The tallest tree in the world meters. The largest Christmas trees. Tallest Christmas tree ever

The New Year is approaching, one of the brightest holidays. And the theme of the next post will be the New Year tree. And not just one, but three. Well, given the name of this site, of course these will be Christmas trees created by human hands. Each of which is the largest of its kind.

So, this is the world's largest floating tree, simply the world's largest tree, and the world's largest Christmas tree light installation.

The world's largest floating Christmas tree is being installed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Lake Lagoa. This lake is located next to Mount Corcovado, on which there is a statue of Christ the Redeemer. But during the Christmas and New Year holidays, it is the tree that becomes the main attraction of Rio. This year, it is being installed for the 16th time. The tree has a height of 85 meters, and the total weight of the structure is 542 tons. All this is kept afloat by four pontoons with a total area of ​​810 square meters. The Christmas tree is decorated with garlands, the total length of which is 105 kilometers, and the number of lanterns in these garlands is about 3 million 300 thousand pieces. Thanks to this, the New Year's tree can take on a wide variety of colors, and even reproduce animated pictures.

The largest Christmas tree in the world (without any attachments, such as a waterfowl, etc.) is installed in the capital of Mexico, Mexico City. Its height is 110 meters, 35 centimeters. If you ask yourself, why such precision, right down to centimeters? Let me explain. The fact is that the Mexican Christmas tree broke the record of the previous largest Christmas tree in the world (installed in the Brazilian city of Arakahu) by only 24 centimeters!!! However, this was quite enough to enter it into the Guinness Book of Records. This year it is being installed for the 3rd time. The diameter of the Mexican beauty at the base reaches 40 meters, weight - about 300 tons. It takes 80 kilometers of garlands with 1 million 200 thousand light bulbs to decorate the Christmas tree.

However, the largest Christmas tree decoration in the world is not a Christmas tree at all, but a light installation. Since 1981, on Mount Ingino (Italy), several dozen volunteers have installed 8.5 kilometers of electrical cables with 730 multi-colored spotlights. It’s all located in the form of a Christmas tree, the height of which is 650 meters and the width is 350. And when the illumination is turned on, Mount Inzhino takes on this appearance (and everything is visible from a distance of up to 50 kilometers).

Look at the map below (ignore the blue stripe). Here is the location of the tallest Christmas trees. Their size in feet is indicated in brackets ( 1 foot is approximately 0.3 meters).

Now let's go through the map from the lowest to the tallest tree:

10-meter Christmas tree in Washington. It was located in a park near the White House. The tree had about 120 ornaments and 450 strips of LED lights.

50-foot Christmas tree in Zurich, Switzerland. The tree was decorated with crystals from Swarovski and was located in the train station, where the Christmas market takes place every year.

65.6ft Christmas tree in London, England.Traditionally, Norway has given England a Christmas tree since 1947 as a thank you for its support during World War II. This Christmas tree is installed in Trafargal Square in the capital of Great Britain.

The next Christmas giant is installed in Sydney - it measures 69 feet. This tree has been erected in Australia since 1937, and concerts and events are constantly held around it.

A 70-foot Christmas tree is being installed in a building in Paris. Belle Epoque. It is also decorated with Swarovski crystals.

In Prague, they erect a 72-foot Christmas tree and decorate it with gingerbread! Place the Christmas tree near the local skating rink.

New York always has a gorgeous Christmas tree. Its size is 80 feet, that is, about 24 meters. The Christmas tree is placed in Rockefeller Center.

A 110-foot tall Christmas tree was placed in Phoenix. This tree holds the record for the largest tree cut in the United States.

In Dortmund, Germany, a giant Christmas tree, 145 feet tall, was made from 1,700 individual trees!

Our top winner is the floating Christmas tree in Rio de Janeiro, which reaches a height of 278 feet (almost 85 meters)! It was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest floating Christmas tree. It was decorated with 3.3 million lights. Here, in fact, is the Christmas tree:

Celebrating the New Year is a farewell to illusions and a welcome to hope and dreams. (Konstantin Kushner)

New Year is the first page of the 365 pages of the book. Make it great!

(Brad Paisley)

Always be at war with your shortcomings, at peace with your neighbors, and find yourself a better person every New Year.

(Benjamin Franklin)

There is only one day left until the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

For many thousands of people around the world, the winter holidays of Christmas and New Year are the most magical and beautiful time of the year, full of hopes for the future, and the evergreen spruce has been considered the main symbol of Christmas and New Year holidays in many countries since ancient times.

In 1991, the tree on the mountainside was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest image of a Christmas tree - the area of ​​such a “pattern” of garlands is three football fields (almost 130,000 sq. m).

Volunteers from among the citizens of Gubbio of all ages participate in the creation of the light masterpiece, forming an elegant Christmas tree silhouette from 8.5 km of electrical cables and 3,000 multi-colored light bulbs, which is visible 50 km from the city.

Some airlines specially change their route during the Christmas holidays so that passengers can admire the unusual Christmas tree from a bird's eye view.

For the first time, the festive spruce on the slope of Ingino was lit in 1981, as a luminous “symbol of peace and brotherhood of man.” Every year the tree is lit on the evening of December 7, the eve of the Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, creating a cheerful, colorful celebration. The lights of the Italian miracle do not go out until January 6, when Catholics celebrate the Epiphany.

2. The tallest Christmas tree in the world was installed in Sri Lanka

On Christmas Eve, 12/24/16, in the largest city of Sri Lanka, Colombo, an artificial Christmas tree, which can be recognized as the tallest in the world, was lit on Galle Face Green. This is reported by .

The height of the structure is 73 meters and they decorated this huge structure for 4 whole months.

The tree consists of a steel frame, over which is draped a plastic net containing a million real pine cones, painted red, silver, green and gold. The spruce was also decorated with 600 thousand LED lights, and a six-meter star was placed on the top. The tree exceeds last year's world record in China by 18 meters.

Until December 2016, the tallest New Year tree was considered to be a 55-meter synthetic tree in the Chinese city of Guangzhou.

3. New Year tree on Red Square in Moscow

Festive tree on Red Square in Moscow 30 meters high takes 6th place in the ranking of the tallest spruce trees in the world.

Russia's main New Year tree was cut down in the Istrinsky forest in the Moscow region.

The height of the tree is 30 meters, the span of the lower branches is about 15 meters, the diameter of the spruce trunk is 0.7 meters, and the age is 110 years.

Illumination in Moscow for the New Year 2017 made the capital look like a fairy-tale city. Kilometers of stunning garlands, a huge number of burning Christmas trees, incredible luminous structures decorating the city's highways, luminous shop windows and many other surprises will not leave residents and guests of the capital indifferent.

4. Polar Christmas tree made of paper at Galeries Lafayette in Paris, France

The most glamorous and elegant Christmas tree in France is installed every year in the Galeries Lafayette and every time it is a unique work of art that attracts thousands of enthusiastic tourists.

Snow white 21 meter This year's tree at the Parisian department store Galeries Lafayette was created entirely from recycled paper for the first time in history by the young talented artist Lorenzo Papace. The tree is powered by the Ferris wheel and funiculars and occupies a central position under the gallery's century-old dome.

This year the tree is dedicated to the theme of environmental protection and is surrounded by figures of polar bears leaving their habitats due to melting ice due to climate warming.

On the second floor of the main Gallery building, customers can download a free application to their smartphones or tablets. Then, standing in one of the arches of the fairy-tale house and pointing their device at the stand with the painted polar bear, they will find themselves as if in a dream, involved in a fairy-tale story unfolding under the dome.

5. LEGO Christmas tree in Auckland, New Zealand

This is unique 10 meter The heavy tree was built from 450,000 Lego bricks and weighs 3,500 kg. The creator of this unique project, Ryan NcNaught, is one of 14 certified specialists in building giant Lego objects.

Ryan and his team spent 1,200 hours building the structure and the tree toured Down Under in Sydney and Melbourne. In a nod to tradition, the Kiwi version of the tree features images of a rugby ball, several kiwi birds and a native kingfisher.

6. The Pope's Christmas tree in the Vatican

On December 10, 2016, a luxurious 25 meter a Christmas tree, weighing about six tons, rivaling St. Peter's Basilica.

Unable to find the right tree on its tiny, completely paved territory, the Vatican traditionally receives a Christmas tree as a gift from one of the Catholic provinces (the queue is scheduled for many years in advance). This year, the tree was delivered as a gift to the Pope from the northern Italian province of Trento.

In addition to the octagonal star and 18 thousand energy-saving light bulbs, ceramic gold and silver balls were hung on the thorny branches. These toys were decorated by children undergoing treatment in cancer clinics in Italy.

At the foot of a century-old tree, a nativity scene depicting the scene of the birth of Jesus Christ was installed. It is also unconventional, brought from Malta. In the manger there is a boat of Maltese fishermen, which recalls the tragedy of thousands of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea from Africa and the Middle East to the shores of Europe.

The tradition of placing a Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square was brought to the Vatican from his homeland of Poland by Pope John Paul II in 1978 as a northern symbol of festive Christmas cheer and unification. .

7. Grand spruce near Rockefeller Center in New York, USA

Norwegian beauty tall 29 meters surrounded by angels, this year it is illuminated with 50,000 multi-colored LED lanterns, and its top is traditionally crowned with a crystal star weighing 250 kg, decorated with 25,000 Swarovski crystals.

Every year, the manager of Rockefeller Center himself participates in the search for New York's main holiday tree. Only Norwegian spruce trees over two tens of meters in height, over 75 years old and weighing over 9 tons are selected. They dress her up for over 2 weeks.

8. The most shining Christmas tree in the world, Osaka (Japan)

For the sixth year in a row, a unique artificial tree in Osaka, illuminated by 550,000 lights, enters the Guinness Book of Records as the most sparkling, decorated with luxurious ribbons and the most glamorous Christmas tree in the world. This is an unforgettable attraction of winter holidays in the Land of the Rising Sun, where snow falls so rarely. The wonderful tree even rivals the spring cherry blossoms in popularity.

9. Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square in London

Norwegian 20 meter spruce- a traditional gift to London from the city of Oslo, starting in 1947, as a sign of the Norwegian people's gratitude to the British for assistance provided during the Second World War. At that time, the Norwegian royal family lived in London, and the British military took part in the liberation of Norwegian territory from the Nazis.

Traditionally, the spruce is decorated exclusively with an electric garland of white and blue light bulbs and a Christmas star on the top. The Mayor of Oslo and the Norwegian Ambassador to the UK are always present at the ceremony of lighting the lights on the Christmas tree.

But in 2010, the most romantic Christmas tree was installed near one of London's shopping centers, the garland of which was lit by the energy of a kiss. The height of the tree was 15 meters and decorated with 50 thousand LEDs. In order for the LEDs to light up with white and red lights, the lovers had to hold on to a sprig of mistletoe and kiss.

Residents named this tree the Merry Kissmas Tree. Under the tree there was an electronic board that counted the number of kisses. Each kiss turned into money, which went into the treasury of the British Youth Support Foundation.

10. The New Year tree in Riga was lit by a Rube Goldberg machine and entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The illumination of the New Year's tree installed on the Town Hall Square in the heart of old Riga was lit by a machine named after the American cartoonist Rube Goldberg, consisting of 412 unique links, transferring energy to each other according to the domino principle.

More than 300 young enthusiasts - engineers, decorators, computer scientists - worked on the creation of this most complex mechanism in the world for more than 2 months. Having broken the American record with a similar machine of 383 links, the Riga residents entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The chain reaction begins with the screams of hundreds of spectators. When the noise reaches the desired level, the decibel meter sends an electrical impulse to the second floor of the town hall. Now the machine works itself without a single touch. 10 minutes on the screen are pure miracles. People in the square are already seeing the finale with their own eyes. The last hero is the snowman. With his broom he hits the button exactly and... the unique New Year tree in Riga lights up.

Latvia's main Christmas tree in 2016 is making its way into world history for the second time. According to legend, Europe's first Christmas tree was erected on Town Hall Square in Riga in 1510.

And some of the world's most stunning Christmas trees previous years.

11. The world's only floating Christmas tree on Lake Lagoa

in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

The most famous Brazilian New Year tree 82 meters high is installed not on the ground, but on floating pontoons on Lake Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas against the backdrop of the world famous statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado.

This artificial tree, made from metal structures, has been bringing a new look to the people of Rio every Christmas since 1996. About three million light bulbs and one and a half thousand toys were used as decoration. To power this magnificence, it took 52 kilometers of wires and cables.

Every year the Christmas tree is decorated differently and there is a light show with different themes. For example, on the theme of light, which goes through 4 stages: from the light in the night, when dreams are born, to the Christmas fulfillment of desires.

By now, the majestic beauty has not only entered the list of the main New Year's attractions in Rio de Janeiro, but has also entered the Guinness Book of Records as largest floating Christmas tree in the world.

12. The tallest living Christmas tree in the world in Dortmund (Germany) - 2014

The tallest Christmas tree in the world was installed in the central square in Dortmund. Christmas tree 45 meters high weighed 40 thousand kilograms and was illuminated by 50,000 lights. To create such a tree they used 1700 regular spruce trees specially grown for Christmas in the Sauerland, a mountainous region in western Germany. It took almost a month to build it by merging fragments of different trees. A sparkling 4-meter angel was installed at the top of the tree.

The tallest Christmas tree in the world has been installed here for 20 years in a row. A traditional German Christmas market takes place around the festive tree. For city residents, a series of New Year holidays begins from this moment.

Christmas in Germany is the most important and most beloved family holiday. As a rule, it is celebrated on a grand scale, but preparations begin a month in advance and in many German cities Christmas markets hospitably open their doors. City squares turn into medieval towns, where the barrel organ sounds, and the aromas of mulled wine, hot sausages, cinnamon, roasted almonds in sugar, chestnuts, gingerbread and Lebkuchen - walnut-ginger pie in chocolate - are in the air.

The Christmas market in Dortmund is a kind of record holder for attendance. It is the largest in Germany and more than 300 tents and stands are presented here annually. They offer Christmas souvenirs, gifts, as well as local cuisine and sweets.

13. Giant Christmas tree in Mexico City - 2009

The world's tallest artificial Christmas tree, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was installed in 2009 on Pacio de la Reforma Avenue in Mexico City. Its diameter was 35 meters and its height was 110.35 meters, which is equal to the height of a 40-story building.

Over the course of two months, 200 workers installed the New Year's giant. To do this, they needed a colossal amount of metal structures weighing a total of 330 tons, as well as electric garlands, the total length of which was about 80,000 meters; 1.2 million light bulbs shone on the tree.

The ceremonial lighting of the lights on the New Year's tree notified guests and residents of the city about the beginning of the festive festivities. Then New Year's fairs and festivals were held in this area, an ice skating rink and an area for snowball fights appeared. In addition, in honor of the opening of the New Year's tree of record height, the famous tenor Placido Domingo gave several free concerts.

14. Taipei, Taiwan

LED Christmas tree approx. 36 meters every evening after sunset it delights admiring spectators with a half-hour light show.

15. The largest Christmas tree made of Venetian glass - 2006

Murano glass glorified Venice no less than its canals, bridges and palazzos. In 2006, on the eve of Christmas, skillful local glassblowers made a wonderful gift for their beloved city - a glass Christmas tree. Having 7.5 m high and 3 m in diameter, and weighing 3 tons, this design remains to this day the largest glass holiday tree ever made. To build it, craftsmen needed 1,000 glass tubes and 2,000 metal rods. A miracle tree is being installed on the island of Murano, the largest of the islands of the Venetian Lagoon, connected to the central part of Venice by water trams - vaporetto.

The design of the tree was designed by the famous artist Simone Chenedese.

16. Several beautiful Christmas trees from Galeries Lafayette over the years

The luxurious Christmas trees in the Galeries Lafayette are a landmark of Paris and every year they amaze the French and tourists from different parts of the world with their grace.

17. Christmas tree in Turin, Italy

For Italians, as for many other European residents, Christmas is perhaps the most important holiday of the year and festive events are given perhaps the greatest attention. Turin is no exception in this regard, especially since the city plays an important role in the life of the country and is popular with tourists from many countries.

The central square of Turin, Piazza Castello, and the original Christmas tree with candles. The artificial tree amazes the imagination of locals and tourists with its play of colors: any individual block of this spruce can light up independently of others . Every evening a huge number of spectators gather around the Christmas tree, watching the light shows with interest and delight.

18. Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Due to its size and unusualness, this tree was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Almost 3 thousand people took part in its construction.

19. Vilnius, Lithuania

National Christmas tree on Cathedral Square in the form of a fairytale castle.

20. Ecological plastic Christmas tree in Kaunas, Lithuania

And in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas, a Christmas tree made from 40 thousand used plastic bottles was installed on the square in front of a shopping center in 2015. The author of the concept of ecological Christmas trees is designer Jolanta Smidtienė.

21. The most expensive Christmas tree in the world - 2010

The most expensive Christmas tree in history, worth $11.4 million and 12 meters high, was installed at the luxury Emirates Palace hotel in Abu Dhabi in 2010.

The cost of the tree itself did not exceed several thousand dollars, but in the case of Christmas tree decorations, the cost was already in the millions: pearls, gold, diamonds, sapphires, and emeralds were used in their creation. Not only precious balls were hung on the tree, but also jewelry: watches, bracelets, necklaces.

22. Diamond Christmas tree in Singapore - 2006

Ten years ago, a heavily guarded Christmas tree appeared in one of Singapore's largest shopping malls, Bugis Junction. Jewelry masterpiece tall 6 m and weighing 3 tons sparkled and attracted the eye thanks to the inlay of 21,798 diamonds weighing a total of 913 carats and 3,762 crystal beads. Almost 500 light bulbs were used to illuminate the structure.

The festive tree, priced at just over $1 million, was created by the Singaporean jewelry house Soo Kee to make a statement and be remembered by guests and residents of the city. There is no doubt that this goal was achieved!

23. Christmas tree made of Swarovski crystals in Singapore

Christmas tree at Swarovski Boutique in Singapore.

The New Year's fireworks display in Dubai was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2014.

The city of Dubai in 2014 can boast of two world records. For the first time, Burj Khalifa Tower was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the tallest building in the world. The most luxurious city in the UAE owes its second record to 200 pyrotechnicians who staged a grandiose fireworks display on New Year's Eve. The pyrotechnic show lasted 6 minutes and included more than 500 thousand fireworks.

Incredible facts

It is impossible to imagine New Year and Christmas without a Christmas tree, and in many countries they install unique live and artificial Christmas trees, which become the main decoration of the year.

Many strive to create an original and unusual Christmas tree, some are faithful to long-standing traditions, and there are those who want to go down in history by setting a world record.

Original Christmas trees 2012-2013

Unusual Christmas tree in Brussels

This year, the Belgians decided to break away from tradition and installed an abstract Christmas tree light installation. Usually, the main Christmas tree of the country is a 20-meter pine from the Ardennes Mountains, which is installed in the central square of the Grand Place. In 2012 it was replaced 25 meter structure, which caused considerable indignation among residents, who nicknamed it “The Pharmacy”, since the luminous cubes resemble green crosses.

The largest LEGO tree, Malaysia

Asia's first LEGOLAND park opened in 2012 and featured the largest LEGO Christmas tree. The main creation in the city of Johor Bahru was created over the course of 10 weeks, and it weighs more than 6,000 kg. A huge 9-meter tree was created from 400,000 LEGO bricks, decorated with 260 LEGO decorations.

Barrel Christmas tree, London

This 9-tier Christmas tree is made from 140 used whiskey barrels, set in London's famous Covent Garden area. Last year, a tree made from Jack Daniel's whiskey barrels could be admired in the city of Lynchburg in Tennessee in the USA.

Creative electric tree, London

Designer Gary Card has created an electric Christmas tree using parts used in Vauxhall electric cars. The Christmas tree can be seen in the central area of ​​London - King's Cross.

Beautiful sparkling Christmas tree, Paris

The famous French chain of stores "Galeries Lafayette" installed a luxurious sparkling Christmas tree with Swarovski crystals, which changes its color thanks to light bulbs.

The main Christmas trees of the country 2012-2013

Main Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center, New York, USA

Every Christmas, the city's main Christmas tree is installed at Rockefeller Center in Midtown Manhattan, New York. This time it was a 24-meter tree topped with a Swarovski star.

New Year tree 2013 in Moscow

The Russian New Year tree is traditionally installed on Red Square. This year the main decoration was 30 meter spruce, which grew for 110 years in the Dmitrov forestry. The Christmas tree is decorated with 3,600 balls, 1,500 meters of garlands, 4,500 LED lights, and the toys follow the colors of the Russian flag. The main beauty is crowned with a wind rose star.

Christmas tree in the White House, USA

This main Christmas tree, also called Blue Room Christmas tree, installed in the residence of the US President - the White House. This year, the White House is decorated with as many as 54 natural Christmas trees located in different rooms of the residence. It is expected that this year about 90,000 people will visit the main presidential Christmas tree.

Main Christmas tree in London, UK

Since 1947, the main UK Christmas tree has been installed in Trafalgar Square. Each year, a spruce tree in central London is donated by Norway as a sign of gratitude for Britain's support during the Second World War.

Main Christmas tree of Italy, Rome

In Rome, the main Christmas tree is installed in St. Peter's Square in front of St. Peter's Basilica. The tradition of installing a Christmas tree here was introduced by Pope John Paul II in 1982. This year, a 20-meter spruce was donated by the small town of Pescopennataro. After Christmas, the Christmas tree is used to make children's toys.

The most Christmas trees

The largest Christmas tree on the water, Brazil

In December 2012, Rio de Janeiro celebrated the start of the holiday season by creating the world's largest floating Christmas tree. Christmas tree 85 meters high and weighing 542 tons was built on a huge platform in the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon. The tree is illuminated with 3.1 million lights that show the changes of the four seasons. It was officially included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest Christmas tree on the water.

Tallest artificial tree in the world, Mexico City

In 2009, the tallest artificial Christmas tree in the world was installed in Mexico City. A tree decorated with 1.2 million light bulbs and 110 meters high, is located on the main avenue of the city - Paseo de la Reforma and was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Largest living Christmas tree, USA

The largest living Christmas tree is located in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA. It's actually a huge oak tree covered in Spanish moss that's about 400 years old. Its height is 15 meters and width is 33 meters.

The largest New Year's tree illumination, Italy

The Gubbio Christmas tree is illuminated 650 meters high and 350 meters wide, laid out from 3000 lights on the slope of Mount Ingino in Italy.

The most expensive tree, UAE

In 2010, the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi installed the most expensive Christmas tree in the world, which is valued at $11 million. The artificial tree is decorated with silver and gold balls, precious jewelry including 181 diamonds, emeralds, pearls, sapphires, as well as bracelets, necklaces, earrings and watches.

We measure sizes in the New Year's way: where is the world's largest Christmas tree installed, where is the most epic skating rink filled and whose fireworks can illuminate the whole city?

The largest Christmas tree in Russia

Square of the Grozny City complex, Grozny

It is unknown for what reasons, but for the second year in a row the leadership of the republic, where the Christmas tree, in general, is not the most familiar New Year’s symbol, is challenging all other regions and winning. Last year there was a champion Christmas tree with a height of 51 meters, this time we managed to get only a 50-meter one. However, this is enough to impress an unprepared person - not every city in the country has ten-story buildings, but here the Christmas tree is almost twice as tall as a typical nine-story building. It is possible, by the way, that this is the tallest tree in the world, it’s just that there has not been a task to compare it yet.

The world's largest bathhouse

Sinsheim, Germany

Well, okay, not quite a bathhouse - a sauna. But in any case, this is a good option for those who remembered the New Year’s tradition of going to the bathhouse, and realized that until the end of the New Year holidays everything is packed. Thermen & Badewelt Sinsheim is in the German city of Sinsheim, the area of ​​the steam room alone is 160 square meters (an aquarium on the entire wall adds a fantastic touch). Keep in mind that in Germany everyone goes to the bathhouse together, and German pensioners are never shy about anything. We've warned you.

The world's northernmost hotel

Radisson Blu in Longyearbyen, Norway

Friends bragging about how they stayed in a hotel made of snow and ice in Finland? Stop their boasting forever - go to the iciest hell for the New Year holidays, but with premium elements. The Radisson Blu Polar Hotel Spitsbergen, which is located in the heart of Longyearbyen, the main city of the archipelago, most often has places during the holidays - few people would think of such a crazy idea as spending a weekend overlooking the fog and an icy fjord, when even moving from one building a hotel building into another - this is some kind of feat.

The biggest fireworks


No matter how hard London and Barcelona tried to retain the palm, the sheikhs from Dubai resolved the issue radically. What needs to be done to make the Dubai New Year's fireworks the largest in the world? Write down the recipe. We take the Burj Khalifa and the Dubai Opera and decorate them with fireworks from top to bottom. We launch fiery bird figures into the sky. Adding lasers. We are releasing a couple of annual budgets of the Bryansk region into the air. Don't forget to broadcast on the Internet!

The largest skating rink in the world

VDNH, Moscow

Until the Arab sheikhs decided to break this record, the largest skating rink in the world is located in Moscow, at VDNKh. Construction at one time cost almost a billion rubles. It has been recognized several times by The World Record Academy as the largest artificial ice skating rink on the planet. Its area is 20,549 square meters, it can accommodate 4.5 thousand people (approximately). In the summer it is dismantled, and with the onset of winter it is reassembled. Of course, you can’t do without queues, but you rarely feel lonely at such a skating rink; several New Year’s films already contain scenes of romantic acquaintances at the VDNKh skating rink.

The largest ice slide in Russia

Manezhnaya Square, Moscow

For several years in a row, this ice monster has been erected on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow for the Journey to Christmas festival. As the creators say, modern technologies were used in the design, “after all, skating hills are the favorite attributes of folk festivals in the country.” Special thanks to our ancestors that, through trial and error, they passed on to their descendants a technology thanks to which a person, having rolled down a hundred-meter (!) slide, without being a bobsledder or a luge master, can reach the finish line unharmed. More precisely, it always arrives.

The largest ice town in Russia


Every year, Perm takes first place - several thousand cubic meters of ice, LED lighting, a 500-meter labyrinth and a cross-cutting theme do their job. By the way, this year the main theme of ice sculptures and buildings is the World Cup. The New Year will pass, but the World Cup will still be held, as the creators seem to hint.