Rachel farrukh filmography. The actress, who is dying of anorexia, is no longer able to help. Known cases of anorexia

Former actress Rachel Farrokh hasn't always looked like a walking skeleton. Ten years ago, this woman was active and healthy. It all started quite innocently. She wanted to lose a few pounds to see her abs. The girl has always been a perfectionist and wanted to look her best. But sudden setbacks at work - Rachel lost her job - plunged her into an abyss of depression, and then anorexia.

The weight loss process is out of control. A The actress saw her weight drop from a healthy 56 kilos to a much lower figure. And just a few months ago, he dropped even more - to less than 22 kilograms. But the woman could not stop. As a result, her weight stopped at a terrifying figure - 18 kilograms. The hospital simply refused to treat her, because they were afraid to take on such a responsibility, the doctors gave the most disappointing forecasts. Rachel had almost no chance of survival.

Fortunately, in one of the Portuguese clinics, they nevertheless agreed to accept the girl. It became a salvation. It took Rachel 10 years to more or less bounce back. The girl maintains her Facebook page, where she talks about how her rehabilitation is going. After she appeared on the air of one of the programs, well-wishers raised about $200,000 for her so Rachel could deal with her mounting medical bills and continue her rehab.

Less than six months after the disease bedridden her and almost made it impossible not only to move, but also to speak, the actress regained some of the weight she had lost. Now she is active in social activities and tries to help people who are faced with the same problem.

I have a huge family, it's the whole world! she explained.

Rachel and her husband Rod Edmondson, who left his job to be by his wife's side as her condition worsened around the clock, were among the hundreds of people who marched in Washington, D.C. for the second annual Eating Disorders March. Smiling Rod at one time was the personal trainer of the actress. It was he who by all means kept his wife on the edge of the abyss, and the man’s last idea saved her life altogether. It was he who persuaded his wife to record the very video message that shocked people so much.

My body didn't respond to any treatment because the doctors didn't understand that the brain had to bounce back with the body, says Rachel. - I went to hospitalsfirst to Denver, then to California, and finally to a clinic in Portugal. Only there they treated me with respect, I felt that they take care of me, I am safe.

Although still frail and having difficulty walking alone, Rachel has made an amazing transformation and hopes to use her public recognition to help other families. So far, medical insurance does not cover treatment for anorexia, but Rachel intends to seek changes in the law. Despite the fact that the woman experiences extreme pain every day, she kept her promise in the video message and fought hard.

What can lead to the desire to look better? What do people face in whose heads perfectionism, multiplied by perseverance, makes them torment themselves with diets to the point of fainting? How do people who are so exhausted that they are unable to move independently feel?
The story of Rachel Farrukh, a 37-year-old actress who strove too fiercely for deceptive perfection, will answer all these questions. For Rachel, thinness and a slender body have always been the equivalent of beauty. At 27, with a height of 170 cm, the girl weighed 57 kilograms. For many, such indicators are just a dream. For Rachel Farrukh, this was not enough.

Deceived by magazine stories and her own distorted notions, Rachel decided to "dry" a little to make her abdominal muscles more visible. It would seem that nothing happened that could portend a terrible disease. Moreover, Rachel was very lucky with her husband: Rod Edmondson worked as a personal trainer in a club where the actress was engaged in fitness. Everything was perfect - a beautiful healthy woman who dreams of losing a couple of kilograms, and her husband, a professional athlete, who is ready to help her in this endeavor.

This is how Rachel looked before the development of anorexia.

Unfortunately, it was at this point that Rachel began to have problems at work. Filming was catastrophically small, and Farrukh was sincerely sure that her appearance, namely overweight, was to blame for everything. The situation led to the fact that soon the woman crossed the line, and she began to have problems with an eating disorder. The stomach rejected any food, hair began to fall out, the nails were terribly brittle. Any physical effort exhausted the woman. Rachel very quickly reached an extreme form of anorexia. During the most terrible period of the disease, Rachel's weight dropped to 18 kilograms. She did not think well - her brain worked very slowly. The woman could not move independently. Rod had to quit his job to constantly care for his anorexic wife.
When the former beauty was taken to a hospital near her house in a dying state, the doctors only shrugged and refused to accept the patient.
Then Rod, in desperation, left a post on his Facebook page, where he asked for help from everyone who could provide it. Within hours, Rod and Rachel had amassed $200,000. With this money, they were able to turn to specialists and begin intensive treatment.

A month later, things improved. Now Rachel eats very small meals in order to normalize her metabolism. The recovery process can take three to five years. The actress was discharged from the hospital, and now she can even walk to the store on her own.
The first thing I wanted to say to women - change your mind. Extra pounds sometimes really become a terrible problem and interfere with life, but only when there are more than 20 of them. Most of life's troubles and problems are not at all to blame for an extra crease on the stomach. Learn to love and respect yourself, and then others will follow your example.

February 21, 2016, 20:56

Ten years ago, Rachel Farrukh and Rod Edmondson were a beautiful, healthy couple. They met at a fitness club where Rachel was a client and Rod was a personal trainer. The girl was 27 years old and she was an actress. With a height of 170 cm, she weighed 57 kg.

At some point, Rachel decided that she would look better if she dried her abs. An innocent, at first glance, desire turned into the fact that at the age of 37, a woman began to weigh 18 kg.

Rachel's husband believes his wife's case could be the start of a movement to prevent these deadly diseases. The couple wants to pursue this direction (as we understand it, if Rachel Farrokh survives).

“People think that all this is nonsense and just the result of a wild desire to be skinny. They think that all they need is a little food and everything will pass. But it’s not like that,” Rod and Rachel write on the Internet.

The video, posted on YouTube, had the effect of an exploding bomb. In just 25 days, people from all over the world donated $180,000 for Rachel's treatment. The moved woman recorded a new video message in which she thanked everyone who helped her. And she said that now she finally had a hope to survive.

It looks terrible. So much so that from Rachel, as if from a corpse, you want to look away. In the meantime, she's alive.

Rachel cannot walk on her own. Her husband quit his job to take care of her.

Once upon a time, these two looked like a cheerful, energetic couple.

Now Rachel complains that her brain is running much slower than she would like.

Any article about this unfortunate woman is accompanied by praises to her loving husband, who left not her, but his job, because Rachel needs constant care.
By inertia, I also wanted to join the slender choir praising the selfless Rod and even sat down for a post called “Love for an anorexic”.

But then suddenly my signature flashed in my head: “Wait a minute!”

And where, in fact, did this personal trainer look when his beloved in the truest sense of the word dried up? What made a slender, active, healthy girl turn herself into a pissing and pooping diaper, barely alive creature?

Isn't it the fact that her beloved coach was staring at assholes in his gym chair? Or maybe in the presence of Rachel, he sang fitness divas with six-cube bellies?

It is quite clear to me that Rachel went into weight loss because of her complexes, but where was her husband at that moment? Why did he allow a situation in which the woman next to her bends over from self-doubt?

Look how beautiful Rachel was and what she has become.

Girls, now - attention: I will say something important.

If you feel ugly next to a man, know that this is not your man. He doesn't suit you. Run away from him.

Experts emphasize that anorexia is not only a "stretched relationship" with food, as many people think to this day. In fact, anorexia is a painful attempt to cope with emotional problems. A distorted vision of your body is often provoked by low self-esteem. A person begins to stubbornly lose weight, without a sense of proportion, ignoring the consequences and cherishing crazy ideas.

Stages of anorexia nervosa

dysmorphomaniac- thoughts about their own inferiority and inferiority predominate, due to imaginary completeness. Characterized by a depressed mood, anxiety, prolonged examination of oneself in the mirror. During this period, there are the first attempts to limit oneself in food, the search for the ideal diet.

Anorexic- occurs against the background of persistent starvation. A weight loss of 20-30% is achieved, accompanied by euphoria and a tightening of the diet, "to lose even more weight." At the same time, the patient actively convinces himself and those around him that he has no appetite and exhausts himself with great physical exertion. Due to a distorted perception of his body, the patient underestimates the degree of weight loss. The volume of fluid circulating in the body decreases, which causes hypotension and bradycardia. This condition is accompanied by chilliness, dry skin and alopecia (baldness). Another clinical sign is the cessation of the menstrual cycle in women and a decrease in libido and spermatogenesis in men. Adrenal function is also impaired, up to adrenal insufficiency. Due to the active breakdown of tissues, appetite is suppressed.

cachectic- period of irreversible dystrophy of internal organs. Comes in 1.5–2 years. During this period, weight loss reaches 50% or more of its proper weight. In this case, protein-free edema occurs, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, and the level of potassium in the body sharply decreases. This step is usually irreversible. Dystrophic changes lead to irreversible inhibition of the functions of all systems and organs and death.

Take care of your friends and relatives, especially those who are obviously overthinking with thinness.

Updated on 21/02/16 21:45:

P.S. I want to add that I'm worried that there are a lot of potential followers of Rachel, VKontakte has a club of anorexic bulimics, in which there are more than 33,000 subscribers and they actively share their experience of how not to eat, only drink water for weeks, post photos of anorexic girls, as an ideal and their own dream. No one writes about harm to health, immediately to the ban.

Californian Rachel weighs about 18-19 kg and has been struggling with anorexia for about 10 years. She recorded this video to pity the hearts and help her cope with her illness, and, well, raise money for treatment.

Rachel Farrokh and her husband Rod Edmonson raised over $100,000 on GoFundMe to try and save her life.

And this is Rachel's video message for help:

After 10 years and several unsuccessful attempts at treatment in specialized centers, Farrokh says he is now fighting for his life. According to her, only one center in Colorado is ready to work with her at this stage of anorexia.

She says that she needs financial support to get into this hospital, her husband was forced to quit his job to take care of his wife.

“We need your support. Otherwise, I don't have a chance. And I'm ready to heal,” says Rachel.

Her husband Rod Edmonson wrote on the official page where they ask for help that hospitals refuse to treat Rachel because of her too low weight, they are afraid to take responsibility for her life. There is only one hospital in the States that treats patients in this condition.

“Rachel is a charming, kind and wonderful woman who always puts the interests of others before her own. Those who know her personally will confirm that she is wonderful, caring and with a heart of gold,” the husband writes.

The couple collected the $100,000 needed for the treatment in 23 days, and the total amount of donations is already more than $190,000.

Farrokh is already receiving the care he needs from doctors in California and is preparing to move to the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders at Denver Health Medical Center.

Doctors from California are not yet allowing her to travel to Colorado, "we are trying to improve the patient's condition so that she can endure the journey," says Dr. Rachel.

Dr. Jennifer L. Gaudiani of the same center in Colorado says that their hospital is just right for patients like Rachel and offers both psychological and medical support: “Based on height and weight, Rachel has one of the highest rates of underweight, that I have encountered."

Rachel's husband believes his wife's case could be the start of a movement to prevent these deadly diseases. The couple wants to pursue this direction (as we understand it, if Rachel Farrokh survives).

“People think that all this is nonsense and just the result of a wild desire to be skinny. They think that all they need is a little food and everything will pass. But it’s not like that,” Rod and Rachel write on the Internet.

Stages of anorexia nervosa

  • dysmorphomaniac- thoughts about their own inferiority and inferiority predominate, due to imaginary completeness. Characterized by a depressed mood, anxiety, prolonged examination of oneself in the mirror. During this period, there are the first attempts to limit oneself in food, the search for the ideal diet.
  • Anorexic - occurs against the background of persistent starvation. A weight loss of 20-30% is achieved, accompanied by euphoria and a tightening of the diet, "to lose even more weight." At the same time, the patient actively convinces himself and those around him that he has no appetite and exhausts himself with great physical exertion. Due to a distorted perception of his body, the patient underestimates the degree of weight loss. The volume of fluid circulating in the body decreases, which causes hypotension and bradycardia. This condition is accompanied by chilliness, dry skin and alopecia (baldness). Another clinical sign is the cessation of the menstrual cycle in women and a decrease in libido and spermatogenesis in men. Adrenal function is also impaired, up to adrenal insufficiency. Due to the active breakdown of tissues, appetite is suppressed.
  • Cachectic - a period of irreversible dystrophy of internal organs. Comes in 1.5–2 years. During this period, weight loss reaches 50% or more of its proper weight. In this case, protein-free edema occurs, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed, and the level of potassium in the body sharply decreases. This step is usually irreversible. Dystrophic changes lead to irreversible inhibition of the functions of all systems and organs and death.

Take care of your friends and loved ones, or at least don't like photos of friends who are clearly overthinking with thinness.

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