What to play for the new year for adults. We are preparing a home show. New Year's game. Calendar

Games and competitions for adults at the New Year's holiday.

Funny Games for New Year's corporate party, New Year's Eve

Game for adults. Mafia

Number of participants: from 10 people, you can play with less, but in this case the game quickly ends with the victory of the mafia.

Required Items: Card deck.

Game progress

The task of the game for civilians is to find out all the mafiosi who are hiding among honest people and neutralize them, and for the mafiosi - to kill all the inhabitants and seize the city in their hands. After that, the place of action is chosen, it can be the hometown of the players, the whole island of Sicily - the birthplace of the mafia, Palermo, Syracuse or another Sicilian city. Then each player tells about himself (i.e., invents a story for himself, the so-called legend). One can be a shopkeeper and sell spices and wine, the second chooses to serve in the police, the third is an official, the fourth is unemployed, and so on. After that, you need to divide all the participants into the mafia and honest citizens. To do this, the number of cards is selected from the deck according to the number of participants so that the number of red suits is 2 times the number of black ones, and 1 card is added - the king of hearts.

All selected cards are shuffled and distributed to the participants, the rest do not know which cards got to their neighbors. The host announces that night is falling in the city, all participants in the game close their eyes. Then follows the phrase: "The mafia is waking up." Only members of the mafia open their eyes, they look at each other and accurately remember all “their own”. After that, the leader says: “The mafia is falling asleep”, at this moment all participants in the game should be with their eyes closed. And, finally, with the onset of morning, everyone wakes up (all players open their eyes), after which the host says with a crushing look: “Citizens, a mafia has appeared among us. Be carefull".

Further, all the players, based on their guesses, the words from the legend of the participants, as well as on their facial expressions, gestures, express their assumptions about which of the players is the mafia, and after everyone has spoken, voting begins. Those who scored the most votes are “killed” by the players, after which the eliminated player shows his card, and everyone will find out if they killed an honest citizen or a real mafia.

On all subsequent nights, the mafia wakes up first, it decides which of the participants is the most dangerous to it, and kills him, then the Catani commissioner wakes up, he can once ask the host who, in his opinion, this or that participant, the mafia or an honest citizen. If the mafia manages to figure out the commissioner and kill him, he leaves his assumptions in a note. Any player designated by the Catani Commissioner is killed without a vote.

The game can go on for a very long time, new characters, additional rules may appear in it, it depends on the company of those gathered, on how long they play. For the first time, only very simple rules are introduced, which can then become more complicated.

Game for adults. new year drink

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

Game progress

Players must split into pairs. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The task of the second player is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared "potion" wins.

Game for adults. New Year's sandwich

Number of participants: all comers

Required items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

Game progress

This is a variant of the previous game, only pairs can switch places. The "sighted" player prepares a sandwich from everything that is on the table. The "blind" must taste it. But at the same time, pinch your nose with your hand. The one who correctly names the most components wins.

Game for adults. Mute Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

Number of participants: all comers.

Game progress

Quite a fun game that will help bring out the creative abilities of those gathered at the festive table, as well as laugh heartily! A couple is selected, consisting of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to congratulate all those gathered on the New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden should pronounce all the congratulations aloud as accurately as possible.

Competition for adults. Elections

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress

It is announced to those present that the elections of the best Santa Claus and the best Snow Maiden are planned. After that, the men dress up as Santa Claus, and the women dress as the Snow Maiden. At the same time, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should. At the end, those present decide who coped with their task more successfully than the rest.

Competitions for adults. group rhythm

Number of participants: leader, at least 4 people.

Required Items: elements of uniforms in the form of red noses with an elastic band, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Competition progress

The participants sit in a circle, after which the leader puts his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. Other participants act in the same way. The host starts tapping a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader's left foot. The leader's right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader's right foot. And so in a circle. Learning to beat the correct rhythm with all participants is not so easy, so for a long time someone will go astray. If there are enough people, then you can introduce a rule - the one who makes a mistake is out.

Competitions for adults. Mittens

Number of participants: all comers, in pairs (woman and man).

Required items: thick mittens, dressing gowns with buttons.

Competition progress

The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and must fasten the buttons on the robe that women put on. The one who fastens the most buttons in the shortest time is declared the winner.

Competition for adults. new year wishes

Number of participants: 5 participants.

Competition progress

Five participants are given the task to name one New Year's wish in turn. The one who thinks about the wish for more than 5 seconds is out. Accordingly, the last one remaining wins.

Competition for adults. Spitters

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: pacifiers.

Competition progress

In this competition, it is proposed to take an example from the inhabitants of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year's Eve, which is the wishes of happiness in the coming year in this country. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is doubtful, but in the form of a fun competition it is quite suitable, and you only need to spit on pacifiers. The winner is the one who spit it the farthest.

Competition for adults. dressing

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: a variety of outfits.

Competition progress

The bottom line is to dress up in a pre-prepared outfit faster than others. Whoever is faster, he won. It is advisable to come up with as varied and funny outfits as possible.

Competition for adults. Song of the year

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, a saucepan, etc. P.

Competition progress

In the bag there are pieces of paper with words such as Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost and so on written on them. Participants pull notes from the bag and must sing a New Year or winter song that contains this word.

Competition for adults. Pihalshchiki

Number of participants: all comers.

Required Items: empty champagne bottles.

Competition progress

Newspapers are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to push the largest number of newspapers into a bottle of champagne. Whoever pushes the most wins.

Competition for adults. Jumping into the unknown

Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

Competition progress

Germany boasts a curious tradition of "jumping" on New Year's Eve, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. Who is further, he won. The same is proposed to be carried out in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from a place. Accordingly, the winner is the one who jumped into the New Year the furthest.

November 21, 2016

Starting with the first snowflakes slowly circling in the frosty air, we begin to wait for HIM! The most wonderful, most fabulous, incredible and fun holiday is the New Year!

There is no longer a single holiday, three months before which, friends would ask: “Well, what do you think about the New Year?”. Yes, this is exactly the day when the aliens are in a panic from an unknown signal from the Earth - “The new year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen ..”, and the whole planet glows with bright lights and fireworks! It is from December 31 to January 1 at 23:59 that we all stand with glasses of bubble champagne in our hands and are happy to meet the new year and new emotions that will burst into our lives, and this, by the way, is an excellent reason to throw an unrealistically cool party !

It is impossible to imagine any party without the company of beloved friends. With them, at least International Pancake Day, at least celebrate Bastille Day - always fun and interesting! In order not to interrupt this wonderful tradition, you should thoroughly prepare for organizing the main party of the year!

An important part of the 2017 meeting is the entertainment program: games and competitions for the New Year for adults. They make you get to know each other better, make the team closer, and the evening more interesting, if you know what I mean 😉

website I am sure that almost all adults will take part in pranks with great pleasure, dance in a round dance, make a cool toast and compete in exciting contests! They can be different: playful, smart, dexterous and, of course, with erotic overtones. It all depends on the degree of looseness of the party guests.

We offer 12 fun games and contests to celebrate the New Year, which will make the party fun and memorable.

1. So it's about me!

Small paper bags are taken in which you can put souvenirs, sweets or any small items (batteries, condoms, a glass ...). Nominations are written on the packages:
- the longest-haired;
- the one who kissed the girl before everyone else;
- the one that kissed the guy before everyone else;
- the owner of underwear with the largest number of colors and shades;
- the strongest armwrestler;
- the lady with the highest heel;
- the most thrifty smoker (the one or the one who has the most cigarettes with him);
- the coolest rapper (the fastest to read poetry);
- the bluest eyes of 2017;
- the loudest laughter of 2017;
- the craziest act of 2016;
- the most unlucky (the one who did not get any of the holiday packages).

You can come up with your own nominations - the most suitable for your friends and family.

Ready-made packages with contents need to be hung on a Christmas tree. This can be done before the guests arrive, but then they will be discovered too early, most likely even before everyone has gathered. Therefore, it is best to do this right after midnight, when everyone goes to look at the balcony or outside to watch the New Year's fireworks. At this point, hang the packages on the tree. Than not original gifts for all those present.

The guests returning from the fireworks will notice the new Christmas tree decorations and start the competition…

2. What do you remember about the outgoing year?

Buy whatman paper in size A1 or A0. At the top, write in large letters “What do you remember about 2016”. To make the inscription look even and beautiful, print it on a printer using the New Year's font you like. You can stick photos of guests on whatman paper (for couples - use joint pictures). There should be space between photographs for drawings. It is even better if you order such a poster in a printing house.

Hang the poster on the wall or closet. Let everyone draw next to his photo the best event for him of the outgoing year. Someone will depict a palm tree, symbolizing a vacation in warm countries, someone will have a new car, and for someone it will be a child with a briefcase walking confidently to school for the first time.

You can make such collections of positive memories a tradition of your friendly company.

3. Coolest of all

We choose the main characters of the evening - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Those who wish to change into costumes, take thematic attributes: a beard, mittens, a staff, a bag with gifts, and introduce themselves to the public in turn. The most cheerful, charismatic and irresistible guy or girl will become Santa Claus. The choice is made by applause voting. Not only girls, but also brave guys can take part in the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden! A little powder, red lipstick and a wig with pigtails will turn a serious top manager into a sweet granddaughter of Santa Claus. A short fashion show in a skirt will determine who will become the queen of the party, even if she is with bristles.

4. Alphabet

Further, to warm up the guests of the party, it will be correct to hold a competition for the best toast in alphabetical order. The bottom line is this - everyone in turn says a toast with wishes, but not just like that, but it should begin with a specific letter. For example, the first with “A” - “The sweetest orange, the tastiest tangerine, good Santa Claus will bring you as a gift”, then to “B” - “Great hopes, beautiful dreams, rays of goodness, and a cute beaver! Congratulations on the New Year!”, “B” - “Santa Claus comes to the house, he brought us gifts: a soft bear, a delicious cake, a telephone and a moon rover, pasta, an orange, soap, a gingerbread and a dolphin.”

In such a cheerful manner, everyone makes their toasts, the author of the most original rhyme receives a prize.

An easier option - a wish consists of one or two words per dropped letter. For example: wish A active rest, b wealth, V ezania, G lamura, d money…

Especially lucky for those who get the letters Y, Y, b, b 🙂

5. Hello, sleepwalkers

Such a competition is best held when all the guests are already in a cheerful mood. One participant is seated on a chair, and now he plays the role of the main lunar base, others will depict moon rovers and asteroids flying by. To do this, you need to crawl on all fours around the room, saying: “Reception, Lunokhod-1 is calling the base”, “Lunokhod-2, we need refueling at the lunar base, the battery has run out.”

An asteroid periodically flies between spaceships at speed, and with the words “Banzai” tries to get into the lunar rover. There is only one rule in this game - do not laugh! At all! The one who gets a laugh in his mouth crawls to the base to receive a task.

It might look like this:

  • remove two layers of skin from your lunokhod;
  • pour 200 ml of fuel into Lunokhod 1;
  • solder 3 new skin parts on Lunokhod-2;
  • dock with Lunokhod-3;
  • explore the environment in reverse mode, etc.

Whoever never laughs wins. Great mood guaranteed for everyone!

6. New Year's sculptor

Props for two sculptures:
— round balloons of various colors, 100 pieces;
- balloons round with a pattern of a face (smiley), 2-4 pieces;
- balloons for modeling (those from which clowns make dogs), pieces 50;
- double-sided tape, 2 pieces;
- threads, 2 spools;
- multi-colored markers.

We divide into two teams and start creating a festive sculpture. The choice of image is at the discretion of the organizer: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, rooster (symbol of 2017), monkey (symbol of 2016), snowman or any other interesting character.

7. Pass it on

The good old match game will help the audience get to know each other better and loosen up a little. All guests stand in a circle, alternating - a guy, a girl. The match is cleaned of sulfur, the first participant takes it with his lips and passes it to the next. After the first round, the match is cut off by a few mm, and it goes to a new circle. The game ends when the participants have nothing to transfer, well, or at will.

8. News

Participants receive leaflets on which five words are written. According to them, in five minutes they must compose interesting news. Words from the card can be turned into any part of speech, for example:

  • England, Chinese, axe, genetics, Malvina (English geneticists crossed the Chinese with an axe. But he refused to chop wood, but he cut out a wooden Malvina for Pinocchio - let the kid have fun until the knot is dry);
  • Tula, flashlight, minibus, roofing material, camel;
  • Zimbabwe, pan, sun, skis, toothbrush;
  • Antarctica, soap, ostrich, bicycle, ear.

9. Associations

One person whispers a certain word into the ear of the next person, he passes a synonym or a word close in meaning to this word to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The last participant says the word aloud, and it is compared with the first, often at the end completely unrelated words are found, such as sea and olivier.

10. Slow motion

Everyone can take part in this game. In turn, each participant is given a task, which he must depict in slow motion:

  • capture of Sparta;
  • tearful declaration of love;
  • fight with the invisible;
  • escape from the tiger;
  • pitching a tent;
  • surfing, etc.

Whoever completes the task most creatively will receive a prize.

11. Alligator

Everyone likes the game of all times and peoples "Crocodile", regardless of age, preferences and other factors. But this is a festive crocodile, so let's call it "Alligator" today. The essence of this does not change: to show a phenomenon or object, without the help of words or sounds. Since the topic is known, it will be necessary to show tangerines, deer, Christmas decorations, firecrackers, garlands, etc.

12. Whose Santa Claus?

For some reason, everyone believes that Santa Claus comes from Lapland. The poor fellow annually in one night flies around all the children on the planet, delivers gifts to all the obedient, and magic pendals to the naughty. But is it?
Guess where each of these Santa Clauses comes from, and what he does in life:


  1. Originally from the Netherlands
  2. Lives in Smolensk
  3. The students of the 5th school No. 10 ask him for good grades


  1. Special Santa Claus for the very naughty
  2. Santa Claus from Germany
  3. Fulfills the New Year wishes of the landsknechts


  1. Canoeing through the canals of Panama
  2. Lives in Hawaii
  3. Part-time Santa Claus, got all the Santa Clauses with stupid questions, and often hears “Kana Kalok from here” in his address.

Pasquale's dad?

  1. Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia
  2. Is the "don" of the Italian Santa Clauses
  3. Initially, he was the brother of Carlo Pasolini, but, unable to withstand the glory of the latter, he retrained as Santa Claus

Fairy Befana?

  1. Ded Moroz transvestites
  2. Symbolizes the New Year in Italy
  3. Fairy - Santa Claus in the tribes of the Amazon

Popeye Noel?

  1. The oldest Santa Claus, brought New Year's gifts to the camp of Khan Mamai's nomads, for this he received the respectful nickname "Papay"
  2. He began his career in England, then changed the climate and moved to one of the French colonies. The natives called him "Yohar papaya" (because he always brought not the gifts that he ordered), but the French colonialists "Noel" (that is, you went with your ale
  3. Papay Noel from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys in the forest

And here are the correct answers: Sanderklass (1), Weichnachtsmann (2), Kanakaloka (2), Papa Pasquale (1), Fairy Befanu (2), Popeye Noel (3).

Arrange a quest

Come up with your own unique quest adventure for friends. See an example.

If there is not enough time, order a ready-made one. All you have to do is print and lay out the clues in the caches. Preparation will take no more than an hour. Or a table quest for the New Year - you don’t need to hide anything at all, but spend 10 minutes preparing. The link to the quests is below.

A child lives in each of us, and we all expect something unusual, magical and wonderful from the New Year celebration. Everyone can arrange a cool holiday for themselves and their friends, and we hope our selection of New Year's contests will become a real lifesaver for you at the festive table on New Year's Eve 2017.

Have a nice holiday and a happy new year, friends!

There is very little time left, and the chimes will sound merrily, announcing: the new year 2019 has come! And everyone will shout "Hurrah", wish each other new happiness in the new year, success and prosperity. Astrologers say that the year of the earthen pig will be successful, it will raise the well-being of many families. The main thing is to meet him correctly, appease the mistress of the year and attract the favor of the Boar.

And for this you need to know how to celebrate the New Year correctly, what to wear on New Year's Eve, how to set the table, how to decorate your home in order to please the hostess of the year. And it’s also important: to amuse the guests properly, to come up with cool games, contests and entertainment for a fun company that will please not only the guests, but also the Pig and bring good luck to the house.

Have you already thought of your loved ones? Read on for tips and ideas for Christmas gifts in the Year of the Pig.

Traditional entertainment for a fun company

On this New Year's Eve, it is worth transporting yourself to the world of childhood. It is necessary to arrange as many different competitions and games as possible, with the presentation of the most original gifts. This year, an unusual gift made by yourself is welcomed.

New Year costume

You can arrange a competition for the best New Year's costume, made in an hour. All the things that are at hand are used, colored paper, various accessories. This evening there is an opportunity to show all your creative possibilities, fantasies.

guess the word

Any of those present starts the game. He thinks of anything: an animal, a bird, a phenomenon, a vehicle, any character to his neighbor. And the task of the neighbor is to show those present the hidden word with gestures, facial expressions. It is allowed to nod yes or no to the answers given. The guessing person is guessed a word.

Table games for adults

If all of the above is great for general family leisure, then below are examples of fun for adults. These small games can be used both on their own and as a warm-up for any other competition.

  1. "TV"- words are written on several pieces of paper, for example, “new”, “happiness”, “song”, and lowered into a hat. The driver takes out one of the words at random, and then all the players need to drink a glass as soon as the specified word is heard on TV. Missed - drink the penalty.
  2. "Long story"- the driver begins some fictional story by saying two words. For example, "Once upon a time." The next participant at the table must continue the sentence with one word. The one who loses drinks - he could not continue the story with a word. Important - the whole story should fit in one sentence!
  3. "Mega Battle"- a good game for large and not very familiar companies. The driver asks everyone a rather absurd question, for example, “which is tastier, fried bugs or spiders?”, After which it is proposed to decide the issue by voting. The point of view, for which more participants spontaneously voted, wins, while the losers drink.
  4. "Pick up a bottle"- a very famous fun contest. An empty bottle is placed, preferably with a fairly wide neck, for example, from champagne, and a pen is tied to the participant's belt (on a thread or rope). To avoid a penalty, the player is supposed to hit the bottle with his pen without the help of hands in three minutes.

New entertainment for New Year's Eve

New Year is an occasion to get together with friends, have fun and play even for very adult people. A fun corporate party, a small company or a vacation with children - everywhere a fun game will come in handy. And, since the usual desktop "walkers" and traditional feasts are already a little tired, we present to your attention an overview of new entertainment!

Fanta in a new way

An old game that, nevertheless, can be diversified. You should write down several phrases-wishes in advance on different pieces of paper, which then the participants will take turns pulling out of the props you found at home. Everything will fit: a hat, a box, balloons (each with a note), and even a glass. Those who complete the task can receive a small prize-gift.

The game is famous, first of all, for being suitable for any company, as well as for its success, which directly depends on the author's sense of humor. For example, the indispensable success is enjoyed by:

  • Group dances (with a choice of any desired participants from around the table) - a waltz, tango or ballet in a group performance of three, five or more people will fit perfectly.
  • Come up with five rhymes for a compound word (for example, “button accordion”), or come up with a rhyme from ready-made rhymes (“complex” - “cakes”, “sausage sails”). The more unexpected the couple will be, the funnier the verse will turn out in the end.
  • Name five films, replacing one of the words with the one that is written in the fanta (for example, “Girl with a Sausage Tattoo” or “Sausage Identification”).

The more unexpected the tasks are, the more fun the games will be. If alcohol and a feast are planned, it is better to choose a moment after a small libation, so that it is played with great enthusiasm. And, to give a New Year's mood, choose the following type of forfeits - where the turn to “drive” falls to the participant on whom the burning sparkler goes out.

If there are only two of you, and you have a romantic evening, then this is also a great reason to play New Year's forfeits, coming up with more incendiary and sharper ideas.

And also for a holiday party.

Homemade quests for the New Year's company

A fascinating and unusual solution to give all your friends New Year's surprises, hidden in secluded places in advance. The lack of space can be compensated by using your own imagination and connecting complications in the form of small tasks.

  1. It is best to start with the task itself, so that everyone has time to join the game. Place the first pointer to the next clue in a prominent place, hide the second in a more unusual way (for example, by gluing it under a chair or bed).
  2. Interactive assignments are best left in the middle of the quest. Let the participants do something funny enough, but not very difficult: for example, they will get rolled up from cotton wool or real (if you are celebrating in the country) snowballs into a bucket, make a Christmas tree from improvised materials, portray Santa Claus or sing a New Year's song.
  3. The gift itself should be properly packaged, and if you're doing a themed quest, it's best if it also has a theme.

This pastime is great for both adults and children, who can participate in the “race” along with them. It is also entertainment for a couple who want a romantic, but original leisure.

Fairy tales: cool entertainment for the company for the New Year 2019

Despite the fact that this game is more suitable for children, adults who are pretty slacken by the table usually also perceive this game very favorably. Because - well, very funny!

To prepare, you will need to take any text of a famous fairy tale, for example, the following are perfect:

  • "Kolobok";
  • "Turnip";
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs";
  • "The Tale of the Sleeping Princess"

The larger the company, the longer the fairy tale should be. In addition, you will have to work on its text: shorten it and add more space for adjectives. For example, "there was a (what?) princess".

It is played very simply - the number of required adjectives is counted, and then their number is divided equally among all participants. After writing the adjectives on a piece of paper, they are mixed up, and the driver, taking out pieces of paper in turn, begins his hilarious story. Success depends directly on the degree of absurdity of the chosen adjectives, as well as the charisma of the driver.

Movable funny contests for the New Year's party

If the guests are sitting at the table, it's time to stir them up with a few tasks. Prizes are optional, participants will recklessly participate anyway.

"He who wears a hat does not dance"- everyone dances, except for the participant in a hat (option - in a dressing gown, belt). He has no right to take part in the general fun until he throws (puts on) his accessory on any victim from the dance floor. That, in turn, she will look for a new "water".

"All the way around"- the players repeat the movements, but at the same time changing their meaning to a diametrically opposite one. For example, if the driver crouches, you need to jump; if he waves, keep your hands at your sides, etc. Who made a mistake - becomes "water".

"Repeat the move"- here you have to, on the contrary, repeat the movements. But on the other hand, the game involves a task for accuracy. The correctness of the execution of the movement is determined by the competent jury in the form of other guests.

Any games can become more interesting not only with prizes, but also with the addition of a driving costume - for example, a red Santa Claus cap, a tinsel scarf or a mask. Tasks should take into account the age and proximity of the company - avoid excessive vulgarity or complexity if you are not sure of success. Well, do not forget to stop to drink a traditional glass of champagne under the chimes and refresh yourself.

The holiday is best celebrated in a friendly, positive company, in the circle of the closest and dearest people. We decided on games and contests, there will be something to entertain and keep the company busy, let's take a look at how to decorate the house, what to wear. And what to cook for the holiday feast.

How to decorate a house for the New Year 2019

Observing the behavior of the Pig, it is better to decorate the Christmas tree and the room with accessories made by yourself. In the design, use bright colors - red, orange, yellow. From colored paper, you can create beautiful New Year's patterns to decorate the door, garlands that we collected in childhood, made from paper ribbons, are suitable.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with toys made of cones in the form of various animals, fruits, treated with a special varnish. Didn't buy a tree? It can be made independently from various materials: cardboard pasted over with rain, wire, wood. For children, taking part in the preparation of a big holiday will be a great pleasure and a good motivation to do good deeds.

What to wear?

The choice of clothing should be taken carefully. Women are advised to pay attention to the light and unusual cut of the dress, trouser suit. It is important that rich colors are present. Make your hairstyle unusual, and it will only emphasize your holiday outfit. Of the accessories, natural metals and stones are welcome.

Men should also look smart and bright. It is enough to put on a catchy tie, an elegant red hat or bandana, pin an orange bow to the shirt. Extravagant costumes are welcome this year. Let your image remain a vivid memory this New Year's Eve.

What to cook for the New Year of the Pig

There should be a large selection of different fruits on the table (bananas, apples, kiwi, grapes, oranges, tangerines, pineapple).

  • It is better to use fish and seafood dishes. For meat lovers, cooked poultry and beef dishes are acceptable.
  • The pig has a sweet tooth, therefore: cake, pie, cookies, sweets, various fruit desserts should be placed on the table.
  • Any dish can be decorated with a figurine of a pig made of halves of olives, for example.
  • The best - a festive selection of recipes.

Have a merry holiday, and may the hostess of the new year 2019 Earth Pig be favorable to you. Let's tell you a secret - the pig is still a ringleader and a lover of fun, so she will really like New Year's cool games, contests and entertainment and she will encourage you in the coming year with her favor.

We wish that in every family the New Year 2019 passes like in a good fairy tale! Kindness, love and good mood to your home! Happy New Year!

Check out the best ones: tasty, satisfying, beautiful and simple!

Participants are divided into several teams and each team receives a task: to come up with their own country, give it a name and come up with New Year traditions and customs for its inhabitants. For example, the same Tilimilitryamtiya, there they decorate the Christmas tree in the clouds, there is no Santa Claus,

The clock strikes 12 and we draw

Each participant receives a sheet of paper and a pen (pencil) and in 12 seconds must draw as many New Year items as possible on their sheet of paper (tree, ball, snowman, gift, olive, and so on). The participant who can draw more Christmas items in 12 seconds will win and receive a prize.

Tangerine rush

The first stage of the competition is that each participant receives a tangerine and, at the “start” command, begins to peel it, and then divide it into separate slices. Who is the first, and well done, get a prize. And then the second stage begins: each participant is blindfolded and given the same toothpick. All tangerine slices are laid out on a table or chair (in a circle). Participants stand in a circle or semicircle and, at the “start” command, begin to collect tangerines on their toothpick. Whoever pricks more tangerine slices in 1 minute is the winner.

Don't tell me the truth

For this competition, the host must prepare various questions on the theme of the New Year, for example, what do all people dress up for the holiday? Which salad is considered to be the symbol of the New Year? What do people launch into the sky to celebrate the New Year? and so on. The host asks such questions quickly and deftly, demanding the same answer. Only every guest should remember that the answer must be wrong, that is, not the truth. The one who gives the correct answers at the end of the competition fulfills various wishes or recites poems.

Favorite number

Each of the guests on the leaf writes his favorite number or the number that came to mind. Then the host announces that now he will ask each question in turn, the answer to which will be the number written on the leaf, that is, the guest must answer the question posed by raising the leaf with the written number and loudly calling this number. Questions may be of the following nature: how old are you? how many times a day do you like to eat? how many toes do you have on your left foot? how much do you weigh? and so on.

Oh, it's a Christmas movie

The host calls catchphrases from New Year's films, and the films are mixed up: both Soviet, and modern, and Russian, and foreign. Whoever guesses the movies more than the rest will win. Examples of phrases: “What is sick, what is in love - it’s all the same for medicine” - Sorcerers, “There are 15 people in this house, but for some reason all the problems are only because of you” - Home Alone, “Rely on Santa Claus, but don’t bad" - Yolki, "Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - this is unknown to science" - Carnival Night and so on.

Do you believe in New Year's signs?

The host prepares a description of various signs about the New Year, with a mixture of truthful and fictional. In turn, he reads a sign for each of the guests, and he answers whether he believes or not. Whoever guesses correctly the most wins. Approximate signs: to tear a dress on New Year's Eve - to a passionate romance, yes or no? (yes), in Cuba, on New Year's Eve, 12 grapes are prepared for each guest, they need to be eaten during the chiming clock and make a wish under each grape that will certainly come true, yes or no? (yes), in Cyprus they see off the old year in complete darkness and turn on the light only with the onset of the new year, yes or no? (yes), in China, a butterfly must fly in the house for the New Year, yes or no? (no) and so on.

Profession for the New Year

At the command of the host, each guest must make his own list of human professions for the New Year and the more creative the professions are, the better. Whoever can make the longest list of unusual professions in a minute, such as, for example, a tangerine peeler, a cracker, a champagne pourer, and so on, that participant will receive a prize.

new year in rhyme

Each guest in turn takes out his fant from the bag, in which 4 words of the New Year theme are indicated. The task of each participant is to compose their own rhyme for each word, for example, Santa Claus - Partos, Snow Maiden - chicken, chimes - duelists, snowflake - tangerine and so on. But, here the host surprises everyone and announces that now you need to compose a New Year's quatrain using your own words and rhymes to them. The guest with the most cheerful and beautiful poem will receive a prize.

Drunken hares from the matinee

Each participant is a drunken hare who went over at the matinee and whose ears are confused. On the head of each participant are simple tights, previously tied into 10 identical knots. On the “start” command, the participants begin to untie the “bunny ears” - knots on tights, without removing them from their heads. Whoever is first is the winner.

These games can be held at a house party, at a festive work party, at a New Year's corporate party.

These games will amuse all the guests and make the New Year holiday fun and interesting.

Games and entertainment for the New Year for adults

New Year's game. What will Santa Claus give?

This is a team game. It is necessary to divide the guests into teams of several people (you can form family teams, teams of brunettes and blondes, teams of girls and boys, teams by letters in names). Task: to portray the leader's story with facial expressions and gestures. Actions must be done simultaneously by all team members.

“Every New Year, Santa Claus knocks to visit us with a whole bag of gifts. He gave dad (hat, comb, glasses). Let everyone show with their right hand how dad is (combing his hair, putting on a hat, trying on glasses). He gave his son (skates, skis, roller skates). Show how the son goes on (skiing, skating, rollerblading), but do not stop combing his hair. (Next, each new gift is a new movement added to the previous one.) He gave his mother a meat grinder - rotate it with your left hand. He brought his daughter as a gift (a bear, a doll, a dog), which claps her eyelashes and says “mom” (“woof”, “meow”), And he gave his grandmother a Chinese doodle who shakes his head.

The team that manages to show everything without getting lost wins.

New Year's game. Calendar

For this game, you need to prepare sheets of a tear-off calendar in advance. This game will help the guests get to know each other better, form couples for the evening. Girls can be given leaflets with an even number, boys - with an odd number. Throughout the festive evening, the owners of the leaves are given various tasks.

Tasks should be offered during a break between meals, after noisy games: for example, get together by month, by day of the week, find yesterday (for example, September 25 is looking for September 24, etc.).

The host of the evening can offer a story that uses different numbers, all guests should listen to the story carefully and respond to their number.

For example: “Exactly 3 hours left until the minute the clock strikes 12” (the owner of the number “12” or “1” and “2”, etc. comes forward. You can think of a story in advance, or you can improvise.

New Year's game. Dancing in pairs

This game is played during the dance minute. The host calls any two-digit number, and the players gather in pairs so that the sum of the numbers on their sheets is equal to this number. For example, 26. This means that a pair is made up of players who have calendar sheets with the numbers 10 plus 16, or 20 plus 6, or 25 plus 1. The one who first forms a pair wins.

New Year's game. "Spruce" words

Task: all those sitting at the table take turns calling the words, inside of which “there is a spruce”. Condition: only common nouns in the nominative case are used. The one who could not name the word gives his phantom, which will be played along with others.

We offer possible word options: blizzard, caramel, jelly, dolphin, orange, writer, driver, delta, teacher, carousel, furniture, gorge, loafer, drops, briefcase, stranded, goal, panel, rail, new settlers, potatoes, mill, dumpling , Monday.

If the players find it difficult to name the words, the facilitator can prompt them by coming up with an explanation for the word. For example: a delicacy that children love is “caramel”.

New Year's riddles

If you need to fill a pause, New Year's riddles will do. Both adults and children can easily solve them. You can wrap sweets in leaves with riddles and hang them on the Christmas tree, each guest chooses his own riddle and receives a sweet prize. You can cut out snowflakes from thick paper, write riddles on them and hang them on a Christmas tree. You can arrange a snowfall by dropping snowflakes on guests. Whoever catches, he guesses. You can put leaflets with riddles in balloons and inflate them. Guests themselves catch the ball with their riddles.

It flies without wings, grows without roots. (Snow)

It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life by winter (Snow)

On the street - a mountain, and in the house - water. (Ice)

In winter, I stand in the yard, in my hands a broom, a bucket on my head, a carrot in my nose. I am doing winter service. (Snowman)

Who without logs, without an ax built a bridge across the river? (Freezing).

Walking across the field, not a man, flying high, not a bird. (Blizzard)

A flock of white midges Spinning, curling in the morning.

Doesn't squeak or bite - It's just the way she flies. (Snowflakes)

Not a gem, but glitters in the sun (Ice)

He sits down on everyone, he is not afraid of anyone. (Snow)

I was born in the middle of the yard, where the kids are walking.

But from the sun's rays I turned into a stream. (Snowman)

Blanket white, soft on the street spread,

The sun is hot - the blanket is glass. (Snow)

Frost throws seeds on gray roofs -

White carrots grow to the delight of kids. (Icicles)

Without arms, without legs, he draws on glass. (Freezing)

It does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water. (Ice)

New Year's game. New explanatory dictionary

This game is suitable for those who are no longer able to take part in noisy fun and outdoor games. The host pronounces a word related to the New Year holiday, and the guests come up with their own interpretation of the word. The smartest guest wins.

You can use another option - sensible dominoes. To do this, you will have to prepare cards in advance.

To draw a festive fun loto, you need to prepare props. On one card is written the word that needs to be explained, on the other - the interpretation. The host puts a card on the table with the word to be explained, and the guests next lay out an interpretation card (all guests are given the same number of cards). Thinking time - 5 seconds, then the card is put aside or someone tries to come up with an answer. The winner is the player who is the fastest to get rid of his interpretation cards.

An example of word cards for the presenter: loaf, muzzle, attack, limestone, lower back, ryazhenka, zamorysh.

Interpretation cards. New Year's cracker; sharp winter wind; carnival mask for a dog; famous singer; gift instructions; Christmas tree; foreign guest.

We give examples of words and their interpretations

Ballast - New Year's Eve for scuba divers.

Banquet is a lover of New Year's parties.

Barish - a person who accompanies a young lady.

A mediocrity is a person left on New Year's Eve without a gift. (A person who came to visit without a gift).

Bezmen is a celebration of the New Year in a purely female team.

Valezhnik - the state of the guests on the morning after the New Year.

The chief accountant is responsible for the pyrotechnic part of the New Year's Eve.

Competent - a guest who was awarded a diploma for active participation in competitions and games on New Year's Eve.

A double is a diary of one of the children of the owner of the house, hidden before the holiday in a safe place.

Jargon is an aspirin that restores order in the head after a stormy New Year's party.

The Priestess is a female guest after a long diet.

Zastup is the bodyguard of one of the guests.

Elnik is a restaurant.

Giraffe - a favorite dish of Ukrainians living in Africa - African-style lard.

Dungeon - a neighbor through the wall.

Innocence is the refusal of teetotalers to celebrate the New Year with strong drinks.

Immediate - one of the guests, demanding the continuation of the banquet in the rooms, without having any funds for that.

Bits are those who sort things out even at the New Year's table.

Classmate - those who went on a diet after a stormy gastronomic celebration.

Postcard - a guest in a chic dress with a defiant neckline.

Pine forest is the time when the guests finally fell asleep after the New Year's party.

Teahouse - the call of the hostess, meaning that the guests have destroyed all the annual tea supplies.

Cheburek is the father of a child in a Cheburashka costume at a New Year's party.

A cap is a small emergency at the New Year's holiday.

Game for the New Year. New Year constructor

The game is best played during the dance part of the evening. The host gives the dancing commands to make some figures from the dancers.

For example, to form links from three elements (people), the connection method is “under the elbow”; or create a structure of five elements, the connection method is “left hand - knee of the right neighbor”. Each "construct" exists until the next command and tries to move to the music.

Two volunteers are given thick mittens in which to unwrap the candy; on one ski it is necessary to skip through the whole room of the race; make a snowman (i.e., dress someone up using improvised means); cut the most beautiful snowflake out of paper; throwing snowballs into a basket (snowballs are transparent small bags filled with cotton wool).

Game for the New Year. New Year's greetings from fairy-tale characters

The host takes out things from the bag that may belong to different fairy-tale characters. For example, the Gnome's cap, Pinocchio's nose, Hottabych's turban, Cinderella's shoe, Little Red Riding Hood's hat, Malvina's blue wig. Each guest in turn guesses fairy-tale characters, receives these things. Task: the guest in the appropriate image should congratulate everyone on the New Year. The winner is the one who found the most accurate image.

New Year's game. Snowman

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of drawing paper with a drawn snowman and a plasticine carrot nose. One player from a pair holds a sheet with a picture of a snowman, the other, blindfolded, tries to stick a plasticine nose-carrot to the snowman. The one who correctly and quickly attaches the carrot wins.

New Year's game. "Sing, friends"

Cases from kinder surprises are hung on the Christmas tree in advance. Inside each is a note with a word on a winter theme: Christmas tree, snowflake, frost, snow, winter, frost. The guests take a kinder surprise from the Christmas tree and take turns singing a verse from a song in the text of which there is a word that appears in their note. The winner is determined by applause.