Coming out of the darkness: how to get rid of black hair after many years of dyeing with basma? My story of changing color step by step. How and with what to remove black hair color at home and in the salon

Raven-colored curls make a woman strict and mysterious. But for some, this shade can add a few extra years. What if you don’t like the result of a radical image change? How to remove black hair color quickly and without harm?

In order not to harm the strands and return the natural color to the hair, you need to take into account some nuances.

  1. If compositions based on henna and basma were selected for coloring, then it is almost impossible to get rid of the dark color.
  2. For weakened and thin hair, do not use acidic lighteners, soda and ammonia - this leads to severe hair loss. It is better to use products made from herbs and other natural ingredients.
  3. Removers based on acids and soda can be applied 1-2 times a year, otherwise the curls will become very dry and brittle.
  4. After any lightening composition, it is necessary to use conditioner and use soft, neutral shampoos.

You should not try to quickly return the natural shade to your hair - haste can cause irreparable damage to your hair, and it will take a long time to restore the strands.

How do they lighten hair in salons?

If the curls are dyed black, light-colored dyes will not work. It is necessary to first remove the black pigment from the strands. To do this, you can turn to professionals or use folk recipes at home.

When removing a dark color in a salon, the strands are evenly coated with a special chemical. But even experienced craftsmen cannot always predict what the final result will be after washing.

What methods are used in salons:

1. Bleaching with special compounds allows you to make dark hair color 3-4 shades lighter. The product is applied to the strands without affecting the regrown roots. Often, after bleaching, the curls acquire a red tint; it will be possible to paint over it only after 12–14 days. The main drawback is that the high ammonia content in such products causes severe allergic reactions, curls become brittle and begin to fall out rapidly.

2. Oxidizing dyes are a very aggressive way to remove black dye from hair. At the same time, they are less effective and greatly destroy the structure of the curls.

3. Highlighting, coloring, ombre dyeing are alternative and relatively safe bleaching methods. Individual strands gradually lighten, the hairstyle looks more voluminous, over time you can achieve a uniform light shade of curls and at the same time maintain their length and health.

4. Cutting your hair is a radical method that will allow you to try on a new look with a short haircut.

Professional products for home use

As an alternative to going to the salon, you can use professional removers or correctors for dark hair color at home.

Overview of washes:

  • Color off is a remover from Estel, one of the latest developments for getting rid of black. Allows you to remove dark pigment at home without disturbing the structure of the strands.
  • A professional product from the Brelil company - it acts quickly, in just half an hour you can lighten your strands by several tones.
  • Efassor from L’Oreal - acts gently; to completely bleach your hair at home, you will need 3-5 procedures.
  • Syoss clarifier - there are 3 types, which differ in the degree of impact on the strands. The least concentrated product makes curls 1-2 shades lighter. The strongest drug lightens strands by 9–10 tones.

You can prepare a wash yourself, which will allow you not only to get rid of the black color, but also to turn into a blonde. To prepare a lightening agent at home, you need to mix equal parts peroxide and Supra or Blondoran powder. Distribute the mixture evenly throughout the hair, spacing 0.5 cm from the roots. For more uniform bleaching, you need to wrap each strand with foil. After 45 minutes, wash your hair with mild shampoo.

The procedure must be carried out three times - after the first wash, the hair color will become bright red, then it will gradually begin to lighten. After bleaching is complete, you can dye the strands in the desired shade.

Safe method of lightening hair

At home, it is easy to make a gentle remedy for getting rid of black color based on natural oils. This method cannot be called quick, but it will make the shade of the strands lighter, improve the health and strengthen the curls. Oil wraps should be done 2-3 times a week.

What oils can be used:

  • olives;
  • burdock;
  • linen;
  • almond.

You need to take 15–40 ml of any oil, heat it in a water bath, apply hot to dry, dirty hair. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and a terry towel; periodically you need to warm the towel with a hairdryer. You need to keep the mask for at least 1 hour, but it is better to leave it overnight. Oils remove artificial dyes from hair and return the strands to their natural shade.

Home Remedies

At home, you can use effective masks to remove black hair color without harm, or use improvised means.

Laundry soap is an alkaline product that quickly neutralizes artificial coloring pigments. You need to wash your hair with shampoo, whip up a stable foam of soap, distribute it evenly over the entire length of your hair, and leave for 3-5 minutes. Rinse the strands well with warm water and wash them again with shampoo. The disadvantage of this method is that the paint is not always washed off evenly; after the first use, the hair may become spotty.

Baking soda acts on black hair like a scrub and allows you to remove coloring pigments. You need to mix salt and soda in a ratio of 1:10. Gradually dilute the mixture with warm water until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. It needs to be distributed over all curls, the head should be insulated, and left for 40 minutes. Rinse off as usual, rinse with herbal decoction.

What is necessary:

  • kefir of any fat content – ​​500 ml;
  • olive oil – 10 ml;
  • regular or sea salt – 10 g;
  • raw yolk.

Combine all components, distribute the mixture over all curls, insulate your head with cling film and a towel. The mask can be washed off after 40 minutes; to enhance the effect and eliminate the unpleasant odor, you can rinse the strands with chamomile decoction.

Cinnamon is an anti-blackness clarifying agent that nourishes and strengthens strands. Mix 30 g of cinnamon powder and warm honey. For oily hair, add 1 egg white; if hair is dry, add 1 yolk. Beat the mixture until smooth, apply to strands, leave for 2 hours. You can do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Lemon juice will help restore the light shade to your strands. Grind the peeled fruit in a blender, distribute the mixture over all curls, and insulate your head. After 30 minutes, rinse off the mask and apply burdock oil to the strands. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your hair as usual.

Regular ascorbic acid will help restore the natural color of your hair. Mix 20 vitamin C tablets with 120 ml of shampoo, use the vitamin product for daily hair washing. The method works slowly, the strands lighten gradually but evenly. This shampoo will keep your hair healthy, strengthen it, and accelerate growth.

It is difficult to make the color lighter without harming the hair - the use of professional and folk methods does not always achieve the expected result. To preserve the beauty and health of your hair, it is better to choose alternative methods - cutting, lightening individual strands.

Brunettes have always been famous for their spectacular hair. The black color of curls seems magical and bewitching. At the same time, I would like to note that pitch-black hair color adds several years to our lives. In any case, time passes, the usual color gets boring and we want something new. But it was not there! It turns out that the black pigment strongly eats into the hair structure and it is very difficult to remove it without harming the curls.

How to remove black hair color in a beauty salon

The modern beauty industry has come a long way. In the arsenal of any professional master there are various means that can accomplish the impossible. If you want to get rid of black hair, you may be offered several options to solve this problem.

  1. The most modern and safest way to get rid of black paint is the so-called remover. This is a special chemical composition that acts on the black pigment of the hair and destroys it. This cosmetic product is absolutely harmless if you follow all the instructions. You should not carry out the washing procedure yourself; in this matter you need to trust the master, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. Usually, after rinsing, the hair turns reddish. Only after a few days can your hair be dyed to the desired shade. Carrying out two procedures at once is quite dangerous for the health and beauty of hair. Removers are usually used only for removing dyed black hair, that is, if you have naturally black hair, you will not be able to change its color using a remover.
  2. Another means for lightening hair is bleaching dyes. They are more aggressive than removers and do not give such an effective result. You cannot apply lightening dyes to your head yourself; you may leave some strands untreated and get a “spotty” result.
  3. If you're tired of black hair, but you don't want to expose your locks to chemicals, you need to figure out what to do with your hair to lighten your hair a little. Hairdressers often offer hair highlights. This can really save the situation. By highlighting, you will partially lighten some strands, and your hair will look much fresher and more impressive. Gradually the strands will grow back, but this clear boundary between black and your own hair color will not be visible.
  4. If you want to get rid of dark hair pigment, but want to keep your curls alive and healthy, you can simply cut your hair along the color line. No, this is not an offer to shave your head. At first, you can spend a few months growing your hair color. If you do a ponytail and various weaves, without opening the parting, then the transition is not so noticeable. When your hair grows 10-20 cm, it may be worth changing your image and cutting off the hated black strands. Maybe this is a reason to try the short haircut you've always dreamed of? Don't worry about your cut hair, it will grow back. But nothing can replace the feeling of a stylish and daring hairstyle.

These methods are most suitable for those with natural black hair. If your own hair color is black, if you do not want to expose it to chemicals, you can use effective folk recipes.

  1. The most effective and popular way to lighten hair is to rinse it with chamomile infusion. Before washing your hair, you need to prepare a decoction. To do this, you can pick fresh chamomile flowers, or you can use a dry pharmacy mixture. Pour a handful of inflorescences into a liter of boiling water and cook in a water bath for about half an hour. Then remove the broth from the heat and cover with a tight lid. Let it sit for about another hour. After this, you need to strain the prepared product and, if necessary, dilute it a little with cold water so as not to get burned. When you wash your hair in the usual way - with shampoo and conditioner, you need to rinse your strands with the prepared chamomile decoction. You should not rinse the broth with water; you should immediately pat your hair dry with a towel. After this, it is advisable to let your hair dry naturally, without a hair dryer.
  2. Another natural lightener is honey. You need to do honey masks to see lighter hair. To do this, you need to take fresh and natural honey. It shouldn't be candied. Heat a little honey in a water bath and dilute it in half with kefir. Apply this mixture to your head using a hair dye brush. Then wrap with film and leave overnight. This procedure can be done every day for a week. The result is noticeable after 3-4 applications. By the way, honey and kefir are excellent means for strengthening hair, and honey also helps fight hair loss.
  3. Lemon is considered an excellent lightener. But its juice cannot be used in its pure form, as it can burn your scalp. To lighten your strands with lemon juice, you need to mix it with any cosmetic oil or your usual hair balm. Mix the balm in equal quantities with freshly squeezed lemon juice and apply the prepared mixture to your hair. Wrap it up and leave it for an hour. If you feel a burning sensation, the mask should be washed off immediately. This mask is best done on dirty hair, when the scalp is protected by a natural fat layer.
  4. All the recipes presented in this list are for lightening black hair. But not everyone wants to turn blonde. Many girls want to achieve a rich chocolate shade of hair. There is a recipe for this too. Mix cocoa and cognac to a creamy consistency and apply this mixture to your hair. Saturate each strand thoroughly. Leave for 40 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This mask will give your hair a deep cognac shade. And cocoa will give your curls a magical, subtle chocolate aroma.
  5. Cinnamon will help lighten your hair by 2-3 tones. A few spoons of this seasoning should be mixed in equal proportions with natural honey. Then add chicken eggs. If you have oily hair, you should use only the white; if you have dry hair, use the yolk. We use the whole egg if the hair is normal. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a blender so that no lumps remain. Then apply the product to your hair and leave for two hours. This mask should be done a couple of times a week. With each procedure, the hair will become lighter and lighter.
  6. The following recipe will help not only lighten your hair, but also make it incredibly shiny and smooth. To do this, you need to beat an egg, mix it with a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of glycerin, which can be bought at the pharmacy. If you have thick, voluminous or long hair, you need to increase the amount of ingredients proportionally. This mixture is applied to the hair and left for several hours. Then you need to wash your hair with shampoo. This is an excellent mask for lightening and healthy hair. The strands become smooth, shiny and manageable. After the mask they are very easy to comb.

Black hair color is magnificent in all its manifestations. But if you want to change, there are no barriers. You can get rid of black hair color radically or gradually - everything is in your hands.

Video: removing hair color from black to medium blond

Regular change of appearance and image in general is an undeniable privilege of all representatives of the fair sex without exception. The most common and frequently used way to make yourself “different” is hair dyeing. According to statistics, the cardinal colors of the entire color spectrum are raven and blond. But if a blonde can choose a different color or even just a shade at any time, then she will be able to do this without much effort. The same cannot be said about brunettes. And yet, how to get rid of black hair?

  • 1. Methods for removing dye from hair
  • 2. The most popular and effective means
  • 3. Homemade washing methods
  • 3.1. Honey mask
  • 3.2. Lemon mask
  • 3.3. Kefir mask
  • 3.4. Soda mask

Methods for removing dye from hair

Today, there are several methods and ways to remove black color from hair. However, with all their diversity, they can be safely classified into two main groups:

  • removing black color from curls using professional cosmetics;
  • getting rid of raven wing color using folk methods.

Most often, brunettes who decide to change their appearance turn to beauty salons, hairdressers and beauty salons for professional help. With their experience, masters can almost immediately say that the end result will be unpredictable. After all, various factors influence the removal of black pigment from strands:

  • Curl structure.
  • The quality of the dye used.
  • Previous frequency of hair coloring.
  • The time period for which the dye is left on the hair.

So there is no need to get upset and express dissatisfaction with the result. It is better to be patient and prepare yourself psychologically for the fact that the black color will be removed from your hair over a long period of time and systematically. For these purposes, hairdressers use exclusively professional preparations - removers. They are divided into:

  • bleaching removers;
  • acid washes.

The latter can be used even at home. You still don’t need to hope for an instant result, it won’t happen. Any wash will discolor the strands by only a few tones. The fiery brunette will definitely turn into a red-haired beauty. But what should those representatives of the fair sex who cannot stand the color red do? There are several very radical ways:

  • short haircut. This method may seem blasphemous to many, but it will definitely get rid of the black pigment. The growing hair will be completely natural;
  • wig. This is the most democratic way to hide the consequences of a brunette. Although it is fraught with several pitfalls. A synthetic hair wig is absolutely unable to “breathe”, thus it creates an unfavorable greenhouse effect on the scalp, which in turn leads to trichology problems. Well, a wig made from human hair costs a lot of money.

If neither a haircut nor a wig become an alternative, you will just have to wait or resort to cosmetics again.

The most popular and effective means

So, let's return to our “rams”. There is no need to despair and think that a brunette is a death sentence. No, the modern cosmetology industry offers a fairly wide range of washes. The most popular, and therefore effective, are the following acid preparations:

  • Vitality's Bleaching Oil.
  • “Color off” from the perfume brand Estel.
  • “Art Color Off” by Vitalitys.
  • "Remake Color" from the cosmetics company Hair Light.
  • "Colorianne Color System", manufactured by Brelil.
  • “Remover” is a remover produced by the Dikson brand.
  • “Oxy Reload” is a drug from the cosmetic manufacturer Selective.

The companies that produce all these removers claim that any of their products does not cause much harm to the hair. However, they warn that you can use the wash no more than once every two weeks. After each procedure, the color of the curls will change to less intense. Unlike bleaching agents, acidic products are not aggressive, they do not contain ammonia and do not affect the natural hair color. Their action is based on the progressive extraction of artificial coloring pigment. These washes can also be used at home. Also, after their use, special care for the curls is required, which consists of various restoration processes.

Homemade washing methods

For many modern women, the question of how to remove black hair color is becoming not just relevant, but heartbreaking. Sometimes financial fundamentals do not allow you to seek help from professional specialists, and sometimes the reason for the need to remove paint from curls at home is due to an acute lack of time.

Home methods for removing pigments are not much different from salon methods. They require the same dye removers. But along with store-bought remedies, there are also folk methods, which, by the way, are very effective. These include masks that are popular in home cosmetology.

Honey mask

Smoothly and without harm to the hair, washes away coloring pigments.


  • 3 tablespoons of honey.


Place the honey in a container and place it in a water bath. Heat until liquid, but under no circumstances boil. Cool to a comfortable temperature. Apply to curls, spreading over their entire length. Wrap with a thermal compress made of a cellophane shower cap and a terry towel. Leave in this state for 6-8 hours. The best time is to apply a mask at night. Rinse off the mixture with warm water. The procedure can be repeated twice a week.

Lemon mask

Clears black hair from hair without damaging hair.


  • 1 lemon.


The lemon is peeled and chopped using a blender or meat grinder. The resulting pulp is evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls. Wrap with a heat compress. Wash off after 20-25 minutes. Next, burdock oil is applied to the strands for at least 15 minutes, which is washed off with warm water using sulfate-free shampoo. Dried exclusively naturally.

Kefir mask

Safely removes black color from hair.


  • 200 milliliters of kefir.


We choose the fattest kefir in the store. At home, pour the required amount into a container and place it in a water bath or in the microwave. We heat it up. Apply to the entire length of the strands. Cover with a heat compress using a shower cap and terry towel. Let stand for at least 3 hours. Wash off with warm water and shampoo without active sulfates. To avoid the smell of sour milk from your hair, you can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the mask.

Soda mask

It not only fights black color, but also actively stimulates the follicles, which leads to active growth of strands.


  • 150 grams of baking soda;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground salt.


Place all components in a non-metallic container and mix thoroughly. Apply to curls with a cotton pad, dividing them into thin strands so that all hair without exception is moistened and processed. After applying the mask, massage your head with gentle movements. Wrap with a heat compress for 1 hour. The mask should be washed off with plenty of warm running water, making sure that no crumbs remain on your hair. Apply conditioner to your curls and leave it for an hour.

It is important to remember, no matter what strategy for dealing with black hair color is chosen, it is fraught with a lot of difficulties and dangers of damaging the hair. Therefore, one should be very careful about the desire to become a sexy brunette.

Haircut, perm, permanent dye - anything to be beautiful and fashionable as soon as possible! And it doesn't matter what happens next. But the insidious “later” still comes: the fashion for the shade passes or the non-native black color becomes boring. It was worth thinking about this in advance, before dyeing, so that now you don’t have to worry about how to remove black hair color. But does a real woman think ahead?! We create difficulties for ourselves, and then courageously overcome them. Therefore, removing black hair color is one of the most popular hairdressing procedures.

But even in a salon it is not always possible to remove black hair color. Then folk methods of removing hair dye, masks and rinses, wraps and brighteners come to the rescue. There is no guarantee that natural recipes will help wash away the black color completely, but at least they will not harm the hair. The same cannot be said about chemical agents for removing black dye, especially if the client requires turning black hair into light brown or at least light brown. And yet we will try to help you get rid of black hair, on your own or in a salon, completely or partially.

Hair dye removal. Why is it difficult to get rid of black hair color?
The natural color of human hair is determined by the content of the melanin pigment in the cortex (the inner layer consisting of durable dead cells). To change hair color, the dye must penetrate this layer and destroy the melanin, replacing it with its own pigment. Blondes have little melanin, so it is easy to dye blond hair darker. Brunettes have the most melanin, which is why it is so difficult to lighten dark hair. Moreover, it is no easier to remove artificial pigment than natural one.

Specific parameters depend on many factors: the original shade, hair type and length, so even a professional hairdresser cannot “by eye” determine the exact timing and results of removing black dye. But he will probably ask you leading questions:

  • What exactly is your hair dyed? Permanent paint with a number from 1 to 5 (dark shades from black to chestnut) is strongest and lasts the longest. Semi-permanent dyes do not penetrate the hair so deeply, but still enough to last a couple of months. The easiest way to get rid of black hair color resulting from the use of tinting shampoo. But natural dyes, henna and basma, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, stay on the hair even longer than chemical dyes.
  • How long have you been dyeing your hair black? It is much easier to correct one unsuccessful coloring than the result of many years of experiments with hair color. Lying on top of each other, the layers of paint firmly eat into the hair and reinforce each other. The already strong black color gets worse with each subsequent dyeing, especially if you applied the dye to the entire length of your hair, and not just tinted the regrown roots. By the way, in this case the black paint will also wash off unevenly.
  • What is your natural hair color? If you are naturally brown-haired, then returning your hair color will not be difficult: usually, after washing off the black dye, the hair becomes just brown, with a reddish tint, which can then be easily neutralized with dye close to the shade you need. It will not be possible to turn black hair color into blond or light brown without harming the hair: either the result will be much darker (more precisely, red), or the hair will be seriously damaged.
This information will allow you to understand what to expect from hair dye remover and what effect you can expect in the end. It is even possible that the master will refuse to remove the black color of your hair. Don’t be offended and don’t ask for a complaint book: in fact, this position characterizes the hairdresser as a professional and a caring person who doesn’t want to ruin your hair. In this case, you will either have to find a less conscientious colorist, or try to remove the black hair color yourself at your own risk.

How to remove black hair color at home?
To remove black dye from your hair at home, you will have to put in much more effort than it took to dye your hair yourself. Be prepared to gradually remove the dye and then carefully care for the affected hair. They will suffer in any case, but it is up to you how much. And the choice of product for removing hair dye also depends on you:

  1. Acid hair remover. This type of preparation is available in many professional paint lines. The marketing legend will try to convince you to use the same brand of product as the dye on your hair, but in fact, all removers consist of almost the same ingredients. They penetrate into the hair, just like dye once did, and etch out the pigment. Detailed instructions on preparing the drug, applying it to the hair and holding time are included in the package. For our part, we recommend conducting a preliminary test of the remover on one strand deep in the hair. The test will show how the hair reacts to the wash, and what color you will get after removing the black dye from the hair.
  2. Supra discoloration or other similar means. This is no longer so much a paint remover as a deep hair lightening. This chemical process occurs when exposed to an oxidizing agent: hydrogen peroxide in one concentration or another. A high concentration of peroxide (10-12%) will quickly discolor your hair, and at the same time make it dry and brittle. Therefore, it is better to use a 3% oxidizer and bleach your hair gradually, but with less risk. The oxidizing agent is mixed with bleaching powder in equal proportions and applied to the hair for 30-40 minutes, after which it turns yellow, orange or simply becomes colorless. Therefore, bleaching involves subsequent dyeing of the hair in the desired tone.
  3. Shampoo for removing paint- a soft and therefore weak product that can remove ammonia-free black dye or tint mousse from hair. Shampoo cannot handle henna and/or basma, as well as permanent dyes. Don't expect the shampoo to completely remove the black color, especially after the first wash. Most likely, you will need to use up the entire bottle, after which the black dye will not be completely washed off, but will noticeably fade and you can use a weak oxidizer or simply recolor your hair.
But even relatively mild chemicals for removing hair color are only conditionally mild. All of them inevitably harm the condition of the hair, so before you buy a hair remover and use it for its intended purpose, do not forget to stock up on restorative masks and hair vitamins.

How to remove black hair color using folk remedies?
You can go the other way - it is longer, but safer. We are talking about natural remedies for removing black hair. But we must note: it is black hair color that is most difficult to remove using natural methods. Ash, coffee and even chestnut shades are washed out much easier. But this is by no means a reason not to try folk recipes:

  • Oil masks Not recommended for colored hair if you want to maintain the new color. Otherwise, oil masks and/or wraps are exactly what you need to return your natural color. Use burdock, castor, olive, flaxseed or sunflower oil, adding a little cognac to it in a 5:1 ratio. Mix oil and cognac with egg yolk, distribute the mixture evenly over the entire length of the hair, wrap it in plastic wrap, on top of the wrap with a terry towel and leave for at least 3-4 hours, or better yet, overnight. Repeat regularly until the hair color returns to its natural color before dyeing. Oil masks have a great advantage: they not only do not harm the hair by washing out the dye, but also take care of it.
  • Soda shampoo for colored hair, it’s just any shampoo to which baking soda has been added. To ensure that the ingredients do not quarrel, it is better to use a mild baby shampoo, without silicones and “special effects”. You can wash off the oil mask with soda shampoo or use it independently of other procedures. The method is effective, especially after one coloring, but is undesirable for dry hair: it will dry it out even more.
  • Laundry soap for colored hair, washes out the dye due to the high concentration of alkali. But for the same reason, the scalp and hair dry out from laundry soap, so use a moisturizing balm and/or conditioner after it.
  • Aspirin for colored hair, dissolve in water (5 tablets for every 1 glass) and wash your hair with it. It’s even more effective not to rinse it off, but to soak your hair in a solution of salicylic acid and leave it for a couple of hours, only then rinse it off with soda or regular shampoo.
  • Lemon juice for colored hair - a natural remedy, the result of which resembles highlighting. Soak all your hair or individual strands with freshly squeezed undiluted lemon juice and go outside into the sun, under the influence of which the “lemon” strands will naturally fade.
Bee honey, kefir, mayonnaise, chamomile decoction and other traditional home hair care products also affect the dye. Therefore, if you previously refused to use them, protecting your hair color, now you can safely experiment with natural masks. They will be even more useful for restoring curls if you decide to remove black hair color with a chemical remover. In any case, we wish you good luck in this difficult matter, the beauty of your hair and continue to be careful in choosing your hair color.

Tired of being a brunette, but the tone is so ingrained that it is impossible to wash it off? Or did you overexpose the “chestnut” or “chocolate”? Find out how to remove black hair color using professional and home methods, and feel free to change your look!

Discoloration of black interior

Now salons offer bleaching products that change color by as many as 4 tones. But this procedure also has a huge drawback - after it you risk becoming red! Of course, the color can be painted over or bleached again, but you will have to wait at least two weeks. Keep in mind that such products can greatly affect the health of the hair - the structure is disrupted, the ends begin to split, and even hair loss occurs. Therefore, after washing, be sure to take a course of therapeutic masks.

Washing at home

Is it possible to bring out black color without resorting to the services of stylists? Purchase a pigment remover. It comes in several types:

  • Acid remover - presented in most professional lines. It penetrates the strands and etches away the black.
  • “Supra” and other similar preparations are more likely not a wash, but a deep lightening. The chemical process occurs under the influence of hydrogen peroxide taken in a certain concentration. A high dose of peroxide (10-12%) bleaches color quickly, but makes the hair very brittle and dry. It’s better to take a product with a 3% oxidizer - the bleaching will go away gradually, but with less risk to the hair. Using Supra is easy - mix it with shampoo in equal quantities and apply to your hair for 40 minutes. After washing your hair, the strands may become colorless or acquire a red or yellow tone. Therefore, the next step should be coloring.

  • Shampoo for removing paint is a very gentle, soft and weak product. Prepare for the fact that you will have to use up the entire tube to achieve results. But even then the black color will not be washed off completely, but will only fade greatly. Then you can use any weak oxidizing agent or recolor the strands. This shampoo can only remove tint mousse or ammonia-free dye. Permanent paints, as well as henna and basma, will not be suitable for him.

Important! Before starting the procedure, be sure to take a test on one thin strand in the middle of your hair. This test will show how your hair reacts to the wash and what shade you can expect. And one moment. Marketers will try to convince you to use the same brand of remover as the paint you want to remove. There is no need for this, because all washes consist of similar components.

Self-removal of black hair color has several more nuances:

  • It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve what you want in one procedure. Some will need 2-3 sessions, others even 5 will not be enough;
  • The result of such washes is not always predictable;
  • Unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely remove the color and return the initial tone;
  • The drug often contains ammonia, so they cannot be called absolutely safe.

In stores you will find a lot of different washes. Here is a list of the most effective:

  • “Estel Color Off” is a new gentle product that gently washes away the dye and preserves hair health. Does not contain ammonia and has an affordable price;

  • “Brelil Professional” is a fairly effective product, it works very quickly (25-30 minutes);

  • "Efassor L'Oreal" - gently lightens strands. To completely get rid of the dark shade, you will need several sessions;

  • "Syoss" - practically does not damage the hair. The manufacturer produces three types of washes - for lightening by 1-2, 3-5 and 9-10 tones;

  • "Ollin Service Line Color Corrector"– a delicate corrector that removes artificial pigment from hair. Lightens by 2-3 tones and does not spoil the structure of the strands;

  • "Brelil Colorianne Remove Color System"– a soft remover, the effect of which does not extend to the natural pigment;

  • “Salerm Color Reverse” is a budget Spanish product for removing black color. Returns hair to its natural color;

  • "Hair Company Light Remake Color"– an inexpensive professional product, the main component of which is fruit acids;

  • “Kapous Decoxon 2 Faze” is a two-phase soft remover. If you apply it within two hours after unsuccessful staining, then one procedure will be enough.

Dyeing as a method of combating black color

Highlighting, coloring and ombre are quite popular methods of lightening. They look trendy, create a volume effect and allow you to quickly hide the boring black color.

Tips to help you remove dark dye from your hair yourself:

Folk recipes for removing black color

Natural products will be a good alternative to a beauty salon. They allow you to wash off black dye without harming your hair. You can safely use the following recipes at home.

Laundry soap

Experts are confident that ordinary brown soap works no worse than professional washes and is not harmful at all.

Wash your hair with shampoo, then lather a bar of soap and apply this lather to damp hair. Rub well into the skin and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse your strands with water. The black color will go away along with the foam. To quickly remove unwanted tone, repeat the procedure at least three times a week.

After the first session, the hair may become sticky and untidy, but with each subsequent wash it will get used to it. Laundry soap will not only help get rid of black color, but also strengthen your hair.

Ascorbic shampoo

Powder two packs of ascorbic acid (10 tablets). Mix it with shampoo (0.5 cups). Wash your hair daily.

Lemon juice

Squeeze lemon juice, dilute it with water and soak slightly damp, washed hair with this mixture. Stand in the sun for a quarter of an hour and rinse your strands. This gentle and natural lightening can be used every time you wash your hair.

White henna

White henna will help remove the black tint (do not confuse it with colorless henna!). In fact, this is a chemical blondoran, which must be used with extreme caution.

Dishwashing liquid

Another effective, but very aggressive method. Dishwashing liquid used instead of shampoo will help wash out the black color, but will greatly dry out the strands.

Honey mask
Honey is one of the most famous natural lighteners. It contains a substance similar to hydrogen peroxide, which is responsible for discoloration. Honey masks make hair shiny, give it a beautiful golden tone and restore structure.

Before applying such a mask, you need to prepare your hair. To do this, wash it with shampoo and a small amount of soda. The balm should not be used. Then the strands are dried with a towel and liquid honey is applied (it is better to take it from acacia). Wait 8 hours, covering your head with film and a light scarf. There is no need to insulate much - at high temperatures the lightening properties of honey are lost.

You can also use this simple recipe:

  1. Mix the juice of one lemon with two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Heat the mass over steam.
  3. Apply to hair while warm.
  4. Cover your head and wait 5-6 hours.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

Don't know how to get rid of black hair? Prepare this mask:

  1. Combine green clay (2 tsp) with ammonia (6 drops) and 20% peroxide (6 drops).
  2. Soak the strands in the mixture and wait 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash with warm water.

Mask with peroxide and chamomile

This mask will help even with very dark hair:

  1. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over dried chamomile flowers (100 grams).
  2. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. Add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Soak your strands in the mask and hide your head under the film.
  6. After 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  7. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Kefir-mayonnaise mask

Another gentle home remedy that has a positive effect on the structure of the hair and gradually returns its natural shade.

  1. Mix kefir and mayonnaise in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the mask to washed hair for at least one hour.
  3. Wrap your head in a warm scarf.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  5. Rinse your hair with lemon conditioner (water + lemon juice).

Oil masks

Hot masks based on flax, burdock, olive or almond oils are also very effective, as they have the ability to wash off artificial dye. They are done 2-3 times a week. The masks lighten the black color by several tones and make the hair very soft and shiny.

  1. Heat any oil over steam.
  2. Apply it hot to dirty hair.
  3. Cover your head.
  4. Periodically warm it with a hairdryer or place a towel on a hot radiator.
  5. Keep the mask on overnight or for at least one hour.
  6. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Lemon mask

Are you thinking about how to remove the black color from your strands? A lemon mask can do this without harm:

  1. Peel it and grind it in a blender.
  2. Distribute the resulting lemon puree evenly throughout your hair.
  3. Cover your head.
  4. Rinse off after 25 minutes.
  5. Soak the strands in burdock oil and wait another 15 minutes.
  6. Wash it off with sulfate-free shampoo.

Soda mask

It fights dark hair perfectly and stimulates the development of follicles, which leads to rapid hair growth.

  1. In a non-metallic container, mix baking soda (150 grams) and fine salt (1 tsp).
  2. Add a glass of water.
  3. Divide your hair into thin strands.
  4. Using a cotton sponge, saturate the entire length of your hair.
  5. Massage your head for about 5 minutes.
  6. Cover your head.
  7. Wash off the mask after an hour with plenty of water. Make sure that not a single crumb remains in your hair.
  8. Apply the balm and leave for an hour.

Remember, folk remedies do not give quick results. A noticeable effect can only be achieved by regular use of masks.