Who is Brad Pitt friends with? Stars who have no friends at all. Robert Downey Jr and Mel Gibson

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara © Getty Images

Tuesday, July 30th is celebrated International Friendship Day 2019. On this holiday, it is customary to remind your friends how much you love them - to give gifts and souvenirs, to show your attention.

Also on Friendship Day 2019 editorial tochka.net invites you to find out who Hollywood stars are friends with. Despite their recognition and popularity, they are ordinary people who need such simple things as friendship And Love.

It is not strange that Hollywood celebrities often find their girlfriends and friends in the circle of the same stellar colleagues - often meetings of kindred souls take place on the set of films.

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara

The girls met on the set of the movie "Beauty on the Run". Reese often recalls how Sophia walked into the hotel, and everyone around her "turned their necks", turning around to look at her. After filming, during the promotional tour, the actresses became even closer and often posted funny selfies together on their Instagram. The wedding took place in November 2015 Sofia Vergara with Joe Manganiello, to which the artist, of course, called her friend.


Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire © Getty Images

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire

friendship and Tobey Maguire has been going on for over 20 years. They met back in the early 80s at one of the auditions and have treasured each other's friendship ever since. The film was released in 2013 "The Great Gatsby", in which star friends played the main roles: and Tobey Maguire. According to friends, in their free time they like to play basketball together. On the sidelines, their friendship is considered one of the strongest.

Courteney Cox and Ed Sheeran © Depositphotos

Courteney Cox and Ed Sheeran

Star of the legendary TV series Friends"Met a British musician Ed Sheeran thanks to mutual friends. After talking, they immediately found a common language and after that they became friends. Interestingly, Courtney and Ed spend the holidays together and post pictures together on Instagram.


In 2013, it was Ed who introduced his girlfriend to his old friend, the frontman of the group " Snow Patrol Johnny McDaid, with whom Courtney met after two years. Even after breaking up with Johnny in 2015, the actress continues to maintain friendly relations with Ed Sheeran. Interestingly, one of the best friends of Courteney Cox is also considered her partner in "Friends" Jennifer Aniston. This friendship has been going on for many years.

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani © Depositphotos

Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani

In 2011, in an interview with an American publication Marie Claire Angelina Jolie admitted that she has practically no friends, and one of the few is a singer Gwen Stefani.

Jolie and Stephanie became friends back in 2006. Then they were connected by the fact that their children were born one day apart: Gwen's eldest son Kingston was born on May 26, and Jolie's daughter Shiloh was born on May 27. Young mothers immediately found many common themes and interests.

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay © Getty Images

David Beckham and Gordon Ramsay

Ex-football player David Beckham and famous chef Gordon Ramsay families have been friends for a long time. Former football player Manchester United" and the host of "Hell's Kitchen" attend football matches and go jogging together. Their friendship has been going on for many years. In 2013, David and Gordon even launched a joint business project - they opened a restaurant "Street Cafe"" in London.

Kate Hudson and Lea Michele © Getty Images

Kate Hudson and Lea Michele

The girls became friends on the set of the fourth season of Glee, in which Keith Hudson acted as a dance teacher Cassandra Julai. In 2013, a tragic incident brought the girls even closer - Leah's lover died of a drug overdose, and at a difficult moment in his life, it was Kate supported her friend. Keith Hudson even invited Leah to stay for a while at her place.

Florence Welsh and Blake Lively © Getty Images

Florence Welsh and Blake Lively

Once you hear the songs Florence and the Machine", American actress and model Blake Lively I decided to go to a concert of a band I liked, taking a pizza for the musicians with me. Sneaking backstage, Blake talked to Florence Welsh. Appreciating the kind gesture, Florence invited Blake to celebrate the New Year in Las Vegas, and since then the girls have been inseparable.

More recently, secular chroniclers enthusiastically discussed the upcoming divorce of one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. But rumors about the breakup of the couple turned out to be exaggerated. It seems that Pitt is not only not going to leave the family, but also listens to his famous wife in everything.

So, it turned out that Angelina strictly selects those with whom Pitt can be friends. It was with the light hand of Jolie that Brad stopped communicating with George Clooney, whose wife Amal Alamuddin turned out to be too similar to Jolie. Now Angelina spoke out against Pitt's friendship with Edward Norton, whom Brad has known since the days of Fight Club.

The reason for the conversation was the fact that Pitt and Norton became colleagues again - on the set of a new mini-series for HBO. "Angelina always thought Edward was too small for Brad and she didn't like his wife!" - let out a source close to the family, write the media.

It is even strange that Jolie has not yet said anything to Pitt about communicating with the young singer Selena Gomez. Recall, according to journalists, 52-year-old Brad and 23-year-old Selena have already started a secret romance. Brad was so impressed with Selena's performance in The Big Short that he began looking for roles for her in his new production projects. Now he often calls the singer at work, which provokes new scandals with Angelina.

Earlier, the popular website Radar and the tabloid In Touch wrote that in the very near future - no later than February 14 - about the decision of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to dissolve the marriage. According to reporters for these publications, Pitt and Jolie allegedly quarreled during their last trip to Vietnam. The impending divorce is also indicated by the fact that the actors rarely appear in public together lately. For example, Brad did not come to support Angelina at the premiere of Kung Fu Panda 3. And Jolie was not next to Pete on the red carpet this year during the Golden Globes ceremony.

According to an unnamed "friend" of the couple, the relationship between Angelina and Brad was greatly affected by two surgeries suffered by the actress, because of which her character deteriorated greatly, so Pitt is the initiator of the break.

About how serious the problems in the relationship of this star couple will be shown and whether they will appear together on February 22 on

0 August 7, 2010, 18:02

Opposites may attract, but it is still easier for people of the same profession to find a common language. That is why representatives of show business are close friends with each other. The fact that, say, best friends is known to almost everyone. But there are also much less replicated friendly tandems. Most celebrity buddies met just at work.

As it turned out, Amy Adams is also very friendly. They met on the set of the film "Cleaning to Shine". They played sisters in it. Of course, Amy was a guest at a recent bachelorette party before.

Amy and Emily in Shine Clean

Jess and Jen

...and Jennifer and Olivia

Smart girls are friends with their own kind. Harvard graduates Rashida Jones represent a wonderful "friendly duet" and the "brain" of young Hollywood. Together they are active in social activities and do charity work.

Natalie and Rashida

Kimora Lee Simmons and Tyra Banks have been best friends since 1989. They met backstage at a fashion show in Paris. In addition to fashion, they have a common interest in sports, they are big fans of basketball. By the way, Tyra was a bridesmaid at Kimora's wedding (she is married to basketball player Russell Simmons).

The famous actress, who has already turned 82, prefers to communicate not with people, but with dogs. She has more than a hundred of them, by the way, but among people there are only two or three close people. She lives in a villa in the south of France and is actively involved in social activities, in particular, advocating for the rights of people and animals. At the same time, communication takes place in writing and only with the heads of state. The son of the actress, Nicolas, lived from early childhood with his father and hardly sees his mother.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina has repeatedly stated that her mother was her best friend. The girl, even at school, was not interested in the company of classmates. She preferred boyish fun and went to a psychologist. It was her mother who sent her to acting school. After her death, Jolie found herself in motherhood, without acquiring real friends. She has repeatedly said that her best friend is her husband, Brad Pitt. I wonder who she will communicate with now, after she was about to get a divorce?


The singer, despite the status of a star and the habits of super-stars, is deeply lonely, which is confirmed by a letter from her mother, which she published online. “Beyoncé, I wish people could see who you really are when you're not in front of the camera or on stage. How compassionate and kind you are to people, how you look them straight in the eye when you talk to them. How hard you work and how generous you are with your time and money. How you help everyone and don't worry about everyone knowing about it, because you do good from the heart, ”wrote Beyoncé's mother, Tina Knowles. The singer really does a lot of charity work and social activities, so she has absolutely no time to get real girlfriends. Therefore, she is friends with her husband.

Naomi Campbell

The character of the "Black Panther" is such that not everyone can stand it. Maybe that's why she doesn't have any friends? Or maybe because Naomi does not communicate with people “just like that”, but tries to squeeze the maximum material benefit out of them. She even sold entrance tickets for her birthday! Now the model is working on her character, doing meditation and yoga. Alone.


Madonna ascended to the top of the musical Olympus with a load of fame and an almost complete absence of friends. A couple of years ago, colleagues in the music community broke off relations with her. Boy George even called the singer "a vile and monstrous creature." At the same time, Madonna does not refuse gatherings with friends, but she does not let anyone into her personal life, as close friends.

Richard Gere

People have practically lost Richard Gere since he got into Buddhism. First, he took up self-improvement, the search for the meaning of life, then got divorced, went to the mountains and meditation. He prefers to communicate only with a spiritual mentor and a child. Well, sometimes even with journalists. And no friends!