Amethyst what does it mean for a woman. Amethyst is the main love talisman. Video: legends and stories about amethysts

In our article we will talk about one of the most interesting and mysterious gems - amethyst. This magical stone has magical properties, is able to resolve conflicts and relieves its owner of depression and mental suffering, endows a person with the gift of extrasensory perception and helps to open the "third eye".

Photo of the stone in the decoration:

This extraordinary gem is considered the most expensive variety. In Russian, the name of the stone is translated as "not drunk." A beautiful legend is associated with amethyst, which came to us from ancient Greece.

Once upon a time, the ancient Greek god of winemaking, Dionysus, was inflamed with passion for the beautiful nymph Amethis. But the beauty did not reciprocate. Dionysus did not want to come to terms with the fact that Amethys would never become his beloved. Then Artemis turned her into a beautiful purple gem, which is able to protect its owner from intoxication.

Since then, the inhabitants of Ancient Greece began to wear jewelry with amethyst for festive feasts and decorate wine glasses with this stone. According to beliefs, it helps to protect against alcohol intoxication.

Usually amethyst has a purple color with many shades. The color scheme varies from pale lilac to rich shades of red and blue. Under the action of high temperatures, the color of the stone becomes more saturated. But with prolonged heating, it changes color to greenish or discolors. Green amethyst is almost never found in nature.

The most valuable is the pink amethyst. He patronizes the emotional sphere, awakens feelings. Therefore, it is pink amethyst that should be presented to the person you love and hope for reciprocity.

Purple and green stone symbolizes success in business and career.

Today, amethyst is not very expensive due to the fact that many stones are created artificially. At the same time, it is almost impossible to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural one. In laboratories, amethyst crystals of more than fifteen centimeters are grown, and their color can be anything and not change color under the influence of sunlight.

Medicinal properties

Amethyst is a valuable mineral that is widely used in lithotherapy. Its main property is the regulation of metabolism. It is also able to have a calming and antidepressant effect, relieve headaches. In addition, it has the following properties:

  • Relieves stress and restores the nervous system.
  • It purifies the blood and has a positive effect on blood formation.
  • Increases brain activity and intellectual abilities.
  • Activates metabolism and fills with energy.
  • Eliminates various speech disorders.
  • Helps with skin diseases and poisoning.
  • Treats insomnia and migraine.
  • Gets rid of alcohol addiction.

magical properties

The magical properties of this stone have been known since ancient times. It is believed that amethyst opens the door to higher divine knowledge, awakens spirituality and superpowers in a person. That is why it should be worn by people who seek to discover the gift of clairvoyance.

In addition, the stone contributes to the development of intuition and subtlety of perception of the world around. Amethyst heals from mental wounds and depression, reduces anxiety.

The stone cleanses the energy field of a person, relieves evil thoughts and desires, fills it with creative power and encourages creativity.

In Ayurvedic practice, amethyst is used for meditation. It is believed that it has a positive effect on people with a weak and unstable energy field. The stone has a calming effect, harmonizes the aura. In meditation practices, amethyst improves mental concentration and depth of perception.

Traditionally, the stone is considered a powerful talisman against alcoholism and is used in various rituals to combat this disease.

Do not forget about the ability of amethyst to cause romantic feelings for the donor of the stone. Therefore, it is not recommended to accept jewelry with amethyst as a gift from a person with whom you do not plan to bind fate.

Ancient Greek beauties believed that this stone has a powerful rejuvenating effect. It was often used for cosmetic purposes to combat skin imperfections.

If you want the stone to have its positive effect on you, wear it continuously. But do not forget that amethyst tunes in to the energy of the person who wears it. Therefore, during scandals or various conflicts, this stone changes energy to negative. To cleanse the gem of negativity, hold it for a while under running water.

Amethyst settings are usually made of silver. Gold is used to set items that contain other gems besides gold.

Astrological meaning

Amethyst belongs to the Air element and symbolizes Neptune and Saturn.

The mineral belongs to the element of Air and is personified by the planets Saturn and Neptune. It is the main stone for Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Capricorn. It is not recommended to wear it to Taurus.

Amethyst is able to enhance the impact if your date of birth is 3, 12, 21 and 30.

Aries and Leo, who always strive to be in the spotlight, will suit stones of a rich purple or lilac color. For these Fire signs with increased excitability, amethyst helps to relax and harmonize the emotional state.

Aquarius, Gemini, Capricorn and Libra should choose pink amethyst. This shade is quite rare and symbolizes tenderness and strong love. In these signs, it improves the functioning of the heart chakra, strengthens the nervous system, and helps to withstand stressful loads.

Purple - suitable for Pisces and Cancers. It will help to restrain aggression and jealousy, strengthen friendships, and will contribute to the development of business and career.

stone as an amulet

Amethyst is one of the most powerful amulets and talismans. This gem contributes to the preservation of youth and health, protects against various ailments and fills with vital energy.

A talisman with a mineral should be worn if you want to protect yourself from negativity from others and criticism from the leader. Also, such an amulet will help get rid of drunkenness and other bad habits.

Amethyst, set in silver, will help strengthen friendships and family union.

Women who dream of a child, but cannot get pregnant, should wear such a talisman all the time.

Amethyst in a gold frame has a strong influence on the biofield, it is recommended to be worn by people with a lack of vitality.

How to properly care for a gem

In order for your stone to retain a rich color for a long time, you should not expose it to prolonged sunlight and high temperatures. Protect it from mechanical damage.

Periodically it is necessary to clean the stone. Place it in soapy water for a while, then rinse and pat dry with a tissue.

This gem is very popular among jewelers and collectors. A product with amethyst can transform its owner, and a magical amulet will become a reliable keeper and true friend.

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An article about charming amethysts. Types of stone, magical properties attributed to it and jewelry with amethyst.

The value of amethysts depends on the transparency of the crystals and their color. Jewelry made from noble types of this stone is more expensive, and the value of amethyst is higher, the richer the purple color.

Some types of amethyst are considered precious, but they are inferior in price to such minerals as diamond, ruby, emerald and other precious stones of the highest category. Amethysts are also sold, which are considered semi-precious stones.

What does amethyst look like, what color is the stone?

The mineral called quartz has the following varieties:

  • rhinestone are clear crystals
  • amethyst - purple crystals
  • rauchtopaz - smoky or brownish crystals
  • citrine - golden yellow and lemon yellow
  • morion - painted black
  • prase - greenish quartz
  • aventurine - yellowish or brown-red shimmering quartz

Purple amethyst: jewelry

Purple amethyst looks great in a wide variety of jewelry. Earrings with this stone, especially in a beautiful metal frame, are a worthy decoration for any beauty.

Other jewelry with amethyst also looks great: bracelets, pendants, rings and jewelry sets.

Amethyst stone: magical properties, who suits, zodiac sign

Perhaps amethyst was attributed magical properties because this stone can change its color depending on the angle at which the sun's rays fall on it. There are many legends about amethyst, in particular, it is believed that it can arouse love in the person to whom it was presented. Most of all, this stone is suitable for such signs of the zodiac:

  • Aquarius
  • Twins
  • archers

lavender amethyst: jewelry

Lavender flowers resemble amethysts. This flower can have all shades of purple, just like amethyst crystals.

Amethyst yellow: jewelry

Yellow or lemon-colored quartz crystals are called citrines. And if you entered the query “yellow amethyst” into the search engine, most likely, you will be shown jewelry with citrine. There is no yellow amethyst as such, because the very name of the stone "amethyst" implies that its color is purple. But, it happens that the purple saturated color of this stone burns out in the sun and is lost. As a result, the stone acquires a yellowish tint.

Green amethyst: earrings, rings, men's rings, beads, bracelets, pendant, silver and gold jewelry

In quartz deposits, green crystals are found, which are called prase. In jewelry, such stones are rarely used.

Amethyst rings will add charm and charm to women. Wearing such a ring, you can feel confident and beautiful woman.

Rings for men are somewhat more massive than women's. They emphasize the status of the owner and add attractiveness to men.

Black amethyst: jewelry

Black quartz crystals are called morion. For jewelers, this stone is of little interest and you can find jewelry from morion on the pages with handmade jewelry. Magical properties are attributed to these products and even warned that they should not be worn. But in a professional environment, morion is not very popular and is considered a low-grade mineral.

Amethyst pink: jewelry

Rose quartz jewelry is suitable for gentle romantic girls.

Rose quartz in rings, bracelets and beads looks no less amazing.

Amethyst - mystic

Almost any precious, semi-precious, and even non-precious stones have magical and mystical properties. If you look at the flickering of the facets of precious stones for a long time, you can plunge into a state of trance and peace. Amethyst also has these features. This stone does not carry any bad energy. It was worn and worn by queens and first ladies with pleasure.

Lilac Amethyst: Jewelry

Lilac amethyst will decorate any evening outfit.

Is it true that amethyst is a stone of loneliness, a widow's stone?

It is believed that amethyst contributes to the preservation of love even when a loved one has died. Therefore, widows or widowers wore amethyst in order not to succumb to new temptations and remain faithful to the deceased person. For those who have not lost their loved ones, amethyst cannot harm and contribute to the departure of a loved one. The only caveat to wearing amethyst jewelry may be that the purple color in some people causes a feeling of anxiety and longing, and such people should not buy it. Those girls who like jewelry with amethyst can wear them without fear of negative consequences.

Why does amethyst change color?

Amethyst changes its color depending on the lighting. In artificial light, its colors fade, and in sunlight it becomes brighter. In addition, it can change color depending on the ambient temperature. In sunlight, its purple color gradually fades, which gave rise to many legends about the ability of amethyst to predict the future.

Men's bracelets, pendant, silver and gold jewelry: photo

Men do not want to lag behind the beautiful half and wear expensive jewelry made of gold and silver. Today it is stylish, raises male authority and adds charm in the eyes of surrounding women.

Siberian amethyst: jewelry

Amethysts mined in Russia have a color from pale lilac to purple. The price for such amethysts is market-based and differs little from the price on the world gemstone markets. It is difficult to distinguish such amethysts in jewelry from those coming from foreign markets. In addition, today the production of artificially grown amethysts has been established, so the price of this stone is not very high compared to the price of other precious stones.

Amethyst stone: how to wear?

You can wear jewelry with amethyst on weekdays and on holidays. It is suitable for both elegant and business attire. If you decide to wear an amethyst jewelry, then make up with cold shades. Bright cosmetics of hot tones do not go well with this mineral.

The same can be said about the color of the manicure. As for the shade of clothing, light, plain suits or dresses are more suitable, you can think about an outfit that matches the jewelry. If you wear a bright floral dress and amethyst jewelry, then against the background of such an outfit, the jewelry will simply be lost.

Amethyst: what does it mean for men and women according to the horoscope of all zodiac signs?

Is amethyst equally suitable for people of different temperaments? The nature of this stone is cold and may not suit everyone.

  • Nature Aquarius windy and creative, amethyst will add inspiration to women of this sign
  • For women Pisces amethyst is a stone of their element - water, so it will contribute to the disclosure of all their natural talents
  • Women Aries amethyst is not quite suitable for temperament. He is too cold for Aries women with their "hot blood"
  • Stubborn women Taurus will come into conflict between the calm cold energy of amethyst and their unbridled nature. But perhaps this stone will somewhat balance these two elements.
  • Women Twins can wear amethyst without restrictions. For them it is neutral.
  • Women crayfish somewhat slow and pragmatic, for them amethyst is ideal in terms of inexpensive and bright jewelry
  • For women Lviv Amethyst is a very calm stone. They need more colorful jewelry or costume jewelry
  • Neat and pedantic women Virgin can wear amethyst jewelry without restrictions. For them, this stone gives positive energy.
  • Women Scales perhaps they will doubt whether they should buy this stone at all. They succumb to superstitions and since there is doubt, it is better to refuse amethyst
  • Women scorpions sharp and quick-tempered by nature, they may not accept the calmness of this stone
  • Women archers will love this stone and will be happy to wear it. They are on the same wavelength with amethyst
  • Women Capricorn you need a brighter stone or a rich purple amethyst. So they can get additional energy from the mineral

Even ordinary pebbles found on the seashore can give positive energy. Amethyst also gives positive energy

Amethyst: how to distinguish a fake?

Amethysts of natural origin and those created synthetically practically do not differ in characteristics. So both of them can have a bright, rich purple color. They are similar in structure to stone, and synthetic minerals even fade less in the sun than natural ones. Therefore, the price for them is almost the same.

VIDEO: Legends and stories about amethysts

amethyst stone is a variety. The color varies from pale pink to bright lilac and even purple.

The main distinguishing feature of the stone is that it turns pale when exposed to the sun, and then the color is gradually restored on its own. The crystal was named after the Greek nymph Amethyst, which explains some of its properties.

The magical power of the stone

amethyst stone(according to magical properties) is considered a stone of harmony, as well as purity. It personifies spirituality, purity, fortitude. It is associated with all the bright and pure qualities of a person.

Amethyst has the following magical properties:

  • Amethyst translates as "not drunk". And this is no accident. According to some beliefs, the stone really helps the owner not to get drunk, and also protects from bad habits.
  • The stone helps to preserve a wonderful memory and, if necessary, help to restore it. Expels wrong thoughts from thoughts, relieves nightmares at night.
  • In addition, the stone will help to forget old grievances. eliminate unwanted conflicts both at work and at home. Therefore, it is recommended to people who constantly have conflict situations with superiors.
  • Many say that amethyst opens the soul of a person. and allows him to follow his destiny, directing him to the right path. The purple color of the stone personifies the understanding of everyday secrets, and also reveals the laws of the universe.

By query in the search engine " amethyst stone magical properties for women» you can find a huge number of sites. But the answer is very simple - the magical properties of amethyst for women are almost the same as for men. But more often it is women who wear it.

Color can also affect the magical properties of a stone. So, amethyst, whose magical properties indicate that it attracts love, is not subject to the horoscope, like most other stones. His main actions are the strengthening of already found love, the search for and attraction of a new one. Most cultures symbolize the stone with sincerity, it represents trust.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts, it is recommended to wash the stone in running water. Preferably in an open source, such as a stream or spring. The energy of the stone can be updated. In winter, you can simply put a stone in the cold for several hours - then its energy will be freed from negativity.

They also say that amethyst opens supernatural abilities in a person. This, of course, is not entirely true. The mineral simply directs a person to the path that fate has prepared for him. Naturally, a stone cannot direct a person on its own. So he resorts to outside help.

Very often, when using it, one has unusual dreams or deceased relatives, who guide the person in the right direction with their advice. The stone simply strengthens the connection with the otherworldly.

But sometimes, after using a stone, a person really opens up supernatural abilities - this is not a myth.

To enhance the magical properties of the stone, some advise putting it under the bed at night. This will help erase the boundaries of reality and reveal the hidden in a person.

Healing properties of amethyst

Lithotherapists, experts in healing using minerals, say that amethyst increases the production of hormones of various spectrums. , can be found here.

You can also highlight the following healing abilities of amethyst:

  • It strengthens the nervous system, normalizes the work of the endocrine organs.
  • The mineral contributes to the saturation of the blood with oxygen.
  • It also normalizes the work of the stomach and intestinal tract.
  • In addition, the stone helps with skin diseases.
  • It helps to relieve bruising and swelling, helps with insomnia.
  • Helps with joint pain.

In general, the spectrum of action of the mineral is very wide. To strengthen the night's sleep, amethyst is placed under the pillow. The mineral is infused in water for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys. It will also help speed up the recovery process from a cold. Helps to calm down with nervous overload.

The meaning of the stone

The stone personifies spirituality and the internal state of a person. He is able to change fate, directing it in a new direction. The stone opens up new opportunities for a person, and sometimes even opens up new abilities.

Amethyst will get rid of wrong thoughts. The element of the amethyst stone is air. In this regard, its energy can be changeable. The stone will not tolerate a careless attitude towards itself - from this it can simply crumble. The main meaning of the stone can be called the "cleansing" of fate and thoughts from the unnecessary.

Proper use of amethyst

Amethyst is considered a jewelry stone, and therefore it is mainly used as jewelry. Sometimes it is used for medicinal and magical purposes. There is one unusual legend associated with amethyst.

It is considered sobering. For example, for this reason, in ancient Greece and Rome, goblets for drinking beer were decorated with amethyst. It was believed that it would have a sobering effect, and it would be possible to drink much more than the norm. Bars and pubs were often decorated with amethyst (for the same reason).

The main and most correct use of amethyst is its use as jewelry.

Talisman and astrology

Amethyst as a talisman is considered the most favorable stone for travelers. It is believed that he is able to correctly indicate the path. This belief arose in antiquity and is associated with the variability of the color of a stone when natural sources of color fall on it.

In astrology, the stone is most favorable for the "air" signs of the zodiac. The most favorable and mainly used for this zodiac sign. Also suitable for Aquarius. You can not wear a stone to Lions and Capricorns. The magical properties of amethyst for fish also practically do not differ from those of other signs of the zodiac. In addition, amethyst resembles crayfish (as a water sign of the zodiac).

If you put on a stone on yourself on the third and seventh lunar days of the month, then it will help you make the necessary acquaintances and “introduce” you to the people you need for your destiny.

What does a mineral look like?

The main feature of amethyst is its pleasant and unusual color. It is (by nature) found mainly purple. A rarity are green amethysts.

Due to sunlight, the color of the stone can change from light lilac to dark purple. In rare cases, the stone can become completely transparent.

How to determine the authenticity of an amethyst?

Here are the most effective ways to help determine if a stone is fake or real:

Amethyst cost

The average cost of an amethyst is from twenty to one hundred dollars per carat . But it all depends directly on the quality of the stone, its authenticity and size. Also, the cost depends on the translucency of the mineral and many other factors.

It is worth noting that synthetic and natural stones cost almost the same.

Amethyst Care

The main points that you should pay attention to so that the stone can retain all its original functions over time:

  • To strengthen the magical properties of the stone it needs to be charged and let it "rest". Do this on a full moon and during the growth of the moon.
  • Amethyst, like most stones, does not like sunlight. Therefore, you need to store it in a dark place. It is advisable to wrap it in a soft cloth so that it does not get damaged.
  • TO The stone should not experience temperature differences otherwise it will lose its properties over time. If you wear a stone on yourself in the winter, then you should wear it under your clothes.
  • If you wear an amethyst stone on your hands, then remove the bracelet when washing dishes or any other interaction with chemicals. Amethyst is a very peculiar stone, and chemistry can damage it.
  • To get rid of negative energy it is worth holding the stone under running water 1 or 2 times a month. It is advisable to do this not under a tap, but in the air (in a stream, on a river or other body of water). The stone will be able to get rid of negative energy and get enough of a new one, recharge.
  • If the amethyst suddenly becomes cloudy, then it should be cleaned. Usually this business is entrusted to jewelers, but there are also home-made cleaning methods. The mineral is simply rinsed in a soapy solution for a while, and then wiped. For better cleaning, you can clean the stone with a toothbrush.

The amethyst stone, whose magical properties speak volumes, is a very rare mineral. It is perfect for people who want to change something in their lives.

The astrological properties of the stone indicate that the mineral is most suitable for the "water" and "air" signs of the zodiac. It is not recommended to wear it only to "live" signs of the zodiac. With proper care, the stone will be able to help its owner for a sufficiently long period.


Natural amethyst (ancient Greek αμέθυστος, from α - “not” and μέθυσος - “drunk”) is a blue, bluish-pink or red-violet variety of quartz. It has been known since ancient times and is the most valuable in the quartz group.
There are numerous legends about amethyst. The ancient Greeks believed that it got its name from the beautiful nymph Amethis, for whom the god of wine and joy, Dionysus, burned with passionate love. But the beautiful nymph loved the young shepherd Sirikos, so she rejected the love of Dionysus. Insulted, Dionysus in anger tried to seize the beauty by force, but he failed to dishonor the girl. The goddess Artemis, having heard the call for help, turned the nymph into a stone shimmering with a purple sheen. And in memory of the rejected God of wine and fun, the stone was given the power to keep from intoxication. Anyone who drank from a goblet adorned with amethyst, or wore a ring with this stone, could not be afraid that the drink would cloud his head or untie his tongue. The ancient Romans, however, have a different story: the God of winemaking Bacchus, noticing that people began to neglect him, conceived revenge, and when a young peasant woman named Amethis was heading to the temple of Diana to worship, he ordered the lions to tear the defenseless woman to pieces. However, the ruler of heaven, earth and the underworld, Diana, in order to save the unfortunate from suffering, turned her into a transparent pure crystal. Wanting to resurrect the girl, Bacchus sprinkled the stone with his wine, but the crystal only changed color, transforming into an amethyst.

Natural amethyst is found in the form of elongated and scepter-shaped crystals, in twins and quadruples, druses, brushes, intergrowths and parallel-columnar aggregates. As a rule, the length of the crystals is from 5 to 100 mm. Sometimes there are quite large crystals. The US National Collection has a cut Brazilian amethyst weighing 1362 carats.

In the XVI century. in Rus', an amethyst with a reddish tint was called "dumpling" or "amephis", and it was valued more than a ruby. Amethyst is a favorite stone of church ministers. Icons, altars, pectoral crosses and panagias were decorated with them. The crown of the Russian Empress Irina Godunova was adorned with huge deep purple amethysts, which alternated with sapphires.

Composition and physical properties of amethyst

Natural amethyst is the most beautiful variety of quartz with the formula SiO 2 . The color of amethyst can vary greatly from purple with a bloody hue to blue-lilac, depending on iron impurities. The color in the crystals is distributed unevenly: the growth pyramids of the faces of the positive rhombohedron are colored purple-violet, the negative ones are colorless or slightly violet, the hexagonal prisms are colorless or smoky. This is due to the uneven population of the elementary cell of quartz with centers of amethyst color and causes the phenomenon of anomalous pleochroism.

Under the influence of sunlight, natural amethyst may fade. When heated to a temperature of 200 ° C, the amethyst stone becomes colorless, but when cooled, the color appears again. When heated to 300-500°C, the mineral completely loses its color. However, it can be restored by ionizing radiation. When amethyst is calcined at a temperature of more than 500 ° C, a stable yellow color is formed and it turns into citrine, and at a temperature of more than 600 ° C, the color becomes cloudy milky, imitating a moonstone.

The current specifications provide for the division of amethyst into two grades. Precious stone amethyst of the first grade - crystals having a defect-free area yield from 75 to 100%, and of the second grade - from 35 to 75%. The smallest size of the crystal face should be 6 mm. For the manufacture of cabochons, crystals weighing at least 2 g with a color of varying intensity are used, gas-liquid inclusions and cracks are allowed. Amethyst brushes and druses with an area from 6 cm 2 to 1 dm 2 belong to grade 2, and more than 1 dm 2 - to grade 1. Hardness 7.0 on the Mohs scale, density - 2.63-2.65 g / cm 3.

Amethyst deposits are associated with pegmatites, hydrothermal formations and placers. It is mined in the Polar Urals (Khasavarka), the Middle Urals (Murzinsky amethyst-bearing region - Vatiha mine, etc.), Central Asia, Yakutia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Eastern Siberia, Brazil, Uruguay, India, Sri Lanka, USA, Zimbabwe, Australia and etc.

Other names for amethyst

Stone of Bacchus, stone of the Apostle Matthew, bishop's stone, dumpling, amephis.

Healing properties of amethyst

First of all, this mineral helps in the normalization of the endocrine and nervous systems. It relieves nervous disorders, bad thoughts, seasonal depression. Natural amethyst favorably affects the intellectual component of a person, endowing its owner with clarity of thought. It harmonizes all levels of consciousness, promotes the multilateral development of the personality.

It is believed that amethyst serves as an antidote for poisoning, protects its owner from skin diseases, protects from wounds. Amethyst has the ability to regulate blood formation and improve blood circulation. It also has an antiseptic property. For colds, an amethyst crystal is placed overnight in a vessel with drinking water. In the morning, infused water can be drunk. Such water cleanses the capillaries, harmonizes the overall tone of the body, increases immunity and the body's resistance to infections.

The magical properties of amethyst

Natural amethyst is a stone of sobriety. One of the main magical properties of the stone is the ability to rid a person of alcohol addiction. And if a person still drank - save from intoxication. The extraordinary magical properties of this stone are mentioned in Sumerian inscriptions on clay tablets, deciphered by the English archaeologist Bredis. A warning is inscribed on one of the tablets: amethyst is able to cause love for the giver, even if the recipient of the gift was previously in love with another. Amethyst has the power to "forget" past love and open the heart to new love. In ancient times, it was believed that amethyst smoothes wrinkles, reduces freckles. However, the power of the stone is manifested if it is worn periodically, and not constantly.

stone conspiracy

Amethyst conspiracy
You, cooling passions,
You, who soothes rage,
You who guard the truth.
You, who give the gift of oblivion,
Open the vaults of heaven
So that his power enters the stone of Amet!
In the name of the Triune God. Amen. Amen. Amen.
This plot is read exactly 9 times. Amethyst speaks for the water and earth signs of the Zodiac when the Sun goes through Pisces on the growing Moon on Thursday, in the first hour after sunset; for the air and fire signs of the Zodiac - under Sagittarius on the waning Moon immediately after sunrise.

Conspiracy of Protection
You are the joy of life
You are the guide of fate
You are the destroyer of lies!
From deception, illusions and drunkenness
Protect my life (your name)!
Read 18 times.

Stone mantra
Kiue low emeto hen
Read 18 times.
To the east - gives protection in social activities and in relationships with other people, protects against accidents on the water. To the south (considered an unfavorable direction) - is used only when you are in big trouble and you want this stone to soften their effect. To the west - protects from drunkenness, deceit, illusions, poisoning. Gives protection to higher powers. The north is used only to enhance the healing power of the stone.

Soul of stone
Amethyst is a stone very sensitive to cosmic energies. Therefore, in order to awaken its power, it is only necessary to open a pure Cosmic stream around itself and it, the power of which will be fixed in stone with the help of the following conspiracy:
By the power of the nine spheres of you,
Powers of Heaven, I call
I revive your Strength in stone (stone name),
For the embodiment of the Binding Forces,
To prevent insanity!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Be my word!
This plot is read exactly 9 times.

Sometimes, to enhance the power of the stone, it is read 9 days in a row at the same time. Then the stone is wrapped in a light lilac or turquoise cloth and placed on the windowsill for 9 days so that the sun and moon rays fall on this cloth. After that, this amethyst can be used.

Influence on the chakras

Amethyst affects the Third Eye Chakra () and the Crown Chakra (). The mineral not only cleanses the chakras, but also makes the colors of the aura clearer, promotes inner vision.

Amethyst energy

Amethyst has. Strengthens the connection between you and your spirit guide, your higher self.

Association with names

Arseny, Arkady, Andrey, Eugene, Leonid, Maxim, Roman, Antonina, Violetta, Elizabeth, Marina.

Zodiac signs

Amethyst is the stone of February and is most favorable for those born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces and Aquarius. From the point of view of astrologers, amethyst helps Aquarius in February in business and sports, prevents nervous disorders, and gives Pisces a subtle intuition.


Amethyst belongs to the element of Air.

Communication with the planets

Saturn, Neptune.

Association with tarot cards

Amethyst belongs to the card of the Major Arcana - Temperance.

Amethyst products

In ancient times, engraved seals were made from amethyst crystals, as well as rounded jewelry (like a cabochon). Currently, jewelry amethyst is used as a material for cutting, inserts for rings, earrings, beads. Bracelets and various souvenirs are made from it. Brushes of small amethyst crystals, geodes and tonsils are used as a souvenir and ornamental stone.

Imitation and forgery

In 1980 in the USA, prices at the wholesale level were for amethysts from purple-red to purple-brown in color with a mass of 5-10 carats - 4-10 dollars / carat, with a mass of 10-15 carats - 10-25 dollars. / car. In recent decades, technology has been mastered (for the first time at the FIAN Institute in Aleksandrov) for the artificial cultivation of large (up to 20-30 cm) amethyst crystals. Artificial amethyst is used in large quantities in the form of faceted stones for inserts in jewelry, they enter the trade network and, in some cases, are passed off as natural. In this regard, the prices at present for natural and artificial amethyst are approximately the same.
But how to distinguish natural amethyst from artificial? Only in appearance it can be difficult to do even for a sophisticated connoisseur or specialist. Depending on the intensity and shade of color, amethyst can also be confused with corundum, spinel, fluorite, kunzite, and topaz. It is identified by its physical properties, the presence of liquid and gas-liquid inclusions that form "moiré patterns", uneven coloring.
Natural amethyst, as a variety of natural quartz, is always cold to the touch. Natural amethyst has a lower thermal conductivity than synthetics. Therefore, artificial amethyst will heat up quickly enough. You can also lower the stone into the water. The edges of natural amethyst will noticeably discolor.

Amethyst is a transparent stone that has a purple hue, but pink and green amethyst are also found. It is very attractive in appearance, therefore it is often used in the creation of jewelry. Even from the photo you can appreciate the beauty of the stone. However, this is not its main advantage. The main thing is that amethyst has magical properties, so it can be used as an amulet. Amethyst got its name from the Greek nymph Amethys.

If the name is translated literally, it means "not drunk." The magical properties of the amethyst stone are so strong that they help it resist the forces of evil, as well as protect its owner from them. However, not everyone can wear it. For some zodiac signs, it suits perfectly, and for some, its wearing is contraindicated. Today we will tell you who amethyst suits and what its meaning is.

The main meaning of the amethyst stone is that it protects against intoxication and poisoning. Therefore, it was one of the most popular minerals in the past. Amethyst was used to decorate the dishes of the nobility so that people of high birth would not suffer from the effects of poisons, which at that time were often added to drinks or food. Today, stone is often used for the same purpose. In addition, it helps to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction.

In addition, the amethyst stone has the following properties: it attracts happiness and love. Thanks to him, you can find your soul mate.

If the feelings are mutual, then you can give your chosen one (darling) jewelry with this stone. Then he will seal the union and help preserve the feeling of lovers for many years. Also, the mineral helps to create a strong family. However, it cannot be presented as a gift if the object of sigh is already in other relationships. It does not help break up families and separate lovers. In this case, the stone will only strengthen their union and destroy the vicious relationship.

Another meaning of the amethyst stone is that it helps to get on the right path and does not allow you to turn off it. In addition, he bestows peace of mind and relieves the burden of past deeds.

Amethyst has protective properties, and its meaning lies in the fact that it protects the owner from evil forces and evil witchcraft (evil eye, corruption and love spell). In addition, the mineral helps to establish relationships with others and protects against gossip, intrigue, etc.

Amethyst has another meaning - it relieves insomnia and protects the wearer from nightmares. Thanks to him, a person wakes up rested and full of energy.

Amethyst has magical properties that slow down the external aging process. It helps to preserve its beauty and youth for many years. In addition, the mineral helps to recognize lies. With its help, you can "bring to clean water" a deceitful person with bad intentions.

The magic stone, whose name is amethyst, reveals the secrets of the universe to a person, opens a short path to knowledge and saves him from false truths. In addition, the mineral develops hidden talents and gives inspiration to creative people.

Amethyst has healing properties. There is an opinion that it helps to cope with some pathologies of the liver and kidneys, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and alleviates the course of colds. In addition, it relieves headaches, improves blood circulation, the digestive tract and relieves problems with the epidermis.

Amethyst has the ability to accumulate negative energy. Therefore, it cannot be worn all the time. In order to rid the stone of it, you need to hold it a little in running water. After that, it can be used again.

As already mentioned, this stone can not be worn by everyone. Next, we will find out who is suitable for this mineral and who is not.

Who suits Amethyst according to the zodiac sign

If you focus on the horoscope, then you need to know which zodiac sign this mineral is suitable for, and which it is contraindicated. Such data will be shown in the table below.

Amethyst compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

If an amethyst is suitable for a zodiac sign, then it is also important to know what properties it has in a particular case. So, for Aries, the mineral is perfect. Amethyst calms him and helps to find harmony both with himself and with the outside world. The stone "cools" the hot ardor of Aries. It helps to make thoughtful decisions with a "cold head", and not in a fit of anger. In addition, the mineral softens the too rigid nature of Aries.

Another zodiac sign that this stone is perfect for is Aquarius. In this case, he bestows wisdom and vitality that will help to cope with even the most difficult life situation. In addition, the mineral helps to get rid of negative character traits and grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft.

For Pisces, Cancers and Sagittarius, although this stone is not the main mineral, it will help them find happiness and love. With it, these zodiac signs can build a strong family. In addition, in this case, the mineral attracts good luck and bestows financial well-being.

Amethyst in green

Green amethyst is a special variety of this mineral. It has another name -. The green stone, unlike other amethysts, can be worn by all signs of the zodiac without exception.

It is ideal for Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries and Pisces. In this case, he bestows peace and tranquility. It helps to get rid of bad thoughts, cope with depression and calm your anger. In addition, the mineral grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft. It also helps to create a strong family and protects it from quarrels and scandals.

The green amethyst stone gives Gemini peace and relieves insomnia. In addition, it protects against nightmares. Thanks to him, Cancers find harmony with themselves and with the world around them. Taurus green amethyst helps to cope with depression and bestows optimism.

How to choose and wear

In order for an amethyst to bestow protection, well-being and love, you need to be able to choose and wear it correctly. This mineral, regardless of color, should be enclosed in a gold or silver frame. In the first case, the metal will enhance the soothing properties of amethyst. Therefore, a stone in a gold setting is better at helping to cope with emotional distress and depression. As for silver, it helps to build relationships with others. In addition, the amethyst enclosed in this metal improves the functioning of the reproductive system of a woman and even helps her get rid of infertility.

Wearing a stone is recommended in the form of a ring. Men should wear it on the ring finger of their right hand, and women on the ring finger of their left hand. In addition, the stone can be worn as a pendant or necklace.

Knowing what properties amethyst has and who this stone suits, you can acquire a strong amulet for yourself and loved ones.