The most original do-it-yourself valentines made of paper. Craft - do-it-yourself valentine made of paper, fabric: patterns, patterns. How to make a beautiful valentine with your own hands for mom, boyfriend, school

There are very few days left for Valentine's Day, which means that the time has come to prepare for relatives and friends, and, above all, for loved ones, nice gifts - valentines with your own hands. Of course, you can buy a Valentine card in the store - you say. However, to make such beauty from the bottom of my heart, with my own hands– it is much more interesting and economical. Especially when you consider that you will need a lot of Valentines.

Fortunately, ideas for making valentines there are plenty on the web today.

  1. You can see photos of stylish colored paper hearts(moreover, there are both the simplest options for children and real works of art for adults).
  2. easy to find and cut patterns, in which then write down your wishes.
  3. Master a small master class on making gifts for Valentine's Day. It could be anything:

And so that you do not get lost in this variety of pink romantic madness, we have prepared for you some great video lessons, as well as detailed diagrams and descriptions of the most fashionable and original valentines of the current year.

DIY paper valentines: ideas for creativity

Handmade postcards - extremely valuable and memorable gift. Therefore, on Valentine's Day, it is always so pleasant to make valentines with your own hands from paper.

They can be given not only to a loved one or husband, but also to mom, friends and even colleagues. It would seem that a small and modest gift, but the sad and far from summer atmosphere on February 14 is filled with real vibes of spring happiness. Ideas for postcards for Valentine's Day, as they say, in plain sight.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step master class for paper valentines

Who said that at home it is impossible to make a chic valentine? On the contrary, in this exclusive product you put all your love and give a loved one a really incredible surprise. And right now we will teach you how to make a valentine with your own hands from paper. We will go through the whole process in stages, and this will not be a simple postcard, but a real work of art that you will create yourself.

So, we need to work:

Of course, we have only shown one of the holiday cards. Your possibilities are not limited.

  • You can do origami valentine card.

Large homemade valentines with various decorations that will tell about your great love.

Creative and gentle valentines as a gift to a guy.
funny valentines to girlfriend with wishes to meet your love

How to make a soft felt valentine?

Sometimes lovers lack words and all kinds of ways to express their feelings. All gifts seem so small and insignificant compared to your love. However, we know one secret - you can make some cute felt hearts, and they themselves will tell your soulmate how much you love and appreciate her.

Prepare everything you need:

  • felt in red, white and other romantic colors;
  • needles for sewing and embroidery;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • beads, buttons and other decor;
  • scissors;
  • synthetic winterizer, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, etc.

So, we tell you how to make a felt valentine step by step.

What else can you make a Valentine from?

In fact, a festive valentine can be made from anything. There are a variety of simple ways and elementary tools to make a chic gift for your soul mate.

You can make a sweet valentine from sweets.

Mega pom-pom heart.

Shape a regular hanger into a heart shape, and then wrap it with an insulator pipe, as shown in the photo. Secure with adhesive tape.
Decorate the base with homemade pompoms.

Valentine's Day is steadily approaching, which means it's time to think about how to congratulate your loved one on February 14th. Whatever gift you have prepared for February 14, you will agree that valentines are an integral part of congratulations on Valentine's Day. You can buy them in the store, or you can work hard and make unusual valentines with your own hands. How to make a valentine with your own hands? Especially for you, we have prepared a master class on how to create them (informative photos and videos are waiting for you below).

DIY paper valentines

Let's start with heart-shaped valentines. You can cut out a heart-shaped cardboard base (it is better to use colored cardboard) and then decorate it. You can do as shown in the photo below: cut out half of the heart from cardboard with a different pattern, sew it to the base (it turns out a kind of pocket), glue it with threads, rhinestones, and insert a card with a declaration of love into the pocket. You can do something “your own” in a similar way: just decorate the base in a different way (use buttons, sequins, ribbons, etc.).

And you can cut a heart out of thin paper, write a confession on it and fold it in the form of an envelope, tied with a ribbon. It turns out two in one.

Or this option, as shown in the photo below (left), it turns out pretty nice.

These envelopes look no worse.

And you can create separately valentine cards and envelopes for them.

By the way, envelopes do not have to be made of paper; they can be sewn from thick fabric.

If your soulmate has a good sense of humor or you are preparing a gift for children, you can make beautiful muzzles or butterflies from hearts.

Origami is a great way to make an original DIY valentine. You can fold a heart out of paper according to the scheme in the photo or use the video lesson.

By the way, the video shows a lesson in creating not just a paper postcard, but a way to make a “beating” heart.

A heart-shaped valentine box looks cool, in which you can hide a gift.

On Valentine's Day, it is not necessary to make a heart-shaped Valentine, you can make a card with hearts. Again, the design of the postcard is exclusively in your hands - create!

Postcards with a three-dimensional image inside deserve special attention. We just cut out the drawing according to the scheme, do not touch the dotted lines - these are the fold points. It turns out the original postcard. You can make a simple drawing or work on a more complex drawing.

Unusual sweet valentines with your own hands

Yes, sweet - edible valentines. I think it's just a great idea. And they are also very easy to make with your own hands. For starters, the easiest way is to wrap the lollipop in a piece of paper in the shape of a heart. Or fill a double paper heart with sweets.

You can make sweet valentines with cookies, marshmallows and melted chocolate.

Chocolate in this case serves as "glue". We drown it in a water bath, spread cookies, put marshmallows on top, again chocolate and cookies. We give the chocolate time to harden and you can pack it beautifully.

If you have cane-shaped lollipops, you can make a heart out of them and fill the space with melted chocolate.

And you can pour the spoons with melted chocolate and sprinkle it with hearts on top.

Another awesome way to make a delicious valentine.

We cut out a heart from an apple, dip it in caramel (melted sugar), then in flakes and decorate with chocolate.

You can bake valentines.

Or you can make a mixture of ready-made cake + icing or condensed milk (you should get a truffle mass), you can do it differently: mix 400 g of milk chocolate with 1 can of boiled condensed milk (you can reduce the number of ingredients). Fill the silicone molds in the form of hearts with the finished mixture and let them harden. Next, stick the sticks into the hearts, dip them in chocolate and let it harden. We pack and give to your loved ones.

You can make an unusual valentine with a heart-shaped balloon or write your declaration of love on a ribbon and put it in a small jar.

Here are some beautiful and interesting ideas you can bring to life. Of course, these are not all possible options for how to make a Valentine for Valentine's Day, you can always modify the proposed options, come up with something of your own. Happy February 14th!

Traditionally, the preparatory assault for the celebration of St. Valentine's Day for many of us begins about five days before the holiday date. During this period, there are so many things to do, take care of a gift, decorate a place where you are supposed to spend a romantic evening, as well as buy or make a hearty valentine. We showed various variations of heart garlands in, you can take it into service, but today we want to tell you and clearly show how to make original valentines.

A Valentine card is most often a red or pink heart-shaped card, inside which lies a romantic congratulation on the holiday or an ardent declaration of love.

How to make a Valentine.

Valentine's card made of cardboard and woolen threads.

You won’t surprise anyone with traditional valentines, either it’s a non-standard fluffy copy. For the manufacture of which, it is necessary to cut out a heart from thick cardboard, then remove the inner part, so that the side parts are about 1-2 cm wide. Then we take woolen threads, the best curly and always red, and we begin to methodically wrap the cardboard blank. The result is a very beautiful heart, attach a leaflet with a declaration of love to it with a carnation pin, your soulmate will be amazed at the work done.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from paper.

Method number 1. Valentine's envelope.

Cut out a large heart from paper, you can immediately write a love message on it. Next, bend the side parts inward (see photo below), turn the sharp part up, bend the bottom, then bend the upper closing part, and decorate the tongue with a rhinestone.

Method number 2. Volumetric heart.

We cut out two identical hearts from thick cardboard, then we prepare two strips 8 mm wide along the length of the side circles. Which we immediately glue to the side parts of one of the valentines, then glue the remaining valentine on top with a congratulation previously written by hand.

Method number 3. Volumetric Valentine's box.

We redraw the template below on thick pink paper, cut it out and bend along the marked lines, glue it with PVA glue in the right places. From above, the product can be decorated with a bow or rhinestones.

Method number 4. A beautiful valentine made from voluminous roses.

Cut out a heart-shaped ring from cardboard. Then we start creating roses, for this we draw a spiral on red double-sided colored paper, which we then cut out with scissors and wind it from the OUTER end onto a skewer, thereby forming a rosebud, as soon as you remove the winding from the skewer, the bud will take the desired shape. According to this scheme, we create the required number of buds, and glue them tightly to each other on a cardboard blank in the form of a heart. Beads or rhinestones can be glued to the center of each bud.

Method number 5. Wicker valentine.

According to the template below, cut out two strips with marks in the center, bend each of them in the center and create slits with scissors. After that, we proceed to weaving, simply alternating contrasting stripes. The result is a woven heart.

Method number 6. Beautiful postcard.

We take beautiful scrapbooking paper, fold it in half, get the base, then cut out a rectangle from orange paper and glue it to the center of the blank, cut out flowers, a bird and a heart, and also glue all the details to the surface of the postcard (templates are presented below, you can redraw). We tie a bow from a satin ribbon and also fix it on the surface of the postcard, inside we write a love message.

Method number 7. Beautiful voluminous origami heart.

A detailed way to create such a beautiful heart is presented in the photo below.

Method number 8. Panoramic heart.

Probably many in childhood had panorama books, such a heart is just from that opera. We look at all the stages of its creation below, in the same place you will find the primary template for redrawing. In short, we redraw the template on paper, cut it out with a sharp knife exclusively along the marked lines, bend it just above the top, thereby lifting the structure. We close the postcard.

Method number 9. Valentine's card with paper carnation flowers.

Fold the red paper in half, cut out a heart, but do not cut through to the end on one side to get the effect of an opening postcard. From pink paper we cut out strips 10 cm long, about 8 mm wide, cut each of them on top into a fringe, then wind it on a skewer, thereby forming a flower bud. We glue the finished flowers to the surface of the valentine, and the product can also be decorated with quilling patterns or complemented with rhinestones.

Method number 10. Valentine's boat.

We fold a boat out of paper (the stages of creating a boat are shown in the photo below), glue a match from a skewer in the center, and instead of a sail and a flag, hearts with a love message.

How to make original valentines from paper clips.

An ordinary sheet of paper with a love message can be decorated with valentine hearts made from red paper clips. To do this, take a paper clip, and bend its long edge up, photo below. It turns out at first glance krakozyabra, but putting it on a piece of paper, you will see a cute heart.

How to make a valentine with your own hands from semi-pearls and cardboard.

We cut out 2 identical hearts from cardboard, leave one of them whole, cut out the second in the form of a heart-ring, so that the middle is empty. We glue it on top of the whole heart, and inside we glue the semi-pearl beads. From the back we glue a ribbon, which can also be glued between valentines, thread a key onto the ribbon, and give it with the words "this is the key to my heart for you."

Valentine's card on a clothespin.

We take a wooden clothespin, write “message to you” with a marker on it. On the end part, where the clip is created, we draw an envelope with paints. Next, take a tiny rectangular paper, write “I love you” on it, and glue it to the back of the clothespin. When pressed on the top of the clothespin, it will display a love message.

Valentine's card from fresh flowers.

We cut out a heart from cardboard, and glue rosebuds on short cropped legs to it. The result is a very beautiful live Valentine.

Felt Valentine.

We cut out two hearts of the same size from red felt, and also one smaller heart from white felt, sew a white heart to the center of the red with a sewing stitch, then sew two red ones.

Stone valentines.

On the street, you can look for heart-shaped pebbles, which are then painted with red emulsion paint.

Valentine's card made of wire and thread.

From the wire it is necessary to form a heart, which is then abundantly wrapped with red threads. The result is a very beautiful product, especially given the ease of its manufacture.

Valentine in a bottle.

Cut out a big heart from paper, write a declaration of love and a holiday greeting on it, then fold the heart into a tube, insert a message into the neck of the bottle, tie a ribbon and surprise your soulmate.

Ice Valentine.

A short-lived surprise, so you need to give immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator. To make such a heart is as easy as shelling pears, put sprigs of viburnum or a rosebud in a plastic shape in the form of a heart, fill it with water and put it in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely. Then you take it out of the refrigerator and lower the form for a short period of time in a basin of hot water, the ice will melt a little and the heart can be easily pulled out. You can see various variations of ice products for decorating a winter garden plot.

Dear readers, now you know how to make a Valentine, we are sure that from the ideas presented in this review you will be able to choose the right one, and your significant other will be sincerely surprised by the surprise made. It will be quite possible to decorate the house with some valentines from the above list by February 14, in particular, a festive table with romantic dishes, well, you can figure out how to use such hearts yourself, the main thing is that you now know how to make original valentines, which, moreover, absolutely not hard to make.

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After the New Year, everyone is waiting for the approach of the day of all who are in love and happy. On this day, it is customary to give loved ones Valentines - beautiful cards in the shape of hearts or appropriately decorated souvenirs. It is not difficult to make a postcard, and you do not need to have special skills and knowledge for this, and the result can be impressive.

Paper valentines

This is the first and simplest thing that comes to mind. If you have colored paper or drawing paper, watercolor paints or simple felt-tip pens, you can make wonderful Valentine cards with your own hands from paper, decorating them with what you can find at home - buttons, straps, threads, glass beads and sequins.

A simple valentine

What might be useful:

  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a piece of old wallpaper;
  • burgundy colored paper;
  • white cardboard.


Valentine's Day cards can be made even easier.

Envelope with a heart

What not to do without:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.


  1. Make a small envelope out of colored paper.
  2. Insert a message into it. Cut out a heart from paper of a different color and stick it on top of the envelope.
  3. Craft for the holiday is ready.

Volumetric Valentines

There are many types of postcards. Here is a master class on making a Valentine card with your own hands, for which you need:

  • colored paper in shades of red;
  • cardboard or passe-partout as a base;
  • glue.


  1. To get a Valentine card with your own hands from multi-colored paper, you should cut a lot of hearts of different shapes, sizes and shades.
  2. Cut out a large heart from cardboard.
  3. Glue hearts in random order to cover the base with them.

Volumetric postcards, as already mentioned, can be decorated with various improvised means, here is an example:

Original valentine cards

Postcards for Valentine's Day will turn out to be unique if you turn on your imagination and use original options and different decor. Quilling cardboard presents are popular.

Candy valentines

To make a Valentine card out of sweets, you can buy a box of chocolates and decorate its outside as you wish, for example, like this:
Well, for those who are not looking for easy ways, a Valentine's master class is offered, for which you will need:

  • candies. It is better to take round, wrapped in golden foil;
  • sponge in the shape of a heart, which can be bought in the departments of floristry. And it can be made from foam rubber, the thickness of which is 1 cm;
  • burgundy corrugated paper;
  • mesh fabric for decoration;
  • adhesive tape with double-sided sticky side;
  • beads or any other decor;
  • satin ribbon, 3 cm wide;
  • glue;
  • scissors.


  1. Put a sponge on wrapping paper and circle. Duplicate. On each side of the workpiece, step back 1 cm and cut out. So you will get two blanks from wrapping paper.
  2. Lubricate both hearts from the wrong side with glue and fix on a floral sponge. From the sides, the paper should be adjacent to the side parts of the foam rubber, and for this it can be cut in several places and fixed with glue.
  3. Glue double-sided tape around the perimeter of the heart. Corrugated paper, which is covered with a satin ribbon, will help to hide it from the eyes. When fixing it, you need to leave free ends 15-20 cm long. A bow will be tied from them.
  4. Using glue, fix the sweets on the surface of the heart, decorating them with a special fabric for decoration.

Holiday of all lovers. There are a few weeks left until February 14th, you can already start thinking about a gift, looking for recipes for delicious dishes for a romantic dinner ... You can get a few sheets of multi-colored paper, scissors and glue and make interesting valentines with your own hands, stylishly decorate a house in romantic colors, beautifully decorate the holiday table.

This article contains the most interesting handmade ideas for the holiday of all lovers. We hope that with our help your significant other will remember this day for a long time. So, we will surprise with all kinds of hearts, let's go!

For these romantic crafts, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue, sometimes even wire and salt (!), but we can promise you that you will not need any special skills and secret ingredients that can only be obtained on a full moon by surpassing through an empty well » is not required!

1. Decorate the house!

Wreath of lovers on the door

We cut out a circle from plain white paper, with a diameter of 30-40 cm. We glue it with cut out hearts. Choose the necessary tonality for yourself - a wreath can be made more delicate using white and light pink hearts, or more passionate by choosing red and burgundy colors. You can make it in a fashionable combination of pink and black or in a gothic style - using black and red hearts. The size of the hearts can also be chosen differently - so the wreath will turn out to be more voluminous and textured.

An interesting option is a wreath of roses.

How to make, see our detailed.

If you want something more cozy and warm on a cold February evening, pay attention to the option.

A wreath can decorate a door, window or hang it on the wall.

Garland of hearts

We string the cut out hearts on a thread. Very simple and beautiful decoration. Please note that hearts can be strung either across or along. If strung across, you get a vertical garland, which can be used to arrange a doorway.

If along, then horizontal - such a garland can be hung on a wall, decorate a bed, a window with it, or drag it across the entire room under the ceiling.

It is even easier to make a garland with clothespins. Then it is better to cut out hearts from thicker paper so that they do not deform due to clothespins. And of course, you can attach romantic wishes, favorite photos, memorable candy wrappers and tickets to such a garland.

Romantic little things

Remember when we were kids growing crystals on sticks in a saline solution? Try to make such crystal hearts by February 14th!

A heart can be made from colored wire, after which it must be placed in a concentrated saline solution (add salt gradually to warm water until it stops dissolving). It remains to wait a few days, and in order for the heart to grow faster, then change the solution to a new one every 2-3 days.

And, of course, candles! Decorate candle holders with hearts, just don't forget about fire safety!

2. We make valentines with our own hands!

The most important paper heart on this day is your Valentine card. And you can make it with your own hands and it will turn out no worse than the store, even more original! For example, you can send...

Message in an envelope

We string 6-8 hearts on a thread and put them in an envelope...

You can write words on each of the hearts, which, as the hearts are pulled out, will add up to a phrase. Do not confuse the beginning and end when putting a message in an envelope, otherwise it will turn out “I love you, I am Zina” instead of “Zina, I love you” :)

A couple more options with envelopes - mini messages with nice words and compliments and an envelope that opens into a heart

Postcard with hearts

And here are easy cute design ideas for romantic valentine cards:

Another idea of ​​a three-dimensional postcard with two hearts flowing into each other - it turns out a very symbolic Valentine. It will take you only 10 minutes to create it - follow ours and here's what you get in the end

And here is a video instruction on how to make a Valentine card with hearts resembling balloons on strings

Subscribe to our youtube channel so as not to miss new master classes for Valentine's Day and February 23

Button hearts

Cool postcards are made with button hearts - bright and cheerful

Valentine cards with photos

Your joint happy photo can be the best Valentine for Valentine's Day. Add a line of wishes in Photoshop, a few hearts and paste it into a pretty frame. Or make a heart out of your little photographs

And also Origami Valentines. Watch this simple video tutorial showing how to make a beating heart out of a sheet of paper.

In nomination "Last Minute Valentine" this uncomplicated boxed cardboard heart wins. Beloved is almost on the doorstep, but the valentine is not ready? Feel free to tear off a piece of the box and, following this simple video instruction, make a romantic surprise.

3. We have fun colleagues!

To do this, you will need plastic (yes, in principle, any) soldiers! We write heartbreaking requests for help on hearts, such as “Elena Arnoldovna, you killed me with your smile!”, “I can’t fight these feelings anymore!” “I’m dying of love for you”, “Smitten by your look on the spot!”. We “distribute” hearts to the soldiers and arrange the regiment dying of love on the tables of colleagues, window sills and in a cupboard for coffee cups.

4. Have a romantic tea party

Cute tea bags. We have already written about this. You can decorate the whole tea ceremony in a romantic style.

However, you can drink hot tea outside from a thermos and, embracing, look at the romantic sky lanterns flying into the sky in the form of hearts.

5. Making bookmark hearts for a book

What could be simpler - we take two hearts of different sizes and stick a small one on a large one (only the upper part, and the bottom tab will just “cling” to the desired page!)

6. Bouquets of hearts

We fasten 6-8 hearts together with a pin, fasten the pin with the resulting bud to the “twig”, which can be a wire, a cocktail tube or a real tree branch. The flower is ready. We make 5-7 flowers for a bouquet, of different sizes and shades. We “decorate” the petals with wishes and compliments!

And this option will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth - we fix the flower not with a pin, but with lollipop candy

7. Delicious love. Cooking a romantic breakfast for your loved one

We will please your loved one on this day with goodies. I will not include a recipe for baked salmon with an exotic sauce in this article, there are many similar instructions on the Internet. Let's stop at a beautiful presentation. Pancakes and scrambled eggs can be prepared in special molds. You can also cut hearts from all kinds of fruits and vegetables: carrots, strawberries, bananas, apples and kiwi.