Normal build. Body types

Every person at least once in his life thought about his external data and would like to change something. Some people dream of losing excess weight, others want to gain weight, and others are not satisfied with their height and body proportions. At the same time, few people know that the human constitution and the features of its changes during life are programmed genetically. Therefore, when starting to work on bringing your figure closer to the ideal one, you need to find out what types of human physique scientists distinguish, and which one you belong to.

Human physique

The human physique is a set of proportions and specific structure of body parts, as well as features of the development of its tissues: muscle, bone and fat. All these parameters are determined during the period of intrauterine development, and further changes in a person are subject to this genetic program. Researchers also identify such a concept as somatotype. This is not only the actual constitutional features of a person’s physique, but also an option for its further change under the influence of external factors. Somatotype is determined as a result of various body measurements. It is characterized by certain metabolic parameters, predisposition to certain diseases and mental characteristics.

Somatotyping techniques

Since ancient times, people have tried to determine the main human body types and classify all people according to this principle. Researchers began to notice that men and women with different somatotypes react to various external factors (age, nutrition, illness) with unequal changes in physique. Currently, there are many classifications of people according to their constitutional type. They are all similar to each other. Let's look at some of them.

Proportions and body types of a person

Body proportions are one of the important indicators of people's physical health. Of course, each person is unique, but over the course of numerous studies and measurements, scientists have determined the average parameters that they usually focus on. If there is a noticeable disproportion between parts of the human body, we can talk about the presence of growth disorders. They can be caused by deviations in the normal functioning of the endocrine system, chromosomal abnormalities. In accordance with proportions, the following human body types are distinguished, the anatomy of which is different:

Mesomorphic type. It includes people whose proportions are close in value to the average parameters. This takes into account gender, age and some other characteristics.

Brachymorphic type. People of this type are strong and muscular, usually short in stature. The transverse dimensions of their body parts prevail over the longitudinal ones. This also applies to internal organs. The lungs, for example, in people of brachymorphic body type are wide, but short. The heart is located almost transversely.

Dolichomorphic type. A person with such a constitution is tall, has long arms and legs. He has a small layer of fat under the skin, and poorly developed muscles. People with a dolichomorphic physique are characterized by a predominance of longitudinal over transverse dimensions.

E. Kretschmer: the relationship between the psyche and physique

In addition to the relationship between body type and a person’s physical health, some researchers have noted the influence of the constitution on the individual’s psyche. Among them we can distinguish the German scientist E. Kretschmer, who classified 3 types of people according to their physique:

Athletic. Such a person has well-developed muscles and is usually tall or medium in height. An athlete has broad shoulders and narrow hips. Kretschmer believed that such people are responsible and good organizers. They always finish what they start and do not like long discussions and red tape. They can become good managers and production workers.

Asthenic. These people are tall, but because of their thinness, they seem even taller than they actually are. They have long limbs, a flat chest, a pale, elongated face, and a long nose. For asthenics, according to Kretschmer, the main type of behavior is a thinker. These are people of mental work with a well-developed imagination. They love to fantasize, read a lot, but cannot organize their activities well.

Picnic. People of this type are short in stature, have a dense physique with a tendency towards obesity. They have a small, wide face and a short and thick neck. People of this type are sociable, they get along well with colleagues, friends, and relatives. They don't like to read. They prefer to get all the information they need from communicating with other people.

W. Sheldon's technique

One of the founders of somatotyping was Professor W. Sheldon. Back in 1940, he suggested that it is necessary to evaluate not the human physique as a whole, but its individual components. Their combination will determine one or another somatotype, which, according to Sheldon, remains unchanged throughout life. The scientist proposed to evaluate the components using a point system ranging from 1 to 7 (minimum and maximum severity, respectively). This should be done by a trained specialist. Sheldon identified three components:

  • endomorphic;
  • ectomorphic;
  • mesomorphic.

For each of them, a certain value is selected, and the resulting triple of numbers is the somatotype of a particular person. Of course, it is rare to find people who have the maximum score for one component and the minimum for the rest. In most cases, researchers observe average values, among which one component still predominates. Based on Sheldon's research, three human body types are distinguished.


People with an ectomorphic body type are thin, tall, and have a small amount of subcutaneous fat. The muscles are poorly developed. Parts of the body are slightly elongated, this is especially evident in the structure of the face and chest. A person with an ectomorphic physique has long arms and legs relative to his body. The more pronounced the ectomorphic trait in a person, the less likely it is that under the influence of any factors he will become overweight.


The constitution of a person with a mesomorphic physique is dominated by bones and muscles. There is little subcutaneous fat. The muscles are well developed, especially in the limbs. Such a person has a broad chest and shoulders.


The main feature of the endomorphic body type is the predominance of the profile dimensions of its various parts over the transverse ones. Such people have a large amount of fat under the skin, some of which is concentrated in the shoulders and hips. The arms and legs are flaccid and have poorly developed muscles. The belly is large and round in shape. Unlike people with ectomorphic or mesomorphic body types, an individual with pronounced endomorphic characteristics is very prone to obesity.

Medical practice

There are many classifications based on a person’s physique. The types and characteristics of constitutional features are similar to each other. In medicine, for example, it is customary to focus on the following classification:

Normosthenic type. It includes people with a proportional body, consistency in the development of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Asthenic type. Such people have a slender, tall body. Their chest dominates the size of their abdomen, and their limbs are longer when compared with their body. The muscles of people of the asthenic type are poorly developed.

Hypersthenic type. Such people differ from normosthenics in their shorter stature, dense build, and predominance of transverse dimensions over longitudinal ones.

Every doctor knows the body types of a person and their effect on the condition of the body. Having assessed a person according to his constitution, it is easier for a specialist to determine a tendency to a particular disease and give recommendations regarding lifestyle and treatment methods.

Body types people have different characteristics of the ratio of fat and muscle. For example, an ectomorph is the same person who “eats and doesn’t get fat.” Typically ectomorphs are tall, thin and wiry. They have thin bones and very little fat. It is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain weight, both due to the fat layer and due to muscles. Even if such a person is able to gain muscle mass, he will still look thin and very fit.

There are three human body types:

  • Endomorph – plump, wide, with a slow metabolism;
  • Mesomorph – muscular, average, good metabolism;
  • Ectomorph – thin and tall, with a fast metabolism.

Body type is innate and cannot be changed. Usually body types are combined; “pure” representatives are rare. The body types of women and men are the same, the only difference is that men have more muscle mass.

A mesomorph, unlike an ectomorph, has developed muscles. It is easy for him to gain muscle mass and fat. The bones of such people are quite thick and dense; mesomorphs make good athletes. Such people are usually of average height and look strong and muscular.

Endomorph is the exact opposite of ectomorph. He gains excess weight very easily because his metabolism is very low. The energy needs of such people are small; the foods they eat are stored in fat deposits. It is not difficult for such people to gain muscle mass, but the body remains loose and soft, since there is a lot of fat. It is important for such people to monitor their diet, as there is a high probability of weight gain.

To determine your physique, you can measure your limbs and convert the length into percentages.

Body type Dimensions of body parts relative to length, %
Length Width
torso legs hands shoulders pelvis
Dolichomorphic (asthenic) 29,5 54 46,5 21,5 16
Mesomorphic (normosthenic type) 31 52 44,5 23 16,5
Brachymorphic (hypersthenic) 33,5 50 42,5 24,5 17,5

It is very important to know your body type to create a physical training schedule and nutrition plan. A diet suitable for an ectomorph is completely unsuitable for an endomorph.

Sizes and parameters do not always depend on body type - at different ages the proportions may be different. During adolescence, the figure is just developing, so you will be able to find out your exact body type after going through this period.

Dimensions Newborns 1 year 4 years 7 years 13 years 17 years 20 years
Leg length 0,24 0,36 0,56 0,68 0,85 0,98 1
Arm length 0,32 0,44 0,54 0,67 0,81 0,97 1
Body length 0,36 0,46 0,6 0,68 0,82 0,92 1
Shoulder width 0,32 0,44 0,58 0,68 0,83 0,93 1
Pelvic width 0,28 0,44 0,6 0,68 0,83 0,93 1


The main problem of ectomorphs is lack of weight, so they should not worry about the amount of food they consume. They have a thin and sinewy body, long limbs. It is just as difficult for them to gain weight as it is for endomorphs to lose it.

To provide the body with the necessary resources, you need to consume at least 3 g of protein per kg of weight; protein foods should make up 30% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. Half of the total calories are allocated to carbohydrates, and the remaining 20% ​​to fats. The number of calories consumed per day is at least 2000-2500 kcal. In order not to disrupt the diet, ectomorphs should eat every 3 hours. Don't overeat and eat half your daily allowance at one time. Also, you should not eat only fast food and sweets.

Important! If you can't meet your daily requirement, supplement it with sports drinks, protein bars and other healthy, highly nutritious foods.

In order not to look too thin, you need to do strength exercises. Cardio exercises will also be useful, but you shouldn’t overdo them - they are aimed exclusively at burning fat mass, which the ectomorph already has little of. For ectomorphs, it will be useful to consume carbohydrate-protein mixtures and keratin before training. Some time after exercise, a snack is necessary to stop the process of catabolism in the muscles.


This species has a dense physique, fat mass predominates over muscle mass. Endomorphs gain fat mass very quickly, so they need to limit fats and carbohydrates in their diet. Proteins are not stored in fat, so they should occupy a special place in the diet of such people.

Excellent sources of protein are:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese (5%, 2%);
  • Egg whites;
  • Boiled chicken breast without skin;
  • Lean turkey;
  • Lean fish.

Carbohydrates cannot be excluded from the diet, but their amount should be moderate. It is best to eat complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, vegetables (except potatoes), legumes, unsweetened fruits and berries. For breakfast, you can indulge in sweet fruits (bananas, mangoes, watermelon), as well as dried fruits and some dietary sweets. In the afternoon, carbohydrates should be exclusively complex - dietary vegetables and cereals.

Of the fats, it is best to give preference to vegetable fats - olive oil and nuts. Nuts are very high in calories, so only a small handful per day is allowed. Meals should be fractional, in small portions. This will speed up your metabolism and help burn fat. It is recommended to stop eating three hours before bedtime. You need to drink 1.5 liters or more of pure water per day.

Products prohibited for endomorphs:

  • Sandwiches (with sausage, cheese, butter, sweet);
  • Fatty dairy products (cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese);
  • Sodas with a lot of sugar (lemonade, energy drinks);
  • Alcohol.

These foods are extremely high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, but low in protein. They are safe for ectomorphs, but very harmful for the figure of endomorphs.

Please note: To lose weight as an endomorph, you need to reduce your caloric intake and increase physical activity. Cardio exercises are very useful - they burn fat without pumping up muscles. Running, swimming, Nordic walking, cycling are suitable.

Nutritionists believe that endomorphs should consume lean white meat as their main source of protein. This will ensure satiety for a long time and discourage the desire to eat something harmful and sweet. Remember that when eating a high-protein diet, you need to eat more fiber to avoid stomach problems.


Mesomorph is an average type for whom it is not so difficult to lose weight, but it is also not difficult for him to build muscle. The main thing is to choose the right type of activity and a good diet. Mesomorphs should not relax - although they have an athletic build and strong muscles, they can still be overweight. You need to eat 3 to 5 times a day. The amount of protein per day should be 60%, fat – 15%, carbohydrates – 25%. You can drink protein shakes after training to get the missing protein.

Interesting! It is very easy for mesomorphs to gain muscle mass, so they should give preference to strength training.

It is not necessary to keep a diet all the time - you can arrange “loading” days for yourself once every couple of weeks or sometimes allow yourself junk food. Losing extra pounds is not at all difficult for this body type, which means that sometimes you can allow yourself some indulgences.

Mesomorph is the best type for playing sports and developing muscles. He has a stocky build, and his muscles respond quickly to stress. With the right training and nutrition regimen, their percentage of fat mass and muscle is in the golden mean. This look can create both a slightly toned and a beautiful athletic body, and maintain this figure without much effort. However, mesomorphs should not relax. Without control of nutrition and training, they will not have a beautiful and sculpted body; even a good constitution will not save them.

Body types in women are variants of the normal human constitution. This means that the constitution determines the appearance and health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your body type, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Variations of the female figure

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine body shape:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, bet. Certain body types have different problem areas, which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Wrist size is an indicator of body type

Sometimes you don’t want to bother or it’s difficult to decide on your own silhouette, but there is an easy way to determine a woman’s body type by just measuring her wrist. The Solovyov index is a parameter that will help you decide on the type. It is equal to the circumference of the wrist in centimeters.

Calculation of the indicator:

  • Less than 15 - asthenic;
  • In zone 15-17 - normosthenic;
  • More than 17 is hypersthenic.

Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

  • According to generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unattractive places: on the back and waist, which forms an untidy and disproportionate image.
  • It is easier for such women to maintain good physical shape, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.

  • Muscle development turns into pure torture for ectomorphs. Since growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty, pumped-up look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, lack pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show is a prime example of this body type.
  • The shortened “upper” part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of “legs from ears”. Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps determine your body type based on your wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to struggle with excess weight. An ectomorph woman can immediately begin strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely undergo an unpleasant but effective “drying” procedure.
  • With possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to “lose” their muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with figure correction. The panacea is a special diet and strength training.

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how fickle youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic (normosthenic) woman is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't appear emaciated or compass women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of fat. Such girls are naturally athletic and sculpted.
  • Mesomorph instantly loses fat reserves if desired and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, their metabolic rate is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and weight rapidly creeps up.

  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one at the bottom, i.e. the legs are not too big, but they are not short either. At the same time, the sizes of the chest, hands and feet are average.
  • Solovyov index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and if you are overweight, it resembles a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of a “wasp waist” is quite acute in this case, because curvy ladies will have to sweat in the gym to achieve the desired shape. Among sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.

Hypersthenic body constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with the hypersthenic type) are precisely those individuals whom sculptors and artists lovingly praised in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are a vivid personification of this type of “body structure”. Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.

  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be a lot of good people and by the fact that men do not throw dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. This variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness prevents such girls from being pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the waist is the same, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.

  • Fat mass predominates over muscle mass.
  • The combination of feminine curves and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if losing weight is successful, the girl’s appearance will turn out to be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is difficult to lose, and for training we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with moderate load and change your diet to low-carbohydrate. Remember that breakdowns and relaxations will lead to an immediate return of lost kilos.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you may have noticed, there is no “bad” or “good” physique, each has its own flavor. But we note that there is a common feature for everyone - beauty and women’s health directly depend on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, no matter what your silhouette is, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will preserve female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of female physique

The genes inherent in a person from birth determine not only his internal qualities, but also the shape and proportions of his physique. The structure of the body can change over time under the influence of nutrition, lifestyle, and physical training. The relationship between body features and body reactions, metabolic processes, and temperament characteristics suggests that the somatotype underlies the assessment and prognosis of a person’s physical development, his ability to maintain his existence in changing conditions of life and environment.

Basic classifications of body types

Various scientists have tried to classify body types based on certain systems:

From a German doctor Kretschmer Somatotype traits are associated with the psychological characteristics of the individual.

  • Asthenic has narrow shoulders, long legs, and is stubborn and ambitious by nature.
  • Picnic- a blurry figure with fat deposits, but a sociable character, a kind heart.
  • Athletics They have a strong build, broad shoulders, and strong muscles. They strive to be the first in everything and take care of their appearance.
  • Dysplastic group– the body is deformed, and the character is secretive and distrustful.

Academician Petlenko identified five types:

  • normosthenic;
  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • graceful;
  • athletic.

Their description is similar to the German Kretschner system.

U Chernorutsky the general features of somatotypes are similar to the previous ones, but he identified 3 body types:

  • hypersthenic,
  • normosthenic
  • hyposthenic.

Professor classification Sheldon adopted by doctors and psychologists. His body types have a different name - endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic. This system is most popular among men involved in physical training.

The muscular body type is a future program for a person’s physical development, which will change the size and shape of the body, but the somatotype will not change - it is genetically determined.

Endomorphic body type, its features.

A plump person with a high percentage of body fat with a short neck and wide hips is a true endomorph. The muscles of such people are often poorly developed, but the folds of fat serve as decoration for the figure, especially in the lower abdomen, buttocks, hips, and sides. And this is an unpleasant result for a sweet tooth, whose metabolic processes in the body are very slow. Extra pounds very quickly settle on an endomorph’s figure, but their rate of muscle mass growth is also accelerated, despite their low energy level.

According to the physical parameters of people of this type, the circumference of the wrist of the working hand is twenty centimeters for men, seventeen for women. Also, according to the Pilier index, subtracting body weight and chest circumference from growth data, endomorphs get less than ten.

But it is possible to make your figure ideal for such a somatotype:

  • Limiting the intake of fast carbohydrates into the body by replacing them with easily digestible proteins is a difficult task, but achievable. Pasta, porridge made from oatmeal, semolina, and pearl barley should be excluded from the diet and replaced with vegetables, whole grains, and unprocessed foods.
  • Regular body workouts will burn fats hidden in the body.
  • It is important for the breakdown of fats to include minerals and vitamins in the body of the endomorph.
  • Morning workouts will strengthen muscle tissue. To create muscle relief, this somatotype needs to lose weight by reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat.
  • The goal of evening training is to increase the physical strength of slow muscle fibers.
  • Jogging and cycling helps the endomorph stay in perfect shape.

Mesomorphic body type, characteristics, development forecast

The normal body type is considered to be a mesomorphic type, in which you can easily lose and gain weight. The main features of the type include the following characteristics:

  • Broad shoulders and chest are combined with a thin waist and narrow hips. For some, the width of the shoulders and hips may be the same.
  • The absence of fat deposits allows you to observe the naturalness and smoothness of the lines of the figure. If there are extra pounds, they are evenly distributed throughout the body.
  • Metabolism in a mesomorph occurs at a rapid pace. It is not difficult for him to build muscle mass, combining the action with rapid fat loss. But the high density of muscle tissue does not allow you to get a thin figure relief.

The diet of this somatotype should be no more than forty-five percent carbohydrates, thirty-five percent proteins, and twenty percent fats. If a mesomorph needs to lose weight, then he will eat seafood containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It is useful to use dishes with turkey, chicken, and lean beef in the menu. Yoghurts without additives, natural smoothies, and unsweetened fruits are ideal for creating a beautiful figure.

Strength training two to three times a week will keep your body and muscles toned. Mesomorphs will achieve a slim and graceful figure through aerobics: jumping rope, hula hoop, exercises in water, power yoga.

It is a varied exercise program that will allow representatives of the somatotype to develop muscles proportionally, without making them massive and dense.

Ectomorphic body type, developmental features

The appearance of ectomorphs is recognizable:

  • Narrow shoulders correspond to the same hips.
  • The development of the bone skeleton is insufficient, this is noticeable along the circumference of the forearm - up to 175 millimeters.
  • The circumference of the wrist of the working hand for women is no more than fifteen centimeters, for men - seventeen. And the Pilier index for ectomorphs is above twenty-five.
  • The limbs are characterized by thinness and the presence of narrow, long muscle bellies.
  • The somatotype is characterized by a high speed of reactions and a predominance of fast muscles.
  • It is difficult for representatives of this type to gain weight because they have a high concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which affects the rate of breakdown of nutrients.

The main goal for this type is weight gain, and carbohydrates are suitable here. What is harmful for others, is beneficial for the ectomorph - pasta, potatoes, baked goods, oatmeal, semolina. Proteins will provide the necessary muscle growth, but to break them down you will have to additionally take pancreatic enzymes.

It is not recommended for this type to burn a lot of energy, so they do not need to get involved in aerobics, swimming, or running. Long workouts with regular training of each muscle group will help shift the biological balance of the body towards the mesomorphic type.

Important to remember!

It is possible to correct the negative aspects of your appearance if you understand what type of physique you are. Many people have a combination of ectomorph or endomorph with mesomorph. It is impossible to change the bone structure of the body, but through hard work you can turn from a thin or plump person into an ideal person with normally developed muscles. It is important to achieve heights in sports, medicine, psychology, having not only a stock of knowledge, but also calculating your capabilities, starting from the characteristics of your body type.

Useful video about the three body types

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Why does the same dress look different on you and your friend, even if the weight and height are the same? It turns out that you just have different types of female figures. The specific body type will depend on the development/structure of various body tissues (muscle, fat, bone), which is largely determined by genetics, although it can be corrected through physical exercise and diet.

All women are beautiful and individual. Each body has its own pros and cons. Therefore, in order to train more effectively, choose the right outfits and look more attractive, you need to know your body type. How to define it? Today we will find out.

The figure is the original physique that was given by your parents (“inheritance,” so to speak), because it is more predetermined by genetics than by lifestyle. Exercise and proper nutrition can only help you maintain your figure, while metabolism, fat distribution and muscle structure are extremely difficult to change without aggressive measures.

There are no ideal body types, but you can get closer to the ideal using various methods - sports and, again, proper nutrition. Although the correct selection of clothing also plays an important role.

On a note! Ideas about the ideal female figure are constantly changing. Thus, in prehistoric times, very large women were considered attractive. In ancient times, the standard of beauty was a slender and graceful woman with long legs and small breasts.

A medieval beauty is, first of all, a mother. Therefore, the ideal figure of that time included a rounded belly, a not very pronounced waist and hips - in a word, nothing feminine. This went on for a long time, but in the twentieth century the idea of ​​an ideal figure changed dramatically. Women with a flat stomach and long slender legs began to be considered beautiful. Then, in fact, the “90/60/90” stereotype appeared. But in reality, it is not so much the individual parameters that are important, but their proportion.

For this reason, they began to classify the typical characteristics of female figures. This classification is based precisely on the proportional ratio of shoulders, waist and hips. To be honest, it is not the only one (read more about other classifications further), but we will still start with the classics. According to tradition, female figures are compared either with vegetables/fruits, or with geometric figures, or with letters of the Latin alphabet.

Why is 90/60/90 the standard for an ideal figure?

How to determine your body type?

Based on the characteristics mentioned above, there are 5 main types of female figures:

  • "apple";
  • "hourglass";
  • "triangle";
  • "rectangle";
  • "inverted triangle"

If you want to find out which type you belong to, you must prepare a measuring tape and take only 3 measurements.

  1. Hips. Determine the volume of your hips at their widest part, making sure that the measuring tape is parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist. Determine its volume by the narrowest part (slightly above the navel), while the stomach cannot be protruded or retracted.
  3. Breast. Determine the volume over a regular bra without a push-up, focusing on the most protruding point. Keep the tape parallel to the floor.

After this, you can begin to evaluate the results obtained.

  1. If the volume of your hips and chest is approximately the same, and your waist is 20-30 cm smaller, then you have an hourglass figure.
  2. If your legs are slender and your stomach, waist and chest stand out the most, then you have an “apple” shape (“circle”).
  3. If the volume of your hips and chest is approximately the same, and your waist does not stand out very much against their background, then you are a real “rectangle”.
  4. If your shoulders look wider than your hips and your chest is larger than your lower body, then you have a T-shaped figure (i.e., an “inverted triangle”).
  5. Finally, if your waist is visible and your chest volume is less than your hip volume, then you are a “pear” (“triangle”).

Now let’s take a closer look at the features of each type of female figure.

No. 1. “Hourglass” (other names: “guitar”, “figure X”, “figure eight”)

The classic body type, the notorious “90/60/90” - this is just about him. Such women are distinguished by equal volume of shoulders and hips, and a clearly defined waist. In a word, the parameters are proportional. Excess fat, if it appears, is distributed over the hips and chest, although this has its drawbacks. Thus, overweight “guitars” may suffer from “ears” (this is also called “full hourglasses”). However, even in this case, the woman does not lose her thin waist.

On a note! The X-shaped figure was considered an ideal during Antiquity. And if you belong to the group of “eights,” then we hasten to please you: the main thing in your case is not to disturb the harmonious proportions of your hips, waist and chest.

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to maintain the harmony of the bottom and top, emphasizing the curves. The good thing about an X-shaped figure is that almost any clothing will suit it., but in order to emphasize the curves of the body as beneficially as possible, we recommend giving preference to:

  • fitted silhouettes;
  • a belt at the waist as an additional accessory;
  • coats, blouses and raincoats with belts and waistbands A home;
  • high-waisted trousers/jeans;
  • dresses and sweaters with a round or V-neck;
  • pencil skirt.

Clothes that are not suitable for this body type:

  • low-rise trousers/jeans;
  • baggy outfits that hide the silhouette;
  • blouses/dresses with low/high waist;
  • straight cut outerwear.

Proper training

To maintain your figure, strength training should be interspersed with cardio training. You can resort to any type of cardiovascular activity (two half-hour sessions per week will be enough).

On a note! The most famous representatives of the “eight” include Monica Bellucci, Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Loren, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian.

No. 2. “Rectangle” (other names: “square”, “banana”, “slender column”, H-shaped figure)

In “rectangles,” as noted earlier, the hips and chest are equal in volume, and the waist is either not expressed at all, or is expressed but weakly (for example, 70 cm with a chest volume of 94 cm). Obviously, this is a more sporty and athletic physique (compared to the same “figure eight”), in addition, it is possible to visually increase the insufficient curve of the waist. Emphasizing the features of the figure in this case is to maintain harmony of the hips and shoulders, visually narrowing the waist. This can be achieved by creating additional volume elsewhere.

When a woman with such a figure gains weight, her silhouette becomes rectangular or O-shaped. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, forming a kind of “life preserver”.

Wardrobe selection

Attention is focused on beautiful legs and waist, while balance is maintained between the lower and upper parts of the body. The best “rectangles” are:

  • capris or classic straight trousers;
  • coat with a belt, fitted outerwear;
  • spaghetti strap tops;
  • jeans or tight-fitting trousers with a low/medium rise;
  • outerwear (including jackets) with a straight shoulder line;
  • A-line skirt;
  • dresses with waistband A home or without straps.

At the same time, those with an H-shaped figure are advised to avoid:

  • oversized or baggy clothes;
  • pencil skirts;
  • outfits that excessively reveal the midriff;
  • leggings;
  • dresses and outerwear of straight styles;
  • turtleneck;
  • tops, T-shirts with a crew neck or sleeveless.

Proper training

To correct such a figure, cardio activity should be minimized, using mainly a stepper. You can create a waist with abdominal exercises and the use of a hula hoop. It is important that the training is intense but short. Each muscle group should receive its own load weekly.

On a note! Famous “rectangles” are: Milla Jovovich, Anna Kournikova, Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Keira Knightley.

No. 3. “Pear” (other names: “triangle”, “spoon”, “trapezoid”, A-shape)

It is rightfully considered the most feminine. Characterized by rounded, lush hips, slightly larger than the shoulders. The stomach is usually flat, and the waist is quite thin.

Often "Pear" women cannot boast of large breasts– they are often flat, but a plastic surgeon, as you know, easily solves such problems. Let us also note that with such a figure, it makes no sense to torment yourself with diets. The A-shaped figure is preserved both with excess weight and with model weight. Therefore, it is better to attract attention to beautiful hands, collarbones or neck, for which you just need to use suitable clothes.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the hips by focusing on the upper body. For this you can use:

  • trapeze coat, fitted outerwear;
  • jeans/trousers that widen at the bottom;
  • any fitted outfits with padded shoulders (jackets, blazers, etc.);
  • dark straight-leg trousers/jeans;
  • tops, blouses and T-shirts (sleeveless, open-shouldered or wide neckline);
  • pencil skirt or a-line skirt.
  • long straight coats, baggy outfits;
  • skirts/trousers with numerous weighting elements (lace, folds, ruffles);
  • turtlenecks, blouses and turtleneck tops;
  • full skirts (including flared ones), trousers with decorative elements on the belt/pockets;
  • massive and bright belts on the hips;
  • tight-fitting trousers (especially light-colored ones).

Proper training

To correct the lower part, you can perform squats (the pace should be moderate), lunges and leg extensions on the machine. Moreover, to achieve better results, squats can be combined in long series (10-15 repetitions).

On a note! Among the celebrities who have this figure are: Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé.

No. 4. “Inverted triangle” (other names: T-shape, “carrot”, Y-shape)

Women with this body type have narrow hips and broad shoulders. Legs are often slimmer and longer than others. Various stylistic techniques can visually enlarge the hips, reduce the shoulders and emphasize the waist. The best option for this is a straight cut, maximum detail on the hips and minimum in the chest area.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the top and bottom, while you should not forget about the waist. The most suitable clothing for this:

  • trapeze coat;
  • A-line skirts with large pockets or pleats;
  • blouses, tops and dresses with square or U-shaped necklines;
  • large thigh straps;
  • low-rise jeans/trousers;
  • tops/dresses with frills below the waist.

At the same time, it is advisable to refuse:

  • long skirts and pencil skirts;
  • straight long coats;
  • straight dark trousers;
  • baggy outerwear;
  • blouses and tops with a wide boat neckline;
  • jackets and blouses with voluminous sleeves;
  • voluminous bright jumpers/sweaters;
  • dresses with false shoulders.

Note! Famous owners of a T-shaped figure are: Angelina Jolie, Katharine McPhee, Demi Moore.

No. 5. “Apple” (other names: O-shape, “oval”, “circle”, “rhombus”)

When compared with other types of female figures, this one is the most disproportionate, but it was precisely these women who were glorified in the paintings of Rubens. The most prominent part of the body of “apples” is the middle, i.e. the stomach and waist. The thighs and legs are relatively thin, as is the loin. If you gain excess weight, fat accumulates in this prominent part. Female body type "apple"

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to “stretch” the figure, emphasize the legs, neckline, and define the waist. For this it is preferable to use:

  • plain outfits with vertical darts;
  • trapeze coat, A-shaped outerwear;
  • outfits with large elements below the hips;
  • V-neck tops/blouses;
  • dresses with A-line silhouettes;
  • jeans/trousers with large pockets and flares.

At the same time, they are definitely not suitable for “apples”:

  • tight skirts and pencils;
  • baggy clothes;
  • skinny jeans/trousers or low-rise;
  • short tops, turtlenecks;
  • outfits with frills, bright prints or decorative details on the stomach/shoulders.

Apple body type: creating a basic wardrobe

Proper training

To lose weight, regular cardio activity is required - for example, on a stepper or treadmill. The waist can be shaped using a hoop and abdominal exercises.

On a note! The most famous “apples”: Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Jones.

Video - Types of female figures

Metabolic typification of female forms

As already noted, the classification presented above is not the only one. Below is another one - by metabolic types. Let's take a closer look at it.

Table. Metabolic body types.

Name, photoShort description
The dominant gland in such women is the pituitary gland. Metabolism in this case is slow and sluggish, fat accumulates well, and fluid is also retained well. Such ladies tend to be overweight since childhood. The type has something in common with the previously described “apple”.
The dominant gland is the thyroid. These women usually have normal weight, and often even have a thin build. This type has something in common with the “rectangle”. Women look “boyish”, have narrow shoulders, small breasts and sharp limbs.
The most feminine type. The dominant activity is of female hormones and ovaries. Somewhat reminiscent of an “hourglass” and a “pear”. Fat tissue is distributed mainly on the buttocks and thighs.
The figure of such women is very similar to a man’s – the shoulders are wide, the hips are narrow. Echoes the “inverted triangle”. The predominant gland is the adrenal gland, which produces androgens.

How to determine your body type based on your wrist?

This is really possible - body type is determined by the wrist in medicine (especially in obstetrics). The size of the wrist indicates the thickness of the woman’s bones in that part of the body. In this regard, the type of figure can be:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

Wrist circumference is an indicator also known as the Solovyov index. In the first case it is less than 15, in the second – over 17, and in the third – from 15 to 17, respectively.

About new types of female figures

Few people know, but recently the female figure has changed so much that scientists had to supplement the usual classification with several new “vegetables.” This is, first of all, "butternut squash". Something similar to an hourglass, but with a wider waist (over 25 cm - about 20-25 cm).

There is another figure "eggplant"– essentially the same “pear”, but the waist is not so pronounced. And finally "broccoli"– a figure type that resembles a “carrot”, but with more voluminous breasts. By the way, thanks to plastic surgery, any “carrot” can quickly turn into “broccoli.”

Video - Choosing a dress depending on your body type

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that any female figure changes over time, not for the better. This is common knowledge. But Japanese scientists have found that age-related changes occur in a certain sequence. It looks something like this.