DIY button bird. Button crafts are unusual beautiful and original ideas. Master class and tips on how to make crafts with your own hands. What buttons are suitable for crafts

For the development of fine motor skills in children, various materials are used. This includes regular buttons. Not everyone imagines that whole compositions are created from them. And for this it is not necessary to run to a sewing accessories store. If you search, then in any house there are dozens of unnecessary buttons that can be used for needlework.

Thanks to such creativity, children develop perseverance, which is useful in school years. And if you use additional small elements in the composition, this will perfectly affect the concentration of the baby's attention. The progress of work must be supervised by an adult so that the baby does not eat the parts.

The range of buttons is so large that the work performed is distinguished by an abundance of colors and shapes. The whole variety of embodied creative ideas can be viewed on the Internet if you find photos of button crafts in a search engine.

The preparatory stage of working with buttons

Before starting work, you need to decide what kind of crafts from buttons you can make. It's worth starting with simpler tasks.

After choosing a craft, you need to prepare improvised tools:

  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • wire and thread.

In addition to this list, it is worth preparing other small items. It is better to choose buttons that are excellent in size and shape, as well as the brightest possible color.

You need to conduct a small briefing with the child, explaining how to work with scissors and glue.

The simplest and at the same time original craft is obtained from a few buttons and a small piece of wire. Glue the smaller button to the largest button. It turned out a body with a head for a bug.

We insert pieces of wire into the holes on the large button (these are the legs of an insect). You can cut out eyes from colored paper, or you can make them from very small buttons. And our beetle is ready.

You can place such a work on indoor plants or curtains. All work takes about 15 minutes, and the child will receive a lot of positive emotions.

Picture compositions

The original idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbutton crafts is to create a picture. With their help, the child's fantasy is displayed, and the necessary elements of the composition can be emphasized. The process itself is very simple. The main thing is that the child will gain skills in working with glue and will be able to apply them in the future.

To create the simplest picture, you need a little help from an adult. It is necessary to depict a tree trunk on thick cardboard, and after that the child starts to work. He will independently select the buttons that are necessary in size. They are glued instead of leaves and flowers, so it is better to prepare buttons in green, red and yellow shades.

If such a picture is planned to be created in a group of children, then it is better to print the stem template in advance.

In addition to a tree, you can draw a fruit or an animal, and fill it with buttons in a variety of ways. If such a picture is framed and hung on the wall, you will emphasize the importance of your child's work, as well as add coziness to your interior.

Beautiful photo frames

Instructions on how to make crafts from buttons can be found in specialized literature or on the Internet. A photo frame also belongs to such DIY crafts. You can also decorate the frame with the baby.

To do this, you can buy a ready-made frame or make it from thick cardboard. It is better to use buttons of different sizes. The main layer should be pasted over with buttons of the largest size.

Smaller buttons are glued on top. Small buttons or some other small details are selected on the top layer.

If you choose bright buttons, the frame will stand out against the general background with its rich color and voluminous design. This frame is suitable for an original gift to loved ones.

Christmas tree decorations

When winter comes, all children expect a New Year's miracle. They enthusiastically help decorate the Christmas tree. And the Christmas tree will shine even more beautiful if you make toys on it with your own hands.

In addition to original toys, you get a great reason to spend time together. In the manufacture of New Year's toys, you can use any material at hand, including buttons.

If you purchase green buttons of different sizes, you can create miniature Christmas trees. It turns out a beautiful craft made of buttons, which can be taken to a kindergarten to decorate a common Christmas tree.

The general technique is very simple. First we string the largest button on the wire, then the smaller one. Continue until you get a pyramid. Instead of a star, we decorate the top of the pyramid with a bead. We make a loop from the wire and the Christmas tree toy is ready.

The use of buttons for interior design

It is possible to use buttons not only to create crafts, but also to decorate home textiles. Matched to the color of the curtains, buttons sewn on sofa cushions can emphasize and highlight the color used in the overall interior. It is very easy to make such pillows, just sew on buttons. It can be a specific composition or just a pattern.

It is also possible to arrange a button composition on the curtains for the kitchen. These curtains will give a cozy and homely atmosphere.

But that is not all. Real craftswomen create unique vases and lampshades, bowls for storing sweets from buttons.

Making a stand for pencils and pens

There are many options for using buttons, as well as ways to create objects from them. Let's conduct a detailed master class for creating such crafts from buttons for children, like making a stand for stationery. Such a stand is useful in any home and will help in storing pencils and pens in one place.

First, let's prepare the necessary inventory. To create a coaster, we need a few empty toilet paper rolls, a few pieces of fabric, glue, scissors, cardboard and various bright buttons.

We glue the fabric on the paper sleeves, let it dry well.

Then we glue the fabric on a piece of cardboard, dry it and cut out the base for the stand. The base can be of any shape, but the size must accommodate our glued bushings.

We fix the bushings on the base, additionally glue them together.

The final step will be decorating the stand with buttons. Any flight of fancy is possible here: the creation of a certain pattern or a chaotic arrangement of buttons.

Here is a beautiful stand ready. If you need to place a large number of pencils, then you can take more bushings.

Photo crafts from buttons

Ludmila Dudoladova

For manufacturing, we need thick cardboard, a clerical knife, a glue gun, paper napkins (a lot, a stapler, glue stick, scissors, paper cups.

So you can get started. Draw a template on cardboard letters

I cut two at the same time letters from two pieces of cardboard, if you have a good clerical knife, this will easily work out

Then I glued the two halves letters with thick paper cups

Paper cups are denser than plastic and our the letter will be more stable

Then we begin to glue the sides of our letters

To do this, we prepare a lot bulk circles of napkins

I think many people already know how to make blanks, but I repeat. We take a napkin, fold it in half, then in half again, fasten it with a stapler, cut out a circle (I used a template so that all the circles were even)

How do you decorate letters- this will tell you your fantasy. This is how we do it!

These volumetric letters- a gift by September 1 for my daughter. We will have an inscription - 3rd grade. I think my daughter and her students will be happy with such decoration of the class. Thanks to all. There is still time until September 1, maybe someone will take advantage of my idea.

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By the New Year holidays, there is always a desire to decorate the reception and group rooms somehow in a special way, not like last year.

What are buttons - everyone knows. But not everyone realizes that they can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also to create all sorts of decor. How to make crafts from buttons? Read below.

Features of making pictures from buttons

Many houses have accumulated a lot of such accessories. It is quite possible to turn it into wonderful panels and paintings with your own hands. There are a lot of ideas. Some of them are also intended for children. For example, there are many ideas for crafts for kindergarten from buttons. But more on that later.

Before you get started, you must decide on the plot of the picture. It is also important to choose a style. Someone likes abstraction, someone gravitates more towards the classics. As for the topic, you can peep something on the Internet or come up with something of your own.

The next step is to transfer the sketch to the fabric. After that, you can already start picking up buttons and try to make various combinations of them like a mosaic. It is better to overlap the patch, so the pattern will turn out to be more voluminous.

The most important thing in the work is to choose the right colors and clearly follow the chosen scheme. It is also advisable to try to make the most accurate knots.

As soon as the last element is sewn, the canvas must be stretched in the frame. DIY button craft in the form of a panel is ready.

The nuances of choosing a material

The choice of material depends on what exactly you decide to make. In the case of a picture or panel, you can use thread or glue to fasten the buttons.

If you settled on the first option, then you should correctly choose their color. The shade of the threads should match the fittings and not distort the image as a whole.

Are you a stickler? Remember that depending on the situation, you can use the following types of glue: PVA, polymer or super glue.

You need to apply it on the buttons quite a bit so that there are no streaks. Hot glue can also be used. It allows you to adjust and re-glue individual parts.

Interior items

Craftswomen love to use buttons to create original interior decorations. So, they can completely transform an ordinary, boring mirror, adding style and a certain charm to it.

Making crafts from buttons is not at all difficult, because you probably have a large box with old buttons, so why should they lie idle when you can do something bright and unusual? The New Year holidays are coming up very soon, and it is worth thinking about what to give to your family and friends. It does not have to be an expensive gift, you can do something with your own hands.

One of the options can be crafts from buttons with your own hands. Here are some ideas on how to use them as gifts or decorations.

Christmas decorations from buttons

Since the buttons are different, from their shape and size, ending with the color scheme, they can be used as decoration for various postcards and more.

See also: DIY Christmas decorations.

Christmas balls and button toys

Using buttons, you can create original toys in the form of a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, etc. But now we will consider the option of how to make a Christmas ball.

In order to get started, we need to stock up on the following material:

  • Base ball. It can be made from polystyrene, polystyrene, floral sponge or polyurethane foam.
  • A pin with a bead head.
  • Buttons.
  • Ribbon.

Depending on which ball you want to use, you can order it in the online store. If this is a floral sponge, buy it in any flower department. You can theoretically make a foam ball yourself, but this is far from an easy process. Alternatively, you can use a ball of fabric, after stuffing its middle with padding polyester.

Choose the color of the balloon. If it should be white, then do nothing with it. But if you want something colored, you will need to repaint it with a spray can.

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And so, when everything is ready, we can start the main work.

First, take a ball and attach a ribbon to it. With its help, we can then hang the product on the Christmas tree. And so, the ribbon is ready, proceed to the buttons.

We take the button we like and fasten it to the ball with a pin. You can combine the colors and sizes of the buttons, also adjusting the space between them. It can remain empty or fill it with additional elements.

Our ball is ready, now you can safely hang it on the Christmas tree.

Decorative button wreaths

The wreath on the door has become a very popular element of decor for the New Year holidays. Most often they are hung from the outside, but no one forbids using it in the interior of the apartment.
A wreath of buttons is becoming more and more popular from year to year, because you can make it yourself without spending a lot of effort.

There are several variations of this craft. The easiest way is to cut out the cardboard in the form of a circle, additionally making a round space in the middle as well. Then glue it with multi-colored buttons, additionally using the decor of Christmas tree branches.

The second option is to sew a cover, which is stuffed with padding polyester. The cover should be in the form of a round wreath. When the workpiece is done, we sew our buttons on it.

Christmas trees from buttons

Small cone-shaped Christmas trees will look great in a home interior.

In order to build such a Christmas tree, you need a little:

  • Cone made of cardboard, polystyrene or polystyrene.
  • Buttons.
  • Colored paper or fabric.
  • Pins or glue.

The work process will be identical, as with the balls. The only thing is that if you use polystyrene foam or polystyrene, then attach the buttons to the pins. When the material is paper, it is best to use glue. The base of the Christmas tree will be well painted or glued with something green.

See also: ideas from which you can make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Button garland

As the saying goes: "everything ingenious is simple." So it is with our button garlands. It seems nothing like that, but it will look quite interesting and creative.

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To work, you need a fishing line, wire or thread. In general, any material on which our buttons can be strung.

Postcards and button paintings

Also a creative and non-standard gift that can be made in a short time. Here already invent anything. The card can be simply decorated with buttons or include whole drawings that fit the New Year theme.

Master class "bowl of buttons"

The most interesting thing is that you can do crafts not only on your own, but also with your children. Usually children are very fond of this activity, and their joy knows no bounds.

For the master class we need:

  • Buttons of different colors and sizes (small ones are best glued).
  • PVA glue.
  • Balloons.
  • Scissors and brush.
  • jar.


As a result, we get a bowl of buttons in which you can store anything.

Craft "machine" from buttons

Another activity that you can do with your child. By the way, you can also make other crafts from buttons with children in the same way - choose any pattern, create an outline and glue the buttons on the base - then we will tell you in detail how to do this.

From the materials you will need:

  • Buttons.
  • Pin.
  • Tube.
  • Wire (thin).
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Glue.


  1. First, cut two pieces from the tube, 2.5 centimeters long.
  2. Then pull the wire through the cut tube, and at the end attach it to the button.
  3. We make another such blank and insert both into a clothespin. We fasten one in front, the other in the back. We fasten both with electrical tape.

The easiest option is gluing. For this, several adhesives are used:

It is convenient to use a glue gun for work. When using buttons without holes, the stem must be removed before gluing. This is done with a troskus or ordinary wire cutters.

Some decorative items cannot be made without the use of thread. It is convenient to fasten the fittings with thin annealed copper or brass wire.

How buttons are sewn onto fabric:

Using colored threads, full-fledged panels are created using the sewing technique. Fittings of various shapes are used:

If there are no buttons of the desired color, using acrylic paint or spray enamel, you can get the desired shade. Volumetric compositions are often painted ready-made. Then complement with colored decor.

Clothing accessories are perfectly combined:

Any material is used for the base:

Decorate with buttons:

Technique for making decorative items from buttons

Compositions in the form of trees, animals love to create kids. For preschoolers, you need to select large fittings to reduce the risk of injury. Children can attach fittings to hardening plastic or plasticine. For the substrate, use thick cardboard, plywood, plastic - any other materials that can retain their shape.

The technique for creating flat paintings is simple.

  1. First, prepare the surface where the buttons will be attached.
  2. The canvas is painted in the desired color (basic tone), allowed to dry.
  3. After that, the outline of the main elements of the future masterpiece is applied.
  4. Start decorating.
  5. For convenience, the buttons are laid out by color, texture.
  6. After such sorting, it is more convenient to work.
  7. Buttons are complemented with beads - if necessary, they fill the voids of the pattern with them.

Christmas decorations

Older children are happy to make Christmas tree decorations, they are done like this:

  1. Buttons of different sizes are put on the wire hairpin. By alternating large and small, you can make a pyramid in the shape of a Christmas tree.
  2. A foam cone is cut out, painted green. With the help of colored pins or buttons, fittings are attached. Starting from the bottom row.
  3. Using a dense thread, construct a garland. They are made flat, the buttons touch only at the edges. It is more convenient to work with products that have 4 holes. Accessories can be fastened from two edges at once, it turns out a double-sided garland.
  4. Christmas balls are conveniently made on balloons. They are installed first with the tail down, for this it is convenient to use a skein of adhesive tape. After the top dries, make out the bottom. Leave a hole for mounting. A match is inserted inside with a ribbon tied in the middle. The unbreakable ball is ready.
  5. Buttons are glued to artificial twigs, strings are tied to them - the decoration is ready.


Cut out animal figures or other shapes. After that, buttons are selected according to size, texture, color. They are carefully moved onto paper, the rest of the fittings are removed. After that, they begin to fix the accessories: they are glued or sewn onto a fabric base. The finished drawing is attached to thick cardboard. Then holes are made for fastening - chains, ribbons or twine.

The fabric is replaced with felt, if desired, the edges are complemented with rhinestones, sequins. An interesting texture is obtained when using buttons on the leg: they are sewn from the inside with threads to match the fabric. In this technique, frames for photographs are made out: the finished appliqué is supplemented with lace and braid. Patchwork panels with buttons of the same color, but of different textures, look original.

Button jewelry

Original fittings are ideal for making jewelry. For this are used:

First, a bead or a button with a bead is put on, the lace is folded in half, a knot is made. Then the weaving goes into two threads, they cross when pulled through the holes, then knots are knitted again.

Do not rush to throw away the buttons!

These accessories can become the basis of masterpieces. Knowing the basic principles of the technique of creating panels, Christmas decorations, jewelry, you will surely have ideas for creativity. Create unique things, because each of us is a designer at heart.