a sign of attention to the object of his desire. If you are sitting at the table, he will fill your glass, serve a snack, and in the case of a warm relationship, he will try to feed you from his hands. The latter is a sure sign that “the client is ready”, take him warm, he will not go anywhere.
An excited man will help you sit on a chair, get up from it. He will give you outerwear and help you put it on. He will do all this not only out of politeness. His masculine nature will tell him that this is an additional opportunity to establish contact, to touch the object of his desire.

Man's body position

When a guy sees an interesting woman for himself, the guy automatically turns on the “macho” mode, he straightens his back, tightens his stomach, thus demonstrating how harmonious he is and all the charms of his manly figure. If the guy is sitting, then he will automatically spread his legs, showing his groin. Spread legs is a gesture of a self-confident male who spotted a worthy female.

If you are standing opposite each other, then pay attention to which direction the toes of his shoes “look”. Deployed to you - it means that you are interesting to him.

physical reactions

Physiologically, the state of excitement is manifested not only in the erect member. A man changes his breathing rate, his voice, his gaze, his pulse quickens, his blood pressure rises. If you see him adjusting his tie, which seems to be choking him, it may not be because it's hot, but because the man is literally burning with the desire to have sex with you. At the same time, follow the voice of the man, his gaze. If he is excited, he will not be able to hide it behind the "mask".

Notice the man's breathing. If he is excited, he will not be able to breathe evenly and calmly as in the normal state. His breathing will change.

Long live the woman who can excite a man just by reading the multiplication table aloud to him!

And if he falls on his knees in front of her at the phrase “seven eight - fifty-six”, then this woman has an exciting voice, a sensual timbre and a seductive manner of speaking.

According to a survey by the National Institute for the Study of Sexuality (USA), 60 percent of men are more excited about the sound of a woman's voice than the words themselves.

It is noticed that high and shrill voices annoy them. Want to give an erotic signal? Speak quietly and in a low voice. Try to pronounce the phrase exactly like this: “Careful, the doors are closing. The next station is Profsoyuznaya. Do you hear how much hidden subtext is now in this simple announcement: both the promise of a future date and affection?

Many people like to sing a song to themselves. At the same time, the throat and body relax and vibrate. Purr a couple of songs, and then, without changing the tonality and timbre, say some trifle like: I boiled laundry, boiled and will always boil! .. True, it seems that this is not about washing powder, but about the beloved man ?

Most of us imagine an exciting voice as husky and breathy. It is completely optional (and even, according to some doctors, harmful) to speak every day, but sometimes it is quite. Put a piece of chocolate on your tongue, run your hand over silk or fur, inhale your favorite perfume. Like? Express your feelings with your voice. The richer and subtler the sensations, the more exciting your voice will sound.

A colleague called you at home - not just like that, on business. Let's apply simple hypnosis to him. First, whatever you do at this moment, never say: "I'm washing the floor" or "arguing with a neighbor." We say: “Hello !., (we lower our voice) ... No, they didn’t interfere (relaxedly) ... I’m still sitting on the couch (sensually!) With a love story. Such heat! (purr), I don’t even feel like getting dressed… (Attention! So he introduced you on the couch half-naked. Good, excellent!) Yes, the meeting will be in the blue hall (timbre, timbre!). By the way, for some reason (embarrassed, lower, quieter) psychologists consider this color so erotic (all this is nonsense, but you had to say the word "erotic") - Yes, good night to you too (purr!), but I'm going to sleep I’m not going yet, I’m going with friends (in a breathy vibrating voice) to watch some movie about striptease ... ”.

Well, we have intrigued the man. The rest of the evening he will think that their strict and serious accountant, it turns out, is a lady so sensual, attractive, well, very seductive!

Appears in the problem how to excite a husband, high breasts, delicate skin, long legs "from the ears" are not needed. Even though men are visual by nature, they can be seduced with their voice. It has been proven and tested in practice that a sexy female voice excites the imagination of a man, drawing vivid images in his mind. Nature has endowed every woman with a special, unique voice. Some have a higher pitch, some lower. The voice of a woman heard for the first time by a man, as well as appearance, lays the primary attitude towards this person.

What voices attract

Men are very fond of a low, even female voice. It should be velvety, soft and seductive. Such a voice leaves a man with a sense of the mystery of a woman. He wants to hear again and again. Aspirated voice on the handset is another option, how to excite a husband. Marilyn Monroe was considered the brightest owner of such a voice at all times. Her voice was like a magnet for men - filled with breath, sensual and sexy.

Reverse effect

Men are terribly repelled by rude female voices. How to excite a husband- to quarrel with a velvet voice. When a woman speaks in a bass, she loses her femininity, even with very spectacular external data. Usually the owner of such a voice also speaks loudly and laughs. Also, men do not like shrill voices. A too thin female voice pierces the male ear, creating an association with the "hysteria" of the person. A squeaky female voice is equivalent to the buzzing of a mosquito; this causes irritation and unwillingness to continue the dialogue with its owner.

How to change voice

How to excite a husband with the help of a voice, if nature did not reward the person with a beautiful voice? You can control your own voice. The voice does not have a single frequency range, just as a person can go from the highest possible high notes to the lowest possible during singing. In order to make a voice attractive, you first need to hear it from the outside. It is best to use a voice recorder for this purpose. For recording, you can read a short poem or give a pre-prepared speech. After listening, it is already possible to identify what is wrong with the voice and what adjustments need to be made to it. You need to listen not only to the voice, but also to how fast the speech is, what volume and intonation.

These points should be well worked on. Men do not like loud voices, but this does not mean that you need to turn down the volume to almost a whisper. It is not very good when a woman speaks very quickly (it is difficult for men to communicate with such women, they simply do not have time to absorb all the information). So, having understood the mistakes, it is necessary to make a second entry and see if much has changed and what is still missing. The more records you get, the better. With the help of a voice recorder, you can finally bring out the perfect voice for yourself with the correct intonation that suits it.


1. making clanking sounds with the tongue;

2. lowing (for several minutes you need to low and at the same time pat yourself on the chest);

3. yawning and forced suppression;

1. In addition to these exercises, you need to sing as often as possible, and not any song, but performers with the most sexy and attractive voices, while trying to imitate the manner of performing the composition.

2. You must constantly monitor your voice, intonation and volume. You need to try to speak evenly, gently, calmly, while diluting the calmness in your voice with emotions that are conveyed by the meaning of the speech. Only constant monitoring will help you get results and make it a habit to speak beautifully and femininely.

About how to charm a man by just talking to him, when and how to be silent, why a woman’s voice should be “lined with velvet” and what voices annoy men, a well-known psychologist told Annetta Orlova who wrote a monograph on the subject.

If our soul is reflected in the eyes, then the voice is a mirror of character. Intonation can color speech with warm shades of joy and self-confidence, or add cold notes of arrogance and selfishness to what has been said. Therefore, not only what you say is important, but also how you sound.

Despite the fact that women love with their ears, the voice of the interlocutor for a man is also important. A pleasant speech melody will not leave the listener indifferent, the timbre of the voice will complement and complete the image.

For different voices...

There is an opinion that a low voice sounds more pleasant and sexier, it seems that the writer also thought so. Brendan Francis Bian. He said that men will always admire a woman whose voice is lined with velvet. Indeed, falling in love with the owner of a deep voice is not difficult, since her speech is saturated with self-sufficiency, strength and confidence. Such a woman looks inaccessible, it is not surprising that the instinct of a hunter wakes up in men and there is a desire to possess her.

Besides, an aspirated voice will help excite a man. Whatever the girl is talking about, the words intertwined with the breath will tell the listener that he is interested in her sexually.

For those with a high voice less fortunate, since piercing notes are often associated with interlocutors with youth and immaturity. But in the event that a man plays the role of a father in a relationship, a girl with a high voice will be an ideal companion for him.

Loud and harsh voice evokes opposite associations. Most often, the owners of such a voice tend to control others, they want to control and command. This option, most likely, is suitable for a man who has forever remained a child, he will feel in a woman with such a voice the support that is so necessary for him.

On the first date

A meek girl can easily charm a strong man, and the melody of her voice will help to emphasize her desire to be protected. On a date, it is better to speak quietly and measuredly., maintain semantic pauses, use adjectives and metaphors, exclude harsh words and phrases. It is also necessary to monitor your facial expressions and gestures, they should complement speech, and not conflict with it. It can be a downcast look, smooth and not too active hand movements. But a woman's voice should not be lifeless. A man's attention will be attracted by light emotionality and freshness in the speech of the interlocutor.

If a woman wants to charm a soft and docile man, then she needs to emphasize her strength. Speech in this case should be clear, clear and even overly emotional, and the look of such an interlocutor should express self-confidence. You definitely don’t need to look at the pattern on the floor in a cafe, as well as fiddling with a napkin during a conversation.

By the way, Patricia Kaas- the owner of a sexy, bewitching voice - gesticulates quite actively and sharply, her gait conflicts with her voice, which breaks the unity of the impression. She is a prime example of how non-verbal communication can clash with the melody of the voice.

In a conversation with a man of dreams, it is important to keep track of time and do not forget about pauses.. It has been proven that a man can listen to the interlocutor's speech for no more than 20 seconds, everything that is said after this time he will either not perceive, or (even worse) will begin to get annoyed. However, compliments uttered in a soft and sexy voice, the man does not get tired of listening.

Anyway, to hook a man, you need to be able not only to speak, but also to listen to him. Embed constructions such as “I understand you”, “I am so interested with you”, “I like listening to your stories” in your speech. In addition, it is necessary to remember the words and phrases that he uses and sometimes pronounce them. And if a man asks: “What was I talking about?”, try to repeat the end of the phrase, he will appreciate how carefully you listened to him.

Uncertain speech is annoying

It is rather difficult for an insecure woman to attract the attention of men, things are even worse if a girl is used to complaining about her life. Naturally, the intonation will immediately reveal all the problems of the mistress of the voice.
For example, drawling sounds, slurred speech or stammering are signs that a woman needs constant care from her companion. It is likely that the first conversation with a man will be the last.

Assertiveness, turning into strong aggression, and masculine notes in the voice women will also cause negative emotions in men, after all, they are looking for tenderness and care in us.

Rapid active speech makes the voice fill with harsh undertones, it is tiring - it is not very pleasant to endure stress for a long time.
A real man will always gravitate towards a soft woman, whose speech and plasticity are soft. If a woman has a low voice, then the whole world is in her pocket.

Working on mistakes: exercises for voice and speech

“If beautiful voices were sold in supermarkets, they would have many buyers. It’s a pity that they haven’t thought of this yet, ”said the magnificent Marlene Dietrich. Can you imagine what a queue would be lined up for a soft, velvety voice? But while there is no such product on the shelves of supermarkets, you can work on your intonation and speech on your own.

The shackled body is a real prison for a soft voice. Therefore, first of all, you need to remove all the clamps, allow your body to open up. The released sexual energy will rise up the spinal column and allow the voice to sound softer and more attractive. They will help to get rid of the shackles of the body, dancing classes: the body will become more flexible, movements - plastic, and the voice is sexier.

Take some vocal lessons, an experienced teacher will show you the basics of correct breathing and remove the clamps that prevent your voice from sounding melodious. Start your day with a good gentle song performed by you and dance to the sound of your own voice!

Intonation helps us to convey the idea to the interlocutor, if we speak monotonously, on one note, the listener will stop perceiving the information. But in this matter, nowhere without training. For practice, take a few minutes and read excerpts from books. Take, for example, Bunin's stories about love, voice the dialogues of the characters with a gentle voice and, with a romantic mood, go out to meet your love now.

From the volume of your voice depends on how the interlocutor will perceive you, so you need to adjust it. Say the numbers from one to ten at different volumes and determine which sound is best for you. But remember that if you are in a noisy place, the volume must be increased, otherwise the interlocutor will regard your quiet speech as disrespectful to himself.

Learn to clearly articulate your thoughts, then you will create the impression of a self-confident woman. Rehearse in front of a mirror, watch your gestures, control them, because fussy hand movements will betray your self-doubt.

Look at how the cat moves(this is the most attractive image for men). Imagine yourself as a catwoman and try to make your gestures just as graceful. Waking up, gently, like a cat, stretch in bed. When preparing breakfast, move like a cat, for example, walk slightly on tiptoe - this will add softness to your body, and therefore your voice. If your voice lacks sexuality, try purring and meowing every morning.