Proverbs about the stepmother. Proverbs side mother stepmother. Native side - mother, alien side - stepmother

For every person on earth there is no one closer and dearer than mother. Mom is warm, kind, affectionate. Both a friend and a strict teacher. Mom loves not for something, but simply because you are. And whatever relationship with mom may be, the first person we remember in difficult times is mom. All these moments are reflected in Russian folk proverbs about mother, which we have combined in this article. This collection will be useful for schoolchildren in doing homework, such as: remember and write down proverbs about mom, write a story about mom, family and parents.

From the collection “Dictionary of the student. Proverbs, sayings, popular expressions for children ":

Proverbs about mom and dad

The father and mother have warmth in their bosoms and in the cold.

Although the child is crooked, it is marvelous for the father and mother.
To live in orphanhood is to shed bitter tears.
Father and mother are sacred words.

A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.
Maternal affection knows no end.
Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.
Pity your father and mother, you will not find others.
You can't replace your own mother.
The stepmother is good, but not the mother of the family.
What is given by the mother's hand will go for the future.
For a mother, a child is a child up to a hundred years old.
Not the mother that gives birth, but the one that walks.
Not the father who gave birth, but the one who gave birth to drink, nurtured and taught the mind.
What the parents flies off the tongue, the child jumps on the tongue.

Proverbs about family

If the whole family is together, then the soul is in place.
What is at home, such is yourself.
A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.
A consonant family and grief does not take.
There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.
There is discord in the family, and the house is not happy.
Every bird is busy - he wants his nest.
A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
The hut is full of children, so it's happy in it.
Children are like flowers: they love care.
Where there are many nannies, there is a child without.
Give the children full freedom - you will cry yourself.
And the owl praises her children.
Children are small, so they don’t let them sleep, but when they grow up, you won’t fall asleep yourself.
A small child sucks at the breast, and a large one sucks at the heart.
As parents are, so are children.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
We are not like children, but they are like us.
The bird in the nest - until autumn, and the children in the house - until the age.

From the collection "Russian folk proverbs and sayings":

Proverbs about mother, about mother

There is no such friend as a dear mother.
There is no friend more tender than a mother.
When the sun is warm, and when the mother is good.
The native mother swings high, but does not hurt.
The mother will beat, not break through, but the stranger will stroke, but look through.
The mother of all business is the head.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Mother beatings are not sick.
The bird rejoices in spring, and the baby of the mother.
The bird rejoices in the spring, and the mother rejoices in the children.
The kalach cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter.
The mother strokes the wool, the stepmother opposite.
What is the uterus, such are the children.
Wife with advice, mother-in-law with greetings, and dear mother with affection.
The kid's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt.
Mother cries not in a handful, but in a handful.
A mother feeds her children like the earth feeds people.
Every mother loves her child.
Around the uterus is good for the baby.
The mother has a daughter and a daughter at the age of thirty.
Blind puppy and he crawls to his mother.
The child by the hand, and the uterus by the heart.
Where the mother is, there the child goes.
To whom is the mother, to whom is the stepmother.
The mother is not afraid of threats when the child falls.
And red, but not summer, and good, but not a mother.
The righteous mother is a stone fence.
A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.
And sewn with a bast, yes a mother, and with silk, yes a stepmother.
A mother with children is like a bird in a cage.

Proverbs about parents, about mom and dad

No parents - no patrons.
Parents are hardworking and children are not lazy.
What fathers-wombs are, such are children.
Whoever honors his parents lives a happy age.
Alive parents - read, died - remember.
And a mad sheep will be born from a good father.
He was born neither in his mother nor in his father, but in a passing young man.
You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
The father punishes, the father praises.
For what the father, for that and the children.
What is the hut, such is the tyn, what is the father, such is the son.
Father is about hiking, and mother is about expenses.
What is the tree, such is the wedge, what is the father, such is the son.

Proverbs about mother and stepmother

Not every stepmother is an enemy.
To another, happiness is a mother, and to another, a stepmother.
The kalach cheese is whiter, and the stepmother's mother is cuter.
It is bitter from the stepmother to the stepson, unsweetened and to her from him.
A stepmother drives from the house, and a bear from the forest.
Warm, but not like summer; good, but not like a mother.
Not every stepmother is a nettle, not every stepdaughter is a poppy.

Proverbs about children and family

A child is like dough: as he kneaded, so it grew.
Rich in sons, glorious in daughters.
Daughters flaunt, and sons live in high esteem.
What a treasure, if the children are in harmony.
The heart of a child rejoices from an affectionate child.
If there is a father and mother, then grace to the child.
The children's hut is fun.
With children grief, and without them twice.
The child is thin, but the father-mother is cute.
The parent's heart is in the children, and the child's is in the pebbles.
Always a father will have fun when a good son is born.
Those who have children have poor ones.
For an obedient son, the parental order is not burdensome.
And beavers are kind to their beavers.
Rot the tree while it bends, teach the child while it obeys.
The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.
The boy is the joy of the father, and the girl is the joy of the mother.
The father and mother in the bosom - and it's warm in the cold.
Without a father - a son of a naughty, without a mother - a daughter.
She gave birth to a young man just like his father.
A good uncle has good children.
Who indulges children, he cries.
What a mother puts in her head, that her father won't knock out.
Not the mother who gave birth, but the mother who nursed.
One uterus has different babies.
Like a swarm without a queen, so is a child without a mother.
She didn’t teach her son when she fed, but she will feed you, so you won’t teach.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
In the family, the porridge is thicker.
Consent and harmony in the family treasure.
The family agrees that things are going great.
Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower,
A family without children is like a flower without a smell.
In a good family, good children grow up.

Proverbs and sayings about the mother tell about the attitude of people towards the closest and dearest person who gave us life - mother.

The meaning and meaning of proverbs and sayings about mothers mainly lies in the fact that maternal care and love help a person, no matter where he is far away, no matter what situation he finds himself in. Love in a mother's heart always warms, and connects us with an invisible thread through time and distance.

Never betray and never forget - mom. Maternal love is a reliable support that can give strength to a person to overcome himself and to conquer the world. We must not forget our roots, the attitude towards parents will return the same attitude towards you from your children. A mother loves her son and daughter just the way they are.

Proverbs and sayings about mom

Whatever a mother puts into her head, her father won't knock it out either.

He was born neither in his mother nor in his father, but in a passing young man.

She gave birth to a mother that the earth does not accept.

Whoever has a uterus has a smooth head.

Warm, warm, but not summer; kindness, kindness, but not a native mother.

The kalach cheese is whiter, and the stepmother's mother is cuter.

Blind puppy and he crawls to his mother.

The mother's heart is outgoing.

A mother's heart warms better than the sun.

The most valuable and precious thing in the world is mother and father.

To live with your mother is neither sorrow nor boredom.

There are many relatives, and the mother is the dearest of all.

Native land - mother, foreign side - stepmother.

It is difficult to give birth, it is even more difficult to teach goodness.

You can't replace your motherland with anything.

Motherland, know how to protect it.

Beloved homeland - dear mother.

Motherland is the mother of all mothers.

Bees without a queen are lost babies.

You can find bird's milk even in a fairy tale, but you will not find another father-mother in a fairy tale.

The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

There are many fathers, but only one mother.

A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.

There is no sweeter friend than a mother.

Not the father, the mother who gave birth, but the one who brought to drink, nurtured, and taught good.

Do not leave your father and mother in your old age, and God will not leave you.

You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.

A young wife cries to the morning dew, a sister to the gold of the ring, a mother to the age.

The mother scratches the wool, and the stepmother against the wool.

The mother is industrious and the children are not lazy.

A mother with a son is not an heiress.

A righteous mother is a stone fence.

Mother cries - that the river is flowing; the wife is crying - that the stream is flowing; the bride cries - like dew falls: the sun will rise - dry the dew.

The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.

Mother and beats, strokes like that, and someone else strokes, hits like that.

The mother loves the child, and the wolf loves the sheep.

Mother to children - yes, I rarely see them: they sit in different cages.

The mother of all business is the head.

The mother is the nurse, and the nurse is not the mother.

Mother's son.

The mother's word does not say past (to the wind).

Mother's heart in children.

Maternal blessing does not sink in water, and does not burn in fire.

Maternal words God rules.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.

Maternal prayer from the day of the sea takes out (takes out).

Maternal prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea.

Maternal affection does not know the norm.

Dear mother - an inextinguishable candle

A loving mother is the soul of the family and the decoration of life.

Where the mother is, there the child goes.

Where the mother goes, there the child goes.

Whoever honors his mother and father never perishes forever.

A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but there is no dearer mother.

Prosperity is the mother, squalor is the stepmother.

A good mother teaches kindness.

The child is at least crooked, but the father, the mother is nice.

The child does not cry, the mother does not understand.

Children are good - mother's father's crown; thin - mother's father is finished.

Where mother is, dear friend, there is my boot.

The chicken brought out ducklings, and she cries with them.

Every mother loves her child.

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - the whole orphan.

Without a mother dear, the flowers bloom colorlessly.

Without a mother, dear, and half the joy.

A swarm cannot survive without a mother.

Without a mother, bees are lost babies.

Without a mother and father, the hut is not red.

IN AND. Dal, in his collection Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People, also presented many proverbs and sayings about the mother. Below you can read an excerpt from this book.

The spring sun warmed, and round gold coins scattered on the thawed patches.

“The spring of flowers is opened by the very early first-born - coltsfoot. This golden snowdrop grows on sunny clay ravines and blooms before all grasses - before the exhibition of hives, before the departure of the first bees, before the ice drifts. This is what the phenologist and writer Dmitry Zuev wrote about the mother-and-stepmother.

On the thawed patch is the first flower.

How defenseless and small he is!

A sharp wind shook him,

Bend the stalk to the ground,

Frozen in the predawn mist,

But the brave flower survived!

I'll kneel before him

Touch the petals with your hand -

How much wisdom and patience

In this drop of gold!

Remember what a coltsfoot flower looks like?

It has a low stem, covered with a soft, light fluff that protects the flower from the cold; brown sharp leaves similar to scales are tightly pressed to the stem.

The real large leaves of this plant appear later, in the middle of summer, when there are no more flowers. The leaves are large and dark green.

Why is the flower called coltsfoot?

Yes, because the lower part of the leaf is covered with thick white hairs. If you stroke it with your hand, you will feel softness and warmth. It's like a loving mother caressed you. And the upper part of the leaf is smooth, cold. Like the touch of a stern stepmother.

The flowers of the coltsfoot are collected in a round inflorescence because each flower individually is too small and fragile to withstand bad weather - snow, rain, wind, and insects will soon notice a bright golden inflorescence. Recently awakened after a long harsh winter, bees and bumblebees fly to the flowers of the coltsfoot for honey and, flying from flower to flower, pollinate them.

When the coltsfoot flower fades, it will turn into a white fluffy hat. Each seed is supplied by nature with a small airy fluff-parachute, which helps the seed to fly away from the mother plant. When the seed lands, the parachute falls off.

Coltsfoot flowers have an interesting feature: they open in the morning, and close before bad weather and at night - they save a drop of sweet precious nectar.

Questions for consolidation

What does a coltsfoot look like?

Why are the small flowers of this plant collected in a round inflorescence?

When does coltsfoot bloom?

Why did the flower get such a name?

What insects pollinate coltsfoot flowers?

How do coltsfoot seeds spread?

With name mothers people bind everything that is closest to a person’s heart: “Motherland”, “Mother Rus'”, “nurse land” or “mother earth”, “truth mother”, “Volga mother river”.

In poetically bright terms, the people draw the image of the mother as a source of goodness, joy and happiness for children. "When the sun is warm, when the mother is good". Folk wisdom compares maternal joy with the spring flowering of nature. “Birds rejoice in spring, and mother rejoices in children”,- speaks proverb. Like the same spring flowering in nature, with the birth of a child, the physical and spiritual forces of the mother are renewed, grow and strengthen. The birth of a child is the spring in a mother's life. As the forest resounds with the singing of birds in spring, so happiness sings in the breast of a mother, so broadly and lovingly a mother's heart responds to everything.

The people call truth mother. "True Mother", - he says, investing in this concept all the most true, incorruptible. Deeply connected in meaning with this concept is the proverb “The righteous mother is a stone fence”. A righteous mother, that is, an honest, just, steadfast mother, like a stone fence, protects, protects children from everything harmful, bad, disastrous.

There are many Russian folk proverbs about friendship. But the most tender and faithful friendship is friendship between mother and children: "There is no friend like a mother". Mother- the closest, cordial friend, she can, like no one else, understand, calm children and alleviate their mental anxiety.

Folk wisdom also speaks of the unrequited debt of children to their mother: “If you make scrambled eggs for your mother even in your palm, then you will be indebted to her”.

The best properties of the soul of the people were reflected in oral folk art. One of the most beautiful manifestations of the human soul - love for mother. This love in its strength and depth can only be compared with love for the Motherland. These feelings are expressed in proverbs and sayings about mother, about mother.

Proverbs and sayings about mother for children

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

A puppy learns to bark from its mother.

Aspens don't grow oranges.

Good seed, good and shoot.

Bad branches without a trunk.

You can buy everything, but you can't buy a father-mother.
What is the father, such is the good fellow.

Where there is harmony in the family, children are raised well there.
The hut is full of children, so it's happy in it.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

Proverbs about mom and dad

What is the father, such is the good fellow.
What is the hut, such is the tyn, what is the father, such is the son.
White in face, but thin in father.
What is the tree, such is the wedge, what is the father, such is the son.
A good father has good children.
Although the child is crooked, it is marvelous for the father and mother.
The father and mother have warmth in their bosoms and in the cold.
The parent's heart is in the children, and the child's is in the stone.
Who praises the girl? Father and mother.
Grass does not grow without roots.
From a bad seed do not expect a good tribe.
Father and mother are sacred words.
What is the genus, such is the offspring.
Good seed, good and shoot.
Neither in mother, nor in father, but in a passerby fellow.
From the moose - moose, from the pig - piglets.
Who from whom, that and in that.
What a mother puts in her head, that her father won't knock out.
Children are studying near the father-womb.
When children stand on their heads, parents stand on their ears.
Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who made him drink, nurtured and taught good.

Whoever honors his parents, that age does not perish.
Father and mother are sacred words.
Father and mother are not enough for life.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Folk proverbs about mother

Without a mother, the sun does not warm (Ukrainian)
Near the mother’s uterus, it’s good for a child (Ukrainian)
Mother's anger is like snow - it falls a lot, but it melts quickly (Chechen)

The kindness of a father, like a mountain, is high; mother's love is like the sea - deep (Japanese)

Mother's words are soft like ghee (Udmurt)
The son was beaten, and the mother's back hurts (gypsy)
The child's finger hurts, and the mother's heart (Ukrainian)
A chicken doesn't have three legs, a mother has two hearts (Chinese)

Maternal patience will endure everything (Azerbaijani)
Mother loves tenderly, father loves hard (Italian)
The mother will lie on the wet, and the children will lay the dry (Vietnamese)
Mother is a shrine, they don’t argue with her (Chuvash)
Mother said - God said (Mordovian)
Maternal kindness ten horses will not raise (Abkhazian)

Proverbs on the topic "Mother"

The mother worries about the children, the children look into the steppe.
When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
Mother's eyes are blind.
The mother has a daughter and a daughter at the age of thirty.
A mother feeds her children like the earth feeds people.
And the crow praises the crow.
Maternal affection knows no end.
Mother has enough tears for everything.
The righteous mother is a stone fence.
Maternal prayer takes out from the bottom of the sea.
Bad fisherman - bad nets, bad mother - bad children.
Where the mother goes, there the child goes.
A puppy learns to bark from its mother.
A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.
The bird is glad of spring, and the child of the mother.
Every mother loves her child.
Mother cries that the river is flowing.
For a mother, a child up to a hundred years old is a child.
There is no better friend than your own mother.
The puppy is blind, and even then it crawls to its mother.
The kalach cheese is whiter, and the mother of all friends is cuter.
Mother will not teach bad things.
Not the mother that gave birth, but the one that raised.
Maternal care does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.
The mother feeds the children, as the land of the people.
Mother's heart warms better than the sun.
The son's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt.
Mother in children blooms as if in bloom.
The mother broke through the sinuses, hiding the children, and the children broke through the sinuses - hiding from the uterus.
A mother with children is like a bird in a cage.

Proverbs about mother

Near the mother’s uterus, it’s good for a child (Ukrainian)
For her own daughter, the mother will give the ring along with her finger (gypsy)
With a native mother - warm, with a stepmother - cold (Udmurt)
Mother gave birth to give birth, but I will die myself (Udmurt)
The mother and beats - as if stroking, and the stepmother and strokes - as if beats (Ukrainian)
No one will call his mother a witch (Ossetian)
Love your mother - don't insult mine (Persian)
He who loves his mother will not leave someone else's (Azerbaijani)
You can't replace your own mother.

Proverbs about stepmother

Mother swings high, but does not hurt; the stepmother swings low, but it hurts.
Better straw from mother than wool from stepmother (Latvian)
With a native mother - warm, with a stepmother - cold (Udmurt)
The mother and beats - as if stroking, and the stepmother and strokes - as if beats (Ukrainian)
The mother strokes the wool, the stepmother is opposite.
Mother will beat, not beat, but someone else will stroke, but look through.

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There are many beautiful ones - there should be one native.

Hello dear! I'm not Basilio the Cat, but I can show you the Field of Wonders!

Everyone Hates Chris (30+)

If this is your destiny, nothing will separate you, and if it is someone else's, nothing will make it yours.

Beloved (10+)

Nadezhda is the mother of fools, which does not prevent her from being a wonderful mistress of the brave.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec (500+)

I conjure! Take care Mom. Children of the world, take care of the Mother.

Rasul Gamzatov (50+)

Do not get old, I ask you, dear ... r
Mom, stay forever young

The best years of your life are when you decide that your problems are yours. You don't blame them on the mother, the environment or the president. You realize that you are in control of your own destiny.

It's always easy to offend a mother. She won't take offense. And he can only tell you - "Don't catch a cold, it's windy today." Love people mothers, they need little in this life.

The love and devotion of children for them exceeding the reward!

She is tender like a mother and beautiful like a loved one. And soon I fell in love with her. She lives alone. He goes to work every morning. I don't know what her job is. Yes, I'm not interested. But I like to watch her from the room in the morning.

Girl and cat / She and her cat (3)

No one, no one should know what is happening between husband and wife, since they love each other. And no matter what kind of quarrel they have, their own mother, and that one should not be called a judge and tell one about the other. They are their own judges. Love is the mystery of God and must be closed from all the eyes of strangers, no matter what happens there.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (100+)

Proverbs and sayings. Ukrainian proverbs. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

For a welcome guest, a lot is needed, and an unwanted guest - what he put, he will eat.

It's not hard to get into debt, but it's hard to get out of them.

I'm afraid of you, like last year's snow.

Cooks from morning to evening, but there is nothing.

Autumn is coming and the rain is coming.

There is no cure for stubbornness.

An orphan is like a stone at a crossroads.

There the wolf does not pull, where there is no smell.

Summer gives roots, and autumn - seeds.

Those who are afraid have double vision.

Though my head is empty, if only there is a lot of money.

Not beauty is famous, but what anyone likes.

Without a master, other people's hands are hooks.

In September, one berry, and that bitter rowan.

Look for a master in a tavern, and a bold one in a prison.

The guy has one thought, and the girl has ten.

Every merchant praises his goods.

It is better to marry a poor woman than to drag a century behind a rich one.

Raise a son for yourself, and a daughter for people.

The family is great, but there is nowhere to lay your head.

The mother praised her daughter until she got out of her hands.

Simple as a pig, but cunning as a snake.

Woe is the sea, you can’t drink everything.

Where the fearful is up to his ears, there the brave is knee-deep.

The evil one and the sun shines evilly.

Firewood is not brought into the forest, and water is not poured into the well.

Let's get whatever, if not bread, then lard.

Stingy and shaking over a penny.

You don’t run over someone else’s horse, you don’t boast about someone else’s good.

Talk little, listen a lot, and think even more.

In people - Ilya, and at home - a pig.

Whoever loves whom, he loves him.

They scared the pike that they would drown it in the lake.

The body hugs and takes out the soul.

Silence has never failed a woman.

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Native side - mother, alien side - stepmother

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Russian proverbs and sayings » about mom

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