Pharmacy smell of urine. Unusual smell of urine: when should you sniff? 

With absolute health, urine does not have a foreign odor, discoloration or blotches. The reason for the smell of urine in a woman can be an incorrectly selected diet, a latent disease, or deviations in metabolic processes.

Ignoring the primary symptomatic manifestations can lead to the further development of pathology. A barely noticeable smell gradually increases, symptoms of a progressive disease join it.

Without passing a full-fledged diagnostic examination, it is impossible to say exactly which version of the infection attacked the body. A sharp and unpleasant odor from urine in women during menopause refers to harmless manifestations of hormonal imbalance.

Bad smelling urine in women

If the urine has a strong odor, then the girl should consult a local therapist and get a referral for testing.

If the urine smells bad of iodine, vinegar, or has a chemical smell, then patients should seek professional help at the local clinic.

Unpleasant smell of urine, as a symptom of one of the diseases

A specific aroma can occur under the influence of the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes in the bladder, kidneys, urethral canal;
  • as a consequence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • candidiasis.

Under the influence of pathological factors, the smell of biological fluid changes - that is why urine smells strongly.

Unpleasant smell of urine during pregnancy

Constant restructuring of the hormonal background is a standard indication during the period of bearing a baby. A change in the smell of urine accompanies almost the entire time of pregnancy and only after childbirth does the condition stabilize. The pungent smell disappears, the urine acquires the usual aroma.

Foods That Cause Bad Urine Smell

Passion for onion, garlic, horseradish or coriander seed in large quantities is accompanied by a corresponding smell. For the same reasons, urine can smell like smoked meat or roasted sunflower seeds.

The changes affect only the aroma - the color and consistency remain at a normal level. The sources of the appearance of the smell of sauerkraut include the observance of a specialized protein diet - the excess of the element contributes to the violation of the functionality of the liver. When determining the cause of the problem, girls should rebuild the daily menu for a complete diet, without the advantages of individual products.

Problems with the normal functioning of the liver can provoke the smell of sour beer.

What are the different types of bad smell

Disgusting aromas can signal the initial stages of the formation of serious diseases. The diagnosis is clarified by the specific smell that thaws the patient's urine.

The smell of acetone

A sharp aroma indicates the possible presence of the following pathological abnormalities:

  • about oncological processes in the stomach;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • incorrectly selected daily diet, with a predominance of fat and protein components;
  • chronic elevated body temperature;
  • exhaustion formed due to the dietary table;
  • fasting;
  • exorbitant physical activity for the body.

What does the absence or presence of aromas indicate? Normally, the body removes acetone in small volumes with the help of the kidneys, but if a strong odor occurs, the deviation reports pathological signs of its presence in the body.

smell of ammonia

Nitrogen compounds are constantly present in the biological fluid of each patient. A strong ammonia smell indicates the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • inflammation, which captured one of the parts of the urinary department - about cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • urine smells of ammonia with insufficient kidney function;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological problems - in this option, not only the smell, but also the color of urine undergoes a change.

Sometimes the clinical manifestation is not related to the pathology. Extraneous odors appear in patients who use calcium and iron in high dosages, with prolonged restraint of the urge to urinate - this is why urine smells like ammonia alcohol.

Sour smell

A biological fluid smelling of yeast is a sign of a fungal infection of the body. Similar symptoms can be traced in candidiasis, candidal urethritis. In parallel with the smell, accompanying signs appear:

  • cloudy urine;
  • discharge of a curdled secret from the vagina with lumps or flakes;
  • obsessive itching in the genital area;
  • the appearance of a whitish coating on the mucous membranes and skin of the labia.

The sour smell of urine requires a visit to a dermatologist's consultation and a therapy regimen.

fishy smell

Common sources of disgusting odor include diseases transmitted between sexual partners. The stench resembles the smell of rotten fish, the symptoms accompany the following pathologies, which are presented:

  1. Trichomoniasis - the disease is formed by the penetration of Trichomonas. Primary signs of the disease are recorded a month after the moment of infection. A frothy discharge with a specific odor comes out of the vagina, swelling of the genital organs is observed, a change in their color. Pain occurs during sexual intercourse. Patients are haunted by the smell of putrefaction.
  2. Chlamydia - penetration of chlamydia occurs during vaginal, anal sex. The primary signs of the disease are discomfort that occurs when the bladder is empty. A non-standard secret is secreted from the vagina, sometimes blood particles are present in it. Girls complain of discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  3. Ureaplasmosis - an infectious process quickly captures the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterine appendages. The pathological process can lead to serious complications, up to infertility. In some patients, urolithiasis is formed - in the absence of a timely course of therapy.
  4. Mycoplasmosis - penetrated pathogenic microflora becomes a source of development of pyelonephritis, inflammation in the urethra, bacterial vaginosis. Mycoplasma can provoke numerous complications. The level of odor changes as the disease progresses.
  5. Gonorrhea - is recorded at the time of penetration of gonococcal infection. After the incubation period, particles of pus are fixed in the secretions. The release of the bladder is accompanied by soreness, the patients suffer from obsessive itching and discomfort in the genitals. Urine stinks unbearably, especially in the morning.

Other sources of rotten fish odor are trimethylaminuria. Pathology refers to genetic problems, with a violation of the regulation of the production of liver enzymes.

Sweet smell

Leucinosis refers to the prerequisites for the appearance of a sweet smell from urine. The disease is hereditary and is associated with abnormalities in the production of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of amino acids. The result of the pathology is the accumulation of decay products in cellular structures and the subsequent exacerbation of the disease.

Secondary symptomatic manifestations of the disease are characterized by the appearance of convulsions, problems with coordination of movement, sudden vomiting. The disease cannot be treated, patients are forced to follow a specific diet all their lives - this is the only way to get rid of the extraneous aroma.

Phenylketonuria is the source of the pungent moldy odor or mouse odor. Pathology is characterized by a deviation in metabolic processes, as a result of which the accumulation of phenylalanine in the body is recorded. The result of the disease is a violation of the metabolic processes of protein elements.

Rotten smell

Penetration into the urinary part of Escherichia coli is accompanied by a pungent odor of hydrogen sulfide. The reasons for the development of the disease is a violation of the requirements for hygiene of the genital organs or sex with a carrier without the use of personal protective equipment.

When it enters the ureter, the bacterium attaches to its walls and begins to gradually rise to the bladder. A decrease in the efficiency of the autoimmune system contributes to the active reproduction of Escherichia coli. Patients have:

  • lethargy, loss of strength;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • urine has a pungent smell of rotten eggs;
  • decrease in working capacity;
  • in the biological fluid there are particles of pus, blood.

Excessive consumption of asparagus also causes urine to smell like rotten eggs. After stopping its use, the unpleasant odor disappears after six hours. As an exception, a fetid odor is present in certain oncological processes - this is why urine smells unpleasant in women.

How to Get Rid of Bad Urine Smell

Folk recipes

To get rid of a bad smell, healers offer the following recipes:

  1. In a glass of boiling water, a spoonful of dry currant leaves is brewed. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, filtered. Consume ¼ cup three times a day.
  2. To cleanse the liver and kidney department, daily intake of apple juice is recommended. The procedure saturates the body with vitamin and mineral components, eliminates a strange smell.
  3. Rosehip infusion is used as a diuretic and bactericidal agent. Two handfuls of dried fruits are taken per liter of fresh boiling water, left in a tightly closed container overnight. The next day it is filtered and consumed in a glass three times a day.

Diet change

Dietary nutrition is compiled on an individual basis and depends on the ongoing disease. If the indicators of the contained protein elements are exceeded, dairy products, chicken eggs, meat products and chocolate are removed from the diet. After a while, they are introduced back, but in minimal proportions.

Almost all of the above pathologies require compliance with the drinking regimen. Sufficient volumes of incoming fluid will clean the kidneys, urinary tract. In the fight against unpleasant odors, the balance of all the components necessary for the body plays an important role.

Medical treatment

What determines the effectiveness of drug therapy? From the results of the diagnostic examination. Before prescribing a specific therapy algorithm, the patient is referred for diagnostics, in which the condition of the bladder is analyzed. Laboratory manipulations can detect the amount of bilirubin, conduct urine tests.

Antibacterial therapy:

  • Inflammatory and bacterial infections require the appointment of separate pharmacological substances. Antibacterial therapy is carried out with Gentamicin, Ceftriaxone, Nofloxacin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin. Gynecological practice is based on treatment with Terzhinan, Clindamycin.
  • Urinary pathologies - symptomatic appearances are suppressed by Nitroxoline, Furamag, Bysptol, Canephron, Fitolizin, Trinephron. The drugs have an antibacterial spectrum of action.
  • The defeat of the genital area requires the appointment of antibacterial suppositories - Betadine, Hexicon, Chlorhexedine, Metrogyl.

In order to prevent intestinal dysbacteriosis, patients are recommended to take probiotics - Linex, Acipol, Bifidumbacterin. Taking medications can be replaced by the use of specialized products containing bifidobacteria and other necessary elements.

The urine of a healthy person immediately after urination is practically odorless or has a very faint "urinary" odor. It should be transparent, yellow in color, free of any impurities or flakes. After some time, after standing in the container, the urine acquires the smell of ammonia, or ammonia, which gradually intensifies. This is because the chemicals in the urine begin to oxidize in the air.

An increase or change in the smell of urine can be encountered at any age, and not uncommon. The pungent smell of urine can occur periodically or haunt a person for a long time, sometimes a strong uncharacteristic shade of urine appears already in newborn babies. The reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse; they can be either natural or physiological in nature, or serve as a symptom of some disease.

Physiological causes

The amount and properties of the resulting urine depend on factors such as total blood volume, sufficient fluid intake, the state of the renal filtration system and tubular reabsorption, the presence of congenital or acquired diseases of the urinary system and other internal organs.

If a person receives little fluid due to, for example, extreme heat, then the urine becomes more concentrated, its density increases, and the color becomes bright yellow. Naturally, the smell also intensifies, but remains a characteristic urinary one. In other cases, this indicator can be affected by the characteristics of human nutrition, the introduction of any new and unusual foods to the menu, as well as the intake of certain medications that affect all parameters of urine, including smell.

Dehydration is one of the physiological causes of strong urine odor.

Therefore, if an uncharacteristic or pungent smell of urine appears, it is necessary first of all to exclude natural causes. In general, they can be represented as follows:

  • dehydration (but not in cases where it is a symptom of pathologies);
  • eating a large number of foods with a sharp specific smell (garlic, onions or green onions, some varieties of fish or seafood, smoked meat);
  • the use of alcoholic beverages, including large volumes of beer;
  • taking medications (for example, nitrofuran antimicrobials, which give urine a strong "medicinal" smell and an almost orange color tint);
  • the period of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, when the sharp "aroma" of urine is due to a change in the hormonal background of a woman; this is especially true of the morning portions of urine.

In cases where it is not possible to explain the change in the smell of urine by these physiological factors, or it remains after the exclusion of the influence of these causes, one should think about the possibility of a person having any disease.

Pathology may not be so serious, not threatening the health or life of the patient, and easily amenable to therapy. But there are more dangerous diseases that require urgent treatment, often leading the patient to a lying state. In these cases, the appearance of a strong or foul-smelling urine may be one of the early signs that will help the doctor diagnose. Therefore, if, against the background of apparent complete health, urine suddenly began to smell somehow unusual, too harsh or very unpleasant, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Most often, the change in smell is accompanied by other symptoms. So, urine can change its color to pinkish due to the admixture of blood, become too dark with liver diseases, lose transparency due to the admixture of pus or a large amount of epithelium. In addition, a change in urine parameters can be combined with pain syndrome of various localization and intensity, with signs of intoxication or dysuria, pathological phenomena from other internal organs.

Consulting a doctor will help solve the problem

What diseases cause urine to have a strong odor

The formation of urine and its indicators is influenced by both the urinary system itself and other organs or the state of metabolism. Therefore, the following pathologies can be noted, which are most common, in which a liquid with a pungent or unpleasant odor is released during urination, and it is felt immediately after the urine is excreted:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract;
  • genital infections;
  • pathology of the endocrine glands;
  • fermentopathy and metabolic disorders.

Pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis can be attributed to inflammatory processes localized in the urinary system and affecting the smell of urine. The main cause of these diseases is the penetration of pathogenic microflora. In most cases, it turns out to be nonspecific (E. coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Haemophilus influenzae), but urethritis of a specific etiology caused by chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, gonorrhea pathogens is not uncommon.

The infectious process initiated by the microflora almost always proceeds with the formation of pus, which consists of dead immune cells, bacteria and their fragments, destroyed cells of the organ's own tissue. The resulting urine flushes all this contents of the urinary tract outward, so it is not surprising that it contains a huge amount of impurities. First of all, these include pus, which is released in the form of flakes or homogenized, which gives the urine a greater or lesser degree of turbidity. Along with it, the epithelium, mucus, bacteria, often erythrocytes, which are responsible for the pink or reddish color of urine, is found in the urine, which is desquamated from the walls of the channels.

The admixture of pus causes both turbidity of urine and its unpleasant odor.

In infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, the smell of the excreted fluid becomes very characteristic. Due to the admixture of pus, mucus, blood, decomposition products of organic substances, and also due to their further oxidation in air, the urine smells either of ammonia, and very strongly, or acquires an unpleasant putrid hue (the smell of "meat slops"). Along with other clinical signs (pain in the abdomen or lower back, fever, dysuric disturbances), this specific “aroma” is very important for the diagnosis of inflammatory pathologies of the urinary tract.

As a result of the anatomical proximity of the mouth of the urethra and vagina in women, changes in the smell of urine can also be caused by sexual infections. When urinating, the contents of the vagina are mixed with urine, which causes the presence of bacteria, pus, and a huge number of epithelial cells in it. In addition, the phenomena of vaginal dysbacteriosis, or bacterial vaginosis, can also affect urine parameters. If there is pus or putrefactive microflora in the urine that has come from the genital tract, then its smell becomes strong, reminiscent of rotten eggs. In bacterial vaginosis, caused by an imbalance of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina, urine smells strongly of garlic or stale fish.

Of the endocrine pathologies, first of all, diabetes mellitus should be noted, and the insulin-dependent type. It is this frequent pathology that greatly affects the smell of urine, and the nature and severity of this symptom plays an important diagnostic role. The failure of the pancreas and the lack of insulin produced by it underlie the mechanism of the development of the disease. Insulin, which is supposed to metabolize glucose that enters the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines during the digestion of food, does not cope with this task, since very little of it is produced.

As a result, the level of sugar in the blood rises sharply, which, when filtered by the kidneys, ends up in the primary urine. Its reverse absorption does not occur, and glucose molecules in full are excreted in the urine. Urine, which normally contains no sugars at all, becomes literally sweet. This cannot but affect its smell, which is why in patients with diabetes, urine has a sweetish or sugary odor, which persists even after a while, without being drowned out by an ammonia tint.

With ketoacidotic coma, the smell of acetone is felt at a distance

In situations where diabetes mellitus is decompensated, when the dose of insulin is insufficient or its regular administration is absent, a life-threatening condition called ketoacidosis may develop. In these cases, glucose metabolism ends up with the formation of ketone bodies, which have a very negative effect on the entire body.

Along with loss of consciousness, dehydration, disruption of all types of metabolism, changes in the acid-base balance, urine also changes with ketoacidosis. Acetone appears in it, which gives urine a characteristic and very pungent odor. The acetone shade comes literally from the entire body of the patient when he falls into a state of diabetic coma, so this symptom is very important when providing a person with timely and competent medical care.

Urine, unusually and unpleasantly smelling, is also characteristic of some fermentopathies and metabolic disorders. So, trimethylaminuria, one of the fermentopathies due to insufficient enzymatic activity of the liver, gives urine a very repulsive smell of stale fish. Moreover, he is very stable and "haunts" the patient constantly, making life extremely difficult for him.

Another fermentopathy called phenylketonuria, is expressed by a complex of clinical symptoms literally from birth, as it is a hereditary disease. Neurological disorders and mental disability, the main components of the symptom complex, are complemented by a very specific smell of urine, which can be called musty or "mouse". Another fermentopathy, leucinosis, also called maple syrup disease, is characterized by a strong smell of urine, similar to burnt sugar.

Attentive attitude to yourself, your health and the condition of your relatives will always help you notice changes in the color or smell of urine in time. The detection of unusual symptoms will be the key to early diagnosis of pathologies and their effective treatment.

When urinating in a healthy person, clear, yellowish urine is excreted. The smell of urine is specific, intensifies with prolonged contact with air molecules. After oxidation with air, the smell of acetone appears. Sometimes a woman notes that changes have occurred and there is an unpleasant smell of urine.

Sometimes this is the reason for eating foods with a strong specific smell. Taking certain medications or fasting can also cause a strong smell of urine in women. To determine the relationship, a woman needs to conduct a small observation of her urine. If, over time, the unpleasant smell of urine does not change, then you need to go to a specialist doctor for examination and consultation, for consultation and examination, in order to determine why the smell appeared and the reason for the change.

More often, a strong smell is a witness to existing diseases in the body.

The specialist will prescribe the necessary clinical diagnoses, which will help establish an accurate diagnosis. It should be remembered that timely contact with a medical institution is the key to successful treatment of most diseases. Therefore, dear women, you should not put off going to the clinic for tomorrow.

Foul-smelling urine caused by infectious diseases

Urine smells like ammonia, most often from diseases that are infectious and inflammatory in nature, the urinary system. The main, most common diseases are such pathologies:
Cystitis is a common disease in women. This is a disease of the bladder and is often accompanied by frequent chronic complications, while there is a smell of ammonia in the urine.
Urethritis is more common in men, but women can also be affected. Urethritis is an inflammatory process of the urinary canal that occurs with various infections.
Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys of an infectious nature. The main factors that cause the development of the disease are the bacteria of the Escherichia coli group and the anatomy of the female calving.
The main symptoms of diseases include:
Urine smells like ammonia.
Frequent urge to urinate, while urine is excreted in small portions.
Pain localized in the lumbar region. can be both short-term and regular.
Urine has an admixture of blood, white flakes, pus, mucus.
Painful urination with cutting, burning.
Increase in body temperature.
Urine color changes.

Sexual diseases also affect the smell

A feature of the anatomy of the female body is the close placement of the genitals and urinary tract, therefore, the genitourinary system is often affected. An alarming symptom is discomfort during sexual contact and discomfort after it. This can be caused by diseases such as thrush, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc. Changes occur due to the pathology of the microflora of the reproductive system and an unpleasant smell of urine appears, urine smells like ammonia.

Pathology of metabolism and dehydration of the body

Metabolism is the most important for the body, both women and men. Violation and pathology of metabolism can cause a variety of consequences. There are quite rare cases when an unpleasant smell of urine appeared due to metabolic disorders in the body. At the same time, the smell is very pronounced and specific, which allows you to determine the cause:
A strong smell of mice, mold indicates phenylketonuria. Pathology of amino acid metabolism, which can develop in men and women.
The aroma of burnt sugar, maple syrup speaks of leucinosis, a disease in which the fermentation system is inactive.
The unpleasant amber of murina has a fishy, ​​pungent smell, speaks of trimethylaminuria. More common in women than in men.

With poisoning, diarrhea, vomiting, blood loss, insufficient drinking in men and women, dehydration occurs. In such cases, the concentration of urine changes and foul-smelling urine appears. It is important to remember that the norm of daily fluid intake for both men and women is about two liters of water. Insufficient amount of fluid intake can lead to unpleasant consequences. Often, men experience an unpleasant odor after drinking alcoholic beverages.


Sometimes the cause of an unpleasant sharp smell of urine in women and men can be the development of diabetes. The main signs that may indicate diabetes are:
Constant thirst and acute lack of fluid.
Sharp, not having in body weight.
Urination occurs in very large portions.
Urine smells like ammonia.

It should be noted that with already established diabetes mellitus, an unpleasant smell of urine may indicate a high level of hyperglycemia. This symptom should be the reason for an urgent visit to a specialist doctor, otherwise it can lead to major complications and, which is very bad, up to a diabetic coma.

Causes of change during pregnancy

During the period of gestation, women are forced to visit the toilet much more often. While frequent urination is normal during pregnancy, bad smelling urine can have a normal cause such as hormone changes and be caused by inflammatory diseases and urinary tract infections. Sometimes the reasons why a pregnant woman observes an unpleasant smell of urine is caused by an increase in the sense of smell. The absence of menstruation causes a change in the microflora of the mucosa and leads to a change in odor. If during pregnancy a woman consumes less water, then there is a change in the concentration of urine and, as a result, an unpleasant smell of urine appears.

In contact with

Urine is human waste, and its quality is an indicator of health. The smell of urine in women is an indirect diagnostic sign of an extensive list of diseases of the reproductive and endocrine systems, kidneys, and surgical pathologies.

A change in the smell of urine in women signals a possible onset of a disease of the reproductive system

What is the normal smell of urine?

The smell of urine during the standard analysis is not measured and is not considered diagnostic. There is no such column on the result sheet.

However, the sample should not emit a sharp or strong odor. Normally, urine has a faint, barely perceptible odor, given by a small amount of ammonia formed during life.

Causes of Bad Urine Smell

The smell of urine depends on the quality of hygiene, the amount of hormones, other biological substances and the presence of salts in urine. Also, in women, when urinating, urine is contaminated with secretions from the vagina.

All changes in women and girls can be divided into 2 groups:

  1. Natural causes that do not affect the general condition of the body.
  2. A sign of diseases of the endocrine, urinary, reproductive system.

natural causes

You should not worry in the following cases:

  1. The fragrance is concentrated in the panty liner or comes from underwear, but nothing bothers you while urinating. Review the manufacturer of hygiene products and discard synthetic materials - they provoke the appearance of a specific smell.
  2. Food products - garlic, onions, cabbage - give the biological fluids in the body a certain flavor. Amber from foods may be present for up to 24 hours after consumption. With an excess of dairy products in the diet, urine gives off milk.
  3. Taking medications - B vitamins, antibiotics, statins - enhances the smell of urine. If you are taking any medications on a regular basis, you should inform the laboratory assistant before sampling. The aroma of medicines, iodine is preserved for 3 days after their cancellation.
  4. Hormonal changes - during menopause, during menstruation or during pregnancy. At the same time, all other indicators in the studied urine sample should be normal, there should be no inflammatory processes in the reproductive system.
  5. Violation of hygiene rules. With insufficient care for the genitals.
  6. Life on protein diets - Kremlin, Dukan, dry fasting. Urine begins to stink of acetone. This is a sign of an acidotic crisis, in which the body begins to use protein from muscle tissue. In this case, the diet should be stopped.

Urine changes odor with different diets

Pathological causes

Urine with an odor is not the only diagnostic sign, but a change in aroma can indicate dysfunctions in the body.

The smell of acetone

A sign of active breakdown of proteins in the body with the production of ketones. They are actively excreted, so the urine smells bad. An excess of ketones can give human secretions the smell of iron and other metals.

Cause this state:

  • abuse of animal food;
  • starvation;
  • prolonged fever, dehydration;
  • high physical activity;
  • drinking alcohol in large quantities, a state after binge;
  • after surgery using general anesthesia;
  • intoxication with pesticides, heavy metals;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract.

The smell of acetone in the urine appears after drinking alcohol in large quantities

Also, if urine smells like acetone, it can be caused by diabetes mellitus - pancreatic cells do not produce insulin.

The aroma of acetone appears when a patient skips an insulin injection. Additional symptoms of this condition are thirst, frequent nocturnal urination, nausea. In this case, the appearance of a sour or sweet aroma is possible.

The gestational form of diabetes mellitus develops from the 12th week of pregnancy. In this case, the pancreas can not cope with the increased load. After childbirth, the situation normalizes on its own.


This substance is the basis of urea. But the intensification, the appearance of a pungent odor is a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - cloudy urine with an odor, blood may be released. Urination is painful, there is heaviness in the lumbar region, nausea. In the blood test, the level of leukocytes is increased.
  2. Malignant neoplasms of the kidneys, bladder.
  3. Tuberculosis.

In patients with tuberculosis, the urine has a strong smell of ammonia.

Rotten egg smell

Occurs with excessive alcohol intake. Other pathologies that accompany the aroma of hydrogen sulfide:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • liver failure as a result of hepatitis, cirrhosis, organ fibrosis.
  • fistulous passage between the intestines and the bladder - while gases, fecal masses from the intestines enter the urinary tract.

Liver diseases are accompanied by the aroma of hydrogen sulfide

Urine smells like fish

Fishy aroma can provoke 3 conditions:

  1. Gardnerellosis - dysbacteriosis of the vaginal flora.
  2. Trimethylaminuria is the overproduction and accumulation of the amino acid trimethylamine. This is a genetic disorder. It smells strongly of the skin, secretions. The carrier of the smell usually does not notice it, but it is heard by others.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys, urinary tract.

Dysbacteriosis of the vaginal flora - the cause of the fishy smell of urine

Stench or sweetish odor

Morning smells of urine. As a rule, the cause of such trouble in the morning is the lack of fluid entering the body, stagnation of urine.

Pathological causes include:

  • diabetes;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys.

About kidney tumors, urine can acquire a sweet smell

All pathological causes that provoke a change in body odor, urine, and other biological secretions have additional symptoms, the general condition should be analyzed and examined.