How to choose compression stockings for childbirth, useful tips. Compression stockings for pregnant women in the hospital, for childbirth: why are they needed, how to choose the right size? Why do I need compression stockings after childbirth and how long to wear them? Why do you need elastic

Why compression stockings for childbirth, how to choose knitwear for the desired degree of compression.

During pregnancy, all systems of a woman's body go through a colossal load. The circulatory system experiences special overloads, therefore, before cesarean, doctors recommend expectant mothers to wear medical knitwear. Made from thick fabric, it fits snugly over the entire surface. Why does a pregnant woman need a special compression accessory and how can you get rid of edema with their help? Read about this article.

Why are compression stockings needed during childbirth?

  • When wearing medical underwear in the blood vessels, blood flow increases under pressure. This contributes to the fact that stagnation does not occur. Blood easily rises to the heart, which reduces swelling in the legs.
  • The same pressure over the entire surface of the leg contributes to the establishment of uniform blood flow in all its parts. Constant pressure has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of blood vessels. The tone contributes to their additional strengthening.
  • Medical stockings for pregnant women are recommended by more and more doctors to their patients. The point here is not in aesthetics (to the doctor and the woman in labor is not this), but in protection from the strongest overloads. Such a useful and necessary accessory is an excellent prevention of complications that can occur when the condition of blood vessels deteriorates.
  • spider veins
  • vascular network
  • to fight swelling
  • to reduce seizures
  • to relieve tension in the legs
  • before and before caesarean section

The degree of compression depends on the expected effect (therapeutic or prophylactic) from wearing medical knitwear.

  • If a pregnant woman does not have pathologies of the venous system, then she is recommended to wear preventive medical underwear.
  • If a pregnant woman has problems with blood vessels, then compression underwear is selected depending on the condition of the patient's blood vessels.
  • But even if a pregnant woman did without medical knitwear during the entire period of bearing a child, the doctor may recommend it for childbirth. Underwear of the required compression will create and distribute the pressure of the vessels of the legs, which weakens when moving up. A woman in labor not only improves blood flow and prevents stagnation of blood in the vessels, but their walls do not stretch and there are no ruptures during childbirth.

Even if a pregnant woman did without medical knitwear during the entire period of bearing a child, the doctor may recommend it for childbirth

It is worth contacting a phlebologist if:

  • appearance of spider veins
  • protruding veins
  • with convulsions
  • with swelling
  • with varicose veins
  • with thrombophlebitis

It is better to give birth in special compression underwear for those who are overweight, diagnosed with heart disease, have problems with blood vessels, diabetes, and impaired blood clotting. The medical accessory is also recommended to be worn during childbirth by women who are 40 years of age or older.

Future women in labor, unfortunately, are not aware of the danger that threatens their veins during delivery. Doctors warn not all women in labor. But with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, the intensity of outflow of blood through the veins in the legs may decrease, resulting in thrombosis. It is for this reason that medical stockings are selected for childbirth, and not stockings.

Thanks to the medical accessory, the minimum pressure is set in the hips, and it is maximum in the lower leg.

  • Special compression underwear is not cheap, but its purchase will not be a waste of money, and after childbirth, this accessory will also serve as an excellent prevention of varicose veins, especially in winter.
  • When choosing an accessory, you should opt for a model made from natural materials. Synthetic medical jersey is more pleasant to the body, however, such underwear does not pass water and moisture well.
  • When choosing a medical accessory, opt for a model that has no seams. In such knitwear, the seams do not press on certain areas of the skin, which means that swelling and bruising do not form.

Video: PREGNANCY | Are compression stockings really necessary for childbirth?

What are the risks for a pregnant woman?

  • During delivery by caesarean section, the vessels experience a large load. Thrombus may occur. If a pregnant woman already has a disease associated with blood vessels, then the movement of blood clots can provoke blockage of the artery.
  • During surgery, the veins are dilated, and in combination with the horizontal position of the body, a woman in labor may experience thromboembolism.
  • Certain components that make up anesthesia have a negative effect on the circulatory system of a woman's body.
  • Sometimes pregnant women bandage their legs with elastic bandages before childbirth. If this procedure is carried out by an experienced person, then there should be no fear for the health of the woman in labor, but it is better to choose stockings.

During surgery, the veins are dilated, and in combination with the horizontal position of the body, the woman in labor may experience thromboembolism
  • After the baby is born, doctors recommend that a young mother wear a compression accessory in which the woman gave birth for several days. This is due to the presence of drugs that are part of the anesthesia, and the continuation of their expanding action on the blood vessels.
  • Additional support for proper blood circulation in the legs of the woman in labor is provided by medical knitwear for 2-3 days after the operation. It is recommended to remove stockings only 3-5 days after cesarean.
  • It is better to buy medical underwear after a doctor's prescription. But if the doctor does not talk about the need to purchase medical knitwear for childbirth, then the consultant of a specialized store will help make the right choice. In a regular pharmacy there is not enough information about such a product.

Going shopping, you need to take measurements with a centimeter tape:

  • ankles
  • shins
  • hips

Having made the necessary measurements, you can easily choose the correct size of compression stockings.

What compression stockings are needed for childbirth, Cesarean section?

Signs of varicose veins are found in every second woman. With the help of special compression underwear, you can actively fight the disease, or prevent the appearance of its first signs, by normalizing venous circulation. The range of medical knitwear is rich, so it can be difficult to choose the right model.

What compression stockings does a woman in labor need?

  • If a pregnant woman does not have obvious signs of varicose veins, but there is a possibility of its manifestation (due to limited motor activity, or as a result of excessive physical activity, with excessive fat accumulation, swelling of the legs, vascular networks on the legs, due to hormonal disruptions), then you should choose knitwear anti-varicose prophylactic. Such underwear will prevent blood stasis, relieve the feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.

  • If a woman in labor suffers from varicose veins for several years, and during pregnancy its manifestations intensify, then it is necessary to select a therapeutic type of underwear with the necessary compression. It is worth paying attention to the following: the marking of medical knitwear is indicated in mm of mercury. The presence of density marking in DEN indicates that the product is a fake.

The attending physician will help you choose the right compression class for stockings.

  • In the presence of fatigue, swelling of the legs, the manifestation of pain as a result of prolonged static load, if small vessels are dilated, pastosity is observed (pits that remain on the surface of the skin after pressure), doctors prescribe knitwear I class. The pressure of such stockings is 18-22 mm Hg. Art.
  • With dilated blood vessels on the lower extremities, meshes, knots, with post-thrombophlebic disease, scleropathy or acute thrombophlebitis, there is a possibility of thrombosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes compression stockings. II class. The pressure of such stockings is 23-32 mm Hg. Art.
  • If a pregnant woman has venous insufficiency, there are complications such as trophic disorders, primary and secondary lymphostasis, phlebolymphedema, congenital malformations of the circulatory vascular system, then the doctor prescribes compression stockings III class with a pressure of 33-46 mm Hg. Art.
  • If a pregnant woman has post-thrombotic syndrome and complications of lymphostasis, then she will be prescribed compression stockings IV class, the pressure of which is higher than 49 mm Hg. Art.

  • There is another type of medical underwear - hospital knitwear. It is recommended for those who are scheduled for surgery followed by prolonged bed rest.

Video: How to wear compression stockings, tights?

Compression stockings for childbirth: how to choose the size?

  • The effect of wearing compression stockings will be noticeable only if you choose the right size. To do this, it is necessary to take measurements from the legs in the morning before puffiness appears. You can take measurements yourself, but it is better if we do this by a phlebologist.
  • Medical jersey is made in accordance with the standard size range. There are 3-7 sizes of compression underwear. If many different anatomical parameters are indicated on the package, then it will not be difficult to choose the optimal size that will provide the best therapeutic effect.

If the package indicates many different anatomical parameters, then it will not be difficult to choose the optimal size that will provide the best therapeutic effect.
  • You should not trust specialists who, when choosing medical underwear, are guided by the height and weight of a pregnant woman. The pressure of medical knitwear is strictly dosed: when moving up to the hips, it decreases. Therefore, when choosing compression stockings, measurements such as thigh circumference (taken at a point located 5 cm below the gluteal crease), calf and ankle circumference, and foot size are necessary.
  • For owners of thin legs with a foot size of 38-39, compression stockings in size S, recommended for owners of feet 34-36 cm, will cause discomfort. In this case, it is better to purchase knitwear with open socks.

What are compression stockings for after childbirth?

  • Medical underwear after childbirth will help to further stimulate the movement of blood in the lower extremities, which means that postpartum recovery will take less time.
  • After childbirth, a different compression class of medical underwear is selected for a young mother, because the load on the veins after childbirth is different.

How long to wear compression stockings, when can you take them off?

They put on medical knitwear before childbirth. At home, it will be easier to do this if you ask someone close to help. When the baby is born, do not rush to get rid of the stockings. The venous system after surgery undergoes another test:

  • the young mother was lying down for a long time and now she needs to get up
  • substances that are part of the anesthesia solution are not immediately excreted

Compression underwear is removed after 3-5 days, depending on the well-being of the woman in labor. Some maternity hospitals practice changing underwear to a lower compression class. This helps to avoid sudden pressure drops. Those women in labor who have been in a horizontal position for a long time are prescribed medical knitwear, the degree of compression of which is higher.

Video: Why wear compression stockings?

Pregnancy is a time of joyful anticipation. So that it is not overshadowed by health problems, it is important to prevent unwanted symptoms with preventive measures. Among other things, you should pay attention to the stockings for childbirth. They protect against the development of varicose veins. You no longer need to bandage your legs, because modern products give a greater effect and at the same time are convenient to use.

Should be shared:

  • stockings for pregnant women from varicose veins;
  • for childbirth.

The former are used in the prenatal period, the latter - during and after delivery. Both types of stockings protect against varicose veins, both for those women who have already developed this disease, and for those who have its first signs. Stockings for pregnant women reduce the load on the lower limbs. This is especially noticeable when walking. They protect the veins from damage during the active phase of childbirth.

How do birth control stockings work? They create a special pressure on the legs. This allows you to protect the veins from stretching, normalize blood flow, prevent the formation of knots and blood clots.

Stockings data:

  • comfortable;
  • durable;
  • aesthetic;
  • inexpensive.

Products keep well on their feet, do not fall off. They are easy to put on and fix. This favorably distinguishes the device from an elastic bandage, the use of which requires effort.

Stockings for childbirth have a significant service life. Their quality allows you to use them for several pregnancies.

Compression stockings for childbirth beautifully fit the legs. A pregnant woman and a woman who has already given birth will not have to complex by putting them on.

The cost of products is higher than elastic bandages, but their purchase is still profitable. After all, you buy them once, and the materials for bandaging will have to be updated all the time. Thus, the use of the former is inexpensive.

Where to buy quality products?

If you understand the importance of preventing the manifestations of varicose veins and decide to buy stockings for childbirth, then you should make a purchase from a reliable honest supplier. The company "It's time to maternity hospital" sells products of proven quality at an affordable price. To order goods, call the specified numbers or use the functions of the site. Delivery of products for childbirth is carried out throughout Russia, including Moscow.

Let's try to figure out why compression stockings are needed after childbirth. Many mothers suffer from varicose veins. This is due to the increased load on the legs in the last months of pregnancy, as well as due to the formation of blood clots during the birth process. Gynecologists-obstetricians, in order to prevent complications, prescribe medical accessories to reduce blood pressure in the veins. They stimulate blood circulation, thereby preventing the formation of puffiness and blood stasis.

For women who have never suffered from vascular diseases, this type of medical underwear is necessary for prevention. An excellent option is a simple medical hosiery without strong pressure. It is allowed to replace this type of knitwear with ordinary elastic bandages.

Expectant mothers suffering from varicose veins or other pathologies should purchase specialized stockings that create uniform compression along the entire length of the leg. The attending physician can choose them correctly. The fair sex with varicose veins should wear them during pregnancy, childbirth, and after the birth of a child.

They contribute:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • preventing the formation of stagnation and blood clots;
  • distribute pressure evenly.

Women after a caesarean section are allowed to take off their hosiery only after she is allowed to get up and walk around the ward.

How long should I wear compression stockings after giving birth? If they passed without problems, they can be removed after 24 hours. If varicose veins occur - after a couple of weeks, when the doctor prescribes a special therapeutic jersey.

Properties and classes

When purchasing textiles with a compression effect, you should pay attention to quality. It should not have any seams and it should be made of fabric with a natural composition. To choose the right model, you should be aware that they are distributed according to classes, sizes, types.

You can buy stockings only in specialized stores. Unlike ordinary textile products, these accessories for the treatment of thrombosis and other pathologies are divided into 4 classes.

  1. The first class includes accessories that create pressure on the legs up to 23 mm Hg. Art. They are used when varicose asterisks appear on the legs, pain and fatigue at the end of the day.
  2. In the second class - up to 33 mm Hg. Art. With their help, pregnant women treat thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  3. In the third grade, squeezing the legs - up to 45 mm Hg. Art. They are prescribed by a phlebologist if the patient has severe venous insufficiency in violation of trophism.
  4. The fourth class creates pressure up to 50 mm. rt. Art. It is used for violations of the lymph flow, eliminating severe swelling.

In stores, you can also see preventive products with compression. The task of such underwear is to prevent the appearance of varicose veins, swelling and other problems with the vascular system.

For those who had problems with the circulatory system even before pregnancy, you should definitely wear hosiery with compression. It is not recommended to choose on your own. The gynecologist leading you should attribute and select.


There are three types of this linen:

  • knee socks;
  • hosiery;
  • tights;
  • special elastic bandage.

Golfs are designed for girls who have problems with the calf. The downside is the inharmonious combination with a skirt or dress. They are comfortable to wear under pants.

Hosiery is almost ideal for a future mother.

They cover completely problem areas, look good on the leg and it is convenient to go to the toilet. There is a minus, they do not hold well and when they slide, the correct uniform compression is violated.

Tights in relation to stockings are much more comfortable. It is good to stay on the leg, they do not slip and constantly provide the necessary compression. But there is a drawback - squeezing the abdomen.

Compression elastic bandage is not as popular as previous types of underwear. And it is rarely prescribed by doctors.


When buying products to prevent the appearance of varicose veins and swelling, you need to know its size. To do this, you need to make measurements:

  • girth of the upper part of the thigh and its middle;
  • circumference of the lower leg, knee, ankle;
  • distance from the foot to the knee;
  • distance from the foot to the top of the thigh.

You can take measurements yourself. But if they were attributed in the last stages of pregnancy, it may be difficult to measure, so it would be better if a phlebologist does this.

Why choose the optimal size of knitwear that creates compression? Compression of the leg occurs gradually. It is reinforced near the foot, but the closer to the thigh, the weaker. This promotes good blood circulation and prevents congestion in the veins. On the packaging of medical underwear, all the parameters for the correct selection are indicated.

If a girl has long graceful legs with a foot size of 38-39 cm, she will need a size S. For those who have a foot of 34-36 cm, this size will be inconvenient. Practical knitwear with open socks.

Duration of use

Stockings in the hospital are put on at home. It will be inconvenient for a pregnant woman to do this on her own, it is desirable that someone from her relatives help her. In the absence of relatives, midwives will help to dress them.

Probably, many women have a question - do I need to take them off at night? In the prone position, there is no strong pressure on the limbs, so it is allowed to remove before going to bed. In rare cases, you can leave stockings on your legs, for example, if the girl is traveling and there is no way to undress. How long to wear compression accessories without removing? If there are no prescriptions from the doctor, then two days, but no more.

It is impossible to specifically answer the question of how long to wear compression stockings after childbirth, because it depends on the state of health and the duration of the recovery period of the expectant mother. Most often this happens on the 3rd-5th day, but if there are health problems then they are replaced by a class higher or lower. Thus, a smooth transition is obtained without a sharp pressure drop.

Is it necessary to wear medical hosiery with compression for overweight women? Definitely yes.

They are at risk for problems with blood vessels during the birth of a child. The use of medical knitwear is also necessary for expectant mothers who have problems with the cardiovascular system, diabetes or blood clotting.

Compression stockings should not be removed immediately after the baby is born, especially for women who have had a caesarean section. They can be exchanged for a product with less compression.

Many representatives of the weaker sex throw away medical knitwear for legs after birth. Do not do this, because it can still come in handy. It can be used to prevent varicose veins. After all, this disease affects not only pregnant women, but also women who have a sedentary job, for example, accountants, economists, technologists, and so on.

Why wear during childbirth

So, why bring pressure-generating accessories to your birth? First, they prevent the occurrence of thrombosis during the birth of a child. Secondly, it prevents the appearance of edema. Thirdly, they increase the tone of blood vessels, which helps to avoid complications when the baby is born.

They should be worn to prevent pathologies:

  • before and after caesarean section;
  • to combat edema;
  • to reduce the load on the legs;
  • to reduce seizures;
  • with vascular networks.

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from vascular diseases, then stockings are needed for preventive, not therapeutic. Even when the pregnancy passed without complications and complaints about the legs, the doctor may recommend putting them on for childbirth in order to evenly distribute blood pressure in the vessels.

Instructions for use

For high performance, pregnant women need to know a few nuances of using this jersey:

  • Before you buy hosiery with compression, you need to consult a phlebologist who will confirm or refute fears about varicose veins, as well as tell you how and how much to wear.
  • It is selected only according to individual measurements of a pregnant woman. Weight and height don't really matter. With the help of a centimeter, the girth of the ankle, lower leg, knee, middle and upper thigh is recognized.
  • They don't have any seams. It is made from natural material, most often it is cotton. The addition of synthetics is allowed, but in small quantities. Pay attention to the packaging, it must have the RAL mark on it, which says that the product complies with the European standard and has a certificate.

Thus, medical accessories are necessary not only before and during the birth of the baby, but also after. Now manufacturers are trying to make medical accessories more attractive, so that they practically do not differ from ordinary stockings. In specialized stores you can find a considerable assortment of goods that differ in color, density, size.

Compression stockings can emphasize the slimness of the legs and hide their shortcomings. Take care of yourself and your feet!

Childbirth is a responsible and long-awaited period when a woman becomes a mother. But, alas, as a result of the increased load on the body, often just at this time chronic diseases become aggravated and some unpleasant symptoms appear. Varicose veins - refers to such diseases. To avoid complications of this pathology, compression stockings for childbirth are increasingly used. This is a medical special underwear with a slimming effect. Birth stockings are made from both natural and synthetic fabrics.

Why are compression stockings needed during childbirth?

Why do we need compression stockings during childbirth, the doctor must definitely explain to women who suffer from varicose veins or have a predisposition to it. It is this underwear that will help facilitate childbirth by distributing pressure so that the maximum load is transferred from the hips to the calf muscles. This not only improves blood flow, but the blood does not stagnate in the vessels. Also, stockings help maintain muscle tone, as a result of which the muscles do their job more efficiently.

Stockings for childbirth are not too easy to put on, so it is better for pregnant women to put them on even at the first contractions and take the help of relatives. This underwear, thanks to a special weave, is seamless, which protects against friction.

Compression stockings for childbirth venoteks are the most popular among women. They are represented by a wide range of models and comply with Russian State Standards. Stockings have an average degree of wear resistance and are distinguished by a relatively low cost, on average from 650 rubles to 1600 rubles. Medical underwear is recommended to be worn not only during childbirth, but also before and for some time after them. Compression stockings prevent the development and progression of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, which is very important because these diseases cannot be cured.

According to experts, during the first pregnancy, varicose veins are detected in up to 30% of women, and in subsequent ones - already in half.

You need to understand that if the first signs of the disease, such as:

  • aching pains;
  • spider veins (a network of small vessels translucent through the skin);
  • heavy legs syndrome;

were observed even before pregnancy and childbirth, then in this difficult perinatal period for the body, without taking preventive measures, the disease will most likely develop and will bring trouble.

Almost all oral medications are contraindicated during pregnancy or should be taken with caution. Doctors advise the local use of venotonics - venarus, lyoton, detralox and venoruton.

What material are maternity stockings made from?

Compression stockings for childbirth are made of elastic dense material that fits the figure. Thanks to this, muscle tone is maintained in the legs, that is, the muscles function continuously, blood circulation improves, which helps to avoid congestion, swelling and blood clots.

Medical jersey fabric has:

  • excellent ability to restore the original size;
  • good air and moisture exchange;
  • high elasticity.

In addition, they are non-toxic, safe and low-allergenic, do not cause itching and other irritant reactions, do not stretch.

The composition of the material includes lycra, natural cotton and rubber threads, microfiber.

How to choose compression stockings?

Before choosing compression stockings, you need to consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with various brands of medical underwear. Medical jersey is produced in various sizes, colors (white, black, flesh-colored) and different degrees of compression.

Birth stockings have their own characteristics:

  • The presence in the abdomen of a special tensile insert, which does not put pressure on the "grown up" tummy.
  • Compression is physiologically distributed, accurately calculated, graduated, measured in mm Hg. Art. and dosed, compression underwear is never marked in dens.
  • Innovative technologies allow you to precisely match the compression parameters.
  • Therapeutic stockings retain all their properties for at least six months of daily use.

For childbirth, you can wear the same compression underwear that you wore during pregnancy. They must be clean, as sterility is observed in the maternity ward.

If a woman does not have spider veins and protruding veins, then it is enough to purchase prophylactic compression stockings for childbirth venotex.
Hospital or anti-embolic knitwear is also produced, which is specifically designed for childbirth and the postpartum period. This type of stockings can be worn without taking off for up to a week, even when taking a shower. In such models, the toe is always open in order to observe blood circulation in the limbs on the fingers. Only hospital stockings can be washed at 70C.

Do not try to save money, high-quality stockings cannot cost as much as ordinary tights. But the therapeutic and preventive effect depends on the quality. It is better to purchase compression stockings in pharmacies or specialized stores.

To determine the correct size, you need to measure the widest part of the lower leg and the thickness of the ankle just above the bone. The results of measurements should be compared with a special table, according to which you can find out the right size.

Be sure to consult with a phlebologist. It is he who will help determine the compression class, after conducting an ultrasound scan. There are 4 classes of compression, 1-2 protect against complications and have a preventive effect.

Maternity stockings must be worn all day, only removed at night or for a few hours during the day.

How to wear stockings?

Compression stockings are not as easy to put on as normal stockings. This is done immediately after sleep, gently, without getting out of bed. Do not twist or overstretch knitwear.
First of all, you need to assemble the upper part into an accordion. Next, inserting the palms inward, carefully put on the foot, slowly straightening, pull on the shin and up the leg.

More and more women are choosing to wear stockings when going to the hospital. And we are not talking about seductive underwear - no, these stockings are designed to prevent problems with the veins of the legs. We are talking about special compression stockings.

Compression stockings during childbirth

Compression underwear is a special medical underwear that puts pressure on the human body in order to prevent swelling and improve blood circulation in the veins. It is made from natural and synthetic fibers - cotton, capron, elastoden. Such underwear is thicker and stronger than conventional nylon products, it is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Compression stockings and tights are designed in such a way that the pressure decreases from the bottom up, that is, the blood moves more freely and more easily from the foot towards the heart. Compression knitwear can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

During childbirth, the blood vessels of the female body experience severe overload. This tension is especially dangerous for the vessels of the legs, and blood clots can form in the deep veins of the lower extremities. The presence of such blood clots provokes the occurrence of thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, dangerous diseases with negative consequences up to death. Compression stockings are designed to reduce these risks:

  • pressure equally distributed over the entire surface of the legs helps to establish a uniform blood flow; constant pressure has a positive effect on the state of blood vessels;
  • pressure in the vessels increases, which reduces the chance of blood stasis;
  • compression underwear protects the vessels from possible overloads during childbirth.

The appearance of the vascular network on the legs is one of the symptoms of problems with veins and blood vessels.

Instead of special stockings, elastic bandages are sometimes used, which are wrapped around the legs from the foot to the groin - they perform a similar role. An elastic bandage is cheaper than linen, but during childbirth it can unwind, in addition, it is difficult to choose the right degree of pressure on the legs, so if there is evidence, it is better to purchase stockings.

Even small fluctuations in pressure in the vessels can cause them to weaken and show the vascular network on the legs, which not only does not look very beautiful, but also indicates the initial degree of varicose veins in the legs. To avoid this, you should not neglect the doctor's recommendations if he advises the use of compression underwear, and if he does not raise this topic, then ask yourself about measures to prevent problems with leg veins.

Video: why stockings are needed for childbirth

Does everyone need to use them?

Many women are sure that compression underwear during pregnancy and during childbirth is required only for those expectant mothers who have already been diagnosed with vein problems. In fact, phlebologists - doctors involved in venous pathologies - recommend using them, including as a preventive measure, in order to avoid varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and other vein pathologies. This is especially important if a pregnant woman has the following symptoms:

  • spider veins or meshes on the legs;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • feeling tired or;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • thrombosis;
  • venous eczema and/or dermatitis.

Is it possible to wear those stockings that were worn during pregnancy

Compression underwear is divided into 4 classes depending on the pressure exerted. A specialist should choose the right class of underwear for a pregnant woman, depending on the severity of her problems with the veins. If at the time of childbirth the state of the vascular system of a woman allows the use of the same stockings that she wore during pregnancy, then they are quite allowed to be worn. But it is worth remembering that one of the main conditions for clothing used during childbirth is sterility, so the stockings must be thoroughly washed before going to the maternity hospital.

Compression knitwear should be washed carefully and carefully, using gentle washing powders and be sure to thoroughly rinse the linen in clean water. It is not recommended to twist or wring out the laundry, as this can spoil the fine structure of the fibers, it is better to dry them in a straightened form on a horizontal surface.

Are stockings necessary for a caesarean section?

If the need for stockings during natural childbirth is quite transparent, then the question of the need for underwear during a cesarean section confuses many. The reason why compression stockings are also important with this method of delivery is that a caesarean section is an abdominal operation, and during it the vessels experience additional stress. When performing such an operation, the veins expand, and the woman is in a horizontal motionless state for a long time, which can provoke the onset of thromboembolism. In addition, a pregnant woman is given anesthesia, the components of which can adversely affect the entire cardiovascular system of her body.

Types, classes and sizes of compression underwear

Compression knitwear for the lower extremities is of 3 types:

  • knee socks - reach only the middle of the thigh, are used only during pregnancy and only in cases where problems with veins and blood vessels do not affect the upper part of the legs; when wearing them, the pressure on the hip area increases;
  • tights - undesirable for use during long periods of pregnancy, as they put pressure on the abdomen; in addition, for obvious reasons, they cannot be used in childbirth;
  • stockings are the best option for compression underwear, they evenly distribute the load from the feet to the groin, protecting the vessels along the entire length of the legs.

Photo gallery: types of compression underwear for legs

Golfs are allowed to be worn only if there are no problems with the veins in the thigh area. Tights are not recommended for wearing for a long time, as they put pressure on the stomach
Stockings are considered the best option, as they evenly distribute pressure along the entire length of the legs.

Medical underwear is divided into 4 compression classes, depending on how much pressure it exerts on the legs:

  • 1st class - compression does not exceed 23 millimeters of mercury; recommended in the early stages of venous disease, characterized by a tendency to edema, spider veins, leg fatigue; can be used as a prophylactic against varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • Grade 2 - pressure is in the range of 24-33 mm; used in the initial stage of varicose veins in pregnant women, for the prevention of deep vein thrombosis of the legs, with acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Grade 3 - compression does not exceed 45 mm Hg; it is used for moderate and severe degrees of damage to blood vessels and veins, for varicose veins complicated by trophic disorders, for deep vein thrombosis and lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • class 4 - pressure above 50 mm; It is recommended to wear with congenital anomalies of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, with severe violations of the lymph flow.

Special stockings for childbirth are allocated in a separate class. The compression in them is distributed evenly along the entire length of the product. Their other distinguishing feature is an open toe, which allows the obstetrician to determine the correctness of blood circulation during childbirth by the type of fingers. It is advisable to wear them for childbirth, but if it is not possible to purchase stockings of this class, then medical stockings can be used, after consulting with a phlebologist.

To determine the right size of compression underwear, you need to take a number of measurements, since an accurately selected size is important for the correct distribution of pressure - stockings that are too small will overtighten the leg, and large ones will not create the necessary compression. The following measurements must be taken:

  • girth of the lower leg in the narrowest place, near the ankle;
  • calf girth at the widest point of the calf;
  • thigh girth at a height of 25–30 cm above the knee;
  • for golf - leg length from heel to knee;
  • for stockings - leg length from heel to groin;
  • for tights - the circumference of the waist and hips.

Video: how to take measurements for compression stockings

Compression garments must be carefully sized, so all measurements must be taken carefully and with the correct body position.

Each type of compression underwear has its own size chart. Here is a table of sizes for stockings - the most common medical knitwear that is used during childbirth.

Table: compression stocking sizes

Circumference of the lower leg above the ankle, cmCalf circumference under the kneecap, cmGirth of the upper third of the thigh, cm
XS17 – 19 26 – 36 40 – 50
S20 – 22 30 – 42 48 – 60
SX20 - 22 30 – 42 56 – 70
M23 – 25 34 – 46 56 – 70
MX23 - 25 34 – 46 64 – 80
L26 – 28 38 – 51 64 – 80
LX26 – 28 38 – 51 72 - 90
XL29 – 31 42 - 55 72 - 90
XLX29 - 31 42 - 55 80 - 100

Video: how to choose compression underwear

Terms of use and care

Compression knitwear requires careful and careful care, as careless handling can damage its structure, stretch elastic fibers and destroy its healing properties.

Since medical underwear must be worn every day, it quickly gets dirty and needs to be washed daily. It is important to follow the washing rules so as not to spoil it:

  • do not use too high water temperature;
  • it is necessary to protect the linen from strong deformations - friction and spin;
  • Before washing, remove any jewelry from your hands, as they can damage the fabric.

You should choose special products for delicate washing:

  • liquid soap;
  • powder or gel for baby clothes;
  • powder or gel for delicate fabrics, chlorine-free.

It is undesirable to use:

  • washing powder - undissolved grains of powder can get between the threads of knitwear and disrupt its structure;
  • laundry soap - fatty acids in its composition aggressively affect knitwear.

Photo gallery: detergents for washing compression underwear

Detergents for washing delicate fabrics do not contain chlorine and aggressive substances
Detergents for washing baby clothes act carefully, but gently
A special detergent for washing compression underwear is designed taking into account all its features.

  • dilute detergent in warm water;
  • soak clothes for 10-15 minutes;
  • gently wash it without applying too much pressure and/or friction;
  • rinse in clean water 2-3 times;
  • do not use bleach, rinses, fabric softeners and other additives.

When machine washing, if it is allowed for a particular piece of laundry, you should set the “hand wash” or “delicate wash” mode. In this mode, the water does not heat up above the allowed temperature. Spinning in this case must be turned off, since when spinning, even at low speeds, the structure of medical knitwear is disturbed. It is also not recommended to wash compression garments together with other clothing.

Dry stockings in a well-ventilated area, away from heaters and direct sunlight. For drying, they need to be laid out on a horizontal surface on a fabric that absorbs moisture well. Hanging clothes to dry is prohibited.
When washing therapeutic knitwear, the chemical and physical impact on it should be minimal.

Good compression stockings are not cheap, so women are often worried about whether they can be bought from their hands or taken from friends. It is important to remember that the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of underwear depends on its condition, precisely selected size and compression class. If the last two points are quite easy to follow, because they are indicated on the packaging, then making sure that the knitwear was looked after in compliance with all the rules is already more difficult. Compression stockings are a rather capricious thing and easily become unusable, which is difficult to judge by their appearance. Therefore, it is worth buying or taking used stockings by someone only if you are firmly convinced that they have been carefully looked after. The period of wearing knitwear by the previous owner also matters, because the stockings of some companies lose their compression properties after a few months of use.

When can I take pictures after giving birth?

The length of time you need to wear compression stockings after childbirth depends on two factors:

  • method of delivery;
  • condition of the veins of a woman before and after childbirth.

If the child was born in a natural way, and if the young mother does not have varicose veins, increased blood clotting and cardiovascular problems, then it is enough to wear stockings for 3-7 days.

After a caesarean section, this period increases and is 2-3 weeks, while the first day they are worn without removing them. This is because even after the end of the operation, the components of anesthesia remain in the blood of the woman in labor, which have a vasodilating effect.

If a woman has been diagnosed with problems with veins, then the time of wearing stockings after childbirth increases. The exact period during which it is desirable to wear stockings during the day (since it is advisable to take them off at night) should be told by a phlebologist observing the patient.

Comparative characteristics of compression stockings after childbirth from different companies

In the compression underwear market, you can find products for almost every taste, color and wallet thickness. It is quite easy to get confused in the choice of companies, therefore, for a visual comparison, we present a table comparing the stockings of the most famous manufacturers of medical knitwear.

Table: comparison of compression stockings from different companies

NameA countryDistinctive featuresaverage price
USAHave an attractive appearance1300 r
RelaxanItalyThe fragility of products - usually stockings lose their properties after about a month1000–1500 r
OrthoSpainLow wear resistance. Variety of colors and designs.1500–2000 r
CopperGermanyDue to the increased density of knitwear, stockings are difficult to put on.3000 r
RussiaVariety of colors. Good quality/price ratio800–1300 r
SwitzerlandHigh-quality underwear, thought out to the smallest detail - special summer knitwear, perforation, reinforced heel4000–5000 r

Photo gallery: compression stockings from various companies

The Swiss company Sigvaris is considered one of the best in the production of compression hosiery Intex underwear is produced in Russia, therefore it is cheaper than its foreign counterparts, not inferior to them in quality Underwear from the American company Venotex is attractive both in its design and in its healing properties