Tips on how to make your face perfectly clean. Secrets of the perfect image: how to make the skin of the face smooth and even

I'll tell you how I take care and keep my skin and body in good shape! I think it really affects the condition of the skin. nutrition And sport. Therefore, this review cannot "exist" separately and will be a kind of addition. Here is my diet and exercise routine:

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The condition of my skin suits me. But, I have a little cellulite, like any girl) To prevent its greater appearance, I do masks and wraps on the buttocks and reeds.


vacuum massage

Very good way to fight cellulite! Before the procedure, you should rumple the places where the massage will be performed to warm up. Then on the skin, smeared with oil, you need to suck cans and move in directions. You need to start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time with each massage. There may be pain, and even bruises may appear the next day, so do not overdo it, it is better to first let the skin get used to it. As far as I know, from contraindications varicose veins.

Doing a massage is a must with oil! I use an anti-cellulite firm Green Pharmacy. I do a massage every 3-4 days.


┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄PEELING AND SCRUB┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄

coffee scrub

All this must be mixed and applied to the desired areas with massaging movements. 5 minutes of massage and wash off.

● Scrub homemade recipes

I really like it, the second jar is already running out, I apply it after the massage for a better effect. Grains of salt scrub very well. The aroma of orange and lime is natural, very similar to essential oil.



● I do not use gels for the shower, I replace them soap. Why? Shower gel is the right marketing ploy. It is advertised as "freshness for the whole day", "morning boost", "instant hydration" and so on. I could not find a gel that really cleanses the skin of dirt, sweat and fat.
In order for the shower gel to cleanse the skin of impurities, detergents are added to it. Salt helps to thicken the gel, and glycerin helps to give a velvety texture. Lactic acid neutralizes the pH, and aromatic additives, preservatives and plant extracts add the smell.
Gels serve as the basis for advertising and promotion of products on the market. After all, it is much more interesting to know that rose extract will make your skin smooth, and vanilla will help you relax in the evening after work))
● My favorite soap L "occitane :

┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄CREAMS AND OILS┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄

Coconut oil

At temperatures below 25 degrees, unrefined coconut oil becomes thick and white - this is normal. Before applying, I warm it up, dip the bottle in hot water. I put it on my body after washing. By the way, in the summer I use coconut oil as a tanning oil. Bought it in Thailand.

Cream I don't use it as a moisturizer. But I like the limited edition cream Victoria's Secret with glitter. I rub them on the legs in the summer.

What procedure can a cosmetologist recommend to a woman of any age and at any time of the year? Of course, facial cleansing! This is one of the most popular and requested procedures in any clinic. Why facial cleansing is necessary for all residents of the metropolis, how to choose the one that suits you, will tell Elena Makarova, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist at the clinic of aesthetic medicine "Premium Aesthetics".

Even young ladies with perfect skin need to periodically clean their faces. For what? To answer this question, it is important to understand how our skin works. The sebaceous glands, located in the dermis, constantly secrete special oily substances that protect the skin from drying out and the harmful effects of the environment. On the surface of the skin, the secretion of the sebaceous glands mixes with the horny scales of the skin, this is already a kind of pollution. During a normal cell renewal cycle, the skin clears itself of them. But under the influence of stress, hormonal disruptions, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, sebum production increases, while the cell renewal cycle, on the contrary, slows down. And as a result, you see in the mirror an earthy-colored face with a large number of black dots, which, alas, cannot be removed with creams, scrubs or masks, because they lie deep enough. In this case, you can restore smoothness and attractiveness to your skin only after professional cleaning by a beautician.

Facial cleansing is a procedure for removing blackheads, dead cells and preventing inflammation in the deep layers of the skin. But that is not all. This procedure improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses their ducts, reduces pores and evens out the skin relief. There are several types of facial cleansing, we will talk about each option in a little more detail.

Mechanical or manual cleaning

Its principle is to squeeze out the contents that fill the pores of the face. You've probably tried doing something similar at home. We do not advise you to experiment in this way - it is fraught with the appearance of scars on the skin and even infection. This procedure involves strict sterility, special lighting and compliance with a number of rules. First, the skin is steamed, all pores open (special cosmetics can also be used for this), then the beautician wraps his fingers in sterile wipes and removes blackheads.

Special instruments can be used - Una's spoon, Vidal's needle, with the help of which deep-seated closed comedones and inflammatory elements are removed.

This type of cleansing is the most effective, but is very stressful for the skin. The face may hurt and remain red for a couple of days.

vacuum cleaning

A hardware technique where a nozzle is used that absorbs all impurities from the surface of the skin. This cleaning is suitable for thick, dense, porous leather with surface contamination. But with closed and deep-seated acne, the device, unfortunately, will not cope. Vacuum cleaning is not used for chronic dermatitis, rosacea, rosacea. After it, the skin remains red for a day. The effect can be enjoyed only the next day.

ultrasonic cleaning

This cleaning is more superficial, but it injures the skin to a lesser extent. During the procedure, the skin of the face is treated with a spatula, through which an ultrasonic wave enters, creating oscillatory movements. It “knocks out” impurities from the pores. Such cleaning can be used as a preventive measure, combined with other types of cleansing. Suitable for all skin types and conditions, even the most sensitive.


The deepest of the hardware cleanings, during which the skin is covered with a special solution, and then it is exposed to current. Its strength is extremely small, so pain is excluded. Such a complex effect “melts” fat and impurities in the pores, after which they come to the surface and are easily removed. An additional bonus of disinfection is an increase in skin tone. The only “but”: this type of cleansing has contraindications, in particular, pregnancy, vitiligo, cancer, the presence of a pacemaker and electrical implants (used to recover from a stroke).

Gas-liquid peeling

This type of cleaning was invented in Israel. The procedure is based on non-contact treatment of the skin using water with a medicinal solution and medical gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide), which are supplied to the surface of the epidermis under a pressure of eight atmospheres using a special nozzle. A large pressure helps to wash out dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This procedure can be compared to a lymphatic drainage massage that stimulates cellular metabolism. That's just the pressure of the nozzle is not enough to remove comedones that lie in the deep layers of the skin.

Chemical cleaning of the face

This procedure is often confused with a chemical peel. Dry cleaning, unlike peeling, does not involve physical impact. This type of cleansing is divided into preparative - they use oleic, citric, malic, glycolic and lactic acids, and enzymatic - they are made on the basis of a composition with bromelain or papain. To begin with, a cleansing mixture with acids is applied to the face, which removes the upper protective layer from the skin, softens it and partially removes fatty rods. After using an alkaline, more caustic composition, deep cleaning is done. The treatment ends with a soft, soothing mask. Unlike chemical peeling, dry cleaning can be done in the summer. On the day of the procedure, doctors advise not to be in the sun.

How to choose a facial

Focus on skin type and sensitivity. The thinner and more delicate the skin, the gentler type of cleaning should be chosen. For oily skin, it is recommended to clean once every 10-14 days, for normal skin - once a month. It's not worth the hassle of cleaning. The most effective option today is considered to be complex cleaning, combining chemical with any other - mechanical, vacuum, ultrasonic. Strictly speaking, any skin cleansing procedure is a set of services. It must necessarily combine make-up removal, pore expansion and softening of comedones, cleansing itself, a soothing mask and cream application.

Achieving beauty is the dream of any woman, but after a long and cold winter, looking at yourself in the mirror, you notice that it is again far from perfection: the skin has faded and acquired a yellowish-grayish tint, dark circles have formed under the eyes, and wrinkles have begun to break through ...

You should not be upset, so it's time to take care of yourself, your beloved. How to achieve perfect skin on your own, postponing a trip to an expensive salon for the future?

Our skin is affected by two factors: internal and external. If external factors have a negative impact, then internal facts can create serious problems, such as metabolic disorders, hormonal disruptions, etc. But the skin is a reflector of what and how we eat.

Good nutrition and a well-balanced diet will protect you from acne and oily sheen. Therefore, certain types of products should be present on your table every day. These are nuts rich in selenium, because they are not in vain called a product of longevity; familiar to us carrot, which is a source of beta-carotene, antioxidants and vitamins that can delay the aging of the body. Do not forget about the berries, which, according to IP Pavlov, can extend human life by a third. And, of course, fish is a storehouse of amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. All this together makes it possible for the skin to fight against negative external factors, while maintaining youth and freshness.

Always remember that perfect skin is a kind of prize that can only be obtained as a result of hard work. How to restore your skin beauty and keep it for a long time? Experts offer some tips on how to achieve perfect skin yourself, in the comfort of your own home.

salt bath

It is best to use sea salt (300 g), which dissolves in warm water (20-30 degrees). will not only improve blood circulation and improve the tone of your skin, but also help fight excess weight. It is not recommended to take a shower after such a bath.

herbal baths

To prepare such a bath, you can take dry herbs, which, placed in a bag, are lowered directly into a bath of water. But if you have time, you can make a special infusion. To do this, take two tablespoons of one herb (you can mix several and brew in 500 ml of boiling water. Let the solution brew for several hours.

Chamomile, calamus, nettle and rosemary perfectly tone the skin. For skin elasticity, use Tatarnik for baths. Reduce fatigue and refresh the infusion of rosemary, at the same time, chamomile will have a calming effect on the skin.

Bran bath

Such a bath can affect the upper layers of the skin, relieving irritation and itching, roughness and dryness. Take three hundred grams (can be replaced with rice), put them in a bag and lower them into the bath. This bag can be used up to three times. By adding a couple of tablespoons of potato starch to the water, you will feel that your skin has become softer and smoother.

How to achieve perfect skin

The face is the first thing we see when we wake up in the morning and look at ourselves in the mirror. Our mood for the whole day depends on how it looks. And so that you always have a great mood, listen to a few tips.

Ideal facial skin is, first of all, moisturizing. If it is already warm outside, then, after washing, you do not need to completely wipe your face, let some moisture remain.

Before going to bed (two hours before), moisturize the skin with cosmetics that include soothing agents, such as chamomile. After that, you can gently massage the skin of your face with your fingertips, restoring blood circulation.

Try to avoid using foundation during the warm season, let your skin enjoy oxygen, especially in spring.

In the summer, your skin needs protection from UV rays, so stock up on sunscreen.

The question of how to achieve perfect skin can be answered in different ways. But all the advice comes down to one thing - perfect skin loves care. And there are always resources at hand to help you with this. Here are just a few of them:

  • lemon will help whiten and tighten the skin, narrowing its pores;
  • grapes are ideal for oily skin;
  • irritation will relieve spinach;
  • cream combined with various berries and fruits will nourish too dry skin.

Take care of yourself and be always beautiful!

Hello dear readers. Recently I noticed one feature when using soda, the skin dries out. So I decided to learn more about how to make the skin soft, smooth and moisturized. I asked a friend who takes care of her skin about this, and in response she sent a whole article. Of course, I also want to talk about soda, but more on that in another article.

If you are simultaneously concerned about inflammation, photoaging and wrinkles, then you are probably sure that smooth skin is not about you. Fortunately, dermatologist experts have a different opinion. By making just 12 simple changes to your beauty routine, you can achieve smooth and silky skin.

1. Less is better, whether to apply the cream on the skin

According to certified dermatologists, the first step is to stop doing everything that you are doing now. Nowadays, aggressive marketing is aimed at convincing you to buy the tenth jar of anti-aging cream or even an entire care system.

And, willy-nilly, you think: “Maybe if you apply more various means, the effect will be better?”. It's sad, but sometimes it can work against us.

Too much anti-ageing products or treatments can make the skin more sensitive, cause irritation, redness, dryness, as well as exacerbate existing wrinkles and provoke the appearance of new ones. So first of all, stop using everything at the same time.

2. Wash your face less often. Is it good to wash your face frequently with soap?

Many people think that the key to smooth skin is a super clear face, but that is not the case. In fact, washing your face too often is much more likely to do more harm than good to your skin.
For skin health, it is really important to gently remove makeup and wash off the dirt that has accumulated during the day, but it is a myth that you need to wash your skin two or three times during the day until it squeaks.

Frequent washing can cause the same negative effects as using too many anti-aging products - dryness and irritation. With aggressive washing, we damage the lipid layer that protects and moisturizes the skin.

That is why dryness appears, which the skin tries to cope with by producing even more sebum. We end up with dehydrated yet oily skin. Just cut back on washes and let your skin relax.
And one more thing - after washing, do not forget to wipe your face with toner or lotion. This step will help remove any remaining dirt, sebum, dead skin cells, as well as the remains of the cleanser itself that did not wash off with water.

3. Do not squeeze inflammation. Is it worth squeezing pimples

We all know how strong the desire to get rid of inflammation by squeezing out pus can be, but we advise you to refrain. Acne requires a gentle attitude that your dermatologist can provide, not your fingers.

Such self-activity will only prolong the life of inflammation, not to mention the risk of infection and scarring. A competent dermatologist will not only take care of acne, but will also select care for you that will help avoid the appearance of new purulent inflammations.

Well, how to get rid of black dots on the face, the article published earlier will help you. You can read.

4. Exfoliate your skin, but don't overdo it. How to exfoliate facial skin

Truly smooth skin requires the removal of dead skin cells. It is a myth that exfoliation can dry out or thin the skin. Regular exfoliation speeds up the process of skin cell renewal while naturally producing hydrating agents such as hyaluronic acid. Exfoliation also helps to plump up the skin as it boosts the production of elastin and collagen.
Instead of using abrasive scrubs, which can damage the skin due to their particles, it is highly recommended to use natural acid based peels that gently dissolve dead skin cells on the surface of the skin so that new living cells can replace them.

5. Wash your brushes. Your health depends on clean hands

How often do you wash your makeup brushes? Probably not often enough. Dirt, make-up residue, and sebum are prime breeding grounds for bacteria that can cause breakouts when they get on your face.

Fortunately, these are very easy to deal with, as even ordinary soap will work for washing brushes. At the same time, avoid soaps with the addition of fragrances and dyes.

6. Eat healthy. Healthy food is natural vitamins

The saying “You are what you eat” fits the theme perfectly, as the skin is the perfect reflection of our inner health. In order to make your skin smooth, you need to include foods rich in proteins and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in your diet.

These products will help retain moisture and restore natural moisturizing factors in the skin.
Dermatologists say that eating plenty of superfoods will also help improve the texture of the skin, fill it with moisture, make it supple and smooth.

These include the protein foods already mentioned above (salmon, tofu, soy, sardines); foods high in omega-3s (almonds, salmon, sardines, walnuts, flaxseeds); such antioxidants for rapid skin regeneration as vitamins A, C and E (carrot, sweet potato, nutmeg, berry); minerals such as magnesium and zinc, which contribute to the production of hyaluronic acid, one of the most powerful skin moisturizers (soy, algae, carrots, pumpkin seeds, whole grains).
If you do not want to radically change your nutrition system, then at least follow the advice of the famous cosmetologist Joanna Vargas. Joanna recommends consuming green juices every day as a great replacement for afternoon coffee. According to her, the action of freshly squeezed green juices, which help to saturate the cells of the body with oxygen and stimulate lymphatic drainage, will have a positive effect on the skin of the face within a few days after the start of the intake.

7. Drink more water. How much water to drink per day

There are a million reasons why you should reach for a glass of water as often as possible, and smooth skin is one of them. Not a single dermatologist or cosmetologist will deny that the amount of non-diuretic fluid you drink directly affects the condition of the skin. When the body is sufficiently hydrated from the inside, the skin becomes smoother, softer and more elastic.

For more information on how much water to drink per day, you can see in a previously published article,.

8. Wear sunscreen

Most people already know how important sun protection is for health, but not everyone understands that skin condition also depends very much on how much time you spend in the sun.

Penetrating into the skin, ultraviolet rays cause damage, which manifests itself in the form of wrinkles and roughness of the skin. To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, use sunscreens daily. Stop your choice on the face sunscreen that suits you, preferably with components such as titanium oxide and zinc oxide.

9. Moisturize your skin

Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. Moisturize your skin twice a day. Moisture will fill the micro-gaps between dry skin cells, which will help make the skin of the face smoother. The amount of moisture required depends on the time of year and the environment.

For example, a very hot shower, especially in winter, deprives the skin of such important moisturizing components as ceramides. Therefore, it is better to wash in warm water, and then meticulously apply moisturizers within three minutes after a shower. This will help hydrate the skin even more.

10. Use natural

The key to smooth skin isn't always found on the drugstore or beauty store shelf. Sometimes the simplest, most natural products can give your skin that glow that every girl dreams of.
For example, you can use a mask based on natural yogurt as a skin smoothing agent. The yogurt in this mask works as both an anti-inflammatory ingredient and an exfoliating ingredient, as yogurt contains lactic acid.

Strawberries tighten pores and almond flour is a gentle scrub that unclogs pores. It is recommended to do this mask twice a week.
First of all, soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and wipe the inflammation, then apply the mask:
- one cup of yogurt
- half a cup of crushed strawberries
- half a cup of almond flour (finely ground almonds)
Mix well and apply all over the face. With massage movements, scrub the T-zone, in which black dots appear. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

11. Apply an enhanced care at night

Your skin needs extra care at night, so don't use your regular daytime moisturizer. As a nighttime care product, choose a product with retinoids. Retinoids stimulate collagen production and normalize cell renewal.

12. Keep your laundry clean

Keep all tissues that come into contact with your skin clean. This is both a bed and a nightgown. Pay special attention to the pillowcase, as it most often gets dirty and has direct contact with your skin.

13. Don't Ignore Cosmetic Procedures

If most of the tips and remedies do not help you, there is nothing wrong with resorting to the help of cosmetologists. There are a number of specific problems that require the intervention of professionals. For example, pigmentation, acne, post-acne, visible sun damage. In all these cases, the procedures can really give visible results.

Stress, nutrition, lifestyle - all these factors affect the condition of the skin. With so many different skincare products out there these days, it can be hard to decide which product is right for you. However, there are easier ways to take care of your skin: many people use bar soap and warm water to cleanse their skin, but it's worth remembering that there are always better ways to take care of your skin.


Part 1

Take care of your skin regularly

    Wash your hands thoroughly. If you don't do this, bacteria and oil from your hands can enter your pores and cause inflammation. This may seem like an easy task, but hygiene is often neglected by people. Think about how many objects you touch during the day and how often you touch your face. Whatever cleaning you do, always wash your hands first.

    • Wash your hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds.
    • Remove any jewelry from fingers or hands to prevent soap getting inside.
    • Remember to wash your hands between your fingers and under your nails.
    • Dry your hands with a towel or let them dry on their own, but don't rub too hard with the towel as you can damage your skin.
  1. Cleanse your skin with an appropriate cleanser. Apply with fingertips to skin in a circular motion. Rinse your face with water or with a sponge.

    • There are many different cleansers available. Some products are gentle on the skin, while others contain small particles for easy exfoliation.
    • If your skin is prone to acne, choose non-comedogenic products. They tend to gently cleanse the skin and do not clog pores. The advantage is that the product will not remain in the pores and will not clog them.
    • Don't use soap. Soap has an alkaline pH and robs the skin of its natural acidity, leaving it vulnerable to bacteria and dehydration. This also applies to most foaming products, especially Cetaphil, due to the content of sodium laurel sulfate.
    • Do not use products that tighten your skin. Wash your face with warm water, but not hot. Sudden changes in temperature dilate the capillaries.
  2. After washing your face, use a facial toner as it prevents any infections or bacteria from re-entering. Take a cotton pad soaked in tonic and wipe your face with it, removing any remaining cleanser.

    • After washing, your skin loses important properties that give it elasticity and radiance. Using a tonic brings everything back to normal.
    • Choose a water-based toner. They contain antioxidants without any chemicals that harm your skin.
    • Avoid alcohol-based toners. They tend to contain astringents that irritate the skin and interfere with its recovery.
    • Avoid perfumed tonics. They give nothing but the smell on the face. Also, just like using cologne or perfume, people run the risk of getting an allergic reaction. If you have allergies, then such a tonic can cause irritation or even damage the skin.
  3. Apply moisturizer. Only if you have oily or acne-prone skin should you use oil-free creams. The day cream must have SPF 15 or 30 protection. You do not need to use a cream with SPF at night. Night creams should be intensely moisturizing or match the needs of your skin.

    • Use a moisturizer 2 times a day: in the morning after cleansing and in the evening before bed.
    • Use oil-free moisturizers. Your skin already produces enough natural sebum. Any extra amount of oil can lead to skin problems.
    • Try moisturizers with jojoba oil, which is close in consistency to your natural sebum. It also helps fight acne and heal scars.
  4. Don't dry out your skin. Don't be afraid of sebum. It will protect your skin from wrinkles. There is no point in drying it out as it naturally keeps dirt out of your pores. When you dry out sebum, you dry out moisture along with it. Your skin will be forced to produce more sebum and it won't have a chance to get out due to the accumulation of dehydrated oily skin cells on the surface.

    • If you have very oily skin that is prone to inflammation, you will need to do some tests, so it is best to see a dermatologist.
    • If you have very dry skin, then you will need to apply a serum after tonic before moisturizing, and also consult a dermatologist
    • A big problem is oily sheen on the face, to remove which you can buy matting wipes and blot especially oily areas of the skin. Do not wipe your face with them, but only get wet.
  5. Exfoliate your skin one to three times a week. You can do this in a number of ways, so choose the one that works best for your skin. Some people need a light exfoliation, while others need a more rough exfoliation. Exfoliate after cleansing your face.

    • Use a scrub. Choose a gentle scrub (preferably creamy with round particles instead of jagged ones) that won't tighten your skin.
    • Exfoliate your skin after washing and toning your face.
    • Be careful not to overdo it so as not to damage the skin. If you scrub your skin too hard, the microparticles can damage your pores. It is best to gently exfoliate, especially on sensitive areas such as the skin around the eyes.

    Part 2

    Proper nutrition
    1. Add dark and bright vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and lettuce to your diet to cleanse your body from the inside out. Keep in mind, the brighter the vegetable, the healthier it is for your skin.

    2. Don't forget to eat fruit. Many fruits contain the vitamins and antioxidants you need to keep your skin healthy. You can also make a variety of fruit smoothies to reap the benefits of snacking. There are many fruits worth eating. Here are some of the most beneficial for skin health:

      • Berries.
      • Papaya.
      • Avocado.
      • Bananas.
      • Try to eat five servings of brightly colored fruits every day. This guarantees you a regular dose of the antioxidants your body needs.
      • Make sure you're getting enough vitamin C. Not only does it fight colds, it's also essential in collagen synthesis, which is vital for skin health.
    3. Monitor your blood sugar levels. Too much sugar in your diet increases the amount of insulin, which leads to the growth of cells that clog pores. Fight problematic skin by reducing your sugar intake.

      • Make your diet balanced. Eating a little bit of all food groups is not only good for your skin, but for your whole lifestyle.
      • Eat more often, but in small portions. Instead of eating large meals three times a day, eat smaller meals spaced 2.3 to 3 hours apart to help keep your sugar levels in check.
      • Refrain from dairy products. There is a claim that the testosterone found in milk stimulates sebum production, making your skin more oily by clogging your pores. It may not harm everyone, but it's worth trying to cut out dairy for a week or two to see the results. However, be careful. Check with your doctor to find out what foods you can continue to get your vitamin D and calcium from.
    4. Drink more water. Dehydration is the cause of skin problems. Because of this, your skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry, and your body does not work to its full potential.

      • Water removes toxins from your body. There is a slight risk of natural elimination of toxins. The upside is that it's not just your skin that benefits from the water.
      • Water increases blood flow. A healthy circulatory system means the smooth and proper movement of nutrients and waste throughout your body. Good blood flow will keep your skin looking healthy.
      • The extra water promotes the natural synthesis of important chemicals and other biological compounds that your skin needs. This is a real miracle of nature, able to give your skin an extra boost by creating a compound like vitamin D.

      Part 3

      Consult a dermatologist
      1. Consult with an experienced and qualified dermatologist. The main reason to see a dermatologist is to help you find the right products for your skin type and needs.

        • Research possible dermatologists before you go for an appointment. Read reviews and articles about doctors, make sure they are qualified and can help you solve this problem.
        • A professional will help you solve skin problems that you cannot solve at home.
        • Contact a professional last. Try homemade skin care products, change your diet, and monitor your skin for two months. If all else fails, seek professional help.
        • A dermatologist can help you get to know your skin better, why it is the way it is, and why you can't get rid of problems or are contributing to new ones.
        • Preventing a problem before it occurs will not only help you keep your skin looking healthy, but it will also prevent other problems such as skin cancer.
        • Even if you do not have skin problems, but you notice something strange that should not be, consult a dermatologist to find out the reason for what is happening.
      • Wash your face after sports or exercise. Also, wash your face before class if there was makeup on your face.
      • Drink at least 1.92 liters of water per day to keep your body hydrated.
      • For added hygiene, use a face mask. Apply after cleansing to open pores and remove dead skin cells. A mask with exfoliating particles is best.
      • Blend your makeup well to make it look more natural.
      • Change your pillowcases frequently as this will help reduce skin irritation.
      • Eliminate or reduce your intake of caffeine as it is a diuretic and can dehydrate the body.
      • Use a separate face towel and do not dry your face with a body towel to avoid spreading germs.


      • Exfoliation is a great way to clear dead skin from your pores and body, but never don't exfoliate too much. You can damage delicate sensitive skin. Lip balm can be a help in the presence of dry skin under the eyes.
      • See a dermatologist or esthetician if you have serious skin problems.