Simoron rituals are magic for those who want to be happy. Simoron: the fulfillment of desires effortlessly Simoron the best techniques that really work

The wish fulfillment technique called simoron is a little familiar to you. You have already tried some with cabbage, flowerpots, red shorts, soda, semolina or with a charger stuck in your wallet. Someone has everything FLOODED, and someone is indignant with surprise “so far nothing has happened”.

Questions arise: What is the secret of Simoron's techniques, why do they work? Are there magical principles in everyday life?

Take a notepad and write magic recipe for happiness for daily use!

From the point of view of psychology, Simoron's goal is to overcome destructive psychological attitudes, which are usually fed by a classic teenage inferiority complex. Often, after all, caring relatives with the best intentions push their children: “Well, why are you such a bungler, lazybones?” (Underline whatever applicable). A person grows up hypnotized by these attitudes… And where, pray tell, will happiness come from in his life?

Technique "Minus" - on the "plus"

It's time to change something in life! But what? Quit work, wife (husband)? Swap a dog for a cat? Move to a place where it's still good because we're not there? All of the above is a classic example of the destructive habit of thinking in negative categories. The universe exists thanks to the eternal law of harmony, which says: "Like begets like."

Let me remind you of one anecdote:

A man rides in a trolleybus to work, immersed in thoughts: “The wife is a drinker, the children are idiots, the boss is a bastard ...”, and the angel writes down behind his back and thinks: “What self-sacrifice! And every day he orders the same thing!”

How not to click through your happiness?

The technique for success is extremely simple. It consists of three main components:

  1. wish
  2. positive
  3. action

If you don’t like something in life, immediately ask yourself the question: "What do I want?". And formulate your request not as a complaint, but as a positive statement!

In the morning we woke up and, lying with our eyes closed, immediately perform the ritual: “Today is my joyful day, three miracles will happen to me.” We snap the fingers of the right hand: “I allow!” We snap the fingers of the left hand: “I cancel all obstacles!”.

We are not lazy - we repeat the ritual every day.

At first, miracles will be small: the transport arrived on time, the weather is good, colleagues are smiling. We noticed a small miracle - thank the Universe mentally and ask: “How can this get better?”.

Your soul will tune in to the positive, you will begin to broadcast it into space, and the space will begin to reflect the positive back to its source - you!

Is loneliness a pain? Sorry, do you like men in general?

If you think about why you are still single and answer this question honestly, the answer will surprise you. As a rule, it seems to a woman that "no one needs her." And if you explore the immediate environment, it turns out that there are many people who simply need you. Another thing is that they do not suit you!

What to do?

Change minus to plus! From this moment, we tune in to our own: we determine for ourselves what qualities your chosen one should have, and we attract masculine energy and love into our lives:

“My beloved man is a great conversationalist, an excellent host, a generous breadwinner, a reliable friend, a wonderful lover, I adore him!”

The fact that your betrothed has not yet reached you does not mean that he does not exist in nature. He is, just a little busy. The task is to meet the declared qualities itself. Like attracts like, remember? Be patient and practice self-improvement!

All women are like women, and I am a fairy!

Who are you - an offended and disappointed depressive person? From this moment we rename ourselves: beloved, happy, lucky, beautiful, adored, delightful, energetic, successful. And no one says that being a sorceress is easy. Even the simplest technologies work only when they are actively applied.

In order for the red braid to grow to the waist, it is not enough to buy a comb, you need to comb the braid regularly with this comb!

So, we scratch, dear, we scratch, we apply the magic techniques of Simoron in practice, we scratch our happiness on the silk sides, and it grows, personal, huge, sugar! And I almost forgot, learn the right way.

That's the whole secret of the Simoron techniques! Recorded? Are you ready to start?


Simoron: fulfillment of desires effortlessly

Friends, I won’t be surprised if you have already heard about red shorts on a chandelier to attract money, about recharging your wallet and calling Vovan, who will fulfill your every desire.

After all, all this and more - differently.

If you are one of those who hear this “absurdity” for the first time, below I will talk about these techniques, and more. Stay with me and you will read a lot of interesting and unthinkable things in this article.

Important! If you are skeptical and do not believe in the possibility of easily and pleasantly getting what you want, this is normal. I had my doubts too until I got the unequivocal

Simoron: fulfillment of desires with humor

What is it - simoron?

Simoron It is, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. And this happens with the help of cheerful and positive thoughts that create your reality.

Simoronit- means to find a way out of problems playfully, using ridiculous and ridiculous rituals. It means turning everything upside down, going beyond the usual and seeing everything in a new light.

With the help of Simoron techniques, you will achieve the fulfillment of any of your desires.

Our life is a game. And simoron is also a game. This is a funny psychological game technique for joyful people.

Remember the famous phraseBaron Munchausen:

All the biggest stupid things in the world are done with a serious expression on your face. So smile, gentlemen, smile!

I think this is the very quote that describes the techniques of Simoron well.

Fulfill wishes playfully

Why is it easier for a child to get what they want than for an adult?

You will answer: "The desires of adults are more difficult to fulfill than children's." I do not agree. The difference is that when any “I want” arises, an adult immediately begins to think over the mechanism for obtaining the desired.

And here his subconscious begins to look for and invent barriers and obstacles that, as it seems to him, will have to be overcome before his wish comes true. And only by this he attracts to himself, first of all, not what he wants, but what will interfere with the realization of his desire ...

For those who try to analyze simoron, this magic does not work well. So say to yourself: "I'm playing!" and allow any fantasy to happen.

Do you want your wishes to come true effortlessly? And at the same time be in an uninterrupted stream of fun and sparkling humor, not thinking about the obstacles that may arise on the way to getting what you want?

Then welcome tosimoron: fulfillment of desireseffortlessly!

Attitude to life with a smile will allow you to live in clover, almost like heroes, loved from childhood, fairy tales, and even better.

Fulfillment of desires using the Simoron technique is possible in any area. , meet love, get money, attract good luck, increase self-esteem, yes, anything! All in your hands.

Why does simoron work?

Being in a game situation that is not subject to the laws of logic, we abandon the “internal controller” and release what is hidden in the subconscious. And this is usually beneficial.

Performing Simoron techniques for the fulfillment of desires, we take responsibility for ourselves, make certain decisions and allow ourselves to receive gifts from the universe.

Getting used to living with the flow of what is happening, we most often do not even try to resist it. Each simoron technique is a way out of the usual, which means a manifestation of progress in its development. A person who at least once stepped out of his comfort zone never returns to his previous position. This is the essence of physical and spiritual growth.

If we believe the fact that everything around us is energy, then

any Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of desires is a connection to a huge flow of creative, positive, creative energy of the Universe.

The creators of the teachings of Simoron offer to look at the world in a childish way with wide-open eyes.

Who came up with the simon?

By itself, the word "simoron" means absolutely nothing - it isa word-toy, a fiction that successfully reflects the essence of the practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life.

This technique came into being in 1988. It was invented by director Petr Burlan and actress Petra Burlan, who live in Kyiv.

To this day, this couple performs at live trainings, inspiring people to be frivolous and easy fulfillment of desires. They created their own school of gaming psycho-training, or, as they say, the "school of wizards" Simoron.

And, of course, they released the book “First-Hand Simoron, or How to Achieve What is Impossible to Achieve” which is publicly available on the Internet.

At first, simoron was used as a psychological technique, but, as befits real magic, it quickly went beyond this and became something of a practical technique for fulfilling desires.

Some researchers call simoron a modern variety of shamanism.

Others argue that this is a legacy of European ritual magic. Still others compare the Simoron exercises with "controlled stupidity" practiced by magicians from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda.

How I used the teachings of Carlos Castaneda you can read in my article

If you ask the Simoronists themselves what they are capable of, you will hear many incredible stories.

According to them, they know how to change the weather, call the right transport, improve their personal lives, solve any material problems and treat diseases. Dozens of books have already been written about Simoron, it has branched into several schools. It is practiced almost throughout Europe.

For all their magic and "frivolity", Simoron's practices are indeed able to change those who are ready to change.

How to pretend?

There are no ready-made recipes in simoron, there are only wishes and examples. Exercises can be invented.

It will be great if you are smart and add or change the content of the technique for yourself. Creativity is another step towards your desire. After all, using technologysimoron, fulfillment of desireshappens easily and carefree, like the life of a happy child.

And now, as I promised, Simoron's techniques for fulfilling desires.

How to attract money with the help of Simoron?

Simoron ritual with jam

For this ancient and reliable ritual to attract money into your life, you must:

Any laminated document containing your photo.

This can be a driver's license, an all-Russian or international passport (pages with photos are laminated there).

Something sweet and sticky - honey, jam, yogurt, condensed milk, melted chocolate. Options can be very different.

For better financial success you need:

  1. Take your laminated document in your left hand.
  2. Take a spoon with something sticky and sweet in your right hand.
  3. Put something sweet and sticky on your photo on your document.
  4. The most important! Thoughtfully lick off the photo with your tongue, it's sweet and sticky. “Picking cash straight from the person”

All! Cash guaranteed!

Simoronsky ritual "We charge money with batteries"

Take a few banknotes (preferably a large denomination), as after the ritual they will attract even more of their own kind to you.

In addition, finger batteries will be needed. Wrap each battery in a paper bill, hide it in a secret place for a couple of days.

After that, get the money - and you can spend it. A powerful charge will attract many of these pieces of paper to you !!!

Batteries should also be used as directed.

Another very well-known way is to put your wallet on charge.

Just like you charge your smartphone (phone) from the network. In the evening, connect the charger to the mains and insert the other end into your wallet. Leave the wallet like this overnight.

Red shorts on a chandelier to attract money

You just buy beautiful red lingerie, or take what you already have.
Throw it on your chandelier and that's it!

The important point is that you just need to throw your underpants on the chandelier. You may not succeed the first time, but by your efforts you will show your intention to receive money.

Yes, and have fun at the same time.

And red underwear will begin to attract money to your home.

How to attract a man with simon?

Simonym for love using a computer

For this ritual, you will need a photo of some handsome man, you can ride a white horse. With the help of computer software we narrow (make narrow). After that the options are:

  1. Print it out and have someone hide it. After that, look for and be sure to find this betrothed.
  2. Post a photo of the betrothed on the Internet, for example, on a free page in Yandex, and then search. With the help of search engines Yandex, Google, etc.
  3. Print a lot of these photos, hide them everywhere, so that you can see your betrothed wherever you go!

You can still come up with, but the essence is the same: hide your betrothed so that you can always find him! So that you even develop such a habit - to find the betrothed.

Simoron for weight loss and beauty

We are on a diet. We take a sheet of paper and write large on it - Diet. Every time we eat, we sit on this leaf. Helps control what you eat. If you don't like just Diet, write Effective Diet.

At night, a bottle of water on a piece of paper with the inscription - water for building. We drink during the day.

Go to bed and ask the gnomes to vacuum your ass (well, if you want to remove excess cellulite or weight there). And here the work begins. Gnomes take a ladder, vacuum cleaners, various devices and begin to vacuum, level, tighten, etc. So it is possible with any part of the body and any task. They are very responsible in this sense and hardworking. You fall asleep, visualizing this picture, then the gnomes themselves quietly leave. And the most interesting thing is that every time they will gladly come running and with new perseverance they will take on a new task to improve your body.

When you go somewhere, say: "With every step I take, I get slimmer, healthier, richer."

When you drink water or tea, speak the liquid in the cup: So many kilograms off with this water. Don't think too much at once. It is better to divide your excess weight into portions and slim down gradually. First they dropped 5 kg, then another 5.

The main thing is to believe!

Simoron beauty affirmation

I'm such a sweetie! I am such a queen!

Do not stop looking at me as a beauty!

I'm so smart! I'm such a Kralya!

You have never seen such a beauty!

I love myself and cherish!

Ah, what shoulders! Ah, what a neck!

Wasp waist, velvet skin.

Every day more beautiful, every day younger!

Teeth are like pearls - stronger every day!

Legs - a feast for the eyes, slimmer every day!

Gorgeous hair - you never dreamed of!

They cooked for three - I got one!

I don’t listen to anyone, Kohl shame and blame!


Simple Simoron rituals for health

1. We make a plane out of a piece of paper, then we write our illness on it and send it out the window.

“Farewell to my illness forever, because I am a healthy person.”

  1. We get up under the shower, imagining that we wash off our ailment and say:

“Water washes away my illness, cleanses me of negativity.”

  1. We make tea, take a piece of sugar and call it our disease. And then we put sugar in a mug and say: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my illness disappears." Then we drink to the bottom. Something similar happened here:
  2. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at the lowest power. Hold the tube to the area you want to heal and visualize the vacuum cleaner sucking out the disease.

How to solve problems?

Has the white stripe changed to black?

Grab a flashlight and light your way! Yes, yes, the most common lantern. The brighter the better. Light up everything around, walk along the "lunar" path.

Things don't stick?

You will need two folders with a serious inscription "Case". If they are embarrassed by excessive pomposity and severity, draw flowers on them. And what? Let our deeds suddenly become fragrant, become tender and airy!

Take glue, put it on the back of each folder and glue it so that they become completely inseparable. During this important procedure, imagine that your affairs are getting better, problems are settled, and in general, that everything is now working out as it should.

Relationships not sticking?

Draw two funny people. One of them is you, the other is the person with whom you are in a quarrel or with whom you cannot find a common language. Glue the little men to each other with the “front side”, thinking that now everything between you is all right. So it will be.

Health, love, money or work do not stick?

Yes, it’s already global here, because you have to glue ... yourself. In order to limit yourself from pain and other unpleasant surprises, I suggest taking ordinary honey. Its viscous and sticky structure is just perfect for solving the tasks.

You can “glue” everything, you can focus on certain parts of the body, for example, palms. But the meaning is the same: we take honey, and pat ourselves with our hands, as if gluing an invisible “substance” with the help of honey. To heighten the effect, say: “I’m glue-gluing, I’m gluing love (health, money) to myself”

Do you have any problems? Flush them down the toilet!

Everything is very simple: in general, when you go to a secluded room (toilet) on business, take a pen or some other writing object with you, and write your problem on toilet paper ... you can even write your mental anguish about this problem ... but you don’t have to write - it’s your business ... and then, having done your job, you flush this piece of paper down the toilet. That's all!

How to attract good luck and success?

Each of us has heard at least once in a lifetime the phrase "to beat the key."

So let's attract good luck and activate each of our "keys".

Pick up the key - the usual door key. A small clarification - the key must be yours. I don't think there is even one person who will have a problem with this.

And holding the key in your hand, think about the situation or event in which you want to succeed. And ... beat the key. Do not be surprised, just hit the key on anything - a wall, floor, table, door. And say: “My life is in full swing” or “My deeds are in full swing” or as your soul desires, just be sure to use the phrase “to be in full swing”. You can hit as many as you want. And to increase the strength of the ritual, you can open a tap with water, thereby creating the effect that your life is already seething and boiling.

The ritual can be repeated as many times as you like. Just remember the important rule - success comes at the right time, in the right place and at the right time.

To attract the perfect job

Ritual of Simoron: Toffee

Take a toffee and dip it in something sweet like honey. Then put it on a beautiful saucer and place it in a place of honor. Talk to her, compliment her, ask her to get you a good job.

Employment contract for a new position

It is necessary to write an employment contract for a new position according to all the rules of registration, sign it from both sides, put it in your pocket - that's it, the position is in your pocket!

honey shower

Before taking a shower, take some honey and rub a little on your body. Say: "I'm so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I'm very attractive!" Repeat this ritual every day and soon you will receive a very profitable offer!

And, finally, I share with you Simoron's one-liners that change your vibrations!

- I spent it, but the money only became more ...

- I'll make my dreams come true - for change!

- There are eight rooms in the apartment, where are the slippers?

- I'll move my hips a little - they bring me money in buckets

- What a strange feeling - here I am a millionaire ...

- I'll breathe in .. On the exhalation I'm losing weight ...

— Relax! Everything will happen by itself

- I live like this: everything is for nothing plus a salary

- I decorate my work. They pay big salaries for this.

- My wallet from money just swells ...

- The banker is calling again, he wants to get married ...

- Well, again the salary increases!

- The diamond ring was presented again ...

- And here is mine - on a white Mercedes ...

- Beloved is waiting with flowers near the registry office ...

How good it is for me to live in a big apartment!

- There is so much space in the minibus in the morning ...

- I stroked the cat's paws - so tomorrow there will be "grandmothers"!

- I stuck cotton wool in my ears - they increased the salary

- I read "Moydodyr" - there will be a new apartment!

- One daisy, two daisies - money jumps into pockets!

And this is only a small part of all Simoron's techniques ...
Well, how do you like these very unusual methods?
In my opinion, it's simple, playful and positive.

This is another portion of frivolity, which is so lacking in our time for all of us.

remember, that

There are different directions in magic, and among them the simoron technique stands out, which at first glance may seem like a joke, but it is effective. There are many reviews that with the help of simple rituals you can change your life and fulfill your cherished dreams.

What is Simoron?

This unusual term became known at the end of the last century. A couple of psychologists (Petra and Petr Burnalov) decided to open their own school of magic, the purpose of which was to change the habitual and routine way of life. They argue that people themselves are to blame for the fact that their life cannot be called ideal, because they have forgotten how to dream. The simoron system contributes to the harmonization of a person with the outside world. With its help, you can clear the mind of unnecessary information and get rid of the existing shackles.

Simoron - why does it work?

Many are surprised that comic rituals help someone, but there are several explanations for this.

  1. People are used to go with the flow, and simoron gives you the chance to go beyond and make progress in your own development.
  2. Simoron's method involves the use of a game form, so a person refuses "internal control", freeing the subconscious.
  3. Rituals involve connecting a person to the vast energy of the Universe, which is creative, positive and creative.
  4. It is believed that if the Simoron technique does not work, then the person does not believe in its power and tries to analyze his every step.

Simoron rituals tested in action

The distinguishing features of such rituals include the fact that each person can adapt them for themselves, and this increases the chances of success. Simoron practices are based on several rules.

  1. It is important to learn how to enter the state of flight, for which imagination is important, but if a person cannot imagine himself flying in the sky, then it is recommended to dance. By performing various movements with your eyes closed, you can relax and achieve the desired state.
  2. Simoron is the magic of everyday life, which should be filled with positive. Perceive current events with ease and then changes will not keep you waiting.
  3. It is necessary to actively fight with doubts. If, during the preparation or conduct of the ceremony, thoughts arise that nothing will work out, then you need to stop and think about choosing another technique.

Simoron to attract love

Many girls dream of a prince who will be smart, handsome and caring. All your requirements can be materialized using a ritual.

  1. It is necessary to take a large container, which must certainly be with a lid. This will be the materializer. Attach batteries to it, which will feed the energy necessary to implement the plan.
  2. Put the main components in a container, and if you want a man to be smart, then put a book, sports - some kind of projectile, for example, a dumbbell or a jump rope, sexy - men's deodorant, and rich - money. You can also guess the appearance of your lover by putting a picture of an attractive man.
  3. For the simoron technique to work, cover the container, hug it, dance with it and shout an intent spell, for example, "I want to meet a smart, handsome, rich and sexy man." Repeat the words as many times as the chosen one should be. The container must be placed in a conspicuous place.

Simoron for weight loss

A huge number of women dream of losing weight using different methods of losing weight. You can use the help of magic:

  1. Not everyone can stand it, but there is an option suitable for everyone - the simoron ritual for weight loss. Everything is very simple, so you need to take a regular sheet of paper and write the word "Diet" on it. Put it on a chair and sit on it, that is, on a diet. It is important to believe that the ritual will certainly work. You can take the sheet with you and put it on a chair at work, at a party, and so on.
  2. Prepare several bottles of water, with a volume of 1-1.5 liters. Cut off those that have labels, and instead stick new ones with different inscriptions, for example, “minus a kilogram”, “for weight loss” and others. Drink a bottle of magical water every day.

Simoron for sale apartments

Not many people manage to quickly and successfully sell their living space, so a simple but effective ritual will be useful. The presented Simoron technique involves the use of a hammer, but it must be rubber. For example, you can use a children's toy with a squeaker. Take it in your hands and walk around the apartment with an important air, banging on the walls and shouting “Sold!”. It is necessary to present yourself as the host of the auction, which successfully sells housing.

Simoron for good luck at work

To get a good job, advance your career and change your life for the better, you can use a simple ritual, which also helps to fulfill any desire. “Magic Matches” is a simoron technique that involves going through certain stages:

  1. Buy a regular box of matches and remove the labels from it. The surface cannot be glued, it must be cleaned.
  2. Take a small piece of paper to fit on the box and write "Magic Matches" on it. Then glue it on the box. It is important to do everything carefully.
  3. In order for Simoron to work for good luck, it is necessary to activate the matches. To do this, take out one thing, light it up and say a small desire that can be immediately realized, for example, “I eat my favorite chocolate.” Extinguishing the wick, do what has been said. Realizing the desire, other matches are activated.

Simoron - how to attract a man?

The presented rite is suitable for girls who want to get married successfully. To conduct it, you need to take a cup from your girlfriend or relative, who is in a happy marriage. Also get a ring that imitates a wedding band, a red ribbon 18 cm long and prepare nine grains of rice. It is important to clearly follow the indicated parameters, since the indicated numbers are aimed at attracting love.

  1. To perform the ritual of simoron for marriage, take a cup and put other items in it in this order: a ring, rice and a ribbon. Place it at the head of your bed.
  2. Before you go to sleep, you need to put a ring on your finger and for some time visualize yourself with a man, marriage and a happy family life. The decoration stays overnight.
  3. Remove the ring in the morning and put it back in the cup. It is necessary to carry out the ritual every day until the long-awaited event occurs.

Simoron for pregnancy

Women who want a child can use different rituals, which are important to carry out in a good mood. The magic of Simoron will help you get what you want in a short time.

  1. You need to buy a pregnancy test and draw two stripes on it, thereby fulfilling your dream. The result is a talisman that should be carried with you in your bag, and put under your pillow at night. Visualize yourself pregnant regularly.
  2. One of their simoron techniques indicates that it is possible to become infected with pregnancy from a woman who is in position. The task is to be with pregnant women as often as possible, sit in their place, drink water after them, use their things, and so on.
  3. For the next ritual, take a beautiful jar that is pleasant to hold in your hands. On it write "Vitamins for Pregnancy" and put a few sweets, pieces of dried fruit and other goodies. Eat vitamins once a day, one thing. When the jar is empty, the desire will become real.

Simoron on health

A vacuum cleaner is often used in rituals that help to suck in a financial flow or, conversely, to get rid of something, for example, from diseases. Turn on the equipment at minimum power and bring the tube to the problem area on the body. In order for the magic of simoron to begin to work, it is necessary to imagine how the vacuum cleaner draws the disease into itself. It is important to vacuum the patient's room to remove all negative energy.

Simoron to attract money

There are a huge number of rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being. The simplest simoron technique is charging a wallet or banknotes. You need to take two finger batteries and wrap them in several large bills. Leave everything for a day. You can also take a wallet, insert a charger from your phone into it and plug it into the network. Continue charging overnight. Simoron and money are a great combination and this can be verified through the following ritual:

  1. Take a beautiful transparent mug or glass and brew loose tea there, adding 1 teaspoon of honey.
  2. Place the cup on a sheet of paper, which must be green.
  3. With a regular but new pencil, stir the tea, moving clockwise for a minute. As you do this, think about the amount of money needed, and how it gets into your hands.
  4. On paper, write "Tea, there will be money." Drink a drink, and roll up the sheet with the text and put it in your wallet. Keep it until the desired becomes a reality.

Paying off loans with soda in simorone

According to statistics, the number of people who take loans is growing every year. There are often problems with paying off debts, and here a simple ritual can come to the rescue, for which you need to prepare ordinary soda and vinegar.

  1. To see the wonders of Simoron, you need to write on a piece of paper: “Credit” and details, that is, the name of the bank, amount, terms, and so on.
  2. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda onto the paper and quench it with vinegar. During the hiss, imagine how you pay off the loan quickly and without problems.
  3. Discard the rest of the paper.

Readers in their letters often ask me how I feel about the simoron system. No way. However, the letters keep coming... This is how this article was born. She answers the following questions. What is simoron really? How to pretend? What is clear language? What does it mean to swindle for love or money? Simoron - is it a divorce, magic or psychology?

This article explains in an accessible form what simoron is, for whom, how and why it works, how to simorone, what is a clear language. There are many sites on this topic, but as usual - copy-paste, maximum emotions and minimum information. Trying without knowing what is the childhood of the mind. Babies also put everything in their mouths, comprehending life on their own bumps.

Magic Simoron

I wrote briefly about the cosmology of Simoron in the post "Magic" stories - Simoron, transerfing and others". The article caused a lot of responses with requests for more information and in a more accessible presentation. I fulfill the wishes of the readers. Simoronit you will learn to the fullest!

Simoron - Founding Fathers

The founder of the simoron of the first wave is Petr Terentyevich Burlan. His system is a kind of processing of philosophical directions of thought, books by Richard Bach, Carlos Castaneda and practical psychology. Processing is so high quality that the ears almost do not stick out, everything is organic.

Burlan is called the Ukrainian nagual of the new wave. No wonder for a man of art. Pyotr Terentyevich is a former theater director. For those who understand it says a lot. He and his wife Petra write pamphlets promoting their Simoron system as the only true one. These assurances contradict their own principle. Which one? About the lack of templates and schemes.

The second wave of Simoron - "Moscow Wizards" Vladimir Dolokhov and Vadim Gurangov. They were engaged in yoga and related disciplines for a long time, until they were imbued with the Burlan system. Since Papa and Beard (nicknames) were and remain outstanding personalities, they simplified the system. They threw out almost all the zaum (theoretical research), added Pelevin, banter and Sufi elements. The vinaigrette created by them is eaten with pleasure by thousands of people in the vast expanses of the CIS.

The meaning of Simoron's techniques

Refusal of rigid patterns of thinking and behavior. Following the Hindus and Buddhists, the Simoronists shed numerous shells of the "I". By the method of ridicule, irony and uncontrolled fantasy. Sometimes dancing and body work are added to them. These are clear languages ​​or clear language - whoever likes what.

In small doses, this is very useful and works no weaker than zen, but only one thing but ... Simoron techniques, removing complexes, blocks and stereotypes of the psyche with roundabout maneuvers, also erase the connection with reality. Slowly but surely. A person on the wave of the first euphoria can easily fly out of society. Sometimes far away and for a long time.

People come to trainings to solve specific problems. As they grow "advanced" or, as they say, the return of their status as the master of life, these problems become a damn thing to them. Conclusion. A decision based on the rejection of decisions is not. A different view of the world is being instilled.

The founders are insured against this. For them, it is a game that has become a business and a business that has become a game. The more they fantasize and shock the public, the greater the popularity. The superstructure does not separate from the base. Simply put, laughter is laughter, and book circulations are growing along with the prices of seminars. And the business acumen of the former yogis is iron.

How do Simoronists circumvent complexes and stereotypes? Why does it work? Who does it work for? To understand this, one must know the basic principles and methods of simoron and (most importantly?) Believe in them.

Basic principles of the Simoron system

About emptiness and shells

You are a projection of the mind that created the universe. All your ideas and the amount of accumulated memories are shells, small "I" closing the source of creation. This source is within you. You are constantly creating this world without knowing it yourself.

If you drop your shells one by one, you will reach emptiness. Not empty space, but active emptiness, chaos, from which the universe is born every moment.

You create this world every second with your thoughts, desires, fears and expectations. Don't rush to get excited. Your drunk neighbor does the same. At a deep level, you are one. Your personality is a set of masks, the personality of the drunk neighbor is the same. Under the masks, there is one essence - a rational, creative principle. Simoronists call him (her) Simoron or Stepanych. Clear language and other Simoron rituals allow you to get to it.

The one who has more rights is right

When you share the world, say "this is mine", for example, you create a mini-shell. A set of a huge number of such shells is your personality. Genetic memory and upbringing stuffed you with limiters. Initially, you can do everything and have the right to everything.

You deprive yourself of this right by identifying with your shells. To put it simply, as long as you believe that you are your emotions, memories, beliefs, etc., you deprive yourself of the right to create this world. The more conviction and knowledge you have that this is so and not otherwise, the poorer your opportunities. You yourself are driving yourself into a cage of limitations - health, abilities, money, etc.

When you identify yourself with something, you replenish and strengthen your inventory list - a set of shells that deprives you of the right to create the world.

Simoron rituals

The meaning of all, without exception, Simoron rituals is to remove their shells for some time - to change the usual picture of the world. In another, new, funny and magical picture of the world, there is no place for doubts, fears and concerns. For this purpose, they use renaming, changing history, clear languages, calling Vovan, or even jumping into a “parallel reality”.

In the old Burlan system, there are many zaums - they introduced their own concepts - a compilation of Castaneda, Bach and Hinduism. For example, Kon and Dekon. Reminds Yav, Rule and Nav, reduced to Yin-Yang duality. Decon is the world of the space of dreams.

In the system of Dolokhov and Gurangov, everything is simplified. There is a certain active emptiness called Simoron. Everything else is wrappers called objects on the screen or internal films (a tribute to Richard Bach). Your task is to launch other positive inner films with the help of absurd rituals and other techniques. The purpose of this whole movie theater is to get you into a state of soaring.

This state of satori, insight, enlightenment, grace, and so on, the author of the site calls it the basic state of consciousness. It is for small children. It can only be described indirectly - the pure joy of being.

To carry out an absurd ritual means to simonize or simmonize the situation. For example, when pressed, pull out the switched off mobile phone and call back to the cool bandik Vovan. He will help a hundred pounds. ? Or, renaming yourself a pink cow with rainbow wings and television hooves, fly over the line at the closed box office.

Simoron's rituals, with the help of fantasy and humor, force a person to temporarily give up the claims, hopes and grievances of his "I". Drop the load of self-importance. It is she - her own importance - that gives rise to complexes, blocks and patterns of thinking. It binds the sea of ​​our energy going to self-destruction. When you swear, this energy is released, helping the situation to resolve itself "by itself", without the pressure of fears and claims.

clear tongues

A funny technique that is only briefly mentioned in Simoron's books. Like, visit our seminars, you will learn everything there. ?

Clear language is an abbreviation. One of the meanings is I'm with him. With him means with an object of magic (a stone, a tree or a geyser). Clear language is the language of personal communication with the world, bypassing intermediaries. Most often used to "revive" objects. There is modern household magic. Leaving home and not sure about the alarm or don't have one at all, speak clearly with a sofa or a mirror. “Know” his name, appease him, ask him to guard him. The mirror can crack and fall into the thief's eye with a fragment, the sofa will also alienate something ... ?

In clear languages, they ask cockroaches to leave the house or “revive” a garden scarecrow, disperse clouds over their dacha, or create all sorts of amulets and talismans.

Several technicians. Complex and elaborate dances and mantras for communicating with Dekosha (your dream "I", an analogue of Kastanedov's double) were reduced to purring. You examine the subject from all sides, in all conceivable angles and poses. Until it purrs, you will have a feeling of an unusual connection with this object. The body will want to move in an unusual way. This is a Simoron, or rather a shaman dance. At the moment of dancing, a certain combination of sounds will appear in your mind, which you will begin to sing. Thoughts and feelings will merge with the object that you swear and you will receive a name. Or something else. Just be careful not to go too far.

What is simoron?

Now I am answering the question of whether simoron is a divorce, magic or psychology. From the side of those who are rigidly attached to the patterns of everyday life, this is a divorce and mockery of everything and everything. Anathema and be done with it. For the child in you, this is magic, and its effectiveness depends on the degree of your childish faith. For the seeker of himself, this is a form of psychotherapy. And the one who wants to change his position in life at any cost, grab hold of simoron like a magic wand and soon be disappointed and consider himself a deceived fool.

You understand, all these systems are just a way to get to the magic in you. Pull out of the secrets of the soul, something will work. If you don't pull it out, nothing will work. You can believe it and deceive yourself for years. But if you do not reach out to yourself, all your efforts are empty. Not believing in it is the key. Not a belief in transurfers, etherlings and things like that. The key is in you!

Why do you need a set of master keys in the form of all sorts of belief systems or psychological games? The secret is that they work only for their creators and people like them. Often the creators of "magic" systems themselves do not understand this. Deep down in your soul, your own system is dormant - your little wizard. Do not stupidly repeat someone else's path. Look, try it on, test it and discard everything that does not suit you!

Unlike other materialization technologies, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires are distinguished by the ability to invent the rules of the game themselves, and magically influence the development of a life scenario. Some of them will be discussed in more detail.

Principle of the Appear Technique

Simoron's method is conditioned by visualization and mental work with specific images. To develop a skill, it is better to practice on the little things. For example, to find a lost item, you should:

Formulate and make a wish.
Close your eyes and focus your gaze up.
Present the desired item in detail and say the phrase: “Keys (any item), appear!” or "Documents, sign!".

Pay attention to inner feelings. Speaking words in a state of drive, an exciting feeling is noted. It can be regarded as the reaction of the Universe to the request.

Although this Simoron ritual is designed for modest requests, no one forbids testing the technique on global desires. Who knows what will happen if you say “Beloved, appear!” Every day, presenting a male image in front of you.

Bath leaf magnetism

The meaning of the fixed expression regarding the ability of a leaf to adhere to a causal place is clear to everyone. Why not turn this property to your advantage?
a sheet is cut out of thin paper;
the goal is clearly written;
the fragment is attached at the required point;

In the alternative Simoron version, a birch or oak original is taken, where the words are written with a marker. A creative “tattoo” is worn for several hours.

If you use another part of the body, located closer to the brain, the results of creativity will also not disappoint. With a pencil for eyeliner (lipstick) on the forehead, in one word, the result of what you are striving for is fixed: to become a wife, a politician, a beloved. The reflection in the mirror will periodically remind you of the goal.

Happiness in a box

The basis of this psychotechnique for the fulfillment of a wish according to Simoron in this ritual is taken by Ostap Bender's phrase about a saucer with a blue border. A dream symbol is placed at the bottom of the corresponding plate:

who wants to get married leaves a ring;
money - throws a bill;
children - a pacifier;
own house - puts a toy model;

It is necessary that, at your request, it be presented as a gift. To enhance the effect of the ritual, it is permissible to cut a shiny star (from foil) and hang it in the area where you spend the most time (on the kitchen chandelier). Life becomes easier under a lucky star.

Simoron birthday ritual

Simoron's wish fulfillment technique is as follows. On my birthday I get raspberry jam. Since the berry is considered a panacea for 7 ailments, and is associated with the sweet life, a jar of dessert will become a guide to the world of dreams come true. On the outside, a sticker “Not a chef, but a raspberry” or similar allegories is pasted.

After 27 days (the magic number in Simoron), the contents must be eaten. Now we freeze in anticipation of pleasant changes.

magic mirror

A powder box with a mirror is used. To begin with, it should be washed with water and salt to remove excess information. After the manipulation, the iagic object is assigned as the main tool for transforming thoughts into happy events. A short statement like “I am loved”, “I am healthy” is written on the glass with a cosmetic pencil. Those. you need to briefly and succinctly describe your request to the Universe.

While admiring the reflection, one should pronounce a sacramental phrase aloud. And so every time you open the accessory. At this moment, being in a bad mood and not believing in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish: 25 dreams.

Mandatory condition: all "Wishlists" are prescribed twice in the specified amount (25 wishes, 2 times each). After a whisper, magic words are pronounced
“All wishes come true on their own. It will be the way I want!”

In the next 10 days, you need to pamper yourself: buy expensive lipstick, update your wardrobe, forget about the diet, and attach importance to the little things that uplift your mood. Experts have noticed that the Universe is more willing to fulfill dreams for those who are positive and please themselves in every possible way.

Magic rite "Jumping Tiger"

Winnie the Pooh in a foreign interpretation of the cartoon bounced with happiness on his tail. It's time to draw conclusions and:
Look for something striped in the wardrobe (borrow a vest from your husband) or buy knee-highs and shorts with a horizontal print.
In the absence of things and the desire to acquire new clothes, hand-made body art (with a cosmetic pencil) is allowed.
In addition to the outfit, the hair is fluffed up and styled in the appropriate "hairstyle".

The actions taken are to match the image and the storyline. High jumps are accompanied by rhyming text like
“I’ll fly up to the sky on my tail, and along the way I’ll grab a lot of money.”

For the fulfillment of each new desire, its own rhyme is compiled.

It is required to perform 27 ritual jumps (27 is the magic number in simoron). Riding with a cheerleading team is more fun and efficient because the collective energy works wonders.

Simoron technique "Magic Potion"

A pot (preferably red) with water is placed on the stove. Spices, garlic and herbs are placed nearby. The magic session begins. Adding magic ingredients one by one to the container, you need to think about desires, and when adding a new portion, pronounce them. In order not to go astray, it is better to prescribe them in advance. Each phrase should end something like this: "I agree to any positive result." The more seasonings, the more voicing.

The secret of this Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish is that voice vibrations create a certain energy field (as in conspiracies), which contributes to the realization of what has been said. It is important to feel the moment, and not to miss the little things.

Ready "soup" can be flavored with sauce, sour cream, lemon and other ingredients, but we must not forget that it must be edible. At this stage, all desires are repeated anew. Then the brew is poured into a plate with a golden rim, and 3 spoons are sent into the mouth. The process is necessary to activate a given program, which is better to fix later with another portion of the broth.

Simoron nodular magic

Many admire the results of "tied" desires. For a simple ceremony, you will need shoelaces (black ones are excluded). The technique is simple: holding an accessory in your hands, a wish is pronounced. The words "I want", the wording in the present tense, negative particles are ignored. The proposal must be concise and specific. After the dominant phrase, the following phrase is spoken: “as I tie a lace, so I tie desire to myself.” The knot is pulled. Then the rope is hooked in such a way that it hangs down (door handles, chair back). How many desires, so many loops knit.

Doors of desires or dreams come true in a matter of days

Let's check in practice? You will need to find about 20 minutes of free time. Should:
Think of a goal and write it on a piece of paper.
Go into the next room, close the doors and fix the post with adhesive tape to the wooden canvas.
Read the text with enthusiasm and proudly go beyond the threshold.
Then go back and duplicate the process. And so ... 27 times.

The task is to create a relaxed atmosphere where laughter, play, and ease are welcome. The door portal will become a guide to a new life, where goals materialize.

Ritual with helpers

Virtual assistants can also help in the realization of desires. First you need to prepare a photo of famous people who created financial empires or distinguished themselves in certain areas. Moreover, with their participation, various problems are resolved, up to love ones. The personas of the actors are not considered, since almost everyone has scandalous stories. Images can be cut from magazines or printed.

A snapshot of one millionaire is put in a wallet, the second is sprinkled with semolina, the third is in a safe with papers or is attached at the workplace. Once a week, all posters are placed in a container with cereal for the night. At the same time, processes should be monitored, praised or scolded according to merit.

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