Why do wives cheat on their husbands. Key signs of a wife cheating on her husband - exposing

A scene from the movie "Fifty Shades Darker"

I have been married for 5 years and have a child. I love my husband, he is a great father and husband. Before him, I had relationships with two other men, but nothing worked out with them for various reasons. But right now, his attitude has somehow changed, some kind of aggression towards me, probably even angry.

We have a problem: he does not suit me in bed, but I really love this business and want to do it. He knows what does not suit me, knows that I do not feel much pleasure with him. How to live with it? None of the options help.

Dirty thoughts often began to appear in me, and there is also a fan with whom we communicate on the network (not even one, but two fans, just the second one is not so active and rarely writes). He knows about our problem, wants me for a long time and offers help. But I'm afraid I can't decide to cheat on my husband. It seems that I will betray him (husband) by this act, but, on the other hand, I want to understand if I can even experience orgasms.

Friends came to visit us that week, we have been friends for a long time. It so happened that everyone went to bed, we sat, chatted with a friend and husband, my husband spoke badly about me, scolded me. I don’t know how it turned out that our legs touched with his friend, everything that my husband said was unpleasant to me, for some reason I began to touch my friend’s leg more and more often ...

We sat, talked, secretly stroked each other's legs, and my husband sat next to me and did not notice anything. When he went to the toilet, his friend put my hand on his jeans - he was very ready. We were both shocked by what happened. I periodically went to the toilet, then to the bathroom to cool down.

The husband went to bed. We sat, looked at each other and were shocked by all this. Then there was a kiss. Both of us did not want to go to sleep, we wanted to continue, terrible interest and fear. Doing something at home when his wife and my husband are sleeping next to me is scary. Maybe he should have gone to bed, but I saw that he just didn’t want to sleep.

We went outside, found an entrance - passion, kisses, I was shaking all over, contact began - and he immediately finished. I had a terrible disappointment, he was in a hurry to go home so that no one would suspect anything, he was afraid that it might come out, that I would let someone know.

I have only a residue left in my heart: I could not decide on treason for so long, and when it happened, it greatly disappointed me. On the one hand, there is a logical explanation: a terrible overexcitation and therefore everything happened so quickly for him on our first time. But now I can’t think of anything else - I want to finish what I started, but that’s it. And at the same time having sex with two men is somehow unusual ...

They left, the next morning I behaved as if nothing had happened. I was not ashamed in front of my husband - he himself provoked me with his offensive words, it was uncomfortable in front of his girlfriend, wife of a friend. But she herself told so much how passionate he is and how he constantly wants sex and he threatens her that he will have a mistress. I did not expect such fear from him, such indecision that he, as a man, did not bring the matter to the end with me, realizing that I was left unsatisfied (in theory, he should be ashamed, knowing that with her husband this is exactly what problem).

In it, that cheating on a husband or wife occurs in married couples quite often, although there are exceptions ... If this happened to you and your conscience torments you and you don’t know how to live with it, then perhaps this article will be useful to you.

What to do NOT necessary. Remember: what is not forbidden is allowed? So in this situation: do as you see fit, but you should not do what is described below.

Don't rush to tell your husband

Even if it's your first impulse. Even if he suspects something. Don't say anything until you've thought about the situation. To begin with, imagine how your husband will react to this news, because you know him well. What will he feel: pain, resentment, anger?

Do you want to put him to this test? It is unlikely that this will help you understand yourself; rather, on the contrary, it will draw all your spiritual strength onto itself.

Don't give in to guilt

You probably blame yourself for giving in to your emotions, ruining your marriage, and so on. Stop for a minute. Guilt is an excellent manipulator. It blocks important things from you and makes you feel like a victim of circumstances.

Cheating is already a fait accompli, and reproaching yourself will not solve anything. I will say more: sometimes cheating is just an excuse to feel guilty, bad, worthless in front of your husband and children. Don't fall into this trap. You are not a bad person, even if you have done a bad deed. Anyone can make a mistake, but you can’t subordinate your whole life to a mistake.

Don't make treason a catastrophe

Yes, yes, betrayal is just a moment of life. Its meaning, like the meaning of any fact of life, is determined by our attitude towards it. And if your glass is always half full, you should look for positive moments in any event.

Cheating, like a litmus test, can indicate changes in your state of mind, disagreements with your husband, and a restructuring of life values.

To do this, you need to honestly ask yourself why this happened. Perhaps the matter is in the discrepancy between your sexual temperaments and your husband. Perhaps you have communication problems or you spend too little time together.

The main thing is that you should not be in a panic and do not blame yourself for all the sins of mankind. Then you can calmly figure out, on your own or with the help of a psychologist, what caused the betrayal.

source: xn--f1alv.xn--p1ai

Research of modern psychologists, statistics

Many studies by modern psychologists, and simply observations of the lives of ordinary people, suggest that cheating is a very common phenomenon today, although in some cultures such behavior is still considered a serious crime.

According to statistics, men go to the side more often, but the betrayal of a wife by her husband has long ceased to be something extraordinary. A couple of centuries ago, unfaithful women were severely condemned by society and even punished, but since then the world has been shaken by a cultural revolution that took place under the auspices of freedom of manifestation of the individual.

Today, the picture of family relationships and values ​​has completely turned upside down. The situation when one of the spouses has a sexual relationship on the side is already typical for many marriages.

The sad statistics says that approximately 40% of women are not faithful to their husbands. Moreover, more and more often you can find situations where people practice in marriage the so-called “free relations”, that is, a wife cheats with the consent of her husband and vice versa.

If the spouse's infidelity is suddenly revealed, a real tragedy can occur when all its members suffer during the destruction of the family. It is very difficult to understand the reasons for the decline in moral and family values ​​in each specific case, however, it is worth trying if your own family life is at stake.

Possible motives for female adultery

In the question of why in the family life of a woman it suddenly becomes possible to betray her husband, one can hardly adhere to any definite universal opinion.

Psychologists believe that most often, starting adultery, a married woman is guided by the following motives:

  • dissatisfaction with one's own marriage;
  • resentment against her husband, the cause of which may be his inattention or even previous betrayal on his part;
  • the fading of feelings for her husband, the lack of a full-fledged sexual life with him;
  • the sudden appearance of love on the side.

However, all of the listed motives, except for the last one, can hardly be somehow eliminated by starting an extramarital relationship. But women consciously or unconsciously take this step. Some just want to feel wanted and loved again, others just feel helpless in the face of problems that have arisen in their own family life.

In those families where spouses, by mutual agreement, practice polygamous relationships, everything is also not cloudless, although at first it may seem otherwise.

  • Firstly, if there are children in the family, then, first of all, it is they who suffer, growing up without any concepts of morality and family values;
  • Secondly, it is hardly possible to speak of great love between spouses in such a situation.

Cheating a wife with the consent of her husband will not be able to make her happy, and family relationships will simply be deprived of warmth, respect and trust.

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Double standards

Psychologists conducted a very interesting study, which showed that representatives of different sexes look differently at the problem of infidelity towards each other. So, it turned out that most men tend to believe that for them extramarital affairs are permissible, while for women it is not.

Women, on the other hand, adhere to the principle of equality in this matter, making the same demands on the representatives of the stronger sex as they do on themselves. A similar double standard appeared in the Middle Ages, when the so-called "chastity belts" were invented, which were used only for women.

Although modern scholars believe that these are fictions and no belts actually existed, the idea that men are allowed and forgiven for what women are ridiculed and condemned is still to some extent preserved in society. If we turn to world religions, then there is no double morality in them.

So, for example, the betrayal of a husband in Islam is condemned as strictly as the betrayal of a wife. Of course, modern people resolve such issues within the family, but earlier immoral behavior was punished publicly.

Is it possible to forgive cheating wife

A wife's betrayal of her husband is a serious test for a family, when not only the relationship of the spouses among themselves, but also the fate of their children, is under attack. The infidelity of a loved one hurts a man to the core, and very often it is very difficult or simply impossible to earn the forgiveness of a spouse.

What can I advise a man in such a difficult situation, when the first outburst of indignation has passed and only bitterness and deepest disappointment remain? Of course, first of all, you should try to decide whether you are ready to let go of resentment and start life with your wife anew.

If yes, then the following tips will help to cope with inner feelings:

  • try to treat the situation as rationally as possible, casting unpleasant emotions into the background;
  • list for yourself the qualities of a spouse for which you love her;
  • try to answer: was the betrayal of your wife a mistake or a pattern caused by your inattention to her.

Of course, it’s hard to forgive betrayal, but perhaps you will be able to survive this crisis period and build a truly strong family now. After you have carefully considered the current situation, the time will come for a difficult conversation with your wife.

Listen to her explanations of what happened, see if you can accept them. In the end, you still have to make a very difficult choice: break up or stay together. It is clear that one cannot forbid oneself to feel disappointment and heartache.

It is very important that both spouses want change, understand each other and begin to change together. Then it is possible to save the relationship, and with full mutual understanding and support, such a thing as cheating on a husband or wife will never touch your family again!

source: mjusli.ru/

35 Signs of a Cheating Wife or Husband

There are many signs of betrayal. The general signs of any betrayal are different: the most obvious and characteristic. So, how to catch a loved one or a loved one on treason? You have reason to suspect that your loved one is cheating on you if:

1. Keeps his cell phone with him at all times, even at home, never allowing other family members to answer calls, make calls, or use the phone for other purposes.

2. Turns off the phone at home or sets it to vibrate at home or when you are together.

3. While at home, he ignores calls on his phone.

4. Hides or destroys bills (details) for mobile communications if he (she) has a postpaid tariff, or another tariff that involves billing with call details.

5. Doesn't answer calls or turns off the phone when on business trips or other trips.

6. Suddenly he starts to work actively, at the same time lose weight or become prettier in a different external sense, without any reasons, preparations, conversations with you.

7. Pays a lot of attention to appearance (compared to previous periods), putting a lot of effort into looking good, even if he/she is only going to the grocery store, gym, local cafe or bar, etc.

8. Suddenly starts a fitness program, attends a section, a circle of interests, or he / she has another hobby that takes a lot of time away from home, and you have no way to control where your spouse is.

9. If a simple matter like buying groceries takes a couple of hours more than necessary.

10. If he or she suddenly engages in hobbies that are not characteristic of him (her), for example, if your football fan shows interest in art and visits to galleries that he or she has never visited before, even on pain of death (often this is done to impress a lover / mistress) .

11. If your car suddenly becomes spotlessly clean, especially in the cabin (often car cleaning is done to “cover up the tracks”, and sometimes to impress a mistress / lover).

12. If he or she returns from the grocery store or other household "hikes" refreshed by the smell of her (his) perfume or other strong-smelling products (usually strengthening their own smells hides fears of someone else's smell).

13. If he/she hides or destroys receipts from purchases.

14. If he / she cannot or does not want to tell you where they are staying or what they do at night on business trips and other trips.

15. If he / she shows irritation or anger when you ask about the reason or the very fact of a long absence.

16. If he / she suddenly starts working late, but you do not find him (her) at the workplace (for example, he does not pick up a work, landline phone).

17. If he/she tells you that he/she regularly goes to a bar, cafe or diner after work, but does not tell you which one.

18. If you get very angry when you ask the usual things about his (her) being here or there, and he (she) gives you a “storm in a teacup” in response.

19. If he rushes to shower as soon as he arrives, avoiding physical contact with you (fears that the smell of his mistress / lover could remain on him (her). The washing machine also "relieves fear and guilt."

20. If, when he comes home, he immediately throws things into the “washer”.

21. If he or she must (should) urgently go on a business trip, but does not say where or claims that he does not know where he is, the room number, the phone number in the room or the hotel administrator, etc.

22. If your (a) spouse moves away and is careless towards you, and also, as it were, no longer needs sex in the quantities or volumes that are familiar to you.

23. If your (a) spouse (s) becomes unusually nervous (oh) when you are about what he / she did during the day.

24. If your spouse refuses to go anywhere together and insists on going or doing it alone (or if your spouse agrees to go together but is very annoyed): this may mean that the lovers were forced to cancel the meeting because of you).

25. If this is not the first time you have caught sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) from your husband / wife (but which, in theory, can be caught in everyday life).

26. If the husband / wife refuses to make love without explanation and is downright protective of the intimate parts of the body (perhaps this is due to STDs, infections or bodily evidence of intimacy on the side, such as abrasions, redness, scratches, bites or pain in sensitive areas).

27. If you are in a conversation with a girlfriend / friend or colleague, find out that they know more about you and your family than they should. This person may be a lover / mistress of a husband / wife or know about the facts of infidelity (especially if he often says that he knew (a) spouse / spouse before you).

28. If you feel his (her) inexplicable awkwardness at dinner parties or other social events in the presence of someone else, for example, if the person is exaggeratedly pretending not to know your spouse or one of the possible lovers is nervous in his (her) presence.

29. Spends hours on the phone, especially after you go to bed or early in the morning, or if he/she regularly gets up at night to use the computer.

30. Quickly turns off the computer or switches the browser when you enter a room or if he/she gets nervous when you stand too close to the computer while he/she is using it.

31. If you find dirty (used) paper towels, toilet paper or tissues under the computer desk.

32. If he / she suddenly starts to lack money (lovers often buy expensive gifts). Your spouse (like your spouse) may pay for stays in expensive hotel rooms, buy expensive meals to impress a mistress / lover, or even pay rent for a love nest.

33. Some men buy sports cars (or close to that) to impress a young mistress, despite the little practicality of such a car for the family.

34. Otherwise put the front seat of the car. You sit down and feel that the regulations are violated!

35. Occasionally, his/her hikes do not match the itinerary. He says that he will go there, in fact, he was not seen there.

There are many reasons why men and women cheat. This includes a thirst for adventure or variety, boredom, problems, interpersonal conflicts, revenge, jealousy, and much more. Who is most prone to infidelity - a man or a woman? Psychologists say that both sexes cheat equally, but cheating is different and it differs for men and women. There are various key signs of a wife cheating on her husband. Basically, this is an unwillingness to have sex, coldness in communication, unwillingness to help each other and much more.

Signs of a wife cheating on her husband - "symptoms" of cheating

Every man strives to find out when his wife is cheating, in order to subsequently be able to take a hit and come out not as a weakling, but as a winner. Therefore, the guys are so jealous of their halves - they react violently to a change in the image of a girl, do not like it when she communicates with men or check her correspondence. To understand that your wife is cheating on you, become observant and notice if all these symptoms are present in your relationship.

Weird Behavior. Sometimes you can recognize a wife's infidelity by strange behavior. She was calm, but suddenly, for no reason, she became very active, began to be interested in what she had not been interested in before - for example, in football, and began to show other character traits that were not previously characteristic of her.

Little attention. If a wife is cheating on her husband, she behaves like a schoolgirl on the director's carpet - lowers her eyes, is shy, tries to translate topics and at the same time communicates little. In general, communication that has gone to “no” may well suggest female infidelity. This man becomes a lady is simply not interesting.

Comparisons. You may have noticed that your wife began to constantly compare you with someone - then it is quite possible to assume that she is cheating on her husband and is trying to understand who is better.

Indifference. When a woman loves a man and remains faithful to him, she is acutely experiencing quarrels and disputes. If you notice that the wife does not try to discuss the conflict, avoids clarifying the relationship and easily relates to omissions, you can assume that she is cheating (permanently or not, you can find out by other signs).

Loyalty. To understand that they began to cheat on you, it is enough to pay attention to such a fact as the response to your oversights. You are late, she does not respond, you stay with friends - she is silent and happily goes about her business. Women's infidelity can be described as a complex thing, so if the wife suddenly became sharply loyal to you, she is hardly faithful.

Doesn't let himself meet. Sometimes you can recognize a wife's infidelity by whether she is glad to see you out of the house or not. If she often turns off the phone, does not pick up the phone and forbids you to meet her - the fact of female infidelity is obvious.

Full of work. One of the most obvious signs of female infidelity is delays at work and unwillingness to somehow resolve the situation. You ask to spend the evening together - she has overtime work, you want to meet her - she will be picked up.

The appearance of a friend. Or at least a good friend, with whom she often sees, says that this is not friendship at all, but a real infidelity on her part.

She can't be free. You call her, come to her work, and she can sneak out somewhere or just make excuses that she forgot her phone. Sometimes it’s enough to dig into the phone to understand whether the wife is cheating on her husband or not. When exposing female infidelity, all means are good.

Loss of respect. The main ones are the loss of respect for your man. If she began to call you names or, even worse, swear, this indicates that she simply lost interest in you and has long been interested in others.

Doesn't want sex. This is the most important sign of female infidelity - she has completely lost interest in sex and does not see in you that attractive male that she once wanted so much. Constant shirking, complaints about feeling unwell, eternal reasons why you can’t or don’t want to - all this can talk about female infidelity.

Overnight stays. If the wife used to spend nights with you, and later began to stay overnight “allegedly” with her friends, this indicates her infidelity. How to find out if your wife is constantly cheating or not - chat with several of her friends and this will help bring the unfaithful to clean water.

New company. Sometimes new friends or companies to which you are not invited can talk about female infidelity. Think about how often you are not invited with them and come up with the most ridiculous excuses for this? Perhaps a woman has long been interested in someone else on the side, and you do not even suspect.

Appearance is top class. Has she changed her image drastically, changed her make-up and carefully selects her wardrobe before going out? Where is she dressed up like that? Such reliable signs of female infidelity show you that you need to become more attentive to your half.

Passwords. The key signs of a wife cheating on her husband are passwords wherever possible. Especially if you previously had open access to her personal space. When there is nothing to hide, nothing is hidden. Keep this in mind and don't let yourself get horny.

Tied to phone. The main signs of a wife's infidelity are sometimes veiled under harmless communication. Does she not part with her gadgets and is constantly texting someone? Perhaps this correspondence is not as harmless as it may seem and speaks of its infidelity. Ask leading questions and be prepared to keep your ears open.

Doesn't talk on the phone in front of you. When the wife starts, she distances herself from him as much as possible. You can see it in her phone conversations. Does he go to another room or to the balcony? Perhaps she is saying something that is clearly not meant for your ears.

Doesn't laugh at your jokes. Reliable signs of female infidelity are different. One of them is that your girlfriend no longer laughs when you want to show your sense of humor in all its glory. The reason is that she is already funny with someone else.

Break in words. Just a little, she threatens you that she will leave. At the same time, either she herself does not give you love, or she begins to demand too much of it. All these incomprehensible moments in behavior do not speak of anything good and can make it clear that you are being cheated on.

One of the main signs is that you don't know anything more about her and she has become a mystery. If a woman is silent about her adventures, then you may not like them.

In most cases, when a wife has cheated on her husband, she is constantly tormented by remorse until she confesses. After all, the behavior of a woman after infidelity changes dramatically, which is associated with her emotionality. But if a woman, after cheating on her husband for the first time, passionately wants to forget about everything and save the family, psychologists advise not to tell her husband about what happened. If a wife admits that she cheated on her husband, his pride will be extremely hurt, and no matter how much he wants to forgive, he will still endlessly reproach his beloved, without even realizing it. In the end, both spouses will get tired of such a relationship, and the marriage will be completely ruined. That is why betrayal must either be carefully hidden, or forgive yourself for this act and forget.

Free marriage

But there are times when the husband allows you to change. In this case, the family is built on the basis of free relationships, when the spouses love each other and are happy together, but they do not forbid getting new emotions on the side. If both spouses really agree with this position, then such a marriage will be quite strong. But it is worth remembering that situations are not excluded when a husband or wife will experience a real feeling for another partner. And this probability is quite high.

Unfinished relationships in the past

Often there are cases when a wife cheated on her husband with a former young man. A chance meeting with an ex-boyfriend, a heart-to-heart conversation in a cafe evokes memories and nostalgia for the past. Such a meeting can quickly lead to treason, because here it seems that the former is sitting, but such a dear person. Women are so impulsive and easily succumb to their emotions. This is the most regretted change. When a wife cheats on her husband with an ex-spouse or boyfriend, a real betrayal occurs, since these relationships are based not only on sex, but also on a mutual feeling of warmth, tenderness and affection.

Close friends

Why do women often cheat on their husband with his friend? The husband's best friend subsequently becomes just a family friend who communicates equally well with both spouses. A man is always sure that friendship is sacred, so a friend will never betray. “Yes, he doesn’t even look at his wife as a woman,” men often think. We should not forget that the relationship between a man and a woman is always based on mutual sympathy and attraction. There is no just friendship, someone still loves. A family friend can calm his wife in moments of major quarrels and despair, take pity on her, caress her. And she herself will not notice how she has already cheated on her husband with his friend.

Spontaneous betrayal

A woman can cheat on her husband quite by accident. The most fatal moments of quarrels are when the wife is vulnerable and requires a strong and reliable shoulder nearby. As a rule, in such situations, the wife cheats on her husband for the first time, and it can be a completely unfamiliar man whom she just met in a bar. Casual relationships include betrayal during a separate holiday. Holiday romance is just a classic of the genre of all adultery. If a woman cheated on her husband on vacation, then it is easier for her to hide this incident and forget about what happened herself. Rest always involves alcohol and relaxation, but if a woman meets an interesting man, then it is practically impossible to resist.

Systematic betrayals

If a woman often cheats on her husband, then most likely a new admirer has appeared in her life, who occupies a certain place in her soul and thoughts. Such stable meetings with another man help a woman to get the emotions of falling in love long forgotten in her marriage. It is important for a woman to be desired and liked by others, these feelings are the key to her eternal youth. When a woman cheats on her husband with a lover, there is a high probability that the husband finds out about this relationship. Indeed, in any case, sooner or later, the husband will begin to think that his wife is cheating, noticing her changing behavior, her bright face, her sparkling eyes.

I cheated on my husband, how to return?

When a woman has already cheated on her husband, it is too late to regret what she has done, you need to think about how to alleviate the situation and make it less painful for the spouse. You should give your husband time to cool down so that he can talk to you calmly. Only after that, a woman will be able to understand whether her husband still loves her and whether he can forgive. The first reaction of men to betrayal is a similar revenge, and the wife needs to be prepared for this.

A woman decides to cheat in order to get new sensations or feelings forgotten in marriage, but it is worth remembering how much you will have to go through after this fleeting weakness.

Why does cheating happen in marriages? What are their reasons? Something went wrong? All these questions arise not only among those who have become a victim of such behavior of the second half, but also among those who are just trying to start a family. Even if a guy has just started dating a girl, then he may also have a worm of doubt, which will sharpen constantly and tirelessly: is the beloved cheating? Living with a burden on the soul becomes difficult. Making claims and asking inappropriate questions is the same as insulting a person with distrust. Maybe it was only your imagination that built some ideas about infidelity, and the girl did not even think of looking at someone else. And then she will not like your suspicions, in the end, she will get tired of it, and she will want to end the relationship in order to avoid humiliating questions and your jealousy from scratch. And she would be right in this situation! And you will not show yourself in the best light. If, nevertheless, you cannot cope with unreasonable jealousy, then it is better to turn to the experience of psychologists and find out by indirect signs whether your girlfriend is cheating on you. But even in this case, it is better to take some action and start a showdown when you make sure that your relationship is in danger of a final break. Whether it is worth trying after this to hold the family together or let the wife go on all four sides, it is up to you, but also your other half, to decide. Perhaps the betrayal was just her protest against your own wrong behavior. Then it’s enough just to reconsider your relationship, and everything will work out.

Signs of female infidelity

Let's make a reservation right away: all the signs below are just a reason to sound the alarm or check a woman for fidelity. Perhaps the reason for the change in the wife's behavior was much more prosaic reasons than a passionate affair started on the side. Pressure from friends, parents or colleagues, a banal malaise or a serious illness discovered, in the end, an unexpected pregnancy for her - all this can lead to a radical change in lifestyle or a change in appearance. To look for an outsider in these situations - a rival and competitor - is simply ridiculous. He is not!

The first signs of betrayal

Among the first signs of infidelity, psychologists distinguish: 1) Restriction of access to personal space Until recently, a wife could casually leave her cell phone on the couch and ask from the shower: “Look who is calling me there?”. Or even ask to answer that she will call back soon or be free. And suddenly she began to hide the phone, and on social networks she changed passwords to those that you do not know. This is already an occasion to think about treason, but at the same time, check other signs. You may have recently been rude to your mother-in-law on your wife's phone or ridiculed her friend for being overweight on her behalf. Here is the second half and decided to “punish” you by restricting access. After all, access to personal space does not mean the destruction of it. If such facts really took place, then it is worth apologizing to the spouse for inappropriate behavior with her loved ones, and then everything can fall into place. If the access restriction remains the same, then look for other signs before making a final verdict of treason. 2) Abrupt abandonment of very stable habits Did your wife suddenly stop attending the fitness room or, on the contrary, began to rush there, although she had previously been indifferent to sports? Or does she suddenly have a passion for classical music and she disappears into the conservatory after work and visits the opera house on weekends? At the same time, the wife became suspicious, began to worry a lot over trifles. Often does not answer calls on a mobile phone, or even happens to be "temporarily unavailable or out of network coverage." These are serious signs to be wary. If the wife has nothing to hide, then she will always gladly and thoroughly answer your questions about fitness or the opera. Of course, you understand that when you work out on the simulator, it is simply inconvenient to answer the phone. After physical exertion, the same characteristic aspiration can appear in the voice ... as after violent sex. The perfect disguise for physical infidelity. But there is no need to talk about it. But to ask why the classes suddenly became so interesting is quite appropriate. If, on the contrary, fitness is abandoned, then the reason for this may be a rise in the price of a subscription or the closure of a gym that was close to home or work. And these are not the moments that the wife could not explain. Most likely, she would have complained about the situation before classes ended. If the wife swam in the pool, then it is also impossible to be in touch there. But in this case, ask yourself: why didn't you swim together? As for the conservatory or the theater, it is customary to turn off mobile phones there. This is understandable, as well as the fact that if rap or hard rock is constantly heard at home, which only you like, when the wife loves the classics, then she will always look for a place where she can listen to something more comfortable for her ears. Here, not betrayal could play a cruel joke, but your intransigence and the imposition of your own musical taste. 3) Constant delays at work without warning When the wife suddenly began to stay late at work, it would have been inexplicable before, but in the current crisis situation, this is normal. When management cuts part of the staff, the remaining employees are given just a crazy amount of work for a meager increase in wages. If your spouse describes this whole situation to you, then you have no reason not to trust, because this information is objective. If the wife wants to get promoted because she has the chance, then she, too, can devote more time to her work responsibilities. And she will not share these considerations with you in the only case: when you reproached her with the fact that she occupies a low position, that is, “no one at all”, and you yourself are a value and in good standing with your superiors. If there was no such thing at all, and the woman is silent and does not admit why she does not go home from work for a long time, then this is a reason to ask if she has an office romance. 4) Sudden change of image towards a more sexual one A makeover can happen unexpectedly if your shy wife is influenced by her more flamboyant female friends. Instead of nondescript hair of an incomprehensible color, she acquires a blond head of hair or becomes a burning brunette. Or maybe red. In the wardrobe of the wife there are new things, more elegant and expensive in appearance. Of course, it's a shame that she asked you last of all if she should go to a makeup artist or stylist. But what can you do if she asked you several times, and you shrugged vaguely? And then the mother-in-law could also intervene, who “sawed through” the brain of her daughter that her husband should always like her, which means that she should take care of her appearance. And then after all, he will leave or find a mistress! Well, if the young lady began to take care of herself. But what should alert you is deep cutouts in clothes, too short skirts, or if emphasized tight-fitting silhouettes. If only all this had not happened before, then it becomes clear that the girl wants to attract someone. And if at the same time you pay attention to cutesy behavior, changes in gestures, gaze, etc., this is already a reason to suspect treason. The assessment of the wife's behavior in bed can finally dispel doubts. 5) Cooling down in intimate relationships Each person has his own sexual temperament, and you probably know very well what your wife has. How quickly she falls asleep after “this”, whether one act is enough for her, or is she insatiable, like a nymphomaniac, whether she often has a “headache”, in the sense of a reason for refusing to have intercourse - all this should be known to you. If suddenly something has changed, especially in the direction of cooling the relationship, then we can assume that the wife somewhere receives satisfaction on the side. Or your opponent is doing something “better in bed”, so you have become uninteresting. But this is not always a reason for suspicion. Your wife may just be pregnant! At the beginning of pregnancy, many women experience a decrease in libido, and this is a normal physiological process. Moreover, it is at the beginning of this period that many have to face such an unpleasant phenomenon as thrush. If your wife refuses intimate relationships in this case, then she is doing the right thing, because she does not want to infect you. At the same time, remember: thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease and occurs due to a decrease in immunity, and not because the wife “brought” her. This is even more likely a confirmation that the spouse is really pregnant. The question arises: why does she not talk about it? To answer this question, remember how you were preparing for the first time to confess your love to her, how you were going to propose. This after all demanded from you moral forces! And no less spiritual work is required from a woman to announce you as a future father. Yes, a third person appears in your relationship. But this third one is your son or daughter, who needs to be given attention even before birth. And it is required of you too. Sooner or later, the wife will be forced to say that she is going to become a mother, and then you will be convinced of her fidelity. But if there is no pregnancy, then it is worth asking if the spouse is sick with something serious. When the diagnosis is frightening, then she may just be afraid that you will leave her. If you are not a complete egoist, then she will most likely entrust you with her sad secret over time. When the wife is healthy, like a bull, besides she does not bear a child, this is already a reason to ask, for a start in jest: has she found a replacement for you?

Physiological signs of infidelity (by body)

There are still a couple of signs by which men often judge female infidelity. These are periods that go several times a month, as well as the desire of the wife to get to the bathroom as soon as possible. The first option is just disrespect to you. Why not just say you're tired or sick? Why deceive so that everything is sewn with white thread. This is a reason to think. The second option can be caused, for example, by the same thrush. What it's like to endure the itch for a long time and not run to the bathroom when the first opportunity presents itself! Also, the spouse may be embarrassed that her deodorant turned out to be faulty in the heat, and she does not want to appear dirty and sloppy in front of you. So the bathroom may be for you, and not to destroy the smell of an outsider's cologne and traces of recent sexual pleasures.

Signs of infidelity in panties, underwear and other clothes

Speaking about the image, we missed one important detail - underwear. It can also make you suspicious. For example, you have never shown an addiction to leather underwear, and suddenly your wife has it. This thing is not cheap, and a wealthy lady can buy it just for the sake of experiment. If a serious gap is formed in your family budget because of this, then before such a purchase, the spouse should ask how you generally feel about underwear made from such an unusual material. If a lady of the heart introduced a peignoir into her intimate wardrobe that she had not previously used, then this can be attributed to the imitation of the heroine of a recently watched film. But if this piece of underwear is not worn for your bed "dramas", then you need to be on your guard. You need to carefully find out: why was this piece of clothing purchased: either it's just a useless gift from a friend, or a way to please a lover. Lace panties, a new bra, which often enlarges the breasts, etc., can also serve this. your life partner.

Behavior of a woman after her betrayal

It is enough to pay attention to what changes have appeared in the daily behavior of the wife in order to say: "Perhaps she cheated on me." And these are not necessarily views on her husband as a complete insignificance, when she mentally compares him with a rich (more courteous, affectionate, powerful) lover. Here it can be exactly the opposite:
    amazing dishes of exotic or European cuisine, which are not prepared for the holiday; excessive politeness in handling, bordering on a constant desire to apologize for ... treason; surgical cleanliness in the house; no one knows where the burst of energy came from, up to the desire to dance.
Of course, restoring perfect order in the house and preparing pickles - all this can be the result of “getting it in the brain” from the mother-in-law or, conversely, the instruction of the dear mother, they say, you are no longer young, you can’t hold on to the beauty of “this dog” alone. And they advise mothers to surround their dear spouse with unprecedented care, so that he himself does not look to the left. A sudden passion for cooking unusual dishes can also play a role. If the wife is an addicted person, then over time this interest will subside, the food will become more mediocre, and this will only be regretted, as well as unfounded suspicions.

Female betrayal through the eyes of a psychologist

Psychologists are impartial, and therefore their verdict sometimes seems cruel to us. Sometimes, instead of taking the side of the deceived spouse, they suddenly begin to justify the action of the one who dared to cuckold him. Often, wanting to understand what caused the betrayal, they bring to light such nuances of the behavior of both spouses, which the family preferred to keep silent about. But even such shock therapy is sometimes useful, because it allows everyone to see their shortcomings, and not indiscriminately blame only the wife who cheated on her husband.

Reasons for female infidelity

Often called the main reason for the dissatisfaction of women, and not only in sexual terms. Just sex can suit a partner, but a person is not alive alone! The wife also has her own "spiritual body", which has needs. Go to the theater or dine at a restaurant, go on a romantic trip, just walk hand in hand in the evening park - why all this often remains at the dawn of a relationship, and then disappears somewhere, replaced by a routine of pots, pans, cleaning. Especially if the other half, that is, you, does not bother with household chores, considering your wife to be that working camel who will carry all this on herself. When a relationship with another man arises, it often represents such a promising romantic beginning as you once had. Moral: a woman needs to be constantly conquered with something, even despite the presence of a stamp in her passport, joint living space and common children. And then she would have no reason to even look in someone's direction. Remain a gallant gentleman, and not a lazy man lying on the couch, who, apart from the TV, is not interested in much. You can often hear that for a man, the family is his rear. But this does not mean at all that this is what is always behind you. If there is a rear, then there is a front. And this is not a career, not personal success, but the protection of the family and even its financial support. The latter fundamentally distinguishes family life and military disposition. Sometimes women "peck" on the security of a lover, on his expensive gifts, and not even because of greed, but because "the man spent money." The tempter can thus put your soulmate in an uncomfortable position. Especially if she does not know how to reject expensive gifts and annoying courtship. Often such relationships are even a burden to her, but she is not able to stop them. Then you need a psychologist. Or you yourself can suddenly show yourself as a superman and do something grandiose for your wife in order to win her back from her rival forever.

Why does a girl sleep with another guy, but does not leave

It happens that the second half is playing the game "on two fronts", that is, she has you, and at the same time - a lover. And she prefers not to stick to any of the shores completely. Perhaps you and a lover for her are mutually complementary links in her life. You know how to provide for a family, she sees in you a promising father for children, but finds sex with you boring and monotonous. Or maybe it's not about sex at all. She may not even sleep with another guy, but spend most of her time with him, saying that it's just friendship. Perhaps this guy understands her better, this is a vest in which you can cry, you get a more comfortable conversation with him than with you. And then this is a reason to change something in yourself, and not to reproach your wife for her infidelity.

Who is to blame for the betrayal

Surprisingly, both are to blame. If the friend of life is too lustful to be satisfied with just one partner, then where were your eyes when you chose her as your life partner? If you then closed them for such "shortcomings", then you just have to wait until the hormonal background of your chosen one subsides, and she will not look at other men. At the same time, she can be with you with all her heart, but change physically. But if the wife cheated, falling in love with another person, then this is a more serious situation, because often it ends in a break in relations, divorce, leaving for another family. A stable love triangle may form, and all three will be to blame here. Sometimes a lady remains a bigamist for a long time, until someone first gets tired of this state of affairs. And then you have to unravel the thread and look for the reasons that gave rise to these strange relationships.

How to know if my girlfriend or wife is cheating on me

This question is often asked by insecure men. In fact, jealousy is self-doubt, and it often arises from scratch, without real reasons. To execute a creature dear to you with distrust is not the best way to save a relationship. Therefore, you need to make sure that treason really takes place.

Ways to catch cheating

The most common way is to spy on the person you suspect. You can spy on your own or with the help of private detectives. You can track down either your soul mate or a potential competitor. There are different methods of espionage thanks to modern technologies:
    the use of listening devices; peeping information in social networks; visual observation using portable video cameras or optical devices.
But if you are a sick person from your own jealousy, then entrust the work to impartial detectives. After all, any information received can be interpreted by you wrongly, and you recognize yourself as a failed fiasco. For example, an affectionate word addressed to a yard dog and recorded on your voice recorder, you can take for a conversation with a young man. In some couples, the husband is called a dog or a cat! And surprisingly, a woman with a developed imagination can give her mobile phone or tablet a name by which she will someday call it out loud.

Loyalty test to test your love

There are various test options on the Internet, and with the help of them you can check both yourself for fidelity and your soulmate. If you take responsibility for her, you may misinterpret some of her phrases or even fill out the test in a biased way. Then the results may be distorted. It's better to just invite her to answer questions as a game. Naturally, you yourself should also participate in this and fill in all the fields with her. If you have nothing to hide, then she will also agree to do everything in front of you. Just be careful: the test does not show the fact of treason, but simply a person's propensity for infidelity. It is quite possible that your wife realizes that she is “not averse to being on the side”, but for the sake of you, her beloved, she honestly restrains such impulses and does not dissolve. There are many ways to get another person to do something that he would not want to do himself. And often it can be physical or moral pressure. To argue with the fact that a woman is physically weaker is stupid, but this does not mean that you need to literally knock out testimony from your wife. After all, recognition under such pressure will be your last conversation in general, after which she will have no hesitation and doubts about who is better. Of course, a lover, because he does not dissolve his hands. And she will run away to him without looking back, at least in order to be under the wing, moreover, she will justify herself 100% if you prove yourself to be a real dork. Putting pressure on a woman morally is also not the best option, because relations with you will definitely not return to normal from this. Most likely, the spouse will file for divorce and, quite possibly, will even be left alone, deciding that she is so much calmer - without any showdown. If you want to put an end to your relationship with your wife, because you yourself have looked after yourself a more suitable party, then feel free to start a showdown: you will achieve your goal and get a divorce.

My wife has a lover, what to do

If you are convinced that your wife really has a lover, and this is not a secret admirer, not just a friendly colleague who is not averse to chatting with someone else's wife for a long time, namely, a person who has an affair, then you can simply compete with him. Instead of starting a showdown, you can just pick up your wife at work, moreover, arrange it very effectively. And after that, invite her to a restaurant, saying that you would like to free her from housework today. Further more. You can start a trip to the resort with your wife. This will pull her out of her social circle with an uninvited boyfriend for a long time. Perhaps your life friend just needs vivid impressions, and if it is your person who will be associated with them, then why waste time and moral strength on a lover? Here the rule works well that the wife needs to be pampered so that she herself does not start to indulge. Treating your life mate as a "free app" to you is the way to the fact that she will change sooner or later. If a woman is not appreciated and not told about it, observing the “Spartan atmosphere” in the relationship, then she will subconsciously look for someone who will appreciate her. No need to skimp on kind words, on the manifestation of attention and affection. Then you will have a chance not only to calmly survive this romance started by your wife, but also to stay with her when the lover simply disappears from the horizon. Sometimes another psychological move helps. Oddly enough, but you need to let your wife go to her lover. It is about women that they say that at home, when they “unfasten” false eyelashes and a chignon, wash off the “plaster”, they turn into a kikimore. But with men, the situation is actually no better. Your wife sees her lover as imposing, well-groomed, when she meets him only in fits and starts. Now she will see him watching sports matches that will be more important than her. At the same time, yesterday’s “treasure” will almost eat pasta with stew or dumplings with his hands, so as not to be distracted from the screen, or bite off the sausage directly from the loaf. There are many pictures of such a plan, and all of them will not be in favor of the person who splurges. Wouldn't the wife then want to return to the man whose family structure was worked out with her together?

How to recognize if your wife is cheating at work

Office romances, alas, are not uncommon. And it is not always a meeting of two lonely hearts. It also happens that an “omnipotent” director or a big boss courts a married subordinate. In return, he offers career growth, high wages, and he also gladly spends his own money on the lady he likes. This, for many, seems disgusting. But if this is your wife, then this situation is a real disaster. A faithful wife will either quit this job, or make it clear that she is not ready to accept the courtship of the “bonza”, no matter what benefits he promises her. And here you need to distinguish between what reaches you: gossip or true information. If the director walks around your wife like a gogol, this does not mean that she reciprocated. Disassembly should be started sooner with him, and not with his beloved. A person understands that his power extends only within the division or office he leads. But here you are “not from his system”, and he may be afraid of you, because he does not know what to expect from you. If you want to be confident in your wife, then unexpectedly pay her a visit to work under the pretext of a surprise - unexpectedly bought tickets to a movie premiere, invitations to friends, or some other plausible pretext. You can also ask your wife for a corporate party. If the other half has nothing to hide, then she can accept such an idea with enthusiasm.

Cheating wife at 40, what to do

Sometimes a woman tries to adjust her views on life at a more mature age than your family union took place. And then she can find herself not just a nice fun guy that you once were, but a wealthy man who could:
    well provide for the family; protect your household from many problems; give expensive gifts; nice to look after; to truly care for children (and yours, too!), which you have not done until now.
In adulthood, a wife can suddenly look at the world through a different prism - the prism of practicality, which leads to a very dangerous betrayal. This is no longer an easy flirtation on the side, but the search for a reliable foothold. If you can’t cope with this role yourself - if you please ... Whether it will be possible in this situation to save the marriage, or at least relations with children, depends not only on the runaway wife, and not only on your children, but also on your precious person. Understand your spouse and forgive The first thing to do is to enter into your wife's position and understand what she was unhappy with in the marriage. If you tyrannized the whole family, did not spare the children, provided them poorly, then it will be difficult to hope for a change for the better. Here only you yourself will have to ask for forgiveness from the one whom you consider guilty. If you discard pride, then you can take such a step if the woman is really dear to you. If you perceived your wife only as a servant in the house, then you are unlikely to be able to apologize to her, and then you will have to start life from scratch. Children will have to be released to a new father, but still achieve their location in order to sometimes see them. If you were too soft in the family, and your wife did not perceive you as a serious support, then it's time to change something in yourself and win the favor of your wife. If she was able to become a practical lady from a romantic girl, then yesterday's “scumbag” can turn into a real superman. By the way, a "tyukhti" initially has more chances to be a beloved father, because children love not successful, but kind ones. In this case, the divorce can be postponed and just wait until this romance ends on the side. Divorce after infidelity and life from scratch If it was not possible to improve relations after the betrayal, and only diplomacy was established in the issue of raising children, then this is not a sentence for you as a family man. If you realize that your wife will be firmly held by her new family, then create your own. A man - and at the age of 40 the groom! Just do not do this out of spite, because you will cripple the life of both yourself and your new chosen one. You need to marry the woman you truly love and who loves you. After all, she will always subconsciously compare herself with your "ex". And if you choose a woman whose husband left, then you will also have this awkward feeling when you are afraid of not meeting expectations. Only strong feelings for each other can distract from these thoughts.

If a loved one has changed, is it worth it to forgive

Not only your wife can deceive you, but also the girl with whom you are still dating. Changes are different. For example, a girl can fall for someone's courtship while intoxicated. She herself will not be happy with this turn of events. This is just the case when you need to behave like a knight: forgive the girl and deal with an unexpected rival. You can forgive even a fleeting romance of your wife, if you see that these stormy feelings are not for long. As a rule, a gentleman can get away from a married lover as soon as she starts a conversation with him about starting a family. Such people prefer that the responsibility for a woman lies with someone else. In this case, on you. In the meantime, your wife plunged headlong into her romance, just think about what you did not suit your life friend. Maybe you are the one who can make things right. Just avoid reproaches, feel the way you did in your youth, when you only looked after her, trying to be better than your rivals. Have you been challenged? Accept!

Statistics: how often do wives cheat on husbands, and girls cheat on guys

Now you can find disappointing statistics that cheating occurs in 70% of married couples. But there is no unity among women's and men's sites regarding gender data in this regard. If on sites for the strong half regarding female infidelity, the numbers are often underestimated, then on women's resources it is indicated that over 75% of men are unfaithful in marriage. Should we rely on such statistics? Most likely no. In addition, you need to understand the reason for each individual betrayal. After all, you can be a good husband and an exemplary father, and statistics can be spoiled by domestic tyrants, drunkards and outright womanizers, whom cheating is not a sin, but a way of salvation for a humiliated wife.

Psychology: the consequences of betrayal and relationships after it

If the final break was not the result of betrayal, this does not mean at all that it will not leave a scar in the soul. Even the strongest and most courageous man is defenseless against only one feeling - love. If she is so strong that her own pride is drowning in her, then, oddly enough, this is a chance not only to forgive and take her cheating wife back into her arms, but also to maintain good relations with her and never remember her an accidental romance. You can often hear: "Be above it." But as a rule, such a remark concerns some conflicts at work, petty quarrels. But you can be higher than betrayal, higher than your opponent. It's hard, but you can always try. After all, how well you rise above this conflict depends on how well your family life can develop further. And if it so happened that your marriage broke up, then try not to keep evil. After all, the wife is gone, but it will not leave you. Don't let him make moves in your soul. It is better to find another point of support for yourself and throw off the burden of mental pain. This cannot be done right away, this disease will have to be ill for some time. But it should not be allowed to become chronic.