Congratulations on your professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day. Congratulations on Energy Engineer's Day

Let's click the toggle switch and it will light up
There is a thin wire in the lamp...
Energy, energy
We dedicate congratulations.

Two hundred years ago who would have believed
That she will come to every home -
Electric Energy,
Warming with warmth?

You will celebrate your day today,
There will be light in spite of the darkness.
Energy, energy,
May you always have light!

Here let's take a minute
We imagine
Why are we sitting by candlelight?
And we set up the samovar.

Why introduce something?
Energy on holiday?
We just need to congratulate -
Thank you, energy workers!

Everyone has been familiar with energy since childhood.
Everyone needs it for life!
We are born with her, we grow up, then we mature,
It is indispensable for creativity!

On Energy Engineers Day, we sincerely congratulate
All those who will bring us energy!
We will send them a heartfelt “thank you”
And we believe that Fortune will not leave you!

On a dark and short day
Believe me, it’s not too lazy to celebrate
Energy drink day for everyone,
Compose and sing a song in his honor.

For energy at home,
So that winter is not scary,
To make you warm and cozy
If only our world were populous!

In every house, in every apartment,
All over the country and all over the world,
Current energy plays an important role
It fills homes with light and warmth.

And we give our congratulations to those
Who gives us energy every day.
You are the energetics - you conquered her,
And with this energy the whole world was illuminated!

I guess it’s not in vain that I think
In the third decade of December
The country celebrates energy day.
Energy - heat and light,
And all that for many, many years
Warms us in severe frosts.
The current flowing through the wires
The warmth of a magical stream,
Which is so lacking in winter,
For road lighting,
I give special congratulations -
Let him help you in your work!

You give light to all our houses,
Give us warmth in winter and autumn.
Day and night... You are always at work,
Thanks only to you it is always light
In homes, hospitals, factories, schools...
Today, energy workers, is your day.
Let them reproach you less often,
Let them bestow joy and courage.

This is an eternal profession -
The world is always light!
This is a good profession -
Give people warmth!

The whole era shines in it,
Where is Volt, Ampere, Edison,
We met with youthful energy,
And the world was conquered by the electron.

You are responsible for keeping watch,
Give us magic!
Will light up in the report today
Signaling congratulations to you.

Thank you for the light and warmth,
For the fact that you with your energy
You warm us and make all nights worse
You light thousands of lights for us!

May everything always be for you,
Darkness, winds, evil fate will be powerless,
And the sun shines with golden fire,
Please accept this congratulations on this holiday!

Dear energy workers, you give our homes light and warmth. Working computers, electric kettles, uninterrupted supply of electricity, bright light bulbs in the evenings. Your “golden hands” have no price. Be healthy, hardworking and happy, do not know sorrows and sorrows. Let good luck illuminate your home like a bright LED light bulb.

Here is a collection of congratulations on Energy Worker's Day from officials (the head of the enterprise, the Head of the city, etc.). All texts are in prose.

Adding even more wishes to the texts (if necessary) will help (addressed to colleagues).

All first and last names, names of organizations and localities, statistical data were used solely for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need.

Option #1

Dear friends! On behalf of the management of the Foton company, I congratulate you on your professional holiday – Power Engineer’s Day!

Thanks to a close-knit team and well-coordinated work, Foton has grown from a small organization over the past 7 years into a large energy company building new capacities. Today we have plans to modernize existing facilities, plans to reconstruct heating networks in the areas of our presence. The comfort of millions of residents of the cities where our thermal power plants operate depends on our work.

I want to wish all of us a successful next year! May there be many successful undertakings and successfully completed projects. I wish good luck to the company and to each of you! The well-being of every year lived by our organization depends on the luck of each employee. May your life become better from year to year, may the year bring new significant events into the life of each of you, and may the joy of these events always be shared with you by devoted and loved ones - family and friends, colleagues and friends!

Option No. 2

Dear friends! I am sincerely glad to congratulate us all on our professional holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day and the upcoming New Year!

The past year has been a very good one for us. Throughout the year, we had full production capacity and sold 29,000 tons of metal structures. Good growth. A year earlier, we sold only 15,000 tons.

The next year promises to be difficult... We will be building several large projects, such as the Kostroma State District Power Plant, Ivanovo CCGT and a number of others. All of them are responsible lines today and will require great attention. I think that together we will cope with this work, since we have the most valuable resource for the implementation of all plans - a close-knit team of professionals.

I sincerely wish you good health, trouble-free work, respect and recognition of the people around you, peace and love in your family. May your hopes always be justified, and may everything conceived and planned be easily carried out.

Option #3

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

Summing up the results of the past year, I would like to note the difficult situations that we had to endure together... Especially those that took place at the Saratov station. I express my deep gratitude to everyone who participated in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of our thermal power plants and in bringing the Saratov thermal power plant to normal operating condition. Thank you for not being afraid of the difficulties that arise on your way, accepting them with dignity and being able to implement the tasks that management and yourself set for you in order to return the energy supply to normal.

A huge amount of work has been done in the past year, and even greater tasks await us ahead that require implementation. We need to take measures to redistribute the load between thermal power plants, reconstruct heating networks and replace about 20 km of heating networks. As part of the repair program, work has already been planned to replace thermal insulation, relay pipes, and replace intra-block pipelines. I think we can handle this - we have everything for this.

I congratulate you on our professional holiday, the upcoming New Year and Christmas! I wish happiness and peace to you and your families. Let your children and loved ones never know adversity and failure. Let all the tasks that you set for yourself be realized. May you always have the support of those from whom you expect it. And may your efforts to improve your life and the world around you be crowned with success.

Option No. 4

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we have gathered here to celebrate your professional holiday - Energy Engineer Day!

We have to work in a large region that ranks 4th among all regions of the Russian Federation in terms of electricity consumption and there is potential for further growth. This year we were able to provide 30,000 connections to power sources and are pleased to note that every year connection times are decreasing and the time spent on each connection is decreasing.

In May of this year we had an emergency situation. And I would like to thank everyone who took part in eliminating this situation and eliminating the negative consequences, as well as everyone who ensures uninterrupted power supply in the region. Thank you for your work, for your reliability, for your professionalism and skill, for the invaluable experience gained through labor and years, which you skillfully use and generously share with those who need it.

I want to wish you, people who have dedicated their lives to energy, the highest achievements and job satisfaction. May the results you receive exceed your wildest expectations, may life bring only pleasant surprises. Welfare and prosperity to you and your families!

Option #5

Dear friends, veterans, everyone who works in the field of small and large energy!

The tireless work of everyone who works in our industry creates one of the most necessary benefits - warmth and light, providing the necessary comfort in homes, institutions and organizations throughout the country. Thank you for your work, and for the fact that, despite the weather conditions and time of day, you conscientiously perform your service and ensure the uninterrupted operation of heating and electrical networks. Your holiday is truly a bright day on the calendar.

Today our company “LUM” can rightfully be called a leader in the energy industry in the Perm region. The past year has been difficult in all respects... It was both technically difficult and underwent serious transformations in management. But the year also gave us a pleasant surprise - the company found a way out of the deadlock, was able to gain momentum, use its potential and create sufficient reserves of acid and fuel. We went through a repair campaign (major and current repairs were carried out) and safely entered the winter period, providing heat to all facilities. To date, we have been able to resolve most of the problems that arose.

I am pleased to note that the company now has great prospects. The most important resource of the company that we have preserved is, of course, people. Today the company employs 1,840 people: heating engineers, process engineers, mechanics, electricians, welders, machinists, laboratory assistants, drivers... All of them are people of different professions, but they celebrate their professional holiday on the same day - Power Engineer's Day!

On behalf of the company and management, I cordially congratulate all employees on our professional holiday! I wish you stability in work and life. May your life and your profession endlessly open up new horizons for you!

Option #6

Dear friends, respected colleagues and veterans of the energy industry!

Today is a special holiday for us. Because energy is our calling, our destiny. This is a holiday for those who dedicated their lives to a difficult, unsafe, but extremely important cause - giving people light and warmth!

The work of power engineers creates the basis for stable, uninterrupted operation of industry, agriculture, organizations and institutions of the country.

In difficult conditions, showing high professionalism, you, dear colleagues, bring people the energy of creation, development, warmth and light. It is significant that your professional holiday is celebrated on the shortest daylight hours of the year – December 22. It is on such a day that the work of power engineers is most noticeable and the importance of your work is most acutely felt.

Power engineers have always been distinguished by high professionalism, responsibility, consciousness and discipline. Qualities inherent in wonderful people who have enormous responsibility on their shoulders. That's exactly who you are. Thank you for your work.

Today, many of you celebrate your professional holiday at your workplace, ensuring the smooth passage of the autumn-winter period, when the need for light and warmth is highest.

With all my heart I wish you trouble-free work shifts, reliable and stable operation of equipment, warm smiles on the faces of your family and friends, light in your soul and bright events in life. May your work always be respected, appreciated and generously rewarded. Happy holiday!

Option No. 7

Hello dear friends! On behalf of the Network company and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your professional holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day!

This is a holiday of people who give us light and warmth, without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. They ensure the functionality of vital things - computers, air conditioners, washing machines and many other things without which we cannot imagine our lives (and for many, these items also provide work). These are the people who, in the heat and cold, do everything so that you and I do not sit in the dark and cold. Very often they risk their lives to provide comfort in our homes, schools, hospitals and kindergartens. They don't consider themselves heroes. They don't expect orders or awards. They are simply doing their job conscientiously.

Of course, the work of power engineers is important for the country and society as a whole. This is a very responsible job. Please accept my deep and sincere gratitude for your work!

With all my heart I wish you safety at work, good luck, professional development, prosperity for your families, financial and physical health. May the new experience you gain serve you well throughout your life and may you be surrounded only by grateful and respectful people.

Option No. 8

Dear employees of the energy industry! I sincerely congratulate you on our favorite holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day!

In winter, when it is especially cold and daylight hours are especially short, the vital need for the warmth and light that you uninterruptedly provide to all citizens and compatriots is always most acutely felt. Thank you for your work, for making our lives warmer, brighter, more joyful, healthier and brighter. It is impossible to do without you and the results of your work in any field of activity, in any industry.

I wish you safety for all of you and those for whom you work - our citizens and compatriots! May the warmth and light that you provide to our homes return to you in the form of the warmth of loved ones, longevity, stable well-being and inexhaustible vital energy.

Option No. 9

Dear Colleagues! I sincerely congratulate you on Energy Engineer's Day!

Today is a special holiday for all of us. We traditionally meet him at the workplace, at the height of the autumn-winter loads on the networks, and carry out work that makes the Energo-Driver company one of the most reliable in the country.

Our efficiency today is the key to the economic success of the region both today and tomorrow. There is a lot of work ahead of us - we have to create an electrical grid complex that meets all international standards, and to solve large-scale problems it is important to be a single team.

The energy workers of the Energo-Driver company are special people who consider their profession a way of life. We are proud to note that entire generations of power engineers work in our ranks - dynasties have long become a good tradition. After all, continuity is the basis for the formation of professional traditions and production culture.

With all my heart I wish us all stable, reliable and trouble-free work, good health, happiness and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Option No. 10

Dear friends! On the eve of your professional holiday, I would like to tell you only the warmest and most joyful words, but life and circumstances make their own adjustments...

The past year has been a testing time for us. We passed them with honor and dignity. High cohesion and mutual understanding in the team allowed us to solve all the problems facing us and now we can move on...

The outgoing year was especially important for us because we commissioned a new thermal power plant, which marked the completion of the CSA program (capacity supply agreement) and commissioned 3,000 megawatts of capacity, spending 120 billion rubles on this. This is a lot of money, but I hope that it will bring new results, new profits and new dividends to our company.

Also, the outgoing year completed a transition period, during which we built new relationships with our partners and entered into new models of relationships in terms of network rental. Thanks to the changes we have made, we are becoming closer to our consumers, fulfilling our main task - providing warmth, light and comfort in homes and apartments.

Also, the year was important for us because, having completed the CSA program, we are moving on to the next stage, which is also very interesting, intense and costly - the program for optimizing thermal units. This stage will also require mental effort, strength, professionalism and skill from all of us. To date, the program has been fully formulated, approved by the Board and is entering the implementation stage. In the coming years we will get from it the effect we hope for.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday and the upcoming New Year. Let your teams, your families have more emotional and spiritual comfort, more happiness and everything that will enrich your life with bright colors, events and impressions. I wish you good health, active longevity and fruitful work! Happy holiday!

Option No. 11

Dear colleagues, friends! The staff of OJSC "Volt" sincerely congratulates you on your professional holiday and the upcoming New Year!

The stability and reliability of the energy system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory depends on your work. The uninterrupted life support of our fellow citizens depends on your efforts... I am pleased to note that you worthily bear the burden of such responsibility and skillfully cope with the tasks assigned to you. Thank you for your work and professionalism.

On this festive day for us, I would like to wish you trouble-free work, inexhaustible vital energy, prosperity, health, happiness to you and your families. Thank you.

Option No. 12

Dear friends! On behalf of the management of the Kirov-Energo company, allow me to congratulate you on our professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day!

Please accept my gratitude for the creative and interesting joint work in the past year!

The design and construction of energy facilities is a large team game in which there are always a lot of participants. Success in it depends, first of all, on well-coordinated and high-quality teamwork, on mutual understanding between the customer and all performers. The past year has shown that for most projects we have a very well-coordinated and effective team.

In the coming year, I wish everyone successful implementation of plans and projects both in their professional activities and in their personal lives. May the next year, like a New Year's garland, decorate your life with memorable, bright and joyful events.

Option No. 13

Dear friends, like-minded people! On behalf of the entire team of the Network plant and on my own behalf, I congratulate you, your colleagues and loved ones on Power Engineer’s Day!

With many of you, we have developed warm, kind partnerships based on trust, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, which we value very much.

Today’s holiday is not only a tribute to everyone who has connected their lives with energy, but also the highest appreciation of the work that has been done by more than one generation.

I am convinced that our industry is the engine of the economy. Therefore, I believe that only highly qualified specialists who enjoy the respect of their colleagues and also high public authority work in the energy sector.

Your dedication and focus on results have always served as an example to follow in other industries, and the successful development of the electric power industry only confirms this. I am confident that the development of the energy and social spheres, as well as the entire country, rests on our shoulders.

In the new year, I want to wish you inspiration for new beginnings, warmth and light not only in your homes, but also in your hearts. May pleasant surprises and bright events await you at any turn of fate that will bring you and your family prosperity, well-being and confidence in the future. I also wish that you remember the old year as a period that brought a lot of useful experience, which (I am sure!) you will definitely be able to use for your benefit. And may the coming year be better than the previous one. I wish you good health, happiness and true friends.

Option No. 14

Dear friends, everyone who works in the energy industry!

On behalf of the Head of the city of Lipetsk, the Administration and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day!
I want to say that your work is necessary, important, and responsible. Because you produce the most important thing - light and warmth... which means you give people a comfortable life!

You ensure the health and development of the entire city. The well-being of the city really depends on your work, because without heat and light not a single person, not a single institution, not a single organization can work. Thank you for your contribution to the full and prosperous development of the city and its residents. We are proud of your achievements and the results of your work.

I would like to wish that your work is always accompanied by self-confidence, productivity and bright results, mutual understanding in the team bringing cheerfulness and optimism. May the present please you and the future inspire you! Happy holiday, dear friends!

Option No. 15

Dear friends, colleagues, like-minded people!

This year, unique, modern, highly reliable power facilities were put into operation. One of them powers the center of our city of Kirov, the total power of which is 680 megavolt-amperes.

New equipment technologies radically change the nature of our activities, but one thing remains unchanged - our unity, our traditions. I appeal to future generations of Russian energy workers, to those who will soon take our place and replace us. The 75,000-strong team of veterans is our reserve army. Over 2,000 of them forged our victory during the Great Patriotic War - they are the main guardians of our glorious traditions. While they are alive, take from them the memory of what was best in our energy sector.

I wish you good physical and financial health, reliable friends and colleagues, new professional victories, peace in your families and trouble-free work for all of us! Happy Energy Engineer's Day and Happy New Year!

1.When creating your own text for a solemn speech, adhere to the following plan:

  • Introduction. In this part, the speaker introduces himself and the persons on whose behalf he will speak (including the name of the company, organization, institution). It also tells the reason (in this case it is a professional holiday) due to which they all gathered.
  • Main part. In this part, they usually talk about the results achieved, difficulties overcome, projects being implemented, statistics are reported (the number of working people in the energy industry of the region, the number of commissioned and repaired facilities, kilometers of cables and pipelines laid, the amount of energy produced and consumed, funds spent and etc.), talk about the importance of the industry as a whole and its economic significance for the city, region, and country.
  • Conclusion. This part talks about prospects, plans for the next year, planned events, available resources and potential for further development. Briefly outline immediate goals and guidelines, express hopes, and share dreams. Here they thank veterans, express admiration for the results of their work, and pay compliments to workers, colleagues, and partners. They end the speech with wishes and a message about the future (if one is planned).

2. All statistical data given in the samples are conditional (serve for clarity). If you include a report on the results in your speech, do not forget to change the data to current ones (they should be relevant not for the country, but for your organization, city, region, etc.).

3. If there is no time (or opportunity) to include a statistical report in your speech, use neutral text (without statistics or summing up) with general, “streamlined” phrases. Such texts include samples No. 6, No. 7, No. 8, No. 11, No. 13.

4. If necessary, use universal texts for your professional holiday.

5. Since the holiday is celebrated on the eve of the new year, it is customary to combine congratulations in the text for both holidays (professional and national), and wishes are also expressed for these two dates. However, this is not a mandatory component of the solemn speech and you can exclude the mention of the New Year from the text if a separate (New Year's) greeting is planned.

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

The team of JSC VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneeva" cordially congratulates you on your professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day!

Your work brings warmth, light and joy to people. We wish you further success in the development and improvement of the energy industry. May your hopes and dreams come true! Health, prosperity, success in all your endeavors and inexhaustible energy to you and your loved ones!

Executive Director
JSC VNIIG im. B.E. Vedeneeva"
Bellendir Evgeniy Nikolaevich

Dear friends and colleagues!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Energy Engineer's Day!

Your responsibility, dedication and professionalism, with the highest effort, ensured the implementation of the current year’s plans, the reliability of energy supply, and the uninterrupted operation of the energy system.

Special words of gratitude to energy veterans, whose selfless work, wisdom and support we highly value.

I sincerely wish everyone health, happiness and prosperity!

JSC "Omskenergo"
A.V. Antropenko

Dear friends!

We cordially congratulate you on your professional holiday - Energy Engineer's Day!

We wish you constant development and innovation, successful implementation of projects, reliable operation of all energy systems. And for its part, Sevkabel-Holding will contribute to this by developing and producing safe, modern, high-quality cables and wires.

President of OJSC Sevkabel-Holding
Gennady Alexandrovich Makarov

Dear colleagues and friends!

Today we celebrate the professional holiday of people who give us light and warmth, who determine our movement forward.

We wish you health, prosperity, reliable partners and successful projects!

General Director of TsUP CHEAZ LLC
Ivanov P. N.

Dear energy workers!

The energy efficiency of enterprises is in your hands - the key to the competitiveness of Russian industry! Congratulations on your professional holiday and wish you success in your difficult but noble work!

IFC Energy Investment Program

Professional holiday

workers in the energy industry - one of the brightest holidays in the truest sense of the word. Energy, like a circulatory system, permeates our entire life. This is the sector of the economy on which the viability of all other sectors depends. Therefore, not only specialists, but also every modern person understands what efficient energy supply is.

On behalf of the A.D.D. Group of Companies Congratulations to all colleagues on their professional holiday! I wish you effective decisions, new successes and professional achievements, good health and happiness!

General Director of CJSC Group A.D.D.
IN AND. Norkin

Despite the fact that this day is not marked in red on the calendar and is not a national national holiday, its significance is nevertheless very great. Many years have passed since the adoption of the GOELRO plan, and during this time Russia has turned into an energy power. We owe this to our domestic energy workers, selfless workers who warm and illuminate our entire huge country - from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. And, we take this opportunity and the opportunity given to us to cordially congratulate Russian power engineers on their professional holiday and wish with all our hearts health and success in their difficult but necessary work.

General Director of Dontransservice LLC
V. V. Vishnevskaya

Dear Colleagues!

Energy Engineer's Day is the brightest professional holiday of the year. On this day we honor energy workers - those who brought light, warmth and joy to our homes and businesses. We sincerely wish you great production victories and personal well-being.

ESSO-Technology LLC team

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the occasion of our professional holiday – Power Engineer’s Day!

We wish you creative and production success and fulfillment of your plans. Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

General Director Fleishman I.L.
team of JSC "Engineering Center "Energoservice"

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday – Power Engineer’s Day. On the threshold of a new era in the industry, we wish you to remain competent specialists in your work, optimists in solving production problems and enthusiasts in new projects. I wish you happiness, health and success, dear energy workers!

N-Avtomatika company

Dear colleagues, partners, friends!

Congratulations on Energy Day!

We appreciate your contribution to the development of Russia, your daily hard work to provide light and heat in our homes!

We thank you for your cooperation with us!

We wish you prosperity, prospects and victories!

Happy holiday, friends!

General Director of Opora LLC
E.N. Sesyuk

Friends and colleagues!

The RosEnergoTrans company congratulates all energy workers in Russia on their professional holiday. We wish you successful implementation of your creative plans, health and confidence in the future! Let the light and warmth that you give to people make this world a kinder place!

General Director of RosEnergoTrans LLC
Kishko Alexey Yurievich
Yekaterinburg city

Dear Colleagues!

Congratulations on your professional holiday - Energy Engineer's Day!

We wish you all good health, success in your work, and personal happiness!

Good luck to you in solving your most important and complex tasks!

General Director O.V. Sinenko and the team of ZAO "RTSoft"

Dear colleagues!

The SONEL company team congratulates you on your professional holiday - Energy Engineer's Day.

We thank you for bringing warmth and light to our homes, for your high professionalism, perseverance, diligence, and hard work.

We sincerely wish you health, happiness, stability, and confidence in the future.

May your rich experience, high qualifications, and responsibility continue to be the key to stability in the Russian energy industry!

Dear friends and colleagues!

We cordially congratulate you on the professional holiday of energy workers!

We wish you and your teams well-being, good luck and success for the benefit of the development and prosperity of the Russian energy sector.

The team of CJSC "CKTIA"

Dear Colleagues!

CJSC Cheboksary Electromechanical Plant congratulates its clients and partners on the professional holiday “Power Engineers Day”!

On this shortest winter day, I would like to wish success to your business, bright and warm energy in life. We wish you trouble-free operation, stable growth and mutual cooperation.

Sincerely, the team of CJSC "CHEMZ"

Schneider Electric Company

congratulates all energy workers on their professional holiday and wishes stability, success in the most daring projects, prosperity, well-being!

We express our gratitude to all partners for the fruitful cooperation!

Dear energy workers!

On the eve of the professional holiday - Energy Day - on behalf of the team of the Elektrozavod Holding Company, I congratulate you on this significant date. The electric power industry is a rapidly developing industry, and the adopted plans for the development of the entire energy complex of the country allow us to look into the future with confidence.

We are confident that energy is the main link of the Russian economy, and therefore the successful implementation of tasks to ensure the development and production of modern equipment, the introduction of new technologies and increasing production capacity is our main goal: after all, the future of our country ultimately depends on this, including the convenience and comfort of the consumer who needs heat, light, and electricity every day.

I wish you and your teams prosperity, conquest of new professional heights and successfully implemented projects in the energy sector!

Happy Energy Engineer's Day, Happy Holidays, dear Colleagues!

General Director of the Holding Company "ELECTROZAVOD"
L. V. Makarevich

Dear energy workers!

CJSC EnergoProekt congratulates you on the holiday - Power Engineer's Day!

Thank you for honorably fulfilling your professional duty. We wish you health, prosperity and further success in your professional activities.

Dear Colleagues!

CJSC EFESk congratulates energy industry workers on their professional holiday. Please accept my sincere words of gratitude and wishes for further success in your professional activities, health and well-being.

Dear Colleagues!

OJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Leasing Company Otkritie wholeheartedly congratulates Russian energy workers on their professional holiday. Thank you for your daily work, warming homes and giving light to a huge country. Good luck to you!

Dear energy industry workers, our friends and colleagues!

The TRASFORMELECTRO group of companies cordially congratulates you on a wonderful professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day!

We highly appreciate your work and contribution to the development of Russia. I wish you good health, happiness, prosperity, warmth and comfort!

Dear Colleagues! Dear friends!

On behalf of the team of the South-West CHPP, I congratulate you on your professional holiday! For all of us, December 22 is a special date on the calendar.

On this day we experience joy, pride, and the highest sense of responsibility to people and the country. The uninterrupted operation of industrial enterprises, government agencies, transport, communications, schools, hospitals directly depends on our work... Ultimately, the quality of life of each person depends.

Energy is rightfully considered a basic, strategically important sector of the national economy. And today this industry is experiencing major changes. We are witnessing a new energy boom, which is associated with large-scale reconstruction and modernization of the energy complex.

The main thing is that for the first time in many years, new generation facilities began to be built. Private investment has come into the energy sector. South-West CHPP is one of the first such examples. This pilot project is being implemented largely thanks to the well-thought-out policy of the government of St. Petersburg and the clearly developed energy strategy of the city.

The energy profession is especially in demand these days; there is enough work for everyone for many years to come, so we celebrate our holiday with optimism. And on the eve of it, I want to congratulate all my colleagues and especially the veterans.

Domestic energy is not only about powerful power plants, reliable networks, and modern equipment. The most valuable thing about it is its people, professionals in their field, who have laid the foundation for the prosperity of society.

Good health, success, good luck and confidence in the future to everyone!

General Director of OJSC "Yugo-Zapadnaya CHPP"
R. I. Kostyuk

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on your professional holiday!

Power Engineer's Day is a holiday for those who dedicated their lives to a difficult but very important cause - providing people with heat and electricity. Energy workers are used to being proud of their profession. High voltage, round-the-clock work and increased responsibility are the lot of strong, courageous people. Today, strengthening the country’s industrial potential and creating comfortable living conditions for its citizens largely depend on the professionalism, competence, and experience of industry workers. The energy complex is rightfully considered one of the key, strategically important sectors of the domestic economy, the development of which has traditionally been given priority government attention.

Today in St. Petersburg, thanks to the initiative and support of the city government, modern generating capacities, new substations and power transmission lines are being built, previously undeveloped territories are being comprehensively developed, and the volume of investment in the industry, including private investment, has increased significantly. New city thermal power plants - South-West CHPP and Parnas CHPP will be built on the principles of public-private partnership.

Our work in the current conditions means constantly solving new problems, rethinking many approaches, and searching for non-standard ways. However, our main goal remains unchanged - increasing the reliability of heat and electricity supply to consumers.

I would like to wish that constructive initiatives of energy workers always find public approval and support. I wish you good health, new achievements, happiness and prosperity!

General Director of JSC Parnas Thermal Power Plant
I. I. Kantorovich

Colleagues, we send you our greetings!
Warming the whole earth with my heart,
May they forever give light to people
Descendants of Prometheus!

And during the short daylight
Frosty winter
We will extend the bright time,
Fighting the early darkness.

Congratulations on Energy Engineer's Day!

The team of ZAO ZVA "Aston-Energo"

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept warm congratulations on your professional holiday!

Good luck in your hard work, wisdom in making decisions, a friendly team that solves complex problems with ease. Growth and development of your company.

General Director V.F. Malimonov
and the team of MITEK LLC, St. Petersburg

Dear Colleagues!

Congratulations on your professional holiday – ENERGY INDUSTRY DAY!

We wish you success in your work, inexhaustible energy, happiness and light for your family!

The industry has begun a new path, and energy workers bear a great responsibility for the future implementation of the most incredible plans. Your enthusiasm will help energy become a powerful field.

The team of JSC "Orsk Electrical Products Plant"

Dear Colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday, we wish you success in all your endeavors, further growth of financial indicators and production capacity, as well as trouble-free operation of the equipment entrusted to you.

Best wishes
The team of LLC "Relay and Automation SPb"

Dear Energy Engineers!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday, Energy Engineer's Day!
We wish you success, health and new achievements in the development of the energy complex.

Happiness, warmth and prosperity to your families!

The team of OJSC Rybinskkabel

Dear colleagues and partners!

Please accept my warmest congratulations on our professional holiday – Energy Engineer’s Day! It is no coincidence that it is celebrated on the shortest day of the year. It was on this day in 1920 that the historical GOELRO plan was signed. And for almost 90 years now, this holiday has reminded us of how short winter days would be without electric light.

Today we live in the era of GOELRO-2, which has given a new round of development to the electric power industry. By tradition, we celebrate it with the stable operation of heat and power plants, creating familiar comfort in our homes and providing heat and electricity to industrial enterprises.

On this holiday, let me wish you success in your work, inexhaustible energy, happiness, prosperity, warmth and light to your family hearth!

Sincerely, General Director of SibCOTES CJSC Dmitry Serant

Dear Colleagues!

Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you good health, production success, and inexhaustible energy. Let's work together for the benefit of our energy sector and Russia!


Dear Colleagues!

JSC "Electronmash" congratulates you on Power Engineer's Day! We wish you and your loved ones prosperity and health, peace to your home, good luck and success in all your endeavors!

Sincerely, the team of JSC "Electronmash"