Newborn 8 months. The most frequent problems. Dr. Komarovsky on early development - video

The baby is gaining more independence and independence from adults. Yeah, Mommy can't hold him anymore. After all, the little one crawls well, so he decides where he should go. And your task is to correct its movement along a safe trajectory in time. Do you feel like a traffic police officer on the road or a lifeguard? It's only the beginning…

What should a child be able to do at 8 months

The baby now, clinging to the bars of the crib, rises, falls, gets on all fours. The speed of movement gradually increases, and there he is not far from the first steps. That's when the fun begins. Already now, the eight-month-old miracle is incredibly enjoying trying to walk while holding the hands of an adult. For him, this is still akin to an exciting attraction.

The child gradually improves the pronunciation of favorite sound combinations. He is now also able to whisper his frequently repeated syllables “Yes-yes-yes”, “Ma-ma-ma”, “Ba-ba-ba” in a whisper. When he is awake, he is almost constantly babbling something. Only when he is interested in something, he falls silent, fascinated looking at some little thing. It is better for you to accustom yourself from the very beginning to the idea that silence is not always good, and if the naughty one is quiet in the next room, then it is best to check what kind of thing he got carried away with. After all, sometimes children choose far from the safest items for fun, which parents forgot to remove from the field of view of little researchers.

It becomes more and more interesting to communicate with the baby, learn new exercises and movements: he is able to enthusiastically clap his hands and repeat the simple actions that he remembers. It is especially interesting to observe the easily changing facial expressions of a little man. Take a closer look at him when you call him by name: he listens so carefully to this sound!

The relation of the child to the mother becomes absolutely special. If at six months he simply gave her preference when communicating, now it turns into an incredible affection. When the baby suddenly notices that his mother is leaving, he begins to get nervous and even cry. Yes, and with laying to sleep there may be problems, although before he went to bed with pleasure after all the ritual actions. Now it is painful for him to part with the person closest to him, and such a state can last a whole month. Do not be angry with the little one for the inconvenience: pediatricians believe that such behavior is associated with its increasing independence. The child gradually loses dependence on the mother, and this feeling can provoke psychological discomfort in him.

Physical development of a child at 8 months

Another month is recorded in the history of the family and recorded in the photo album. During this time, the baby gained about 550 g in weight, and grew in length by 2 cm. The respiratory rate is still up to 35 per minute, and 3 heart contractions are made for one inhalation-exhalation.

For children at 8 months of age, certain ranges of values ​​​​are considered standard indicators developed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

For girls, the following are accepted as the norm:

weight - 7.0-9.0 kg;

height - 66.4-71.1 cm;

head circumference - 42.0-44.7 cm.

For boys, the averages are:

weight - 7.7-9.6 kg;

height - 68.4-72.8 cm;

head circumference - 43.3-45.8 cm.

Watch as the baby gradually forms. Don't be too quick to worry if things don't go according to your plan. Pediatricians note cases when the baby did not sit down at 6-7 months, and then at 8-9 immediately rose to his feet. The same thing happens with crawling: some cunning people categorically refuse to move in this way, but they start stomping before others.

However, you should clearly know what a child should be able to do at 8 months in order to navigate the deadlines for the formation of certain skills. If time has already passed, and the baby has not mastered any actions, or has not crossed this step, then you should seek advice from a pediatrician who controls the growth and development of the little one.

So, you need to worry if by the end of the 8th month the baby is still:

- unable to crawl backwards;

- does not strive (or does not succeed) to stand on his legs with the support of his hands;

- cannot take and hold a large button between two fingers (forefinger and thumb);

- not interested in the conversations of adults, does not listen to them.

It is important to pay attention to the posture of the child during sleep. If at rest the arms are bent at the elbows, and the legs are at the knees and pulled up to the stomach, then this is a good reason to urgently contact a neurologist, since this position is typical only up to 2.5 months.

Massage for baby 8 months

At this age, you need to help the baby develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, tummy, buttocks. The load on the skeleton is just beginning to grow - the baby is mastering the vertical position. Ahead, walking, running and a strong muscle corset will be very important for maintaining health and further development. To this end, the learned exercises from among those that a child should be able to do at 8 months should be supplemented with simple massage techniques that can be performed independently without inviting a specialist.

Back and buttocks massage. Ask the child to lie on his tummy. With warm hands, start stroking the back from top to bottom. Then engage in rubbing the muscles, followed by sawing with the ribs of the palms. These techniques must be completed with a new stroke. The next step is tong-like kneading. Perform it, starting from the long muscles of the back and ending on the buttocks. Stroke the reddened skin again several times, then proceed to tingling with tapping. And again, perform soothing, gentle strokes with the surface of the palms. All actions are recommended to be repeated 3 times.

Belly massage. Help the baby roll over on his back and do a few gentle strokes of the tummy from top to bottom. Perform subsequent rubbing with fingertips. After relieving tension with soft strokes, proceed to sawing, which is performed along the rectus abdominis muscles with the ribs of both hands. The next technique is pinching the skin around the navel. Finish the massage session by stroking the rectus muscles. Do not forget that each technique is repeated 3 times.

Breast massage. The procedure promotes the development and strengthening of the muscles of the chest. Leave the little one lying on its back. Start, as usual, with soft strokes with warm palms from the ribs to the shoulders. Then perform the same technique on the area of ​​the intercostal arches. The next step is a vibratory mass, and finally, circular strokes. Receptions repeat 3 times.

During the procedure, talk affectionately with the baby, tell what you are doing. You can even come up with a whole story, and these half an hour will benefit not only in terms of physical development, but also mentally. To make the fairy tale coherent and exciting, select analogy images for each massage technique. For example, stroking - the breeze blows, vibration - the grains crumbled, pinching - the hens came running and pecked those very grains.

Developmental exercises for a child at 8 months

The full development of a child at 8 months occurs in the process of constant communication while the baby is awake. But mom also needs to do household chores, so it is recommended to put baskets or boxes with toys and items for play in each room. Then there will definitely be a minute to quickly do something while the little one is busy researching the contents. For example, in the kitchen, you can put all kinds of spoons, jars, saucepans with lids in such a container. Get ready, of course, for an incredible cacophony. But this is worth some discomfort: the different structure of the materials that make up the objects, the variety of sounds extracted with their help, the dissimilarity of shapes and sizes, give the crumbs a lot of information for processing.

When talking to your son or daughter, you should speak in short phrases, understandable, often repeated words. Comment on everything you do and encourage the baby to repeat after you both names and actions.

Have you forgotten that an eight-year-old toddler should have his own library by this age? Books attracted him a long time ago, 2-3 months ago. But then he was fascinated by the rustle of the pages and he squeezed them with rapture, listening to the sounds he received. And now the child is interested in pictures and mother's reading. Buy for him special books - "crumbs" with thick, cardboard sheets. And there are also wonderful “babies” with washable pages. Combined with bright pictures and simple rhymes - as they say, just what the doctor ordered.

Play with cubes and pyramids more often, stacking their parts on top of each other. True, the destruction of the built turrets is no less exciting for the child.

Fantasize, show the baby everything around, combine toys, periodically removing some and replacing them with others. Then they will not bother him and he will deal with them with renewed enthusiasm.

Don't miss a single opportunity to communicate with your pet! The development of a child at 8 months is so fast that it changes literally by the day. Another month will pass, the little one will become completely different, unlike today.

  1. The most important thing is that a child at 8 months should already be sitting. Perhaps a little uncertainly and only a few minutes, but this skill is required.
  2. He sits down himself. The baby can do this from a supine position, rolling sideways and a little help with the handle. Sometimes the child sits down from a prone position. In this case, he will push off, rise on the handles, moving the body until he sits down.
  3. Some babies stand on their feet, leaning, for example, on the sofa or the back of the crib.
  4. Actively learn to crawl or already know how to do it well.
  5. Particularly mobile babies can take several steps holding on to their mother's or father's hand.
  6. With toys, a child of 8 months already plays on his own for about 10 minutes. Children of all ages, and eight-month-olds and even more so, really like various kinds of boxes, bags that are full of all sorts of little things. Kids love to get all these items.
  7. Given that the baby sits and crawls at eight months, the main field of his activity moves to the floor.

Parents need to secure the entire area around the child. There should be no small objects on the floor that the baby can take into his mouth, swallow or choke on them. All lockers with unsafe contents for the baby must be tightly closed using special devices. All sockets accessible to the child should be covered with plugs, and the protruding corners of the furniture should be covered with bedspreads or in some other way “softened”.

It will be very interesting for the child to roll, rearrange various objects and toys while sitting on the floor. It is also important that he will open a more spacious training ground for action and study.

Behavioral Features

No need to limit the baby outside the arena. Do not lock him up, referring to your busyness and the inability to constantly look after because of your adult affairs. And on the floor you can arrange a "safety island". Knowing the space around him in its entirety, it will subsequently be easier for the child to navigate in the world around him and control his body.

  • in their games with objects, children imitate adults. So, seeing how dad rolls the ball, the baby will strive to do the same. If you show the baby how to knock on the floor with an inflatable hammer, he will repeat this action with pleasure;
  • recognizing the space around and the objects inhabiting it, to the question "where?" the baby will easily point to familiar objects with an easy turn of the head or a finger. Moreover, he will recognize them from completely different angles, which indicates the development of spatial thinking;
  • the development of a child at 8 months already allows him to carry out the simplest commands of his parents. The kid, at the request, gives his hand, demonstrates the game of “patties”, shows how the magpie cooks porridge;
  • a "pinch grip" is formed. Children love to pick up the smallest crumbs from the floor, their table or other horizontal surfaces with their thumb and forefinger. Anything they get this way is very hard to take back. The kid will win back what he has found with unprecedented zeal;
  • some babies recognize their name and, when called, turn around or turn their heads in search of the caller;
  • natural changes also occur in speech development. Babies pronounce the entire set of sounds, repeat many syllables and try to put together the first words. It's all loud and clear;
  • the first self-service skills appear. Children are happy to eat cookies or a crust of bread, holding it tightly in their hands. The cup still needs to be held;
  • seeing themselves in the mirror, babies sincerely rejoice. They touch their reflection with their fingers, kiss;
  • bonding with mother is strengthened. It is very important for a child of 8 months to be near her. The baby may begin to be afraid to be alone or stop walking into the arms of previously familiar people, for example, to an uncle or aunt.

This is explained by the fact that at this time “fears of the eighth month” appear. Children are afraid of new people, new places and are constantly looking for protection from their mother. Parents need to know about this in order not to scold the child, but to understand his behavior and provide attention and protection.

This concept includes the body weight and height of the baby, as well as the volume of his head, chest and other parts of the body.

Let's dwell on the main indicators.

The increase in the second half of the year is no longer as impressive as in the first. For the eighth month, children on average add a little more than 500 grams and grow by one to one and a half centimeters. The body weight of a child at 8 months is 7.5 - 9 kilograms. A more accurate figure depends on the source data. Growth averages 66 - 74 centimeters. Naturally, the boy will be larger than the girl.

Not to mention the teeth. For many parents of eight-month-old babies, this will be a burning topic. It is during this period that children actively acquire teeth. As usual, the central incisors are cut first from below.

Behind them are shown incisors from above. The entire stage of eruption is often accompanied by temperature rises and loosening of the stool. Give your child plenty of water, do not introduce new foods, do not have any vaccinations at this time.

Against the background of reduced local immunity and the fact that the child pulls everything into the mouth, white spots often appear on its mucous membrane and on the tongue. This is stomatitis. Its origin can be either viral (aphthous stomatitis) or fungal (thrush). You don't need to self-medicate. Contact your pediatrician.

The baby eats 5 times a day. Complementary food from pedagogical becomes energy, because the child moves a lot and burns more calories.

Breakfast and lunch are already quite mature. In the morning the baby eats porridge with butter, for lunch he gets chopped with meat.

The second breakfast can be fruit or fruit puree. Homemade compotes, fruit drinks, weak teas are suitable as drinks. Juices, especially purchased ones, should not be abused.

This causes significant damage to the enamel of only erupted teeth. Both cereals and mashed potatoes can already be multicomponent, including previously tried.

The eighth month is suitable for starting the introduction of cottage cheese into the diet and.

Parents of allergic children need to be careful in this matter. If a child is allergic to cow's milk protein or lactose intolerant, a doctor's consultation is necessary before introducing dairy products.

Both the baby and the baby on the mixture in the remaining meals will eat mother's milk or its substitutes. An afternoon snack can be varied with special children's cookies. It just melts in your mouth, completely dissolves in milk. The kid won't choke on them. But know the measure. An excess of simple carbohydrates is fraught with metabolic disorders and obesity.

The baby sleeps most of the day. Night sleep is 10-11 hours. The remaining time is divided between two daytime.

Games with a child at 8 months

In the last decade, the minds of parents and the market for children's stores have simply flooded. The question is, are these toys useful or just another marketing ploy. What toys does a baby need for his development? For a child of 8 months, those objects and games that stimulate his imagination, develop motor skills, and hearing are important.

Various musical instruments are required - maracas, drums, pipes, psaltery. For outdoor activities, balls of various sizes and colors are simply necessary. It is not necessary to conduct classes with a child of 8 months in specialized development centers.

It is enough to be with the child, talk to him, explain, show the surrounding phenomena and objects, read fairy tales, sing songs, let the baby participate in the daily activities of the family and sit at the common table. The development of the baby is complex and constant. And the best educators are the personal example of parents and the environment.

When a baby is born, he does not know how and is fully supported by his parents. Every month the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, explore the world around him, play with rattles.

When a baby is born, he does not know how and is fully supported by his parents. Every month the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, explore the world around him, play with rattles.

It is believed that during the year the child overcomes three stages in development until reaching the age of one. The first - at three months: the baby holds his head confidently, recognizes the voices of his parents. He overcomes the second key milestone in six months: he can be planted, various complementary foods are introduced. And finally, by the age of one, children begin to try to walk on their own, most of the teeth grow.

This parenting approach is wrong.: it is necessary to monitor the development of the child on a monthly basis in order to avoid future consequences. Let's look at the behavior of an eight-month-old baby: how much and how he should eat, the features of physiological and psychological development, and much more. Some children get used to the new world more quickly, others are a little late, so if your baby does not match the calendar at some point, it's not scary.

Physiological features of development

By the eighth month, the child already grows from four to six teeth: in some cases, there is a lag in the development of the child on this basis. The presence of calcium in each organism is individual, so the number of teeth may fluctuate.

Children's sleep in the aggregate still remains in the region of 15 hours: the time intervals of the active state become longer, the child begins to sleep more at night. During the day, the child is advised to put 2 times for two to three hours of sleep, the rest of the time, about 9-11 hours, falls at night.

Indicators of weight and height of children are very individual, at the eighth month of life there is a decrease in weight gain. This is due to increased activity, energy expenditure. Please note that at least a slight gain in body weight is mandatory, but if the baby loses grams, you should contact your pediatrician. Approximately average weight is 8-8.5 kg. More detailed information can be seen in the table.

The spine and bones of the child are already strong by this age, and the baby may try to stand on his feet or knees. An adult should help the baby, showing what actions he needs to perform in order to take the desired position.

Psychological aspects of child development in the eighth month of life

The psychology, in contrast to the physiological development, of babies is basically the same at the age of eight months. Kids learn the world, they give a response, recognize their parents and loved ones.

The eighth month of a child's life can be a test of the strength of the nerves of mom and dad. He begins to manipulate cries and whims If parents do not find the "golden mean" in communicating with the child, he may grow up with a hysterical character. It is important to consistently and calmly explain to the baby what is possible and what is not. It is better to remove all dangerous things from the eyes of the child so as not to tempt him. If he reaches for the forbidden object, try to say “No” to him and take the baby away or remove the forbidden thing. Soon he will learn to understand the negative reaction of his parents.

At this age, the first fears are formed: the child instantly allocates a stranger to him and may cry and be frightened. Over time, with the right reaction of the parents, this fear will pass, and the baby will respond friendly to the guests.

The line of behavior of parents should be the same: it is impossible for the mother to forbid something, and the father, on the contrary, allowed it. At eight months, although the child still does not really talk and moves with difficulty, his character is already beginning to take shape.

What can a child do?

From six months, children begin to sit down, if they have not done it before on their own. At eight months, babies, already in a stable sitting position, can move their arms.: shake toys, grab nearby objects. He uses both his left and right hand equally. The preference for movements with only one hand does not lead to the conclusion that this is his final choice.

Toddlers begin to crawl, some are already able to move around the entire apartment. Particularly active children try to get up on their feet, and the reverse process - to fall on the ass - is harder for them. Therefore, often at night a child's cry can be heard: getting up, the baby does not know how to go back to the crib.

The child can be taught to walk: gently holding first two, then one hand. You should not rush the baby, he must take steps on his own, you just need to create a support.

The eighth month is marked by the formation of spatial perception: he begins to make decisions in difficult situations for himself: to stop on the edge of a bed or sofa, to freeze if a fly flies by.

The child begins to pronounce various sounds, slurred words. Sing simple songs to your baby, consisting of separate syllables, tell tongue twisters. Children's minds are well absorbed by songs on a military theme, they are rhythmic, and they are easy to repeat.

Meals and menu planning

The number of feedings is reduced to 5-6 times a day with four-hour intervals. This is the best time to wean your baby from breastfeeding.: Night feedings should be limited. The same goes for formula fed babies. At 8 months, the mother should gradually move away from night feedings. To speed up and facilitate this process, there are the following recommendations:

Two hours before bedtime, feed the child first with porridge, and then, after taking an evening bath, with the usual portion of milk or mixture;
- During the day, the baby should receive most of the daily volume of food;
- Replacing nightly feedings with water or unsweetened tea.

An eight-month-old child already has teeth, the digestive system is practically formed, so biscuits, pasta, meat and fish fillets are introduced into complementary foods. The share of milk in the diet should not exceed 30% of the daily volume of food consumed.

You can diversify vegetable purees with parsley, dill, lettuce. Set the spices aside until the child grows up. Portions of fruit puree are increased to 100 g per day. Try to cook all the food for the child yourself.

Hygiene procedures

Daily hygiene routines include taking a bath before bed, washing your hands frequently throughout the day, and washing your private parts after a bowel movement. At this age, small children are actively exploring the environment, touching not only their toys, but also things belonging to their parents. In addition, babies crawl on the floor, collecting small particles of dust. Then they begin to put their hands in their mouths, so they should be washed with soap at least once or twice an hour.

In addition to the personal hygiene of the child, it is necessary to make daily wet cleaning, wash all plastic items with laundry soap twice a day. If there are plush and soft toys, they should also be washed periodically.

Evening baths can be turned into a holiday for the child by including various games. One of the simplest is blowing bubbles: if the little one starts to act up in the bathroom, his attention can be diverted by colorful balloons.

At the age of eight months, the child is potty trained.: This process takes more than one day. Parents should be patient and sit the child on his toilet every day. You can turn on the jet of water and accompany it with characteristic sounds and words. So the child will be easier to express their desires at a later age.

Walking on the street is useful for babies of any age: a child of eight months needs a large amount of oxygen, this time the brain cells develop intensively. In addition, children begin to examine the surrounding objects, so when walking with a child, explain to him where the cars, houses, flowers are. You should walk in the morning and in the evening.


At this age, children themselves ask to play with them, while verbally: throw toys out of the crib or playpen, crawling up and stretching their arms towards you.

The child can be offered the following activities:

The game of "Ku-ku";
- use of interactive posters and toys;
- ball game;
- folding a plastic pyramid, first with joint efforts with parents, then the little one will start playing on his own;
- take time to develop fine motor skills, buy wooden toys for your baby (for example, a chain of balls, squares, hearts);
- a game of cubes with painted fruits, vegetables, objects and letters;
- when buying toys, choose items without small parts that a child can tear off;
- you can play with a child without additional attributes; put the baby on your knees, touch him and yourself alternately by the nose, ears, forehead, be sure to pronounce all the words;
- while in the clinic, you can play an interesting game that will reduce the waiting in line; draw different faces on your fingers - with multi-colored felt-tip pens, and, bending each one in turn, show your little one;
- train your baby's memory by showing him numbers and letters and saying them out loud.

An eight-month-old man requires a lot of attention, despite this, you can go about your business while being in the room with him. Let the baby learn to spend time on his own, but at the same time, he must feel loneliness.

Mental abilities, thinking of a person for the most part are formed up to a year after birth. Therefore, every month you need to introduce new educational games, conduct a light daily massage of the baby's fingers and legs, developing fine motor skills. At eight months, a child can begin to be treated like an adult: talk, show and explain how to use various objects.

Your baby is already so old that he can realize how small he is! Yes, somewhere from this age, the child begins to measure the dimensions of objects and intuitively understand what is more and what is less. Of course, you should not set difficult tasks for him, but he will be able to put a large box into a smaller crumb. And also string several rings in order on the pyramid, put a couple of cubes on top of each other, pull the toys out of the bag and put them in it.

Now is the time to pay attention to activities that develop fine motor skills - the fingers of the crumbs are so sensitive that they can do work that was previously considered too thin, for example, removing the lid from the box (mother should help put it back on).

Emotional development of the child 8 months

Communicating with a child, you feel that the baby began to understand you. Simple requests, such as showing a part of their face or body or some familiar object, the child performs without difficulty. Naturally, in order to do all this, you must first learn all these actions together with him. And trained in clapping and blowing a kiss, a baby can shine with his skills at family celebrations, bringing his relatives to delight.

Communication with a child is not one-sided (i.e. you talk, he does). The kid himself is able to make his mother understand what he wants at the moment. He actively gesticulates, points with his finger at the toy that he asks to give him, shares what interested him (for example, grabs his mother by the hand or clothes and tries to direct her in the direction of the impressive phenomenon). The baby is already able to admire! So, for the first time seeing a snowfall, the baby will cling to the window.

A child at 8 months is naturally still very attached to his mother. He gets upset when she leaves, and that's completely normal. In a crowded place, when there are unfamiliar faces around, the baby can take a back seat (most likely it will). Now his characteristic age-related reaction is a wary attitude towards new people. It is absolutely normal when he does not rush into their arms, but prefers to hide behind his mother. Rather, parents should be alerted if the baby at this age is too trusting and friendly with strangers, reacts to them in the same way as to parents. Either the child simply has not yet matured to the proper degree of caution (and each child has an individual rate of emotional development!), Or you are too protective of the baby, creating greenhouse conditions for him, and while he believes that the whole world is as friendly as his mother and dad. If so, it’s not worth debunking these beliefs yet, but it’s still worth letting the child out of your arms at home and letting you fill your own, so necessary, “bumps”.

Even your 8-month-old child, most likely, began to be afraid of sharp sounds - a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a blender, etc. If the baby caught you with a working device in his hands and burst into tears, turn off the equipment and hug the child. Caress, and then show him the device turned off, explain why it is needed. If after turning on the crying resumes, temporarily remove the device from the child's field of vision. Try to use it when the baby is not in the room. These fears are now natural, and very soon the child will outgrow them.

What should a child be able to do at 8 months

  • Repeat simple adult actions, such as clapping your hands, nodding your head to the beat
  • Understand the simplest words of mom, for example: “give me a pen”, “show your nose”, etc.
  • To babble with him only a clear meaning (but he is!)
  • Understand that mom is gone and worry when she has been gone for a long time
  • Separate adults clearly into friends and foes
  • Sit, crawl, and some children - and stand at the support and step over their legs
  • Bite off pieces, chew small pieces
  • when they put him there

Growth and weight standards for children 8 months



head, cm













Physical development of the child at 8 months of age

So, your baby is already sitting, including while walking in a stroller. Another very desirable stage of physical development is crawling. From our mothers we often hear surprised stories, they say, strangely, my children did not crawl at all. Or maybe they were not released in the era of total passion for arenas?

So even before your baby starts getting up in the crib, pull him to the floor and try to get him crawling. Nature will take its toll, and the baby will begin to move. Different children do it in different ways: some sideways, some do it backwards, and some ride, sitting on their buttocks and pushing with their hands. Regardless of the style, crawling is a wonderful exercise for the muscles and coordination of the movements of the child, and therefore will benefit him. In every possible way encourage the crumbs in his successes.

And by the way, don’t worry too much about hygiene: just wash the floor with the usual regularity for your home. The child is no longer so small as to need sterility, and contact with a certain number of microbes is even beneficial for the development of his immunity.

But what you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with is walkers. Such an adaptation unnaturally accelerates events (if the child himself has not yet begun to walk, then his body is not ready for this!). Thus, an inadequate load is given, which can lead to damage to them. Therefore, it is better not to buy such a harmful toy for your baby at all.

But as for the tolokar machines - on the contrary. They are just very useful in the development of coordination of movements, and will please the baby. But, if he is in no hurry to make friends with such a machine - do not worry, postpone the ride until a later time. All children are different, and love for such skating comes to them at different periods of growing up.

Once again, I would like to note that the baby cannot be forcibly "stimulated" to walk, that is, simply put the child on his feet until he begins to do it on his own. As with sitting, walking is a natural skill governed by a child's instincts. (first at the support, and then without it) if and only if his muscles, bones, tendons and vestibular apparatus mature enough for this. Any artificial "acceleration" will harm the child, for example, bones that are not ready for such loads can bend. The same applies to the forcible taking away of support from a baby who is not yet able to stand or, moreover, to step from foot to foot without it. Do not rush things, every healthy child gets up and goes only when his time of full readiness comes.

Young parents, a few months after the birth of the baby, are surprised at how quickly the baby grows. Every month the child begins to do new things, develops rapidly. It is important for moms and dads to know the features of the development of the baby, ways to help the baby, how to learn many new skills.

An important role in the development of a child of eight months is played by proper care, diet, sleep. Follow the special rules recommended by pediatricians, then the child will grow up healthy and smart.

Baby options

On average, in the eighth month, the child gains about 600 grams, grows by two centimeters. The parameters of boys and girls are slightly different from each other, but the difference is small. The weight of a child at 8 months for girls varies between 6.8-8.9 kilograms, for boys - 7.1-9.5 kilograms. The growth of children at eight months is: girls - 64-70.5 centimeters, boys - 65-71.5 centimeters. Many pediatricians insist on measuring the circumference of the head, the numbers must match: boys - 41-45 centimeters, girls - 41-44 centimeters.

When measuring a baby, remember that all babies are individual and develop differently. If the baby is a little different from their peers, do not panic. Strong anxiety is detrimental to the child. To calm the soul, visit a pediatrician, only an experienced specialist will be able to identify developmental defects, if any.

What should a baby be able to do in the eighth month of life

A child at 8 months becomes mobile, sleeps less, the baby changes significantly compared to the first six months of life. Young parents must necessarily know the basics of child development.

Carefully monitor the behavior of the crumbs, notice small successes:

  • some babies begin to crawl at this age, it is difficult to move fully, so the baby's body is low to the ground;
  • smart kids know how to sit, others are actively trying to learn this process;
  • the child begins to actively roll over in different directions. The development of the baby is completely concentrated on physical development; during this period, injuries and bruises cannot be avoided. The movements of the crumbs are awkward, although they believe that this is not so. Be careful, a baby left for a few seconds can roll off any surface;
  • in a crib or stroller, the child can independently rise, bend his knees, holding on to the railing;
  • the baby knows how to independently hold a bottle, a pacifier, if necessary, can pick up a fallen object;
  • if the parents hold the baby under the armpits, he can walk slowly;
  • the child feels genuine interest in everything that happens: throws various objects at the wall, picks up, examines toys;
  • at the age of eight months, the baby actively uses his hands: he carefully examines toys, objects, turns them in his hands, sometimes tastes them;
  • the baby is interested in folding small objects into large ones;
  • vision, hearing of the child are formed, the baby reacts violently to soft sounds. It is undesirable to let the baby sleep in complete silence, such actions will lead to the fact that the child will wake up due to any rustle;
  • in most cases, an eight-month-old baby already has milk teeth. If new tenants in the dentition have not yet appeared, wait up to a year. Heredity plays a big role, some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. Do not worry if you find the following signs: slightly elevated body temperature, non-specific salivation, gums swell, the baby pulls everything into his mouth, the baby rubs his sore cheek against all objects, even a pillow.

Special test

To calm the soul, carry out a few simple manipulations that allow you to identify deviations in the development of the child, pay attention to them in time to prevent serious pathologies:

  • sit with the baby in front of the table, first lay out bright objects on it. The child should be interested in toys, begin to carefully consider them, sort them out with pens;
  • ignore the baby, a normally developing baby will definitely be offended, cry;
  • an 8-month-old baby should roll over from his back to his tummy on his own, especially for an interesting object;
  • if the baby lies on the back, cover the face with a diaper, the child must free himself from it;
  • give the baby a toy in both hands, then offer another item. Normally, the baby will be puzzled at first, then put aside one toy, making room for another;
  • an eight-month-old baby shows a special interest in strangers, fear gradually disappears.

You need to worry only in the following cases:

  • the baby does not react to sounds, does not show any emotions even to the appearance and communication with loved ones;
  • cannot bring various objects to his mouth;
  • the child cannot or does not try to roll over from one side to the other;
  • the child does not follow moving objects;
  • in an upright position does not hold its weight well.

mental development

The child is actively developing not only at the physiological level, the baby goes to a new level on a mental level:

  • understands speech, tries to repeat some words, but awkward sounds are heard by others;
  • knows his name, almost always responds to it;
  • the baby subtly feels the emotions of the parents, understands facial expressions and gestures. If you scold the baby, he is already aware of his guilt;
  • the baby recognizes the next of kin, most of all attached to the mother. In its absence, the baby may burst into tears, not because the source of nutrition has disappeared, due to a break in the emotional connection, a lack of a sense of security. Some children at the age of seven months may develop a fear of separation from their parents;
  • attracts your attention in a peculiar way: grabs by the hair, throws toys, screams for no reason;
  • the incoherent babbling of the crumbs gradually becomes meaningful: the words mom, dad, baba slip through, having many vowels, a simple combination. The child is trying to attract the attention of parents with some syllables;
  • an eight-month-old child is ready to be friends with everyone, but does not show initiative himself;
  • hide and seek teaches the child that hidden things do not disappear, they are simply not visible;
  • do not panic if you notice that the baby often uses his left hand. In the eighth month of life, the left hemisphere develops more than the right. The process is temporary, does not mean that the baby is left-handed;
  • a child at 8 months begins to be afraid of loud sounds, do not turn on household appliances near the baby (hairdryer, washing machine, food processor).

Proper nutrition

At eight months, the child should be able to drink from a cup on his own, during this period it is important to introduce vegetable and fruit purees into the diet. It is allowed to give one-component cereals or buy ready-made, specially prepared for children (they are enriched with powdered milk, butter). Start with peach, apple, plum, prunes, gradually add carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes. The last ingredients are quite heavy for the child's body, combine it with cauliflower, zucchini.

At the end of the month, give the child a yolk. If the first teeth began to appear, give the baby special cookies, they have a positive effect on the growth of teeth.

What to feed a baby at 8 months? Breastfed babies should follow the following diet:

  • 7 hours - about 200 ml of milk;
  • 11 hours - any porridge (150 grams), additionally give fruit, vegetable puree, juice or compote;
  • 15 hours - include vegetable puree (100 grams), meat puree, juice or compote in the baby's diet;
  • 19 hours - 200 grams of breast milk, a special cookie;
  • 23 hours - breast milk (200 grams).

Advice to parents! Regularly change food for the baby, if possible, diversify the baby's diet at 8 months.

Optimal daily routine

The sleep of an eight-month-old baby becomes deep, lasts no more than 11 hours. During the day, the baby should sleep three times a day for one and a half to two hours. The individual duration of sleep depends on the characteristics of the development of the child. Try to constantly adhere to one regimen, over time the child will get used to it and will independently adhere to it.

If you have milk teeth, consult your doctor about caring for them. Be sure to pick up a good brush, paste, regularly clean the baby's cavity from pathogenic bacteria. Healthy milk teeth are the key to an excellent dentition in the future. New foods containing sugar appear in the baby's diet, they can negatively affect fragile enamel.

The intake of boiled water after each meal will help prevent the appearance of caries, the baby cannot yet rinse its mouth on its own. Children's stores sell special "drinkers" for children with two handles. The little man can drink water on his own, holding the container with two handles.

baby vision

Active development has a positive effect on the vision of the crumbs. By the eighth month, the child distinguishes more and more colors and shapes, recognizes objects that are far away. The baby looks at objects of interest from different angles, evaluates the shape, color, distance to the object. Develop your little one's abilities with interesting games.

On the page, read the tips on which stroller is better to choose for a newborn for the winter.

Speech development

An eight-month-old baby still does not know how to speak clearly, but he willingly repeats some syllables, trying to express his thoughts. The child shows his emotions by changing intonation. Many parents note that the crumb to the question “where?” points to familiar objects. For the development of speech, often communicate with the baby, clearly pronounce words, call all objects by name, make accents. Such manipulations will help the child learn to speak faster.

Educational games

Some activities have a positive effect on the baby, occupy him for a long time, help develop the necessary skills:

  • teach your child to clap his hands, wave his hands, point his finger at different objects;
  • get a few small toys (allowed for games for children of seven months), they develop fine motor skills, which has a positive effect on the baby's skills;
  • while walking, the baby probably made friends. Maximize the time of communication with other children, playing in a team accelerates the development of the child.

Eight months is a wonderful age for a baby, the baby recognizes his parents, begins to babble cute words. Communicate regularly with the baby, play educational games. Visit a pediatrician, the doctor will help prevent the appearance of developmental defects, serious pathologies.

Watch an interesting video for parents about the development of an eight-month-old baby: