Amla for hair how to use. Shampoo for deep hair restoration EVERSTRONG. Are there any contraindications for use

A big hello to all connoisseurs of natural beauty recipes!

We often talk about the benefits of home hair care and analyze the most effective hair recipes.

Today I propose to get acquainted with such a unique product as amla for hair.

Yes, this Indian gooseberry is a product for our beauty, because the plant is used both in dry form (powder) and as an oil.

But first things first ☺.

From this article you will learn:

Amla for hair - properties and methods of application

Amla - origin and composition

Amla, aoula, aonla, amalaki - all these are the names of one Indian tree that grows throughout India, Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Japan.

Amla fruits contain ascorbic and gallic acid, bioflavonoids, carotenoids and catechins. Due to the presence of antiseptics and pectin in the composition of the plant, amla is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system.

In general, in India, the plant has found wide application not only in folk cosmetology, but in medicine and even in food production.

amla photo

So, various sweets and seasonings are made from the fruits of amla, the bark with leaves is used as dye for clothes, and the tincture and juice are used in the treatment of many local diseases.

This healing elixir of amla is almost unmatched!☺

Amla for hair - useful properties

Being the sacred tree of India, amla has firmly entered the ranking of the cultivated beauty products of Eastern women and has become an integral part of the great Ayurveda.

This ancient cosmetic product is able to restore hair, give it shine, natural strength and even get rid of dandruff (and, unlike most products, forever)!

Amla has anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it soothes and regenerates irritated scalp.

The nutrients of this medicinal plant penetrate deep into the skin and saturate the skin with vitamins, which is why amla masks are so beneficial for the beauty of our hair and skin.

Amla oil for hair

Dear readers, I have to disappoint you: the so-called amla oil deserved extremely conflicting information.

This is explained quite simply - since the amla plant is a gooseberry, no oil is obtained from this plant and, in fact, it does not exist in nature.

The mixture under this name is probably ordinary mineral oil with only a small addition of amla extract.

Such a processed product gives a sharp visible effect only in the first weeks of use, but over time it only exacerbates the problems of hair loss and split ends.

Be careful when buying "amla oil", carefully study the composition of the product, try to use a powder or make natural oil yourself.

Find out the recipe for homemade amla oil in the following selection of the best recipes based on mala powder.

Amla application and hair recipes

As a rule, amla is presented in the form of powder or oil.

For masks and homemade shampoo (yes, amla successfully replaces purchased shampoo), it is the powder that is ideal, because it is convenient to mix with other components and is pleasant to apply on, and there are so many interesting beauty recipes with amla powder!☺.

Let's focus on the most affordable and effective:

  • Mask - based on amla powder with hot water

To do this, dilute a spoonful of healing powder in a small amount of hot water, stir thoroughly and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then simply apply the mixture to the hair (massaging the root part thoroughly), leave for 40-50 minutes and rinse with plenty of warm water, but without using shampoo.

  • Nourishing mask with amla and honey
  1. To prepare a complete nourishing mask based on amla powder, you will need a tablespoon of the powder, a couple of tablespoons of hot water, 1 and a little honey (0.5 tsp).
  2. Mix all the ingredients until smooth and apply to clean hair for about half an hour (to enhance the effect, it is recommended to cover the hair with plastic wrap and a towel).
  3. After the time has elapsed, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. This mask is perfect for dry, weakened and blond hair in need of a comprehensive restoration.
  • Amla Natural Conditioner
  1. If industrial balms don't work for you, make a natural amla conditioner!
  2. To prepare it, also dilute the powder of the plant in hot water, let it brew a little, then rub it into wet, clean hair roots and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse with cool hair to enhance the conditioning effect of the product.
  • Mask with oils and amla
  1. In case you prefer natural oil masks, take a teaspoon of amla powder and stir it into 100 ml of any base oil (olive, almond, etc.).
  2. Leave for a couple of weeks in a dark, cool place.
  3. During this time, the oil will be enriched with all the beneficial properties of amla and will delight you with the double effect of your favorite masks.

When using amla, it would be great to eliminate all chemicals, balms and hair masks, or replace them with proven natural remedies like soap nuts.

Only with the regular and complex use of these products, you can get strong, full of life and beauty hair.

Amla for hair - video

Contraindications and harm of amla

The main possible harm from the use of amla can be in case of buying a low-quality or counterfeit product, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to substances contained in amla.

To avoid counterfeiting and disappointment, purchase amla powder only in specialized stores selling Indian products.

Have you used amla on your hair yet? What are your impressions?

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Be vigilant, healthy and beautiful!

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Alain Yasneva was with you, See you!

Amla (Indian gooseberry, amalaki) is a unique plant with an extra high content of ascorbic acid, widely used in Ayurveda. Indian beauties, always famous for their luxurious waterfalls of shiny smooth hair, use this remedy as one of the basics in home cosmetology. Having bought a bottle of amla oil for hair at a pharmacy or store, you can provide them with vitamins and comprehensive care for a long time.

Benefits of amla oil for hair

Healing qualities are possessed not only by amalaki berries, but also by other parts of this tree (bark, leaves, flowers, roots). The widest range of useful properties makes Indian gooseberry an indispensable tool for solving such hair problems as dryness, dullness, brittleness, hair loss, weak roots, split ends, increased sebum secretion, dandruff, irritated skin, early gray hair.

How to use it?

  • Apply oil to dry hair from the root zone to the tips with light massaging movements.
  • When rubbing, gently massage the skin to increase subcutaneous blood flow.
  • Put on a plastic cap and wrap a towel over the top.
  • The procedure time is from half an hour to 8 hours (it is permissible to leave it overnight).
  • After the time has passed, wash your hair with shampoo.

Review of amla cosmetic oils - photo

Amla oil for hair is produced by the countries of Southeast Asia, where this plant grows: India, Sri Lanka, UAE, etc. For use in medicine and cosmetics, the fruits insist on base oil (coconut, sesame, almond or mineral). Powdered amalaki powder is widely used in homemade beauty recipes.

When choosing oil preparations with Indian gooseberry extract, pay attention to the composition - the less mineral (petroleum) and other artificial ingredients it contains, the more useful it is. Ideally, the composition should be completely natural.

Dabur oil for dark hair

Ingredients: a mixture of mineral and vegetable oils, amla, henna, rosemary essential oil, dye.

Indications: The effect of the drug is due to the unique properties of the Indian gooseberry (antioxidant, antibacterial, regenerating). The hair shaft is strengthened from the inside, nourished and smoothed. Gray hair disappears, the growth of hair follicles is activated.

Application: Rub into the root zone, distribute along the length. Massage, wrap with a towel, leave for at least an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

Cost: 400 r.

Dabur (Dabur amla Jasmine) for blond hair

Ingredients: mineral and vegetable oils, amla extract, jasmine, rosemary, silicone, dye.

Indications: For fair hair of all shades (natural, dyed, highlighted). As a result of the procedures, the keratin structure of the rod is restored, the ends are fastened, stop splitting, the hair thickens, becomes smooth, elastic, acquires a healthy shine.

Application: Apply to the roots, then spread over the entire length. Put on a waterproof hat, cover with a towel, leave for an hour or longer. Wash off with shampoo.

Cost: 400 r.


Ingredients: coconut oil, amla, black cumin, fenugreek extract, henna.

Indications: Prevents hair loss and split ends, activates hair follicles, relieves dandruff, has antifungal properties, reduces skin irritation.

Application: Rub into the skin and roots, rub through the hair. Wrap the top with a towel. Keep on the head for at least 40 minutes.

Cost: 250 r.

Hashmi (Amla Plus Hashmi)

Ingredients: sesame oil, amla, henna, rose petals, haritake extract, musky root.

Indications: Saturates with vitamins, strengthens, thickens the hair shaft, prevents hair loss, gray hair, stimulates growth. Regular procedures will ensure a healthy glow and normalization of the sebaceous glands. Rose petals turn simple care into healing aromatherapy.

Application: Rub into the skin at the roots, then spread over the entire length. An insulating cap must be used.

Cost: 200 r.

Vedica (Vedica)

Ingredients: oils of coconut, ginger, amla, extracts and extracts of terminalia, rose, licorice, aloe vera, lotus, nutmeg, etc.

Indications: Natural Ayurvedic composition will provide thick, strong, silky hair like Indian Bollywood beauties. The strands will become smooth, obedient and healthy. Eliminates brittleness and dry ends. Prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Application: Apply from the roots to the entire length, leave for 3-8 hours. Vedic's oily cocktail rinses off easily without leaving a greasy feeling.

Cost: 400 r.

EVERSTRONG Deep Repair Shampoo

Ingredients: water, detergent base, panthenol, amla extract.

Indications: Deep restoration of the hair shaft from the inside. Ideal for hair growth and root strengthening. Natural amla extract will help porous, dry, weakened strands, add shine and smoothness.

Application: Apply a small amount to wet hair, lather while massaging the skin, rinse with warm water. For best results, use with Everstrong Conditioner and Mask.

Cost: 130 rubles.

An Indian miracle guarding our hair is a good phrase to describe this Indian gooseberry amla oil.

Women "in service" have hundreds of all kinds of recipes for preparing hair care products at home. Ladies actively use a wide variety of products for washing, rinsing, restoring:

  • eggs;
  • sour milk (kefir, sour cream, yogurt);
  • aromatic oils;
  • fruit and berry cocktails;
  • ready-made products (shampoos, masks, conditioners, serums; sprays ....);
  • and even ash!

This list is endless. Some of them have an amazing effect, some bring nothing but trouble. However, even disappointed in the effectiveness of the "folk" remedy, women continue to search for a "magic potion" that would be easy to prepare, act quickly and do not require regular use.

Of course, some ladies understand that such a remedy will never be found. Any treatment requires an investment of money and time, and it is impossible to do without fulfilling this condition. However, there are ready-made tools that exclude several conditions for their use at once. For example, self-preparation, the need to use daily or very often, and others.

These include amla oil - a wonderful tool for the care, restoration of hair, even those that have been exposed to aggressive influences (lightened, often dyed, straightened with irons, curled, etc.). What is this remedy, what is its uniqueness, and how is the effectiveness of the application for hair confirmed?

Amla is called Indian gooseberry, which is recommended by Ayurveda. It contains a huge amount of ascorbic acid. This substance is able to prolong the youth and health of curls, as well as restore them after damage.

In addition to ascorbic acid, amla oil contains a lot of vitamins of groups E, A, F, trace elements, minerals and other useful substances. All of them are necessary for normal hair growth, nourishing the scalp, strengthening the follicles. If the scalp does not have diseases (acne, ulcers), and the follicles are strong, the hair will not fall out, their growth will accelerate significantly, the ends will stop splitting.

It seems that all the properties of amla oil are just magic that rarely happens in our lives. However, one has only to remember how attentive the Indians are to their nutrition and the health of the whole organism, as doubts about the benefits of amla for hair disappear.

This tool was invented in India. Unfortunately, to get 1 ml of care product, you need to process several tons of gooseberries. Naturally, the cost of oil under such production conditions was really astronomical. Then the wise Indians decided to insist amla on oils (basic), as a result of which they managed to achieve the following goals:

  • the product is offered to customers at an affordable price;
  • it became possible to prepare separate formulations for light and dark hair (in the first case, jasmine oil is used, in the second, henna is added);
  • the product has become even more effective due to the additional beneficial effect of oil formulations, which are the basis for amla infusion (coconut, palm);
  • two versions of the release form: in the form of oil and powder.

It is worth saying that the Indians are extremely picky about the observance of technology and manufacturing recipes. Now amla hair oil is made by manufacturers in European countries, but they are allowed to do this only if they exercise strict control over all stages of production, use high-quality, environmentally friendly ingredients and use state-of-the-art equipment. That is why the hair care product is really effective, always of high quality and certainly “working”, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have used oil for hair care.

Why is amla oil more effective than other hair products?

Unlike masks, serums and curl care sprays from well-known manufacturers, this tool works on a completely different principle. It primarily nourishes the scalp, eliminates the problems of the integument, if any. In other words, the “work” of amla oil begins at deep levels. Only in this case, you can achieve a quick, and most importantly, lasting effect.

Other products simply fill each hair with some substances (depending on the composition), make them smoother so that they do not pull out when combing, and make them shine due to the formation of a film on the surface of the hair. This is not to say that “store” products are not effective, they just have completely different properties and effect on curls.

Amla oil, as mentioned above, "deals" with the elimination of problems with the scalp. Penetrating into the follicles, it also nourishes their root, due to which healthy hair grows. The effectiveness of amla oil can be measured at least by the fact that gray hair (even if it previously grew abundantly) no longer appears. As you can see, the product is really worthy of attention, especially considering all the laudatory reviews about the use of oil.

Applying Amla Oil for Hair – 7 Steps

Men will especially like its use, because you don’t need to prepare masks on your own, saturate shampoos with aromatic oils, buy numerous tubes and jars with all kinds of products. Here, as they say, everything is in one bottle, and the use of amla oil for hair is as simple as possible:

  1. rubbed into the scalp with fingers;
  2. palms dipped in oil with amla, pass along the entire length of the hair;
  3. dip the ends in oil (for women with split ends);
  4. a protective cap is put on;
  5. the head is wrapped in a large terry towel;
  6. withstands from an hour to eight;
  7. Washes off with regular shampoo.

This procedure does not have to be daily. Enough once a week (with advanced forms of baldness) or twice a month. Moreover, the frequency of applying amla oil depends on the condition of the hair - the better it becomes, the less often the procedure is required.

Surprisingly, finding a really high-quality product for sale at an affordable price is not so easy. Basically, you can buy amla oil only in specialized stores / pharmacies or on the Internet. However, you should be careful about choosing a seller, giving preference to someone who specializes in selling body care products, aromatic and base oils.

Sacred Indian amla is a unique product for the beauty and youth of your hair. Amla is undoubtedly considered one of the best hair care products: stimulation of growth and strengthening of the hair follicle, treatment of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, prevents the appearance of premature gray hair.

Origin and composition of amla

Phyllanthus emblica (lat.) is a fruit tree reaching a height of up to 30 m, producing round, smooth fruits that have six even lines dividing the fruit into six equal segments. As the pods mature, they acquire a greenish-yellow or orange-brick color and a tart, astringent, very sour taste. In appearance, the fruits of amla are similar to gooseberries. This plant has a number of other names: Indian gooseberry, amlai, amalaki, emblik, gray myrobalan, topi, aoula, aonla. The most common world-famous name for this tree is “amla”, which means “nurse” in Sanskrit. Under this name, he was given a description in the Ayurvedic treatise.
In India, amla is considered a sacred tree, a divine gift, the embodiment of female maternal energy and is a favorite in Ayurvedic medicine.

Amla grows throughout India, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, the Himalayas, and Southeast Asia. Healing properties are inherent in all parts of this tree: roots, bark, leaves, seeds, flowers. The most beneficial part of amla is its fruit. They have the widest range of effective use to improve human health.
The main advantage of amla is its ability to slow down the aging process and to be with a good body and a sound mind until death. Amla is the famous elixir of youth, rasayana. Hindus are sure that amalaki can bestow eternal youth.

The properties of amla to normalize the activity of the whole organism were known for several centuries BC. Western medicine discovered amla only 50 years ago. After scientific research, amla has firmly entered Western pharmacology.

Amla has become a real salvation for the fair sex. After all, beautiful hair is the key to the attractiveness of every woman. Everyone noticed that many Eastern women have beautiful, strong, shiny, thick and long hair until old age. And the secret of this indescribable beauty is just amla.

There is no artificial analogue of healing amla in the world with such a harmoniously balanced composition. The healing elixir of amla is practically unmatched. It contains: ascorbic, gallic and other acids, glucose, tannin, methionine, carotene, vitamin C (it is 160 times more in amla than in an apple), a lot of vitamins of groups A, E, B, trace elements - phosphorus, copper , iron, zinc, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese.

Making amla products

The Indian gooseberry is not a Shrovetide raw material, the oil is contained only in its seeds. To obtain 100 ml of amla extract oil by cold pressing, you will need tens of tons of berries, and its price is simply cosmic. And such a product exists. But the wise Indians decided to insist amla on vegetable (base) oils. The main way to obtain amla oil is to infuse the base oil (sesame, coconut, almond) of dried fruits or amla powder, followed by filtering this macerate. The second way to make a hair care product is to soak berries or amla powder in water to a strong concentration, then add coconut oil and evaporate the infusion until the liquid disappears completely. This process is labor intensive, slow and expensive. The first way to make amla oils is to add jasmine oil for light hair and henna oil for dark hair, which makes it even more effective. This product is offered to the buyer at an affordable price. Amla hair products come in two forms: oil and powder.

Amla effect on hair

The popularity of amla products is growing exponentially today. This ancient cosmetic hair care product is capable of:
  1. saturate the scalp with nutrients, heal pustules, irritations and skin diseases, soothe and regenerate it;
  2. get rid (and forever) of dandruff;
  3. stimulate blood flow to hair follicles, strengthen roots and stop hair loss;
  4. accelerate hair growth and increase their density;
  5. restore chemically damaged hair and revitalize it;
  6. moisturize dry hair, which will make it possible to stop them breaking and splitting;
  7. provide sufficient nutrition for strength and strength of hair;
  8. give hair extra volume, beauty, shine, silkiness;
  9. stimulate the production of melanin pigment, which significantly slows down the appearance of gray hair;
  10. stop hair contamination with fat due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  11. preserve the natural color of the hair;
  12. have an antiseptic and antibacterial protective effect;
  13. prevent baldness.

amla powder for hair

Amla powder or dry powdered extract is used in, also as part of hair masks, balms, hair creams and for the preparation of amla oil.

Highly valued in Ayurvedic medicine, amla fruits have won the love of many women in the world for their excellent healing properties. from amla perfectly care for hair of any type and perfectly cope with any diseases of the scalp. Use ready-made oils and powders from amla for hair care - a powerful remedy given to people by nature itself !!! This will help your hair acquire unearthly beauty, health, density, splendor, silkiness and incredible shine!!!

Hair is considered the most beautiful part of our body, especially for women. Every woman wants to have thick long and shiny hair. Hair can improve the appearance and beauty of a woman. In ancient times, people took care of their hair as scrupulously as we take care of now. Unfortunately, hair loss, premature aging, has become a real problem in our time. Environmental pollution, poor diet, and a change in daily diet have all played a major role in the deterioration of our hair's health. Nevertheless, nature has taken care of our health. For this reason, many people are increasingly resorting to natural, natural ingredients in home cosmetics, one of these ingredients is amla. Amla or Indian gooseberry is one of the best natural remedies for hair beauty and health. Amla fights against problems such as hair loss, brittleness, dullness and gray hair. If your hair has become dull and dry, then you can use amla for your hair care. Amla increases blood circulation in the skin, removes dandruff, nourishes the bulbs and strengthens the hair. Amla is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which prevent premature graying of hair and promote good and healthy hair growth. A lack of vitamin C can lead to hair breakage and hair loss, which is why Indian gooseberry can give positive results. When using amla powder, oil or juice in hair care, it improves the structure of the hair, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots.

Indications and contraindications for the use of amla hair masks

Amla is popular and widespread in the Indian subcontinent and is a natural remedy shown to prevent hair loss. Before using an amla hair mask, you need to study in which cases it will be useful and in which it will not. It is recommended to use such masks in the following cases:

  • hair loss and thinning;
  • premature graying;
  • dandruff;
  • section and fragility of hair;
  • inflammation of the scalp, irritation and rashes.

It is not recommended to use amla powder and oil for blond hair, especially if henna is present in the mask, because the hair can be dyed. To eliminate such an unpleasant moment, it is necessary to conduct a test on a small strand of your hair.
It is also necessary to test for an allergic reaction of amla to the scalp, for this it is necessary to apply a little mixture on the inner surface of the elbow bend for 20 minutes.

Benefits of amla hair masks

Amla is an excellent remedy for graying, hair loss and brittle hair due to its rich content of vitamins and minerals. Amla contains a large amount of fatty acids that strengthen the hair follicles and nourish the scalp well. Amla has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties that fight many problems such as dandruff, hair loss and brittle hair. Amla is rich in vitamin C, which perfectly fights hair breakage and hair loss, even in dry form (amla powder), this vitamin does not lose its properties for three years. Amla also contains such beneficial substances as thiamine, riboflavin, glycosides, carotenoids, saponins, flavonoids, gum, glucose and fiber, as well as amino acids (pectin, tryptophan, methionine) and tannins (emblicans A and B). The composition also contains the necessary acids, these include citric, ascorbic, nicotinic, ellagic, gallic acid, as well as tannins of cytokinins (zeatin nucleonide, zeatin, zeatin riboside) and psoralen. Amla is rich in trace elements such as calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, chlorine and zinc, as well as vitamins B1, C and E. Amla fruit seeds have an essential oil that contains 28.4% oleic and 44.0% linoleic acid. All the beneficial properties that amla is endowed with are an excellent component for hair care. We have prepared effective recipes for hair masks that you can cook at home.

Amla and shikakai hair mask

2 tablespoons amla powder
3 tablespoons warm water (more water can be added as needed)

Place amla powder, shikakai powder, warm water in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair and massage the scalp in circular motions, then leave the mask for 30-40 minutes. If desired, you can cover your head with a shower cap, after the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo. This mask nourishes the hair roots well, gives shine and radiance, and also accelerates hair growth. The mask should be applied once a week for two months.

Amla and fenugreek hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
5 - 6 pieces of amla fruits (can be replaced with amla powder)
2 tablespoons shikakai powder
2 tablespoons warm water (more water can be added as needed)
2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds (ground in a mortar)

First you need to soak the fenugreek seeds in water overnight, after that, in the morning, place dry amla fruits (if you use fruits instead of powder) in a bowl, add water and boil for five minutes. Then fenugreek seeds and amla fruits are crushed in a mortar or crushed until gruel is formed using a blender. After pre-preparing the ingredients, place all the ingredients in a bowl, add the shikakai powder and mix until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask on for 30-45 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask is intended for the prevention and treatment of gray hair. Together, fenugreek seeds and shikakai are one of the most beneficial treatments for gray hair. As mentioned above, amla contains antioxidants and vitamin C, it also has anti-aging properties. Amla perfectly strengthens the hair, making it strong and strong, and also treats gray hair. Shikakai nourishes the scalp and has antifungal properties. Fenugreek seeds are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, iron, lysine, alkaloids and L-tryptophans, which prevent premature graying of hair. The mask should be applied twice a week for a month.

Amla and henna powder hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
2 tablespoons of colorless henna powder
2 tablespoons amla juice

Place henna powder in a bowl, add amla juice and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask on for 30-45 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask perfectly strengthens the hair roots and promotes hair growth, and also gives them shine.

Note: Henna has coloring enzymes that can color hair, so we recommend using colorless henna.

Amla and egg yolk hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 cup amla juice (can be replaced with amla powder, diluted with water first)
2 egg yolks
200 grams of shikakai powder

Place egg yolks, shikakai powder, amla juice in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask for 1 - 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. After the mask, if desired, you can apply any of your hair oil and leave overnight, rinse off in the morning. The mask is great for hair conditioning and also stimulates hair growth and makes hair beautiful and shiny. The egg is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and essential fatty acids that have a positive effect on the scalp and hair. The mask should be applied once or twice a week for a month.

Amla, aloe and lemon juice hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ cup amla juice (can be replaced with amla powder, diluted with water first)
3-4 tablespoons of aloe (fresh pulp)
200 grams of shikakai powder

Place the shikakai powder, amla juice, aloe, lemon juice in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask on for 40-50 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask is great for treating and preventing dandruff. Aloe is good at getting rid of fungi that cause dandruff on the scalp due to its antifungal and antiseptic properties. The anti-inflammatory property in aloe contains a compound known as a glycoprotein that helps reduce the sensation and inflammation caused by an itchy scalp. Lemon juice removes dead skin cells and also treats white scaly syndrome, which is caused by dandruff. The mask should be applied once a week for a month.

Amla and honey hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 tablespoon amla juice (can be replaced with amla powder)
2 tablespoons natural honey
1 tablespoon shikakai powder

Place shikakai powder, amla juice, honey in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask on for 40-50 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask is good for treating and preventing split ends. The combination of ingredients in this mask is great for preventing and treating split ends. Honey is a natural antioxidant that protects the scalp and stimulates hair growth and also makes the scalp healthy. The mask should be applied twice a week for positive results.

Amla and coconut milk hair mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ cup amla powder
3 - 4 tablespoons of pea flour
½ cup shikakai powder
200 grams of coconut milk

Place shikakai powder, pea flour, amla powder, coconut milk in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask is designed against baldness and hair loss, it not only prevents hair loss, but also enhances hair growth. Coconut milk is one of the richest sources of protein which helps in treating hair breakage. As a rule, it acts as one natural conditioner, and also perfectly moisturizes the scalp. Pea flour strengthens the hair roots and also gives the hair a natural shine. The mask should be applied two or three times every two weeks to get positive results.

Amla and Aloe Hair Mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
5 tablespoons amla powder
3 tablespoons lemon juice (you can dilute lemon juice with water if desired)
2 tablespoons of aloe

Place amla powder, aloe, lemon juice in a bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to the roots and the entire surface of the hair, cover the head with a shower cap (optional), then leave the mask for one or two hours. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water using a mild shampoo. The mask is great for treating and preventing dandruff.