Beach wardrobe. Packing a suitcase or how to make the best wardrobe for a vacation at sea

The approach of summer holidays makes you think about vacations and trips to resorts. To feel comfortable and stylish, you need to know what clothes to take with you for a seaside holiday, how to dress in accordance with the culture of the host country. It is worth considering not only the features of the hot season, but also the traditions of the selected resorts.

Beach capsule wardrobe features

Often, even after collecting a dozen suitcases, having bought all the new items in shopping centers before that, the problem of what to wear remains unresolved. An endless number of T-shirts, shorts, dresses and skirts do not always fit together, combinations of prints and textures become a real puzzle.

One of the tips for packing for vacation is to make a wardrobe in the ratio: 80% basic items / 20% trendy. Basic items of clothing will easily become the basis for many successful, stylish looks, trendy ones will add originality to the images.

Capsule wardrobe for sea holidays should contain things that will be combined with each other in style, color and texture. Ideally, if the assembled wardrobe will have no more than three colors, not counting black, white and gray.

An example of a capsule (basic) travel wardrobe:

  • White T-shirt, selected according to the type of figure, perfectly sets off the tan, combined with any elements of the wardrobe;

  • light shirt, possibly from transparent chiffon or natural linen, suitable for an evening promenade or a walk around the city;

  • from thin cotton. Choose the length and model according to the type of figure, you can use ultra-short or narrowed just below the knee;

  • midi dress with thin straps. You should not limit yourself in prints, but choose a style, given the type of figure. In the morning, it can become a stylish sundress worn with a T-shirt, and in the evening with a cropped velvet jacket. This dress will be appropriate for any evening event;
  • This is a universal element of a tandem with a T-shirt, a top on a summer day on the beach and romantic walks by the sea or coastal restaurants;

  • slim denim jacket preferably from light denim, it allows you to create successful images with elegant dresses, trousers, shorts;

  • with bright print. 2018 won't be complete without this must-have holiday item. It can be combined with cardigans, voluminous T-shirts, linen-style tops;

  • of course, swimsuit, it is desirable to have 2 models - separate and fused, semi-sports.

Comfortable shoes fit on a low rise, stylish bright slippers made of natural materials can easily be transformed into mules for walking around the city. And for the evening, choose open sandals on a thin stiletto heel with a round toe in beige and pastel colors.

Clothing for sea holidays for women 40-50 years old

After 40-50 years, you should not give up bright elements, original styles. A wardrobe for a seaside vacation for a woman 40 years and older should include stylish accessories - fedora hats, wide-brimmed models, light-rimmed glasses, perforated bags. Attention should be paid to shoes, an elegant wedge heel, a Japanese platform are suitable for spending time on the sea coast. Evening entertainment is not complete without low-heeled sandals.

Photos and tips on how to assemble a wardrobe for a seaside vacation for a woman of 50 years old:

  • a pastel-colored tunic can be safely worn on the beach, after going for walks around the city, oriental and floral motifs should be avoided, it is better to use vertical, barely noticeable stripes;

  • light culottes are a great option for owners of model parameters. Women with a pear and hourglass figure should opt for skinny cotton capri pants;

  • tops and tank tops are best combined with transparent plain shirts. They look great in tandem with textured tulip skirts with fruit and berry patterns;
  • for sundresses, choose models with bare shoulders, an even cut, a length just below the knees. This universal model is suitable for different body types;

  • seaside clothing for overweight women aged 50 includes feminine sets and dresses, it is recommended to avoid flounces and draperies. Undercuts in the waist area and geometric broken lines will visually help to make the silhouette slimmer.

Curvy girls should not wear shapeless outfits. Wide tunics, sundresses in oriental style will not only hide the dignity of the figure, but also add a few years. The basic rule is to create a beautiful proportional hourglass silhouette, emphasizing feminine curves. For overweight women, designers have come up with a lot of tricks, with the help of the right cutouts, undercuts and materials, it is easy to achieve perfect proportions.

How to choose clothes for a seaside holiday for overweight women, tips:

  • avoid monochrome tandems, use contrasting combinations of light and bright colors - a white T-shirt with a blue shirt, denim shorts, beige chiffon trousers with a chocolate top and a transparent elongated T-shirt;
  • dresses, sundresses to choose with small sleeves, V-neckline, length just below the knees. Mini and maxi models make the image heavier, hide all the advantages of the figure;

  • the style of shorts, trousers, skirts should emphasize the lines of the body, hoodies and too tight things add extra pounds;
  • on the beach over a swimsuit, it is recommended to use perforated tunics, elongated transparent shirts;

  • suitable for women with forms and fashionable jumpsuits, just above the knee length with textured undercuts. You can combine them with classic light t-shirts. You can safely use a small print or vertical lines.

How to dress for tourists (women) in Eastern countries

The beach dress code in the East, in countries such as Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Egypt, differs sharply from the fashion in European resorts. Open bikinis and revealing translucent outfits on city streets in Muslim countries violate centuries-old traditions. Also, local residents misinterpret such a wardrobe, the problems that have arisen can ruin the whole holiday.

When going on a trip abroad, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the mentality in order to feel comfortable on the beach, while also visiting the main attractions.

Features of the wardrobe for rest in the countries of the East:

  • knowing how to dress in Dubai for women tourists, you can get around a lot of problems, because the country is distinguished by strict secular laws;
  • it is unacceptable to open the neckline, back, arms above the elbow, shoulders, mini, shorts, clothes with a bare stomach are also prohibited;

  • the use of traditional Arab costumes by tourists is not welcome;
  • it is recommended to choose light suits made from natural materials without a hint of transparency and perforation, such outfits will also save you from the scorching sun;
  • on the beach you can wear an open swimsuit, tops and shorts in linen style, in the same way you can move around the hotel, but to go to a cafe, restaurant or shop it is better to change into a modest shirt dress or trouser suit with a voluminous shirt;

  • it is important to know how to dress on vacation in Turkey, it is worth using tandems with skirts and shorts a little above the knees;
  • leisure clothing in Turkey should also not open the abdomen, neckline, such styles can only be used on the beach;
  • for walks around the city, you can dress up in dresses, sundresses, comfortable silk overalls, but to visit the mosque, choose clothes that cover your knees and hands, do not forget to take a headscarf.

The beach season requires bright colors in the wardrobe. But, when acquiring new things, it is worth considering the combination of elements to create harmonious images. Also, do not forget about local traditions and dress code rules. You can also look stylish in closed outfits that need to be selected, taking into account the features of the figure.

Well, spring has come, I don’t really want to sit at home in an armchair with a book, and it seems that everyone is already planning a vacation. More and more often I began to stumble upon photos of suitcases and vacation sets and decided to make here a selection of vacation capsules that fit into one suitcase (sometimes even into hand luggage).

Here are examples of capsules for different types of holidays - both at sea and in the city, for different weather conditions.

And, by the way, there are a lot of good formulas, when capsule compilers offer a certain number of "tops", "bottoms", accessories, and so on, I think it will be easier for many with such mathematics.

All pictures are clickable and lead to the original sources.

Monochrome capsule. Pay attention to the smart top, pumps and clutch - things that can turn the whole set from casual into smart casual.

Autumn wardrobe for two weeks. The neutral base and a few solid color accents, ideal for the summer color type, blend together quite well, and the capsule does not turn out to be boring.

And here is the formula for how to assemble a wardrobe capsule for a vacation in a southern resort.

Mini cheat sheet on how to pack things in a suitcase.

Wardrobe capsule for 3 weeks, fits in hand luggage. In fact, there is a rather controversial combination of colors here (black and white contrasts with bright blue for the “winter” color type and here a pearl gray scarf with dusty shades for “summer”). But the set of things itself can be taken as a basis by adjusting the color scheme.

Another attempt to deduce the capsule wardrobe formula. A good approach is to assemble the base capsule first and then add color accents to it.

How to pack a wardrobe for two weeks in hand luggage (plus, in this list, you can immediately estimate how much space will be taken by other necessary things that are usually not included in wardrobe sets - underwear, pajamas, cosmetic bag, shower slippers, etc.):

What to take with you to Europe in the spring - a very minimalistic capsule:

And again - 16 things, 40 outfits in one suitcase. A good mini-wardrobe for autumn-spring, however, for traveling personally I am confused here by shoes, especially rubber boots - there are not so many places where they will really be needed, and putting heavy hunters, as in the photo, in a suitcase is immediately +2 .5 kg, which, given the limit of many airlines for hand luggage of 10 kg, is already critical.

A vacation capsule for the “summer” color type (16 things that will fit in a suitcase. Pay attention to the list - focusing on it, you can assemble a capsule from what you have in your wardrobe):

And again, a capsule for a vacation in Paris, this time in summer - but in fact, just a good summer capsule, with which you can go to Samara and Sochi. But personally, I would replace two pairs of shorts here with two skirts - long and semi-long, this will give more room for creativity.

Another autumn capsule for the week, which should fit in hand luggage. Pay attention to the colors: the capsule is small, but because of the multi-colored tops, it gives a sense of variety.

Here is a small but very bright capsule. Be careful with prints and textures, here everything should be in perfect harmony in color.

Wardrobe for a trip to Europe. A good neutral base, but here it would be better to replace some of the things with brighter ones - otherwise this capsule will get bored very quickly.

A summer capsule in pastel colors is more of a story for a business trip:

A very simple mini-capsule in casual style - you can take this with you on a trip for a week. And again, a great formula: 4 basic looks + an additional layer (sweatshirt and bright cardigan) to diversify the capsule.

The capsule is called "7 winter days", but the number of tops here seems excessive - but for two weeks this is a good option.

Again, questions about color, but here is a good set of things to look quite diverse in style - from completely casual looks with a plaid shirt and sneakers, to formal ones with a little black dress and a complex cardigan (by the way, it can also be worn with boots and sneakers ),

And again the formula: accessories - 5 items, 4 tops, 3 bottoms, 2 pairs of shoes, a bag. A great option for a cool summer or warm spring in the city.

A casual capsule for a vacation by a lake or a cool sea (for example, for spring Crete with a last-minute tour or something similar).

And again, a whole list for the suitcase, where everything has already been calculated. Quite a viable capsule for a vacation in the city, only the second trousers I would take here are just white, beige or pale pink - otherwise it’s easy to miss with a mix of prints, and the dress can be lengthened).

Here's another tiny two-week capsule with explanation (and it really fits in your hand luggage).

This capsule is offered for three weeks and also in hand luggage (it’s already doubtful here - there are 5 pairs of one shoe), but also an option for those who love variety:

The list of things, of course, will vary depending on the time of year and the purpose of the trip. It is one thing if you are going to lie on the beach or ski all day, and a completely different story if you intend to devote your free time to exploring local attractions.

In this article, we will talk about fashion for sea holidays, clothes for winter holidays, show photos of clothes for holidays, teach you how to make a list of things for holidays and share many secrets of women's wardrobe. Remember the most important thing - women's clothing for leisure, however, like men's, should consist of a minimum of details, be practical and at the same time not casual, preferably made of wrinkle-resistant material and appropriate for the type of holiday that you have chosen.

What things to take on vacation

Sunglasses are worn at any time of the year. They are no longer just protection from the sun. Today it is a fashion accessory that can make any look more fashionable or mysterious.

When thinking about what things to take on vacation, remember that they should be easily combined with each other and in harmony with your mood.

Beads, bracelets, earrings and scarves will help to connect different things, colors and decorate the same outfit in a new way.

Women's leisure wear

What will you take with you on the road in the first place? Of course, a good mood, and to it a set of clothes for summer or winter holidays - in general, the one you are going to. All things for a holiday at sea (in the mountains or tourist centers) should be easily combined with each other and comfortable.

To make your vacation perfect, you should take into account many nuances and details. It is not at all necessary before each trip to suffer from the question: “what to take with you?” Fashion for a beach holiday, however, like skiing, does not change so much from year to year. Experienced travelers advise once to make a basic list of things to rest in electronic form, which you can later print out and make changes to it - depending on where, why and for how long you are going.

What clothes to take on vacation

Do not try to create a single image: fashion for holidays is a very broad concept. After all, travel can be very different, and your set for a trip to the sea will be very different from the wardrobe collected for a trip to Paris.

After returning from vacation, analyze your vacation look. This will help you with the fees next time. Did you manage to create the required number of sets from a limited number of things? Did you achieve the experience you were hoping for? The photos taken will help you in the analysis, so take your camera out of your bag more often.

Seaside fashion

If you are going to the sea, it is foolish to choose black as the basis of your wardrobe, because the fashion for summer holidays is full of colors and involves a wide flight of fancy. In black clothes, you will be hot, and the photos will turn out not so juicy.

For a good color scheme, choose one neutral color and one bright color. In winter, chocolate, blue, black can become a neutral color. For summer, it is better to choose lighter ones - beige, gray, milky, white. Any color that suits you and that you love can be a bright color. It is also important to decide on the color of the metal for jewelry, accessories.

Accessories and the right shoes are the finishing touch to any look. A nautical theme is invariably present in the holiday wardrobe. Glasses, a belt, bracelets, beads, stoles take up little space in a suitcase, but magically expand the possibilities of a wardrobe.

Outerwear for summer holidays, the photos of which are presented, is also indispensable, like in winter. Of course, it is made of light, sometimes weightless fabrics. In summer, an indispensable thing on vacation is a light tippet or. It will also protect from the scorching sun, and in the evening, thrown over your shoulders, it will beautifully complement your outfit.

Fashion for summer holidays

A well-planned travel wardrobe is the guarantee of a stunning look on vacation. Properly selected things will help you look new every day and at the same time can fit in your small suitcase.

The first thing to think about is the place where you are going, the weather forecast for the desired period and what you plan to do there.

When choosing things, really evaluate everything that you are going to put in a suitcase. Bet on practicality, estimate how many ensembles you can create with the same thing, and whether you really need it so much. If you can create three different looks with the item selected for the trip, feel free to take it with you. Optimally, there should be as many sets of selected items as you have vacation days (or multiply by two - outfits for lunch and dinner).

To make things easy to combine with each other, consider color combinations: two bright and two basic colors will allow you to create both calm color combinations and more daring ones. One more piece of advice. Take on the road more different beads, bracelets, earrings and scarves. All these things will help to connect different elements and colors of the costume together, decorate the same dress in a new way.

List of things to rest

The list of things to rest can be the same for both winter and summer holidays. It is easy to expand it with other items to create more Looks. These extras are different for everyone. Someone needs tunics that can be worn both as a dress with heels to a disco by the sea, and in a casual version with leggings. Someone dresses, shorts, swimwear. Let your favorite travel kit harmonize with your mood.

1. Skirt, trousers, jeans.

2. One dress.

3. Three different tops (blouses, shirts).

4. Sweater, thick cardigan or blazer.

5. Outerwear.

6. Two pairs of comfortable shoes.

8. Accessories, scarves.

Summer clothes

What to do if on a trip you decide that you need a scarf or shoes for your outfit? Go to the shop! Shopping in other cities is a double pleasure.

If your trip will be associated with numerous excursions, then for the summer pick up light trousers, 3-4 T-shirts, a pair of sundresses plus a panama. In winter and off-season - jeans and a couple of sweaters. Take shoes without heels. For summer - various sandals, for autumn and spring - sneakers, ballet flats, and for winter - boots that can withstand temperature extremes. One pair of high heel shoes is worth taking if you are planning to visit the theater or some other evening event on your trip.

Things for the rest of the sea

If you are going to relax on the sea, pay special attention to the choice of swimsuits, open shoes and sunglasses. For chilly evenings, pack a cozy sweater, capri pants, and a thin scarf. And remember, more bold, contrasting and bright color combinations go to tan.

If you are going to spend a vacation at sea, do not take a lot of things with you. As a rule, almost half of them remain undressed, because a beach vacation involves a minimum of clothing.

Fashion for a beach holiday on the island

New Year on an exotic island? Why not! From winter to summer, it is supposed to be carried in outfits of bright colors. For a swimsuit and trendy slippers, pick up a pareo, tunic or djellaba. In combination with a string of beads and a bunch of exotic bracelets, these clothes are idleness and luxury itself.

And to remind yourself and others that it's New Year's Eve, tie a bandana with holiday symbols on your head or buy a bathing cap with the same Christmas pictures.

Winter clothing

If you are going to a ski resort, the only thing you should take care of before leaving is your winter clothing. Everything else - skis and bindings, boots and poles - you can rent. At parties in many restaurants there is a rule: ladies in dresses, men in jackets, so we recommend that you bring your evening “uniform” with you.

A Christmas sweater, cozy velvet trousers create an elegant and very comfortable set.

Winter accessories literally dazzle with luxury and pretentiousness of design.

Warm saturated colors, bright ornaments, bold combinations of patterns and details do everything to make the seasonal wardrobe elegant.

Leisure fashion in spring

Clothes on vacation are shorter, more relaxed, more romantic. Moreover, romance can be anything: gentle, bright or sophisticated.

In accessories, functionality gives way to frivolous, flirty design.

Simple, comfortable, at the same time relaxed and cheerful-sporty style can be considered an absolute classic for spring holidays.

Clothes for summer holidays and her photo

Pay attention to the photo: clothes for summer holidays require hats. They will not only complete the ensemble and protect from the sun's rays, but also add playful and romantic notes to the mood.

Vacation- the best time for shorts. Wear flat shoes with them. High heels can visually distort proportions.

Summer- time to play with images. Mix romantic and sporty pieces: surf shorts and floral chiffon tunic, and puffy.

Leisure clothes in autumn

Knitwear, jersey and stretch textures are the best solution for traveling.

A layered tunic and turtleneck is usually more interesting than just a sweater. And if you add a strap, it will be very stylish!

Rich colors, as if slightly washed out by rain, leather accessories, precious cashmere and aristocratic tweed are the main notes in the autumn chic score.

Everyone wants their summer holidays to be at the highest level and leave only pleasant impressions. During summer trips to the sea and resorts, clothing plays an important role.

In order to eliminate annoying inconveniences during a trip and vacation, and the unpleasant memories associated with them later, it is necessary to think over as carefully as possible how best to dress on the road and what things to take with you.

How to pack a suitcase for a trip to the sea

When packing a suitcase for a trip to the sea, you need to remember that they can greatly overshadow any vacation. Going on vacation through a travel agency by bus or plane, you yourself will have to carry all your things until you get to the place. Therefore, you should have few of them.

This must be followed, although not so strictly, even if you go to the sea by private transport.

No need to fill your suitcase with unnecessary things, but take only the most necessary things with you on vacation at sea. Firstly, a minimum of things will be quite enough for you, and secondly, you will definitely want to please yourself with a new thing on vacation and buy something. At all resorts, a wide variety of goods are sold in tents in abundance: beach towels, bags, light dresses, tunics, sandals, pareos, jewelry. How to make the right purchases? You can read the article "Smart Shopping" about this.

It’s very nice to get various new things out of your suitcase after a vacation trip - capes, hats, bracelets ... Of course, the prices for them in the season can be expensive, but if you live somewhere in the north, for example in Tyumen, then you probably still have them higher. In addition, there are girls and women who simply adore.

If you are going on vacation to Turkey, Singapore or Thailand, you can take the bare minimum of things with you. For example, in Singapore, high-quality branded clothing can be bought two or even three times cheaper than in Moscow. Having gone on vacation to these countries, you can easily recoup your vacation.

Will please the prices for clothes for rest in Thailand. Especially if you look at Khaosan Road in Bangkok. It sells a variety of beautiful and varied sundresses, swimwear, beach slippers and other casual clothing and footwear for leisure at a very affordable and low price.

Excellent and fairly inexpensive shopping in the Crimea. Here, leisure clothes are much cheaper than in any Russian resorts.

Wardrobe on a trip to the sea

How many clothes to take with you for a vacation at sea? Very often, such a question arises before the representatives of the fair sex going to the beach resort. Especially if they do it for the first time in their lives.

The minimum amount of clothing that you are going to take with you on a trip to the sea should include a pair of light sundresses of different lengths or 2 dresses - for the beach and evening, for example, a cocktail one, if you are planning any banquet or celebration on vacation. Dresses are better to take plain, one of them can be white. In addition, you need to take a couple of T-shirts, a tunic, shorts, a pareo, as well as a set of warm clothes for cool evenings. This may include a sweater, jacket, windbreaker, etc.

You also need at least 2 sets of underwear and, of course, a swimsuit. Swimwear is also better to take a couple. If necessary, while one is drying, you can use the second. This is the approximate minimum wardrobe for a trip to a summer resort that will allow you to comfortably spend your vacation.

When traveling, it is best to pick up matching things. So that they can be easily combined with each other both in color and in style.

To protect yourself from the strong southern sun, good sunglasses will come in handy, in addition, you will look beautiful in them on the sea.

Separately, it should be said about summer hats. They must be taken with you. It can be a hat, cap, panama or scarf. In summer, the sun is at its peak, it is hot. Therefore, it is harmful and even dangerous to walk with an open head under the sun. If you do not want to feel sick or dizzy, not tormented by nausea and fever, wear hats during the day.

What else can you take from clothes

If desired, you can take a skirt, a top, light knit trousers and jeans, a shirt that can be worn with shorts or a skirt, or thrown over burnt shoulders if necessary.

It is very convenient in the morning to put yourself in order or sit over a cup of tea in a bathrobe. If you are accustomed to such comfort, a light, cute dressing gown will be very useful to you at a summer resort.

By the way, here I would like to remind you that clothes wrinkle during transportation, no matter how you put them. So if you don't want to wash and iron your laundry for an additional fee (which is now available in many hotels and resorts), bring a small portable iron with you.

What clothes to take on a summer trip to the sea

On a trip to a beach resort or a "savage" at sea, it is better to take clothes made from light and natural fabrics. It can be things made of silk, chintz or linen. Open tops, light skirts, airy sundresses or dresses will look very beautiful on you. While things made of synthetic fabrics can cause some discomfort. It is easy to sweat in them in hot and calm weather, which cannot but alienate the people around.

All things that you are going to take on the sea, it is desirable that they be universal. It is convenient if clothes can be worn not only on the beach, but also for an evening walk, to a restaurant or a disco. Try not to take tight clothes on a trip, as they are very inconvenient on vacation. In addition, wearing such clothes on a wet body after swimming in the sea, you will experience discomfort.

What to wear to the beach

When going to the beach, it is better to wear a swimsuit immediately. From above, you can wear a light dress, preferably without fasteners and zippers, in order to avoid problems on the beach when taking it off and putting it on. Take a beach bag made of fabric fabric with you to the sea, in which it is convenient to put a towel and everything else: pareo, sunblock, etc. A very comfortable beach bag with a rectangular shape, long handles and a simple, uncomplicated cut.

In addition, you need to remember that an expensive and fashionable bag on vacation is a good temptation for thieves.

Evening wear on vacation

For evening walks or going to a restaurant, you can wear a cocktail dress. Even the dress you wear during the day will do. Just add an elegant belt or belt to it. Decorate your neck with beads, change your beach bag for a clutch. Instead of beach flip-flops, wear heeled sandals.

For an evening out on vacation, you can use the minimum set. For example, a beautiful long sundress on the floor, sandals with heels and a little bit of jewelry. And you will be irresistible.

What shoes to take on a trip to the sea

From shoes, in addition to sandals and flip-flops for the beach, you need to take comfortable sandals with you, which will come in handy for hiking and long walks in the mountains and forest paths.

Cosmetics and personal care products

Of the cosmetics that you really need on vacation, you can take with you cosmetics for tanning and softening cream after it, powder, waterproof mascara, a small palette of eye shadows and transparent lip gloss. And of course, your favorite perfume.

Don't forget about personal hygiene products. The minimum that should be included: shampoo and hair balm, toothpaste and brush, soap and shower gel.

Manicure at sea

It is worth saying a little about manicure on vacation. At sea, many girls often break long nails. Therefore, refuse to build long nails before the trip. On vacation, the most practical manicure is a colored French or classic one.

We will not remind you about tickets, vouchers, documents, credit cards, money, a mini-first aid kit (adhesive plaster and wet wipes are required), photo and video equipment, telephone, charging and other mandatory things when traveling on vacation at sea. They are implied by themselves, and we hope you will not forget them. Just in case, check again. We also recommend reading the article "How to dress for a summer trip".

Have a nice holiday!

Always with you: site

Vacation, sun, sea, beach - a dream. The sea gives strength, relieves fatigue accumulated over the year, saturates with energy. That is why most people prefer to spend their holidays on the sea coasts, together with family or friends.

But friends will pack their own bag, but you and I will have to think over the wardrobe for ourselves, our husband and child, what, in fact, to take with us on vacation. Before you start packing, make a complete list, including every little thing down to the nail file. Then there is less chance that you will forget something.

Seeing how his wife is going on the road, especially on a long journey, any man secretly or clearly begins to resent - where to take so many things, why do you need this, why is this ... And it's good if the matter does not end in scandal. Therefore, dear men, if a woman does not ask you for advice, then perhaps the right decision would be to leave and not interfere with her wardrobe.

What clothes to take to the sea for a woman

  • Swimsuit. It is better to take two - open and closed. Yes, and a shift on the beach will not hurt if you suddenly do not like to sit in the wet.
  • Headgear - a hat with a brim or a baseball cap to cover the face. It's not very pretty when a burnt nose flakes off.
  • Several sets of underwear - panties, bras, T-shirts, nightgowns. How many? It's up to you, depending on how long you're leaving. 3-5 sets, in principle, is enough. Nightgowns and one is enough.
  • Set of home clothes. In some ways, you will have to go home. And it is desirable that it was not a bathrobe, but something decent - a T-shirt or T-shirt with shorts or capri pants. One set for the whole holiday is enough. Two is the maximum.
  • Walking clothes. Something simple and practical, it is advisable to take wrinkle-resistant and, of course, from natural fabrics - linen or cotton. It can be a pantsuit or a dress - at your discretion. 2-3 sets are enough for any woman. Try to have a light cardigan or jacket in your wardrobe that covers your shoulders, because during walks they most often “burn out” in the sun - the sensations are not pleasant.
  • Nice dress or suit if you plan to visit restaurants or clubs. As practice shows - one is enough. Just do not take all sorts of velvets and silk. An elegant linen outfit is the right outfit for evening gatherings with a glass of martini.
  • From shoes, take slates or slippers for home and the beach, shoes or sandals for walking and sneakers. You won't need high heels.
  • Do I need to take a warm kit? More often, yes. In the South, it is also cool in the evenings, so jeans and one tight jacket will not hurt. Linen is better.

In addition to clothes, do not forget the cosmetic bag necessary for a woman, a manicure set, “soap-and-foam” accessories, a beach towel or a blanket (if you are going savages), dark glasses, personal hygiene products and, of course, protective creams: you don’t burn out in the sun, and a tan is better will stick.

Men's clothing for sea holidays

Yes, yes, he also needs to pack a wardrobe. It’s a little easier here, although the principle is the same - to the beach, to the house, to go out and in the evening.

  • Bathing trunks, or better a couple.
  • Headgear, preferably a hat rather than a bandana.
  • Briefs, 3-4 pairs, and two pairs of socks, more will not be required.
  • T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts. Some men prefer to walk around in T-shirts, but the sun doesn't care who to fry. Therefore, try to convince your husband to cover his shoulders too, if he does not want to suffer from sunburn.
  • Shorts or breeches, two pairs, light trousers or jeans. You can take a tracksuit.
  • From shoes - slippers and sneakers. If your man is an aesthete, add summer shoes or sandals to your wardrobe.
  • And, of course, the essentials - shaving accessories, shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, glasses, a casual beach bag or a backpack that can fit a blanket and a bottle of water.

What to take from clothes to the sea for a child

If you have a son, we collect for rest in the same way as for a husband. Two pairs of swimwear, at least 2-3 pairs of shorts, 4-5 pairs of T-shirts and shirts, a tracksuit, jeans, a baseball cap.

Collect the girl like a woman, that is, yourself, according to the same principle - a beach, a walk, an evening. Dress or sundress, shorts or capris, T-shirts and blouses, slippers, sandals, sports shoes.

Take a few small toys, shovels and sand buckets for the baby - the right decision. And also a swim ring or armlets. If the child is traveling alone (to the camp, for example), then immediately show him what to wear with. Arrange a fashion show the day before, dress it up and explain what goes with what and how it is worn. Be sure to convince him to hide his head and smear on sunscreen if he does not want to spend the whole vacation in an isolation room with burns.

A couple of tips

Should a woman take puffy dresses and bows with her on vacation? Definitely not. They are both hot and impractical. Well, bows, of course, you can take, but long ball gowns will be out of place in a beach wardrobe.

The same goes for boy suits with "butterflies" - they are not needed at sea. Design a small backpack for each family member to fit a water bottle and other personal items. A remedy for diarrhea and something for burns may come in handy. Perhaps everything. Haven't forgotten anything? Think there's still time.