Congratulations to the students. Happy birthday poems for schoolchildren. Happy birthday to a schoolboy in verse

So the new school year has come, the first month of study is always very troublesome in terms of organizing children, as well as their parents. During this period, the first parent meetings are held, unless, of course, they took place at the end of August. However, at the first parent meeting in the new school year, parents, as well as the class teacher, will have to develop a plan for the entire school year and resolve multiple organizational issues. Among such questions at the parent meeting, ideas for birthday gifts for children are always discussed, and the very fact of whether it is worth congratulating children on their birthday at school or not.

At home, everyone congratulates their children on such an important and, most importantly, most beloved holiday. But, in addition to the family, the child has friends, acquaintances and, of course, classmates. And any child will be pleased with congratulations, and even more so with a gift from the team with whom he spends a lot of his time. In addition, the school is a different house, and at home, in the family, it is customary to congratulate each other on such an event. Therefore, it is necessary to congratulate children at school.

It is clear that such a gift would be rather symbolic, because it is important for the child that his classmates congratulate him, that they remember this, albeit with a hint from the teacher. The main thing is attention.

So, let's look at a few options.
Elementary school children can buy puzzles that are both useful and interesting.

To make the gift a surprise for those children whose birthdays are later, the boys can buy small Lego constructors on different topics, and for girls - creator's Kit , for example, a set for soap making or weaving baubles.

The board game is a universal gift that both boys and girls will be delighted with.

You can offer cups as a gift. The choice of such goods is quite large, so you can easily choose the option you like. Often parents buy ordinary cups, but order some kind of inscription, for example, the name of the child or a photo of the birthday person.

A good option for a symbolic gift - a beautiful original keychain as well Photo frame .

Can be ordered balloon bouquets for girls balloon animals - for boys. Balloons are an indispensable attribute of such holidays; children simply adore balloons.

For older children, you can choose from stationery. Now on sale there are interesting options of various questionnaires, personal diaries . This will be a great gift for girls, and boys can buy interesting notebooks.

Toddlers and teens love sweets. If all the options have already been used or there is no consensus on other subjects, you can order caramel lozenges or gingerbread. It is clear that you cannot buy such gifts immediately and in bulk and you will have to place an order every time, however, any child will undoubtedly like such a gift.

Many parents prefer that the gift must be useful, so they decide to buy, for example, felt-tip pens or colored pencils. Of course, this is a useful and necessary gift. But a gift for a child is a kind of surprise and, of course, a pleasant one. Well, what a surprise it will be if every child is given the same felt-tip pens on such a day. Naturally, the decision is made by a specific parent team, but do not forget that such a gift is not binding, and if you have already decided to congratulate the children at school, put yourself in the place of the child, such a gift would bring you joy or: “Oh, pencils, I have such well, thank you…”

It is clear that such gifts are purchased with the money of parents, older children are well aware of this. The birthday boy will be much more pleasant congratulations from classmates.
As an option for congratulations, you can prepare holiday wall newspaper where each child can leave his wish.
Since our children are on “you” with technology, we can prepare presentation-congratulation or interesting video mount.
Of course, you can choose your option for congratulating the child.
To all the birthday people of great health and may their dreams come true!

Happy birthday congratulations
We sincerely wish you
Be cheerful and exemplary
And an excellent student
smart, purposeful,
Cheerful, cheerful,
Curious, active
Honest, brave, positive.
All sciences to comprehend,
Keep up with friends.
Happy to go to school
Bring only fives.

I want to study well
Lessons to know are always five!
And only strive for the best
It is easy to achieve all goals!

Friends only true and cheerful,
To live as merrily as possible!
And a lot of new impressions
More bright days for you!

May all dreams come true
A wave will cover with joy
I want to smile more often
So that life is full of happiness!

Happy Birthday. I wish you to be courageous and versatile, tireless and cheerful, energetic and confident, purposeful and persistent. Listen to your parents, understand your teachers, take care of your friends, believe in your dreams! Good luck and always have a great mood.

May this birthday be
Filled with happiness and goodness!
Let aspirations come true
Let the energy flow!

I wish you happy events
Cheerful, devoted friends
And amazing discoveries
And many wonderful days!

Let to all subjects at school
Your talent grows
Waiting for five on the control
And for the sport do not count the awards!

And whatever you do,
It succeeds at a time
Your life will be filled with happiness
And good luck!

A short

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness and good
Many devoted friends
And successful school days

I wish this birthday
You always be happy
Fulfill dreams, aspirations,
Bring home "five"!

May there be many bright days
And a sea of ​​joyful events!
Let in your colorful life
There will be many discoveries!

On my birthday I wish
Only get fives
And all the olympiads
Definitely win.

Be active and cheerful
Don't yawn in class
And with great interest
All subjects to study!

I want to write without mistakes
I want to divide, multiply,
I want more smiles
I want to study for "five".

I want good friends
And be friends with physical education,
Delicious cheesecakes in the canteen,
And wear a trendy change.

I want cool writing
So that the calculator does not "vis",
And creative only statements,
In general, you are a great student.

Learn your lessons well
And do sports
And respect all elders
Well, don't doubt yourself.

And don't skip school
Be the best in class
Meet every day with a smile
I wish you happiness!

And on this day, you still
I also wish you success
Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

I want to study well
Strive for great achievements
A diary to be, of course,
Like an exhibition of the best scores!

Let teachers praise you
There will be many sincere friends,
Everything will be easy
And wishes will come true!

> schoolboy

Happy birthday to a schoolboy in verse

I congratulate you on this joyful day,
And I wish you success on your birthday!
A lot of plans, happy ideas are waiting for you -
So let inspiration accompany in life!

You have a lot of things to do -
I need to finish school and continue to study,
May fate reward with luck, patience -
For someone like you, everything should work out!

Happy birthday! You are a student
This means that the lesson
Gotta learn today
Dear, kind angel!

I wish you happiness
To argue things
And to formidable misfortunes
They flew off like an arrow!

Don't be sick, don't be upset
Never be shy
And try to learn
Excellent as always!

Pack up your notebooks
Don't be late for class!
In the evening - a sweet gift
Get it on your birthday!
May you all be happy
Both science and leisure!
To be admired.
And he was the best friend!

Today is your birthday
So, you can take a break from all your studies.
But only today! Remember that teaching
There is a sure way to be successful.

Always learn only "excellent",
Learn to be successful from an early age.
I wish to be only a decent schoolboy,
Only in this way can you see the light of success.

Happy birthday, drop your notebooks
Accept gifts, congratulations.
What a cake! Beautiful, delicious, sweet,
How about on your birthday?
I wish you to be healthy and happy
So that you have enough time for everything
To fulfill all your desires,
What you wanted and what you dreamed about.

On this day I wish you
Break any limit
So that, blazing to knowledge,
You have mastered it!
To taste for new successes
Arose by itself in you
And formed! In a word,
Happy birthday student!

There will be so many more roads in your life
So many wonderful discoveries and, I will not hide, anxiety,
Before you lies a path long in years,
May faith always be on this path!
Faith in God, in people, and, of course, in yourself,
Many sunny days let fate give!
We love you very much! You are great with us!
Happy birthday, son (daughter)! Your mother and father.

Happy birthday, my dear student!
On this day you go to class
Let study not be dreary,
I write these lines from the bottom of my heart!
I wish friends forever
Classmates are kind, good,
Smart, warm-hearted mentors,
And excellent achievements in everything!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Songs, music around!
Accept congratulations
From me, my young friend!
First of all, I wish
I want you to be healthy!
I drive away all diseases
Forget about the sores!
And I also wish smart
And savvy to be.
To five you from school
Always wore packs!

> > schoolchild

happy birthday congratulations
And I want to receive
Only pot-bellied "fives"
For everything in a row.

Let science go easy
School brings joy.
Knowledge world you always
On the net he beckons.

Forces will be for sports,
And to meet friends
Just go with interest
Complicated ways.

Happy Birthday,
I wish with all my heart
You are always lucky in everything
Great success in school!

I wish faithful comrades,
That will never betray
And the endless ocean of happiness
And many happy moments!

Happy birthday to a diligent student, a wonderful child, a kind and joyful little man. I wish you great victories and achievements in various fields of study and hobbies, I wish you to be a real parental pride, I wish you cheerful and loyal friends, a good mood and fulfillment of all desires.

We wish you luck on your birthday
After all, a student always needs it.
And to visit happiness,
And there were best friends around.

We wish you always study well,
Respect teachers with all your heart.
And everything that happens in life by chance,
Let it be sure to "5"!

Happy birthday.
Be smart, always smart
I wish you much joy
And good luck at home, at school.

May wishes come true
Both hopes and dreams.
And, of course, let, I wish -
Everything will be as you want!

Happy Birthday,
And I want to be the first
Get one five
Live joyfully and brightly.

Be a joy to parents
Know the beautiful world
Set your goals high
Move and win.

Happy Birthday!
Be healthy, study for five
I want to be active
Never lose heart.

Let wishes come true
Friends will be true
Life is bright, interesting
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

I wish that on this birthday
Your eyes shone with joy
May achievements await you in your studies,
I wish all dreams come true!

May your life always be beautiful
I wish you a lot of happiness, bright days,
Let the sun shine on you clearly
To make your soul even brighter!

I wish you happiness and good
Sincere smiles, luck!
Let it be school time
Give only bright moments!

Let at school, at home and with friends
Your business is going great!
Life is only bright colors
Color all year round!

I wish this birthday
You glow with joy!
Let it give every moment
Desire to strive for the best!

Let happiness fill the heart
And all dreams come true!
Good luck, let the beam shine
May you achieve your goals!

I wish you great success
A lot of fives, inspiration,
New discoveries and smiles
To you on your glorious birthday.

May each new day bring
Good moments for you
Let wishes come true
Great accomplishments beckon.

I wish you true, strong friendship,
Good, health and good luck,
Let it be easy
Any difficult task.

For children, both educational and extracurricular activities are important. As in the 1st grade, children come to a new team, to a new family, so new good traditions should appear in it. One of them was the congratulation of the birthday man on his birthday. This day is very significant for the child, it is very important for him to feel his importance for the team and to hear good wishes addressed to him. I set aside 30 minutes for this at the end of the school day. The guys sit down at their desks and each of them is given a sheet with an initial congratulation to the birthday man (because not everyone has writing skills at the beginning of the first month of training), it is natural that as they study writing activity, the text on the sheet becomes less and less.

So the papers have been distributed. Children close their eyes and imagine that by the cotton of the teacher they all turn into magicians and wizards. Everything that they draw as a gift to the birthday man will turn into real gifts after some time. Music is turned on for children (an average of 6 songs, about a birthday, drawing, for example, "In a box with pencils", "Gifts", "We all divide in half", etc.) during this time the children draw. Then the birthday boy goes to the board, he is given an envelope for gifts and everyone in turn congratulates him. The birthday person puts all the sheets with painted gifts into an envelope. After all the congratulations, the birthday boy, if desired, treats his classmates with sweets.

Such work in the first grade teaches children to congratulate each other, unites the team. How grateful are the parents! Imagine, several years will pass, lift this envelope and remember what the guys, my classmates wished me, to reflect on which gifts materialized, which ones did not.

I think as the children grow up in the second grade, we will write a wish on a beautiful postcard. In the third grade, we will begin to make small gifts from improvised materials. In the fourth grade, we will dedicate quatrains with wishes to our classmates.