13 year old pregnant girl. Recent requests for help. The best contraception is abstinence

I lowered my head and said:
- Katya, I feel very bad ...
*A couple of days before*
I'm Olya, studying in the 8th grade. I have a lot of friends, but not real ones, but in the same class. The only best friend is Katya. We are in the same class with her. There are many prominent people in the school who dress brightly, are sociable, but at the same time evil = memorable, proud, vulgar ... Their main advantage, but in my opinion a disadvantage, they are not virgins. Like my classmate, Christina and her friends Lera, Anya. She dresses very frankly, she is vulgar .. in general, she does not even hide that she studied with a young chemistry teacher so that he would give her 5 in a year. So he did!
I really wanted to be just like them - noticeable, but not to lose my virginity, not to be like them. But unfortunately this is not possible.
Once Christina had a party in her house, where almost the whole school came, or rather her high school students.
Katya and I also went. There was a little booze, and most importantly, there was an excessive amount of drugs. The party was just a waste: we danced, had fun, Katya drank, but I don’t drink. Katya has gone somewhere. I danced alone, but later the Magnificent Trio-Kristina, Anya and Lera come up to me:
- What are you doing here, ugly girl? - Christina asked me, apparently.
I answered:
- Decided to have some fun. Christina, can I have a minute?
Christie and I went to a corner where there was no one, I asked:
How can I become a noticeable girl at school?
-Ahahaha, for this, firstly you need to be sexy like me, secondly, you must forget about studies and have fun with us, and also .. lose your innocence of course.
Why lose your innocence? I asked in surprise.
- You see, the girls who are discussed more often become popular, because the whole school knows them, and the girls who are discussed are always not virgins anymore! Pure physics, well, or biology, in extreme cases, anatomy. Long story short, I can find you a partner right now.
-Seriously?! Thank you, but for now..
If you don't want it now, when else? You could have sex with the girl first so that you would be more comfortable doing it with the guy.
- I.. I don't know.. well, I'm only 13 years old and...
- Take your this .. Katya!
- No, what are you. She's my friend, we...
- Okay, let's go. - Christina grabbed my hand and dragged me to the second floor, to her room, where there was no one.
She locked the door, came up to me and began to stroke my cheek. Later, she began to touch my breasts, took off my jacket and began to kiss me. We kissed naked for 4 minutes, then she took her finger and put it in my vagina, it hurt me so much, then she pulled it out, and did this several times, then she lowered her head to my vagina and ... someone knocked on the door . It was a couple who wanted to make love here. We got up with Christina, got dressed and left, I did not understand what was happening. She brought me to Anya and Lera, and the four of us went upstairs to another room. There we all had sex together, but I didn’t even understand what I was doing.

According to experts, every year in the world two million girls give birth before reaching the age of 15. Such girls often have health problems during pregnancy, complications during childbirth, many die. Little mothers remain invisible to statistics in the countries where they live. Girls are often deprived of their rights, do not have normal access to medical services, and cannot attend school. The United Nations Population Fund and international child rights organization Plan have launched the #childmothers campaign, which aims to make infant mothers visible.

Photographer Peter ten Houpen and journalist Sofia Clemming traveled to Bangladesh, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Jordan, Colombia and Haiti and talked to several dozen girls who became mothers before the age of 15.

The causes of early pregnancies among girls are child marriage, gender inequality, poverty, sexual violence and coercion, as well as a lack of sex education and access to contraceptives.

Many young people do not receive enough information about sexual relationships and the possible consequences.

Mulenga (14 years old) and Felicity (5 months old)

Mulenga lives with his daughter, parents, his father's second wife and his ten brothers and sisters in a village in Zambia. Before becoming a mother, she went to school, loved to play football and dreamed of becoming a doctor.

“It's hard being a mother. I don't have time to play anymore. My daughter cries a lot and I have to stay at home and take care of her and wash diapers.”- this is how the girl describes her motherhood.

Mulenga said that her mother drew attention to her daughter's changed condition, so they learned about the girl's pregnancy. Mulenga's boyfriend abandoned the child. Then Mulenga's father took her to the boyfriend's parents and said that they could bring her back home only by paying him 5,000 kwachas (local money). So Mulenga lived for four months with strangers until they collected the required amount. She was lucky: the birth went without complications and she did not receive any injuries. Her mother taught her to take care of the baby, and now she performs her duties herself.

“I don't like being a mother, but I love my child. I'm worried about the future and about who will buy the necessary things for the child, " Mulenga says.

In the near future, the young mother has a return to school. When Felicity is 6 months old, Mulenga's mother will be able to look after her granddaughter while her daughter is at school. Mulenga wants to get an education and become a nurse, she also dreams of educating her daughter and teaching her how to communicate with the opposite sex.

It wasn't until she gave birth at 14 that Mulenga learned that unwanted pregnancies could be prevented by using birth control. But she says she's too shy to go to the clinic and ask for them.

Most pregnancies in girls occur in marriage, because. in many developing countries, early alliances are a longstanding tradition. Many girls become brides at the age of 8-9 years. Early marriages for girls mean that they will become housewives and mothers, while guys have more opportunities for development.

Nargiz (15 years old) and Nayem (1.5 years old)

Nargis lives in Bangladesh with her one and a half year old son and husband. Parents married Nargiz when she was 14 years old, because due to poverty they could no longer support their daughter.

“I studied until the eighth grade. I really enjoyed going to school. I had a dream to study law, but my parents couldn't afford it."- said the girl.

Nargiz did not know her husband before the wedding, and even now she does not know his exact age, she assumes that her husband is about 25 years old, he is in sales.

The girl said that she did not know anything about her body before pregnancy. She says she didn't want to be a mother, but changed her mind after getting married. And when she saw her son for the first time, she felt happy. Now Nargiz is taking birth control pills, it was her husband's idea.

A young mother works in a garment factory all day to save money for her son's education (she leaves for work at 7 am and returns at 8 pm). She will stop going to work when Nayem starts her studies so that she can be there and help him. Nargiz has a dream - to pass exams and finish school. Her husband promised not to interfere. Nargiz says that she is happy, because she has a husband and son.

69 million teenagers are out of school. Studies show that education and training are key factors in reducing the risk of early onset of sexual activity, pregnancy and early childbearing, and increase the likelihood of using contraception if adolescents are having sex.

Lumilena (15 years old) and Klayrina (6 months old)

Lumilena has been living with her daughter and her parents in a camp for internally displaced persons for more than five years. They came here after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Their house was destroyed, and the economic situation deteriorated greatly. Lumilena's mother sells bread, but there is still not enough money. There are many young mothers in this camp and violence against girls and women is common.

Lumilena met a guy, and at the age of 14 she discovered that she was pregnant. She wanted to have an abortion, but her mother insisted on keeping the baby. The birth of the girl went pretty well, and after six months since the birth of her daughter, Lumilena enjoys being a mother.

The girl returned to school, she is in the eighth grade. When Lumilena is in the classroom, her grandmother looks after the baby, returning from school, the girl takes care of household chores and takes care of the child. A young mother dreams of getting married and becoming a nurse, but her parents don't have the money to educate her. Lumilena hopes that perhaps her daughter will be able to get an education.

At the time of the interview, Klairina was unwell: she was coughing, she had a runny nose, and eye problems, but Lumilena could not take the child to the doctor due to lack of money.

Lumilena said that she is not the only one at the school who already has a child. According to her, there are many girls in the camp for migrants whose parents are very poor. Some girls trade themselves for money and food.

“I realized that you should not joke with men and become their friend. Once you become their friend, they can do whatever they want. It's hard for a girl to say no Lumilena concluded.

Every year, 70,000 girls under the age of 15 die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth. Each year, about a million children born to teenage mothers do not make it to their first birthday.

Janet (15 years old) and Manuel (6 months old)

Janet lives with her boyfriend and their son in a big city in Colombia. She met her boyfriend at school, fell in love and got pregnant.

After giving birth, Janet returned to school and attends groups for new mothers, where she receives advice on nutrition, health and family planning. The father of her child is 18 years old, he left school to get a job and provide for his family.

“Being a mother is a wonderful experience. When I feel lonely, I play with my child, with his cars. He smiles at me and I know he loves me"- this is how the girl describes her motherhood.

Janet says that her boyfriend devotes a lot of time and attention to their child. In addition to school, the girl attends stylist courses and hopes to open her own salon in the future in order to earn money and give her son an education.

She says that she was lucky, because. her family gives her great support, both moral and material. As for family planning, the girl has established a spiral and does not plan to give birth again in the next 10 years.

90% of adolescents who would like to avoid pregnancy do not use modern contraceptives. About 350,000 adolescent girls and young women become infected with HIV each year.

Aisha (15 years old) and Faty (13 months old)

Aisha lives with her daughter, mother and two sisters in the countryside of Burkina Faso. She was sexually abused by her teacher when she was 14 and became pregnant. The teacher was later suspended from work for one year.

The girl's parents decided that Aisha should live with the parents of the child's father until the birth. She had to settle there for five months, during which time the teacher never showed up.

Aisha said that before pregnancy, her father provided for her and took care of her, and now he does not even want to see her. She is forced to bake and sell cakes, as well as help her mother grow vegetables.

“I don't really feel happy as a mother. Motherhood for me is very painful, because when my child is sick, I feel my responsibility. When I see my friends who go to school, I get sad. I wanted to be a mother later, not now.” the girl says.

Studies show that in some countries the first sexual experience for many girls occurs without their consent, under duress. According to UN estimates, around the world one in three women have been subjected to violence: beaten, forced to have sex or some other form. Most often, the aggressor is someone the woman knows. Accurate data on violence among the 10- to 14-year-old age group is not available, but a study in 133 countries found that one in five women was sexually abused as a child.

Amira (15 years old), Ahmed (24 years old), Samer (1 year old) and Amal (12 days old)

Amira lives with her husband and two children in a refugee camp in Jordan. She dropped out of school because of the war in her country. Amira got married at the age of 13 and gave birth to two children in a clinic in the camp.

“It's so hard to take care of a child when you're still a child yourself. Besides, I have to take care of my husband too. I don't have free time for myself." the young mother complains. At the same time, she notes that she likes to play with her eldest son, because she can feel like a child in the game again.

Amira says she doesn't want any more children and will use contraception, which she didn't know about before. The girl still dreams of getting an education and becoming a teacher, having her own home and giving her children everything that she did not have in her childhood.

“Life in the camp is hard. Everything is abnormal here. You don't go to anyone and nobody comes to you. You just take care of your kids and husband all the time. That's all", Amira concludes.

In many developing countries, access to safe abortion is limited, forcing young girls who want to terminate their pregnancy to do this procedure clandestinely outside of medical facilities, risking their health and lives. The UN estimates that 3.2 million unsafe abortions are performed by adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 each year (98% of these abortions occur in developing countries).

Anita (15 years old)

Anita lives with her husband in rural Bangladesh. She was forced to marry when she was 13 and became pregnant at 14. The birth was complicated, her baby was stillborn, and she suffered serious health problems.

Anita went to school for only two years. Her parents gave her in marriage, because. are poor and find it difficult to support their seven sisters and Anita's brother. The girl did not know her husband before the wedding. She says that she was happy when she found out about her pregnancy, but she did not know anything about possible complications.

When the birth began, the local midwife could not help Anita and she was sent to a rural hospital, those doctors sent the girl to the city a few hours later. Unfortunately, the child could not be saved, and Anita developed a fistula (a canal connecting the vagina with the intestines or urinary organs, a serious complication that is quite common in obstetrics and gynecology). Because of this fistula, the girl lay in bed for a couple of weeks, she could not get up, because. in an upright position could not control urination.

Young girls, whose bodies are not physically ready to give birth to a child, are especially prone to complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Often early childbirth leads to the formation of obstetric fistulas. Such postpartum injuries significantly worsen the quality of life of a woman, lead to long-term disability, dysfunction of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. In developing countries, women often have to live with such trauma and suffer from the inability to access surgical care. It is estimated that over two million women and girls are living with an obstetric fistula.

She was lucky, because she has the opportunity to have surgery and improve the quality of life.

“My husband is still with me, but he is not very supportive due to my injuries. He accuses me and asks me why this happened to me. I need to recover. If I don't have another child, my husband will leave me. Who will take care of me then?" Anita expressed her fear.

Rabiya (16 years old) and Kushum (3 years old)

Rabia lives with her three-year-old daughter and husband in rural Bangladesh. She married at 13 and was pregnant three times by the age of 16. Only one of her children survived, and during this time she herself lost a lot of weight and suffered from anemia.

Rabiya, like the previous heroines, did not realize that she was pregnant. At 13, she knew nothing about sexual relations and family planning. During her first pregnancy, she lost a lot of weight, but gave birth to a healthy daughter. The second time she became pregnant, when the older girl began to walk, but the child died in the womb. The third child was born with a serious illness and died three months later. Finally, the girl's aunt advised her to use contraception. In the clinic, the girl was given a contraceptive injection, after which she began to gain weight and feel much better.

“I don't want any more children. I don't have any more energy. I am happy with one child and, fortunately, my husband agrees to this. My husband is a very good person. Before marriage, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. Now I have to manage the house. I dream of buying my own house, where my husband and daughter will be happy. I want to give Kushum everything", Rabia says.

Girls who become pregnant within two years of their first period, or whose pelvis and birth canal are not yet fully formed, are at greater risk of complications or health problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Every day, more than 500 women and adolescent girls die from complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Poco (15 years old) and Tiga (3 years old)

Poko lives with her son, her parents, grandmother and aunt in an urban area in Burkina Faso. She became pregnant when she was 12 and nearly died during childbirth. Her family is very poor so they can't pay Poco's tuition.

Poko got pregnant by a guy she was dating. Her older sister realized that Poko was pregnant, and they hid this from their parents until the sixth month. The birth was difficult, the girl lost a lot of blood, but there was no money for a transfusion. For two months she was between life and death. The child's father abandoned him.

“Being a mother is hard. Sometimes we have nothing to eat, nothing to wash clothes with. I used to go to school, but now I stay at home, take care of my son and help my mother. I would like to go back to school" Poco says.

In every region of the world, girls from rural areas with lower levels of income and education are more likely to become pregnant than more affluent and educated urban dwellers. Data from 79 developing countries show that teenage birth rates in rural areas are nearly double those in urban areas.

Hello, my name is Katya, and I'm pregnant, I don't know from whom. I had 3 boyfriends and I had sex with them and now I don’t know from whom I am pregnant: ((What should I do and how to find out from whom ?? I am very afraid to tell my mother, because she will kill me for this.
I study well and always look good.
I am very afraid to say this to anyone. I seem to be pregnant for 4 months, the stomach appeared
What to do and how to live??? Maybe an abortion?
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Katerina, age: 13 / 12.06.2017


Honey, trust your mother, who only cares about one thing: that you are alive. All sorts of cases happen at the age of 11 give birth, and at your age, trust the will of your parents in everything, only they can make the right decision in this situation. Don't be afraid, what happened, happened, you have to accept it.

Anna, age: 36 / 06/12/2017

Here are the phone numbers of crisis centers. call one of them, tell about this situation.
you can find out who the father is only by doing a DNA analysis of the child and all of the young people.

liooli , age: 26/13.06.2017

Hello. First, the nerves are now dangerous for You, in this position. You are responsible not only for yourself, but for two lives at once. Don't even take a fatal step. You admit that you made a mistake, this is very important. Better to think about how to proceed. Secondly, of course, it is better to tell your mother about your situation. Only with her help and with her consent can you do anything. She is responsible for You until the age of majority. Think about when and how best to tell her about it. That being said, think about what to say about those guys. Keep in mind that each of them can be prosecuted. After all, you are still a teenager, and this is punishable for guys. If you give your mother specific names, she may well bring this matter to an end. Thirdly, if you can’t talk to your mother or you are afraid, then there are social centers for helping teenagers in difficult situations. There are psychologists and lawyers, you can ask what to do next. There are also "hot lines", by phone, you can contact them anonymously. And ask all your questions there. Also, try to see a doctor. You don't have to be embarrassed about what happened. No matter what people say, this is your life. There is no need to think about death, it will definitely not be better for anyone .. I wish you all the best.

Arina, age: 28 / 13.06.2017

Katya, hello! Of course, no matter how hard it is, but you need to tell your mother - you are a minor, which means that all issues will be decided by your mother and the sooner you tell her, the better. Be sure to make an appointment with a gynecologist (in a children's clinic, in an adult from the age of 18), do an ultrasound, take tests. Forget about abortion - you will kill not only the child, but also yourself - for a long time it is very dangerous, especially at your age. It was rightly said about the guys here - they face a prison if they have reached the age of 18. Katya, please, for the future - think about your actions, what the consequences may be, trust your loved ones, read, develop, change your behavior. Patience to you, strength to go through these trials and wisdom to stop and start living differently.

mother of a 13-year-old daughter, age: 43 / 06/13/2017

Hello. Katyusha, mom will not kill, and you still have to tell about the future baby. Abortion is too late, your child is alive, he is developing, give him life! And then decide with mom what to do. A DNA test will help you find out who the father of the child is, but the main thing is that he is definitely yours!

Irina, age: 29 / 13.06.2017

Katerina, if you now have an abortion, there is a very good chance that you will never be able to have children again. This is not the way out. In a good way, the baby must be accepted and loved. In such cases, parents sometimes adopt the baby and he lives in the family, like a brother or sister, if publicity is so terrible. In any case, family support is very important here. Mom, or someone from the family who will definitely be on your side, you need to tell about this. The situation can be resolved in an amicable way, and so that everyone stays alive. Accept the baby! Otherwise, you will regret it all your life, but you will not return the person. Hold on girl! But the father of the future baby may not be good. In any case, in this situation, you must take responsibility for your actions and be ready to accept all the consequences. People can say anything, condemn, humiliate, but if you accept the situation as it is and take responsibility for your actions, you will stand! You are already a mother. Your baby needs you! And let him live, he is definitely not to blame for anything. His fate now depends on you. You can do it!

Rina, age: 31/13.06.2017

Dear Katyusha! Everything will be fine! Now it looks like it's terrible! I had the same situation myself - only I was 19 years old. I was very worried and now I really regret that I spoiled the nerves of my unborn son. now it affects his life. keep yourself in control and do not give way to fears and other negativity - after all, pregnancy hormones still act on you, and therefore fears arise! (the brain does not recognize these hormones and this signals danger) if it is very bad in your soul, just slow down your breathing, sometimes hold it, and you will notice how it has a calming effect. pray if you believe in God. it is very calming. Be sure to find support for yourself in someone who will not reproach you, shame you, etc. You can't feel bad right now. baby is amazing! it is wonderful! in no case do not kill - this is a big sin (you also don’t want someone to kill you) after consulting, do as you feel better - you can live the remaining 5 months in another place if you don’t want to be seen pregnant - why do you these worries - you are a mother and this is a very big mission! do not listen to anything negative but read more on your topic on the net. and here's what is very important: love your baby now and he will bring you a lot of joy in the future, because everything comes back to us, what we do. everything will be fine, you'll see! good luck with your baby!

Julia, age: 45 / 06/14/2017

Katya, in St. Petersburg there is such a program "Little Mom" ​​- for pregnant minors. Perhaps other cities have something similar. In any case, call the helpline (available everywhere), explain the situation. You will be advised where to turn for help. I have a daughter who is underage. And what? Of course, I would like her to play with dolls, but now what? It happened. If only everything was good. By the way, she was afraid that I would be horrified. And the fears were unfounded. But situations are different. Contact support. There is also such a center "Life" in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Maybe it's close to you. There are many more where there are social hotels for teenagers who find themselves in a difficult life situation - dial it on the Internet. You are now a mother yourself, do not be afraid of anyone or anything. And - be sure to go to the antenatal clinic. It is necessary to be observed by a doctor. I know this well - recently my daughter and I went through all this. She was kept in a children's hospital (there were problems), but she is observed in the antenatal clinic. Such a rule.
Katya, ask God for help. Don’t even think about any abortions - it’s generally terrible, it doesn’t get worse. I hug.

Tatyana, age: *** / 06/14/2017

Katya, hi! it’s not worth it to die because of it. Just be more careful in relationships in the future. And you should never despair) Those close to you will explain how to live, everything will be fine) When bad thoughts come to you, always try to turn to God) He is very loves and will never leave) Ask Him for help and you will feel better) I wish you more patience and strength, good family relationships, academic success, good health, always good mood, happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and All the best! Hold on, God will help you! Guardian Angel!

Anastasia, age: 06/19/2017

I gave birth at 16 and became pregnant At 15, the man was 27. Mom found out by accident, guessed it. Scolded, I cried. It was embarrassing. Everything was tears and a desire to terminate the pregnancy, and now my son is 30 years old. He has two children. He is military. Everything is fine. He says I am the best mom in the world. Cute girl! Please! Think well. Listen to only one thing, your heart. There is a little life underneath. Trust God. Ask him to take care of you and your baby. And believe very, very strongly that it will be so... God bless you!

Sveta, age: 46 / 06/19/2017

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Today I woke up and thoughts only about suicide.
Just oppressive hopeless fatigue. I want to get this over with quickly.
I can't quit, it's killing me. I want to die and not suffer anymore! If I kill myself, how my mother will live, I don't know...
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Teenage pregnancy has been a major problem in recent decades. An unformed organism is often unable to bear a healthy full-fledged child, and childbirth is accompanied by many complications. To avoid serious consequences, girls need to remember about contraception. But the best solution is to delay the onset of sexual activity until the age of 18.

Is it possible to get pregnant at 13

The main phase of puberty for girls occurs at the age of 11-13 years. It is during this period, under the influence of hormonal changes, the growth of the mammary glands occurs, the figure acquires a feminine outline, menstruation begins. Around the same time, teenagers experience their first loves, and some of them begin to have an active sex life.

Often, inexperience and lack of basic knowledge about contraception can lead to undesirable consequences. One of the top search queries from teenage girls: “Can I get pregnant at 13?” Parents, educators and sex educators should do their best to change the question: “How not to get pregnant at an early age?”

When can you get pregnant?

According to the laws of biology, pregnancy is possible only at the reproductive age, which lasts from the moment of the first menstruation (menarche) to the onset of menopause (menopause).

The earliest pregnancy was recorded by doctors in a five-year-old girl with anomalies in the development of the reproductive system, the latest - in an elderly woman in the period of deep menopause. Despite the fact that these cases are rather exceptions to the rule, the vast majority of girls can become pregnant at the age of 12-15 years and earlier. Moreover, even the absence of monthly bleeding is not a complete guarantee of safety.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that during the formation of the body's physiological ability to conceive, adolescents are not ready for motherhood either physically or psychologically. That is why pregnancy before the age of 18 is considered early and highly undesirable.

Pregnancy and childbirth at an early age

Unfortunately, teenage pregnancy is most often detected at a later date, because girls hide their position because of fear of relatives or are unaware of the changes taking place in the body for a long time.

Parents and girls should be alert for the following signs:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • vomit;
  • mood swings;
  • appetite changes;
  • the appearance of puffiness, pigmentation of the skin;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • weight gain for no apparent reason.

It has been established that early pregnancies are usually quite difficult. This is due to the fact that colossal physical and hormonal changes occur in the body of girls, requiring significant energy costs and the consumption of large amounts of nutrients. Conception becomes a shock for the reproductive system that has not fully formed and slows down the process of growing up of the expectant mother. As a result, not only all the systems of her body suffer, but also the growing fetus itself.

A significant proportion of these pregnancies end in miscarriage in the early stages or the birth of children with severe pathologies.

If a girl nevertheless decides to endure and give birth to a child, she needs to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible for a complete examination and constant monitoring by gynecologists and narrow specialists. Ignoring their recommendations can end badly for both the woman in labor and the child.

According to statistics, almost half of adolescent pregnancies detected in the late stages lead to the birth of babies with deviations and malformations due to the lack of timely completion of all necessary studies. It is no longer possible to have an abortion in this case, and many mothers leave disabled children in maternity hospitals.

Pregnancy in adolescence is often accompanied by the following complications:

  1. Severe toxicity.
  2. Preeclampsia.
  3. placental insufficiency.
  4. Fetal hypoxia.
  5. Delayed fetal development.
  6. The birth of a small child with various developmental disabilities.
  7. Anemia.
  8. An incommensurable load on the kidneys, heart, lungs and spine, leading to the occurrence of their pathologies.
  9. Severe metabolic disorders.

The expectant mother will have to repeatedly go to the hospital for a complete examination and treatment. In most cases, giving birth naturally at the age of 12-15 will not work due to the narrow pelvis and the high risk of tissue ruptures. The birth canal is not ready for the passage of the child, so there is a high probability of injury to newborns. That is why two-thirds of early pregnancies are resolved by a planned caesarean section.

Natural childbirth often proceeds rapidly and is accompanied by an early outflow of water. One of the most dangerous complications is hypotonic bleeding. Unfortunately, the percentage of mortality and disability in young women in labor is twice as high as in adult women. Among newborns, the probability of death due to asphyxia is high.

Consequences of early onset of sexual activity

Most of the conceptions in minors are interrupted in the early stages. Abortions have an extremely negative effect on the teenage body, leading to chronic diseases and infertility. In addition, the early onset of sexual activity can contribute not only to unwanted pregnancy, but also to infection with dangerous sexually transmitted infections.

Do not forget about the psychological aspect of pregnancy at a young age. In the vast majority of cases, girls who find themselves in a difficult situation are left without support from their relatives, and young people leave them, afraid of responsibility, including criminal.

Teenagers who decide to give birth most often remain single mothers, unable to give their baby the necessary minimum of care and education. Too many tests fall on their fragile psyche, and motherhood does not bring happiness and becomes an unbearable burden.

The best contraception is abstinence

Very often, the pregnancy of a teenage daughter is the direct or indirect fault of her parents. Not only dysfunctional and incomplete families, where no one is engaged in raising children, are at risk, but also families that are overly strict, conservative, in which a strict taboo is imposed on the topic of sex.

The lack of trusting relationships with loved ones and knowledge about their own body often push girls on the wrong path. The task of parents is not only to teach their children how to protect themselves and take responsibility for their lives and health, but also to convey to them information about the dangers of early sexual relations.

The birth of a child is a responsible step, for which you need to be prepared not only physically, but also mentally. Psychologists and doctors recommend thinking about motherhood at the age of 20-27, when the expectant mother is in perfect health and has solid ground under her feet.

Teenagers should remember about contraception, so that later they don’t wonder if it is possible to get pregnant and give birth at 13 years old. You should not shift the responsibility for buying condoms to your partner, because you will have to be responsible for the consequences yourself.

The best solution and the only guarantee against unwanted pregnancy will be a complete renunciation of sex until the age of 18. Life is beautiful even without sex in adolescence, because there are so many interesting things in it: study, friends, creativity, travel. You should not give up all this for the sake of questionable relationships and the risk to your own health and future.

Puberty of girls begins at the age of 10-12 years, during this period the first menstruation appears, the body changes, the time of the first love comes. Often, teenagers at this age do not think about the consequences of their actions and begin to lead a sexual life without using any means of protection. Lack of sex education does not exclude a child's sexual life even at the age of 13, and sometimes even provokes it. But, unfortunately, in many families the topic of sex is a taboo. Teenagers account for about 1-1.5% of all pregnancies. 70% of girls go for an abortion, 15% have a miscarriage, and only the last 15% decide to give birth. Most expectant young mothers face psychological and social problems. In addition, there are health complications associated with childbearing. Pregnancy at age 13 often causes condemnation from the outside, and the child may lose the support of friends and even relatives. Is it worth giving birth at such an early age and how to help the “little mother” cope with all the problems?

How is early pregnancy going?

The number of girls in position at an early age is growing every year, photos of pregnancy at the age of 13 can be found on many sites for future young mothers, where they share their problems and talk about sore. Many of them had a hard time, because bearing a child at a young age is a little different from.

The course of pregnancy at 13 years

Like normal, teenage pregnancy begins with the appearance of such signs:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • nausea in the morning;
  • weight gain;
  • breast swelling;
  • mood changes;
  • increased fatigue;
  • increased appetite.

Having noticed these symptoms, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to confirm pregnancy and exclude any pathologies. If everything is confirmed, then the girl, like any other pregnant woman, should be registered with the antenatal clinic. She will be on a special account, and control over her pregnancy will be carried out most carefully. She will need to pass a lot of tests to determine the state of health and the ability to bear a child. The first trimester is often accompanied by a strong one. Due to the active production of female sex hormones, the girl begins to change outwardly - the forms are rounded, the pelvic bones become wider and sometimes correspond to the age of 16. Often the size of the uterus lags behind in size from the proper one.

The body of a girl under 15 years old is not adapted to bearing a child. During all nine months, the fetus draws on itself the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that the teenager himself still needs. This causes metabolic problems. With an increase in the volume of the abdomen, the load on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system and kidneys increases, which can cause complications from these organs. During pregnancy, a young mother goes to the hospital at least three times to undergo a complete examination.

Miscarriages and artificial termination of pregnancy

Spontaneous miscarriage during pregnancy at 13 years old can occur for up to 12 weeks or at 27-32 weeks. They account for about 15% of pregnancies. Artificial termination of pregnancy is most rational to carry out in the first trimester. This reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk of other gynecological complications. In the second trimester, pregnancy can be terminated only for certain indications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • heart, kidney, liver failure;
  • severe infectious processes;
  • anomalies in the development of the child, etc.

If the pregnancy is revealed in the first trimester, then most often the parents decide to terminate the pregnancy. The last word should still remain with the pregnant young mother. Abortion in the early stages is carried out in the gynecological department of the maternity hospital. Due to the small age, artificial termination of pregnancy has certain technical difficulties. In the third trimester, artificial induction of labor is not desirable. It is recommended to wait for the spontaneous onset of labor.

Childbirth during adolescence

The birth of a 13-year-old girl is planned in advance. Usually at 38-39 weeks there is an outpouring of water and contractions begin. Due to the unpreparedness of the young organism for such a complex and energy-consuming process, there is a weakness in labor activity. In addition, a clinical discrepancy between the pelvis and the head of the child is possible, in which case a caesarean section is performed. This decision is made at the council. Soft tissue injuries are not uncommon during the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Births should take place in a medical institution with the most qualified specialists who have experience in dealing with such cases. The body of a girl at the age of 13 is unpredictable, besides, at this age, children are emotionally labile and not ready for such serious processes. The use of anesthesia is possible, but not recommended. Labor pain management is often misleading for obstetricians, especially in the case of a clinically narrow pelvis.

The average duration of childbirth in adolescence is 13 hours. According to statistics, young mothers are three times more likely to have premature rupture of amniotic fluid and faster delivery. Unfortunately, adolescents have a very high percentage of mortality in childbirth, it is 2 times higher than that of adult women. Of the rarer complications, hypotonic bleeding occurs. Photos before and after pregnancy at 13 can be found on the Internet. Children in 13-year-old pregnant women are often born with hypoxia or asphyxia, low body weight and developmental defects. Mortality among newborns in teenage mothers is very high.

Psychological and social aspects of pregnancy at 13 years old

If a girl becomes pregnant at the age of 13, then too many trials fall on her fragile child's psyche. She needs not to be afraid to tell her parents and the young man about the situation, and also to make a decision about the fate of her unborn child. Many teenagers hide the fact of pregnancy, and the truth is revealed only in the third trimester, when much has not been done and time has been lost. When mom and dad find out that their daughter is pregnant, it's a big stress for the whole family. “What to do if you are pregnant at 13?” - this question is asked by both the expectant mother and her parents. At this moment, the main thing is to support the child, find out who the father is and whether it was violence. It is important to show your trust in order not to injure the teenager once again. You can not put pressure and impose your opinion on a pregnant girl. Despite the fact that she is still a child, her desires and judgments must be heeded.

If there was a fact of rape, then it is necessary to contact law enforcement agencies. If the father of the child is known, it is important to inform him and contact his parents. Perhaps a young couple decide to marry. In any case, "Romeo" should not be left out. At 13, a girl is too young to take full responsibility for herself, so her parents, one way or another, will have to control her throughout her pregnancy. Support and understanding are very important for a teenager during this period of life. And let the parents feel ashamed, hard and want to “kill” the disobedient child, you need to understand that it will not be easier and better for her from moralizing.

Another story is going to school. Most likely, you will have to take a vacation or change the form of education to homework, since attending an educational institution with a tummy can negatively affect the attitude of teachers and students towards the girl. In addition, frequent hospitalizations and examinations can adversely affect the learning process. After the birth of a child, it is better to give the opportunity to continue education, but it is not recommended to return to the previous school. It is important to monitor the psychological state of a 13-year-old teenager and, if necessary, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Prevention of teenage pregnancy

Strange as it may seem, but the daughter's pregnancy at 13 is often the fault of the parents themselves. Most often, this happens in dysfunctional families, when no one is engaged in raising a child, and there can be no talk of frank topics. However, excessive guardianship and attempts to shield the girl from unnecessary "knowledge" often, on the contrary, cause a desire to "try everything."

An important aspect in the upbringing of a child is sexuality education. There is no need to explain that sex is bad. It is necessary to talk about the consequences of early sexual activity and unprotected sexual intercourse, to convey as clearly as possible about sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptive methods. A trusting relationship is a guarantee that the child will not stumble, but in a difficult situation will turn to his parents for advice.

If parents cannot communicate with their children on such topics, then the school should provide the child with information about the physiology of men and women, about sexual relations and the possible consequences of early sex. It is possible to conduct lessons or lectures on similar topics. Both girls and boys should understand that the beginning of sexual activity is a step into adulthood, where important, responsible and difficult decisions often need to be made.

Pregnancy at the age of 13 is a problem that a child cannot cope with on his own. A trusting contact between a pregnant girl and her mother is very important. Patience, understanding and support is what a future mother needs during this period. It is important to remember that a timely appeal to a gynecologist and qualified specialists will help to avoid many unpleasant consequences of early pregnancy. The age of 13 is not an indication for abortion, so it is worth weighing the pros and cons before making such a responsible decision. In order not to get into such a situation, it is necessary to engage in sexual education of a child without prejudice, starting from a conscious age.