Development of a work program for the school of health and longevity of the elderly. National Award “Civil Initiative”

School of the third age as a factor in the implementation of active longevity.

Argunova Tamara Prokopievna

candidate of pedagogical sciences

Executive Director

Public Organization

"School of the third age in Yakutsk".

GBU RS (Y) "Integrated center of social services for the population of Yakutsk"

In the context of Russia's modernization, caring for the elderly and the disabled has been and remains a priority for state social policy. One of the important mechanisms for its implementation is social services, which provide the elderly with a range of social services, taking into account their health status, income level and the current social situation. In the "Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Population of Yakutsk" of the Ministry of Social Development and Labor of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2011, the program "Active longevity" was compiled. The conceptual idea was to create conditions for self-realization, self-actualization of the elderly and disabled, ensuring an active quality life through the interaction of the family, the public, state and non-state structures. The main goal of the program was to develop an innovative form of an integrated system of support for the elderly and disabled to enhance life. The program was tested in the department of social rehabilitation "Erchim" of our Center. As a result of the implementation of this program, innovative forms and methods of social work with the elderly and the disabled are being introduced into practical work; conditions are being created to ensure social activity, self-realization of older citizens and their adaptation and integration into modern society. One of the most successful social projects of working with people of the older generation is the School of the Third Age. In our republic, the School of the Third Age was first opened on May 5, 2011 at the Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population of the City of Yakutsk, MT and SR RS (Y). The initiator and organizer is Pakhomova Natalya Nikolaevna, director of this Center, supervisor, Spanish. director Argunova Tamara Prokopievna. In 2012, the main documents of the School were drawn up and passed state registration as a public organization. The Board of the school was organized, the chairman is Katasheva Maria Konstantinovna, the Board includes representatives of the Council of Veterans of the Republic and the city of Yakutsk, joint work is being carried out. A targeted social program "School of the Third Age" has been drawn up, aimed at organizing social enlightenment and education of the elderly. When creating a school, we consider this to be the main goal - uniting older people and supporting them in striving for full-fledged creative and socially useful activities, relying on their own resources and desires. The school puts ideas into practice active longevity and education throughout life, changes in the attitude of society and the elderly themselves towards old age, develops interaction and mutual assistance of generations. Thanks to this activity, people of older generations realize the needs for communication, the development of creativity, find constructive interactions with other generations, and change society's attitude towards old age to a positive one.

Job tasks:- Activate the elderly in order to develop their ability to represent their interests in society and personal self-realization.

Prevent social exclusion of older people and promote their social adaptation, integration into modern society.

Improve the attitude of society towards old age, the elderly, develop social cohesion and intergenerational interactions.

Support various associations among the elderly, as well as social services working with such people.

Promote civic education as an innovative technology for social work with the elderly. The solution of these problems contributes to the formation of a culture of activity and self-acceptance in old age, on the one hand, and the formation in society of a positive attitude towards the elderly as full-fledged (and interesting) participants in the life of society, capable of being useful due to their life experience. All this is a factor in improving the quality of life and longevity. The school operates on a public-state partnership, and if appropriate conditions are provided by state structures, the school will function successfully.

Areas of activity of the school: 1.Organization of educational courses, creative workshops and clubs.

2. Development and implementation of social projects. 3. Information and methodological activity. 4. Development of cooperation with republican, Russian public organizations. The activities of the school are organized in accordance with the program and with annual, monthly work plans. The academic year starts from October 1 to June 1, some school studios may work during the summer. The School conducts five academic semesters per year with a duration of 4-6 weeks each session. Folk craftsmen, craftsmen, active intelligentsia, teachers, students who have expressed a desire to transfer their skills and knowledge to other people are invited to organize the activities of the School. For the 2014-15 academic year, only 35 work, of which 7 educational courses, 28 creative workshops, 4 clubs. More than 5,000 students have studied during the period of the school's operation. elderly people, and including branches 7 thousand. Classes are organized strictly according to the schedule per week once or twice, taking into account the age of our students, 10-12 classes are held every day. Registration and registration of those wishing to attend classes is carried out by school specialists, mainly non-working elderly people and the disabled are trained, but we are glad to see working pensioners as well. The most popular courses are computer literacy, exercise therapy, horsehair work, yoga, khomus, patchwork, tailoring of hats, foreign languages, etc.

2. Development and implementation of social projects

In addition to educational, creative, health-improving activities, the project has a clear focus on the development of volunteering among the elderly in the implementation of various socially useful initiatives.

The volunteer movement includes educational, educational, social, environmental, cultural and leisure activities. “We are volunteers”, “Alumni Association”, “Home School”.

Graduates of the School of the Third Age actively participate in the implementation of socially significant projects on ecology, improvement of the territory of settlements, patriotic education of youth, patronage of boarding schools, popularization of folk music and applied arts.

Graduates of creative workshops of the School gave concerts in Yakutsk, with. Borogontsy, p. Maya, Amga, Namtsy, Kangalassy and in the suburbs, participated in city, republican reviews, competitions, where they won prizes, became laureates, diplomats. They take an active part in exhibitions, fairs, festive events in Yakutsk and the republic. Teachers and graduates of the school are teaching at home older people who cannot attend our school. So 85-year-old teacher Petukhova Maria Nikolaevna leads a sewing class at her home.

3. Information and methodological activities

One of the areas of our activity is information and methodological work. In order to disseminate the experience of the School, we organized seminars - workshops, meetings, conversations, consultations, master classes. So in 2012, a master class was held for workers of social institutions of the republic, a republican seminar - a workshop for the heads of studios, circles of branches of schools in the river uluses, with an invitation of 40 delegates, a republican seminar - a workshop for the chairmen of the Council of veterans of uluses, for 45 people. A round table was held for the heads of administrations and suburbs of the GO "city of Yakutsk".

On November 27-28, 2013, the 1st republican forum "Active longevity" was held, where representatives of 25 uluses took part. The resolution of the forum "Active longevity" is included in the republican program "Older generation. In 2014, they took an active part in the republican forum of activists of the veteran movement, in the scientific and practical conference "Active longevity - modern solutions, realities and prospects" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)". In 2015, they participated in the work of the "Active longevity" section in the republican forum "Live in longevity" of the Ministry of Health of the RS (Y), Y1 Interregional Specialized Exhibition MEDEXPO "Health and Beauty"

We have published a book about the School of the Third Age, where the main documents of the school are given, and we hope that the book will help when opening a school in the field.

In order to promote healthy longevity and activate the elderly and the disabled, contests, festivals, board game competitions are held: checkers, chess, table tennis, khabylyk, khaamyska. In 2014 and 2015 in Yakutsk, a republican competition was held for the School of the Third Age, choirs and dance groups. These republican contests and competitions will be held annually. Every year, a masquerade ball, holidays on March 8, “Nurguhun yhyaҕa” are organized for volunteer teachers and cadets.

The work of the social and educational project "School of the Third Age" is being covered in the media, local media, on the websites of the social protection authorities of the population of urban districts, municipal districts, on the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

4 . Development of cooperation with republican, Russian public organizations. Many uluses of the republic became interested in the work of the School, therefore branches of the School were opened in the village. Borogontsy of Ust-Aldan, p. Amga Amginsky, p. Maya Megino-Kangalassky, where agreements were signed on joint activities on social issues between the Ministry of Social Development and Labor and the heads of these uluses. Work is underway with the administration of the city of Yakutsk, branches of the school were opened in the Saisar district, in the suburbs of the village of Tulagino-Kildyamtsy, Magan, Tabaga. A relationship is being established with the administrations of the governments of the city of Yakutsk by the specialists of the social work of our Center. The work of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk got acquainted with Bulunsky, Momsky, Upper - Vilyuisky, Vilyuisky, Tomponsky, Mirninsky, Kangalassky, Namsky and other uluses of the republic. Branches of the school are opened at the initiative of city, municipal organizations together with the Council of Veterans, the Office of Social Protection of the Population, as agreed by the Council of the School of the Third Age. Yalysheva M.Yu., director of ANOSAP "Silver Age" of St. Petersburg, took part in the 1st republican forum "Active longevity" and an agreement on joint work was concluded. In 2014, at the invitation of M. Yalysheva, teacher volunteers of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk took part in the International Forum "Older Generation" in St. Petersburg. In March 2015, at the International Forum "Older Generation" in St. Petersburg, they successfully participated in the following programs: business, exhibition, educational, cultural, health, dance. The exhibition exposition of our students, master classes of volunteer teachers, and the concert program were a great success. In the competitions “Dance while you are young”, the couple of Maximovs F.P. and N.A. took third place, and in the recreational gymnastics “St. Petersburg Grace” they won the biggest cup. The forum participants were volunteer teachers and students of the School of the Third Age in Yakutsk aged 55 to 78 years. The school of the third age is a new form of work with the elderly and disabled, therefore it is not only an educational center, but also a resource center for social work with the elderly. Therefore, it requires careful attention from state, non-state and public structures. As a new activity, there are some problems in organizing the School of the Third Age in the field, especially when creating conditions for the education of older people. This is the allocation of premises, equipping the material base, solving the issue of maintaining the school. We recommend that all issues be resolved independently at the city and ulus level. Our school can organize methodological assistance in the management of school activities. The school enables older people to take an active part in public life, find new friends, social circle, realize their creative potential, which contributes to self-esteem, self-healing, and active longevity. The social and educational project "School of the Third Age" contributes to changing the stereotype of behavior and attitudes of older people: moving away from a passive, consumer position and forming a new model of personal behavior by involving older people in educational, sociocultural events, increasing their degree of participation in public life. Work experience shows that the activities of the School contribute to:

Active longevity, self-realization of the elderly to solve social issues; - prevention of loneliness and disunity; -providing older people with the opportunity to be involved in an active, social and creative life; - the transfer of the necessary skills of self-help and self-employment to the elderly. We hope that the experience of the School of the Third Age will be disseminated throughout the country.


1. Introduction into practical work the interaction of the family, the public. state and non-state structures, to improve the quality of life of older people.

2. Providing appropriate conditions for public organizations, associations in order to organize an active creative life of elderly citizens and the disabled.

3. Expansion of the network of day social rehabilitation centers, departments and boarding houses for the elderly through public-private partnerships.

4. Implementation of socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological, socio-cultural directions into the practical work of geriatric services.

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Development of a work program for the school of health and longevity of the elderly

1. Basis for development

health elderly exercise

There is a growing tendency in society to regard the elderly as the main beneficiaries of the health and welfare system. The fact is that more and more men and women are living to 60 years and older. The elderly are treated like a burden. The increase in life expectancy is accompanied by a growing imbalance in the number of men and women aged 69 and over. Women live longer; at the age of 85, there are 325 women per 100 men, and at the age of over 75, 80% of women will be single, i.e. widowed or divorced. This means that older women are subjected to double oppression, gender and age, which negatively affects their quality of life.

Consideration should be given to the homogeneity, but also the diversity, of older people. All of them are similar in that they have a relatively low income. They are deprived of the opportunity to earn more and hardly find employment in the labor market. At the same time, older people are relatively free and can manage their own lives. Differences among representatives of this age group are associated with class affiliation, gender, previous occupation, health status, housing conditions, material opportunities, personal talents and characterological characteristics. People differ in family composition and responsibilities, as well as attitudes and motivations. Social and family roles and choices also vary. Consequently, the life of the elderly is no less diverse than that of the young.

The growing population of older people now and in the future has a marked impact on social work, resource allocation and service planning, increased use of outpatient and hospital facilities, and support for older people's families and communities.

Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in life expectancy, scientists are already talking about the prospect of a 120-year life span. Maybe in the future life at this age will be bright and successful, but for now, as a rule, it fits into the genre of "living out." There is a traditional scheme of 4 ages: carefree childhood, beautiful youth, mature age and wise old age. Since ancient times, people have identified each of these stages of life as morning, afternoon, evening and night, and some as spring, summer, autumn and winter. Indeed, due to such a comparison, one can have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life stages of a person.

Today, the view of old age is changing all over the world. And often people aged 60-70 continue to lead an active lifestyle, and even the tongue does not turn to call them old people. The well-known journalist Vasily Peskov put it this way: "In the past, in a house where a person over 70 lived, they were afraid to leave matches in a conspicuous place, but today 70 years is youth." Indeed, the age after 60 is no longer referred to as old age, but as a new social age or the age of wisdom. One of the main features of this age is sanity. During this period of life, a person can freely choose what to do. He can compose, design, invent and invent. An elderly person is not subject to many restrictions and prohibitions of society, he is free from judgmental and evaluative views. And finally, at the age of 70 years and older, it is not the problems of children that are put in the first place, but their own. An elderly person, like a young person, can love, create and be needed by loved ones. The main formula for the happiness of the age of wisdom is the preservation of an active life.

2. Definition

The elderly is the one who is no longer young, who is beginning to age. Then irreversible changes occur in the human body. However, graying hair, wrinkles and shortness of breath do not always indicate the onset of old age.

The term "old age" cannot be precisely defined, as the term has different meanings in different societies. In many parts of the world, people are considered old because of some changes in their activity and social role. For example, people may be considered old when they become grandparents, or when they start doing less work. In Russia, in Europe, in the USA and in many other countries, people are considered old when they have lived a certain number of years.

The social, psychological and biological aspects of aging, its causes and ways of dealing with it are studied by the science of gerontology; a private section of gerontology, dedicated to the treatment and prevention of diseases in old age, is called geriatrics.

In the West, there is the concept of "third age" - this is a period of active life that begins with retirement. Recently, in developed countries, they have also begun to describe the “fourth age” - the age of not so active old age.

3. The purpose of the health school

The school is organized with the aim of longevity and health of the elderly.

School tasks:

Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Strengthening the status of the elderly in society;

Using the intellectual, cultural, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

Expected results.

After graduation from school, the student should know:

Fundamentals of adaptation and factors conducive to longevity.

Creating a creative atmosphere conducive to personal development.

Influence of cultural leisure.

Fundamentals of physical and mental health of the elderly.

Prevention of diseases in the elderly.

After graduation from school, students should be able to:

Apply the acquired knowledge for self-monitoring of the state of health.

Conduct self-assessment and monitoring of health and factors affecting it.

Eliminate factors that adversely affect health.

Adaptation of the personality in old age to the transition to a difficult and long period of life.

Acquisition of physical and mental health skills.

Organization of cultural leisure.

Target group of patients.

Elderly people who have reached the age of 50-60.

Training program.

The training program consists of a cycle of structured sessions, lasting 1 hour each. In total, the cycle includes 10 lessons. The number of students in the group is no more than 10 - 15 people. Each lesson includes information material and active forms of learning aimed at developing the skills and practical skills of students. All classes have clear instructions for introduction.

The methodological basis of classes at the School of Health is a popular lecture, which takes into account the different levels of the student's preparation. At the School, classes are built on the principle “from simple to complex”.

4. Thematic lesson plan

Lesson 1. Introductory lesson.

Topic of the lesson: Psychological characteristics of the elderly.

The purpose of the lesson: To provide information on the psychological characteristics of the elderly.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part 5 minutes.

2. Information part 35 minutes.

3. Active part 15 minutes.

4. Final part 5 minutes.

Introductory part. Acquaintance with students, determining their knowledge about the psychological characteristics of an elderly person.

Information part.

1. Cognitive features of late adulthood

The main feature of this age is the aging process, which is a genetically programmed process, accompanied by certain age-related changes in the body. In the process of aging, most of the sensory functions in humans deteriorate significantly. However, this does not happen to everyone. The nature and extent of the weakening of sensory functions can vary greatly, which is primarily associated with individual characteristics and the activities that people are engaged in. Those intellectual functions of a person, which are highly dependent on the speed of performing operations, show a decline in the period of late adulthood. In people who have reached this age, reaction time increases, the processing of perceptual information slows down, and the speed of cognitive processes decreases. Such slowness can be caused by changes in the personality characteristics of a person. The basis of memory in old age is a logical connection, and since logical memory is most closely connected with thinking, it can be assumed that the thinking of older people is very developed. Late adulthood has its positive aspects in relation to the development and transformation of the cognitive sphere. But not all persons who have reached this age, the dynamics of the cognitive sphere has the same character, during which the signs of wisdom are formed. The decline in cognitive activity in people who have reached late adulthood can be due to various reasons, direct or indirect. Among the direct causes are: diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease and vascular lesions of the brain. Indirect reasons for the decline in human cognitive abilities are: general deterioration in health, low level of education, lack of motivation for cognitive activity. Summing up the consideration of the features of intellectual characteristics in elderly people, it should be noted that the dynamics of the characteristics of the cognitive sphere in persons who have reached this age period depends largely on subjective factors, and primarily on the personality characteristics of a particular person.

affective sphere

The period of late adulthood is characterized by specific changes in the emotional sphere of a person: an uncontrolled increase in affective reactions (strong nervous excitement) with a tendency to causeless sadness, tearfulness. Most older people tend to be eccentric, less sensitive, self-absorbed, and less able to cope with difficult situations. Older men become more passive and allow themselves to display more feminine traits, while older women become more aggressive, practical and domineering. In old age, the weakening of the affective sphere of a person deprives new impressions of color and brightness, hence the attachment of older people to the past, the power of memories.

Motivational sphere of the elderly

Retirement changes the position and role of people in society, influencing the development of the motivational sphere of older people. Every decade there is an adjustment of goals, motives and needs. A person who has crossed the 60-year mark and has good health is still largely driven by the same needs as at a younger age. These include: the need for self-realization, creation and transfer of inheritance (spiritual and / or material) to the next generation, active participation in society, a sense of usefulness and significance for it. After 70 years, another need comes to the fore - maintaining physical health at an acceptable level. A person loses the desire to participate in public life, there is a concentration of interests in his inner world. At the same time, interest in collecting, playing music, painting, that is, what is called a hobby, among the elderly does not weaken. Despite the fact that health problems worsen with age, a person after reaching the age of 90 can (and should) continue to show interest in life, find new activities that allow him to use his abilities to the best of his ability. Of particular importance in the period of late adulthood are family relationships, which give a person a sense of security, stability and strength, allow you to feel more stable, largely determining the joys, sorrows and worries of an elderly person.

Features I am an old man concept

The self-concept of the period of late adulthood and old age is a complex formation in which information is “recorded” about the multitude of self-images that arise in a person in the most diverse versions of his self-perception and self-representation. This is the selective memory of the individual, reflecting events in such a way as not to violate the basic personal positions. Such negative personal formations as arrogance and underdevelopment of autonomy and initiative cause non-adaptive human aging.

Behavioral features inherent in late maturity

The most important factors that determine a person’s behavior at this stage of life are: a decrease in psychophysical capabilities, gender, personality type, gradual withdrawal from active social life (the so-called “desocialization”), material well-being, loss of loved ones and loneliness, as well as consciousness of an approaching end of life. The physical world with which older people interact directly is increasingly narrowing. Subjectively, things that perform an auxiliary role play an increasingly important role: glasses, a cane, dentures, a hand cart for moving weights. Many older people have a growing sense of danger that lies in wait for them everywhere: on the street, in the yard, in an empty square, and even in their own apartment. The degree of social activity of older people is increasingly decreasing and for many it is limited to family communication and communication with the immediate environment. A significant part of pensioners find themselves alone. Overcoming loneliness and increasing material well-being contributes to the continuation of professional activities or other work. In old age, interest in religion sharply increases. Not all elderly people experience old age hard and unhappily, some of them live a “happy old age”. Many by the end of their lives develop a calm and tolerant attitude towards life and what is happening around them. If this happens, then the life of an elderly person is filled with an even, calm and peaceful light emanating from the very fact of life. The ability to have such a view of a given period of one's life depends primarily on a person's personal attitudes.

Active part: - self-control of mental health in old age; - elimination of factors that negatively affect the mental health of an elderly person;

Final part: summing up.

Lesson 2. Topic of the lesson: Factors conducive to longevity. Longevity and the laws of a happy life.

The purpose of the lesson: To give the audience an idea of ​​the factors favoring longevity, the rules of longevity and the laws of a happy life.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part - 10 minutes.

2. Information part - 30 minutes.

3. Active part - 15 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson.

Correction of answers.

Information part.

In the previous lesson, we learned and came to the conclusion how to cope with mental characteristics in old age. In this lesson, we should learn about the factors conducive to longevity, about the rules of longevity and the laws of a happy life in old age.

The modern healthcare system is focused mainly on combating diseases that have already arisen, so taking care of our own health largely depends on us. To be healthy, you need to make your own, sometimes significant efforts, to be able to overcome laziness and carelessness.

Civilized countries provide people with an abundance of goods and conveniences, but this, unfortunately, does not contribute much to people's health. Gasoline fumes, nicotine, alcohol, chemically processed products, nervous stress associated with the pursuit of a career, money, material wealth - this is the world in which the life of a modern person takes place.

Thus, the factors conducive to longevity are as follows:

1) favorable living conditions - living away from industrial centers;

2) active physical activity in the fresh air;

3) abstinence in nutrition, better dairy-vegetarian food. Restriction or complete exclusion from the diet of sugar and sweets;

4) balanced character, optimistic outlook on life;

5) appropriate heredity - the presence of centenarians among direct relatives.

Prevention of diseases in the elderly

Prevention of diseases consists not only in proper nutrition, physical activity, giving up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), but also in specific actions aimed at preventing diseases and timely detection of an incipient illness.

One of the most terrible diseases of our time is cancer, but if detected in time, you can save life and health. One of the most important preventive measures is that every woman should visit a gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography (1-2 times a year). A similar examination is necessary for every man, especially after 40-45 years, when, according to statistics, the threat of rectal and prostate cancer increases.

Once a week, and after 40 years of age daily, measure blood pressure, its upper limit should not be higher than 140. Once every six months it is recommended to check the sugar level (the norm is up to 5.5 mmol / l), after 40 years it is necessary to check the level of cholesterol in the blood (norm 5.2 mmol / l). Once a year it is necessary to do gastroscopy, ultrasound of internal organs. Men additionally examine the prostate gland and check the level of testosterone, starting from the age of 45. Once a year it is necessary to conduct examinations of the intestine (colonoscopy).

Examinations should be carried out regularly, even if you feel great, so that diseases are not taken by surprise! Do not save on examinations - the treatment of advanced diseases is much more expensive!

Signs of cancer

Here are some signs that indicate an increased risk of cancer and the need to urgently see a doctor:

non-healing wound or swelling;

unusual knots or thickenings on or under the skin, especially in the breast, neck, armpits, groin;

Any changes that have occurred with birthmarks or warts;

Frequent pain in the stomach, intestines, esophagus;

Persistent cough, hoarseness;

Incessant discharge.

It is important for women to know that inverted nipples, thickening of the lymph nodes, hard subcutaneous neoplasms, etc. are characteristic features of a breast tumor. Experts recommend that every woman of any age, at least once a month, conduct an independent examination for the prevention of breast cancer, because you should show a doctor 1-2 times a year.

How to conduct a self-examination

Sit in front of a mirror, carefully examine your chest, paying attention to: changes in size and shape; folds and wrinkles; changes in the nipples. Exactly the same thorough examination should be performed standing in front of a mirror with arms raised, then lie down and in this position slowly probe the mammary glands. Any suspicious change is a reason to visit an oncologist as soon as possible.

Cardiovascular diseases and diabetes are no less terrible, but many diabetics do not even know about their disease, although without treatment the patient's body will be destroyed by this disease within a few years.

If you have the following symptoms:

Increased thirst;

Constant feeling of fatigue and impotence;

Big weight loss4

Tendency to eczema;


Poor wound healing - you should immediately consult a doctor.

Let's name some more unpleasant signals that may indicate the onset of a disease and therefore require a visit to the doctor:

severe nausea;

Labored breathing;


increased thirst;

unexplained weight loss;


Increased excitability;

Weakening of vision;

Strong odor from the mouth;

Marked general weakness.

Simple rules for longevity

There are only four basic rules for longevity. This was announced by American scientists in the official journal American Journal of Medicine. They argue that once a person forms 4 habits, he automatically goes into the category of potential centenarians.

1. Stop smoking.

2. Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits.

3. Maintaining normal weight.

4. Physical activity (at least 2.5 hours per week).

Of course, many questions arise. For example, why stop smoking only? And where, for example, alcohol and harmful products? Or, say, prevention or good rest? Well, be that as it may, scientists are talking about exactly 4 rules (conditions, habits) that guarantee longevity.

They do not unsubstantiatedly declare this, but based on a study in which almost 16 thousand citizens aged 45 to 65 took part. It turned out that only 7-8 percent of them follow these golden rules. Russian scientists join their American colleagues in noting that this figure is hardly higher in our country.

Researchers also point to some habits that are harmful to health and do not give a person a chance to live to old age (although they are considered to be of a secondary nature). What are these habits?

1. Abuse of drugs, belief in their miraculous power.

2. Unbalanced diet, passion for diets.

3. Stress.

4.Lack of sleep.Medical recommendation: you should abandon the habit of spending many hours in front of the TV, it is dangerous to health. It has been noted that the average American watches TV programs for about 3 hours on weekdays and more than 4 hours on weekends. This activity, in fact, is an aimless passive pastime, distracting from more beneficial activities for health and standard of living.

Features in the diet of the elderly

What a pity that so much money is spent in our country on anything but maintaining the health of its citizens. Here is one example: how much money do you need to keep your teeth in good condition? On a national scale, I think not much. Especially if due attention is paid to prevention issues from an early age.

After all, one of the reasons for low life expectancy is bad teeth. Why ask you? Yes, because with them, sick teeth, the problems of the gastrointestinal tract begin, and hence the emergence of more and more new diseases.

Most of our pensioners cannot afford high-quality prosthetics, and hence the more and more formidable diseases in old age.

Agree, if everything is in order in the mouth, all the teeth are in place, then the quality of the thoroughly chewed food taken is excellent.

But not only this affects life expectancy. Even Tibetan monks said that not fresh, but heated food is harmful to health. Cooking as needed and always eating fresh food is one of the principles of long-term health. Prolonged fasting should not be allowed, but overeating is also harmful.

Older people should remember that a balanced diet is very important for them, but the calorie content should be reduced.

It is especially necessary to pay attention, the older the person, the more attentively he should treat the intake of fats. They are undoubtedly needed, but it is better to choose those that help protect against vascular diseases: olive and linseed oils, no more than 2-3 tablespoons per day. These oils contain polyunsaturated 3 and 6 omega acids.

All the cells of our body contain protein, therefore, it is impossible to refuse it in any case, but it is necessary to limit its consumption, since from the excess there is a predisposition to the formation of stones.

I want to say separately about the broths. Yes, they are indicated for patients after a serious illness and then, not saturated. It is better for older people to completely abandon the broths, the extractive substances in them load the kidneys and liver and thereby give a greater load to the cardiovascular system.

But fish dishes, especially boiled ones, can be on the menu very often. Phosphorus, which is in it, helps to avoid senile dementia.

In order to help the skeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract, cottage cheese, fermented milk products should become a favorite dish.

Milk is also needed. It is rich in healthy fats and vitamins. One glass a day is enough to support the body and at the same time such a volume will not create problems associated with atherosclerosis.

You should try to eliminate refined foods, especially sugar, from your diet. It can be replaced with honey or fructose. If you choose sugar or jam, it is better to eat a spoonful of jam.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber suppliers. But you need to be careful after using them, possibly bloating.

Regular use instead of tea of ​​infusion or decoction of wild rose and hawthorn will strengthen and support not only the immune system, but the cardiovascular system.

Chop berries

1 st. pour 1 liter of water into a spoon with a top

Boil 10 minutes

Let it brew for half a day.

Strain, and use the cake again for a decoction, but pour 0.5 liters of water already.

The second and third tea leaves are no less useful.

Here are some more tips:

Suck on a spoonful of cleansing vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach, but never swallow it.

Herbal infusions, fresh berries, fresh vegetables appropriate for the season will help keep the body in good shape.

No need to avoid taking spices: if you chew cumin after a meal, then bloating can be avoided. Cardamom and basil stimulate the secretion of bile, which weakens with age. Also, the intake of spices is a natural fight against helminthic infections. You know that cinnamon is a good remedy for preventing diabetes.

Walking and proper breathing enrich the body with oxygen.

Walking is the best exercise for the elderly. Physical overload and physical inactivity are two extremes that are harmful, especially for older people. You need to know that the cause of senile weakness is not age, but loss of muscle mass. Remember, you need moderation in everything, including exercise.

Such physical activity will only bring benefits: several squats per day, tilts, rotation of the pelvis. Try to pull your belly button in towards your spine. Gymnastics of the internal organs contributes to good digestion.

Laws of a happy life

So, the first law of a happy life - you can get sick, but you can not feel sick!

Our own assessment of our physical condition is much more important than objective indicators. No bad tests, cardio-, echo- and other programs, strokes, heart attacks and others like them have the power to overshadow old age, as long as a person perceives them as traffic accidents, breakdowns inevitable on a long journey, and not as the main content of the route. Optimists in a more serious condition look and feel much more cheerful than their peers and even younger pessimists.

The second rule - Love is life in the most literal sense.

If by the age of 50 a faithful life partner has been found - it does not matter, on the first or fifth attempt - this is a sure sign that you will celebrate your eightieth birthday in a bright mind and good health. Moreover, it turned out that a stable marriage is a much more reliable sign of longevity than low cholesterol at the same 50. Doctors assure that those who love and are loved, who know how to listen and sympathize, who are open to people and benevolent, live longer and happier.

One of the surest keys to happy longevity is the ability to forgive.

And the accumulated grievances - whether for the whole universe in general or for the immediate environment - devour the mind and body, like cancer cells, taking years and the ability to experience joy. The bright sides of life deserve more attention than the dark ones. By the way, scientists recently discovered that the hostile attitude characteristic of some older people is in itself a risk factor for the development of coronary insufficiency, and immeasurably more (!!!) than high cholesterol, overweight, hypertension and smoking!

But what about the soul? Studies have revealed a pattern: people who seek the help of a psychoanalyst are 33% less likely to visit other doctors, 75% less likely to go to the hospital, miss almost half as many working days and take one-third less medication. Moreover, this effect persists for 2.5 years after the completion of the course of psychotherapy. The ability to cope with worldly storms protects the body from premature wear and tear. Not only that: according to US statistics, perhaps the longest life expectancy is distinguished by psychoanalysts, who, as you know, are required to regularly undergo psychoanalysis themselves.

Another rule of happiness - it's never too late to learn and there is always something to learn.

People who have received at least an incomplete higher education live on average 6 years longer than those who have neglected this opportunity. Apparently, the secret is that educated people have broader interests and a high culture, a more responsible attitude towards their health. Age is no excuse for not wanting to learn. On the contrary: older people are spared the crazy pace of everyday work and household duties and can fully enjoy new knowledge and skills. Psychologists have noticed that the readiness to explore new areas and creative activities add much more vigor and self-confidence to pensioners than a stable financial situation.

No wonder the wise Chinese say that personal life begins only after fifty.

Active part:

discussion about this information.

Final part:

Questions to control the level of mastering the material:

1. In your opinion, should factors conducive to longevity be observed?

2. What rules did you learn about while examining the laws of a happy life?

3. What are the features of nutrition in old age?

4. Is it important to keep your teeth in good condition? Do they age?

Lesson 3

Theme of the lesson: Morning exercises for the elderly. The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea to the audience about the implementation of morning exercises in old age.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part - 10 minutes.

Active part - 25 minutes.

Introductory part: Check the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Correction of answers.

Information part.

In the previous lesson, we learned about the favorable factors that contribute to longevity, about the laws of a happy life. In this lesson, we should learn how and why the morning exercises of the elderly are performed.

Morning exercises for middle-aged people and those who are on the verge of retirement or have already taken a well-deserved rest have significant differences. In older people during sleep, congestion in the vessels is much more pronounced than in their younger fellow citizens. It is much more difficult for an elderly person, and especially senile age, to cope with these stagnations.

Waking up, get out of bed on the floor, take the first steps - after sleep, these simple body movements of older people are accompanied by unpleasant sensations of heaviness. Here it is more appropriate to talk about the pain of walking than about the ease of walking. So older people have to lean their hands on the objects around them - “walk around”. You don’t even have to think about morning freshness and vivacity.

Often, an objective sign of impaired blood circulation after sleep is swelling of the veins in the feet and legs. And although these symptoms of aging are not detected immediately, but over time, having already been recognized, they become almost habitual, they do not pass by consciousness and significantly darken the morning awakening.

Can this unfortunate state of affairs be corrected? Can. For this, there is a morning exercise for the elderly. If you are not lazy and do it regularly, then soon you will meet the beginning of the day with good health and the same mood.

So, do not rush to jump out of bed in the morning and get down to business. Do a warm-up while lying down. Women should start with the right foot or arm, men with the left. Each exercise should be repeated 7 times. Starting position - lying on your back, hands are located along the body with palms down. Charging on-chi-nay!

Squeeze and unclench your toes and fingers at the same time.

1. Pull your palms and feet towards you.

2. Make circular movements with your palms and feet.

3. Pull one leg first (pull the foot towards you, keeping the heel on the bed and slightly bending the leg at the knee), then the other, and then both legs together.

4. Using your hands, press your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, then straighten them.

5. Put your hands under the buttocks and do the exercise "bicycle" - 7 times forward and the same number back.

6. With bent knees, massage the abdomen clockwise - three times 7 times.

7. Continue massaging the abdomen, only with both hands - down with light pressure, up - without pressure. Three times 7 times.

8. Massage both little fingers, paying special attention to the pads. Just rub, squeeze, pat, etc.

Next, continue the warm-up while sitting on the bed, but not yet hanging your legs on the floor. Massage the auricles, rubbing the earlobes especially carefully. This will improve your circulation. Then, being in the same position, make turns of the head - left-right, then tilts - left-right, forward-backward. After that - rotational movements of the head - in one direction and in the other. Do not overdo it! All movements should be smooth, do not bring yourself to dizziness.

Now take a sitting position, but already so that your feet are on the floor. Wrap your arms around the bent knee of your right leg and pull it up. Do this exercise 7 times, then repeat this with the left leg. Turn your torso to the right and left, lean forward while spreading your arms to the sides. Take a few deep breaths and long exhalations.

Get out of bed. The workout is over. Go to the toilet if you feel the need, and - proceed directly to morning exercises.

When the warm-up is over and a trip to the toilet is made (if necessary), you can proceed to the main complex of morning exercises, designed to give a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness.

A set of exercises

The starting position for all exercises is standing.

1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. As you inhale, take your elbows back, as you exhale, return them to their original position.

2. Feet together, arms calmly lowered along the body. With a leg step to the side, raise your arms to your shoulders, then return to the starting position. The pace of the exercise is average.

3. Feet again shoulder-width apart, one arm raised up, the other lowered down. Alternately perform hand swings.

4. Feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms up to the sides as you inhale, lower as you exhale. The pace of the exercise is average.

5. Walking in place. March, raising your knees high, then speeding up, then slowing down.

6. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. As you exhale, lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. Without fanaticism! Do tilts without bringing yourself to pain in the back or in the muscles of the legs. It is better to gradually increase the load, and not break yourself right away. If you feel dizzy or dizzy while doing this exercise, stop exercising.

7. Feet together, arms bent in front of the chest (much like you held them on the desk in the first grade). For two counts, make sharp backward movements with bent arms, for two counts - straight. The pace of the exercise is average.

8. Feet together, arms lowered along the body. Raise your arms up as you inhale, lower as you exhale. The pace of the exercise is slow.

9. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. Do torso tilts to the side - 3 tilts to the right, 3 tilts to the left. The number of repetitions is up to you. The pace of the exercise is average.

10. Place your legs so that there is a distance between them equal to the length of the foot, arms lowered along the body. Perform springy semi-squats while swinging your arms back and forth. The pace of the exercise is average.

11. Calm walking. Relax. Shake your arms and legs alternately for 10-15 seconds.

12. When walking calmly, inhale raise your hands up, exhale lower down. The pace of the exercise is slow.

Charging is over, go to water procedures and a light breakfast. And now attention!

Be sure to take note of all the following information.

The set of exercises that you just got acquainted with is very conditional. For example, you can do part of the morning exercises (or even all of it) in a sitting position. On a chair, on a sofa, on a stool. Or, say, some exercises to do, leaning on the back of a chair or a window sill. Ideally, each person should develop a morning exercise complex for himself, in accordance with his well-being after waking up, taking into account his illnesses, degree of physical fitness, lifestyle, free time, etc. Everything is very individual. It will also be useful to consult a doctor.

In any case, older people should not overload themselves with physical exercise. You can, for example, replace squats with semi-squats, gently perform tilts and turns of the body, reduce the number of repetitions or increase the pauses between exercises.

Older people are not recommended to do morning exercises at a fast pace, with weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, discs), through force or with long breath holdings. You should rely on self-control - listen to your heartbeat, breathing, monitor your well-being in general. After charging, cheerfulness and good mood should be felt, and not fatigue and loss of strength.

The ratio of the load and the functionality of the body can be determined using the pulse rate, this is a reliable objective indicator of well-being. So, the allowable heart rate should not be higher than "200 minus age in years." Remember, this is the maximum. If it goes off scale, immediately stop the exercise, but do not lie down or sit down, but calmly walk around the room, evening out your breathing.

If the load is chosen correctly, then the pulse rate and blood pressure level are restored 5-6 minutes after the completion of the exercise. If you need more recovery time, or if you experience weakness and shortness of breath after charging, reduce the load.

And also morning exercises should be:

Regular. That is, daily, even on weekends;

Moderate. Charging that ended in headache, exhaustion, irritation is time wasted, such an event will not bring benefits;

Diverse. The body of an elderly person, which is a rather complex "tool", and "settings" requires a complex one. It is desirable that morning exercises include exercises for the back, joints, neck, etc.;

Pleasant. Do exercises that you enjoy and that make you feel good and comfortable. After all, one of the main goals of morning exercises is important - to cheer up, give freshness, feel young and full of energy.

Summarize. Morning exercises are extremely useful and even necessary for the elderly. The main thing is to know the measure, not to overdo it in the pursuit of health. It has long been noticed that pensioners who regularly do gymnastics with a warm-up in the morning are distinguished by better health and vigor.

Active part:

Charging training.

View exercise videos.

Final part:

Questions from students about this lesson. The answer to their questions.

Lesson 4

Topic of the lesson: Why is it important to play sports. Activity of the elderly. Physical exercise for the elderly

The purpose of the lesson: to give students an idea about the active life of older people and why it is important to play sports. Perform physical exercises for the elderly.

Lesson structure:

Introductory part - 5 minutes.

Information part - 20 minutes.

Active part - 30 minutes.

The final part is 5 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Answer correction.

Information part

In the previous lesson, we learned why you need to do exercises and how to do it correctly. In this lesson, we will learn why it is important to play sports and be active in older people. And let's do physical exercises to maintain health and longevity.

Why is it important to exercise throughout your life? Because physical activity allows you to build a healthy potential in youth and maintain physical and mental health even in old age. It's never too late to start leading a healthy lifestyle. Fitness is life. And these are not empty words. Regular physical activity prevents a lot of unpleasant diseases and prolongs life. Here are some arguments in favor of physical activity and its impact on human health.

Why is it important to play sports?

1. Prevention of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, stroke and cancer. For a moment, these are the top three health-related causes of death.2. Muscle strengthening.3. Weight control.4. Reducing the total amount of subcutaneous fat.5. Improving the work of the heart muscle and respiratory system.6. Strengthening of bone tissues and ligaments.7. Increasing strength and overall endurance.8. Improving the quality of sleep.9. Increase in overall energy10. Reduce the chances of potential depression11. Help in relieving stress.12. Increased chances of longevity.

Lack of regular physical activity can lead to the following:

1. High blood pressure

2. High blood cholesterol

3. Increased chances of developing type 2 diabetes (hereditary chronic diabetes)

4. Disease of the cardiovascular system

5. Cancer

If you have ever wondered how to stay healthy, then one of the main factors for excellent physical and mental health is regular physical activity.

Activity of the Elderly Physical activity is the way to health and longevity, especially if it concerns the elderly. What should be done to maintain health in old age?

Activity of the elderly

It is easy to guess that physical activity contributes to muscle tone, maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system, mood and improving the quality of life. How many older people do you think lead a healthy lifestyle? I think in Russia a little. What do you think?

Physical activity in old age

Many people get better with age. This is due not only to a sedentary lifestyle, but also to a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, as well as various diseases, such as diabetes. How should one be active so that it is not too intense, but at the same time effective? As the body ages, we still need to stay in motion. These can be regular physical activities:

Walking in place

Regular walking (walking outside)

Bicycle rides

Swimming or water aerobics

Elliptical trainer (if you visit the gym)

Before embarking on any activity, you need to make sure that you will not put stress on your joints. They weaken with age.

1. Reduced stress on the joints

Make sure that the exercises performed do not load the knee joints. Give preference to sports such as swimming or water aerobics. Such loads perfectly burn calories without much stress on the heart and lungs. And do not forget to drink plain water during the day (1.5-2 liters).

2. Exercises for flexibility and muscle tone

By combining stretching, flexibility, and muscle tone, you strengthen your body and reduce the risk of unexpected sprains. This can help training with light dumbbells and yoga courses. We will look at exercises for the elderly later. By the way, after yoga, you will be surprised how flexible and plastic you become (probably applies more to women).

3. Maintain balance

You probably know how difficult it is to maintain balance and stability. Regularly practicing the stand on one leg, you can easily maintain a normal balance.4. Don't forget about nutrition We mentioned diabetes at the beginning of the article, so try to be careful about foods high in sugar. Reduce the intake of foods high in cholesterol (animal fats) - this will reduce its level in the blood and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Be attentive to yourself, and before you start playing sports, check your physical condition with a doctor. Regular checking of the body (at least once a year) is the norm of a modern person.

What kind of exercise is suitable for older people and how does exercise affect older people? We will look at balance, physiology and a small set of physical exercises for the elderly.

Physical exercise for the elderly

The most important thing to consider in training is the balance between physical activity. For example, between normal walking and running. Understanding balance helps optimize the training process and avoid unforeseen injuries. This is especially important for the elderly.

Every year, about 20 percent of people over 60 are injured in some way. Fear of injury limits people from physical activity. This fact, as well as the fact of biological changes in the body, changes in the environment and life's difficulties, forms certain stereotypes. But all this can be avoided through balanced exercise (strength training, cardio, etc.).

Factors affecting the rebalancing of the elderly

Unfortunately, the factors of aging of the body every day have a negative impact on human health. Some factors are unavoidable and cannot be influenced in any way, but some can be controlled and even minimized. The behavioral factor of older people

Lead an active lifestyle. Use comprehensive training programs: strength, cardio, stretching, yoga

Balanced proper nutrition, including the most necessary vitamins and nutrients. In particular, vitamin D is very important.

Comfortable shoes. Shoes should not be too high (negatively affects posture) and heavy. Comfortable, lightweight, tight-fitting shoes provide the best contact with the ground. Even walking barefoot (not everywhere of course) will be a great help

Be careful when taking medications. Individual side effects are possible. Always check with your doctor about the effects of certain medications

Age biological factor

With age, deterioration of vision, hearing, clarity of consciousness is possible. There is a risk of developing arthritis and deterioration of the vestibular apparatus. Any chronic disease is possible. The same physical exercises and training can serve as prevention of the above diseases. Competent physical activity increases endurance, strength and immunity. Fitness is new acquaintances and communication.

External factors Try to avoid the potential danger that surrounds us in everyday life. Here is a minimum list of external factors:

Winter time. The presence of ice on the roads

Slippery floors

Curbs and various irregularities

Lighting quality outdoors and indoors


Let's move on to the exercises. A set of exercises for the elderly Before starting any activity, consult your doctor and start applying the exercises in your daily life.

1. Posture exercise

Stand with your back to the wall. Fully straighten up. The walls touch only the back of the head, shoulders, pelvis and heels. When viewed from the side, you should look like one line: the ear and shoulder, thigh and ankle are on the same line. In this position, take deep breaths and exhale for half a minute.

After you complete the exercise, move away from the wall in the same straightened position. Do this exercise several times a day to create the correct posture. In my opinion, nothing complicated.

2. Walking in place

There is no easier exercise. Stand at shoulder width. Straighten your back and begin to lift your right leg, bending it at the knee at an angle of 90 °. Lower your leg and repeat the same with your left leg. Add hand swings to the exercise. In general, the usual march on the spot.

3. Side bends with touching the floor

Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Begin to gently lean to the left side, touching the floor with your left hand, then straighten up. Then do the same, leaning to the right side. Repeat several times for each side.

4. Steps to the side

Stand up straight. Start taking a wide step with your right foot to the side, and then pull your left leg towards it. Take 10 steps in one direction and 10 in the other. For a change, you can turn your head to the side while taking a step. To facilitate the exercise, you can touch with your hands some kind of support, such as a wall.

5. Tightrope walking

Don't be scared, it's just that the exercise is like walking a tightrope. Place one foot in front of the other while walking. Walk a few meters forward, and then take similar steps backwards. You can also try to move with your eyes closed to train the vestibular apparatus.6. Exercise "snake"

Put some chips or, for example, plastic cups in one line a meter apart. From one end of the line, begin to snake around obstacles without touching them. To complicate the exercise, you can reduce the distance between the chips and speed up the movement.

7. Walking on toes and heels

The purpose of the workout is to develop the lower legs. Walk for a few minutes, first on your toes and then on your heels. For variety, you can alternate the heel and toe. For complication, you can turn your head from side to side while walking. Exercise perfectly develops the motor functions of not only the elderly, but all people in general. Personally, I do not share age limits.

Remember that it is impossible to stop natural biological processes, but it is quite possible to take them under control, remaining active even at an age. Physical activity is one of the few things you can do for your loved ones at any stage of life.

As one of the gym trainers said, “Help your body today and the body will help you in old age.”

Active part:

Perform exercises. And show the video.

Final part.

Conversation with students about physical exercises.

Lesson 6

Theme of the lesson: Exercises for older women. Strength training for the elderly. Purpose of the session: to give the trainees an understanding of exercises for older women and strength training for older people. Watch a video of the lessons.

Lesson structure:1. Introductory part - 5 minutes.

2. Information part - 20 minutes.

3. Active part - 30 minutes.

4. The final part - 5 minutes.

Introductory part. Checking the knowledge gained in the previous lesson. Answer correction.

Information part.

In the previous session, we learned why it is important to play sports and be active in older people. And let's do physical exercises to maintain health and longevity. In this lesson, we will learn about physical exercises for women and strength training for men.

Unfortunately, in our life there is always one significant note of sadness - age. At a young age, few people think about health, but approaching the age of 40 or 50, the question about health involuntarily arises. Today's topic will be about exercises for older women (over 50). Although my tongue does not turn to call a woman over 50 elderly. So go ahead!

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We invite you to the classes "Schools for the elderly"!

Sign up for Senior School

by phone: 298-11-98 (ext. 110),

or at the reception of specialists in the GAU "KTsSON Zheleznodorozhny district of Yekaterinburg" at the address: st. Kourovskaya, 9; office number 110.

The "Older Generation" program is being successfully implemented throughout the Russian Federation. She did not bypass the Sverdlovsk region.

The main goal of the "Older Generation" program is to improve the quality of life of older people. The program was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated March 31, 2011 No. 349-PP “On approval of the regional comprehensive program “Older Generation for 2011-2013”, “Older Generation for 2014-2018”. Its goal is to create organizational, legal, socio-economic conditions for improving the situation and quality of life of older people, increasing their social security, and activating the participation of older people in society in the Sverdlovsk region.

School of the elderly created in accordance with the regional comprehensive program "Older Generation" is aimed at the implementation of educational, informational, educational programs for the training of elderly citizens; skills of social adaptation, increasing competitiveness in the labor market, prolonging active longevity, maintaining health, teaching self-care skills in conditions of partial loss of self-care ability, maintaining psychological stability, improving legal and economic culture, eliminating computer and information illiteracy, overcoming loneliness, mastering applied skills creativity, the transfer of life experience to the younger generation.

In accordance with this Program, the "School of the Elderly" was created in state institutions of the region, including the Complex Center for Social Services for the Population of the Zheleznodorozhny District, which began teaching knowledge in various areas of life.

Forms of conducting classes: lectures, practical, individual lessons, open lessons, business games, etc.

The program of the School for the elderly includes educational, informational, educational programs By the following directions:

"Active Longevity" - promotes a healthy lifestyle. Within the framework of this direction, elderly citizens receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills for active longevity and disease prevention, introduce rational nutrition into everyday life, and engage in restorative therapeutic exercises. Educational lectures, talks, and practical classes are also organized, the purpose of which is to prolong the active longevity of elderly citizens.

"TO computer literacy" - aimed at assisting senior citizens in the development of information technology, the Program of computer courses for the elderly is developed taking into account the psychology of this age category. After all, the purpose of the courses is not just teaching computer literacy, but also social adaptation, the realization of creative abilities.

"Decorative and applied art" - is engaged in the development of abilities and the acquisition of skills in applied and decorative art, the organization of clubs for the creative interests of the elderly. The versatile and multi-level nature of the programs being implemented will make it possible to satisfy a wide range of needs of older citizens with different levels of abilities and overcome their loneliness.

"P legal and economic culture" - is engaged in raising the level of legal and economic knowledge of elderly citizens. Within the framework of this direction, practical knowledge is acquired about social protection measures, rights and transactions with real estate and land, consumer protection and the legitimate interests of the elderly, pension provision, and bank loans and credits.

"P professional orientation» - helps to increase the competitiveness of older citizens in the labor market, introduces a wide range of professions where older citizens may be in demand, teaches methods of providing professional advice to older citizens, introduces targeted employment programs in the Sverdlovsk region, develops job search methods , interacts with the centers of employment of the population. Career guidance classes are designed for retirees who want to find a job in accordance with their professional skills, education and health.

"B life safety" - deals with theoretical and practical issues of life safety of elderly citizens. At the end of the school, students can directly participate in the work of the squad for the protection of public order, pass on their rich life experience to the younger generation.

"ABOUT care training" - is engaged in training and education in caring for the elderly and the elderly, as well as training relatives of citizens in need of outside care. Relatives receive recommendations on the specifics of home care for bedridden patients and citizens in need of outside care and who have partially lost the ability to self-service. The training program includes the methodology for carrying out hygiene procedures, assistance with movement, lifting, moving, assistance with changing clothes, feeding, etc.

« Local History» - a comprehensive study of the native Ural region. Participation in interesting, informative excursions. Acquaintance with works of architecture, art, handicrafts, church history, spiritual culture. The study of archeology, flora, fauna, stone-cutting art, spiritual and material culture of the region. The training program includes seminars, discussions, exchange of knowledge and opinions on the information obtained during the excursions.

"WITH Adovodov-gardeners" and "Landscape design" - lessons of practical skills on the application of innovative techniques in gardening and landscape design. Acquaintance with modern methods of cultivating the land, growing seedlings of various crops at home, vegetables in greenhouses. Consultations on the use of organic and mineral fertilizers, the purchase of seeds, seedlings and seedlings. Floriculture is the cultivation of decorative annual and perennial flowers. Garden pest control - modern methods. Landscaping.

"WITH social tourism» - involvement of pensioners and disabled people in hiking in accordance with the age and health of the participants, in order to familiarize themselves with the sights of their native land. Social tourism is closely connected with social local history, promotes interesting, meaningful and informative communication of older people, a change of scenery, movement, and an active lifestyle.

"Financial Literacy" - O studying in this department, older citizens increase the level of financial literacy, receive information about the basics of pension legislation and consumer protection legislation, about the types and forms of commodity-money fraud and ways to protect against it, get acquainted with the activities of financial institutions and tools for managing their own property (including cash).

"Socio-cultural rehabilitation" - this area of ​​work is aimed at improving the level and quality of life of older citizens through involvement in active, diverse activities, at enhancing creativity and promoting the prevention of loneliness, along with specially developed state measures and guarantees for older people.

It helps to overcome the lack of communication for older people, provide them with psychological support, and give them the opportunity to feel needed and interesting to other people. club activities.

The need to organize the School is dictated by the current situation in society. The number of older people is increasing every year. Most people come to retirement age with chronic illnesses and social isolation. All this negatively affects the psychological health of older people. But everyone has a chance to live long and actively. According to Professor Bubnovsky S.M. “Old age is not age, but the loss of muscle tissue, which begins to disappear if it is not supported by exercise.”

The main factor in mental health and salvation from senile dementia is faith in oneself, maintaining healthy positive emotions, and a healthy lifestyle. And physical health is impossible without regular exercise.

Goals of the School of Active Longevity program.

  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles. Activation of their own capabilities of the elderly and disabled, maintaining their social activity, physical and mental health;
  • Strengthening the status of the elderly in society;
  • Using the intellectual, cultural, personal potential and life experience of older people in strengthening the connection between generations.

Tasks of the program "Schools of active longevity".

  • Improving the quality of rehabilitation services for the elderly and disabled;
  • Development and implementation of innovative methods aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly and disabled;
  • Expanding the integration of the elderly and disabled in social communication processes;
  • Adaptation of the personality in old age to the transition to a difficult and long period of life.

Direction of work "School of active longevity".

  • Wellness program.
  • Cognitive - educational program.
  • Cultural and leisure program.

I. Wellness program.

Includes medical and socio-psychological rehabilitation.

1.Medical rehabilitation aimed at restoring and correcting impaired functions. The following types of medical rehabilitation are carried out at the GBU SO RC "Valor":

  • for clients with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for clients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for clients with respiratory diseases.

Among the many factors that limit the psychophysical state of the elderly, contributing to the development of negative changes in the body, are hypodynamia and hypokinesia. Only reasonably organized physical activity can put a barrier to various diseases: "... a person, moving and developing, starts the clock of his life himself."

For many people with disabilities, adaptive physical education is the only way to “break” the closed space, enter society, and get opportunities for communication. The purpose of adaptive physical education is the maximum possible development of the viability of a person who has stable deviations in the state of health for the maximum possible self-actualization.


As a physical medium, water has a high heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and good convection ability. These properties of water make it the most convenient medium for thermal stimulation.

The Center uses 2 types of water procedures - baths and showers.

  1. Baths
  • medicinal - coniferous, bischofite, turpentine, iodine-bromine;
  • pearl - with air bubbles bubbling in the water;
  • foamy licorice - with licorice root extract, which forms a compact, stable, small-bubble foam that evenly covers the patient's body;
  • hydromassage - therapeutic and prophylactic procedure, which consists in massaging the body of a person immersed in water with a jet of water under high pressure;
  • four-chamber bath for limbs. Hydrotherapy in this bath is carried out with medicinal solutions and with Tomed - aqua (this is a concentrated aqueous solution of active humic compounds obtained from the therapeutic mud "Tomed".
  • Souls - ascending, circular, Charcot. They are carried out with the help of a hydrotherapy department.
  • The principle of cancer alertness is fully applied to the clients of the Center. For clients with diseases of the cardiovascular system (their share of the total number of patients of the Center is 42%), a sparing hydrotherapy regimen is used. For carrying out water procedures for patients with limited mobility, an ALL-in-One lift is used - special sliding supports allow the patient to be brought up and lifted (lowered) into the bath.
  • Manual and hardware massage. In the center there are: bed - massager Nuga-Best 500; massage mattress Medica-190; Sanio massage chair
  • Physiotherapy procedures. The Center uses all types of physiotherapy treatment: electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, aerosol therapy, oxygen therapy (oxygen cocktails), phototherapy, mud therapy (therapeutic mud with active humic acids "Tomed", ultrasound therapy.
  • Normobaric Hypoxic Therapy("Mountain air") - breathing air with a reduced content (up to 11%) of oxygen, but at normal atmospheric pressure. Hypoxic effect on the body improves metabolism, activates the work of internal organs.
  • Dry carbonic bath. Carbon dioxide with a concentration of 15-30%, used in the SUV, increases the regenerative capabilities of the body, prevents premature aging.
  • nordic walking. Developed from the technique of ski exercises and is suitable for everyone, without exception, regardless of age. Improves the functioning of internal organs, increases immunity, activates metabolism. Nordic walking is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis!
  • Phytotherapy. Clients of the Center can take herbs - tonic, gastrointestinal, sedative, heart, kidney, diabetic.
  • 2. Socio-psychological rehabilitation.

    The following offices work in the GBU SO RC "Valor":

    • Biofeedback room in the correction of psycho-emotional maladaptation. In clients who have completed a course of sessions, blood pressure normalizes, mood rises, and sleep improves.
    • Cabinet of gelotherapy (laughter therapy). The purpose of the classes is to relieve psychological stress, create a positive mood.
    • Office of mental-visual training (mirror therapy). This technique allows patients to remove their psychological blockages, stimulate visual images; helps a person to mobilize his will to move the affected limb. The technique is successfully used in the rehabilitation of clients after stroke.
    • Ergotherapy room. Ergotherapy is the directed involvement of clients in work activities for the purpose of rehabilitation. In GBU SO RC "Valor" all types of needlework are used for this, according to the interests and capabilities of the client: knitting, embroidery, macrame, modeling from plasticine and dough, origami, quilling, engraving, decoupage, paperbox, sand - art, encaustic, lekozhur, kirigamia others.
    • Machanotherapy room. The office is equipped with simulators for the upper limbs: "Grahamizer", "Kanevel", "DON".
    • sensory room. It is used to stimulate sensory processes, create a positive emotional background, achieve relaxation and peace of mind.
    • Office of psychological correction using combined means. Psychologists of the Center use various methods in their work: logotherapy, imagotherapy, fairy tale therapy, libropsychotherapy, sanogenic thinking, collage, B. Heelinger's constellation method, Hasan Aliyev's psychological state self-regulation techniques, Zentangle therapy and others. Classes in the office are accompanied by aeroionotherapy, aromatherapy.
    • Social work specialists methods are used: folklore therapy, stopotherapy, dendrotherapy and others.
    • The Center has a department "Helpline". Problems addressed by subscribers: crisis; family relationships; relationship between children and parents; self-acceptance problems love relationship; addiction; health; violence; social adaptation and maladaptation, and others.
    • Actively working "School of Rehabilitation and Care", "School of Elderly Safety".

    II. Cognitive - educational program.

    These lectures are in different areas: conversations, library therapy, watching videos. These lessons spiritually enrich, develop creative abilities, and contribute to raising the cultural level.

    1. Lectures by the specialists of the Center:
    • Specialists in social work, give lectures on music, painting, literature;
    • Lecture by a therapist about a healthy lifestyle;
    • Psychologists give lectures on psychological health, ways to train memory, and developmental psychology.
  • A series of talks about the life and work of remarkable people, organized by the staff of the city library.
  • Library therapy. The Center has a library with 2000 books.
  • Watching videos:
    • health-improving and educational films of Professor Zhdanov.
      • "Alcohol terror";
      • "The harm of smoking";
      • "It's time to take off your glasses."
    • Scientific - popular films:
      • "ABC of health";
      • "Living Water".
    • films on religious themes:
      • “Before the Queen of Heaven”, about the Samara Iversky Monastery;
      • “Monastery in the world (about Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple in the village of Krasnye Klyuchi);
      • "7 deadly sins";
      • "History of Islam";
      • "A gift over the abyss of despair" (about the icon painter Zhuravlev).
    • "Live and remember" (about the soldiers of the Samara land of the living and the fallen).
    • "Rehabilitation of the disabled in the Samara region.

    III. Cultural and leisure program.

    The Center regularly organizes:

    • visiting the theater of the SAD studio, the museum of local lore, exhibitions, concerts;
    • creative meetings with members of the unions of professional writers;
    • visits to the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple and the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God (Tabynskaya), a visit to the Mosque;
    • As part of folklore therapy, meetings are organized with vocal groups from the city of Pokhvistnevo;
    • performances are organized by students of school No. 1, clients of the State Budgetary Institution of Health "Pokhvistnevsky Youth Boarding House for the Disabled";
    • holding song evenings, game programs, chess and checkers tournaments, discos in each race;
    • organization of holidays dedicated to certain dates, birthdays of clients.

    The school of active longevity promotes personality development in old age, teaches the ability to live with dignity, develops creative abilities, and teaches the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Expected results:

    • increasing the general level of culture, increasing the period of active longevity, maintaining the ability to self-service in the elderly;
    • improving the quality of life of older people, developing their adaptive mechanisms to the aging process;
    • ensuring decent, respectful treatment of older people;
    • activation of the life position of pensioners, their involvement in socially useful activities.

    The staff of the Center should also take care of their own health. Preservation and strengthening of the nervous system is an important prerequisite for human health and longevity. Regular classes are held with the staff of the Center on the topic: “Prevention of burnout syndrome”. The staff of the Center follow some of the recommendations of Dr. Bragg:

    • Control your mood. A good mood is too valuable a thing to lose it. When you get angry, you start counting;
    • Avoid quarrels.
    • Don't lock yourself in.
    • Try to smile and laugh more often. Laughter creates health due to the happy state of mind of the laugher. Smile and you will get a smile in return!
    • Be constantly busy. A busy person is a happy person, he does not have time for quarrels, gossip.

    A distinctive feature of the staff of the GBU SO RC "Valor" is an attentive and friendly attitude towards their customers, which is noted by them in each race.

    “Don't be afraid of old age. We must prepare for it and enter old age with a healthy body and healthy habits. Professor S.M. Bubnovsky.