Combination with blue. Blue and brown. Style combinations of colors and their influence on a person's mood

The main secret of an ideal and stylish image is the correct selection of the color scheme of the set. Speaking of blue, it's safe to say that this pure and positive shade can become the basis of the ensemble. This is a color that relaxes the nervous system and has a positive effect on others, the color of the endless sea and bright sky; All this is mesmerizing and soothing. Blue color can create the illusion of coolness, which is very important in the summer heat.

The blue family includes shades of two types: whitened shades of blue without the addition of other colors, or light shades of blue with a slight shift towards green. When the shade of green in blue becomes too pronounced, we can see the transition to cyan, and then to turquoise. Although the line here is so small that the vast majority of people will attribute all these shades to varieties of blue.

Let's take a look at how blue interacts with different color tones.

Pure blue, obtained by bleaching blue, is great for all cold colors of appearance, especially winter types. For women with a summer type of appearance, the best choice would be blue with an admixture of gray, all dusty shades. But clearly warm types should choose shades of blue with a slight deviation towards green. Such shades can be called warm and recommend spring and autumn color types.

Consider the most interesting combinations.

Blue and white are an integral part of a single whole. The set is light and calm, creates the impression of tranquility, minimal contrast and completeness of the image.

Different shades of blue and blue in combination with black. Black and gives the ensemble a spark of sophistication and purity.

Blue and beige. It looks very impressive and not flashy, moderately calm and balanced. Without bright details, but the printed top brings an element of playfulness to the image.

Blue and orange. Very fresh and sunny solution. A white top and blue jeans are a classic combination, but when an orange bag is included, it's taken to a whole other level. Stylish and not boring.

Blue and black is a classic of the genre. It looks very impressive and elegant, suitable for evening, festive images. It is advisable not to add other colors, as the image will lose its charm and style.

monochrome solution. It is better if the shades differ significantly from each other, for example, light blue and deep blue.

Turquoise and blue. This is a related color combination. A rich turquoise dress with a light, delicate blue bag will look much better than a one-tone option.

Pink, blue and white. A combination of tenderness, romance, airiness. For romantic natures with a positive mood. The image is light and soft.

The combination of yellow and blue is like the sky and the sun. Positivity, joy and fun. On any day, this set will set a joyful mood for the hostess of the outfit.

Unusual harmony of blue and green. This very beautiful combination is associated with blue skies and green grass. A little cool and green at the same time. Beautiful and unforgettable.

Blue is a unique color to create many looks. It goes well with both warm and cold shades, as well as with various modifications. By choosing it as the main one in clothes, you can “put on” a gentle and airy image, or by combining it with heavy tones, serious and important. In the interior, it is running, has a lot of advantages and possibilities.

Blue can do a lot of things

Blue color has a lot of advantages

All peoples have long paid special attention to the color scheme. Blue has its place of honor in this "pantheon". In ancient Egypt, the veins on the legs and arms were painted with such paint. It was a sign of a person of noble birth. It is from this that we know the expression "a person of blue blood." In some African tribes, dark blue was considered mourning. One way or another, azure was noticed and elevated to the rank of significant.

To this day, it remains significant and attracts the attention of psychologists, designers, as well as ordinary people. People who define this color as their favorite are considered creative, able to think outside the box. They are restrained, calm, peaceful. If you want to convince them of anything, find worthy arguments, and be patient.

In the interior, it will help embody opposites. You can create a nice spacious and soft style. It also makes it possible to create a cool, restrained and strict climate in the apartment. It all depends on what you combine it with. Let's figure out how to use the combination of blue to achieve the desired result.

Blue color attracts the attention of designers

With the help of blue you can create a stunning interior

Combining with other colors

Blue is a unique base. It is able to become a background for brighter accents as well as for gentle tones. He also acts as a complement, focusing on himself.

The color of the base itself is no less important than the combination. To say "blue" is to have a huge spectrum at your disposal. After all, he himself can be with impurities of yellow, gray, green, etc., while remaining still “heavenly”. Therefore, we will analyze different options for using this “gift of nature”.

Blue goes very well with other colors.

Use color to highlight specific areas

"Be quiet with yourself"

Since blue is different, its shades can be combined with each other. Starting from blue, close to black, and ending with light, almost indistinguishable from white - all this is at your disposal.

You can use the "gradient" technique when creating the interior of the room. Choose the main color, it can be blue or blue (it is desirable that it be pure), and, starting from it, make soft transitions. The "wave" should be vertical (starting from the ceiling, changing as it reaches the floor, or vice versa), or horizontal (from wall to wall). You can make it go diagonally. The main thing is to form soft transitions. Everything should be involved: furniture, walls, floor, ceiling, accessories. Nothing should fall out of the given style.

Blue color may vary

The interior will look very nice using a gradient

Cold tones

Blue, although it can take on various overflows and be warmer, in the palette it takes the place of a cold one. And together with other colors of the same tonality, it will give the atmosphere a cool and fresh flow. With all shades of itself, such as blue, azure, cyan, ultramarine, indigo, etc., it naturally intertwines well. Other cold currents are also great for pairing with blue.

He is friendly with the whole spectrum of green. Do you want to create a fresh bathroom in an eco-style? The combination with it is perfect for this. By varying the shades, you give the room a certain mood. By choosing light or bright, you will give a joyful and positive flow. Darker: green velvet, khaki, olive will make the room calm, down to earth and rough. This option is suitable for the office of conservative tough people.

In general, by combining blue with cool colors, you can create a heavy, even gloomy style. As well as its complete opposite: a light and delicate interior filled with cheerfulness.

With the help of blue, you can focus on a specific area.

The blue color in the interior of the bedroom will look very beautiful.

warm tones

Never ceasing to be surprised by the versatility of blue, we combine it with warm shades. Beige, peach, yellow, orange, pastel, etc. They all make the perfect pair.

Azure itself is soothing. Combining with warm and calm brown will show a double effect and help to recreate an atmosphere of tranquility. This option is well suited for the living room, where a fireplace would be appropriate, bringing more yellow-orange notes to the light design in the evenings.

Speaking of yellow and orange. Using them in design, you will get a bold and cheerful interior. The room will look bright. But you need to be careful and add calmer notes to this complex.

Light blue with peach or beige is the embodiment of tenderness. This combination will help visually expand the space, make the atmosphere simple and relaxed. Suitable for living room, nursery, loggia, bedroom, etc. It will create a good atmosphere for sleeping and relaxing.

In general, the combination of blue with warm light colors will visually expand the space, give a feeling of comfort, warmth and light.

Blue color goes very well with warm and cold shades.

With the help of blue, you can visually expand the boundaries of the room.

red spectrum

Here you can also begin to connect opposites, creating a bright and lively image. Or embody the idea of ​​tenderness and warmth. In any case, blue with any paint from the red spectrum will create a fresh design.

Red and blue. Fire and Ice. Water and fire. A combination of opposites. As strange as it may be, it has a right to exist. People who are accustomed to unusual bright and contrasting looks will like this tandem. Suitable for use in the kitchen: bluish cold shades reduce appetite, while red contributes to its appearance. The combination of absolute opposites sometimes creates unusual things.

Pale shades from this range will help recreate a picture of tenderness, and add light to the room. Light blue and pink are the perfect solution for a girl's room, as well as for lovers of airy and gentle flow. By adding white, you get a fabulous bedroom design.

The combination of red and blue will bring variety to the interior

The combination of red and blue in the interior will look elegant and noble.


So we got to the king of color. The combination of two universal paints will give the appropriate result. In clothes, for example, he creates an image suitable for an official exit, as well as for a simple walk. In the design of the room, this tandem also unties the hands, and makes it possible to create in all directions.

Want to create a rugged Scandinavian style in your living room? Pair white with blue, add some gray and you're done. Love energetic and soft Mediterranean style? This theme will be the main one in the construction of such an image. Dilute it with the appropriate accessories and get a cheerful and delicate design.

In general, a combination with white will help expand the space, create a feeling of freedom, freshness, and at the same time calmness. This is a unique tandem that provides great opportunities for creativity.

The combination of two bright shades will give a pleasant result.

The combination of white and blue will give freshness to the interior

Black and gray

Gray is included in the spectrum of cold tones, and forms an excellent pair for blue. It promotes relaxation, while blue promotes concentration. This tandem is suitable for use in the office. It will make an environment stimulating to work and creative activity, and gray will soften it, making it not very tense.

Black. Everything is clear with him. Forming the basis of the spectrum, absorbing the rest of the colors, black is the embodiment of another ideal composition. Black is more suitable for accents or framing accessories. In combination with black, you need to add more colors: gold, brown, white. Or take one of the colors of the tandem as a basis, making accents from the second. In this way, create a two-color, individual and discreet design.

Gray looks great paired with blue.

We apply in practice

Theory is good. But you need to be able to combine blue in practice. After all, by incorrectly calculating the proportions, you will get the “wrong” result, and you can spoil the whole situation in the room.

When planning the design of an apartment, consider the colors of accessories, flooring, furniture, placement, and windows facing the light side. All this affects which combinations to choose. The function of the equipped room also plays an important role: a nursery, a kitchen, a bedroom or a bathroom.


Blue for this part of the room is a great option. Here it can be combined with both light and dark notes. A good option would be a combination with beige, brown, peach, which will smooth out the coldness of the base. Add wood furniture in rich brown tones and black elements. This will help to make the design the most harmonious.

Choosing a beige or cream background as the main one is a great option for any kitchen. Such a tandem will make the interior gentle, clear and soothing. Blue with green - a combination for energetic cheerful people. Being in a refectory with such a coloring, you will be tuned to the rational consumption of food and energy. Diluting this union with light beige or milky, you will get a bright and at the same time calm atmosphere.

The combination of blue and beige will create a pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen.

Blue color in the interior of the kitchen can be combined with both light and dark shades.

Living room

Designing a heavenly living room is easy. Light shades of "cornflower blue" have the feature of visually expanding the space and creating completeness of lighting. Even if little natural light enters the room, pale blue compensates for this lack. And paired with a beige or other warm background, it will add even more light and smooth out the cold blueness.

If you want to create a calm living room in the northern current, use combinations with its darker overflows and white. A leather sofa in this color, blue walls and ceiling, dark flooring and a fireplace will shape the course of a cold winter. Finish the look with matching accessories for a detached and cool style, or soft accents for a soft touch.

Blue color in the interior of the living room will be a great option

To create a calm atmosphere, blue color should be combined with dark shades.


With the help of such a background in the bedroom it will be possible to create harmony. Icy notes will help you to tone up and relax faster. For this purpose, combine it with gray, purple, green. Use black to highlight accents, dilute this coolness with furniture in soft colors, and a stylish harmonious interior for relaxation is ready.

Another good solution is dairy. The combination of blue with a light warm tone will decorate the bedroom in comfort and warmth. At the same time, such a design will bring a fresh flow, a sense of space and softness.

With the help of such a background in the bedroom it will be possible to create harmony

Blue color in the interior of the bedroom will create an atmosphere of calm.

The combination of blue and white in the interior of the bedroom will look modern

It all depends on the effect.

The choice of color for the combination depends on the room and the effect you want to achieve.

The best combination

beige, pink, peach

warm, relaxing

living room

brown, white, blue

cold, feeling of space

burgundy, red, green

cheerful, energetic

white, purple, light blue

gentle, airy

bordeaux, azure, blue

freedom and cheerfulness

green, white, purple

fresh atmosphere for relaxation


red, green, black


Overall, blue is a unique color. With almost all tones, it creates harmonious combinations, and is suitable for use in different rooms of the building.

Video: Blue color in the interior

Learning to combine colors is not difficult. This requires certain knowledge and the ability to combine cold and warm shades.

To be able to arrange the colors in your wardrobe is a rule of good form. First of all, you need to choose a color for yourself, and then choose the best combinations for it. Clothes need to be selected, taking into account all the features of their appearance, even manicure and hair color.

A beautiful image of a woman is almost 99% dependent on the right color scheme in clothes.

By the way, if the color scheme of clothes is chosen incorrectly, it is immediately noticeable and causes a lot of confusion among others. And all this is not because you are not confident in your appearance, but because color perception has played a role.

A color scheme

Of course, there are several "winning" ones that go well with any shade, such as black and white. But every time you combine them with others, you need to have an idea about cold and warm colors in the palette.

The right combination of colors, first of all, speaks of you as a person with taste. Unfortunately, not everyone is given such an artistic understanding from birth, but you can always manage to acquire it over time.

Video: “Color harmonies. Principles of harmonious color combinations»

What is the rule of combining three colors in clothes?

There are certain rules that recommend choosing the right clothes. By following them, you can achieve a good and attractive appearance. So, for example, if you prefer one color, you should dilute it with something. It can be a bright accessory or a scarf. Try to move away from too gloomy and tragic look.

black color combination

White, on the other hand, looks spectacular, but it is unlikely to suit absolutely everyone, and too bright colors always attract too much attention and sometimes even annoy.

The rule of three colors says that you can't combine more than three colors in clothes. For example, one main and two complementary. It is believed that if there are more than three colors in the wardrobe, then the perception of the image can be overloaded.

Modern fashion, of course, has gone far from this rule and you can see a lot of bright, colorful solutions, spectacular prints and “combining the incompatible”. However, experienced stylists were able to come up with tables in which they conveyed a list of harmonizing shades.

The right combination of colors in clothes: the color wheel

All color combinations in clothes should be chosen based on the "color wheel" - a special device that helps you choose the right shades for each other.

color wheel how to read it

Important: By drawing a straight line through the center of the circle, you can determine the most compatible colors. This simple fixture helps you pick up perfectly contrasting colors.

A competent designer always uses the color wheel, taking into account all the patterns: the shape of clothing, its size and style. So, you should always understand that there are solid colors, belonging to the same shade and having different saturation. polar colors - completely opposite tones.

Video: “Color wheel. Instructions for use»

Combination of hair and clothes color

You should choose clothes not only following your preferences, but also focusing on skin tone and especially hair color. It is this detail of the image that is the permanent label of your color type of the entire wardrobe.

wardrobe colors perfect for blondes

It can be noted that blond hair adds lightness to its owner. Blondes are great with bright colors, the main thing is to try not to “close” or “suppress” your own palette.

perfect wardrobe colors for dark haired girls

Brunettes are ideal for wearing bright and contrasting clothes. Depending on the shade of hair: warm chestnut or cold black, you need to choose beige or gray outfits for yourself.

the perfect colors to match a redhead girl's wardrobe

Red and gold are warm colors, so it is extremely difficult to combine with other rich shades. This hair color is quite discreet. Completely opposite hair shades will help to attract attention.

colors matching gray-haired women's wardrobes

Gray-haired women need to choose such a wardrobe that is in harmony with the silver color and tints.

The combination of the color of the bag and clothes

A bag is the perfect and key decoration for any look. This is the most favorite women's accessory that can be worn with jeans or a dress. It’s safe to say that the right bag is everything that decides the whole impression of you.

The perfect taste will allow you to determine the most suitable handbag for your clothes. Modern stores offer a huge selection of modern accessories of various shapes, made of various materials and in a variety of colors.

bag is a favorite accessory

The bag is the only part of the whole image that can be very different from the whole style. To date, there is a special pattern of choosing a bag. So, classic options are easily combined with casuel clothes, and a strict look is diluted with sports accessories.

The color of the bag also plays a big role. For example, the red version will be a good addition to the "boring" gray or beige color.

The universal color of the bag is black. He is always chosen when they do not want and are afraid to spoil the image. The same can be said about the white color of the accessory. The rule that fashionistas adhere to is: “choose warm shades to warm and cold to cold.” This suggests that the same red handbag cannot be compatible with a red dress and vice versa.

The combination of colors in clothes and accessories

Accessories exist to completely change the perception of an existing look. They are bright and calm, restrained and defiant, inconspicuous and attractive. In any case, they should emphasize femininity and influence your understanding of your style.

accessories in the image

Depending on what goal you are pursuing, you can choose an accessory to match your clothes or vice versa, focus on the opposite shade.

Professionals identify several combinations of colors (rules) that should be followed in creating an image:

  • Monochrome combination - pursuit of shades of the same color
  • Anochrome combination - pursuit of classic colors: white, black and gray
  • Complimentary - game of contrasts and combinations of bright colors

Whatever the accessory, try to choose not a cheap and high-quality thing that will look good on you and give status. It is better to buy one expensive piece of jewelry than ten "meaningless" items.

The combination of colors and types of clothing

When purchasing a new item, each fashionista evaluates in advance its combination with other elements of the wardrobe. You can try to combine different things of various styles and only one rule must be observed - “do not interfere” with warm shades with cold ones. The human vision is so arranged that such “blunders” can cause dissonance in contemplation.

combination of three colors - triad

The only accent in the "combination of the incongruous" may be the shade of clothing. Modern palettes offer many cool and warm tones of the same color. So, for example, vanilla is a little more muted than lemon and can be successfully combined with a warm purple color.

The cut of clothes is absolutely not important if you stick to one of the styles. An important rule only warns you not to overload the image with a variety of textures and materials.

The combination of blue in women's clothing with other colors

Blue color is one of those that is ideal for all color types. He is quite catchy and always noticeable, he does not cause strong dissonance in the eyes and has "soothing" qualities. Blue is considered both a festive color and an everyday one. Blue color can be successfully combined with other bright colors and even sonorous colors.

Having rich blue clothes is currently very fashionable and it doesn’t matter how you wear it: keep it monochrome or, on the contrary, play in contrasts with accessories.

blue in wardrobe

The combination of green in women's clothing with other colors

Green is a calm color. It happens that it does not catch the eye at all, but if you are noticed in green, be sure that it will be difficult to take your eyes off you. Green color has a lot of "beneficial" combinations and it is able to "refresh" any appearance.

Recently, green color is becoming more and more popular and in demand by stylists. It goes well with both warm and cold color palettes.

green in wardrobe

The combination of red in women's clothing with other colors

There are many shades of red: there are muted reds, and there are bright and “screaming” about themselves from afar. You can learn how to combine red with others. To do this, you should definitely use the recommended palette and remember that being one of the main ones, red does not always require any addition.

red in wardrobe

The combination of gray in women's clothing with other colors

Gray is a classic color that can be successfully worn to work and on weekends. Combines gray with many other bright colors. Gray is one of the few in the palette that needs to be complemented with bright accessories. Gray has romance, lightness and wisdom at the same time. It can always be combined in casual wear with jeans and in business, shading with contrasting parts of the wardrobe.

gray wardrobe

The combination of yellow in women's clothing with other colors

Yellow is a pleasant color, especially if you stick to not a bright flashy, but a calm shade, for example, vanilla or the color of the “winter dawn”. Yellow can be successfully combined with bright and calm tones. He always gives joy, fun and symbolizes spring.

yellow in wardrobe

The combination of beige in women's clothing with other colors

Beige is one of the most "feminine" colors, perfectly emphasizing the beauty and attracting men. There are a lot of shades of beige and all of them are successfully combined with both cold and warm colors. When dressing in beige, you should take into account your hair and skin color type, because if it is brighter than beige, you can get an unhealthy reddish look.

The combination of brown in women's clothing with other colors

Brown is a classic color that suits all color types and always carries confidence. Brown can be worn to work and diluted with casual clothes. The advantage of brown is that it can be successfully combined with a different palette of shades.

brown in wardrobe

The combination of pink in women's clothing with other colors

Pink color speaks of femininity and tenderness. It is customary to combine it with not quite bright elements and shades. Pink is perfect for dark and fair skin and easily contrasts with opposing cool tones. Pink loves light accessories and the warm season.

pink in wardrobe

What should be the ideal combination of colors in clothes?

Combining colors, even contrasting and completely different ones, is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to have a desire to look good, carefully select clothes and try to imagine your wardrobe in advance when buying a new item. The palette of colors has many cold and warm shades that can successfully emphasize your skin and hair color type.

If you're not too sure of your perfect look, try adding bold pieces and stylish accessories. The ideal color of clothing is the one that suits you. Combine every color you can find and use modern style tips.

Video: “How to combine colors in clothes. What colors match?

The content of the article

Blue color along with white and black can be called classic. In the fashion of 2014, he became one of the leaders. Many people love this color. For coming from him calmness, good intentions, confidence. And also for its mystery. But it's quite difficult to combine with blue. Let's try to figure out what colors look with blue and What is the best color to pair with blue??
And also, how to choose additional items of clothing for blue things.

What to combine with blue

The combination of blue with black, white or gray is traditional.
But, despite this, in order to achieve a harmonious image, they must be combined with caution.

Fashion designers advise brunettes to combine blue and white.
But blue at the same time must be necessarily bright. In this version, you will look optimistic and easy. On a hot summer day, you can wear blue shorts and a white top, put on blue wedge sandals, ballet flats, a hat, and certainly a white and wide-brimmed and white handbag. Complete the look with some blue jewelry, such as a scarf, jewelry or eyeglass frames.

Also, blue and white can be combined in cool weather, picking up a dress, a coat, a handbag, and shoes.
The combination of blue and white does not require the addition of other colors.

Combining blue and black, we get a strict business style.
In this case, blue should be deep, saturated.

A dark blue silk blouse, black shoes and a blue handbag are the perfect option for the office. For parties, shiny, flowing fabrics of rich blue look perfect with accessories that are indispensably black: jewelry, a belt, as well as shoes and a handbag.

Of course, do not forget that blue has many shades. But whatever the shade of blue, it looks great with black.

The combination of blue and gray is also very successful.

Blue here can be both bright and saturated, and calm, muffled. Many shades of gray should also be taken into account: ash, mother-of-pearl, smoky, silver, etc. In this option, it is still better to make gray the main color, and the additional elements are blue. A great set: coat, dress and boots or shoes in gray, but the bag, scarf and gloves are blue. A combination is also possible - vice versa.

Blue, white, black and gray colors are so in harmony with each other that their combination in one outfit does not look messy. These colors seem to complement each other. But one color must be the main one. Very successful: a blue dress, a gray coat or a long cardigan, white gloves and a scarf, black boots and the same bag. Also a good option is a blue blouse, black trousers, blue and black shoes, a gray and black jacket and a clutch, as further in the photo.

Blue goes well with many other colors.

For example, with beige, brown, orange and bright yellow. You can combine blue with green, red, pink flowers, but here it is very important to choose the shades of these colors with taste.

Blue and beige

Quite a calm color combination, which is ideal for the office, for going to the theater, restaurant, business meeting.

Blue and orange

There may be a combination of only these two colors, but still, to diversify them, it’s not bad if you add them with a black and white check (like a blouse in the photo).

Blue, white and orange

To brighten up your look in summer weather, you can choose an orange handbag, orange sandals, a white blouse and a blue skirt (or trousers). It is also possible to combine these three colors in almost any sequence, for example, a blue blouse, an orange skirt, etc.

Blue is a natural color. The color of the sky and the sea. Therefore, natural colors are best combined with it: green, brown, yellow, red, orange, beige.

Yellow color - win-win with blue

For example, if your clothes focus on blue and yellow, then light blue will also look good in this outfit.

A combination of yellow, blue and purple is also possible:

Blue and red

A fairly common combination of these two colors. These two colors always look stylish.

You can add several contrasting tones. Blue-red-yellow - a combination for self-confident girls.

A combination of blue, red, black and yellow - for a very bright look. The combination in this outfit is blue-yellow and red-black.

This image is quite bold, and not every girl decides to dress like this. Therefore, in fact, three colors are enough: blue, red and gray to create a colorful image.

Whether it is worth complementing these colors with yellow is up to you. Blue-red-black is the perfect combination.

Blue and green

It is enough to combine blue and green to get a nice combination of colors. Blue - the color of water, and green - the color of the forest, are already in harmony with each other. Perhaps a combination of mint color with blue and different shades of green. Also, the image can be supplemented with gray.

Choosing the main blue outfit, you can add accessories and additional elements of dark blue to it. Pale colors such as beige, ivory, pale lilac can be successfully complemented with blue.

Blue and brown

The combination of blue and brown is very relevant in the cold season.

Colors are part of our life, they surround us, appearing in clothes and in the interior of the apartment. Properly selected, they are the key to a good mood for the whole day, and their unsuccessful combination, on the contrary, can cause grief. The question of which colors are combined with each other never loses its relevance.

The nature of color

The primary colors - there are seven of them - were invented by nature itself, they can be seen in a rainbow that rises above the ground during a summer rain. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet - these seven colors of the rainbow are the basis for a colorful range that can be obtained by combining them in a certain order. And for this you need to know which colors are compatible with each other, and which are incompatible.

The color scheme is conditionally divided into two parts: "warm" and "cold". Warm is orange, yellow, red. The "cold" palette includes cyan and blue. Green and purple are more neutral in nature and can move from one category to another in combination with different colors. For example, purple can take on a warm hue when combined with red, or become cool when diluted with blue.

Interior color schemes

The range of colors, both cold and warm, is widely used by designers when decorating rooms. There are empirical formulas and interior design standards that determine which colors go well with each other, and which should be excluded from the list of compatible shades. A properly selected color scheme allows you to visually expand the space or, conversely, make a spacious room cozy by reducing its size through the use of warm tones. Light shades of blue are used to visually expand the room, and the richer the blue color, the less the effect of volumetric space. To correctly solve the problems of interior design, you need to know which colors are combined with each other.

Color palette and clothes

A variety of shades are used in their work by fashion designers. Fat women are recommended black, which visually reduces volumes, and slender ladies with a thin figure are offered white, lilac, sand. Of great importance for women's clothing is a contrasting combination of stripes of different colors, for example, transverse black and white stripes emphasize volume and visually increase the hips. Vertical stripes in the same combination, on the contrary, make the figure more slender. A fashion designer, of course, must have information about what colors are combined in clothes in order to successfully create new models. In addition to the optimal combination of several colors and shades in women's clothing, it is also necessary to take into account the pattern of the fabric.

Kitchen sets, color solution

Of particular importance are matching colors in the design of the kitchen interior. It should be borne in mind that warm and juicy - egg yellow, saffron, grassy green, orange - excite the appetite. And the colors "cold" - light blue, white, pale lilac and gray of all shades - on the contrary, do not contribute to the development of appetite. The color scheme also matters when serving dishes, since colorfully decorated salads with bright orange carrots, green peas and golden mayonnaise will not linger on the table, but greyish boiled potatoes with pale slices of Brussels sprouts will not cause any excitement.

Bedroom, color choice

The bedroom (recreation area) - the place where we spend a third of our lives - also requires its own decision in terms of colors. It all depends on the individual taste of each person. Some people like walls decorated in discreet pastel colors, while others prefer intense colors, hot orange or deep red. In this case, it is not recommended to use scarlet, ruby ​​​​and pomegranate, since they have a permanent stimulating effect.

What colors match

  • Black, white and gray are used as finishing, emphasizing other shades. Black color goes well with orange, intense pink, azure, bright green, lemon, indigo.
  • Red goes well with white, pink, black and blue. Moderate effect gives a combination of red with sand, purple and dark brown. Colors that combine with red as the dominant color can have a variety of shades and organically complement the main color.
  • Bordeaux - the color of femininity, goes well with dark blue and black, green, olive and red of all shades. Bordeaux goes especially well with berry shades of blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, mulberries and elderberries.
  • Raspberry and purple colors are good in combination with orange, yellow, bright blue, purple and dark green. Raspberry harmonizes well with white and pink.
  • Yellow is the personification of the sun and warmth, combined with swamp green, brown, chocolate, orange, black and dark blue.
  • Orange is a bright, life-affirming color, dynamic and positive. Perfectly harmonizes with bright yellow, beige, mustard, purple and brown. A muted orange pairs well with pale yellow, chestnut, taupe, khaki, and taupe.
  • Green and olive are combined with yellow and white, brown, blue-green, herbal, eggplant, cherry, burgundy, purple, red, dark purple, golden, lettuce.
  • Dark blue can be combined with blue, indigo, red and gray, plum, green, light pink, vanilla yellow, lilac, dark brown.
  • Light blue or light blue is combined with pink, yellow, orange, white. Combines well with lilac, coral, bright blue, beige, gray and purple.
  • Purple goes well with blue. Looks good in combination with white, orange, pink, yellow and gray.

Mysterious color - lilac

  • Lilac - the most extraordinary and mysterious color, is the personification of sensuality. Combines with white, pink and blue. Lilac of a darker shade is well linked with lemon, cornflower blue, lilac and purple.
  • Gray is the color of intelligence, peace and tranquility. Softens contrasting combinations, is the main style of business clothes, contributes to elegance. Adds nobility to natural materials, lace, fine wool, suede. Combines with white, red, black and burgundy. Ideally combined with pastel shades: soft pink, blue, coral, ruby, garnet, as well as the color of the cutters.
  • Gray-blue takes a separate position in the palette as the most versatile and "not too demanding". Its most interesting combinations with other colors are combination with lobster red, silvery blue and pale coral shades.

Basic color combination

A color combination table can be compiled in an approximate version that meets the basic principles for obtaining the desired shade. If you need a more subtle use of colors, the palette can be expanded with halftones. The possibilities of color solutions are endless, the main thing is to use them correctly, following the immutable laws of harmony.