What to do if there is nothing to talk about on the first date. What to talk about with a man on a first date


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It is very important for men and women. It is on it that it becomes clear whether communication will continue further, or whether everything will be limited to a single meeting. And appearance at first goodbye plays an important, if not decisive, role.


The first one needs to be prepared in advance. It is best to make an appointment for the weekend so that you have the opportunity to take a break from everyday work and put yourself in order. Sleep well the night before an important event. A healthy complexion and the absence of under circles will allow you to use a minimum of tinting agents and look natural.

Do not get carried away with decorative cosmetics. This is not a masquerade, but. It will be enough to mask the shiny skin with powder, bring your eyes a little and make up your eyelashes. Highlight one thing on your face - lips or eyes. If you use bright lipstick, eye makeup should be minimal and vice versa.

Put your hair in a beautiful hairstyle. Choose the one that suits you, and not the one that is popular at the moment. A rare man understands fashion trends, but everyone can determine whether styling is in progress or not.

By the same principle, choose an outfit for the first. Wear what you feel comfortable in. Narrow, restricting movements, uncomfortable things, will not allow you to be liberated and tune in to the right wave. Choose a comfortable, elegant set that will hide all the flaws and emphasize the dignity.

If a long walk is expected, put on shoes with stable, not too high heels. Stiletto heels are more suitable for a romantic evening in a restaurant or theater.

Be open, don't close. Try to find out as much as possible about the person. This will allow you to decide whether it is worth seeing him again. If it didn’t work out, calmly tell the interlocutor about it. Do not give to a person when he did not like it at all.

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Helpful advice

Take powder with a small mirror and a comb. If there is something wrong with the appearance, it can be instantly corrected.

For any woman, a date is a very exciting event, even if it is just a business one. This is a kind of occasion to demonstrate their merits: a beautiful appearance, the ability to dress and keep up the conversation. Especially responsibly it is necessary to approach a date with someone you like very much, there are no trifles here and any detail should be paid attention to in order for success to be truly triumphant.


If this is not just a meeting, namely, it means that the man is waiting to see you real. Therefore, exclude baggy-cut unisex clothes made of coarse fabrics, outwardly heavy boots with tread soles, and baseball caps. You should look feminine and slightly frivolous. Feel free to emphasize the dignity of the figure, unbutton an extra button on a blouse, put on a dress of a tight-fitting silhouette.

On a date, try not to wear new things, no matter how beautiful they may seem to you. Clothing must be tested in wear, guaranteed to fit you well and be to your face. This is especially true for shoes, because unworn shoes can ruin all the fun and even reduce it.

Expensive beautiful underwear will also give you self-confidence. This does not mean at all that you will have to demonstrate it, but you will feel differently in it. In addition, usually, luxury underwear is distinguished by a good shape and cut, materials that are pleasant to the body.

Don't go overboard with makeup. The abundance of cosmetics is noticeable to anyone, not even observant, and it can scare away. Skillfully and competently applied make-up, high-quality cosmetics that do not smear on the face, will leave an impression of natural beauty. Do not overuse perfume with a heavy, pungent smell, it can give you and him a headache.

Remember that the main decoration is her grooming and accuracy. Be sure to do a fresh manicure and pedicure, wash. Your skin should be flawless in itself - all concealer creams will be very noticeable, because a date implies your intimacy. The less disguised flaws a man can see when approaching you, the more he will want to be closer to you.

Prepare on the outside, prepare on the inside. Do not forget that if you want a long-term relationship, you should be interesting. Be able to talk so that he wants to tell you about his hobbies, about himself. When he sees that you are not only beautiful in appearance, but you have something to talk about, you will become doubly attractive to him.

The first meeting often determines the further relationship of two people. It is on this date that a person evaluates a partner, identifies common interests and points of view. touch. If you make a bad impression, most likely, this meeting will be the last one, and vice versa, with a positive assessment, acquaintance can become long.


First of all, you must refrain from praising yourself. Tell us about your hobbies and hobbies. Having identified common interests, keep the conversation going on this topic. If you do not know something, it is better to remain silent or say that it is interesting to you and you would like to know about it. Suppose a young man is interested in the history of Ancient Egypt. Ask him about the pyramids, their history, etc.

Never try to play someone. Be natural, because you should interest a person in yourself, and not in a mask worn over the face. Imagine this situation: at the first meeting you said that you were in business (in fact, this is not the case). Over time, he learns that this is not true. His first thought is: “This man is a liar! You can't rely on him." Naturally, further communication will be reduced to zero.

Try to be attentive to the interlocutor. If you are not at all interested in the topic of conversation, smoothly transfer it to another. In no case do not cut off a person in mid-sentence, as this is a sign of lack of culture. Also, do not talk in a monologue, it is better to build the right dialogue.

Don't be too pushy as this can push your partner away. Smile more, because it has to itself, but it must be done naturally. In no case do not complain about life, do not talk about previous relationships. It is better to find a neutral topic for conversation.

At the first meeting look the person in the eye. You can touch the interlocutor with your hand, but this touch should be light and short-lived. With these gestures, you will understand whether a person will let you into their personal space.

At the end of the meeting, you can thank the interlocutor for a great time. Say that it was a pleasure to talk to him.

The first date is an incredibly responsible and important event. Further development of a relationship with a man will depend on how you behave on him. After all, the first impression is then quite difficult to correct. Some girls are often nervous and do not know what to talk about at the first meeting.


Gather your thoughts and relax. On the eve of a date, go over the most common topics in your head that you can have a casual conversation about. This will help you avoid awkward silence, and you can easily move the conversation back on track. Do not overdo it by trying to impress a man and seem better than you really are. In addition, you do not need to lead the conversation. Your conversation should be a pleasant dialogue, not your monologue with any revelations. But you also don’t need to sit with a stupid look and nod after each phrase of your interlocutor.

In no case do not agree to a date if you have any problems, and even more so do not discuss them with a new acquaintance and do not ask him for advice. He does not need your difficulties. And if a man listens to you, then only out of politeness.

Do not talk to a man on a first date about illnesses, money, your and his intimate life, past men and relationships with them, etc.

Try to listen more than talk. And do it very carefully, paying attention to any little things said by the interlocutor.

Do not try to tell too much about yourself in one evening: where you live, with whom, where you work, where you study, etc. You must interest a man, and if you open up completely, he will quickly lose interest in you. Instead, try to find common themes and hobbies. People who share the same hobby interests are attracted to each other.

When you talk about yourself, do not remember unpleasant moments from life. Tell us a couple of funny situations that happened to you. Men appreciate a good sense of humor. You can talk about your successes and achievements, but only without pathos. Remember, whatever you talk about, try to be positive.

Coming home after a date, remember your entire conversation with a man. This will not only help you get a big picture of the person you dated, but also point out your mistakes. And even if you don't meet again, it will be an invaluable experience for you.

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On the first date, you should build a conversation in such a way as to be able to get to know the interlocutor better, tell a little about yourself, but at the same time not spoil the impression of the meeting. To achieve this, it is important to choose the right topics for conversation.

Topics to talk about on a first date

First of all, it is worth talking about common interests. The conversation should go easily and naturally - this is very important. You should not turn the conversation into a template interrogation on the topic "What films, musical groups, books do you like." You can discuss interesting novelties, try to find common ground, hobbies that will be of interest to both of you. Tell us briefly about your hobbies and ask about the interlocutor's hobbies. It is very important to do this calmly, in no case criticizing other people's views and tastes, even if they are incomprehensible to you or not very pleasant, otherwise there is a high risk that there will be no second date.

On the first date, it's worth talking a little about your life and the life of your partner. You should not tell or learn everything at once - you need to get acquainted gradually. You can talk about school or work, about how you spend your weekends. This will allow both of you to get a better idea of ​​each other.

It doesn't have to be a serious date. Interesting and even funny cases from your life will not interfere - of course, only those that do not spoil the impression of you, but only amuse or help give a more complete picture of your character and preferences. By the way, sharing funny stories will help determine how developed each of you has a sense of humor and how easy it will be for you to have fun together later.

What can be discussed on a first date

If you feel that contact has already been established and communication is going smoothly, you can gradually and carefully move the conversation to love topics. On the first date, you should not talk about relationships with former partners, about unsuccessful marriages, betrayals and other problems - this is superfluous. Sexual preferences are also better left untouched. But it’s worth discussing your views on the role of a man and a woman in a relationship, on romance, spending time together and other important points. Maybe you will realize that your views do not coincide at all, which means that you will be uncomfortable together, or, on the contrary, you will find out that the period of courtship may well be a truly magical time for you.

On the first date, you can also try to tell some plans for the future, but not about relationships. For example, it is better for a woman not to talk about her plans to get married as soon as possible, but, for example, that she wants to study law, improve her skills, go on a trip.

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How to spend a first date is a personal matter for everyone, but so that after the first date there are good memories and it goes perfectly, try to follow a few rules. So you increase the chances of a second, third ... fifth date and winning his heart.


Try not to be late for a date, showing yourself as a punctual girl who knows how to value other people's time.

Preparing for a date

Prepare for a date in advance by thinking through the outfit, shoes, makeup, hair and accessories. You should look stunning, but not overly provocative. Too bright makeup and a revealing outfit can frighten a man, or show your frivolity.

Where to go on a first date

According to statistics, most girls like to spend their first date in a cozy cafe or on a romantic walk, which may include going to the movies or outdoor activities such as rollerblading, skating or cycling. It is better to choose a cozy cafe, where the tables are not too close to each other. From the variety of assortment in the proposed menu, choose light dishes and desserts, thus setting the meeting in an easy way. The time for the first date is better to choose no later than 18 hours. The best option would be a day or a late evening.

How to behave on a first date

As for behavior, psychologists advise - be yourself. On the first date there is no place for pretense and falsehood. There is no need to play roles that are completely unusual for you in real life, because a man can feel your game and simply leave you alone under the pretext of urgent matters. Be who you really are, but good manners and etiquette have not yet been canceled. Be polite and not overly talkative. No need to tell everything about your life, be frank, but leave room for a little mystery and innuendo. A man loves to guess the woman he likes.

End of first date

When the time comes to say goodbye, you can hint to the man that you are not against a second date, but not too intrusively, as if hinting. Be sure to thank the man for a great time. Be loved!

A first date requires careful preparation, especially if you're nervous, think ahead about what you'll be talking about in order to avoid awkward pauses.


Quite an interesting and easy topic for conversation, a personal environment. Family, brothers and sisters, friends. Of course, you should not go into details, you can talk about how the family likes to spend time, mention interesting family traditions, tell us about your favorite pet, if you have one. People who love animals inspire trust and make them feel at ease. You can add a little about friends, and funny moments experienced together, only in moderation, of course.

It is difficult to get around the topic of work and study. Not always, our work is directly related to the specialty obtained in a higher educational institution, so you need to be tactful when asking questions about work, but it is better to wait until the interlocutor tells about himself. Say about yourself what you see fit, there are no unworthy professions, because a person paints a place, and not vice versa. Share vivid impressions, tell interesting cases related to work or student times.

It is important to learn about personal hobbies. Ask questions, show a keen interest in this topic. After all, a certain hobby most clearly characterizes the inner world of a person. His way of thinking. Perhaps, having learned about strange preferences, there will be no desire to make a second date.

A good topic for conversation is a discussion of your favorite food, drinks, especially if you have visited a restaurant or cafe. Talk about the most incredible food you have ever tried. Perhaps you have fallen in love with a certain cuisine abroad, and you have brought a couple of exotic recipes with you. This topic in itself suggests the idea of ​​cooking dinner at home, on a second date.

Do not be afraid to talk about the future, it is worth, of course, to miss the topic of children and marriage. Say what you want to achieve at work, what personal dreams to fulfill, what countries to visit, what interesting things you want to see, what you definitely want to try in life. This topic also reveals well the personal qualities of a person, by which one can judge his essence.

Of course, on the first date you need to show a sense of humor, but without vulgarity and stupid jokes. Interesting curiosities from your life, funny situations that happened to family and friends, an appropriate topic that will enliven the conversation.

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Tip 9: How to choose the perfect place for a first date

First Date - it is this that serves as the starting point of any relationship, it is about him that elderly couples who have spent many years together remember, and it depends on him whether lovers will be together. So the preparation for the first date should be taken very, very seriously.

The first date is a kind of transition from one relationship to another, closer, more intimate. On the way to it, partners already go through several stages - acquaintance, friendship, telephone conversations and timid personal conversations, knowledge of the inner world of the intended partner, his habits and preferences. But after the first date, after the first few hours spent together, the relationship changes dramatically, moves into a new phase.

The first date can be anything - fun and active, quiet and romantic, or sporty, touristic, and even comic. The secret of its success in any case lies in the fact that both partners should like and remember it. Moreover, the scenario of a date is not as important as the choice of a place where it will take place.

How to choose a place for a first date

Before you make an appointment, arrange a meeting, you need to decide on its place. It is important to understand that there should be comfortable and cozy for both a man and a woman. If one of the partners feels “out of place”, then there is a risk that he will close up, will not be able to relax, open up, and will completely refuse a second date.

As a rule, the choice of a place for the first meeting in private falls on the shoulders of a man. Many of them make the most unforgivable mistake, giving preference to the place that seems comfortable for him, where exactly he will look like a real macho, capable of feats and beautiful deeds. Basically, a man invites a lady to visit a cafe or restaurant, which, of course, is also liked by many women. But in order to really surprise your partner, you can unobtrusively ask her or her friends about what she loves, what she dreams about and what she dreams about. After all, it may happen that she wants to go on a picnic in the park, go skating or skiing, wander, for example, in a zoo or on the roofs of houses in the moonlight.

A girl can also take the initiative in choosing a place for a first date, but, again, in accordance with both her desires and the desires of her partner. A man who does not like noisy parties and clubs will not be able to open up and show all his best qualities on a noisy dance floor, and a party-goer can simply fall asleep at a movie show.

The most unusual places for a first date

An amusement park is one of the most ideal places for a first date. Only here you can sit in a quiet cafe, and ride a roller coaster, and dance. But its main plus is that its visit returns to childhood, liberates and helps to get to know each other better, to understand what kind of person is nearby, and what type of entertainment he prefers.

Sports events and facilities or a bowling alley are suitable as a place for a first date for a couple who met at a training session or, for example, a football match. The very place of the first meeting indicates what will be of interest to both of them, what will truly captivate and enjoy.

A visit to the zoo or a picnic in the city park, as well as an amusement park, helps to relax and return to childhood, inspires confidence, but only if the partner prefers a quiet and relaxing holiday.

Well, if both partners love secular parties and noisy clubs, then for the first date you can order a VIP zone in one of the best nightlife in the city. There you can, as they say, show yourself, look at people, and spend time with the object of adoration.

The guy clearly loves entertainment, drive and adrenaline. Or maybe he missed the cloudless and vivid impressions of childhood. Watch what games and attractions he chooses.

A lover of hard games with elements of fights and a look of blood is a likely aggressor who hates submission. A skilled shooter who wins a soft toy for you at a shooting range can have a strong masculine character. Behind such, as behind a stone wall - he will get any star from the sky if he sets a goal.

Fun hunters are still children at heart, spontaneous and impulsive. They do not know how to adequately perceive criticism, but they are sincere in their impulses.

2. Water park or beach. The trickster decided to see the charms of your figure in reality as soon as possible and at the same time demonstrate his muscles. Most likely, you are attracted to him so far only as a sexual object. Water, as you know, relaxes and hints at resort hobbies. Enjoy swimming, but be on the lookout.

If the guy in the water does not immediately try to give free rein to his hands and feel your charming forms, but only occasionally supports you or teaches you to swim, this indicates a potential desire to protect and care.

3. Night club, beer bar or private party. A guy who chooses crowded and noisy places for a date with the possibility of drinking does not seem ready for heart-to-heart conversations. If in five minutes of being in the club, at least ten people nodded to him as a sign of greeting, then he is here - an experienced person. Pay attention to the number of strong drinks he drank and the financial side of the issue: who treats whom.

4. Outdoor picnic or romantic date on a boat. The guy understands the peculiarities of female psychology and knows exactly what a woman wants. Pay attention to the distribution of responsibilities. “Relax, I’ll do everything myself” is an ideal phrase, but too ostentatious.

It is best if a man takes on the lion's share of the responsibilities and tells you what help is required. Keep in mind that romantic evenings overlooking the water, a fire and the luxury of nature dull the voice of reason - you can recklessly fall in love and forget about everything in the world.

5. Extreme vacation. Nothing reveals the essence of character like a joint extreme. With his choice, the guy wants to show you his world full of dangers and adventures. If you are not ready or afraid, it is better to report it right away so that awkward situations do not arise. However, it’s worth going on a date: an extreme guy can teach you a lot, for example, how to survive in a forest or conquer a mountain peak.

In any case, on a date, you should behave naturally and naturally, you can talk about whatever you want, and do spontaneous things. A person will either love you and accept you with all the shortcomings, or go looking for another soul mate.

Any outcome of a date should be treated as an important life lesson - you received and learned certain information and met a new person. It will be useful in the future or not - you decide.

The first date is over and on the next it is worth doing everything right so as not to alienate a partner who is already interested in you. Scientists who have been studying the behavior and psychotypes of various people for a long time have identified the basic rules of behavior on a date.

See but don't stare

Visual contact is excellent, even amazing. Girls love it when guys look into their eyes boldly. It excites such attention, it flatters her. But in everything you need to know the measure. Use the 11-1 rule. When a girl tells you something, look at her for eleven seconds, and then look away for one second. This will show her that you are listening carefully, but you won't make her feel embarrassed either.

Monkey is not harmful

On the contrary, it is useful. Scientists in Holland have proven that mimicry can conquer the interlocutor. In short, the meaning is this: imitation in action helps to make it clear to the interlocutor that you are closely following him, paying attention. In short, on the same wavelength. Therefore, if a girl makes a gesture, repeat it. If you go to a cafe or restaurant and she orders something, order the same. Just don't repeat everything. Otherwise, you risk looking too feminine.

Feed her sweet

Works with men too. When a person eats sweets, the world seems brighter around, the mood is better, and the little things are not so nasty. If you have any roughness in character or appearance, order a cake or a piece of cake on a date. Thanks to endorphins, the hormone of joy that is produced when a person swallows sweets bite after bite.

Legs as an indicator

At least a couple of times, look away from her face and look at her legs. If they look at you with their socks, then breathe a sigh of relief. If not, then start worrying. Since the legs are too far from the head, they are difficult to control. And sometimes the toes of the feet are more truthful than the words and facial expressions. Sounds crazy, but it works.

The first date for almost every girl is an exciting event, especially with a man whom she hardly knows. And while dates are supposed to be the harbinger of a relationship, first encounters are also mini-interviews, whether we want to admit it or not. That is why it is important not only to choose a beautiful outfit and skillfully make up, but also to think over interesting topics for conversation in advance.

A date can turn out to be an absolute failure if you behave unnaturally and try to impersonate another person. The first encounter is like an onion: you need to peel one layer at a time. Gently allow your partner to express themselves and don't ask very personal questions. Basic rules of communication on a first date:

  • Be natural and feminine, don't embellish your life. Try to honestly answer the interlocutor's questions in order to win him over. If a man likes something, but you don’t, for example, some kind of activity, then you don’t need to lie and say that you also like it so that he likes it. It is important to always be sincere. Otherwise, he can easily catch you in a lie, and this can ruin his attitude towards you.
  • If possible, look the man in the eyes more, demonstrate your interest. Do not be afraid to show your facial expressions and sincere laughter, then he will understand that you are listening to him carefully.
  • Show your interest when the guy reveals something about his life. Ask leading questions and express your opinion.
  • Give the initiative to the partner, he should feel like a leader. Let him choose a topic to start a conversation, and you support him and do not be passive.
  • Try to remember what the interlocutor says to you. You will thank yourself for this when your relationship develops and new meetings follow.
  • Find out more about the interests and hobbies of a man to get acquainted with the basics of a particular topic.
  • Avoid long pauses in your conversation. Try to always keep in touch, ask questions and share interesting experiences.

The best topics for conversation

An exciting first meeting can unsettle and make you forget about everything in the world. Use these "safe" themes to keep your voice open:

  • latest events and news;
  • books and films;
  • music;
  • hobby;
  • sport;
  • animals.

If your date is in a restaurant, talk about taste preferences. Mention your goals and aspirations, plans for the future. It will be useful to remember funny stories from life and anecdotes. Talk about travel and places you dream of visiting.

What questions to ask?

Let's imagine that your meeting takes place in a cafe or restaurant. I've decided to break our hypothetical first date into five stages and come up with a series of questions to help you manage your anxiety and keep the conversation going.

first ten minutes

Questions in the first ten minutes are key to starting a conversation in a meeting. They are asked after you have said hello and settled down somewhere in a convenient place. They set the tone for your date and give you a reason to chat more casually. Here are some of the options:

  • How was the day?
  • How did you get here?
  • What is your mood?

After ordering food and drink

Now that the awkwardness of the first minutes of the meeting has passed, it's time to give the conversation a more concrete character. The questions at this stage should be an equal mix of inquisitive and casual to enable a better understanding of the man. Do you have many common interests, what he enjoys, how he spends his weekends.

  • What do you like to do outside of work (study)?
  • Do you like to watch movies or series? Which?
  • What music do you listen to?
  • Have you traveled lately?
  • Have you read any good books lately?

Personal questions

It's time to move on to more personal matters, making sure you're both ready for it. Some of these questions may seem silly at first, but they will become very useful later on. You will be able to get to know the interlocutor better, understand whether he suits you and whether he is an interesting person. It is not necessary to use all the questions, choose those that are right for you and your partner:

  • What are you doing? Do you like your job or study? What do you want to do next?
  • Do you often spend time with your family?
  • Do you have borthers and sisters?
  • Can you wake up easily in the morning or do you like to sleep longer?
  • Do you love to cook? What works best?
  • What are your 3 main life values ​​(family, work, health, creativity, etc.)?
  • Do you have a large group of acquaintances or a couple of best friends?
  • Do you consider yourself a career-oriented person?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • The brightest impression in life?
  • What do you value most in a man and a woman?


If you feel like everything went well, don't be afraid to let him know:

  • Thank you for the invitation, I really liked everything.
  • Such a cozy cafe, you have great taste.
  • Very tasty food here. Thanks for inviting me to this place.
  • I had a wonderful time! Thank you!

If you did not like the behavior of the man during your meeting, then it is important to tell him about it so that he knows about your feelings and does not do it again. This should only be said in a polite way:

  • I consider it a sign of disrespect when a person is late for a meeting with me, dissolves his hands, allows rudeness, insults, and so on in my direction.
  • I hate it when a man often answers calls during a date.

A normal man will take it well and will no longer allow such an attitude towards you. If he does not care about your feelings, and he continues to behave unworthily, then in this case it is better to immediately leave the society of such a person and no longer communicate with him.


The first date doesn't have to be long. It is better to spend 1-1.5 hours on it. You do not need to fully open up to a man at the first meeting. Then he will be more willing to ask you out on a second date to get to know you better.

Forbidden topics

  • Four things you should never talk about on a first date: politics, religion, former relationships, and a man's income. Too serious and fast, don't rush!
  • Do not ask your partner why he is silent or what he is thinking. You won’t get an honest answer from him, but you will put him in an awkward position and force him to lie.
  • You may not have had a very good day, but keep your mouth shut. Do not whine and complain about your life, do not talk about problems, otherwise the man will become bored and he will definitely not want to listen to complaints for the rest of his life.
  • Try not to brag about your achievements or talk about financial opportunities. The gentleman may be embarrassed and decide that you have an overestimated bar. Or by such behavior you can attract a gigolo.
  • Also, do not get ahead of yourself and do not talk about the fact that you want to get married as soon as possible. Men are afraid of responsibility and the rapid development of relationships by nature, so do not scare him.
  • A large number of compliments can give the impression that you are not sincere and are pursuing certain goals.
  • Excessive flirting will make you an easily accessible and desperate lady in the eyes of a guy.
  • Do not ask provocative questions and do not be rude to a man. Do not demonstrate your egocentrism, so as not to seem like a narcissistic girl.

Rules for a successful first date

  1. Appearance. You should look beautiful and natural, do not choose flashy outfits with large necklines and short skirts. Conceal small imperfections of the face, do not overdo it with the saturation of makeup.
  2. Don't drink alcohol. The only exception is a glass of wine. But at the same time, you need to understand how your body reacts to alcohol. One girl and a glass of wine is enough to get drunk and start talking nonsense. And the other, on the contrary, a small amount of alcohol helps to relax and begin to behave more confidently during a conversation.
  3. Don't use mat. It will be very ugly if a nice well-groomed girl swears. You are not a shoemaker! Be humble and laugh with restraint. Good manners and modesty are always appreciated by the opposite sex.
  4. Ask open-ended questions. A man will immediately understand that you are interested in him and will give detailed answers. And they will show you the true picture and help you decide if this guy is right for you or not.
  5. Conversation on neutral topics. Do not touch on "hot" topics, take a keen interest in the man's hobbies and life. Try to find common interests, tell us about your hobby. Do not interrupt the gentleman, do not let him be silent for a long time, asking leading questions.

What to wear on a first date?

If you can not choose an outfit for a date, then watch this video. It can give you new ideas.

I hope my recommendations, list of topics and questions will help you at the first meeting with a man. The main thing is to behave naturally, be open and sociable. Relax, smile more and show interest in the topics discussed, and the second date will be guaranteed to you!

What to talk about with a girl?

You like a girl, and you want to approach her to get acquainted, but the success of your undertaking will depend on how you start a conversation.


Be bold, but not pushy. Overconfidence is repulsive. You can be a little embarrassed. If in fact there is no embarrassment at all, portray it. No need to learn to blush, stutter and blink your eyelashes rapidly. Just do a little hitch at the end. As the beginning of a conversation, you can, for example, help to deal with something.

To start a conversation at the gym, a veiled compliment on her outfit will do. Veiled! Do not cut from the shoulder with the phrase "Oh, you have a nice T-shirt, how it delightfully emphasizes the chest." Easier. At the rink, you can praise her triple somersault. She does not do somersaults, but only sorts out with great difficulty with her skates? Offer a helping hand, gently advise how to push off and how to slow down.

In a nightclub and at a disco, you don’t have to be too smart about the beginning of a phrase - there the atmosphere itself suggests making acquaintances. Just invite the girl you like to dance, and if she likes you, the conversation will start by itself.

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What young people just don’t do to get the phone number of the girl they like. And then what? You hold a piece of paper with numbers in your hands and painfully figure out how to start a telephone conversation. talk. You like it, but you are afraid of failure. What to say to a girl?


Be simple. You can just dial the phone number and ask how she is doing. Take an interest, day, show participation and care. If you are not a supporter of chatting on telephone invite her to a meeting. To do this, keep in mind in advance the options where you can spend time together.

Think of a reason to call. It doesn't have to be something complicated or serious. Just ask her for advice on cooking a dish or the colors of a shirt and jeans. And so the conversation will start.

Think about what you would like to know. Ask about her hobbies and hobbies, what films and music she is. Ask questions to get to know each other better. Remember that the conversation should not turn into an interrogation. Alternate questions with fun and casual stories about yourself and your hobbies. Perhaps the philosophical reasoning from the series “Is there life on Mars?” Throw her a couple of interesting ideas on this subject.

There are also recommendations as to what is not necessary. Avoid swear words, rudeness, sensitive topics. Do not be too frank and if the girl for some reason decided not to answer the question. You should also not find out her financial situation or discuss her friends or others with her. Don't talk about yourself that isn't there. If you would like to communicate with further, lies will certainly be revealed, because words are tested in practice. Showing yourself in a favorable light, do not overdo it with your merits. This can confuse a new acquaintance, and she will not find how to react. The same applies to too intrusive and numerous compliments addressed to. Keep it simple and talk more on neutral topics.

If you are very worried, write down on paper a small conversation plan of three or four points. When pauses begin to appear in the conversation, direct the conversation in a new direction.

Having learned the interests of the girl, offer what she is interested in. If she loves, invite her to go boating on the lake. A lover of ice cream and popcorn will like a joint trip to the cinema. If a girl loves history and culture, invite her to see a recently opened exhibition.

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Girls tend to have mood swings. Young people sometimes do not have time to notice how joy turns into grief or resentment. But when talking "face to face" it is quite possible to "catch" such a moment. And if communication takes place at a distance, for example, by telephone, it is very difficult to do so.


If you really want to call, but you don’t know what to talk about with her, then come up with a reason. For example, ask her for advice on choosing a movie or music disc. Only a small one should be believable. This will help you get started. First, the rules of elementary courtesy require not to disturb people "just like that." Secondly, you will know what to say, which means you will avoid silence.

Stock up on patience. Most people love to chat telephone. And they can do it for hours. And if you do not want to end the conversation with an insult, then you will have to listen to the representative of the sex. Consider that when she speaks her mind freely, she starts to trust you and treat you well. When you continue a relationship, it means a lot. In addition, you yourself will also have time to understand how disposed to a person.

Avoid inappropriate jokes and rude language. Understand that you are not talking with a male friend, with whom you can not be shy about any phrases. At some turns, the young lady may well be offended and, it is possible that she will be right. Of course, naughty humor will be in place. Just do not allow stupid chuckles for no reason, otherwise you will give the impression of at least a strange person.

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The well-known joke that women love with their ears has been heard by many. And indeed, as in every joke, there is only a fraction of a joke in it, but the rest is true. Nondescript, but known for their eloquence, men have always had many admirers among women. Therefore, it is important to be able to find girl general topic For conversation to get her interested in you.


Don't make the common mistake of showering her with compliments. A compliment is good and appropriate in strictly metered portions. If you really want to do it, then do not hold back, but try to express your delight without the help of hackneyed phrases, come up with something original. When a compliment sounds natural, anyone will appreciate your sincerity and silently note your good taste.

Talk to her about what she does, about her studies or work. Give her a chance to talk about herself. Ask her detailed questions, which should sound complete so that she cannot be limited to monosyllabic sentences. Be attentive while listening, perhaps at some point in her story she will require additional questions - she will talk about something more emotionally. Such attentiveness to her moods will also cause a positive reaction from the outside.

A wonderful topic that will not leave anyone indifferent is her hobbies. You will give her the opportunity to talk and talk about what she really cares about, and you will be able to assess how this girl suits you. It is in such a conversation that her character, hobbies and habits will be revealed to the maximum.

Talk to her about travel. Ask where she has already managed to visit and where else she would like to go. Your impressions of your own trips will also be relevant here. Stock up on a few funny stories related to your own adventures, they will always come in handy.


  • topics for a conversation with a girl

On the Internet - the phenomenon is very popular and widespread. Literally some 20 years ago, the ability to communicate with people regardless of the country or continent was the ultimate dream. Here are the basic principles and ways to get acquainted and communicate on the Internet.


To start looking for new acquaintances, you first need to create your personal email box. E-mail registration services are provided by many postal services. In the Russian segment of the Internet, the most popular mail services are: mail.ru and yandex.ru, in the international segment: rambler.com, gmail.com and hotmail.com. Registration in these services takes no more than 10 minutes and is selected solely on the basis of personal interests.

After you have set up your email box, you can proceed to the direct search for candidates in. The first option is to register for . This operation will take you no more than five minutes. When creating a profile on such a site, it is important to consider that the more details you tell about yourself, the more chances you have to meet suitable people.

You can also meet on social networks. In addition to finding friends and, there are many thematic groups and communities there. Communicating in them, you can get a lot of interests or just for communication. And if in such networks, in your profile, you put the status that you want to meet, then the chances of finding an interlocutor increase many times over.

You can get it on the forums. The most important thing is to choose a forum that suits your interests. Browse all sections and decide on what topics you want to communicate. Start expressing your opinion on the issues under discussion. By commenting on various topics and messages of forum members, you join the general community of users. In the process of such communication, members of the forum who share your thoughts will communicate with you more closely. And if the topics or answers that you create are very significant and in demand, then they will begin to consult with you. Such communication can easily develop into real meetings.

Today, a fairly large number of guys are interested in what to say to a girl. This is one of the important points on which it depends whether the girl wants further relations with this gentleman. Dating communication is a whole science, and in order to study it perfectly, you will have to make some efforts.


Pay attention to how you communicate with girls in everyday life. If it is difficult for you to choose a topic for conversation with the fair sex, you will have to seriously work on yourself. Gain confidence, imagine that you will become the ideal for the girl you are going on a date with.

Work on your speech. Your intonation and style should change so that the girl can immediately show interest in you, want to continue communication, even if you are not the ultimate dream for her. A beautiful smile and a friendly look are one of the main assistants in this matter.

Do not rush to immediately start talking with everything in a row. Think in advance what to say to a girl on a date. No need to memorize certain phrases, just make a list of topics that would be most interesting to a girl. First of all, add here your most interesting and unusual hobbies. You can also talk about your success in school, work, sports, but only without bragging. Tell the girl about your plans for the future. Thus, based on these topics, you will be able to identify your common interests, and further communication will no longer present any particular problems.

Show all your ability to impress a girl when communicating with her. Try to speak in such a way that she listens to you with great interest. Don't forget to compliment her and also ask the right questions. You can find out what she likes and steer the conversation in the right direction so that she feels like a kindred spirit in you. Don't talk too much, give your companion the opportunity to speak as well. When she speaks, listen carefully and don't forget to show that the girl is also of interest to you.

Try to be more persistent: touch the girl, hug and kiss her. You should not hurry with these, wait until your communication becomes close enough. This may require not one, but several dates at once with a short interval. If a girl reciprocates, then you managed to really like her.

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The guy liked the girl. And she also seems to enjoy his company. He appoints her a date, she agrees. And then it often happens like this: an excited guy, out of embarrassment, does not even know what to talk about on a first date! There are awkward pauses. How to avoid such a situation, what topics are better to touch on in a conversation?

How to start a conversation with a girl?

Feel free to talk about yourself. If the girl agreed to come on a date, it means that the young man is at least not indifferent to her. Rather, she likes him. But if a girl remains disappointed with the first date, she is unlikely to want to date this guy further. Therefore, if a young man does not want the first date to be the last, he must immediately make a good impression on the girl, demonstrate that he is an intelligent, serious, well-mannered person. To do this, you need to tell about yourself - where he studies or works, what plans for the future, what has already been achieved. You can also talk about your hobbies, hobbies, for example, what kind of music he likes to listen to, how he spends his free time.

Don't exaggerate your strengths, but don't underestimate them either.

You can also start a conversation with her hobbies, hobbies. If she was vacationing abroad, the young man may ask about the most liked sights of the country. You need to speak in a confident, calm voice. You should not consider the girl point-blank, otherwise she may be embarrassed, "closed." But periodically meeting her gaze is not only possible, but necessary.

What to talk about with a girl?

Talk about what is interesting to a beautiful person. In order for the conversation to proceed in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, it would be good to first make inquiries about the interlocutor. After all, if a guy knows what a lady is fond of, what her tastes are, it will be much easier for him to interest a girl. Especially if it turns out that they have some common hobbies, hobbies, preferences.

To do this, you can visit her pages on social networks, talk about the girl with mutual friends.

You can ask her tastes, hobbies directly on a date. But one should not be too persistent in inquiries. The girl should not get the impression that this guy is not very tactful.

In no case should you ask a girl about her ex. In the same way, you should not remember your ex-girlfriends, much less compare her with them. If the first date makes a good impression on the girl, she will almost certainly want to continue dating the guy.

The Internet has firmly entered into all spheres of life, and today people increasingly prefer to get acquainted online. You can write to a girl and offer to chat using one of the web resources suitable for this.

Send a girl an offer to meet, but try to make it as original as possible. Avoid trite phrases such as “Hi, how are you?”, “What are you doing?” etc. You can start with a small compliment, such as “Hi, you are very beautiful! May with ?" And if you notice that a girl loves romance, you can show your imagination and write an even more beautiful message: “I can’t take my eyes off your photos for several days! Can I meet such a stunning girl? etc. One way or another, whether the girl wants to answer and get to know you largely depends on the first phrase.

As soon as the girl answers you and expresses her consent to meet, do not stop surprising her. Text her: “I was at the gym / in the dance section / at the university today and saw you move / dance / laugh, and I realized that you are just an amazing girl!” Then ask her to tell you more about herself.

Take advantage of what the girl tells about herself. Choose the interests of hers that most closely match yours and write: “Wow, I also love sports / cinema / theater / dance!” Next, tell us something else interesting about yourself. At the same time, try not to lay out the most significant facts about you in a conversation and save them for conversation already during a meeting with a chosen one. Take this opportunity to ask the girl for her phone number or immediately offer to meet if the communication is going very well. Do not stop monitoring the reaction of the interlocutor: does she put emoticons, asks you counter questions, exchanges jokes, etc. This will help you determine how much she likes you.

The modern rhythm of life leaves little time for personal life. But how to get acquainted with a girl if there is no opportunity to often go to clubs, restaurants and other places where you can meet your soul mate? You need to use the world wide web!

Register on social networks and dating sites (VKontakte, Facebook, Mamba, Loveplanet), find the girl you like. Do not send her banal messages like "How are you", "What are you doing", "Let's get acquainted." Also, don't compliment her on how beautiful, slim, and stunning she is. Believe me, with this approach of yours, the girl will not distinguish you from the crowd of fans who dream of meeting her. The message should be unusual, it should interest her.

If you don't know what the first post should be, study her page: interests, hobbies, hobbies, etc. For example, if she is a student at some educational institution, write her a message such as “Hi. At your university (college, school, lyceum) are all the girls so charming or are you the only one like that? The lady will certainly be surprised by your unusual approach to dating and she will certainly want to answer that she alone is the most charming person in her educational institution. This is just one example, be creative!

Joke more. Do not think about the hardships of life and do not tell the young lady about your problems. Under no circumstances should this be done! Bring a touch of positivity to your virtual communication, which over time can become real.

Write smartly. Of course, it is not at all necessary to be a philologist, but you must know the elementary rules of the Russian language. Read specialized literature. Also, you must show your erudition. Tell about your interests, hobbies, ask the girl what she likes to do. If, for example, she likes to have fun, ask her out and take her to an exciting party.

Don't be persistent. If the girl refused you, you do not need to persuade her to talk with you. Compliment her and leave her alone. Perhaps after some time she will write to you herself, and you will start a friendly, relaxed communication.

As you can see, you can meet a girl using various methods. Only here you need to understand that there is no guarantee that the lady will want to communicate with you. And here it can be in many factors. Maybe she has a boyfriend? Or does she just not like online dating? Maybe she just doesn't like you. The reasons may be different, here it is important not to despair and try to start a virtual conversation with other representatives of the fair sex.

Tip 11: What to talk about with girls when dating

Be relaxed, but not defiant. Try to speak openly and sincerely, looking into the girl's eyes and smiling at her. To begin with, you can tell a new acquaintance about what you do, about your studies or work, about some plans for your future life. In addition, you can mention that the main thing in life for you is not only career growth, but also a happy family, and you would like to find yourself a faithful companion in life. You can also tell a new acquaintance about what qualities an ideal woman should have in your opinion. After that, your new acquaintance will surely share with you her plans for the future and thoughts about her ideal man. This topic is very interesting and will help you get to know your interlocutor better.

You can tell the girl about your interests and hobbies. Maybe you do some kind of sport or play a musical instrument. Such a topic is also quite entertaining, and during such a conversation you can find out if you have common hobbies with your interlocutor.

Also, during the first meeting, you can discuss your favorite music, art, literature, poetry, films. A conversation about cinema may well develop into an offer to go to the cinema together.

In addition, while meeting a girl, you can tell her funny stories from your life and the life of your friends. If you have a pet, you can also talk about it, as some girls are very fond of pets.

Do not forget that during the first date you should interest the new acquaintance as much as possible. Try to joke more, as laughter brings people together.

What should you not talk about with a girl while dating?

In addition to acceptable topics during dating, there is a certain list of unacceptable ones. It includes conversations about former relationships in a negative context, conversations about the financial condition, discussion of the details of a sexual life, too intimate topics or vulgar jokes. Girls don't like to discuss it with strangers.

The first meeting with a woman you like often has a certain stressful connotation for a man. For him, this is an opportunity and a chance to charm a girl, win him over, interest him in further communication. It is especially difficult for taciturn people who find it difficult to immediately begin to freely communicate with an unfamiliar person and feel at ease.

The most important thing is to start a conversation, and in this the initiative should come from the man, since the girl can also be shy, thinking about how she looks, whether she picked up her manicure and accessories well, whether she overdid it with makeup and whether the man likes it in general.

And for a date, as for a decisive event in life (what if she is the one?), It is worth preparing thoroughly:

  1. You need to find a place where both will be comfortable. You can choose a cozy cafe or a park for a walk, where no one will interfere with the conversation.
  2. Arrive on time, even a little early, so as not to keep the lady waiting. It is hardly possible to impress the girl you like by being late for the first meeting.
  3. Well, the main thing is to choose topics for talking with a girl on a first date. In a dialogue between people who know little about each other, there will be pauses one way or another. So that the awkward silence does not drag on for a long time, you need to prepare a small list of questions that you can discuss with your companion. However, you must not overdo it - you should not interview her according to this list. It is important to show your own interest, not be afraid to show emotions.

So, what to talk about with a girl on a date.

Hobbies, interests

This is perhaps the most universal topic for communication. You can ask what the girl is fond of in her free time, how she prefers to spend her leisure time. It is important to try to find common topics and questions, this will bring you closer and relieve tension, as well as allow you to learn more about each other and plan further meetings taking into account common interests.

Great conversation topics about hobbies:

  • The favorite music;
  • movie;
  • leisure;
  • sport;
  • books.

Try to find out as much as possible about her, show interest, share your hobbies - this way you will show yourself as a pleasant and interesting conversationalist and will surely find a lot in common.


This is a rather emotional topic, and by expressing your emotions it will be easier to make contact and please your companion. Women, as you know, love romantics, and even if a man does not consider himself such, then thanks to this topic he will receive an additional “plus” to a positive assessment from the girl. Discussing travel will help you find additional points of contact and common interests.


This is one of the easiest and most fun topics that will come in handy for communication and will be able to defuse the situation.

You can talk about what games you liked to play as a child, how you went to your grandparents to the country, what funny stories happened to you, how your school years went, how you learned to swim, ride a bike and how many times you fell off it, how fell in love for the first time in kindergarten and how you did not like milk with foam in the school cafeteria.

All this will help to get closer and have fun from the heart.

Work, study, family

Work, study, family - that is, what makes up everyday life. Talking about this is not at all banal, as it might seem. So you can show the girl an interest in her life.

Favorite dishes

You can ask what kind of cuisine the interlocutor prefers, what kind of drinks, dishes she likes. With this information, you can learn a little more about each other and plan a further joint cultural program: go to a pizzeria or eat sushi, or go to a coffee shop and drink hot chocolate with her favorite cakes.

If you know how to cook, do not hesitate to tell your interlocutor about it - for a woman, a man who knows how to cook well looks even more interesting and courageous.

Life goals and dreams

A rather interesting question in which you can show your own seriousness and perspective, as well as learn about the life priorities of your interlocutor.

Relationships and personal life

Naturally, it is not necessary to start the conversation with this, but the topic of relationships is very important. When the first awkwardness and stiffness are behind, both relaxed and talked already on some topics, you can talk about it.

You should not ask a girl about previous relationships on a first date, this can cause unpleasant memories, she will close up, and the evening will be ruined.

You can discuss what traits she likes and dislikes in people, how you both see good, future relationships, family values. If your communication at this stage is fun and relaxed, you can also discuss topics related to sex, but unobtrusively, in a playful way.


A funny story, told to the point, will help to defuse the situation and tune in to a positive continuation of communication, to fill in an unexpected pause. However, this can be overdone, so it is important to dose jokes and “dilute” communication with them unobtrusively and on topic.

You already know what to talk about on a date. However, this is only part of the success. The general atmosphere is also important, the mood that you set for this meeting. There are several aspects of behavior, manners of communication that will help you make a good impression of yourself and have a good time:

  1. Positive attitude, kindness. Even if the interlocutor is worried, shy, your positive and openness will help her tune in to this wave, relax, open up for communication.
  2. Show emotions, share impressions, experiences, thoughts, be open and alive.
  3. Originality. It can manifest itself in very minor details, but the subtle female nature is sensitive to such things and will certainly appreciate the originality. It is important to say compliments deliberately, unbanal.
  4. Interest and sincerity. It’s good if you ask questions that require extensive answers, perhaps even discussions, pushing the interlocutor to express an opinion, share thoughts, impressions.
  5. Be interesting - offer topics for discussion, leisure activities, but avoid being intrusive.
  6. "Keep" the conversation, try to fill in the pauses, avoid awkward silence.
  7. Be yourself, do not deceive your interlocutor, attributing to yourself some heroic qualities or deeds, successes and achievements that do not exist. Lies can be revealed quite quickly and unexpectedly, and women, as a rule, do not forgive deceit, especially if the relationship begins with it.
  8. Don't be afraid to improvise. It is impossible to prepare for everything, no matter how thorough the preparation is. Therefore, be prepared to show originality and attentiveness in any unforeseen situation.
  9. Be a gentleman - it always decorates.

What can't be said

There are also topics that should not be touched on the first date. Even if there is mutual interest, they can spoil the whole impression of communication and discourage the girl from any desire to communicate with you further:

  1. Try to avoid the topic of religion at first, this is a rather personal and serious worldview issue.
  2. Do not ask about her past relationships and do not talk about yours.
  3. Do not brag about your earnings and do not complain that you do not earn enough.
  4. Do not discuss your relatives or friends with her.

By following these simple recommendations, you can easily interest the girl you like, arrange her to continue dating and building further relationships. The main thing is to let her feel your interest, care, show your best qualities and be sincere.