Funny birthday greetings for a man sound. Musical birthday greetings. Happy birthday audio


Cherie Lady and Den.Ol.

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    Happy Birthday

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    Happy Birthday to You

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    Unknown - Cool - Happy birthday - Call.Ru

    Cool - Happy birthday - Zvonok.Ru - Congratulations on your birthday. Voice cards. Funny sms greetings on the occasion, anniversaries, weddings.

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    Song (From what...)

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    First congratulations

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    strong man

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    radio guide

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    Happy Birthday.

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    Only at first glance it may seem that birthdays have always been celebrated, in fact, they began to do this quite recently. The thing is that in ancient times it was considered bad luck to tell someone about when you were born. This was given to know only relatives and friends. Now times have changed and this date is one of the most desired.

    Everyone had to deal with how difficult it is to choose musical congratulations to a man happy birthday on a mobile phone. It would seem that there is enough diverse information, but when you start looking, there is nothing sensible. Coming to our site, you definitely do not run the risk of encountering such a problem, since we have collected hundreds of beautiful original poems and texts. On our resource you can even find musical birthday cards for your phone. Here you will not find repetitive texts and boring phrases, we guarantee you this.

    New, more original and unique congratulations are constantly added to the congratulations for men posted on the FunCards website. Whatever congratulation you choose in poetry or prose, it will be filled with advice, because men do not like empty beautiful words, they should be inciting to action. Representatives of the strong half of humanity under 35 are best wished: career growth and determination, opportunities for the fulfillment of desires. Phrases hinting at the creation of a family and replenishment of the family are suitable for a man. For men over 35 and under 60, words related to success, wealth, and stability are suitable. Mature people need wise words - wishes for a quiet life and health.

    Thanks to our resource, you no longer have to look for interesting wishes bit by bit and waste your time, because we will find words for any age category, and even happy birthday greetings to a man musical.

    Do not know what to give a birthday man and do not want to run around the shops? Surprise: an original and fun way to congratulate a friend, colleague or loved one - audio congratulations! Everyone has a mobile phone today. And almost all mobile phones have internet. Go to the site, listen online and send the option you like. The addressee will receive your message from anywhere, on land and at sea, in the country or abroad. How it works? An incoming call is received on the subscriber's phone, he picks up the phone and hears congratulatory lines from a famous actor, singer or just the president of the country. Something he didn't expect! He is cheerful and happy, flattered and enchanted - isn't that what you wanted? But this is your idea - to send musical postcards from the site. And you won't regret it!

    On the site you can choose a musical message for any occasion: birthday, declaration of love, New Year's wish, dissertation defense, apologies, pranks, compliments - anything! An incendiary song, high-flown speech from a famous politician or a witty joke - choose for yourself. And laughter, as you know, prolongs life, and a good joke is worth a lot. And you don't need to strain yourself: our best authors have already thought of everything, we have found the funniest, most unusual voices and recorded it all in the best possible way, or rather, in sound! And you don’t have to go anywhere, rush around the shops, acquiring pretentious useless gizmos. Give music and laughter - happy birthday voice greetings! Use your unspent energy to tightly hug the hero of the day, as well as sing and dance at this celebration of life!

    Remember how long and strained you have always been to write a text to sign a postcard. And they were still dissatisfied. "Happiness, health and success in everything" - how boring and traditional! How can? Relax and laugh together! Send greetings to the hero of the day, there are many of them! Like birthday wishes, so do presidents! Enough for our century Audio files do not take up much space, do not harm the environment, do not deteriorate over time. They are varied and endless. Our database of audio presentations already consists of several thousand tracks, and it is constantly updated. Use the site search.

    Audio postcards- fashionable and popular chip. It's no secret that donors compete with each other - everyone wants their gift to be the very best. Be out of competition: without leaving your home, without getting up from your seat, without taking out your purse, make the best gift! Listening and re-listening for the hundredth time to your musical congratulations, the hero of the occasion will break his tummy with laughter, and the guests will envy your imagination and sense of humor. Phone pranks are a separate pleasure, the reason for which is not needed at all! If you are such an amateur - mischievous, you cannot do without us. We will help you to joke effectively: in our database there are a lot of jokes and pranks for every taste. Refresh gray everyday life with sparkling humor: mislead your colleague, confuse your better half - and don't, don't be so serious! As Baron Münghausen said, "all the greatest stupid things in the world are done with just such an expression on the face."

    Time is too valuable a resource today to be squandered right and left. Of course, the process of choosing gifts for loved ones and relatives cannot be neglected, but it is still worth paying attention to the fact that sometimes it takes too much time, which could be spent more correctly and more profitably. Agree, sometimes we can even choose postcards for hours, this is most relevant for girls, and we buy the gift itself in five minutes. That is why it is worth making a choice in favor of audio congratulations on your birthday - an ordinary postcard that is presented to the birthday man in an unusual format.

    Voice cards are a kind of innovation in the field of gifts and holidays, so in order to spread it as soon as possible, order voice greetings for your loved ones, giving them not only pleasant words, but also a lot of positive emotions.

    The main feature of such a presentation is the ability to diversify it. Just imagine that your girlfriend can receive a call from her favorite singer on her birthday, who not only congratulates her with pleasant words, but also addresses her by name. Such a gift will surprise and delight any person. Do not miss your chance to congratulate your friends and relatives in an original way. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time.

    Another indisputable plus of our service is remote work. Simply put, you do not have to be near the birthday person to order a voice card for him. You can place an order from anywhere in the world, which will be even more touching, because a person close to you will receive your gift and once again make sure that he is taken care of even at a distance.

    An original gift is the key to a great birthday mood

    On our site you can find a variety of audio congratulations on the phone for friends and relatives, among which birthday cards are especially popular. For the convenience of users, a convenient search is organized on the site, allowing you to select a suitable congratulation in a few seconds that fully corresponds to the holiday and person. For example, your friend Masha, who is celebrating her 23rd birthday, loves a certain singer. On our website, you can easily choose a personalized voice postcard, in which a well-known pop or television figure reads a congratulatory speech. Believe that nothing is impossible for us!

    The mood of the birthday man largely determines the general mood of the celebration, if you want the holiday to be fun and memorable for everyone present, order an original voice greeting for the birthday man, and do not even doubt that such a present will give him a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions.

    To order a voice card, you will not need anything more than your phone number, by which you can confirm your order left on our website, as well as the phone number of the birthday person who will receive such an unusual gift from you on his birthday. We guarantee the safety of your data, as the client base is not transferred to third parties.

    Why is it worth ordering congratulations from us?

    • On our site, all congratulations are original and cool;
    • You can specify the time when the birthday greeting should arrive on the phone;
    • The lowest and most affordable cost of congratulations is only 109 rubles;
    • A huge selection of both musical and voice greetings;
    • And most importantly - we have tried to make our site as convenient as possible for you.

    Never underestimate the role of a postcard in congratulations. A few sincere words can touch, please, or make you laugh. Go to the next level and present happy birthday audio greetings to your friends and relatives. Give them positive emotions, even if you are very far away, just go to our website and leave a request. Each congratulation sent by us is not forgotten soon, remember this!

    Happy birthday voice greetings by name will greatly help to diversify the set of gifts. Firstly, this is a very inexpensive surprise that can be ordered in advance, and your subscriber will receive a beautiful or cool congratulation on the phone in the morning. Special trust and joy can be caused by what an audio address congratulation is.
    Your "newborn" will be surprised to be addressed personally to him, for example, with congratulations from Cat Matroskin.
    Personalized voice birthday greetings from V. Putin or V. Zhirinovsky are very popular, there are big fans of congratulations in the voice of A. Lukashenko.
    Audio sms happy birthday to a woman by name can cause a smile, relaxation, satisfaction, cheer up, ignite with gratitude and motivate for the whole day.
    If your acquaintance is not so close that it is appropriate to address him by name, you can choose a good audio sms by gender, that is, from voice and birthday greetings to a woman or man.

    Congratulations on the phone by name

    The site gives everyone the opportunity to send personal audio birthday greetings to acquaintances, friends and relatives not only in our country, but all over the world. We recently got interested: what names are the most popular when using our service? In other words - people with what name have the most acquaintances (they include relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.)? After all, they are our customers.

    Every month, audio birthday greetings for Alexander are most ordered. It is interesting that we are talking not only about the male, but also about the female name. It turned out that the ladies with the beautiful name of Queen Alexandra are also quite sociable and have a large circle of acquaintances.
    Further, Sergey stands in a place of honor among the nominal voice congratulations to the man. Sound congratulations Sergey can't wait to send about 5,000 people a month.
    A little behind in this festive marathon are audio cards for Vladimir and Mikhail.
    Oddly enough, but least of all our clients are acquaintances and relatives of Ivanov and Viktorov.
    See? Our research can reveal a lot of interesting things!

    Among the weaker half of Russian society, Tatiana takes priority in audio birthday greetings by name for women, followed by Olga, Lyudmila, Irina.
    Well, we draw conclusions - Alexandra and Sergey are the most sociable from the male audience, and Tatiana and Olga from the female audience.

    Another interesting observation is that personalized congratulations are sent to women more often than to men. Apparently it is more difficult to congratulate the strong half in your own words than the ladies. So they are looking for a way out. Do not be embarrassed, not everyone is eloquent, and our capabilities will always come to the rescue.