Wavy nail on the index finger. What to do with ribbed, wavy and uneven nails

Wavy deformed nails are not only an aesthetic flaw, but may also indicate a malfunction in the body.

Such a nuisance can affect all fingers, but wavy nails on the thumbs are most common. Because of what suddenly your smooth and shiny nails can become covered with bumps?

Here are the main reasons why nails become wavy:

  • Deformation of the nail plate due to trauma. In this case, maximum efforts should be made to eliminate the consequences of mechanical damage. If the nail bed is injured, the nail will begin to grow incorrectly and its appearance will be damaged. In this case, you need to seek advice from a trauma surgeon. You may need surgery to remove the diseased nail or part of it.
  • Fungal diseases. You can become infected with them when visiting a salon where they do not pay enough attention to the disinfection of tools. Pharmacology provides a wide range of means to combat such diseases. However, it is not recommended to take them on their own. Consult a dermatologist or mycologist for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Wrong care. This means improper processing of nails, when their nutritional process is disturbed. This can be inaccurate cutting of the cuticle or rough polishing. In this case, it is enough to wait for natural regrowth, simultaneously nourishing the surface of the nail with special cosmetics with a high content of vitamins A and E.
  • Improper functioning of internal organs and body systems. Failures in the endocrinological system, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland - all this can be reflected in the appearance of deformed areas.
  • Skin diseases. Manifestations of eczema or psoriasis can be found not only on the skin and hairline of the body, but also on the nail plates.
  • Impact of aggressive environments. If you have come into contact with acids, alkalis or other harmful substances with unprotected hands, this can cause burns to both the skin of the hands and the nail.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Avitaminosis, if it is not associated with a weak and painful state of the body, in a healthy person usually occurs in late spring. This process affects all organs, including can ruin the nails and make them ribbed.

Important! If your nails have not been exposed to external influences that could cause them to deform, but nevertheless acquired an uneven, bumpy appearance, you should definitely visit honey. institution and take tests to identify possible diseases.

Pay special attention to the change in the shape and color of the nail plate in a child. In most cases, these are signs of a progressive fungus. See a pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist.

Understood the causes. Now let's find out what to do to fix this defect.

What to do and how to treat?

1. Firstly, treat your nails carefully and carefully - protect them from injury, visit only a professional manicure master, whose qualifications you are sure of. Be wary of various types of hardware intervention, do not get carried away with the frequent use of gel polish, as under it the nail plate can become thinner and delaminate. When cleaning or washing dishes with special products, you can expose your hands to chemical attack, so always carry out such work with household gloves.

Note! Never file a wavy nail plate in order to give it an even shape. This will only damage the nail and slow down the healing process.

2. If the uneven surface of the nails is the result of internal ailments, it is first necessary to identify the causes that caused this process. Get tested, get tested, see the right doctor, and get treated. Even and smooth nails will be the best evidence that you have defeated the disease.
3. Proper nutrition. Your diet should be properly balanced and contain the optimal amount of vitamins and nutrients. The most important vitamins for nail health are vitamins A, E and C. The healthy color, density and correct shape of the nail plate largely depend on them.

Vitamin Impact on the body Content in products
Vitamin A (retinol) Natural antioxidant, strengthens the immune system, bone tissue, nails and hair Most retinol is found in fish oil, egg yolks, animal liver, greens (dill or parsley) and vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin
Vitamin E Participates in the processes of tissue regeneration. By filling in its deficiency in the body, you will ensure the active growth of healthy nails. Can be obtained by eating nuts, seeds, fresh unrefined vegetable oil, buckwheat porridge, beef and spinach
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) One of the most important components for the proper development of the body. It is a powerful antioxidant and is involved in the synthesis of collagen Found in citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, tomatoes, herbs, leafy vegetables, potatoes and liver

Important! Vitamins A and E complement each other. A lack of vitamin E prevents proper absorption of retinol and vice versa. For effective treatment, their simultaneous reception is necessary.

4. Care products. Use good quality nail and hand skin care products. Before buying a cream or gel, pay attention to its composition. In addition to all kinds of fragrances and preservatives, it should contain extracts from plants (aloe, cocoa or cucumber extract), mineral and vitamin supplements, keratin.

Home remedies for nail care

In order to have healthy strong nails, it is not necessary to pay big money for procedures in a fashionable salon.

It is quite possible to replace them with home remedies:

  • Trays. Salt baths have proved to be excellent. Dissolve a spoon without a hill of sea salt in a glass of warm water, dip your fingertips and hold until cool. It is recommended to use daily for two weeks.
  • Lemon. A very simple but effective method. Cut the lemon in the middle and dip the fingers of the hands gathered together into each half. Hold it for at least 10 minutes. The high content of ascorbic acid in lemon will make nails stronger.
  • Lubricate the nail plate with an oil solution of vitamin A. It is best to do this at night and do not rinse.
  • Mix a spoonful of olive oil with lemon juice, adding a couple of drops of iodine. Rub the product with a cotton swab dipped in the mixture. After a while, wash your hands and lubricate with a nourishing cream.

Be attentive to your health, pay attention to the condition of nails, hair and skin, follow the recommendations given in the article and you will always have a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

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Often, it is the nails that give out the state of health of their owner. Sloppy hands and deformed nails can spoil even the most elegant and impeccable image. Unfortunately, today few people can boast of absolutely healthy and strong nails, and a very common problem is an uneven nail plate with many depressions and stripes. Why waves appear on the nails and how to return them to their original appearance? In this article, we will try to answer an urgent question that worries both women and men.

What do uneven nails look like?

The problem of uneven nails looks different for different people. “Waves” can be located both along and across, there can be a different number of tubercles and stripes, they can be deep or barely noticeable. It is better to study the number and depth of depressions on a note from the side, so to speak, in the profile of the hand.

Often, uneven nails appear on the thumbs, since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand accounts for the largest part of injuries and mechanical impacts.

It so happens that the cavity does not go away, even as the plate grows, and longitudinal waves appear even after the bumpy part of the nail has already been cut off. It is possible to get rid of a defect only after finding out the cause of its appearance, sometimes consultation and help of a specialist is required.

Reasons why wavy fingernails

Often, various waves and tubercles on the plate appear as a result of improper care of hands and nails. Perhaps a manicure or pedicure was done incorrectly, a too coarse nail file was used for grinding, or the cuticle was cut too sharply and not neatly. Also, the waviness and deformation of the nail on the thumb may be associated with the presence of an addiction to gnaw and bite the nails during nervous tension. In the future, any damage and incorrect movements can affect the condition of the nail.

In everyday life, you constantly have to come into contact with the chemical components that are part of detergents and cleaning products. And, unfortunately, not every woman protects her hands with gloves during household chores, and over time, the nail is destroyed due to the negative influence of aggressive chemistry, the plate becomes weak, brittle and bumpy.

These are the most frequent and popular options for the appearance of relief on the nail. But these are far from the only reasons why nails become wavy, and the problem is not always purely cosmetic. In some cases, defects on the nail plate may be the first signals of the development of certain diseases or the presence of health problems.

Definitely determine the causes of dents on the nails of the hands, it can be quite difficult on your own. Therefore, if hollows and tubercles are found on the nail plate, the best solution would be to contact a qualified specialist, and in general, make it a habit to see a doctor every year, carry out a visual examination, take the required tests, and also notify the doctor if any changes have occurred or problems have been noticed in the body.

How to cure bumpy fingernails?

Before proceeding to the treatment of the problem, you first need to find and eliminate all sorts of reasons why the nails grow in waves.

If the nails are in waves, the causes are infectious, for example, a fungus or other skin or nail lesion has appeared, then self-treatment is highly undesirable. The risk of complications is very high, and it is not uncommon for a “neglected” patient to require surgical intervention and removal of the affected plate. Treatment should be complex, with the use of antimicrobial and antifungal drugs, as well as the treatment of infected areas with lotions, ointments and creams.

But, regardless of the cause of ribbed nails, you can follow a set of measures and carry out medical procedures that will help cure the waviness of the nails, and in the future prevent the appearance of such a flaw.

  • , to give preference to an unobtrusive European manicure.
  • Wear gloves when in contact with water and household chemicals.
  • Give up nail extensions for a while.
  • Too often do not polish the nails and excessively moisturize the cuticle and plate.
  • Use only high-quality care products and varnishes, and before applying a decorative coating, apply a base or strengthening agent. Read more about strengthening nails.
  • Keep your diet balanced.
  • In order to prevent transverse dents or longitudinal waves from appearing on the nails, it is recommended to periodically drink special vitamin and mineral course preparations, especially in the autumn-spring period.

We have analyzed the most likely causes of crooked fingernails, it is quite possible to correct the situation, the main thing is to approach the problem with all seriousness.

Maybe you have your own answer to the question of why dents appear on the nails, and a personal proven way to overcome nail tuberosity, we will be grateful if you share your experience in the comments.

Be perfect!

Waves on the nail plates occur at any age. In addition to an unpleasant aesthetic appearance, a person’s self-esteem suffers. This is a pronounced problem with which it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice and timely therapy.

By the nails, the doctor will be able to judge the general condition of the body. But it’s not worth falling into despondency with the waviness of the nails. Elimination of the causes and timely treatment will allow the nails to return to their usual appearance and give beauty to the hands.

Let's take a closer look at the topic wave nails: causes and treatment.

There are many factors that lead to pathology. Wavy fingernails, the main reasons are as follows:

  • traumatism. Improper care or carelessness during a manicure leads to injury to the nail plate. Integrity is broken not only due to impact or pinching, but also when cutting the cuticle, burrs.

Also, damage can be caused by burns, non-compliance with the technique of nail extension, poor-quality gel polishes for care.

  • Infectious lesion. The integrity and appearance of the nail plate also changes with fungal infection. At the same time, no cosmetic procedures can hide defects.

Infection occurs in public places, while nails are affected both on the lower extremities and on the upper ones. In addition to the ribbed surface of the nail plate, the patient is concerned about itching and burning. Without consulting a dermatologist, prescribing the correct treatment regimen, it is impossible to get rid of the pathology.

  • Hormonal changes. If the thyroid gland fails in the body, then growths and deformations on the nail may develop, as a result: the appearance of a ribbed surface.

The change is observed not only on the hands of a person, but throughout the body as a whole. Diagnosis is possible only with a consultation with an endocrinologist. Hormonal failure can be determined not only by nails, but also by rashes on the face, brittleness and hair loss, with an unreasonable change in weight, swelling.

  • Hypovitaminosis. The lack of iron in the body is the most common cause of ribbing of the nail plate. Only a specialist can determine the disease by taking blood. However, do not assume that only iron causes pathology. The lack of other groups of vitamins and microelements also adversely affects.

Vitamins of group E affect the appearance, add strength and hydration to the nail.

With a sufficient content of vitamins in the body, the nails become healthy and strong, they do not exfoliate and do not break.

Only a specialist can determine the lack of trace elements and vitamins in the body by taking tests.

Calcium is the main element of the nail, a deficiency in the body causes pathologies plates.
  • Stress. Stressful situations, depression negatively affect the work and functioning of the organs and tissues of the body. Unfortunately, the stressful situation does not bypass the nails.
Important! If the nails on the hands are wavy, what disease is in question, only a doctor can accurately determine.


Specialists can classify uneven nails into several types:

  • Rough look. At the same time, the grooves attract the attention of others. First of all, the diagnosis is aimed at identifying the cause that caused the deformation of the nail. Longitudinal grooves not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but also indicate a health hazard.

The only moment when the ribbed nail plate does not cause concern and harm to the body is old age. Since there have been significant changes throughout the body. If longitudinal lines appear on the nails at a young age, then this is the first reason why you will have to see a doctor.

Why is the nail on the thumb wavy, the doctor will say. Moreover, the disease cannot be hidden with nail polish.
Since it lies unevenly, it does not look aesthetically pleasing and ugly.

  • Waves. Waves on the nails indicate the malfunctioning and functioning of body systems. If the wavy nail plate causes - complete rejection of meat. Vegetarians are people who have waves on their nails.

If transverse waves on the nails and peeling was added, this indicates the presence of a fungal infection. Do not panic, the fungus is perfectly treated, a simple consultation with a specialist and simple manipulations will help to cope with the pathology.

  • Bumpy look. Along with irregularities, bumps may appear on the nail plates. They just don't show up. And, if tubercles are noted, you will have to urgently contact your doctor for advice and treatment. The main reason for the development of tubercles is the lack of minerals and vitamins, hormonal failure.

Wavy thumb nails often arise due to improper cosmetic services, non-compliance with the rules of hand care.


First of all, you need to figure out Why do nails get wavy on the fingers. Without excluding the cause that caused the pathology, it is impossible to cope with waves and bumps on the nail plates. The patient will have to contact a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment regimen. why do fingernails get wavy


Therapy for the pathology of the nail plates involves the use of pharmacological agents

However, not all patients are in a hurry to resort to drug therapy, which will adversely affect the spread of irregularities.

During therapy, you must be presentpreparations that contain calcium, vitamins of group B.

These include: Nicotinic acid, Retinol, Chitin and others. Also, the doctor may prescribe vitamins A and E, which strengthen the nail plate, creates resistance to environmental influences.

To enhance the effect, the doctor prescribes external antimicrobial drugs. For example, Miconazole ointment.

vitamin therapy

In addition to taking pharmacological pharmaceuticals, the patient is shown vitamin therapy, a balanced diet. Nutritionists fully recommend eliminate or minimize flour and fatty foods. It also shows the intake of vitamins that are contained in food:

  1. B vitamins help relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing process of tissues. Contained in blackcurrant, olives and so on.
  2. Iron performs the function of storing and transporting oxygen in tissues. Contained in poultry meat, zucchini, berries.
  3. Fluorine and vitamin C help not only the nail plate, but also teeth, bones, and hair. Vitamin C helps protect against cell damage and strengthens the immune system. Contained in citrus fruits, nuts, tomatoes, chicken eggs and so on.
  4. Selenium eliminates flaking and brittle nails, adding a natural shine. Contained in onions, oatmeal, buckwheat and other foods.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are widely used to help hands, restore beauty.
The most effective and common recipes.

Nails can become ribbed due to the use of low-quality and poorly sharpened manicure tools. If the master, along with the cuticle, accidentally cut off the upper layers of the nail plate, after regrowth, small pits and tubercles will appear on it.

The cause of the appearance of waves on the nails (wavy dystrophy) can also be:

  • Fungal disease. Additional symptoms - itching, swelling, decreased sensitivity of the fingers;
  • mechanical injury;
  • Oncology;
  • eating disorder;
  • Hormonal disbalance.

If you are sure that the transverse waves on the nails did not appear due to poor-quality manicure, it makes sense to be examined by a dermatologist. The doctor will assess the condition of your nail plates and prescribe treatment.

How to straighten nails that have gone in waves

If the nail has suffered from a fungal disease, you need to take hormonal and antihistamines, use ointments and creams. Strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, and very soon you will grow new smooth and beautiful nails.

At home, you can try to deal with the external manifestations of the waviness of the nails. To improve the appearance of the nail plates, regularly perform the following procedures:

  • Before applying colored varnish, coat your nails with a base coat with a healing effect.
  • Give preference to European unedged or Japanese manicure. Use the services of only professional craftsmen who have extensive experience and relevant education.
  • Additionally, take vitamins for health and strengthening nails. Such drugs can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription.
  • 2-3 times a week, do warm strengthening baths for the nail plates. In a small container, mix 250 ml of water, 1 tbsp. l sea salt and 2 drops of orange essential oil. Soak your nails in this liquid for 20-30 minutes, and then pat your hands dry with a dry cloth.

If you often work in the garden, do house cleaning, use special protective gloves for hands. Ignoring this rule can lead to the fact that your nails become wavy, and the skin of your hands - dry and rough.

Some people sometimes wonder why the fingernails are ribbed, bumpy and what to do about it? Indeed, such a problem can manifest itself in a person at a very different age, both in a child and in an elderly person. This looks unaesthetic and causes a lot of anxiety. In this article we will try to figure out what are the causes of the phenomenon and how to eliminate it.

Why do they appear

Strong irregularities of the nail plate are not only a cosmetic problem. Their appearance may be due to improper manicure, injuries or internal problems of the body. And it is even possible that this is a symptom of a fungal disease - an unpleasant and difficult to treat phenomenon.

If you understand what they are talking about and why waves appear on the nails, then the reasons can be very diverse. They can be divided into external and internal. External is:

  1. Incorrect cutting of the cuticle;
  2. Nail extensions, etc. procedures;
  3. Exposure to chemicals, such as when cleaning without gloves;
  4. Injuries.

Bumpy fingernails can cause internal causes such as:

  1. Mycoses;
  2. Metabolic disease;
  3. Unbalanced diet;
  4. Lack of vitamins and microelements;
  5. Bad habits;
  6. stress;
  7. Hormonal disorders.

This is not a complete list of why there may be ribbed thumbnails or a wavy uneven nail plate, the reasons are much more varied and individual. The risk groups for this disease are the elderly, pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, children and adolescents in the period of active growth, etc.

The high probability of the appearance of irregularities on the nails in these groups of people is associated with a metabolic disorder in their body and a sharp decrease in the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In pregnant women and adolescents, the risk is also increased due to unstable hormonal levels. The same applies to the question of why uneven wavy nails on the hands and feet of a child, the reason here is that all the useful substances go, which is called "growth". Here you can’t help with a simple diet adjustment, you need to connect vitamin complexes. But we will talk about this below.

How to prevent the occurrence

Any disease (and bumps on the nails can be considered a disease) is easier to prevent than to treat. How to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of the phenomenon? First of all, it is necessary to exclude external negative factors. Wash dishes, wear gloves. Manicure with great care and avoid injury to the nail bed. If your nails are weak, refrain from extensions, gel coating, etc.

The second thing to do is seriously adjust your diet. One of the main reasons why fingernails deteriorate, wavy thumbnails or all fingernails become ribbed, wavy is a lack of vitamins. Usually, these are iron, calcium, vitamin E, etc. The diet should include carrots, vegetable oils, citrus fruits, rose hips, seafood, dairy products. Gelatin is also useful for nails, use marmalade, jelly, aspic, marshmallows, etc.

It also doesn't hurt to make adjustments to your lifestyle. It is worth quitting smoking, as nicotine is one of the reasons why nails grow in waves, become uneven, ribbed, wavy, yellowed. It is important to get enough sleep and try to minimize the amount of stress, allocate time for the body to rest.

How to cure nails

Wavy nails

Competent and comprehensive treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. To do this, he will need to familiarize himself with the results of several studies in order to establish why the nails become wavy. However, even before going to the doctor, you can do something at home.

First of all, vitamins A, E, C and B are necessary for healthy nails. They can be obtained from food, but much easier in the form of a vitamin complex. It will be equally effective to take both multivitamins and each vitamin separately. Capsules with vitamins are sold in a pharmacy, and their contents can be successfully used for masks and hand baths.

Uneven thumbnails can also be the result of a calcium deficiency. In addition, because of this, the plates acquire increased fragility. Sufficient calcium combined with silicon will make nails healthier, thicker and more resistant to breakage by increasing their elasticity. Eat dairy products, tuna or Calcium D3 tablets.

Another reason why wavy toenails appear on the thumbs is a lack of sulfur. This directly provokes the curvature of the plate and the deformation of the nail bed. It is found in large quantities in garlic and onions, eggplant, buckwheat. In order to accelerate the growth of a healthy nail, it is worth including more B vitamins, as well as iodine, in your diet.

Cosmetic procedures

If you notice minimally manifested wavy fingernails, then it is better to start treatment immediately so as not to start everything up to the state shown in the photo. After adjusting the diet and getting rid of bad habits, you can start caring procedures. Now they will make sense.

An effective remedy that can help is baths with sea salt or a decoction of chamomile and calendula. You need to do them daily for 15-20 minutes, before going to bed or before performing a manicure. Use instead of mechanical means of trimming it, because often wavy nails on the big toes or hands are the reason for its improper removal, as a result of which the nail plate is damaged.

Nail polishing

The situation is more complicated with toenails. Uneven, ribbed toenails are most often a sign of a fungal disease. It is quite difficult to eliminate, and its treatment requires a professional and comprehensive approach. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment with antimycotic drugs that are suitable for your type of fungus.

Another reason why the fingernail grows in waves is a violation of the parathyroid glands and metabolism. Since initially these nails are stronger, waves appear on them only with a very large deficiency of vitamins and calcium. In this regard, it is recommended to rub oil A or E from the capsules into the nails 2-3 times a week. This should be done after a shower.

Let's also say that irregularities on the nail plate can also occur after suffering serious infectious diseases - influenza, pneumonia, etc. If the damage to the nails is strong enough, that is, there are bumps, dents, etc. appeared on all nails - do not self-medicate. It is better to consult a doctor who can competently make a diagnosis. After all, wavy ribbed fingernails can appear as a sign of a fairly serious illness.