Clothing style for bearded men. Anecdote with a beard: who is lambersexual

The term metrosexual came into use in 1994, and until now, the polished dandies of the two thousandths have been on horseback. With the light hand of the British journalist Mark Simpson, who invented metrosexuals twenty years ago, they are called - a derivative of three words: "selfie", "sport" and "porn". But neither they, nor the lumberjacks, nor the hipsters could really fight the inexhaustible metrosexuals.Now they can seriously compete with a new type of men - the generation of lambersexuals.

The neologism "Lumbersexual" for metrosexuals after a redesign appeared in late 2014 as a result of crossing the words "lumber" (logs, lumber) and "heterosexual" (heterosexual) and denotes men inspired by lumberjacks, hipsters and spornosexuals at the same time. Simply put, lumbersexuals are those who just seemed to come out of the forest (having looked at the gym on the way) with evenly trimmed and styled beards and a backpack where gadgets lie instead of an ax. As the authoritative portal Jezebel joked, "Lumbersexual looks like he is ready to chop wood on a cold night, but in fact he has not held an ax and damp wood in his hands since summer camps as a child."

Ryan Reynolds and Gosling, Chris Pine from Star Wars and David Beckham in a flannel shirt and a Louis Vuitton bag at the same time entered the world hit parade of lambersexuals. The trend for neat brutality has also reached Russia: Grigory Dobrygin and Danila Kozlovsky lowered their beards, and Konstantin Khabensky closely follows his thick mustache. MWe have compiled a rating of Russian lumbersexuals - attractive, well-groomed, strong and bearded at the same time.

    Danila Kozlovsky looks good not only in glossy suits on the red carpet, but also looks great in the image of Bali's lumberjack, as in the movie "Duhless 2": like any real lambersexual, he suits his beefy biceps, tousled beard and wild landscape in the background.

    Last July Konstantin Khabensky began acting in the 16-episode film "Method" (which will premiere in the fall on Channel One), where he plays the role of an investigator. Then I decided that the uglier it looks, the more interesting the hero will turn out. According to the actor, at the same time, you can still sleep an extra hour and a half - that's how much time it took every day for makeup and a false beard.

    Sergei Bondarev, designer: “I once got rid of my beard before traveling with a loom. I did it and didn't recognize myself in the mirror. It seems to me that people didn’t even take me seriously, they probably thought, what kind of young stranger came here, we won’t listen to him.

    And if Ivan himself in glossy jackets from Evening Urgant can hardly be called a lambersexual, then the image of his alter ego Grisha Urgant in plaid shirts, denim jackets, ripped jeans fits in all respects.

    In our special project two years ago with charismatic bearded men Anatoly Wasserman said that his beard appeared in his life because of laziness: “The last time I shaved was on my mother’s birthday - November 25, 1982 - and immediately after the home celebration I went to work on the night shift, then I came to sleep and realized that for this short time has already passed. After that, I became lazy to shave.

    In an interview with Artem Balaev admitted that he has a role model: the father of the producer of Aurora Fashion Week walks with a beard, "which makes him look like a biblical old man." Since childhood, Balaev also remembers a photograph of a hundred years ago, which depicts his bearded great-grandfather, who worked as a gardener in the Novgorod province.

    The king of Instagram and the genius of paradox Sergei Shnurov, perhaps the only man in the city who can wear pea coats, work boots and lumberjack jackets in such a way that you can no longer figure out where the lumberjack is here, where the metrosexual is, and where the lambersexual is.

    If you missed, then for the last year the actor Alekseev Chadov traded fan-favorite unbuttoned white shirts for lumberjack style. First, a beard appeared, then pea coats, and after that, “selfies” in barbershops.

    IN Pavle Semchenko It’s not only the impressive beard that betrays the lambersexual: one of the creators of the AX Theater also collects wardrobe according to the canons of the “urban woodsman”, so basic stretched T-shirts coexist with dandy suits in it.

    Boris Akimov, founder of LavkaLavka: “For now, I stick to my position A man should have a beard! Not that the beardless are Herods, I like them too. But still, when a man has it, I personally feel additional sympathy. For me, the presence of a beard is a sign of masculinity and the presence of an internal position: it has either formed or is on the way of formation.

    The only one in the top ten richest people in Russia who can afford such a careless accessory as a beard for expensive Brioni suits is Roman Abramovich.

    All proportions of the lambersexual are observed in the image George Dobrynin: The actor and director wears hipster caps and sweatshirts, and his lumberjack beard is styled flawlessly.

    Contrary to stereotypes about lambersexualsAram Mnatsakanov not only looks like a well-groomed lumberjack, but also behaves accordingly - if necessary, he can chop firewood and fry meat without losing his attractiveness.

A new trend in men's style and fashion has swept the world: it's lambersexual men! What are their main features?

The main characteristics of a Lumbersexual are a large but well-groomed beard, simple clothing (T-shirts or flannel shirts) and a deliberately rough and simple appearance. The Lumbersexual style has become the antithesis of the metrosexual style - well-groomed men who prefer expensive fashionable clothes.

The name "lamersexual" comes from the English word "lumberjack" (lumberjack) - a lumberjack, a lumberjack. It was the appearance of North American (USA, Canada) lumberjacks: strong bearded men in flannel plaid shirts and with an ax in their hands - formed the basis of the new style.

"The metrosexual is now a dying species, being replaced by men more interested in the outdoors than in beauty care," writes popular American blogger Tom Pusack.

So, here are a few signs that will help you distinguish between a metrosexual and a lambersexual:

Sophisticated lumberjack

In addition to the style of the North American lumberjack, the appearance of the lambersexual was influenced by the hipster culture. Lumbersexuals are actually typical city dwellers working in the field of new technologies and receiving a decent salary.

well-groomed bearded man

Lambersexual remains a fairly refined man: his beard and hairstyle are well-groomed, he has a refined taste and loves home cooking.

Sneaky slob

The lambersexual style is to create the impression that he does not care at all about his manner of dressing.

Outstanding representatives of this style are American actors Ryan Gosling, Joe Manganiello, French footballer Eric Cantona, Australian Hugh Jackman, Briton Charlie Hunnam.

Hello new visitors and regular readers. I welcome you to the pages of men's. Just the other day, we published fresh material in the "" section. And today, I want to tell you about a new type of men - lambersexual. Preparing this material for the section "", I did not hide my good mood, because such a type of men as "metrosexuals" is on the verge of extinction.

Some of the readers of our project can take and hint to us at the materials of the site where the announcements of clothes and accessories for metrosexuals are posted. In this case, I want to note that our project is always trying to keep up with the times. In our publications, we show what interests men, what they buy and how they live. My personal opinion does not always coincide with the editorial policy MEN'S WORLD.

Lumbersexual - bearded lumberjack

As you know, any fashionable culture in Ukraine starts with the youth. However, Ukrainian youth does not always have all the opportunities to implement their own view of new trends and fashion in general, lifestyle and so on. And among a certain number of active young people, “metrosexuals” appeared, who “boasted” about their own appearance and expensive accessories. In addition to the actual "luxury" shine, expensive chronographs and varnished nails, they did not express anything else with their appearance. It is quite different with lumbersexuals.

Although the name of the new stylish look in men's fashion is similar to " metrosexual", the difference is drastic.

Lambresexual men are exactly those stylish " bearded men", which you can see on Facebook and pinterest, by the way, on which we have our own accounts.

Let's move on to the main thing, what lambersexuals look like. The main, and some of the men consider the main sign of lambersexuals, is a large but well-groomed beard. From clothes lambersexuals prefer simple T-shirts (sometimes with prints), plaid shirts, jeans. Complement your image: suspenders, "work" boots, knitted hats and .... axe. Do not make a surprised expression on your face, there is an explanation for this.

The name of the new men's trend " lambersexual", derived from English. « lumberjack » ( lumberjack) - lumberjack, lumberjack. It was the appearance and partly the way of life of North American (USA, Canada) lumberjacks, bearded men in flannel plaid shirts and with an ax in their hands, that formed the basis of the new style. This new trend will be delighted by many of the fairer sex, who are already tired of seeing weak men, both physically and morally, near them.

However, do not believe that lambersexuals appeared only with the help of a fashion photographer who noticed an interesting image on another selfie from Canada. The popularity that the style is gaining today " lambersexual”, owes significant influence to hipster culture. Once again, not understanding, you might think. However, there is an appropriate explanation for this as well. Lumbersexuals in the general majority, these are typical residents of large metropolitan areas. Working in the areas of the latest developments and technologies, receiving a high salary, they like to relax in the fresh air: in the mountains or in the forest.

Although you can see an ax in the hands of a lambersexual, he most likely will not chop wood with it. Just like the "metrosexuals", the lambersexual is a fashionable person. His refinement is manifested in a well-groomed and well-trimmed beard with a hairstyle. Also in lambersexual you can see: a high-quality pipe for smoking, a set for shaving with a dangerous razor and other not cheap things.

lambersexual loves walks in the forest and hiking in the mountains. Such "walks" are accompanied by halts in picturesque places, and an obligatory selfie against the backdrop of nature. A lambersexual will take with him on such “hikes”: a vintage design knapsack. There will be put there the day before: a thermos of coffee, a small amount of whiskey, a woolen blanket for a friend and a vintage lantern, in the style of Alaskan gold miners. An ax in a special case will be fixed on the back.

Spending most of his free time outdoors and dressing as simply as possible, but never without taste, Lambersexual loves home cooking and has a gastronomic taste.

As you already understood, lambersexual, as a male review, is an attempt to show, or rather, to assure others that lambersexual does not follow men's fashion at all and does not make any efforts to his appearance.

Among the representatives of the lambersexual style, one can name: actors Ryan Gosling , Joe Manganiello , French football player Eric Cantona , Australian Hugh Jackman , British Charlie Hanna .

So what do we end up with? There is a moderately well-groomed man in good physical shape, dressed in comfortable men's clothes and shoes. He likes outdoor recreation, moderate physical activity with an ax, good aesthetic taste in food and photography. In my opinion, a good male set of "pluses". I am sure that like any other style of clothing and lifestyle, lambersexual for someone will be the only one for many years, and maybe for life.

This concludes my reflections on the lambersexual style. See you in new, fresh and no less interesting materials from the men's online edition. Bye!

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- roll up your pants, vape and wear a trendy hairstyle. The beard is the flagship of your style!

It's no secret that a beard gives a man brutality, confidence, distinguishes a man from a boy. Even if nature did not reward you with a normal skull shape, you can always fix it with thick facial hair. In short, a beard brings some pluses.

But not everything looks so rosy for those who, instead of a normal thick beard, have some incomprehensible bald patches of hair fluff or teenage mustaches of a nerd growing on their faces. Here, if you don’t dance with a tambourine and don’t say a spell: “Grow a beard, grow”, there will be no sense.

When you completely despaired and gave up, a team came to your aid website, which help you and answer your main question: How to grow a beard?! Go…

The first stage of growing a beard begins with patience. As you already understood, it will not work to grow a beard quickly. In about a week or so, the clumsy outlines of the beard will be noticeable. Of course, there will be a strong desire to take the machine and shave off this squalor, but STAY OUT!

Now comes the turning point when your flimsy beard is only gaining strength. After about a month, you need to evaluate the result and start working on the future shape of your beard.

If you have only clumps of vegetation in different places on your face, you should draw the borders of the beard with a pencil which you want and continue to grow it further by shaving off the stubble beyond the edge of the pencil.

As for the choice future beard shapes then you need to pay attention to the shape of your face:

  • if you have Oval face- then you won the jackpot, because this shape is ideal for any beard, you can safely experiment;
  • if you have round face, then a trapezoid will be a suitable beard shape. it will give the effect of elongation. And yes, avoid sideburns, they will only round your cheeks even more;
  • if you have triangular face, then a voluminous beard of medium length will help smooth out a sharp beard. A goatee is contraindicated for such a face shape;
  • if you have square face, then you need rounded outlines. In principle, the length of the beard can be any, the main thing is to smooth out the squareness;
  • if you have long face, then a long beard is contraindicated. The shorter it is, the better. You can even try experimenting with sideburns.

Also important consider your size and height. If you are short and will wear a long beard, then very look like a garden gnome. Well, the point is clear. The healthier and taller, the more massive beard you can afford.

Now let's talk about beard care.

Any beard requires care, of course, if you do not want to look like a bum. For this you will need beard wash, trimmer and comb. Various barbershop supplies: oils, wax and other things.

The beard absorbs odors very well, so wash it often preferably with some mild cleanser. Eliminate soap, because. after it, the beard will be stiff, and the soap dries the skin very much.

A thick beard, an elongated haircut with a comb, a lush mustache and good, rustic simple clothes. Meet - in front of you is a lambersexual.

Lambersexual style

Lumbersexual is a telling name, if you understand how it was formed. In English lumbersexual= lumberjack(lumberjack) + heterosexual(heterosexual). These seemingly stern guys dress neatly, discreetly and tastefully.

Sloppy and slightly rough retro style is held in high esteem. The basis of the wardrobe is T-shirts, plaid flannel shirts, vests, knitted sweaters, hats, hiking backpacks, boots. Tattoos are another bright, but not mandatory attribute. This is a casual style, and for special occasions, the lambersexual has an impeccable classic suit and bow tie. These guys know what it's like to take care of themselves. What is worth only one beard!

Where did the fashion for lambersexuals come from?

Sociologists believe that society is tired of pampered male images and is returning to primordial masculinity. Therefore lambersexuals came to replace metrosexuals.

Lambersexuals look stern, but this does not mean that they have the same character. It seems that they can cut down a tree if they are given an ax in their hands. But this is not so: a real lambersexual is a resident of a big city, he goes to nature to relax.

The image of a lambersexual through the eyes of others and the truth

  • His appearance is associated with naturalness and naturalness, but not with a meticulous attitude to his appearance. In fact, a lumbersexual spends much more time on how he looks than an ordinary man.
  • Dressed like he's going to a Norwegian forest, the lambersexual goes on a bar tour. Perhaps he will order not a strong brandy or whiskey, but a low-alcohol cocktail or even coffee.
  • Despite the fact that he looks like a lumberjack, the lambersexual does not work in the forest, but in a prestigious IT company. Perhaps he has his own business. In principle, it does not matter who he is by profession: the salary of a person who does not skimp on expensive beard and hair care products and constantly visits a barber should be solid.
  • In the backpack of a lambersexual, there is not an ax, but a MacBook Air, books on business and self-development. He runs Instagram and his favorite filter is retro.

Lumbersexual can be compared to a librarian who has never actually worked with book catalogs. It is likely that he does not know how to survive in the forest, make a fire, and may not even want to spend the night in a tent. But fashion dictates to him to dress and look like a real man.