I miss your kisses. Wishes in your own words I miss my beloved guy

I don’t know why, but I really wanted to write to you ...
I just really want to tell you all this, but you won’t hear? ...
I just really want you to know - I miss you very much .. I can’t find a place without you .. I just really want to say all this ... Just VERY ...
I love you so much…
I love your strong male hands and your ability to touch them so gently. Your touch, you know... it's like the flap of a butterfly's wing. Sensitive. Thin.
I miss your kisses.
Your lips .. how I love your lips ... I like it when you kiss my hands .. every finger .. palms ..)) I love when you kiss my hair and inhale their smell, holding me tighter ... when you hug like that, I feel how much you need and how much you are afraid of losing me ... do it more often))
When you smile so slyly and kiss, kiss, kiss ... face, neck, shoulders, hands again ... You do it in such a way that you want to dissolve in you ... surrender without a trace ... trust forever ... and even you are silent so that you want to undress ... )
It was not like this with anyone ... with anyone, do you hear? I just now understand how it is - REALLY ...
I love it so much when you take me in your arms and carry me around the house like a princess .. you are so touchingly careful, you are so sensitively vulnerable at these moments .. so strong, strong, but so lovingly weak ...
I miss you…
I want to fall asleep every night in your arms, giving you all my love to the last drop of strength ... lying on your chest, snoring softly, falling asleep with a smile on my lips .. because I'm so happy with you! ...
I want to cook breakfast for you every morning and eat with you. Drink morning tea/coffee with your bare feet on your knees. Smile, laugh, joke... My world is so bright with you...
I love it so much when you watch me sleep. I feel it even through the deepest sleep. And I know for sure - you look and smile!)
I want to cook all sorts of goodies/sweets/differences for you... To please you with the most interesting dishes that you can think of... And be sure to consult with you during the cooking)) Is it sweet for you? Enough salt? More pepper? Not because I don’t know how much is needed ... no, I know. I just want you to remember that your opinion matters to me. Anytime and anywhere.
I love it so much when you give me flowers .. Just like that, unexpectedly .. Just to please .. Just to remind you once again how important I am to you and how pleased you are when I smile. And most importantly, that you give the most-most-most loved ones. Do you know which ones? And only you will know.
I love it when we drive together in a car through the city at night ... I like to ride with you with my hand on my knee ... You always smile and say that I help you drive the car a lot) you are always welcome, my love ... you know) ...
I love to walk with you in an embrace, by the hand and just beside ... The main thing is that you and I are close, close ... So close that more and more often I want to stop and kiss ... Wherever we are ... even if in a crowd ... like are you talking there? Should there be no barriers in love?
My strong, my kind, my dear, the only ... man ...
Not a boy, not a child, not a "mother's son" ... A MAN ...
I look again and am simply amazed ... I just can’t believe my happiness ... how I have been waiting for you for a long time!
I will be the best for you...I will be the perfect for you...I PROMISE...be worthy of it and justify all my hopes.
I will become a better wife. I will be the most wonderful mother, two (required two!)) charming kids! We will have the strongest and happiest family! We can build it, no doubt!)
Everyone who was before you is my life experience .. All these tears, losses, disappointments are not in vain, I know .. I learned how to become the best for you. I learned not to repeat the mistakes.
They are my past and you are the present.
There's only a little left, right? Just find each other and meet.
Meet and never part again.

I'm waiting for you. Really want to see you…
Find my way...
You know where to look for her.
Search by listening to the heart ...

Why is time taking so long? See you for the longest days of my life! I want to see you, hug and kiss you as soon as possible! I miss... 10

I miss your kisses, caresses after sunset... I miss you... I miss you, my love! 10

Drop everything and rush to me as soon as possible, I missed you so much that I'm ready to tear you apart, don't say anything, just come! 11

Wherever you are, whatever you do, always remember that when you are not with me, I miss you, I think, I dream about you! 10

When you are not around, the days crawl like turtles, and nothing matters, and only you are in my thoughts. 10

Beloved, I hasten to inform you that my lips, eyes, arms, legs and I, without a trace, have missed you madly!
I want to hug, kiss, please and just be there! smack! 10

I miss your kind look and happy smile! Where are you, my love, why not with me ... 10

The warmth of your embrace still warms my soul. No matter how far away you are, I feel you here, next to me! Bored to the point of insanity. 10

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I would rather see you and hug you tightly. I miss you my man! I miss you, love. 10

Next to you I feel happy, without you - I hardly smile. I want to be happy every day! It's so sad without you... 10

Do you know what my ideal life is? This is life next to you! I look forward to seeing you and miss you. 10

Madly missed you! Write to me more often so that my heart does not yearn so much. 10

You are happiness for me, and you cannot live without happiness! Come soon, I miss you very much and I'm waiting for you! 10

Only next to you, time flies unnoticed, but without you, a minute seems like an eternity! I miss you so much and look forward to seeing you! 10

Just as the sun cannot live without rays, so I cannot wake up without my beloved! We'd rather meet! I miss... 10

A minute feels like an eternity without you. I will try to fall asleep faster so that tomorrow comes soon!
When we meet, I will kiss you! 9

When we meet, you will read in my eyes how much I missed you... 10

I dream that early in the morning I woke up from a gentle kiss of your dearly beloved lips! 10

There is only one thing in my thoughts: when I see you, I will throw myself on and kiss you! 9

If you miss me, then don't write romantic sms, don't say a lot of words.. Just come. I always wait for you.. 9

I am that girl who misses you very much, who loves you and wants to see you soon! 9

Next to you, the sun shines brighter, the birds sing louder, the world is better and people are kinder! Can you imagine what a terrible world I live in while you are not around? I miss you darling... 9

I kiss you very tightly, I hug you very hard, I gently whisper in your ear: I miss you ... 11

Good morning to my wife Good night to my wife I miss my beloved I miss my wife Apologies to my beloved For mood Love to my wife

Beloved, beautiful wife,
I'm not used to being without you and it's strange!
I need you, I need you!
I miss and miss you all the time!

Darling, I miss your beautiful eyes
By your wonderful smile, by the touch of your lips.
Let them not trouble themselves with temptation in vain
surrounding ladies. I, my dear, am single!

Only in your tender arms does desire awaken,
And the passions of the fiery volcano seethe uncontrollably.
He now froze in separation, sleeping in standby mode,
So that at the meeting with lava to overwhelm the lovely camp!

Your tender care, affection, love, my dear half, I have always taken for granted. And only in separation from you I realized how priceless it is and how empty and lonely I am without you.

I miss your kisses,
By hugs, quiet breathing,
My heart yearns again
To be in your only company.

I miss you so much, wife
And how sad it is without you now.
With you, the apartment is always full
Love, warmth, smiles, positive.

Comfort everywhere, cleanliness all around,
When you are at home with me, dear.
I dream about you at night, during the day,
Madly for you, wife, I miss you.

Without you, the house is somehow empty, but my heart is heavy and very cold, and constantly sad. My beloved, I miss you and look forward to meeting you in our cozy and warm nest.

The halves fell apart for a while
My life drags on like a dream.
Darling, how sweet is the burden:
To be chained to a sweet wife!

My love only grows stronger with the years
And the distance of feelings does not frighten,
But still without you I'm very bored,
I want to be with you forever.

Darling, I miss you
Know, about someone like you, anyone dreams,
I want to feel you next to me
And again enjoy the gentle look.

Darling, when we even part for a short time, I simply cannot find a place for myself from longing. I miss your encouraging words, your touches, tender looks and smiles.

Beloved wife, I miss you seriously
And a bright clear day, and a blue starry night.
I dream of hugging your native shoulders,
I count the hours until the long-awaited meeting.

My wife, my beautiful flower,
I miss you incredibly!
Your gentle and gentle whisper
It seems to me everywhere ephemeral!

I want to hug you faster
I count the minutes before our meeting ...
Darling, you must know for sure:
I miss you uncontrollably!

Beloved wife! Throw all unnecessary things and come soon, because your husband is bored and is waiting for you with a warm dinner at home. I want to hug your shoulders and turn your head with a passionate kiss.

Do you agree, dear wife,
Can't we even spend an hour without each other?
Without you, life passes by
I miss so unbearably!

I miss you, lovely wife!
I realized: I need you, like God's light!
Your warmth, kindness, crazy love
They give me strength to live and inspire me again.

You come soon, we'll hug you,
I'm sure you're gifted to me by fate.
In separation, I languish, dream and love,
And I sincerely appreciate all your kindness!

My family is a friend, wife, lover. The day has passed just since we parted, but to me it seems like an eternity. You are not around - and I do not notice the world around, I do not feel the music, I do not hear the singing of birds. What a dreary and empty world it turns out to be without you!

Alina Ogonyok

I am grateful to fate for giving me you, my beloved, kind and best guy in the world. Only with you I feel the happiest, only you are the person on whom I can rely on at any moment. You are my ideal, my dream. Now we are separated from you, I am looking forward to our meeting. I missed your passionate kisses, your ringing laughter, your caress. Come soon, I am very sad without you, my dear, desired, the only and most important person in the world.

The most important thing in the world is love. I realized it when I fell in love with you. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. And when you leave, even if not for long, it's a disaster for me. I look forward to our meeting, I count the days spent without you, and I miss you very much. I just don't like the feeling of separation. Come quickly, my beloved, I feel so calm and comfortable when we are together. I want so much that we never parted ever. I love you dearly, sincerely, and I hope that this is mutual.

How happy I am that I have such a kind, attentive, handsome and most beloved boyfriend in the world. I am very lucky in life that I met you, my good. I love you, and I want to be with you every minute, my dear. But you have such a job that we have to part often. How I hate separation. I feel so alone without you. I miss you every minute and look forward to our meeting. Come back soon, I'm so sad without you, my only and desired.

To love and be loved is the greatest happiness in life. Fate gave me just a royal gift - you, my best boyfriend on earth. Only with you, I feel like the happiest girl. You give me tenderness, joy and good mood. And when you are not around, I just can’t find a place for myself, I think about you every minute, I miss you, my dear. I'm sad without your jokes, without your smile, without your tender kisses. Come back soon, I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Love works miracles with us, it makes us kinder, sincere, it simply inspires us. I am grateful to you, my love, that you gave me such a wonderful feeling. Only with you I feel the happiest. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are close, minutes fly by at the speed of sound. You left for a short time, and I already miss you, my dear, I feel such an emptiness. Quickly resolve all your affairs, and return to me, my joy. May you be lucky in everything, may luck be a reliable companion, and my love be a talisman.

My life has completely changed since I met you my love. You gave me wings of happiness. You are so reliable, so gentle, so considerate. You just have an angelic personality. I dreamed about such a guy all the time, you are my ideal. When we are near, the whole world is in bright, colorful colors, And when you leave, everything becomes gray and dull. And now, I miss you very much, I'm sad, and I look forward to counting the minutes until we meet. I love you, my only one, come back soon.

Fate gave me the most precious gift - you, my love. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. I just fly on the wings of happiness when you are next to me. But today I’m not at all up to fun, because I went on a business trip for a whole week, and I already miss you. I am sad without you, my love, I will look forward to our meeting. May you be lucky in everything. May luck accompany you everywhere, and may my love be a reliable talisman. May the Lord keep you.

Today I am not in the mood at all, even the sun hid behind a cloud, because you are not around, my beloved. I understand that this is your job, but I can't help myself. I count every minute until we meet. You gave me wings of happiness, but it's a pity that I can't fly to you, my beloved. I miss your beautiful smile, your passionate kisses, the tender and warm words that you always say to me. May all your wishes come true, may you be lucky in everything.

Love is the strongest, most exciting feeling. I realized this when I fell in love with you, my best boyfriend in all the land. We are so good together, we are simply made for each other. Your love just inspires me. When you are near, I feel warm and comfortable, but I endure separation from you very painfully. You have such a job that you are often forced to leave, and then gray everyday life begins for me. And now, I miss you very much, come soon, my beloved, I'm so sad without you, my joy.

I'm sad and bored without you, my love. Emptiness in the soul and heart when you are not next to me. I count every minute when we meet again, my sunshine. You are for me like a light in the window, like a ray of sunshine. When you are near, the soul sings with happiness, and when you are not there, everything is in gray tones, and there is no mood at all. Come quickly, my dear, I will warm you with my love, and I will not let you go anywhere. Always be by my side. May all your dreams come true, may the Lord keep you.

For a whole week now I have been suffering from loneliness, because you are not around, my beloved. You are the best guy on earth, only with you I feel happy. Come soon, my love, I'm looking forward to you, my sun. Being apart from you, I realized that you mean a lot to me, you are my soulmate, my dearest person on earth. I miss you my dear. Meeting you is the best time for me. I love you and I want us to never part.

You are the kindest, sweetest, most beloved. Only with you, I feel protected and the happiest girl in the world. Your ringing laugh, your beautiful eyes just fascinate me. I feel so calm and comfortable when you are near life dictates its own rules to us. You left, even if not for long, and I already miss you, and I look forward to meeting you again. May our separation be short, may good luck accompany you, beloved, and the Lord helps in all matters. I miss you, my beloved.

Today is such a sad day because you left, my love. I miss you every minute. I realized how much you mean to me. Your gentle voice, your strong hands, and sweet kisses I will never forget. I look forward to our meeting to cling to your strong shoulder and forget about everything in the world. You taught me to believe, sincerely love and hope. Only with you I found happiness, and therefore I am sad when you are not around, my beloved. May good luck await you in all your endeavors.

or how happy I am that I have, Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. You are my protection, my support and my hope. So I want to be always with you, and not to part for a single minute. But life dictates its own rules to us, and we have to put up with it. You left and I miss you. I miss your smile, your strong arms, your passionate kisses. Being apart from you is the most powerful test for me. Come back soon, I'm looking forward to you, my only and desired.

I'm sad this morning, and I'm not in the mood at all. After all, you are not around. I understand that you have such a job, but you can’t explain it to your heart. Nothing can fill the void that fills me. I just can't imagine how I could live before I met you. After all, now I'm counting the minutes and seconds until our meeting. I love you and want to always be by your side. Beloved, everything is dear to me in you: and gait, and character, and a beautiful smile. Come soon, I'm very sad without you.

I just can't believe this is happening to me. How much I fell in love with you. Every minute spent with you makes me happy. I completely changed after meeting you. When you are near, and the sun shines brighter, and when you are not around, everything around becomes gray and uncomfortable. Honey, we broke up with you for a very short time, and I already miss you. Yes, I am drawn to you like a magnet. I wish you, dear, to quickly cope with your affairs, and return to me, my joy.

Today I have the worst mood, even the sun does not please me. You left for the competition for a whole week. I miss you so much, love. May you be sure to be lucky, may my love be the most reliable amulet for you. I count the days and minutes until your return, and when I hear my favorite voice on the phone, I just melt with happiness. Come back to me, my good, I will give you my love. I am very sad without you, and I am angry with myself that I cannot bear even a little separation.

I'm bored and sad without you, my love. Separation is the most powerful test for me. I just want to always be by your side. Recently we met, and I'm already head over heels in love with you. And when you're not around, I'm very sad. These are not just the whims of a spoiled girl, this is strong love. I want to be always only with you, my only one. Please come soon and give me the warmth of your soul. May everything work out for you, as well as possible, and you will return to me as soon as possible.

The strongest, most important feeling in our life is love. It makes our hearts beat faster now. Love makes us the happiest people on the planet. I'm just in seventh heaven when we're together, and I don't go on my own when you're not around you. I look forward to your return. Together with you, we are one whole, and it is so hard to feel like just a half when you are not around. We want our hearts to beat in unison. God bless you, good luck and everything - everything.

When we are near, everything blooms around, when you are not there, everything seems dull and gray. Darling, let's never part, so that later we won't be sad for each other. You are like a light in a window to me. Before I met you, I did not know that it was possible to love a person like that. You and I are one. Every minute spent together is a reward for me. Be always with me, and give me moments of happiness. It's only been an hour since we parted, and I already miss you and look forward to our meeting. May luck always be with you, my kitten.

My love, I can no longer just be in the house without you. I'm used to the fact that you constantly joke with me, that you wake me up with loud screams. I miss your love, affection and care. When are you finally coming? I have the feeling that we haven't seen each other for ages, although, in fact, it's only been a few days. When you left, I could not even imagine that I would miss you so much, because it seemed to me that you would quickly return. But time drags on, as if to spite me. But you and I are so strong that we will survive everything, my dear. Now I need to calm down, because I just can't bear to be apart from you. Promise that this will be our last such long parting with you.

Beloved, despite the fact that you and I often have to part, I want to say that it has never been so difficult for me. Usually I tried to somehow distract myself, load myself with business, but this time, for some reason, nothing helps. I want to drop everything and come to you, because I just can't live without you anymore. Dear, but I ask you not to worry and not worry, because I am still strong, which means I can handle it. Do not leave your affairs in the middle, because this is a very important matter for you. I just want to say that once again I was convinced that you are everything to me. My life ceases to be bright without you and without your jokes. I will appreciate every moment spent with you, every day, every minute. Come back soon.

My beloved man left again and left me alone. Of course, you and I, dear, have to be constantly separated, but I still can't get used to it. I want you to be with me all the time, so that we spend all our free time together, and your business trips interfere with us. I want you to know that I love you very much and look forward to it, so you don't even have to worry. You are the most precious thing I have, so I will protect our relationship and feelings with you so that they suffer due to constant separation. Know that I'm not going to let you go on such long trips anymore, because I can't bear to be without you. I love you very much, dear. In the meantime, while you are doing your work there now, I will draw up a plan of our activities for the next vacation.

This year, you and I, my love, have to part at least once every two months. Either you have business trips, or I have. And once again we had to part for a few days, but I'm very sad, even more than usual. I can't understand what's going on, but this time it's even hard for me to think that you won't be here soon. Usually I try to hold on and not show my emotions, but today I can’t. Beloved, come back soon, because I feel very bad without you. Better not listen to me though. Calmly go about your business, because you should lose this opportunity because of me, and I will wait for you. I will keep myself busy so that I don’t even notice how quickly time flies. So don't worry, I can handle it. Love you!

The most difficult thing is the first three days of our forced separation, because it is much easier to endure further. And today is just one of the first days when I want to scream and cry, because my existence is impossible without you, my love. Only now I understand that sometimes I do not appreciate our relationship with you, I live only in the future. Perhaps this separation will even benefit us, because I begin to realize that I need to live in the present. From this day on, I will begin to appreciate every moment we spend together. I promise that I will no longer nag you over trifles. My beloved, as soon as you arrive, we will begin to live in a completely different way. Everything will be just fine, you will definitely be pleased with the changes in our lives.

My beloved, I missed you so much that it seems to me that I just can’t stand it, I’ll break loose and come to you. But it was only a momentary weakness, because you know that I am strong and can handle everything. I will be waiting for you, I will cook a lot of delicious things for you when you arrive, I will choose some interesting films that we will watch while hugging. I want you to know that you won't even notice that you were leaving. Many couples can’t stand parting for a while, but this will not affect us in any way, you don’t even have to worry, my love. You are my best, which means that you deserve the best, or rather the best. You'll see, time will fly by so that you don't even notice. Well, neither do I, of course. Love you.

My beloved, desired and the best guy on earth, only with you I feel happy, only with you I learned what true love is. You are my most gentle, kindest, most attentive. I sometimes envy myself that fate gave me such a gift. You are for me, like a light in a window, like a sun that gives warmth. But today, even the weather has become cloudy, because you left. I miss you, come back soon, because the most unpleasant feeling is separation. I love you and look forward to our meeting.

Words I miss my boyfriend: