Wishes for your loved one to get well in short prose. Wishes for a speedy recovery in prose. Wishes for a loved one to get well

Even the strongest and healthiest person cannot be one hundred percent sure that illness will not break him. After all, we are all human, and therefore weak in the face of the unknown. What is more important is that at such moments a person needs support and care. Anyone can provide them, expressing wishes for a speedy recovery. And it doesn’t matter whether they are in writing, delivered over the phone, or spoken at the hospital bedside.

The magical power of words

Even though this is the 21st century and mysticism is not in fashion now, you still shouldn’t believe that words don’t have magical power. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors chose expressions so carefully and also taught this to their children. As you know, a kind word heals wounds, but an evil word can destroy.

That is why wishes for recovery are so important during treatment. And even if they do not have a direct effect on the wound, they are still able to cheer up the patient. And this, believe me, is worth a lot.

Wishes for recovery: how to choose the right words?

Oratory skills are not given to everyone, so it should not be surprising that some find the right words with ease, while others cannot even put two sentences together. But when making such a wish, you need to be guided not by the beauty of the entire presentation, but by its sincerity.

After all, in such matters the emotional component is extremely important. Otherwise, the patient may feel pretentious and think that this speech is just a way to brush him off. Therefore, it is better not to send such wishes for recovery at all - they will do more harm than good.

It is much better to come up with just a few lines, but so that they are imbued with positive emotions. To do this, you need to imagine a sick person and scroll through a list of his positive qualities in your head. Be sure to mention them in your wish: this will not only make the patient happy, but will also make it clear that he is always remembered.

In what form is it better to present wishes for recovery?

What's the best way to tell someone how you feel? Well, it all depends on who he is to you. After all, family and friends are one thing, work colleagues are quite another. So, you can express your wishes for recovery as follows:

  1. Verbally, being nearby. This method is best suited for relatives, since the norms of decency oblige them to visit the sick person at least once. In addition, in a personal conversation it is easier to convey all the feelings experienced.
  2. By phone. Friends and distant relatives can express their well wishes via mobile phone. This is due to the fact that not everyone can break out of their usual circle of responsibilities to personally visit the patient. Especially if he lives in another city.
  3. In writing. This option is ideal for work colleagues, because it allows you to convey the opinion of each of them. And at the same time, you don’t need to go to the hospital with the whole team.

You should also immediately decide in what style the wishes for recovery will be presented. In prose, for example, it is much easier to write them, but poetry can surprise.

Examples of wishes for recovery

You can come up with the wish yourself, but no one forbids using ready-made sketches as templates. Here are some good examples of how they should be composed:

  • The name of the patient, followed by the text: “Get well soon, otherwise we will have to come to your room and take you away by force. After all, our company will soon fall apart without such a smart and resourceful programmer.”
  • “Dear mother, I so want you to overcome this illness as soon as possible. I remember how you sat over my bed when I myself was sick, and how many nights you didn’t sleep because of me. Now it’s my turn to take care of you, so gain strength and don’t worry about anything.”
  • My love, nothing saddens me more than your illness. If it were up to me, I would take all your suffering for myself and humbly endure it to the end. In the meantime, all I can do is wish with all my heart your speedy recovery, because you are my heart and I love you.”

Along the flat meadow, towards the blue river

When you don't grow old in soul,
And you know, we are on the same path with her,
Then our body becomes sick,
Don't touch it, no matter what!

Then smile and health,
Will never leave us
They are a very strong alliance for us,
For the mortal, for existence!

And if only any illness,

You smile and know, of course,
Health will be here soon! ©

And all the desires, goals and worries,

Wishes for recovery in verse

Illness has shackled me, my body has weakened,
And the muscles are weak and movements are timid,
But this is only for a moment, believe me,
Health will come, open the door for it.

And you are without shackles, prejudices and rules,
You will discard plexus diseases, leave them,
Along the flat meadow, towards the blue river
Let's run with you on the green grass...

And the wind plays with us in gusts,
And we are like children, and happiness beckons us,
We need only one thing for joy,
Get well soon, that's all! ©

When you don't grow old in soul,
And you know, we are on the same path with her,
Then our body becomes sick,
Don't touch it, no matter what!

Then smile and health,
Will never leave us
They are a very strong alliance for us,
For the mortal, for existence!

And if only any illness,
Suddenly I knew to give, then there was a way out,
You smile and know, of course,
Health will be here soon! ©

There can be nothing more beautiful in the world,
How to feel what is given to everyone,
Why are children so casually and openly happy?
What sometimes they write books about and make movies for us...

That feeling, the touch of nature,
And the feelings that filled my soul with joy,
And the health that we wish for those who are sick today,
Not just like that, with zeal from the heart!!!

Let recovery come soon,
So that the main thing is to live, as I said,
And all the desires, goals and worries,
To conquer you certainly have enough strength!!! ©

Get well wishes to colleagues

Sick leave is not very good
I am writing you a poem with greetings,
That there is a blockage at work here,
Well, to put it simply, it’s an emergency!

We fight this every day
Every minute, without fail,
But without you, everything is difficult,
What else can I say!?...

Oh yes, get well soon,
To join our movement,
After all, without you it’s a complete disaster,
What do you know, however? ©

Everything here is unchanged,
Work anywhere and everywhere
And we are waiting, of course, for relaxation,
Why are you going out now!

Come on, it's time to get better,
It's time to gain overall strength,
We've been waiting for you, colleague,
You'll be nice, you'll be nice! ©

short SMS

I wish you recovery
Good health to you,
And we will raise the tone quickly,
What everyone at work knows! ©

Wishes for mom to get well

I'm sad and even sad
That my health failed,
And nothing can be said here,
It's like it's evil...

And I wanted to support my mother,
Still wish her good health
And so that there is something in stock,
And the day would be beautiful again!

Get well soon, dear,
Gain strength again
And I know for sure it will happen
And life will be smooth again for us! ©


Let the disease let go of my mother,
And it will heal the wound in my soul,
So that everything is as before, as always,
Healthy and good! ©

Get well wishes for a friend

I'm sad that you're sick
I want to hug you tighter
To make you softer and warmer,
And of course you won’t be in pain after...

I believe sacredly in this healing,
That it will become easier for a friend any minute now,
And this is such a desired moment,
Very soon he will come to you and me! ©

Illness has shackled me, my body has weakened,
And the muscles are weak and movements are timid,
But this is only for a moment, believe me.
Health will come, open the door for him,

And you are without shackles, prejudices and rules,
You will discard plexus diseases, leave them,
Along the flat meadow, towards the blue river
Let's run with you on the green grass,

And the wind plays with us in gusts,
And we are like children, and happiness beckons us,
We need only one thing for joy,
Get well soon, that's all! ©

SMS with wishes for recovery

I wish you not to get sick at all!
Come on, buddy, let's get sick!
And get more sleep,
And good luck with the nurse! ©

Get well soon
And we will sing songs together!
Getting sick is such a bad idea!
Let's better not get sick! ©

Away with all the snot, away with all the drops.
You want to get well, don't you?
So let's push
Surprise us with health! ©

Leave it alone, don't get sick anymore,
I can't look at it
Be healthy, the order is:
I want to walk with you again! ©

Get well wishes for a friend

Get well soon friend,
It's very difficult for me without you,
Boring, sad and trouble,
No hot borscht! ©

My friend got sick - it’s bad!
Well, get well soon
My beloved baby, you
I'm waiting for it, believe me! ©

Darling, let the blush play
And your smile is on your cheeks!
Be very, very healthy for you
I always wish you with a pure heart!

Quietly, quietly, I'll take a nap next to you,
I give my care and strength,
Get well! I'm sad without you
Only you call me beloved.

Get well soon!
It became so sad without you...
You are like a bright ray of sunshine!
Everything around is empty without you!

Life is overflowing with happiness
And grief is not a problem,
Don't be sick, please
Be healthy always!

Wishes for the child to get well

All aside, cartoons, books,
Walks in the park and loud laughter,
And the child’s gaze went out,
And this saddens us all.

And together we wish the whole family,
Get better already
So that all sorrows fly away,
And everyone rejoiced at once! ©

Well, don't worry, baby,
Look how everyone wants it
Get up from your diapers quickly,
That's what everyone else wants! ©

Wishing you well to your wife (wife)

Dear wife, don’t worry.
Don't get sick, stay strong
Don't give your soul to God,
You'll see it will get better soon!

Let's put you on your feet
And life will be like this,
You are in the center, we all need you,
This is how things will be! ©

Well, that's enough, that's enough, stop it,
Leave the disease, leave the disease alone,
What really got attached
They didn't expect you, didn't want you...

And most of all I ask that
So that health returns to the house,
My wife was no longer sick
She was healthy, that's what it's all about! ©

Wishes for your spouse (husband)

Not the first day, not very somehow,
You caught a cold? sick?
And there is no face, as they say,
Or rather, it is white as chalk.

You gather your strength,
Tense yourself a little, that's what I'm waiting for,
My hubby, my dearest,
That's all I ask of you!

Well, let the disease recede,
I'll tell her shoo, goodbye for now,
And again together for a walk,
How good those times were! ©

Well, as much as possible really,
To torment my husband,
All the diseases are fed up,
I'm tired of all this!

Let's get together, my love,
To fight back the disease for us,
So that you have strength for your health,
And with that you will get better yourself! ©

Get well wishes for your loved one

My soul is burning and I'm confused
I can't find a place for myself
My beloved beloved,
His illness is eating today...

But this is temporary, I know
And all the strength and thoughts with that,
So that your loved one gets better,
Merry meme was reborn...

So that our happiness and fun,
It came to us again and again,
And in the evenings along the alley,
Could my darling and I walk again! ©

And day is not day and night is not night,
And life seems to be torn to shreds,
When your loved one is sick,
When evil fate crept up on us...

Diseases have surrounded the network,
But we didn’t forget about the good things,
We believe, we know it will be so,
You will recover - a sure sign!

My smile and warmth,
Everything is for you, most important,
So that I know how much you are loved and needed,
And even if you have a little cold

But a couple of days and everything is as before,
You will leave the disease without hope,
To manifest it,
And I’m with you - we feel good! ©

Get well wishes to grandma

I remember the weekend
When my grandmother and I,
We went to the cinema and the skating rink,
But now there is an obstacle for us...

Her illness is our punishment,
But it won’t last long, I know
After all, there is a great desire,
And I’m already on the mend!

I wish you sooner
To get well, don’t get sick,
So that the rest of this winter,
We could make it everywhere! ©

Your grandson and granddaughters all miss you
When we are together again,
We'll take a walk in the park with you,
Without knowing the word tired!

Ice cream, carousels,
Merry laughter, merry day,
He will know it again
The disease will go away, just believe it!

Get better soon,
To my beloved grandmother,
Well, now for execution,
Get some rest soon! ©

Poems of wishes for recovery for grandfather

My grandfather is a big guy
But it turned out something like this
That he fell ill, fell ill,
Such an emergency happened...

And the powders are now tablets,
In addition, they are not rare in the diet,
He drinks them at our place every hour,
But he will recover - God willing!

And grandpa will be right again,
And dad and mom will be happy,
And the grandson really wants the same thing,
May our grandfather recover quickly! ©

Why is my dear grandfather sick?
Forget the disease, forget the blues,
Well, gather your strength already,
I only ask you one thing! ©

Congratulations on your recovery

The whole family is very happy,
That everything has passed by,
All diseases have flown away
You're really healthy

The fire is burning in the eyes
And blush on your cheeks!
Wave your hand to the hospital,
Where did you have to get treatment?

And of course never
Don't go there
And don't even think about it in the future
Look this way! ©

That's it, sickness and torment are behind us,
And you're better than always
Like in a good fairy tale, everything is fine,
I love this ending! ©

Are you ill. It's a pity!
I'm worried about you.
I'll drive away your sadness
And I wish you good health.

Forget about your illness
You are the strongest in the world.
I send you a ray of goodness.
Get well soon!

May the disease go away soon
And your blues will pass.
You'll forget about the pills
You'll be like a walnut!

Away with sadness, away with doctors,
Recover faster!
And for many many years
Boost your immunity!

My kitten, get well soon. I worry about you with all my heart, I believe with all my soul that you will soon get better and again the world around you will become wonderful, bright, amazing and kind, because it is only like that when you are nearby, when the sweetest and most beautiful smile shines on your face.

Get well soon, dear sunshine,
To shine brightly again!
Soon strength and vigor will return,
The disease should soon recede!

In the meantime, take your pills
Leave all your worries for later!
Drink some tea and eat some sweets,
Filling the soul with warmth!

Don't be sick, I beg you.
I rush to you with my soul,
I want to help you
Both in illness and in trouble.

Do you want me to sit next to you?
I'll hold your hand.
I'll bring down the temperature
I'll give you some medicine.

Get rid of the bad mood!
Laughter is the best treatment.
Cheer up and don't get sick!
Get well soon.

Recover faster,
Be patient and don’t get sick.
After all, the disease will soon go away,
You will forget about her.

In the meantime, I'm so sad
I feel pain within myself.
Because you're sick
It’s not good for me either.

So you get better
Deal with the disease.
Get well soon
And so no more pain!

Please get well soon
Listen to doctors advice
And come back to us soon,
The disease was successfully overcome.

I wish you great health,
So that for many, many more years
You shouldn't go to the doctors,
You don't even have a cold.

Well, there are illnesses in life,
But a strong spirit will not let you down:
You will defeat the disease, you will overcome
And you will see: soon everything will pass.

Fight, be stubborn, don’t give in to the pain
And don’t even dare think about bad things!
Life and death depend on our will,
Be strong and get well soon.

We have to try really hard
Get rid of the disease.
Get better come on
And get back on your feet quickly.
I wish you: henceforth
Never get sick.

Are you ill. It's a pity!
Do you have high temperature.
If necessary, take it
You are medicines and potions.

Take some rest
But don't give in to the disease.
Drive away all your illnesses,
Get well soon.

I hasten to support you,
Try to be more cheerful.
Don't be sick, please!
Get well soon!

I wish you recovery
Forces for a speedy recovery,
Sea of ​​energy, good friends,
Implementation of bold ideas!

Let the sun shine, let the soul bloom,
And let the mood be excellent.
Let every day give you something new.
Good luck in business and everything in your personal life!

My sunshine, get better, such a kind and good person shouldn’t get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

My kitten, get well soon. I worry about you with all my heart, I believe with all my soul that you will soon get better and again the world around you will become wonderful, bright, amazing and kind, because it is only like that when you are nearby, when the sweetest and most beautiful smile shines on your face.

My sunshine, quickly drive this pain away from you! Gain strength and be like a tough nut to crack. Don't worry, my joy! May your health always be good.

My beloved person, I wish you a speedy recovery and a brilliant return to a wonderful life without illness and anxiety, with wonderful dreams and excellent mood, freedom of action and high flights of the soul.

There is no need to mope and succumb to illness, drive away all bad thoughts and get well soon. Set yourself up for positivity, pick up your favorite book, brew delicious tea, immerse yourself in the world of your dreams and find the strength to get back on track!

Let the illness go away quickly, let a joyful and bright day come, get well soon, because such a wonderful person should not get sick. He must make this world a better place, create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get better.

There are only clouds and clouds in the sky, but the sun is not shining, because my sun is sick. Get well soon, my love, because without you this world has become completely dull and gray. Stop being sick, it's time to conquer new heights. May my love and tenderness give you new strength and incredible vigor.

I can imagine how bad you feel, chills, fever and aching all over your body. Of course, illness is not a very pleasant thing, especially in this weather. Drink more tea with raspberries, eat honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and surround yourself with positivity, and you will see that it will not be easy for you to feel better, and recovery will come instantly! Stop being sick, let's get better, a huge number of adventures and new emotions await you and me.

My happiness, get well soon. May my love, care and warmth drive away the cold of your illness. I wish you one time - to stop getting sick, two - to return to a cheerful and happy rhythm of life, three - to strive towards your cherished goal and dream with new strength and inspiration.

My sunshine, get well soon. Such a wonderful person like you should conquer this world and give joy to loved ones, and not at all get sick and depressed. May delicious sweet tea and my incredible love for you give you strength for recovery and give you inspiration for new ideas!

Dear little man, why didn’t you take care of your health and managed to catch a cold? I am so sad that you are sick, forced to endure serious hardships now when you are lying in bed, wanting to be active, but cannot find the strength for it. I wish you the active recovery that you so dream of. Call a doctor, and then follow his instructions. Let medical assistance be sure to give you an additional foundation that will contribute to successful progress in the chosen direction to normalize your health. Accept my wishes with the acquisition of energy, because they come from the soul and, most likely, should find implementation in reality. Dear person, you must be active, so make every effort for your recovery. Use every opportunity for a successful recovery, and I will help you with this.


Illness is a serious challenge that must be successfully dealt with. Despite the fact that pain and weakness attack, you need to make every effort for an active recovery. Let life in the very near future begin to give positive emotions again and allow you to reveal bright colors. I want you to enjoy the sun's rays and fresh wind, sunrises and sunsets. Joy will come only after the illness remains in the past. Of course, today I will come to you after work, I will try to provide decent support and help with everyday life, so that you have the opportunity to relax and unwind. Believe that our common efforts will definitely give you additional energy and increase your chances of returning to good health. Friend, I am confident that in the very near future we will embark on a journey that will be successful. Please accept my wishes for recovery!


As you know, you need to take great care of yourself from unpleasant diseases, because they tend to burst into life and spoil it. I would like to wish you active recovery, pleasant and useful thoughts, and a strong spirit. I believe that the disease will definitely remain a thing of the past. Please do your best to maintain your optimism and the ability to fully enjoy the world around you. Of course, for this you need to recover promptly, and then take care of yourself and your energy, strengthen your immune system. In addition, walking and an active lifestyle help maintain good health. Try to move more to prevent recurrent diseases, because life is given for happiness and activity, and not for lying in bed and suffering from sores. I wish you a quick recovery!


I want to wish you a speedy recovery. Let the bitter medicine cease to be needed as quickly as possible. I hope that your health will definitely become strong and your immunity ideal. Illnesses can recede for a long time, but you must first take care of eliminating the existing illness. Dear little man, you can take care of yourself and take a step towards your healthy future. I beg you to get better as quickly as possible. Health is the most important value that ensures a happy future. We will definitely try to do everything possible to restore your health and, of course, maintain it for a long time. I will try to make sure that everything gets better for you as quickly as possible. After that, take care of yourself, because the next illness must be prevented. Have you agreed on such a miraculous interaction?


Everything in the world can be successfully corrected, but you must first recover and take care of strengthening your immune system. The doctor and I, your friend, will definitely try to provide maximum assistance and protect you from possible deterioration of your health. Believe in your quick recovery, because a good mood and optimism can play an important role. Smile as often as possible and know that you will definitely take a step towards your excellent future. Fate may show favor if fortitude is demonstrated. The disease can go away and take the existing pain with it. I want to wish you health and energy, a dawn after a dark period. Remember that every person needs health, because it is what gives them the chance to successfully move forward. I wish you activity and health, because I want to see you as a truly happy person!


Dear, please make a little effort to still go through the path to your recovery and gain strength. I wish you positive emotions, despite the bad weather and illness. Remember that pleasant impressions will certainly contribute to a successful recovery in the shortest possible time. I wish you energy that can overflow and allow you to lay a decent foundation for further recovery. Everything depends only on you, so make a little effort to restore your health. Of course, I will help in whatever way is necessary, but the result requires your efforts and sincere desire, so you don’t need to count on my help. I wish you recovery and energy, the opportunity to see the bright colors of life, and take a step towards your goals. I give you only a couple of days to recover, so the right approach is mandatory.


I would like to wish you great health and a lot of energy. I know that my wishes will definitely come true after I overcome the illness. Let the guest in the form of illness leave as quickly as possible. In addition, for this you need to make a little effort, thinking about yourself, about your body. Contact a good and caring doctor, start taking medications, ensure the supply of nutrients. Try not to give in to sadness and despair, or anger at the disease, because only a positive mood and a strong spirit will allow you to achieve the desired transformation. I am ready to help you in many ways, knowing how important health plays in combination with energy. Please accept my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery, because they must find an opportunity for their implementation. Remember that I always mentally support you.


I beg you: get well as quickly as possible. Do you need help for this? I am ready to provide it. I can’t feel your pain, because then my mood is at 0. It seems to me that I’m sick when you feel bad. I look forward to seeing your health improve. I am ready to provide support in everything so that the disease and powerlessness, sadness and pain go away as quickly as possible. I love you very much, because in a short period of time of our friendship you managed to become a truly close and important person to me. If you need a piece of my care, you can count on it. I am ready to help with anything you need help with, provide support with everyday life and other matters, improve your mood, because this will definitely contribute to your quick recovery. Wonderful people like you should never get sick. Take care of yourself always, please.


I'm so sorry that you're sick. Headache and body aches, high fever, lack of any strength. Everything came at you at once. I hope that everything will change for you in the very near future, because an illness only takes away the opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. I hope that an experienced doctor will definitely lend you a helping hand and help you understand how and what you need to do to restore your health. If you need my help, just let me know, because I will immediately do everything possible to improve the situation. My dear little man, you turn out to be so important in my life, you make me understand how actively I need to move towards that wonderful day when my dreams come true. I can’t know that you are sick and are losing wonderful moments when you can get closer to realizing your dreams. I ask you only one thing: please get well as quickly as possible.


Illness can never be an obstacle to the feelings of loved ones, right? That’s why I continue to think and worry about you, about how you feel on the spiritual and physical plane, in your emotional world. Dear little man, I want to wish you an active recovery, because you should once again enjoy the world around you and a successful life. We will definitely make every effort to successfully eliminate the disease, which can knock you off your feet and bedridden. Very soon you will go outside again and be able to smile at the sun and think: “I’m healthy, finally!” Don’t waste a single day to successfully fight your illness, but take action. My support and care, I hope, will be useful. I believe that in the very near future we will go on an active walk, enjoying life to the fullest. Get well soon, please, dear.


I ask you not to get sick anymore, because illness does not add joy to life. I hasten to your aid, realizing how important this is at the present time. I believe that we will definitely overcome the disease as quickly as possible. I want to help you with your mood and well-being, because with the support of a doctor, I can create a miracle. Tomorrow you will feel much better, you will begin to forget about what pain is, how you can feel at a high temperature. I will give you my hand, and you take it in yours, because according to this scheme, I will give you an additional piece of health. Please take care of yourself in the future so that you do not suffer from the disease again. My dear little man, I can only see you healthy and active, smiling. Trust me, please, and together we will make every effort to improve the health situation.