Harmless love spells. Other ways to attract a loved one. A conspiracy to love saliva. Read a love plot on saliva to love and yearn

To love and be loved, to have a strong family is an absolutely natural desire for every woman. Read conspiracies for a man's love: white magic at home will help if bright and sublime feelings are not mutual. But resort to magical measures. you need to correctly and carefully, so let's understand everything in stages ...

Any magic, black or white, plays the role of a lifesaver in a difficult life situation.

The history of white magic, its rituals and rituals is as old as the world itself. They were used a hundred, and two hundred, and thousands of years ago, and at the same time they are actively practiced at the present time. Its main distinguishing feature can be called the use of positive, creative energy, natural, like life itself. Therefore, with the right application of strength and skills, it is really capable of much.

The rites of white magic are not aimed at causing harm or harm to anyone. You can even bewitch a loved one with their help only if he also feels something for you or it will benefit both of you from the point of view of karma.

Advice: to achieve the desired result, it is not enough to memorize and read a spell from a book bought in an underpass or a bookstore. You need to really believe in what you are doing and understand how to put your idea into practice.

For the correct performance of various magical actions, appropriate knowledge is required related to the use of various attributes: amulets, talismans, amulets, conspiracies that protect against evil forces. For example, do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. The purpose of the first is protection from negative influences (damage, evil eye), and the second is used in magical practice to receive help from supernatural forces and phenomena.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

White magic rules

To increase the effectiveness of love rituals, when performing them, you need to follow several important rules:

  • It is necessary to conduct the ceremony only in a good mood, directing all your thoughts to creation and rejecting everything bad from yourself;
  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a low voice, but clearly and distinctly;
  • Conspiracies and love spells of white magic can only strengthen or renew faded feelings. For a love spell of someone else's husband or a person indifferent to you, rituals of black magic are used.

That is, even the most powerful white conspiracy to love a man cannot help if his heart belongs to another. Therefore, in such cases it will be effective to use black magic.

Do not start a white love ritual if you experience negative emotions and spend it in order to take revenge on your ex-husband or boyfriend. First, calm down and think about what it really means to you. In the end, you do not wish evil to your beloved, dear person, but you want to give him real happiness next to you.

How it works

Do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. Amulet - protection from negative influences. Talisman - help in magic.

Rites and conspiracies of love white magic have different powers. And, if some of them are more or less harmless and safe and cause the chosen one to feel a slight melancholy and sadness, then others can really deprive him of peace, making him think about the woman who performed the love spell, literally day and night. This category includes sexual love magic, which awakens real passion and desire in a man.

When performing magical rites, various means are used. These include:

  • Food and drink. The appropriate spells are read over them, and then they are treated to the object of passion;
  • menstrual blood. Spells with its use are black. Usually they act for thirty days, after which the feelings of the young man may weaken again. In this case, it repeats again or everything is left as is.
  • natural phenomena. Four elements, heavenly bodies, etc.;
  • A photo of a loved one or his personal belongings.

Love spell of a man for food

One of the most powerful and at the same time simple ways to cast a love spell is a conspiracy to eat for a man’s love to read, white magic. It works in the shortest possible time and almost always works flawlessly.

You can perform a love spell using various means, but it will have the greatest power when adding the menstrual blood of a loving woman to the food of her chosen one. But, having decided to carry it out, be especially careful. After all, if something goes wrong, you and the object of your passion run the risk of losing your "I".

The use of blood should be resorted to only in emergency cases. For all other situations, simpler and more harmless spells will do.

Conspiracy 1 "On the water"

You can also read this conspiracy to water for a man’s love, the white magic of this spell is universal, but it is read exclusively on odd days:

“Bless, God, bread.

Reward with holy water.

Yes, so that my husband (his name)

Always been by my side.

Blood in the liver, salt in food

Your flesh is in me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

Conspiracies over food is the most common, affordable and easiest way to bind a husband, since in most families a woman cooks.

Conspiracy 2: "For food"

To perform it, any food intended only for the object of the spell is used. Everyone else can't eat it. Perform this ceremony on any men's day.

When conducting a ritual, remember that it can backfire in the form of apathy and physical discomfort in the person who undergoes it.

"Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be with me (your name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy 3: "For salt"

Since ancient times, conspiracies for the love of a man for salt have been used to restore love relationships and return faded feelings. To return the love of a husband and help him look at you with the same eyes can be an old rite of the 19th century, performed with ordinary table salt.

Keep in mind: it does not work on strangers!

This conspiracy is read for any drink or food, it is possible for salt, then to add it to food. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,I will get up and go from door to door,

From gate to gate, into an open field, andI will meet fire, frying pan and wild wind.

I will rise and bow low to them and say this:

“Goy be the Fire and the Fire!Do not burn the earth's herbs,

And do a faithful, great service:Take it out of me, servants of God (name at baptism),

Longing for melancholy, weeping dryness,carry it through high forests - do not lose it,

Through the rapids - do not drop, hthrough the seas and rivers - do not drown,

And put it in the servant of God (name at baptism), inwhite chest, in a zealous heart,

So that he is about me, a servant of God (name at baptism), tfettered and grieved in the day and night time,

I would not eat in sweet dishes,I didn’t drink in honey, beer and wine,

Be you, my words, strong and sculpting,From now to forever.

I close with a strong lock,And the key is in the water,Amen".

You need to take a few crystals of salt and say the words of the conspiracy over it three times. Then this salt is added to the spouse's food, best of all in a fish dish. In a few weeks, you will notice that the feelings of a loved one flared up with renewed vigor.

  • This is a strong ritual that is performed with charmed salt, it must be performed at night on a full moon;
  • You will need two fresh photographs, in which you and the object of your passion will be separately, these pictures should not contain strangers;
  • In addition, to perform the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle, a plate, an empty matchbox, matches and salt;
  • When starting the ceremony, tune in a positive way, remember how good it was for you with your loved one, how warm and tender your relationship was;
  • Light the candle while saying the words of the love spell. Do not extinguish the flame on the match you used;
  • It should go out by itself, and all this time you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy;
  • The ashes formed after its combustion must be collected in a plate;
  • Put the photographs on the table, face up, sprinkle your picture with salt, pronouncing the necessary words of the spell, do the same with his picture;
  • After a few minutes, the rest of the salt from his photograph should be poured into boxes and buried in the ground under the aspen.
  • Mix the salt from your picture with the burnt ash and add it to your loved one's food.

Full moon spells

The effectiveness and power of many love rituals is directly related to the changing lunar cycles. Usually, rituals are performed on the growing moon to strengthen and restore broken relationships, and on the waning moon, to destroy love for another woman, to remove protection from magical influence from the object.

On a full moon, all rituals and spells gain special power. In order for them to begin to act, it is enough just to imagine the appearance of a loved one and mentally direct all your thoughts and desires to him, whispering the following short conspiracies, the most effective during the full moon. There are a lot of them, so it remains only to choose the options that are suitable for your particular case.

Everyone wants love, to be close to a man, to feel safe and to be the most desirable and important for his boyfriend in the world. But it is not so easy, and sometimes they fall in love with a person who does not reciprocate your feelings, and at times a nasty fate programs you for loneliness or doom yourself to a lack of love. Something inside us blocks these feelings, stops us, does not allow us to open our hearts to other people. But do not despair - you can make a conspiracy to love a guy and white magic will help to attract mercy.

A conspiracy to love a guy will help get rid of loneliness and attract into the life of a girl exactly the person who is constantly present in her thoughts, heart dreams

When and how to make a love spell

Magic is an effective tool for self-realization in all areas of life, including love. Magic and faith can change our lives, because each of us is a magical, mystical and spiritual person and everyone is worthy of love.

Being in a relationship with a guy means creating a psychic connection between two people. Such a connection is much more difficult to break, destroy than physical intimacy. You can part with a certain person, but be constantly mentally connected with him. This leads to the fact that it is impossible to create a strong relationship, leaving the former love in the past, although it has already passed, and the beloved has left. All that remains is disappointment and pain, which paralyzes the heart and the opportunity to go to another person. In such a situation, a cleansing ritual is useful. And only if you leave the bad energy from previous relationships in the past, if you completely destroy the ties that bind you to your former lover and find inner peace, only then can you apply a conspiracy to a guy and a new love.

Only a combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the correct and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of.

Need to know

You must remember that conspiracies and attracting otherworldly forces for help can be dangerous, because love is a great power and using it or manipulating it can be fatal for you. Awakening of the senses can help, but it should not force anyone to love. Every person should be free to choose, and it is immoral to force someone to love you. Even if you manage to do something like this, it will not be true love and will not give proper happiness in life. A person can always get rid of the spell, because the feeling that is not caused by spells, when a guy just fell in love with you, is much more durable.

It may also happen that he and you will not be able to get rid of each other, as they are connected with the help of magic. As a result, you will be doomed to suffering, so you should be very reasonable and approach the possibilities that white magic offers and to make a conspiracy to love a guy.

If the rituals are carried out with the involvement of white magic, they cannot be used to harm another person.

Give a chance to leave

Love magic carries the risk of manipulating the other person's feelings. If someone does not love you and does not want to create a relationship with you, you should let him go. Be especially careful if your love has already found its happiness in the arms of another person. Otherwise, the situation will look as if you are sure that the feelings between you and your loved one have not cooled down, and the reason for the separation is a misunderstanding or a difference in characters. If you want to restore the love of a former partner with the help of conspiracies, believing to completely change his intentions, which is inherently bad, you must think carefully before using magic. It is best to attract new love and find the perfect partner for you.

If you are sure that when you unite again, your feelings will be warm and sincere, and there is also a chance for a happy life together, then you can turn to magic for help.

A strong conspiracy will help bring back a loved one, but before proceeding with its implementation, consider the situation

Efficient and lightweight

  1. The plot is read at home at the first rays of the sun.
  2. Read the prayer "Our Father".
  3. Take any new thing that will always be with you (purse, hair clip, earrings, ring, etc.).
  4. On the new thing, say the following words:

    "God! As people wait, they wait for spring,

    How red the sun is touched,

    So it would be for me, God's servant (name),

    The men, young and old, rejoiced.

    They looked, admired, followed me

    Old men, mature men,

    Young fellows and beardless youths.

    Accepted with honor, respected with honor,

    But my legs all stood up with me,

    In conversations, the word was given,

    They would come to have mercy on me.

    The dream was kept kissing.

    All words are keys.

    All cases - locks.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

  5. After some time, you will meet a guy who will be narrowed and offer you a hand and give his heart, become your support and joy for life.

Conspiracy to attract a guy

If a girl wants to attract the attention of men, there is a strong and effective ritual involving white magic. If you do it right and spend it, love will come to you faster.

  1. Take a ring with a real ruby ​​\u200b\u200band a piece of bright red fabric.
  2. At night, in the phase of the growing moon, light three candles bought in the church.
  3. Install them on the windowsill.
  4. Take the ring in your hands and standing over the candle and looking at the sky, you should read these words:

    “Let them gather, good fellows for the holiday of light, for the holiday of Christ, let them stretch from all sides to my house. As they look on the Great Feast at the sacred crosses, and at the beautiful domes, and at the bright face of the Virgin, so they will look at the servant of God (name of the performer), they will look, but they will not be able to tear themselves away. I will seem to them more beautiful than the red sun, purer than white silver. May my words be strong, how strong is my will, may they be indestructible forever and ever. I'll throw the key into the water, no one will find it, the conspiracy will not take it away. Let it be so. Amen".

  5. Immediately wrap the ruby ​​ring in red cloth.
  6. Put it in the secret pocket of your bag. The charmed ring is a strong love talisman. It must not be shown to anyone, otherwise, with someone else's touch, its strength is forever lost.

The ring will serve to attract the attention of men. It will help to make your life richer with positive emotions and events. Add charm and attractiveness.

The red ruby ​​is the most famous stone, the magic of which symbolizes love and passion.

Attract the one and only

The ritual serves to attract the one who has gone and left you with a broken heart. The conspiracy is very strong and works faster if you read it early in the morning, without involving fortune-tellers.

  1. Get up before sunrise.
  2. Together with the first rays, go out into the field and the garden, where there are many flowers. It is better if it is a corner of nature away from the city noise.
  3. Run your hands over the dewy grass and face the sun. You need to read the following words:
  4. Keep the ritual performed secret from everyone, and that desired and only one who left you yesterday will return to you.

For the love of a handsome guy

If you fell in love with a guy, you want him to come to you and become your betrothed, but you are afraid to tell him about it, then you will have to call on magic for help, enlist its support.

At home, independently make a strong conspiracy to love the guy you have chosen. You need to read the following words:

“As the dew from the rising sun evaporates and is destroyed, as the dew from the first rays of the sun begins to dry, so the servant of God (the name of the man) for me, the servant of God (name) will begin to dry. May he no longer know peace, either at night or during the day, may there be no joy in his life, neither in work, nor in walks, nor in rest. May the servant of God (name of the man) always think of me, may he remember me every minute. I conjure you (man's name) by the Lord God, and by all Orthodox saints. I conjure you (man's name) on the day of the creation of the world. On my birthday, I conjure you (man's name). In the afternoon, when I finish my earthly path, I reject the joys and sufferings of the earth, I conjure you (the name of the man). With all the powers of heaven and earth I conjure you (the name of the man), with all the spirits of light and darkness. You be mine. Amen. Amen. Amen".

For affection and true love

A little magic in love guarantees the one who left, a new freshness and will give vitality, strengthen your inner potential. But you must be responsible for what you do and not consider conspiracies as fun. The spell power is huge and effective. You should know that by attracting a loved one who left with the help of white magic, doing everything so that he returns faster and falls in love with you again without memory, several factors are needed:

  1. Believe in the power of magic as in yourself. Without faith, all your efforts will be useless.
  2. Attracted with the help of magic should remember about you.
  3. It is impossible to determine exactly the time for magic to have an effect on a loved one. But the appeal to higher matters and energies is effective and evokes the strongest feelings in a person.

When applying magical rituals, you must remember one more thing: love must be in the heart, not in the eyes. Deep feelings should be open and sincere.

Remember: if a person returns against his will, you should expect some negative consequences.

“Your soul will fly like a bird when you fall asleep. She will fly to me and sit on my pillow. She will peck bread from my palms and drink water from my lips. Your soul, (name of the chosen one), knows me and is not afraid of me. She is handmade for me. So become you, (name), when you wake up, tame and not shy. Lay your head on my shoulder and smile at the happiness that has come. Everything will be like this. Everything will be fulfilled according to my word. Amen".

If the conspiracy is carried out correctly, the whole ritual is completed, the only one who left you will return, he will love hard and strongly.

Amulet for a dream

To achieve your goal, and instead of magic spells and conspiracies read at home, it will be faster to make a strong amulet aimed at fulfilling your dreams. This amulet is designed to attract the perfect partner for you, whom you just meet, and not for a specific guy you know and who suddenly falls in love with a wave of a magic wand. To create such an amulet is simple:

  1. Prepare a few items: three ribbons - red, green and white. A sprig of apple or willow, a piece of red paper.
  2. Take a candle. Candles are one of the most important attributes of magic. They create the right aura to perform conspiracies. Their fire has a cleansing effect.
  3. Write the name of your candidate on the candles and light it. The act of burning a candle is the realization of a spell.
  4. Don't forget that the color of the candle is critical. Love candles - red - attract passion. Pink - symbolize romantic love. You need a pink candle.

The preparation of attributes is the easiest part of the ritual action. Visualization gives it real magical power. You need to relax and imagine your ideal partner - what he looks like, what character, what thoughts he has, where he works. You can’t think about a specific person, only about the general characteristics that you want to see in your chosen one. By imagining your partner, you can go one step further with visualization. You can use a statement - or a property of processing your imagination, as a form of an already existing one.

You can talk to him, imagine and feel his presence next to you. Express your desire and desire to meet in reality. The more and sincerely deeply you believe in it, the faster your wish will come true.

  1. Give your imaginary partner a name, or an affectionate title. Write it on a pink candle. Light it up.
  2. Write your name on a red piece of paper.
  3. Focus on the image of your partner and what your union with him will look like.
  4. Braid colored ribbons and tie them around a red card with your name on it. The weave symbolizes intimacy in love. It is strengthened by wax from a burning candle and supported by a card, glued with wax to a previously prepared branch, tied with ribbons.
  5. When the candle burns out completely, and the wax on the branch hardens, the amulet will be ready.
  6. Hang it on your bed and expect happiness in the form of the person you dreamed about and who will definitely knock on your door.

Another amulet in the form of a bag. All amulets are prepared at home. For them to have a strong effect of attracting love and a guy, you must be at home alone.

The amulet of love is a great helper for those who want to find their soul mate or save a relationship

  1. Sew a small bag of red silk (color required, material of choice). He will always have to be with you.
  2. Create a certain mood.
  3. Light a pink candle. Visualize the object of your love.
  4. Fill the bag with dried apple peel, rose petals and two white feathers. Drip some musk oil.
  5. The finished amulet will help you find your love.

ritual for love

For the same purpose, you can conduct another stronger rite to attract the love of a guy. It should be done at home, alone.

  1. Prepare four pink candles. One large and three small ones, like on a birthday cake.
  2. Imagine an object of love and write an affectionate name invented for him on a piece of paper (bunny, cat, etc.).
  3. Sit comfortably and place the candle in front of you. Your thoughts should be completely cleansed and directed only towards achieving the goal. This is one of the most important rules of white magic. For spells and rituals to be effective, peace, tranquility and harmony must reign in your inner world.
  4. When you are ready, on the largest candle, write down the name of one of the three runes: Gebo (Gebo), Fehu (Fehu) or Teiwaz (Teyvaz). Light it up.

The choice of runes is not accidental. Candles and runes have tremendous power. You have to be very careful with them and use them judiciously. If you are looking for a partner-friend with whom you want to create a strong bond for years, the best rune to choose is Gebo. It will ensure a good relationship, symbolizes the sincerity of both giving and taking.

For more passionate people who want to have fascinating sex and crazy sensations with their partner, the Fehu rune will be more suitable - fiery, passionate, providing wealth and great sex.

In this situation, you can use the Teiwaz rune, or male, which is also responsible for sexuality and is especially useful for those who, after finding love, immediately want to have offspring.

  1. After you decide on the runes and light the big candle, keep imagining your ideal boyfriend, light one small candle and wait for them to burn out completely. Repeat three times.
  2. Light a large candle and in its flame burn a piece of paper with the affectionate name of an imaginary partner.
  3. Leave a large pink candle at home within sight. You will get used to the possibility of love and it will easily find you. Sometimes you do not need to resort to magical rituals or make a conspiracy to love a guy, she will come to you herself.
  4. Jewelry with rose quartz or incense in the apartment will add positive energy to the work of the amulet.

When making conspiracies and making amulets, you must remember that love is unexpected and surprising.. Therefore, you should not try to understand her or force her to come, you should open your heart to another person that will not go unnoticed so that he comes to you.

I want a man to think exclusively about you, write beautiful love letters, call and confess his feelings, miss you when you are far away, give good gifts. However, reciprocity of feelings is relatively rare - falling in love with a good person without the use of special methods is far from always possible.

Therefore, if you want to attract attention, you should use a conspiracy to love a man, which will allow you to bind him to yourself with invisible, but strong bonds that do not give a chance to get out and even look in the direction of another woman.

A sufficiently strong rite will require maximum concentration and use of all the internal energy of a person, but its results will be truly impressive - it even allows you to force someone to marry you, creating a strong family based on real feelings and mutual understanding.

However, getting a man is easy - but you need to know how to keep him, and this is already a topic for another discussion devoted not to magic, but to that section of psychology that studies love and affection.

To practice magic, you need to know when and how to carry out conspiracies so as not to harm yourself and others, and also to achieve maximum efficiency. It's easy to make a loved one bored - but what if the situation gets out of hand and your whole life becomes a real nightmare?

To make a man yearn

The simplest, but strongest variant of the hindrance, which excludes the achievement of success in love, is the woman's insecurity, lack of her own pride, and a bad attitude towards appearance. In this case, a special "drying device" is used, which allows not only to quickly attract attention, but also to look away from the chosen one from other rivals.

After waiting for midnight, set three black candles in an equilateral triangle, strip naked and stand in the center - you can outline it in advance so as not to lose self-confidence when looking for the right point. If a man did not miss you, he will quickly want to call and invite you on a date - you must consistently put your hands on your waist, cheeks, chest, hips and buttocks, saying:

“Everyone’s manners are very thin, faces are very bad, figures are terrible and terrible. I am one of the most beautiful, I can make all men love. I attract everyone's attention with my eyes, I will like all the men around.

The plot should be repeated three times, and extinguish the candles, saying each time the words:

"My nakedness will eclipse the light in your eyes."

spells for food

Any dish

If you need to force your loved one to marry you as quickly as possible, and not just call - for example, during pregnancy, you should talk about food that you cook yourself. When cooking, throw a pinch of salt into the dish, and then sugar, while uttering a conspiracy:

“Oh, darling, you cry with salty tears, if you don’t take me as a wife, a servant of God (your name). Oh, beloved, it will be sweet for you to live if you take me, the servant of God (your name), as your wife.

About ten minutes before the man arrives, set the table and turn your attention to the plates of food and glasses of drink - over each of them you should read the words:

“I speak your food, I speak your drink! So that you, the servant of God (name), want to marry me soon, so that you can only see love! Nurse our joint children, and wait for small grandchildren!

In the meantime, our wedding will not be, so that you miss me a lot, never stop thinking about me, So that you don’t have any peace at all, so that you don’t have any joy without me!

Red Apple

A very strong ritual is drying on a red apple - such a conspiracy to attract a man can give results in a few days, but its strength and durability will be doubtful. It is unlikely that it will be possible to evoke serious love, but it is extremely simple to make a call - the conspiracy invariably attracts serious attention, which is sometimes not enough to take the first step.

Take a ripe red apple and put it at dawn on the table where the rite will be performed - it is very important not to touch it and not allow anyone to move the object, otherwise you can significantly harm yourself.

At midnight, go to the table and light five red candles on your right, and five blue ones on your left. Cut the apple with a sharp knife without crushing it - it is very important to think at this moment about the man you want to love.

So that he calls, speaks first, invites you on a date, put inside a sheet with the written names of you and your chosen one and close the halves tightly.

It is very important that the names are intertwined with each other - this is necessary for a man to be bored.

You can use the following label styles:

  • crosswise;
  • on top is the name of a man, hooking the name of a woman with the lower part of the letters;
  • the name of the woman is written directly, the name of the man is perpendicular to it, touching the middle of the lower word with the last letter.

This conspiracy to attract men makes it possible not only to make a person call, but also to fall in love with him - you need to constantly think about his appearance, presenting it in your thoughts as clearly as possible. If this fails, it doesn’t matter, you will still achieve the initially desired result.

Take a red satin ribbon, symbolizing unbreakable love, and tightly bandage the apple, saying:

“As a bulk red apple will dry and wither, So the handsome servant of God (name) so that he misses and dries for me! So that he thinks and dreams, in his thoughts he represented only me. He will like me very much so that he will fall firmly in love with me! Amen!".

Try not to think about rivals, envious women, and women in general - otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. When the first signs of spoilage are found, the apple must be untied, the paper burned, and the flesh allowed to be pecked by birds at the crossroads of four roads.

Magic love spells have been popular since ancient times. Everyone wants to meet a loved one on their way and start positive changes in their lives. In this regard, many of the girls resort to special love magic, which helps them meet true love. For the most part, girls use magical conspiracies to love a guy or a man.

Love spells and conspiracies are a rather gross interference in the very fate of a person, depriving him of his own will. Love magic changes the energy of a person so much that he can no longer imagine life without the one to whom he is attached by conspiracy.

There are opinions that when using love magic (love spells, love spells and spells), we always weaken the energy of the object of magical influence, which is comparable to damage. Therefore, if you decide to take this step, try to conduct a safe ceremony that will not harm your loved one.

Remember that a real conspiracy to love a guy or a man is not a rough and dangerous binding in terms of weakening the energy of an object. This is real and effective love magic.

She is able not only to attract love, but also to return her beloved - these conspiracies are relatively safe and effective. But there is one important condition here:

You yourself must love the object of the conspiracy very much!

Conspiracy for the attention of men

If you are also impatient to meet the one who will offer you a hand and heart and become a support, protection and joy for life, read the following simple conspiracy to the attention of men, and you will definitely meet him soon.

While reading the plot, you need to stroke yourself on the head. You need to read the plot three times:

"God! As people wait, they wait for spring,
How red the sun is touched,
So it would be for me, God's servant (your name),
The men, young and old, rejoiced.
They looked, admired, followed me
Old men, mature men,
Young fellows and beardless youths.
Accepted with honor, respected with honor,
Everyone got on their feet with me,
In conversations, the word was given,
Would climb to me to have mercy,
The dream was kept kissing.
All words are keys.
All cases - locks.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

You can also resort to the help of the following simple, completely safe and quite effective conspiracy to attract.

The attractiveness conspiracy not only increases the sexual attractiveness of a girl or woman. It improves her aura, gives her originality, charm and charm.

First, determine for yourself what thing you will cast a spell on. It could be a handkerchief, a comb, or something similar.

Going on a date, disco, work or study, take the charmed little thing with you. Remember that no one can talk about it, show it, and even more so - give it.

The words of the conspiracy should be read as follows:

“You are my treasure, treasure, love pledge.
I put you not in the ground-dungeon,
I'm talking about you girl.
In the name of an angel, in the name of an archangel.
Pull suitors to me. God's servant (your name).
I would be like the dawn, blush,
Like a spicy herb, dukhmyana.
Any man's heart is desirable.
Would be sad for me, yearn,
Not seeing me, they grieved:
In the world, in a feast, not on earth and in water - Everywhere!
Be me, like the sun, like a clear moon,
Like a light warm wave.
Among all her friends, pav is the only one.
My words do not score, do not whisper,
Do not reprimand with a strong word.
How people bow to the mother church,
So that people can love and respect me,
Meet with a smile, see off with your eyes.
My first word, my strong deed.
What I didn't say, what I didn't say
What I didn’t think in my mind.
All my conspiracy will bring. Amen".

Charm conspiracy

There is another way to attract the attention of the right person.

In the evening, you need to collect a glass of water and leave it near your bed at night. In the morning, you need to throw a pinch of salt into the glass and read the conspiracy to charm on the glass:

“I will get up without praying, I will go without crossing myself, I will not go along the road, I will go into a black field to a deep ravine, to a damn gully. The devil sits in the ravine, a satanic servant. Damn - wake up, before (what is the name of the right person) hurry up. They broke his soul, his heart - turn to me, how he looks at my face - let the devil remember my word. His heart will stir, his thought will converge on love for me. Water devours salt, and (name) let the devil torment me. Key, lock, damn quitrent.

Spit three times over the right shoulder. Then from this glass you need to take three sips, wash yourself and sprinkle your clothes.

From time immemorial, one of the most effective conspiracies has been considered a love conspiracy for monthly blood.

She has the strength and energy of ordinary blood and carries a large charge of sexuality. This, in turn, is just as important when performing a sexual love spell.

That is, by casting spells and conspiracies on the love of a guy or a man for this blood, we bind him not only emotionally, but also sexually.

This is a very powerful and effective ritual, but at the same time, the performer of the ceremony must also strictly follow the strict rules for its implementation, if you want to achieve love and adoration, and not something else.

Rite rules

Remember that your every action should be accompanied only by bright and positive thoughts. Your heart should be full of sincere love for the object of the conspiracy.

Only under this condition can you hope that the power of blood will act exactly as you want. The connection created between you by blood will return your bright thoughts and feelings through the lips and thoughts of your beloved.

If it is difficult for you to control your own thoughts and emotions, beware of this conspiracy and ritual. It is better to choose a different way to tie a loved one to you or other conspiracies, how to return your husband to the family. If you are ready to pass the test with your own thoughts and feelings and are 100% sure that with the help of blood magic you and your loved one will find real harmony, then proceed to the ritual.

Preparation for the ceremony

It is better to spend it on the growing moon, but if the blood appears later, it's okay. Take some of your monthly blood and mix with your saliva.

After that, you need to say a certain love plot to this mixture. Select the plot option from the options below that best suits your situation.

Then pour the charmed mixture into the cold (by no means hot) drink or cold food of your loved one. The best option in this case would be cherry, grape juice or red wine. They will only enhance the effect of your body fluids.

To achieve the best effect, you need to carry out this ritual for six months. If everything is done correctly, then a man or a guy will have practically nothing to turn away from you. On blood, you can slander several conspiracies for a guy's love:

A quick plot to love a guy

“Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children, because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen".

name love spell

“I conjure that (what is the name of the man) connect with (the name of the woman) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are connected to the Earth, and that the thoughts (name of the man) are directed to (the name of the woman), as the rays of the sun direct the Light of the world and its virtues; so that he (what is the name of the man) creates it in his imagination and look, just as the sky was created with the stars and the tree with its fruits. And let the high spirit (the name of the woman) hovers over the spirit (what is the name of the man), like water above the earth. And do so that the mentioned (name of the man) would not have the desire to eat, drink and rejoice without (name of the woman).

Conspiracy for water

“Holds on, dries, doesn’t go away.
How rivers dry up in the desert, how milk disappears from a mother’s breast from grief, how trees burn and dry from a forest fire, so that the servant of God (what is the name) without the servant of God (name) dries up and withers.
How the source dries up if the streams that feed it dry up, how the hot sun burns a stunted thorn in the desert, so that the servant of God (what is the name of the guy) dries and suffers for the servant of God (name).
How does the door hold on to the jamb, how does the baby hold on to the mother's breast, like a fish thrown ashore, strives for water, so that the servant of God (name) holds on and strives for the servant of God (name), and does not go away at any hour, in every minute.
I, the servant of God (name), will go out without crossing myself, I will go along a wide street without blessing, I will reach a fast river without praying. As I quench my thirst in a clean river, so the servant of God (what is the name of the guy) will quench his anguish and sadness next to me, looking at me, listening to me, caressing me, drinking the water that I will serve. Amen! (3 times)".

A conspiracy to love a man - a rite with a broom

One of the effective conspiracies of love magic is a conspiracy on a broom.

It helps to strengthen established relationships and helps to strengthen relationships that are just emerging.

A conspiracy on a broom will be especially useful to those whose relationships are just beginning in order to strengthen them much. Remember that it is necessarily held on the growing moon, on Monday, Friday or Sunday.

Take three rods from a broom, which you have already used several times.
Then light a wax candle, pull out a few hairs from your braid, wind your hair on twigs with the words:

“As my hair is here, so are you (what is the name of your beloved) forever with me. As my broom, homely, is always at home, so you (what is the name of your beloved) are always with me. I fix, connect, forever merge two destinies (your names). Amen, Amen, Amen."

While saying the word "amen", you should drip wax onto your hair so that it sticks to the twigs as securely as possible. Wrap the hair twigs in a clean towel. Put the bundle under the threshold of your house or room and be sure to invite your loved one to the house - he must step over the twigs at least once.

Conspiracy for love for the New Year

Love spells, spells and conspiracies for the love of a guy or a man are very strong if timed to coincide with a particular holiday that many people believe in and celebrate.

There are love conspiracies that can be pronounced only once a year, on the night of December 31 to January 1. But remember that the requirements for rituals are not limited to these:

Love magic requires a waxing moon! On the waning moon, in no case should you perform rituals for love!

Preparation for the ritual

The preparation of the ritual must be approached very responsibly.

If all conditions meet the requirements, buy twelve red and one white candle. Get a photo of your loved one and take your photo and connect them. You can print them on one sheet of paper. Ideally, you should end up with a group photo.

Take honey or rose petal jam is best. You will also need a wristwatch or better a wall clock. You will also need figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and a bag made of fabric with the addition of gold thread.

In the kitchen, all alone, half an hour before the New Year, start preparing to conspire to love a guy.

Conducting a ritual

Place photographs in the center of the table, arrange twelve candles around them in the form of a round heart. Place one candle in the center of the photo and in the middle of the circle. To the left of the circle of candles, put a clock, and to the right - a saucer with honey or jam.

Behind the circle below, put the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Put a bag of golden fabric next to, but not on the table. Five minutes before the chiming clock, start lighting the candles in a clockwise direction. At this time, read the following plot from memory, without taking your eyes off the candle flame:

“Twelve months and the thirteenth, secret, I appeal to you! Give your strength to our (name) love! January, make our love strong and strong! February, add passion to our feelings! March, give us (your names) a caress! April, add joy to our relationship! May, warm us with the spring warmth of love! June, July and August, make our relationship hot, burning and passionate! September, give us a son or daughter - the fruit of our love! October, make us rich with wealth and happiness of life together! November and December, strengthen our relations, make our destinies one single destiny. So be it, twelve times and the thirteenth for fastening. Truly!"

Now dip your finger in the sweet and smear the photos. If you had sugar, then just sprinkle it on the photo. And say the following spell:

“As this sugar (honey, jam) is sweet, so am I (your name) to you (what is the name of your loved one) is sweet and loved. As everything sticks to sweet things, so you (name of a loved one) stick to me (your name) from now on and forever and ever. Yes, be at my word! Truly!"

Completion of the ritual

Let the candles burn out to the end, fold the photo (photos) so that you and your loved one are face to face.

Put the candle ends and photographs in a bag and hide under the mattress of the bed in which you slept or plan to sleep with your loved one, let the clock continue to serve you, and be sure to present the figures of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to your loved one. If this is not possible, bury the figurines in the snow or earth as close to his home as possible.

This kind of honey plot will help to inspire or return the love of a husband. It is also an effective conspiracy that can bring her husband home from a homeowner. Your thoughts and intentions must be pure and positive, do not forget about it!

Other ways to attract a loved one

It happens that love for a guy or a man torments you and you can’t do anything about it, and the one you dream about doesn’t pay attention to you.

In desperation, people in love are ready to resort to white magic. Such conspiracies are usually considered the most harmless. There are those who want to bind their loved one to themselves with the help of black magic. However, it must be remembered that such rituals are very powerful, and often fraught with danger.

The way with your favorite dish

Treat the guy to his favorite dish, to which a pinch of upright trefoil is added during cooking. According to beliefs, from such a drug, your loved one will flare up for you with the most sincere and indestructible feeling.

Way with his shoes

Put his shoe or slipper under your bed. Literally in a few days he will be with you - this is what the gypsy belief says.

Method with amber

For the ceremony, you will need amber (not artificial and better with an insect inside) and a piece of red silk. Get up on Friday morning, squeeze the amber with your left hand, and put your right hand on your heart. After, close your eyes and imagine your loved one in as much detail as possible. Try to draw his face, figure, character, manners, hear his voice and so on.

Next, you need to wrap the stone in cloth. It must be carried with you constantly for seven days, without unfolding. At night, put the bundle under the pillow and repeat the ritual every morning. The first result should be in seven days.

Conspiracies for a guy's love - to do or not?

What a man in love will not go to in order to bind the object of his dreams to himself. A conspiracy to love, or love magic, is an attempt to give a person the feelings that you want him to experience, imposing a behavior that is beneficial to you through magical influence.

There are a lot of options for love conspiracies and spells, from the simplest to the incredibly complex. But before you decide to resort to them, think: if a person does not pay attention to you or has left you, perhaps he is not your destiny.

Be guided by reason, not feelings, in deciding whether to conduct a love spell ritual.

Many women and girls prefer to turn to magicians and sorcerers to guarantee the result. However, all these spells and conspiracies for a guy's love, you can easily do it yourself at home.

Those who intend to bewitch a loved one on their own on an internal level are more ready for the ritual. They believe in the power of their own thoughts, intentions and energy. Such people are confident in their desire to see their only one next to them.

In any case, we remember that until you make an effort yourself, you will not reap the fruits. So it is in the case of the magic of love:

Remember! Conspiracies and spells cast on their own bring much more benefit than those made by third-party magicians and sorcerers.

About the conspiracies below, we can say that they act very quickly. Of course, only an experienced master can achieve instant action with their help, but even with independent use, the result will not be long in coming.

The main condition is not to stumble, not to make mistakes and not to interchange words while reading the plot. Also important are your thoughts and intentions that prompted you to read the plot. I will deliberately not talk here about rituals aimed at hard binding - emotional or sexual, because they do not cause love, but simply do not allow people to go their own way through life. And if you want to evoke a bright and pure feeling in the heart of your beloved, this is not your method.

And remember that you can’t use love-inducing conspiracies out of a desire to take revenge, offend or hurt some person, otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. However, I believe in your prudence and understanding of the possible consequences of your actions. So, let's move on to conspiracies and rituals.

An effective ritual for a loved one to call immediately

This ritual cannot be called simple, but if you want your loved one to call you in the near future, then this option is one of the most effective. For it you will need:

· large mirror;

· a red dress or suit, if there is none - a piece of red fabric that you could throw over your shoulders like a cape, but then you need to sit naked;

· 2 red candles;

· photograph of a loved one;

· telephone.

Place candles on either side of the mirror and light them. Put on red clothes (underwear should also be red) or throw a cloth over your shoulders. Place your phone next to you so that it is in your line of sight when you look in the mirror. After that, take a photo of your loved one and peer into his face. Try to remember it as clearly as possible, and then transfer its image to the mirror.

For convenience, you can keep the photo flush with the mirror so that you can easily switch between it and the mirror surface. Your task is to achieve the feeling that on the other side of the mirror, next to your reflection, is your loved one. After the desired state is reached, you need to make adjustments to this image - let your foreheads be connected by a cord, wire or thread in the reflection. This is necessary to form a mental connection between you and your loved one.

After that, you should receive a response. As a rule, if you are doing a ritual for the first time, you will need to listen carefully to yourself in order to correctly recognize it. If it doesn't work the first time, try again, and again. Usually on the second or third try you will be able to recognize this sensation. As soon as you feel the "answer" - look at the tube and redirect energy to it. If the answer is not obvious, then after sending the sensation, look at the handset, then firmly and clearly say - "Call".

If you do everything right, your loved one will call within the next 5 minutes, and the nature of the conversation may be related to the situation you simulated. The guy doesn't call? So something is wrong with his visualization or simulated situation. Don't be discouraged, practice is important in this ritual, and each time you will get better and better.

Love plot for an apple

A simple and effective ritual can be done with an apple and a simple conspiracy. To do this, you will need a large and beautiful red apple, a piece of paper, a pen and a thread.

Stand facing east, write the name of your loved one on paper, then cut the apple in half and put a note inside. Connect the halves back, wrapping the apple three times with a thread, tie three knots, while tying each saying:

"As this apple will dry, so will (the name of the beloved) - for me. So be it!"

After that, the apple must be hidden in a secluded place to dry. An important clarification: if the apple rots, the ritual can be considered a failure, it must dry out. However, no one forbids repeating the ritual if desired.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

For this plot, you will need a photo that shows your loved one alone - without people, animals or plants. However, if you have a joint picture, it will also fit.

Pre-rewrite the text of the plot on the back of the photo, and also memorize it. Read in a whisper at dawn, facing east, looking at the photograph:

"As the sun rises in the morning, so the love in the heart (the name of the beloved) flares up. As the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you dry without me Yes, you yearn. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you reach out to me, and you will not have life without me, just as people do not have life without the sun. My word is firm and strong. Key. Language. Castle. "

The spoken photograph should be wrapped in black cloth and placed under the mattress or under the bed at sunset on the same day. As soon as you see that the plot has worked, hide the photo in a secluded place - no one should find it.

Three knot conspiracy

To read this plot, you will need a thick red woolen thread, a red candle and aromatic oils of jasmine, rose and lavender. If you cannot get the oils, then you can use your favorite perfume, but in this case the ritual will be less effective.

First, light a candle and relax. Take a thread and tie a regular knot on it, while imagining how your desire to find mutual love is concentrated in it. As you tighten the knot, say: "This knot will be filled with the power of my desire". Wet your fingers in rose oil and saturate the knot with it, imagining how the flame of your hopes and desires flares up in its place.

Tie a second knot over the first, saying: "The secret union will be illuminated by the light of my love." Imagine how your feelings, your passion are compressed into this knot. Soak it in lavender oil.

Now the third node - it symbolizes your secret thoughts and dreams. Tie it up with the words: "As these knots are strong, so our love will be strong." Soak the knot with lavender oil.

After that, hide the rope with knots near the house of your lover or bury it where he usually passes. You need to do this on the night of Thursday to Friday, and soon you will notice the result.

Of course, these are not all love rituals and conspiracies, the result of which becomes noticeable within a matter of days. But even the options presented above are usually enough to ignite a spark of a reciprocal feeling and give two people a pure and bright feeling.

Love and be loved!