Effects of long abstinence in men. Negative consequences of sexual abstinence in men. What causes abstinence from sex in women

The whole truth about female abstinence: harmful or not?

What to do if there has been no man for many months? And what is more harmful to health - long abstinence in women or orgasms without love?

Abstinence in women: benefits and harms

“For almost three years now, I have not had a man,” says Asya. - At first there was a hard gap, then she went headlong into work. Now she seems to be ready for a new romance, but no one likes it. And, the strangest thing for me, I don’t want sex at all! But before it was oh-ho-ho." Such amazing metamorphoses of their sexual desire are observed by many girls who have temporarily retired from the race. From the point of view of doctors, this is not surprising. “First, any non-working function will atrophy. Secondly, attraction is formed not only at the hormonal level, but also on memories and the desire to repeat a successful experience. In other words, women simply forget that sex exists and can be good and bright,” says sexologist Yevgeny Kulgavchuk. However, you should not say goodbye to your sexuality forever. In fact, as it has atrophied, so it will recover.

In male sexology, the Tarkhanov-Belov phenomenon is described: if a period of forced abstinence sets in in a man's life, nature turns on an adaptive mechanism that does not allow the unfortunate man to go crazy and burst with desire. First, the body is released from tension (pressure of the seminal fluid) with the help of nocturnal emissions, and over time, the tone of the testes is suppressed, that is, the seminal fluid is produced less and less - sexual desire is dulled until it becomes possible to satisfy the need for regular sex. Something similar happens with sexual abstinence in women.

Abstinence in women - consequences

The belief that prolonged abstinence in women is the cause of serious and, first of all, gynecological diseases has not been confirmed by science. True, there are studies that claim that strong emotional stress, psychological trauma, chronic stress almost always accompany women's ailments - from menstrual irregularities to oncology. However, according to the observations of doctors, it is not loners who get sick at all, but women who are psychologically unsatisfied.
Psychologist Irina Malkina-Pykh, author of the reference book "Psychosomatics", explains the consequences of long-term abstinence for women: during the monthly cycle, hormones (different in each phase) affect a woman's instinctive behavior. And if hormone-driven needs—to love, to be loved, to care—are chronically unsatisfied, hormonal imbalance tension can persist, which in turn affects emotional life. “Endorphins and oxytocin are produced not only during sexual intercourse, but also during masturbation,” recalls Yevgeny Kulgavchuk. “But with physical contact, of course, you can get more complete satisfaction.” What is the danger of abstinence in women and its consequences? If you have learned to cope with the erotic tension that arises from time to time on your own (with the help of masturbation, physical exercises), do not feel unhappy in a state of solo flight and have not put an end to the search for a living partner, then gynecologists can worry about you no more than for the rest women.

Ancient philosophers argued that sperm is identical in origin with in this regard, they recommended that men not waste this useful fluid. Abstinence is obligatory for the ancient priests, who deliberately took a vow of celibacy - bodily caresses were strictly forbidden for them.

In addition, most religions, cults and traditions have actively promoted the restriction or complete renunciation of carnal pleasures and sexual life. It would seem that the ancient times, when long-term abstinence was cultivated among men, have already passed, and no one is engaged in these nonsense. And is it really so?

Sexual abstinence: pros and cons

There is an opinion that if a man cannot conceive a baby for a long time, then he is advised to refrain from sexual contact. It is the refusal to have sex for a while that increases the chances for a successful conception.

This is due to the fact that during the period of abstinence in the body of a man there is an accumulation of germ cells. Such sexual abstinence sometimes gives positive results. But not everyone approves of this method, it also has opponents who claim that those men who lead an active sex life have a much higher quality of sperm than those who constantly refuse intimacy with a woman.

Scientific studies conducted in Israel have revealed that abstinence from just before giving up this valuable liquid reduces its quality. Israeli scientists took more than seven thousand samples as an experiment and found that after a rather long refusal to have sex during sexual contact, only its volume increases, and this is not a guarantee for successful conception. In addition, sperm motility is sharply reduced.

Modern medicine claims that abstinence in men in most cases is detrimental to health. Regular sexual training has a beneficial effect on and strengthens the heart muscle. Especially sex is important for those men who are over 40 years old. It is healthy sexual relations that contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Abstinence in men: consequences

Dangerous long-term refusal of sex by the development of prostatitis, accelerated ejaculation, frequent and depression. Medical research states that men are divided into two types. The first includes those who lead an active sex life and react very painfully to the rejection of it. The second type is those who have other priorities in life, so for them abstinence is not an important problem and does not affect their health and mood in any way.

The degree of harm from sexual abstinence directly depends on the age of a man: the older he is, the more dangerous for him a long and unreasonable sexual restriction. Constant abstinence in men after forty years of age can lead to the development of congestion, prostatitis, adenoma, and increases the risk of cancer.

There is no significant benefit from sexual abstinence. The only significant reason for him is separation from his wife or girlfriend. Abstinence from fleeting and indiscriminate sexual contacts is always unconditionally useful.

After forced abstinence, a man may decrease, but with repeated contacts, the function is restored again. For each man, the period of return to the previous mode of sexual activity is individual: for some, half an hour, and for others, a week. It is better not to leave your soulmate for a long time and not deprive yourself and her sexual pleasure. Moreover, it has already been proven that sexual abstinence leads to depression, irritability, lethargy and depression.

It can lead to erectile dysfunction and ejaculation disorders, which will directly affect reproductive function. However, abstinence for a man directly depends on his age, physical and emotional state. In young men (up to 35 years old) with a high sexual temperament, violations against the background of long abstinence usually do not occur, and erection and ejaculation return to normal after the first sexual contact. By the age of 35, abstinence can cause more damage to the human body and can cause premature ejaculation and a drop in sexual desire. To restore sexual function, it may be necessary to resume regular sexual contact.

For men over 40 years of age, after a long period of abstinence, medical attention and consultation with a sex therapist may be required. The older a man is, the more problems he may face in the absence of sex. Due to the early refusal of sexual activity and as a result of the emotional states associated with it, impotence may appear at this age. Abstinence is especially harmful to men who are affected.

A prolonged absence of sex can cause the onset of various pathological processes in a man's body. Constant abstinence initiates stagnant processes in the body, which subsequently lead to adenoma and prostatitis. It also increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors of the reproductive system.

Some doctors recommend abstinence when a couple fails to conceive. Experts believe that the absence of sex improves the quality of sperm. However, there is no concrete evidence to support this theory. On the contrary, there are studies showing that prolonged abstinence has the opposite effect on sperm activity.

Women's temperance

At first, a woman's refusal to have sex leads to a sharp attraction to men, but after a few months the desire to have sex may go away. After the resumption of sexual intercourse, a woman may begin to experience discomfort. Some may experience pain during sex. This is due to the fact that the vagina begins to produce less lubrication, and the woman herself simply does not receive a sharp increase in sexual arousal, which will only gradually come to her. It is difficult to achieve orgasm after a long period of abstinence, and emotional release can occur only after a few months.

Against the background of a long absence of sex, a woman may begin to develop depressive states. The risk of a nervous breakdown increases, the mood deteriorates. This is due to the fact that sexual contact can relieve emotional tension and stress. Against the background of a psychological disorder, a drop in immunity is observed, which leads to an increased likelihood of getting sick, for example, with a cold or an infectious disease.

It is also worth noting that those who do not have sex are more often found such as mastopathy, fibroids and even cancer. Diseases occur after prolonged abstinence from estrogen and progesterone. Hormonal failure also affects the emotional state, leading to depression, neurasthenia and. Long abstinence also affects the relationship between a man and a woman. Sexual abstinence also affects the gland, the deterioration of which can lead to the formation of even greater problems with the body.

To understand the consequences of sexual abstinence in women, one should approach each representative of the weaker sex individually. Probably, men often notice that one girl actively responds to even the slightest caress, while the other maintains equanimity with the very careful efforts of her partner. What's the matter?

sexual appetite

Sexologists emphasize that all individuals are divided into 3 groups. The first includes men and women with a high temperament, the second - with an average, the third - with a low one. So, let's try to learn how to determine whether a person belongs to one of the types. All this will help to understand the dangers of abstinence in women.

Representatives of a strong temperament usually mature earlier than their peers. Accordingly, at a young age, they have an interest in their body, its needs and sex in general. They start sexual activity early, at 12-13 years old. As they grow older, such girls begin to feel the need for daily sex.

Statistics show that these women pay great attention to the process itself, and foreplay is not so important for them. However, it is worth leaving such a woman for some time without a man, as this will immediately affect her psychological state. This is mainly manifested in extreme irritability and aggression.

Average temperament and thoughts about sex

Most of the female population has an average sexual temperament. Such girls admit that they indulge in carnal pleasures 2 times a week. And this is the norm for them. Girls with a similar temperament need prolonged male caresses, gentle words and a suitable environment for making love.

But it is easy for such a partner to kill her sexual appetite with slovenliness or an unpleasant smell. And then the girl would prefer to stay without sex at all this time. How should abstinence in women be assessed in such a situation? The benefits and harms of this will run in parallel lines.

That is, physiologically, the person will remain unsatisfied, but psychologically, she will protect herself from negative sensations. What are the thoughts of a girl? She is able to think like this: "If there are no conditions for intimacy, then I will give it up today."

But psychologically, such a girl may remain dissatisfied, but this is unlikely to show. What is the danger of such abstinence in women? The consequences depend on how often similar situations occur. Scientists emphasize that the fair sex often keep a straight face when they have to give up sex. But in the end, they can be overcome by melancholy or blues.

Low temperament and abstinence

Low sexual temperament includes women with late sexual development. The saying "Sex is not the main thing in life" usually belongs to them. Owners of this temperament are usually monogamous, and making love once a month does not bother them. Often they have to do without intimacy for a long time, and then a number of questions arise. Why is abstinence dangerous for women? And what will be its consequences? Are they serious?

There is an opinion that such girls are too picky. They should be pushed into sexual contact smoothly, paying much attention to the emotional mood and erogenous zones. However, representatives of low temperament suffer more from the lack of male attention than without physical contact. Therefore, such women psychologically endure the absence of sex for a long time.

Abstinence in women. Benefit and harm

In fact, there are different opinions of doctors and psychologists about this. Nevertheless, most experts are inclined to believe that the lack of intimacy is not so harmless. This applies to absolutely all women, regardless of what type of temperament they have.

After all, it is known that sex is the best means for healing and rejuvenating the body. And for the fair sex, this is always important! In addition, it has been proven that ladies who abstain from sex are most prone to depression and obsessive fears. What else can a long abstinence of women lead to? The consequences are very different.

Lack of sex is the path to disease

Often, a lack of sexual relations can give the green light to many diseases. Firstly, excitement and a sense of dissatisfaction will begin to eat the girl from the inside. As mentioned above, women in such cases become irritable.

Thus, dissatisfaction in sexual life is trying to find a way out. Secondly, the risk of developing gynecological diseases increases, which can become complicated and lead to cancer.

There are many theories about the sexual life of opposite sexes. Many are trying to figure out what abstinence leads to in women. Benefits and harms are considered for each of the fair sex individually. If we talk about the positive side of refusing intimacy, then it is most likely the only one and is of a pleasant nature. It was revealed that after a period of abstinence, another intimate contact with a man causes violent emotions. It turns out that the rejection of sex exacerbates the sensations, giving them a brighter color.

Long abstinence of women. Consequences

Statistics show that young ladies are not as susceptible to diseases as their older girlfriends. It is known that a person changes periodically and must comply with certain standards. When an imbalance occurs in the body during prolonged abstinence, a woman's metabolic processes may be disturbed.

This often leads to a sharp with all the ensuing consequences. In the work of the sexologist Yaroslavsky “Temperance in women. The benefits and harms of the lack of sex ”described in sufficient detail that uterine fibroids, nodular and diffuse mastopathy, malignant neoplasms are serious diseases. And they don't just happen.

The fair sex may suffer from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings and migraine attacks. It has also been observed that the rejection of intimacy has a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland, adding additional health problems to the woman.

All of the above diseases can appear due to prolonged sexual abstinence. During this period, an imbalance sets in and affects women.

Medical research shows that the lack of intimate life not only leads to depression, but also makes the lady suffer from bouts of neurasthenia. Often this leads to a strong neurosis, which is not always possible to get rid of on their own. Some young women change their sexual orientation, begin to pay attention to representatives of their own sex. This is another significant point for those who care about the dangers of abstinence in women. And its consequences, as you can see, can hardly be called positive.

Women's behavior in the absence of sex

What can cause the refusal of sexual life? The reasons may be the lack of a permanent partner or psychological problems. Conflicting opinions often arise when such a topic as abstinence in a woman is touched upon. Benefit and harm must be considered in each particular case separately. It should be noted that the reaction of ladies to the lack of intimacy is different.

If a lady has a low interest in this side of life due to her natural temperament, then she practically does not suffer morally from this. Moreover, many individuals successfully sublimate sexual energy into productive activities and creative pursuits. Moreover, if a woman is actively involved in sports or dancing, then she manages to safely avoid many of the diseases listed above.

However, not all of the fair sex feel comfortable without intimate relationships. Over time, they inevitably outweigh the negative traits in character. Such ladies are distinguished by their rigidity in judgments, often demonstrating categoricalness in communicating with others.

Rejection of sex in a couple

It should be noted that not only single women abstain from sexual intimacy. This is often the case for those who have a permanent partner. What drives them: fatigue from monotony, loss of attraction to a man, or boredom?

Psychologists are unanimous in their opinion that the refusal to have sex with a chosen one inexorably leads to problems in a couple. After all, intimacy is a kind of indicator in a relationship. Its lack or absence inevitably leads to the collapse of the union.

How to avoid it? When such a problem arises, a woman should not withdraw into herself. On the contrary, it is necessary to discuss the reason for your unwillingness to be intimate with your partner. After all, such behavior can not only prevent a breakup of a couple, preserve the health of both, but also give a new breath to an established relationship.

Every man in his life had periods of sexual abstinence. The absence of a permanent partner, military service, treatment of certain diseases, increased workload - all this and much more causes a temporary lack of full-fledged sexual activity. If periods of forced abstinence last no more than 1 month, they do not threaten men's health. In other cases, the risk of developing the following pathological phenomena increases.

Inflammation of the prostate

Prolonged lack of intimacy is one of the main factors contributing to the development of prostatitis. According to statistics, men who abstain from intercourse for a month or more are 3 times more likely to have inflammation of the prostate compared to their peers who relieve sexual tension 2-3 times a week. In the absence of sexual activity, the process of blood microcirculation in the pelvic area is disrupted, which contributes to the development of congestion. Abstinence leads to the fact that a secret accumulates in the prostate, which should normally go out along with the ejaculate. The liquid stagnant in the gland is a breeding ground for pathogens. In addition, with a long absence of ejaculation, stagnant sperm also enters the prostate. As a result, local immunity weakens, and a pathological process begins in the gland. In this case, all the symptoms of inflammation may appear: burning in the urethra, pain in the perineum, etc.

Decreased potency

Doctors have proven that prolonged sexual abstinence can cause erectile dysfunction. Lack of intimacy for 2-6 months (this period may vary depending on the constitutional features of a man) leads to a decrease in potency and increases the risk of premature ejaculation. After a long abstinence, it is difficult for a man to restore the normal rhythm of sexual life, since the necessary glands eventually cease to function at full strength. With a long absence of erection, the tissues of the penis suffer from a lack of oxygen, and the blood vessels gradually narrow. In the future, this can lead to impotence. Abstinence over the age of 50 is especially dangerous. Lack of intimacy for 3-4 months often leads to complete extinction of sexual function.

Psychological problems

The lack of sexual practice causes a man's lack of confidence in his own abilities, a significant decrease in libido, and in some cases, fear of sexual contact. Up to 70% of the stronger sex, who have gone through a long abstinence, suffer from neurosis. Many men need the help of a sex therapist to solve psychological and psychosomatic problems caused by the lack of a regular intimate life. Most often, such difficulties arise over the age of 40, when it is often also required.

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