Dangerous hobbies of teenagers. Can they be stopped? Why do people choose dangerous hobbies? Reasons why teens get into dangerous hobbies

School parent meeting.

Topic: "Dangerous hobbies of modern teenagers."

Speaker: Divoynova N.S. educational psychologist

Roofing- walks on the rooftops.

Roofers are a kind of Carlsons of our time, who are drawn to the roofs with terrible force. Armed with a telephone, roofers are ready to wander around the attics and roofs of urban high-rise buildings for days and take pictures from a height. Roofing deservedly belongs to the most dangerous entertainment for teenagers. Firstly, it is illegal to enter the roof, which means that in which case you will have to pick up the child from the police station. Secondly, you must admit that even the most peaceful entertainment at the height of a five-story (or more) house cannot be called harmless. He slipped his foot, stumbled, was frightened by a loud sound and unsuccessfully stumbled to the side.

Alternative: paragliding with an experienced instructor, classes in a parachute club.

Planking is a trendy flash mob that tempts with its accessibility. Its essence is to lie face down in an unusual place and capture it on a photo or video. Wherever modern plankers lie! On benches and curbs, in malls, on escalators! Despite the absurdity and comical nature of this hobby, it can lead to tragic events. For the sake of spectacular shots, plankers choose the most unusual and extreme places. Photos with a “bar” on the protruding elements of monuments, on rails, on balcony railings and on the edge of the roof walk around the Web. Unfortunately, such recklessness does not always end happily.

Alternative: break dancing, acrobatics, gymnastics.

Hooking - travel outside the passenger compartment of a train or tram (on the roof, on the footboard). You have probably seen how teenagers ride a tram, catching on handrails and other protruding parts. The main danger that awaits hookers is, of course, falling onto the rails under the wheels of a moving train. Hands or feet slip off, the handrail comes off - and everything can end very tragically. Several dozen such accidents are recorded in Russia every year. Also, careless teenagers die from electric shock. Basically, this fate awaits those who like to ride on the roof.

Alternative: any circle or section that can captivate the child and cool his craving for dangerous entertainment.

"Dog high".“Dog high” is a deliberate blocking of oxygen access to the brain in order to get a “high.” Calling a “dog high” a hobby or hobby does not even turn your tongue, but, unfortunately, this clearly suicidal behavior has followers. For many teenagers, addiction to this wild entertainment cost their lives, and someone was prompted to search for stronger and more deadly sources of “intoxication”. Worst of all, this infection is spreading not only among high school students, but also in middle and even elementary school! Children do it in companies and one by one. The average age is from 12 to 19 years. The idea is simple: first, a teenager raises the pressure with frequent (dog-like - hence the name) breathing, after which he "strangles" himself with a rope himself or his comrades do it. Then the rope is removed - and from the rush of blood to the brain, the teenager experiences a feeling of lightness and euphoria. You can understand that a child is hooked on a "dog buzz" by behavior and external changes. Marks on the neck, red whites of the eyes, unusual actions, complaints of headaches - all this can be a signal of trouble. And if in a child’s personal belongings such strange objects as ropes, neckerchiefs, dog leashes suddenly come across, then it’s worth sounding the alarm!

extreme selfie. A selfie is a photograph of oneself taken with a smartphone and posted on social networks. Extreme selfies are taken by people who put themselves in danger for the sake of a “good” photo.

Alternative: invite your child to participate in online photo contests where you need to take a photo of natural phenomena, wildlife, professions in the frame, etc.

2. Attracting the attention of criminals. In social networks, children and teenagers talk about everything that happens in their lives. By statuses and photos alone, you can find out where and when the child is, his family members, when he is left alone, when the apartment is unattended.

3. Cyberbullying.

4. Availability of content 18+

5. The formed dependence on social networks entails problems with concentration, memory impairment, fatigue, vision problems and much more.
6. Promotion of suicide. Joining the "groups of death" can end in tragedy.

What caused the obsession with extreme hobbies?

1. Circle of friends. If the child's friends are into risky activities, then it is likely that the son or daughter will also follow the "herd instinct" to keep up with their friends.

2. The need for independence and freedom of action. If parents constantly control every movement of their children, then children will engage in extreme sports from a sense of integrity, trying to defend their right to freedom of action.

3. Lack of attention from parents. The opposite situation, seeing the lack of attention to his person, the child will demonstrate himself to others, trying to impress with his dexterity and risky courage.

4. Resentment against the parent and the desire to take revenge. The meaning of bad behavior in this case can be expressed as follows: “You did me badly - let it be bad for you too!”.

5. Teenagers may enjoy the sensations that come with the release of adrenaline because it is physiologically pleasurable.

What advice can you give to parents so that their children do not get carried away with dangerous hobbies and do not become addicted to social networks? I want to tell you one story from the life of our school. On the eve of Teacher's Day, we launched a questionnaire among students with the question: What should a modern teacher be like? To my great surprise, I did not receive answers kind, beautiful, able to forgive, but KNOWING to listen, understanding, attentive to children's problems, wrote every second student !!! What does it say? The fact that children NEED attention, WANT to be heard, READY to trust. And if they are ready to trust us - teachers, then how can they not come to their parents for advice. But they can, if parents have no time, if they are not interested in their child's friends, hobbies, interests, and so on. THEREFORE, the main advice is very simple. Be attentive to your children. Know where they spend their free time and who they spend it with. And in order to have fewer thoughts about stupid things, the child, as much as possible of his time, should be occupied in sections, circles, and household chores.

1. General Provisions

1.1. In order to maintain business reputation and ensure compliance with the norms of federal legislation, the FSAI GNII ITT Informika (hereinafter referred to as the Company) considers it the most important task to ensure the legitimacy of the processing and security of personal data of subjects in the Company's business processes.

1.2. To solve this problem, the Company has introduced, operates and undergoes periodic review (control) of the personal data protection system.

1.3. The processing of personal data in the Company is based on the following principles:

The legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data and good faith;

Compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes predetermined and declared during the collection of personal data, as well as the powers of the Company;

Compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data;

Reliability of personal data, their relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, inadmissibility of processing excessive in relation to the purposes of collecting personal data;

Legitimacy of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data;

Continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of the Company's employees in the field of ensuring the security of personal data during their processing;

Striving for continuous improvement of the personal data protection system.

2. Purposes of personal data processing

2.1. In accordance with the principles of personal data processing, the Company defines the composition and purposes of processing.

Purposes of personal data processing:

Conclusion, support, amendment, termination of labor contracts, which are the basis for the emergence or termination of labor relations between the Company and its employees;

Providing a portal, personal account services for students, parents and teachers;

Storage of learning outcomes;

Fulfillment of obligations stipulated by federal legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

3. Rules for the processing of personal data

3.1. The Company processes only those personal data that are presented in the approved List of personal data processed in the FSAI GNII ITT "Informika"

3.2. The Company does not allow the processing of the following categories of personal data:


Political Views;

Philosophical beliefs;

About the state of health;

The state of intimate life;


Religious beliefs.

3.3. The Company does not process biometric personal data (information that characterizes the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, on the basis of which it is possible to establish his identity).

3.4. The Company does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data (transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to an authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity).

3.5. The Company prohibits making decisions regarding personal data subjects based solely on automated processing of their personal data.

3.6. The Company does not process data on criminal records of subjects.

3.7. The Company does not place the subject's personal data in public sources without his prior consent.

4. Implemented requirements for ensuring the security of personal data

4.1. In order to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, the Company implements the requirements of the following regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data:

Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 N 1119 "On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of the processing of personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 "On approval of the Composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems";

Basic model of personal data security threats during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining actual threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

4.2. The Company assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects and determines threats to the security of personal data. In accordance with the identified actual threats, the Company applies the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures, including the use of information security tools, the detection of unauthorized access, the recovery of personal data, the establishment of rules for access to personal data, as well as monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the measures taken.

4.3. The Company has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring that both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, and justified in terms of risk assessment for business, the level of security of personal data processed as part of the Company's core business.

Some extreme activities can become useful to some extent, but only if safety precautions are observed and an experienced mentor supervises the training. But often teenagers are so self-confident that they openly play with death. Whatever reasons push the guys to take risks, at best, they end up in the hospital, at worst, they become disabled or die. However, this does not stop fans of adrenaline. And they come up with new ways to tickle their nerves: they go underground, climb rooftops, jump from heights and ride electric trains.


Roofing - walks on the roofs.

Roofers are a kind of Carlsons of our time, who are drawn to the roofs with terrible force. Armed with a camera or an ordinary camera phone, roofers are ready to wander around the attics and roofs of city high-rise buildings for days and take pictures from a height. Here they allegedly seek beauty, peace and inspiration. But roofing deservedly belongs to the most dangerous entertainment for teenagers. Firstly, penetration on the roof is illegal, which means that in which case you will have to pick up the child from the police station. Secondly, even the most peaceful entertainment at the height of a five-story (or more) house cannot be called harmless. He slipped his leg, stumbled, was frightened by a loud sound and unsuccessfully stumbled to the side ... It's better not to take risks and discuss a dangerous hobby with a teenager in advance.

Alternative: paragliding, hot air balloon or airplane flight with an experienced instructor.


Skywalking - conquering the highest points in the city without special equipment.

Skywalkers, like roofers, love heights. Even the name of this hobby literally translates as "walking in the sky." Skywalkers climb the highest objects: skyscraper roofs, towers, bridges. They need this in order to take cool photos and enjoy the feeling of freedom and flight. It is this feeling - and, of course, the desire to impress their peers - that makes desperate young people climb to a height of several hundred meters without insurance and equipment. Needless to say, how dangerous such climbs are and what risks teenagers expose themselves to?

Alternative: hot air ballooning, rock climbing, skydiving with an instructor


Digging - descent and study of underground communications (metro mines, bomb shelters, and so on)

Someone considers diggers to be modern archaeologists and treasure seekers. However, unfortunately, for the most part, modern teenagers climb into the dungeons not out of love for history and archeology. The guys do not have enough adrenaline, and in front of their comrades they want to “show off”. Subways, bomb shelters and mines attract reckless teenagers like a magnet. This is a real thriller with the effect of presence! And recently, digging has completely reached a new level: now you can book a tour of the city dungeons. An experienced digger guides thrill-seekers along relatively safe paths to feel all the dark charm of the dungeons. But even with him, no one is immune from collapses, and it is not always possible to trust such guides - it is very easy to get lost in such places. Once such a "walk" almost ended in tragedy: the guides left their clients in the dungeons and disappeared.

Alternative: study of history, a trip to the archaeological camp.


Stalking - visiting and exploring abandoned places.

Not far from the diggers, the so-called stalkers left. The “romance” of abandoned places is also close to them, but, unlike diggers, they also visit ground-based locations: unfinished buildings, remote villages, idle factories.

Inspired by a computer game (S.T.A.L.K.E.R) and a thirst for adventure, teenagers often climb into places where they shouldn't go. Military warehouses, closed facilities, industrial enterprises... A person who got there illegally becomes a delinquent. Some especially crazy teenagers even make their way to the territory of the Chernobyl zone. Needless to say, how risky it is to be there?

However, young stalkers have enough dangers in public places - from dilapidated structures ready to collapse under the slightest weight, to homeless people and stray dogs.

Alternative: tourist trips - hiking and kayaking, studying history.

MIA "Russia Today"


Hooking - travel outside the passenger compartment of an electric train or tram (on the roof, on the footboard).

You have probably seen how teenagers ride the train, clinging to the handrails and other protruding parts of the train. These are hookers - reckless guys who, for various reasons, prefer to ride outside rather than inside.

This extreme hobby arose at the beginning of the last century, when people were forced to travel outside the passenger compartment of the train because of the need: overcrowded trams and trains, as well as high ticket prices, turned ordinary people into hookers. Now the situation has changed, but teenagers stubbornly try their luck, clinging to the protruding parts of the train, climbing onto the steps and even onto the roof.

The main danger that awaits hookers is, of course, falling onto the rails under the wheels of a moving train. Hands or feet slip off, the handrail comes off - and everything can end very tragically. Several dozen such accidents are recorded in Russia every year. Also, careless teenagers die from electric shock. Basically, this fate awaits those who like to ride on the roof.

Alternative: any circle or section that can captivate a child and cool his craving for dangerous entertainment.


Planking is a trendy flash mob that tempts with its accessibility. Its essence is to lie face down in an unusual place and capture it on a photo or video.

Lie down face down, stretch your arms at your sides, let a friend take a picture of you and put it on the Internet - congratulations, you are a planker!

England can be considered the birthplace of planking, but he came to Russia from Australia, where this hobby is very popular. There are many names for planking: “parkour for the lazy”, “play dead”, “on the stomach”.

Wherever modern plankers lie! On the laps of friends, on benches and curbs, in malls and even in police stations! But despite the absurdity and comical nature of this hobby, it can lead to tragic events. For the sake of spectacular shots, plankers choose the most unusual and extreme places. Photos with a “bar” on handrails in the subway, on protruding elements of monuments and on rails are walking around the Web.

There were cases when extreme people, wanting to impress the audience, were located on the balcony railings and on the edge of the roof. Unfortunately, such recklessness does not always end happily.


baseclimbing and basejumping

Baseklumbing - climbing to a great height without insurance.

Base jumping - jumping from a height of several hundred meters with a special parachute.

Do you think no one will risk their lives without extreme need? Baseclumbers refute this claim. Their hobby is climbing sheer walls and bridges without safety net. No less extreme entertainment was invented by base jumpers - they jump with a special parachute from sheer cliffs and other hills.

The main difference between base jumping and parachuting is the height from which the jump is made. The base jumper has much less time to open the parachute and group the body in flight, so the risk of making a mistake, getting tangled in the lines or not having time to open the parachute is greater.

Worst of all, base jumping in Russia is widespread only at the philistine level - there are almost no specialized schools. The basic rules are passed from mouth to mouth, which means that the entire success of a base jump depends not only on the ability of the “student”, but also on whether he is lucky with the “teacher”.

Alternative: paragliding, skydiving under the guidance of an experienced instructor.


Parkour - "rational" movement and overcoming obstacles in the way (walls, stairs, and so on). It combines many rather complex and dangerous tricks: somersaults, jumps with support on hands.

The progenitor of acrostreet - the famous parkour - is one of the most popular hobbies of modern youth. But, despite the many dangerous elements and tricks that parkour involves, this hobby cannot be called absolutely harmful.

Just like acrostreet enthusiasts, tracers (people involved in parkour) spend a lot of time in gyms and on training grounds, developing endurance and honing dexterity. Over time, they become much stronger and more athletic than their peers, who prefer safe hobbies like computer games and street parties. However, parental concern for a tracer child is justified.

Parkour is a traumatic and dangerous sport, especially if a teenager is experimenting alone or with amateur friends. It is impossible to meet a parkour player who does not have a single fracture or sprain. The most common injuries are: broken fingers and wrists, tendon rupture, damage to the legs, heels and collarbones.

Fortunately, there are few deaths among tracers, and they are mainly associated with excessive ambitions of teenagers. Teenagers want "everything at once" and, after watching videos with the tricks of professionals, they rush to repeat them without prior preparation. This problem can be solved: now there are many schools where experienced trainers teach teenagers parkour - correct and relatively safe.

Alternative: dancing, athletics, gymnastics.

"Dog High"

"Dog high" is the intentional blocking of oxygen supply to the brain in order to get a "high".

Calling a “dog buzz” a hobby or a hobby is not even easy, but, unfortunately, this clearly suicidal behavior has followers. For many teenagers, addiction to this wild entertainment cost their lives, and someone was prompted to search for stronger and more deadly sources of “intoxication”. Worst of all, this infection is spreading not only among high school students, but also in middle and even elementary school! The game on the verge of life and death is common both in boarding schools and in quite prosperous schools. Children do it in companies and one by one. The average age is from 12 to 19 years.

The idea is simple: first, a teenager raises the pressure with frequent (dog-like - hence the name) breathing, after which he “strangles” himself with a rope himself or his comrades do it. Then the rope is removed - and from the rush of blood to the brain, the teenager experiences a feeling of lightness and euphoria.

You can understand that a child is hooked on a "dog buzz" by behavior and external changes. Marks on the neck, red whites of the eyes, unusual actions, complaints of headaches - all this can be a signal of trouble. And if in the personal belongings of a child such strange objects as ropes, scarves, dog leashes suddenly come across, then it is worth sounding the alarm!

Alternative: explain that pleasure can and should be obtained in safe and legal ways, and captivate the child with interesting and useful hobbies (dancing, sports, drawing, and so on).

When we are young, sometimes we miss the thrill! In order for adrenaline to boil in the blood and then to have something to remember, there are many ways. But not everyone dares to go to the mountains or "hot spots". After all, there are plenty of extreme entertainments in the metropolis. Only they are no less dangerous to life and health. Here are the most popular ones.


The passion for catching came to Russia from the West. Every year, dozens of teenagers and young people die after deciding to ride on the roofs of buses, trams and trains. It is considered a special prowess to run along the roof while moving, jump from car to car and hang in the air at the turn, holding the edge of the roof with your hand.

In 2011, the corpses of 19-year-old students Viktor and Ivan were found in the Filevskaya Line tunnel of the Moscow Metro. The guys often rode couplings between cars, filmed these stories on their phones and posted them on the Web. At the next attempt to be photographed on the roof of the Rusich car, they received craniocerebral injuries incompatible with life.

Recently, 18-year-old Anna Ursu and her friend decided to take a selfie together on the roof of a train. To heighten the effect, Anna also decided to lift her leg up ... The leg touched a power line, and the girl received a current discharge with a power of 27,000 watts. She died from burns that covered more than half of her body ...

If an accident occurs, the hook literally turns into a mess. But, even seeing what tragedies happen to their comrades, the hookers do not give up their passion. Perhaps it will carry over, but how much drive!


Their goal is to climb to great heights - say, on a crane or the roof of a high-rise building. Most often, these are objects where it is not easy to get into, for example, locked or carefully guarded, and there is no access for "mere mortals" there. This is where the "trick" lies.

Some roofers take professional "bird's eye" photos and videos. But in most cases, fans of this hobby are not even interested in the landscape - the very fact of "climbing" is important for them.

Of course, this type of extreme is less dangerous than the same hook, but there are also plenty of cases ending in a fall, injury and death. Indeed, in such places there is often no insurance.


In Europe and the USA, this is called the beautiful word parkour. The essence of parkour is to overcome obstacles. And there are enough of them in any city. Parkour is already a step towards professionalism, because in order to overcome the "obstacle course", you need to learn how to perform various tricks. It's not easy for you to climb onto the roof of a multi-storey building or a wagon!

Parkour is officially recognized worldwide as a sport. According to the leader of the world parkour movement David Bell, this helps to develop strength and agility, which will be very useful in an emergency. For example, a person who knows how to perform tricks will be able to save his life and the lives of other people ...

Parkour competitions are held, where the most difficult tricks are performed without insurance. However, athletes rarely get serious injuries due to the fact that they train regularly. It is clear that no one will allow a beginner to compete.

By the way, tracers often become professional stuntmen. In France, parkour is a mandatory part of the training program for the military, police and firefighters. And in English schools, individual elements of parkour are taught in physical education classes.

In Russia, one of the most famous tracers is Sergey Valyaev from the Moscow indie band Biting Elbows. In an interview, he says that he "fell ill" with parkour after seeing the masterful performance of tricks in one of the TV spots. In his own clips of Insane Office Escape and Bad Motherfucker, Sergey performed almost all the stunts on his own. Recently, Valyaev became the operator and co-producer of the film "Hardcore" by Ilya Naishuller and Timur Bekmambetov.

A dozen years ago, Russian tracers could only afford to train on the street, as a result of which they were often looked at with caution and, of course, were not perceived as full-fledged athletes. Today the situation has changed.

And yet, parkour remains primarily an extreme sport, in which the main element of risk is.

Surfing on big waves. Certainly an exciting activity that requires great skill from the surfer. The biggest waves can reach from six to fifteen meters in height. The result is about 10 deaths per year.

Skydiving. Skydiving is said to fill your veins with adrenaline like no other sport. Perhaps it is true, since the danger is very great even with a working parachute - people lose consciousness in the air or collide with each other. On average, about 20 people die per year.

Rock climbing. People love to climb mountains, but if you do this without training and equipment, it won't last long and end your life at the foot. Every year, 25 people die from falls (we are talking about breakdowns, and not about mountain sickness and other dangers that await a climber - a couple of hundred will be typed with them).

Base jumping, skydiving from fixed objects. A much more dangerous sport than traditional skydiving, as evidenced by the numbers - in 2137 jumps, one becomes fatal. About 100 deaths a year.

On Earth, there is much more water than land - and it is not surprising if many people want to explore the seas on their own. However, diving is strictly contraindicated for a number of diseases, as well as for overwork, a hangover, or even severe nervous excitement. These rules are often ignored - which leads to 150 deaths a year.

Piloting. It would seem, how many people can have their own planes to use for a hobby? Oddly enough, a sufficient number. When flying a plane, the slightest mistake is enough to crash - and this happens quite often too. Approximately 400 deaths per year (including passengers).

Boat rides. Are they more dangerous than flying a plane? Yes, because they are much more accessible, and the water element can be very insidious. The recent tragedy at Syamozero is proof of this. An average of 736 deaths per year.

Streetluzh. In fact, the sled on the pavement is to find a higher point and slide down. Even full equipment does not save extreme sports enthusiasts from terrible injuries and death. Once in a thousand races, someone dies. In general, about 1000 deaths per year.

Motorcycle rides. A hobby wrapped in a romantic halo of the spirit of freedom. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that a motorcyclist on the road is incredibly vulnerable and must always be on the alert. This is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world - 4462 deaths every year.

Death awaits a person who wants to climb too high or accelerates too much. Many thrill-seekers sooner or later make the only and last mistake in their lives. If your hobby is one of the above, take care of yourself. But still take risks, of course, because life without risk is meaningless.