Women's watch "nika". Nika's gold watch Nika's exclusive gold watch

The founders of the company "Nika" created from scratch the largest manufacturer in the market of jewelry watches. The next step is to convince customers that Russian watches can cost as much as Rolex.

Text: Nikolai Grishin

In a building that looks like a museum, there are gold bars in a huge safe. Suddenly, they begin to turn into a gold watch. The alarm goes off, the guards run around in a panic and cannot understand what is happening. The commercial filmed by IQ marketing and Fetish Film for the Nika company could be seen in autumn and winter on federal TV channels.

In reality, the Nika watch company is located in the Moscow industrial area near the Kolomenskaya metro station. In the foundry, gold bars are lying on workbenches near rolling machines - you can take it, hold it in your hands. A bar 70 cm long costs more than 5 million rubles. "If we screw up the composition here, then the metal will not get a sample at the Assay Office. Can you imagine what the price of a mistake is?" - says the head of the foundry Nikolai Chepelenko. In front of our eyes, he boils an alloy of gold, silver and "secret additives" in the furnace (each jeweler has his own) and prepares to melt the next blank.

Nika, founded in 2003, has an almost complete production cycle. It employs more than 570 people. Here they make molds for machine tools, pour gold alloy, stamp cases and manually fix diamonds under a microscope in expensive models. “We would be happy to outsource something, but either partners raise prices, or the quality is lame,” Alexey Bogdanov, co-owner of Nika, throws up his hands.

Only watch mechanisms themselves are not made at "Nika" - they are purchased in Switzerland and Japan. This is the largest production of jewelry watches in the country. The closest competitor, Anlina, provided 45,000 watches to the Assay Office last year, and Nika, 224,800. The company's revenue last year exceeded 2.4 billion rubles. It turned out to be easier to create a new production in the watch market from scratch than to revive the Soviet giants.

Be careful and don't star

Each of the four shareholders of Nika has its own role: Tengiz Sanikidze plays the drums, Georgy Mordekhashvili plays the guitar, and Elena Khitrina sings. Only Alexei Bogdanov was found to be completely deaf in childhood at a music school. Not a single corporate party passes so that the Nika jazz band does not perform its hit: "Nika is coming, arrows forward."

Any sane business consultant will warn against starting a company with friends, especially four of them and with equal shares. But Nika's business was born out of friendship.

The main business of Alexei Bogdanov in the 1990s - the Alpari investment company - was engaged in trust management and provided brokerage services. The crisis of 1998 practically destroyed this business. Bogdanov left it by selling his share. “Then it seemed to me that in Russia it was necessary to do something more serious. Not to speculate in securities, but to create a product,” says Alexey.

The idea of ​​the product was proposed by Sanikidze. As a hired manager, he organized several small jewelry workshops in Georgia and Russia. “On the one hand, there was expensive Switzerland, on the other hand, there were small Russian jewelry manufacturers who, in addition to rings and chains, produced small, outdated women's watches made of gold, “kopecks,” recalls Bogdanov. The partners decided to make "folk" gold watches. At a price of 15 thousand rubles. they would cost several times less than Swiss ones, but would have a modern design. “Watches made of gold are not popular with European consumers, they are produced in small quantities, and they are very expensive. For many Russians, it is important that watches are gold,” says Fyodor Poludenny, director of the purchasing and exclusive sales department of the Estet jewelry house.

In 2002, the partners signed the company's code - a mixture of corporate standards and universal values. For example, the wish "be thrifty" there is adjacent to "do not gossip" and "do not star." According to the code, friends cannot sell their shares and take money out of the business without the consent of the partners. “Things are banal, of course,” Bogdanov admits, “but when all partners have equal rights and obligations, clear rules of the game are needed.”

$1 million spent on rebranding company "Nika" in 2010. The figure of the goddess of victory Nike was replaced with a sign resembling a men's bow tie

Right move

The partners developed the rules of the game quickly. Creating a quality product turned out to be much more difficult. The owners of "Nika" bought used Turkish machines and placed them in the basement in Cheryomushki. We managed to find wholesale customers at the Rosyuvelirexport exhibition: Nika was counting not on watch shops that sell mainly Swiss and Japanese watches, but on jewelry stores. The Moscow factory started with 100-200 hours a month, and complaints immediately began to pour in.

Nika used watch movements from the Russian Chaika plant, but they turned out to be unreliable: 20-30% of watches quickly broke down. Then the owners of "Nika" decided to buy Swiss movements ETA, Ronda and Japanese Miyota Seiko and others. These mechanisms cost three times more than Russian ones, from 30-50 euros, but they did not break. True, in order to meet the "folk" 15 thousand rubles, the company made watches with a hollow case. Because of this, moisture and dust got inside. Tengiz Sanikidze found a way out: he drew attention to how the kitchen clock was arranged - the mechanism was inserted into a wooden case. So, in 2004, Nika invented and patented a technology: the mechanism is placed in a steel capsule, and a gold case is placed on top of it. Watches are heavy, strong, but at the same time they take less gold. "This is the company's know-how," admits Fedor Poludenny, "no one else does this."

Those who, in principle, make watches in Russia, became less and less. In the USSR, there were such giants as the First and Second Moscow watch factories (brands "Polyot" and "Slava", respectively), the Uglich watch factory ("Seagull"). However, according to the marketing agency Step by step, since the early 2000s, sales of Russian manufacturers have decreased by 15% annually. In terms of price, they could not compete with Chinese products, in terms of quality - with Swiss and Japanese. But jewelry watches are not bought in order to know the time. It's more of an accessory, a decoration.

Rising clock

Not only "Nika" tried to cross the jewelry and watch business. For example, people from the First Moscow Watch Factory created the company "Maktime", from Uglich - "Anlina".

Jewelers also tried to expand the range by releasing watches - for example, in the mid-2000s, Adamas bought machine tools. But the sale of watches in jewelry chains accounts for no more than 1-2% of the range - this business turned out to be small and troublesome. It is necessary to constantly update the lineup, purchase expensive equipment and molds. "We decided to focus on classic jewelry," explains Vlada Baranova, head of public relations at Adamas. As a result, the company sold the equipment to Nike. The owners of the latter in 2007 rented a new, more spacious premises on Kolomenskaya and were just expanding the machine park.

Before "Nika" became profitable, its owners invested $2 million within three years. Now "Nika" has the widest assortment among Russian watch manufacturers - 40 collections. In addition to gold watches during the crisis, the company began to produce silver watches at a price of 5 thousand rubles. Now they account for 30% of the turnover. At the same time, "Nika" is sold in 7,000 jewelry stores (there are about 10,000 of them in Russia in total). During the crisis, when rental rates fell, Nika even launched a network of small specialized stores of the same name in Moscow. Now the network has 13 points, but it is teetering on the verge of profitability.

Broad representation in retail is both good and bad. “We have reached the ceiling: due to extensive development, it will no longer be possible to grow quickly,” says Alexei Bogdanov. If before the crisis of 2008 the company's revenue steadily increased by 50% per year, then at the end of 2011 the growth was only 10%.

The main consumer of "Nika" is women from 35 years old with an average income. More than 75% of them live in the regions. In order to speed up the business, Bogdanov decided to attract a more affluent audience, primarily men. These people are less greedy for gold. For them, design and brand are more important.

Russian exotic

When watchmaker Vladimir Zinkevich was 15 years old, a neighbor had the imprudence to invite him on a tour of the First Moscow Watch Factory. “I came and saw: more than two thousand girls collect watches. It was then that I realized that I would be a watchmaker,” Zinkevich laughs.

Since then, everything has changed: only men work in Vladimir's team. They manually assemble watches and skeletons from the Nika Exclusive series (retail price 265-500 thousand rubles). “Look at the muzzle of a panda,” Zinkevich shows a Chinese-style watch. “If a watchmaker has uncomfortable working conditions, then the muzzle will be sad. And ours will smile.”

The Nika Exclusive brand went on sale in Nika's own stores in December 2011. They are collected by hand from gold and precious stones, using mechanisms worth from 400 euros. Some watches are made to order. For example, Zinkevich made a watch for a professional wine taster: a golden vine starts on the dial, passes through the entire mechanism, and on the lid turns into a sapphire drop of wine that falls into an engraved glass. The work took six months, but the client paid more than a million rubles for the watch.

In the spring, sales of "Nika Exclusive" will start in 110 jewelry stores. At the same time, "Nika" began to order watches from Konstantin Chaikin, the only Russian who is a member of the International Academy of Independent Watchmakers (AHCI). He assembles mechanisms by hand and sells watches for $50,000-100,000. "Many people have Swiss watches, while Russian luxury models are rare, something new," Bogdanov is convinced.

He plans that in a couple of years he will annually sell about 1,000 Nika Exclusive watches worth at least $10 million. This is relatively little, given that, for example, Rolex sells about 500,000 pieces a year. Another undertaking by Bogdanov, designed for men, is jewelry accessories. Last year, in addition to watches, "Nika" began to produce pens, cufflinks, clips for ties and money, etc. Now they account for less than 1% of the company's turnover. The basis of the assortment - over 60% - is still made up of Nika gold watches.

$25 million This is the price of the most expensive watch in the world 201-carat Chopard. They were released in 2008. The total weight of all the stones inlaid in the watch is 200 carats

Television against Pushkin

As a person who wears a watch for 800 thousand rubles on his arm, Alexey Bogdanov does not limit his horizons: "The task is to make the first Russian brand on the jewelry market." Large jewelry holdings are promoting their own retail chains. It is technically difficult to brand the rings, chains and earrings themselves. Watches and pens are another matter. Here, a recognizable brand, as Bogdanov hopes, may well become a sales driver.

Last year, "Nika" conducted a study of the recognition of its brand. The results were disappointing. Only about 3% of Russians knew the brand. To remedy the situation, the owners of Nika decided to take an extraordinary step: they invested about 150 million rubles. in a large-scale advertising campaign on TV, outdoor advertising, glossy magazines and the Internet. According to TNS Gallup Media, last year only Rolex spent more than Nika on promoting in glossy magazines - $2.2 million against $2 million.

So far, the consumption models of well-known Western brands and Nika are different. Buying, for example, Breguet, a person pays for a brand with a 230-year history, which is mentioned in the works of Alexander Pushkin. Choosing "Nika", a person first of all looks at how many grams of gold are contained in this watch. In order for people to pay not only for gold, but also for the Nika brand, Bogdanov and his jazz band still have to spend a lot of money and time.

The manufacturer of the gold watch of the same name dates back to 2003. Since its inception, the company has specialized in the development and production of watch products made of precious metals and stones.

In its activities, the company strives to create watches that are in no way inferior to similar products of well-known world brands. That is why the domestic manufacturer is very scrupulous about the issue of personnel formation. This made it possible over the years of work to form a team of true professionals at the enterprise, who created, in particular, Nika's amazingly beautiful gold watch. The official website of the company at the same time allows you to verify the exceptional qualities of the domestic luxury item.

Features of Nika's gold watch

By bringing together experienced jewelers and watchmakers under one roof, the domestic company has managed to create watches that, on the one hand, are a complex technological product, and, on the other hand, are a piece of high art. When developing any Nika's gold watch one of the main priorities is weight loss. This allows you to solve a number of important tasks:

  • ensure the comfort of wearing the watch;
  • reduce cost

The second point of the enterprise's business strategy is to ensure high reliability. This is also something that starts at the design stage and continues until you can buy Nick's gold watch.

One of the signs that directly indicate the high reliability of Nika's watches is the certificate of compliance with international quality management standards ISO 9000:2001. To get it, the company had to radically restructure the work of management and production.

In the development of all gold watches, Nick widely uses the company's own development - the "Capsule" technology, or as it is sometimes called "Case in the case". The effectiveness of this complex of technical solutions turned out to be so high that the company received a patent for it.

The essence of the "capsule" technology is as follows. In the case, entirely made of gold, a "capsule" is placed, inside of which there is a clock mechanism. Its main functional purpose is to protect the mechanism from dust and dirt, as well as to provide increased mechanical strength. Numerous tests conducted by both the manufacturer's specialists and independent experts have confirmed the extreme usefulness of this technology.

Another worthy of Nika's gold watch is a perfectly finished surface. For this, we also applied our own processing technology.

If you decide to buy Nika's gold watches, then you can not be afraid for their reliability and durability even under very harsh operating conditions. At the same time, it will remain not only a device for measuring time, but also an exquisite piece of jewelry.

A watch for a modern woman is not only an item that shows the time, but also a fashion accessory that resembles a bracelet. The Russian company "Nika" managed to embody all the requirements of fashionistas in their watches: quality, reliability, level of performance, sophisticated appearance. What are the features of the company's product range? How to choose models from gold and silver? What operating rules does the manufacturer advise to follow? These questions will be answered by an article about a unique domestic watch brand.


The Nika watch company appeared on the Russian market 14 years ago. The brand managed to achieve great success - to become popular and in demand. Today "Nika" is a major manufacturer of watches, which are represented in Russia and abroad.

The company's watches deserve the attention of the most demanding and demanding buyer. There are a number of reasons for this.

  1. The company's factories are located in Russia. This provides a lower price compared to similar foreign manufacturers.
  2. The latest technologies and developments are used in production. The main applied patented technology is “Capsule”. Its essence lies in the fact that the watch case is placed in another case that performs the function of a capsule. This protects the mechanism from dust and moisture. This achieves high tightness, which ensures the reliability of the product.
  3. The best craftsmen, professionals in their field, who constantly improve their skills and take appropriate training courses, work at the plant.
  4. Let out production conforms to the international quality standard ISO 9000:2001 and passes testing.
  5. The surface of the watch is impeccably smooth and even due to the technology that is used in working with gold items.

All of the listed components in the complex make Nika watches reliable, durable and of high quality.


They are greeted by clothes - this is how the Russian folk proverb says. The image of a modern woman consists not only of clothes. Accessories are an integral part of the look, they complement the wardrobe, make the necessary accents, show the status of the owner. Nika watches do an excellent job with these tasks.

Nika has a number of advantages that help to win more and more connoisseurs:

  1. The range includes about 1000 models. Every buyer will find something for themselves. Models for work, simple office style are presented, other watches will fit into chic evening dresses, others are created specifically for everyday wear, some are suitable for outdoor activities and sports.
  2. Use of expensive noble metals and materials. Gold is represented by yellow, white, pink varieties, silver, ceramics. Diamonds, sapphires, cubic zirkonia, Swarovski crystals, rock crystal are used for case design. Each watch model is like a piece of jewelry art.
  3. The stuffing of products is Swiss and Japanese mechanisms. They are distinguished by accuracy, quality and durability.
  4. A variety of strap options - leather, ceramics, metal.
  5. Extensive feature set. The watch is equipped with a stopwatch, countdown in any time zones, lunar calendar.

Hours "Nika" combine functionality, quality of the mechanism and beauty of design. They are like luxurious decorations, they retain conciseness and sophistication, riveting the eyes of others.


The model range is represented by watches with different straps (leather, metal), gold and silver options, decorated with stones and charms, with a rectangular, oval, round case, quartz and mechanical.

Strap types

The strap is the part that holds the watch on the wrist. Watch manufacturers distinguish several types of straps:

  • from genuine leather;
  • metal;
  • rubber;
  • combined.

Let's dwell on the first two in more detail, since Nika uses only leather and metal in her models.

Leather straps are made from different types of leather, most often from calfskin. The skin of exotic animals is popular, for example, a crocodile, a snake. Watches with such a strap have a high price, but they look original.

The metal strap is durable and looks impressive. The company for their manufacture uses high-quality alloys of steel, brass, zinc and aluminum, silver, gold.

How to choose gold and silver models?

In today's age of high technology, watch accuracy is commonplace. Close attention is paid to appearance. Many models look like jewelry - they contain precious stones and expensive metals.

To choose a gold or silver watch, you should pay attention to the following nuances.

  • Try. Nika uses gold 585 and silver 925. Fine means the number of grams of metal per kilogram of alloy. Carats are indicated on foreign products, and samples are indicated on domestic ones. You also need to pay attention to the assay mark - it shows the profile of a woman's head in a kokoshnik, turned to the right.

Gold is a soft metal and more prone to scratches than others. Gold watches are suitable for any events, but it is better to choose silver for everyday wear.

  • Silver has a noble cold color and goes well with almost any look. With gold, things are more complicated. It can be white (the alloy contains silver, palladium, nickel), yellow (with silver and copper), pink (the maximum copper content).

Yellow gold is a classic that remains out of time and fashion. White gold is similar to silver, and therefore accessories from it are universal. Rose gold will be preferred by fashionistas who like to be in the spotlight.

  • A watch on a bracelet made of gold or silver for a man is an indicator of status; women acquire them because of their beauty and original appearance. By design, these can be laconic models without frills, decorated with stones, with a variety of interlacing links and suspensions.

  • A watch on a precious metal bracelet is a great purchase that combines functionality with a stylish solution. Such an accessory will emphasize the sophistication and elegance of a woman.


The decor of accessories is varied. The most expensive material is diamonds. More affordable options are inlaid with zircons, topazes, emeralds, cubic zirconias. The stones can be located on the dial and replace the numerical values ​​of the time, interspersed in the case around the protective glass.

The Viva collection is decorated with trendy charms, the watch looks like a stylish and trendy bracelet.

Ceramics is another finishing material. It has an unusual look and adds lightness and elegance to the accessory.

Operating rules

In order for the watch to serve for a long time, watchmakers advise adhering to the following rules:

  • maintenance, cleaning, lubrication, stroke adjustment should be carried out in service centers, you should not do it yourself;
  • in expensive watches encrusted with precious and semi-precious stones, you can not play sports, subject to vibration loads;
  • use the watch carefully when in contact with water, before buying, make sure that they have water protection;
  • the watch is equipped with sapphire crystal, which is difficult to scratch, yet they must be stored separately from other jewelry, to ensure minimal friction of the glass and case on objects and surfaces;
  • before going to bed, the clock is removed;
  • leather straps need to be replaced regularly as they are exposed to dampness, sweat, perfumes and cosmetics;
  • once a year it is recommended to check the products for tightness;
  • do not leave a mechanical clock near the speakers, otherwise they may fall behind or go faster.

Battery replacement

Replacing the battery - Batteries are needed when the clock starts to fall behind by a few minutes. If this happened during the warranty period (the manufacturer gives 2 years), you need to contact the service center.

Consider the case where the warranty has expired. Installing a new battery requires care, there is a high risk of breaking the tightness of the case. You will need a battery and a special set of tools (if not available, you can use a knife, awl, needle, tweezers).

Procedure for replacing the battery:

  1. Remove cover. It is raised with a knife, small screws are twisted with a thin awl;
  2. Inside there is a protective capsule, it is opened with a knife;
  3. The rubber seal is removed;
  4. The film that protects the mechanism from moisture is removed with tweezers;
  5. The battery is removed, a new one is placed in its place, fixed;
  6. The following steps are performed in reverse order: the film is returned to its place, the seal is placed, the capsule is installed, the lid is closed;
  7. Checking the functionality of the clock.

During operation, you need to carefully ensure that dust and other foreign small objects do not get into the watch.

See below for a video guide on how to properly replace the watch battery.

NIKA is the largest Russian manufacturer of gold and silver watches. In addition to the plant for the production of women's and men's watches from precious metals, Nika Group includes branded stores and a service center in Moscow, a distribution network in Russia and other countries.

NIKA watches - the exact move to success

NIKA was founded in August 2003. The company emphasizes that it was founded exclusively by Russian investors, without the participation of foreign capital. The first batch of NIKA gold watches was released in 2004.

In 2006, the company developed and patented the "Case in a Case" or "Capsule" technology, which made it possible to improve the technological process of watch production and improve their quality.

In 2009, a direction was launched for the production of watches and accessories with symbols - "NIKA - VIP-class gifts" (applying an inscription, ornament, logo on the watch surface). The first branded salons were opened in Moscow.

In 2010, the company launched the production of gold and silver bracelets for watches, as well as jewelry accessories - pens and coins.

In the same year, the first batch of the "Collection" collection was made - exclusive skeleton watches made of 750 gold.

Gradually increasing production volumes and assortment, improving technologies and equipment, building a sales system, NIKA turned from a small manufacturing company into the leader of the Russian market of gold and silver watches. By 2014, the range of NIKA watches, according to the company, is represented by more than 1,000 models, the monthly output exceeds 25,000 items.

In the production of watches and accessories, gold 585, silver 925, diamonds, sapphires and cubic zirkonia are used. Watches from NIKA Exclusive collections are made of gold 750, decorated with precious stones and enamel. Watch mechanisms are supplied by Swiss and Japanese manufacturers - Ronda, ETA, Miyota, SII.

The company actively promotes its brand in the media and the Internet (on behalf of itself, the Jewelery portal, we would like to note the accurate, understandable and convenient pool of NIKI branded websites), participates in significant jewelry events both in Russia and abroad, and holds its own promotions. In addition to the NIKA brand, the company begins the development of brands Lorie for watches of an expensive price segment and Qwill with products of a low price category.

Where to buy a NIKA watch

NIKA has a developed retail network. NIKI products are presented in the company's online store, in its own showrooms in Moscow and in partner stores in Russia, the CIS countries, as well as in the United Arab Emirates and China.
As of June 2014, 12 NIKA branded salons have been opened in Moscow. The partner network includes more than 7,000 stores located in almost all significant cities of Russia from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok, as well as in the CIS countries.
Service warranty and post-warranty service is provided by a network of 120 partner workshops located in all major cities of Russia.


Manufacturer Information
Brand name of the manufacturerNIKA
PricesMedium, Medium+
Company name (legal entity, individual entrepreneur)LLC "NIKA"
Additional contact methodshttps://twitter.com/NikaWatches
insertsWithout inserts, Diamonds,

Georgy Mordekhashvili, Alexei Bogdanov, Konstantin Chaikin, Elena Khitrina and Tengiz Sanikidze

The beginning of the Russian watch brand NIKA was laid in 2003. The domestic watch industry was going through a difficult moment: the huge Soviet factories actually ceased to exist, nothing new had yet to emerge. Four enthusiasts - the spouses Tengiz Sanikidze and Elena Khitrina, as well as Georgy Mordekhashvili and Alexei Bogdanov - decided to create this new one and established a company that was named after the daughter of Tengiz and Elena, and at the same time the name of the ancient Greek goddess of victory. The name justified itself: although there were dramatic moments, the brand of jewelry watches NIKA has been going through time and space for the 16th year, one might say triumphantly.

Nika watch factory


  • - 2003: first participation in a jewelry exhibition (Sokolniki, Moscow) with the first six watch models, partly made at home by Tengiz and Elena
  • - 2004: first office and workshop on the Highway of Enthusiasts
  • - 2004: Women's watches "Iris" and "Jasmine" with cases in the form of a rhombus and a trapezoid
  • - 2006: expansion of production areas up to 850 sq. m
  • - 2006: invention and introduction of capsule technology - the mechanism is placed in a sealed protective capsule and, already in it, in a gold or silver case

Watches from the collection "Dahlia"

  • - 2007: the first men's gold chronograph "Dahlia"
  • - 2008: rectangular women's watch "Olympia"
  • - 2009: "Prestige" - the first men's and women's mechanical watches with automatic winding
  • - 2010: moving "for permanent residence" to the building on the street. Rechnikov
  • - 2010: start of partnership with Konstantin Chaikin, currently a laureate of the Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Geneve

Clock made in the technique of "stained glass enamel"

  • - 2011: Vitrage - a collection of exclusive watches with handmade enamel dials
  • - 2012: exclusive watch "Gagarin" - a portrait of the first cosmonaut is made on the dial with a brush with one squirrel hair
  • - 2013: creation of sub-brands QWILL and NIKA Exclusive
  • - 2013: creation of NIKA GROUP

Watches from the "Mystery" collection

  • - 2013: Mystery watch - joint work of the NIKA factory and the Konstantin Chaykin manufactory
  • - 2014: White collection - a watch with a snow-white enamel dial
  • - 2015: ultra-thin watch, the flagship of the LADY collection
  • - 2015: the beginning of the manufacture of its own movements - NIKA becomes a full-cycle watch company
  • - 2016: Time of Russia watch showing the time in all time zones of the country - joint work of the NIKA plant and the Konstantin Chaykin manufactory
  • - 2017: a collection of jewelry women's watches LOLLIPS

NIKA - Made in Russia

Watches from the collection "Time of Russia"

As already mentioned, NIKA watches are jewelry watches. They are produced only in cases made of precious metals - gold 585 and silver 925. The creative imagination of the brand's leaders and many employees, including those who came from the "former" watch and jewelry industries, allows you to make bold and most often successful experiments with both the shape of cases and technology. The invention of Tengiz Sanikidze - "a case in a case" - has already been mentioned, it is worth mentioning the bimetallic cases obtained by diffusion welding from gold and silver.

In general, the manufacturing technology of NIKA hulls is completely original: the hulls are not cast, but stamped, while ultra-precise modern equipment is used. But the dials, made in the technique of hot or cloisonné enamel, are the product of the exclusive skill of the company's enamellers. NIKA is deservedly proud that the "Made in Russia" marking on the watch faces of this brand really speaks of quality and strengthens the prestige of the country.

present tense

Watches from the collection "Lollipops"

Today NIKA is a large modern enterprise with a wide range of products. Exclusive, usually limited-edition models with in-house movements, complex functions, and hand-finishing are the pride of the brand. But equally pride and, moreover, the basis of commercial success is the serial production of watches powered by Swiss or Japanese quartz or mechanics and distinguished by beauty, recognition, noble design (gold and silver, precious, semi-precious and synthetic stones) and at the same time affordable prices. Currently, this part of the NIKI brand book includes five main collections. Some of the five models are listed below.

celebrity. Article 1231.0.9.15A: silver men's watch, rectangular case, 38.4x46.4x12 mm. Automatic caliber Miyota 9110 (Japan, power reserve 40 hours, accuracy -10/+30 seconds per day). Three hands, date, day of the week, second time zone (24-hour format), power reserve (retrograde).