Incense or incense sticks to cleanse the mind and body. All the Secrets to Using Incense Effectively for Meditation and More

When the question of purchasing incense is raised before a person for the first time, it is not surprising that he comes to a dead end. The number of such goods on today's market is incredibly large, and it is immediately difficult to figure out what's what. At the same time, the meaning of incense is hidden in their various smells. Using a certain aroma, you can improve the state of your psychological and physical health. Therefore, it is not surprising that the word "incense" has synonyms - this is "aroma", "fragrance", "spirit", "smell", "abmra".

It should be noted that in the world there are several ways to classify them. This is due to the huge variety of varieties, in addition, a wide range of their use. Basically, they are classified according to their appearance, place of production, purpose and composition. Since ancient times, they have been a unique product of Thailand, India, Malaya and Ceylon.

First you need to pay close attention to their appearance. They come in different forms: in the form of briquettes, mixtures, pyramids, sticks, oils. Also, when choosing, it is important to take into account the method of burning incense - non-combustible and combustible methods. In this article, we will learn with you what incense is, and also consider its types.

Oil incense

They have 2 components in their composition - a base that perfectly absorbs essential oils, and the oil itself or a unique composition of them. The following oil incense comes in the form: sticks, string or plasticine.

burning incense

Basically, they are in the form of sticks and cones: aromatic ingredients in powder form are mixed with combustible material. First, it is set on fire, then the fire that has appeared is blown out, leaving the stick or cone to smolder. After that, the smell of incense begins to fill the room. This species is traditionally used in Southeast Asia, Japan and China. They usually include fragrant woods, resins, essential oils and some types of spices.

Mixed oil incense

Mixed oil type? They include a coal oiled base, as well as ghee, honey, manure and plant powder. The main component in them are essential oils, which have certain healing properties.

Dung and honey incense

Such incense is of particular interest, since their manufacture is rooted in antiquity. They were used during the Ramayana period. Incense made from honey is distinguished by the fact that it has a sweetish, barely noticeable smell that accompanies the main aroma. They are used for aromatherapy, puja, aromatization of rooms.

Of course, you can doubt the need for manure incense. We have already found out what incense is, but how it can be produced from manure is not yet clear. To us, it appears to be something unclean and foul-smelling. At the same time, our opinion about it is fundamentally different from the meaning of the texts of ancient scriptures, which say that on its basis both incense is produced, which, it is worth noting, does not smell like manure at all, and various medicinal preparations. They can only be distinguished by their rough appearance and the very thick smoke that is released during ignition.

camphor cardamom

Camphor or camphor cardamom is sometimes used as the main ingredient. Its disadvantage is that the quality of the incense is somewhat reduced, but the medicinal and aromatic properties remain much longer. Camphor incense is recommended for removing toxins and cleansing rooms from unfavorable energies and spirits. Moscow has a wide network of salons and shops, which also sell camphor cardamom, so no one will have difficulty buying them. Moreover, these incense also contribute to the prevention of epidemic and respiratory diseases, have an immune-strengthening effect.

herbal incense

Vegetable incense, the synonyms of which we have given above, has calm aromas close to natural ones. Baseless incense is recommended as an effective sedative for aromatherapy.

bamboo straw

Basically, for sticks, a bamboo straw is taken as the basis. Subject to certain technologies, a thin layer of coal powder is applied to it, which is impregnated with essential oils, honey, herbal extracts and other medicinal aromatic components, otherwise called “masala”. Such Indian incense is affordable and inexpensive.

They are used in different areas: when fumigating rooms to create a comfortable atmosphere, as well as cleansing the energy space. It is also very interesting that such sticks are used in religious rites and medical practice. They can even be put in the machine when washing clothes. In addition, some of them are an effective remedy for moths.

baseless incense

For the manufacture of incense sticks, bamboo is most often used as the basis. But there are also baseless incense. Sticks of this type are more fragile in structure, although burning bamboo is not added to the main aroma during burning, and this is considered a huge advantage. Among baseless incense, "plasticine" and "cones" are popular.


To date, the choice of incense turned out to be very wide. Among such a huge variety, one can also find cone-shaped baseless incense. The convenience of their use lies in the fact that the ashes during combustion are in one place, without scattering. Their color scheme is very diverse. They come in a natural shade, which is inherent in the natural colors of their components.

Sandalwood (cone-shaped) incense in the Middle Ages came to Europe, where they were highly valued and burned only on holidays. Cone-shaped incense is made by pressing fragrant herbs with the addition of some resin of juniper, fir and some other plants (not surprisingly, the synonym for the word "incense" is "aroma"), and also without binding additives.

It should be noted that they look like a pyramid, and this is a great advantage, since the smoke released during combustion has great energy. The method of its use is the same as that of other incense.


Only natural ingredients are taken as a basis: a mixture of ghee and honey, plant resin, special types of wax. It is also possible that the base will be chemical, although they are rare. Thanks to their convenient shape, they can be attached to any surface, in this case there is no need for a stand. Due to their ability to emit a lot of smoke during smoldering, they are used by merchants on the streets.

They are also applicable for temples and other large premises. In religious ceremonies, they are most often presented to Kali and Shiva. No wonder the synonym for the word "incense" is "spirit". It is very difficult to find plasticine on the shelves of Russian stores, because it has a very peculiar, interesting smell. You can buy them only to order. In India, in their homeland, there are about 30 types of such incense. The most popular is "plasticine" with a base of honey and ghee, which, when smoldering, emits a lot of corrosive smoke.


We have already figured out what incense is. Now let's learn about their variety, which is called "lace". It is the next interesting form of incense. This is a coil of hemp, slowly smoldering rope, which is saturated with some fragrant essential oil. Here it is impossible not to say that it exudes an extraordinary smell: a combination of burnt hemp rope with burnt mahogany or sandalwood.

In India, string incense is in incredible demand from both merchants and buyers, including vegetable bazaars. Shoe shiners and street hairdressers are among the connoisseurs of this fragrance. At the present moment in Russia, string incense could not find much use.

Powdered baseless incense

Powdered baseless incense is of great interest, which is associated with aromatherapy. Their composition is exclusively natural, while the replacement of chemical components will be obvious. Most of them are produced in Tibet, but in Rus' in ancient times the same incense was used to fumigate the sick. In addition, shamans use these herbal powders in their various rituals. Sometimes they are also used for puja. It is worth noting that with the departure of the ancient Greek, Babylonian and Egyptian civilizations, the tradition of burning such incense in temples has also exhausted itself.

In choosing incense, you need to rely on your taste. Most of them, especially Indian ones, have a very persistent aroma. They should not be burned around the clock, 1-2 sticks will be enough, otherwise your sense of smell will become dull and there will be a feeling that the room does not smell of anything, while the aroma will spread throughout the apartment. Otherwise, the pungent odor will cause headaches and nausea. In everything you need to know the measure, and in this case, nothing will prevent you from getting real pleasure from aromatherapy.

Why aromas can have such a pronounced positive impact on energy and physiology. It turns out that this is not surprising. Plants always have a large supply of vital energy, allowing them to adapt to adverse environmental conditions. The same potential of life force is inherent in all objects of the world around us. Through the smell, their energy and qualities are transmitted to us, and this influence can work wonders. Volatile compounds of aromas, penetrating into the aura, eliminate its starvation, immune deficiency, promote healing of wounds, redistribution and harmonization of energy, clarification and compaction of the etheric body. Moreover, they have a huge positive impact on physiological health as well as human emotions. Aromas can help restore the aura, gain a taste for goodness and justice, eliminate complexes and anger. The choice of fragrance incense fragrance is made according to body type (so called Prakriti in Ayurveda). If incense is used to achieve a therapeutic cure, then the current dosha imbalance (called vikriti in Ayurveda) is also eliminated. After considering both Prakriti and Vikriti, the selection of the appropriate flavor can be made.

Ayurvedic incense is made from various herbs, the wood parts of some aromatic trees and some special resins. Over 100 of these fragrances can be used for a single type of incense. There are various incense, and accordingly methods of their classification. This is due to both a large variety of varieties and a wide range of their application. Typically, incense is distinguished by the place of production, appearance, composition and purpose.

The composition of incense sticks is divided into two parts: the base and the filler oil. And the bases, in turn, can also be divided into two types: coal bases and "masala" (a mixture of fine particle dust or crushed fragrant plants). Charcoal-based incense has a bright black color. They are good because when burned, the coal does not give off odor impurities, and the stick strictly emits the aroma of the filler oil. This is very favorable in the selective effect on certain body systems. Masala incense sticks can have different shades: from light beige to dark brown. During combustion, the smell depends not only on the filler oil, but also on the composition of the base. It is wrong to think that its quality depends on the color of the stick and that black sticks are chemical, and light ones are natural. The main thing for incense is the quality of the filling oil, as well as the quality of the "masala" in the case of light sticks.

incense, and they are also called agarbatti, divided into groups according to their properties:

  • Stimulants- increase concentration, improve memory, eliminate depression, give vigor and efficiency. These include aromas of cedar, lemongrass, lemon, fennel, mandarin, orange, patchouli, cinnamon, rosemary, rhododendron, magnolia, camphor and sandalwood.
  • Adaptogens- normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase communication skills. Mint, lavender, savory, laurel, jasmine, rose, myrrh, oregano, almond.
  • soothing- used for mental and physical fatigue, stress, depression. Chamomile, geranium, neroli, lemon balm, sandalwood, vagil, tea tree, incense, lotus, orchid, marjoram.
  • Protect- energy vampirism, envy, malevolence
  • Restore aura: jasmine, lemon balm, almond, sage, carnation, rose, opium, rosemary, juniper, frankincense, lemon. In cold weather, it is recommended to use: eucalyptus, almonds, cinnamon, geranium, camphor, rose, aphrodesia. In the warm season: sandalwood, frankincense, hyacinth, violet, magnolia, lemon, bergamot, lavender. Musk is the strongest aphrodisiac.

Incense types. Based on herbs and wood of wooden trees Sticks - basic, with a thin twig inside (made in India), and baseless (made in Nepal, Tibet) Cones - for faster fumigation, the burning intensity increases exponentially. Spirals - burns in a spiral, creates an energy pillar to signal the gods of Oil from flowers and fragrant plants. Natural oil is extracted with great difficulty and very low efficiency: for example, to obtain 1 kg of rose oil, it is necessary to lime 3 tons of brutally killed rose petals. Sandalwood oil can be obtained by distillation. In ancient times, a large gold coin was paid for each drop of such oil. Sang is a 100% natural powder of resinous plants and herbs. It is poured in a slide and, quickly, decisively, fills the air with a strong aroma. It is used less frequently, mainly for religious rituals by Buddhists, Hindu Christians and other Hare Krishnas. Indian ritual incense, which is used, for example, when using ayahuasca. They are baseless pressed mixtures of dry substances. Mostly composed of Copal (resin of the Burserae tree), but variations can also be found where Palo Santo is the main component. Most often produced in Latin America. How to choose and buy incense? First of all, you need to determine for what purpose you want to buy incense.

For daily use at home Suitable for many types of incense. Bamboo-based Indian incense sticks are the most common: they are inexpensive, readily available, and the palette of their aromas is endlessly diverse. You can read more about Indian incense in the article in the "Incense from India" section. Less well known, but possessing the same qualities as Indian, some Thai incense. Chinese incense for daily home use is created, as a rule, taking into account the principles of Feng Shui, has a deep aroma with subtle shades of shades, and has a harmonizing effect on the atmosphere of the house. Chinese incense has the appearance of thin, long, often colored baseless sticks. The most exquisite and rare incense for the home in Russia is Japanese incense. In Japan, making incense is as much an art as tea ceremony, calligraphy, or ekibana. Japanese incense is thin, colored baseless sticks with a variety of flavors, including both traditional and complex, idiosyncratic aromatic bouquets. Among Japanese incense, there are special incense for sensitive people, with a particularly delicate and light aroma. If you do not know which incense to choose for your home, try the recognized "family" fragrances that improve mutual understanding between family members and create the energy of warmth, comfort, and light in the house: jasmine, orange, musk, tangerine, coconut, incense, lemon , sandalwood, myrrh, as well as mixtures of these smells.

For gifts buy incense gift sets, or rare and original incense. However, a couple of elegant packages of inexpensive incense sticks can be very useful as a nice addition to another, main gift. Incense is one of the most versatile and "win-win" gifts, but when choosing it, it is important to take into account the interests of the person to whom your gift is intended, so that it will be liked and remembered for a long time. Admirers of the mystical heritage of the East can be presented with Tibetan incense in a beautiful gift box, such as Relax, Manjrushri, or Nagarjuna, or a set of several types of Tibetan incense. Connoisseurs of Japanese culture will like real Japanese incense, especially since it is quite difficult to buy them in Russia. If the preferences of the recipient of the gift are unknown, then a woman can safely give incense with floral aromas - such an “aromatic bouquet” is as universal as a bouquet of fresh flowers. Incense with discreet, "woody" aromas (pine, "dragon's blood", sandalwood, etc.) is suitable for a man. A universal gift is incense with "delicious" smells: chocolate, coffee, coconut, vanilla, tangerine, cinnamon, and others. If you give incense, do not forget to give a stand for them at the same time - this will complete the gift and demonstrate your attention and care. It is especially important to add a stand to a gift with Tibetan incense: their sticks are quite thick and require a special stand, which not every home has. For Japanese and Chinese incense, a coaster is usually (but not always) attached, and is in the package with incense sticks.

To accompany spiritual practices and meditations Tibetan and Nepalese incense are ideal. Since ancient times, they have been created as a means of healing the body and spirit, therefore they contain exclusively natural, often very rare components that have powerful healing and sacred properties. The aroma of Tibetan and Nepalese incense is never sweet or "perfumy" - it is a discreet, noble and pure aroma of plants growing in the harsh climate of Tibet. Also, some Chinese and Japanese incense, especially "temple" and sandalwood sticks, are suitable for creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation. Of the other types of incense, most often recommended for meditation are aromas that allow you to enrich your spirit and energy, to achieve a harmonious merging with the outside world. These are sandalwood, myrrh, pine, incense, musk, neroli, juniper, rose, rhododendron.

For rituals. In almost all traditions, burning incense is an integral part of any magical act. Incense is selected depending on the task, and on the tradition in which the practice is carried out. For example, if a ritual is being done for a love relationship, then aromas will be appropriate in it - aphrodisiacs: ylang-ylang, rose, vetiver, jasmine, musk and others, but they will not work for a cleansing ritual, but you will need sage, incense, juniper ... Interestingly, some fragrances have such a pronounced effect that they are used for ritual and mystical purposes in a variety of traditions, from Christianity to shamanism: such as frankincense, myrrh and cedar. Please note that among Indian incense sticks you can find special ritual incense for different purposes: "Clean House", "Gold and Silver", "Divine Healing", "Higher Power" and others. Aromatic resins (incense and mixtures based on incense, myrrh, copal, etc.), as well as herbs (common and white sage, juniper, bison, and others) are often used for rituals. Some practitioners prefer to create aromatic blends based on them. However, almost always you can find a ready-made aromatic analogue in the widest range of incense. In general, the selection of ritual and thanksgiving incense remains entirely with the specialist conducting the ritual. More details about each type of incense can be found in the description of the respective categories, as well as in the extended description of the incense itself. One of the most important benefits of incense is that they tend to be made from 100% pure, natural ingredients. Despite the use of incense in Ayurveda for therapeutic purposes, they are also used daily during religious and other personal rituals to influence the mind and mental states. Fragrances have long been known for bringing about a sense of relaxation, well-being and reverence, which further aid in meditation and relaxation. One particular note must be mentioned about the ingredient Guggulu or Gugul contained in some Ayurvedic incense. Guggulu or Gugul are very similar in their properties to frankincense and myrrh and have traditionally been used for spiritually cleansing actions. Not only does it have a very beneficial effect on the environment in the room, it should also make a person feel more relaxed and religious while helping out in a huge strenuous meditation practice. This ingredient is also sometimes found in Tibetan incense. Both Ayurvedic and Tibetan incense are made from very similar ingredients and are air dried for maximum purity and potency. As a rule, they do not contain coal or other such toxic substances, combustible and should not be addictive. They have been used for centuries during prayer, meditation, certain tantric rituals, and to cleanse the environment of the home and heal the spirit and mind.

The effect of incense on the human body

Incense has a general harmonizing effect and helps to increase the flow of energy into the body. It is recommended to use to increase efficiency, relaxation, as an attraction of the opposite sex, get rid of negative emotions and unpleasant thoughts, and are also actively used for energy cleansing of space.

  • agarwood(Agar, resin) - the keeper of the family hearth.
  • Aloe vera(Aloe vera) - strong antiseptic properties that can cleanse the space of the house from a variety of catarrhal pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Incense is well suited for burning in the evening, as it has a strong calming effect.
  • Watermelon/Banana- carry a lot of positive qualities that enhance the overall energy background, uplifting, helping against fatigue, relieving nervous tension and stress.
  • Almond(Almond) - a fragrance that excites the senses and raises the erotic energy of passion, which made it a powerful, sexually stimulating remedy.
  • amber-sandal(Amber, amber-sandalwood) - In the East, amber resin is used in cleansing practices as a means of removing all negative, bad, destructive energy. For a cleansing procedure at home, a simple incense of an incense stick containing particles of amber resin will suffice. Strengthens the element of fire in the body, warms the heart, makes it kind and responsive.
  • Apple(Apple) - the aroma of an apple relieves depression, a state of fear, irritability.
  • Bergamot(Bergamot) - helps to achieve success in creativity, helps to overcome difficulties, neutralizes the negative energy of others.
  • Citronella(Citronella) - is an excellent remedy for overwork, relieves fatigue, drowsiness. Also thanks to its strong aroma. Citronella has a beneficial effect on the internal and external space, removes all types of negative energy from it.
  • Сlove(Carnation) - restoring strength after nervous and physical overstrain, the aroma harmonizes the energy space of a person, raises vitality, makes the mind calm and clear.
  • Coffee(Coffee) - tonic and invigorating, helps concentration and concentration.
  • cherry(Cherry) - helps to feel the joys of life brighter. CHAMPA (Champa) - favorable for compaction and clarification of the energy shell, aura. Contribute to the concentration of the mind, relieve nervous tension and overwork.
  • Camomile(Chamomile) - eliminates an inferiority complex, helps in difficult life situations.
  • Chocolate(Chocolate) - perfectly cheers up and creates a cozy atmosphere in the house.
  • Cinnamon(Cinnamon) - stimulates blood circulation, relieves the effects of intoxication, strengthens the nervous system. Warms, cheers, relieves depression.
  • Cedar(Cedar) - eliminates stagnant processes in the body and in the surrounding space, cleanses the atmosphere, promotes clarity of mind and good health. Increases efficiency and immunity.
  • Coconut(Coconut) - stimulates appetite, enhances metabolic processes in the body, relieves apathy and drowsiness.
  • carnacion(Carnation) - provides assistance in overcoming excessive nervousness, protects against negative energy-informational influences, promotes a speedy recovery after injuries and operations.
  • Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus) - stimulates mental abilities, strengthens memory, improves mood, relieves drowsiness. Purifies the atmosphere, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent! Helps with asthma. An effective insect repellent.
  • Frank Incense(Incense) - helps to maintain a sober mind in any situation, protects the house from evil spirits, protects and cleanses the aura of people and serves as an excellent tool for meditation. F
  • Rankincense-myrrh(Frankincense-myrrh) - helps in the spiritual search, protects from evil spirits.
  • green tea(Green tea) - tonic properties should be noted, with the help of which a person begins to feel lightness and clarity of mind. It cleanses the body of all kinds of energy blocks.
  • Gardenia(Gardenia) - helps with insomnia, overwork, headaches, inflammation. Burning these incense will have a good therapeutic effect.
  • Grapefruit(Grapefruit) - relieves pain and spasms in the areas of the four upper chakras: chest, neck, head. Normalizes lipid metabolism (obesity, high blood cholesterol). Stimulates the work of the hypothalamus, will help you temporarily get rid of the symptoms of bronchial cough, cold or flu.
  • Ginger(Ginger) - strengthens determination, guides on the right path in love relationships, helps to survive an energy attack.
  • Hyacinth(Hyacinth) - is a good relaxant, helps with insomnia, relieves nervousness and stress.
  • Honeysuckle(Honeysuckle) - effective for the prevention of colds, and also helps with headaches, insomnia and stress.
  • Honey(Honey) - it is recommended to use as a prophylactic tonic for colds, fatigue and stress.
  • Juniper(Juniper) - used to cleanse the space of stagnant qi energy. The aroma of juniper protects against the effects of dark forces, improves attitude, eliminates fear, increases intuition and personal strength. Recommended for moral exhaustion, bad memory, insomnia, hangover.
  • Jasmine(Jasmine) - stimulates creativity, strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, helps to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, has an anti-stress effect, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the reserve forces of the body.
  • kiwi(Kiwi) - helps with the initial stages of a sore throat, and also has amazing abilities to heal heart disease, helps burn fats that block arteries, and this in turn reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Lily(Lily) - will remove depression, traces of fatigue from your body and mind.
  • lotus(Lotus) - relieves fatigue, favors the spiritual development of a person, helps to smooth out the severity of depression and melancholy, sharpens intuition.
  • Lavender(Lavender) - promotes self-knowledge, used in meditation, helps to relax.
  • lemon(Lemon) - promotes recovery after hard work, strengthens the human immune system. Provides a balance of emotions, helps to get rid of anxiety, improves mood and improves well-being. Stimulates mental abilities. It has antiviral and anti-infective action.
  • Muschio bianco(White Musk) - restores the energy integrity of the aura, makes it invulnerable to bad communication, is used for meditation. It helps with unrest, mental overwork, relieves stress, helps to ignite passion for men and women.
  • Musk(Nutmeg) - suitable for meditation, helps to gain tolerance in love and work. It is especially relevant for teenagers, protecting them from bad influence.
  • Magnolia(Magnolia) - soothes, promotes relaxation and rest.
  • Myrrh(Mirra) - the main property of the world is to cleanse the human heart, and naturally the space of the house from everything negative, from damage, from the evil eye, just from problems. Myrrh will eliminate what, in your opinion, spoils the atmosphere of your home and prevents you from living in harmony and peace.
  • Orange(Orange) - increases optimism, self-confidence, charm, opens the soul towards good, prepares for the perception of positive information, strengthens after illness.
  • Patchouli(Patchouli) - monetary incense. It relieves suffering, gives strength, determination, self-confidence. A strong erotic stimulant, enhances sensitivity, relieves frigidity and impotence. Strong antiviral agent.
  • Pine(Pine) - used against lung diseases, enhances the flow of pure energy, helps to quickly restore strength after a severe emotional blow. Develops a philosophical perception of failure. Useful for those who experience an unjustified feeling of guilt, freeing them from it. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, antiseptic.
  • rose-honey(Rose and honey) - the aroma of honey cleanses the respiratory tract, relieves colds, has immunobiological, anti-allergic properties.
  • Rose(Rose) - transforms the negative energy of disappointment and sadness into the constructive energy of self-improvement. It helps to soberly assess the situation and find the roots of the problem. Refreshes and clarifies thoughts, helps to make the right decision.
  • Rosemeri(Rosemary) - revitalizes and renews energy, promotes an active lifestyle and returns the faded interest in it. Develops intuition.
  • Saffron(Saffron) - have the property of cleansing the energy of space. These incense also have a light therapeutic effect on the human body, strengthening the immune and nervous systems.
  • sandal(Sandalwood) - promotes relaxation, favorable for spiritual practice, meditation, calms the nerves.
  • Strawberry(Strawberry) - relieves fatigue, stress and improves mood.
  • Tangerine(Mandarin) - relaxes, relieves mental stress, eliminates depression. Improves blood circulation, helps to harmonize the digestive system. Light aphrodisiac, treats frigidity and impotence.
  • vanilla(Vanilla) - gives joy to feelings, makes the heart kind, disposes to a trusting relationship.
  • Vetivert(Vetiver) - eliminates depressive conditions. Returns emotional activity and spontaneity.
  • violet(Violet) is both an erotic fragrance that brings together and opens the hearts of a man and a woman, and a general strengthening fragrance that can lift even a too low mood, and simply a means of increasing vitality.
  • wild orchids(Wild Orchid) - known for its erotic properties, which make it ideal for intimacy. Also, the aroma of orchids uplifts the mood and strengthens the general background of life.
  • ylang ylang(Ylang-ylang) - a good antidepressant, causes a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps, nervous tics, headaches. Excellent aphrodisiac, increases male potency. Tea tree - protects against the effects of the aggressive energy of the outside world.

Happy evenings!

Sandalwood - a fragrance of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from the inside, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a misty musky undertone. The fragrance of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive fragrance. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, the best is called a word. "chanda", those. "sandal".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals, is used in meditation, "transfers" the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, clears the mind, helps to overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps to open the "third eye" , directs consciousness inward.

The smell of sandalwood is considered sacred, in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood fragrance and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the aroma of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during puja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the smell of sandalwood, added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. Holy places were cleansed with it, they smoked it in houses to drive away evil spirits. Interestingly, the smell of sandal attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations, one can find the image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the smell of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and humble them with the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood fragrance has excellent antiseptic properties, cleansing the room and killing bacteria and germs.

The scent of sandalwood one of the classic aromatherapy fragrances. This is a complex philosophical smell. It has the following effect:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, makes it possible to open up from the inside, removes barriers, releases the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to changes, protects against impulsive actions that are not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a sense of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to adequately meet unpleasant life surprises, in stressful situations and conflicts

- at the medical level- normalizes heart rate, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives sound sleep, treats sexual disorders caused by psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss voice, difficulty swallowing, menopausal problems, nervous hiccups, skin inflammation, irritation of the throat and nasopharynx, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, "spiritual smell" used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, male and female, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and "cools » after meditation

incense ----

The resin itself was a symbol of unification.

Since ancient times, the burning of gum and other odorous resins, wood, dry plants or fruits has been the most universal sign of admiration for all religious rites. Spiritual literature and iconography suggest that incense was originally used to stifle the smell of sacrifices and funeral pyres, but was later burnt on its own as a purely symbolic offering.

Frankincense and myrrh, two gifts of the Magi to the newborn Christ, were a very valuable commodity throughout the ancient Near East.

In Egyptian, Persian civilizations, in the Sumerian-Semitic world, and later in Greece and Rome, these and other types of incense were burned in daily worship.

In the Far East, India, China and Japan, basil and sandalwood were widely used (“Chinese sticks” is a Vulgar English term for sandalwood sticks, “joss”, probably an incorrect Portuguese “deus” - “god”).

In Central America, incense, often gum, was also a symbol of fertility and was believed to bring rain through the association between smoke and clouds.

The Old Testament is full of references to the "salvation" of fragrant trees, pleasing to God.

The Christian Church, initially wary of the association between incense and the worship of pagan gods and the state funerals of emperors, soon began to use it as well, which became a common ecclesiastical tradition of incense smoking.

Incense's recent popularity in the West stems from the Buddhist tradition of using it as an aid to meditation.

Aroma, like color and light, is nothing but a vibration that evokes in every person a reaction of like or dislike. It has a calming or stimulating effect on the body, causes irritation or, conversely, a feeling of contentment and euphoria. Some fragrances evaporate from the surface of the skin of some women and intensify, combining with the natural fragrance of others, obeying the laws of the affinity of like with like.

The burning of incense in the temples of the gods was at all times considered a sacrifice.

Aromatherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating a person with the help of smells. Incense sticks (or incense) are the most convenient and optimal way to influence the human body with the help of aroma. Incense sticks can be with or without a stem. Aroma sticks are made of thin bamboo, on which a special aromatic substance is applied along the entire length (except for the end of 3 cm). Such sticks burn together with bamboo and, in addition to the main smell, have a light woody aroma. Sticks without a stem are made only of aromatic substance, they do not have a special handle. The smell of such sticks is more delicate and deep.

Incense sticks are common all over the world, as many ancient cultures used incense during various events. To date, the most famous are Tibetan, Chinese, Nepalese and Indian incense. Each fragrance can bring a certain feeling and emotion to a person.

Choosing an aroma stick scent

Some incense is aimed at meditation and relaxation, others help to increase a person's performance. In order not to fall asleep at work, you need to know what various aromas contribute to.

  1. Cedar, lemongrass, citrus, fennel, sandalwood, cinnamon, rosemary, magnolia are stimulating aromas that increase efficiency, make a person concentrate on what is important. With the help of these aromas, you can improve memory, cope with stress, acquire a cheerful mood. In many eastern countries, such incense is lit in large offices.
  2. Mint, lavender, jasmine, rose, almond, oregano, myrrh, laurel - these incense help to establish contact with people and their own Self. Such aromas are used for various contradictions, when a person does not know what to do. These tools will help you immerse yourself in the process of meditation and make the right decision.
  3. Frankincense, orchid, lemon balm, chamomile, geranium, tea tree will help you calm down. Such incense perfectly relieves nervous exhaustion, pacifies after physical and mental overwork. They are able to overcome even severe depression.
  4. Carnation, jasmine, sage, rose, opium, juniper - have a powerful energy component. Such incense sticks will protect your spirit from energy vampirism, from the evil eye, ill-wishers. They are able to restore the human aura.
  5. Musk, patchouli, ylang-ylang, violet, nutmeg rose, ginger are the strongest aphrodisiacs. Such incense kindles sexual desire and attraction.
  6. Sandalwood, patchouli, pine are able to fight bacteria and germs in the air. They are often used to disinfect rooms where there are patients. Even in ancient times, during periods of rampant typhus epidemics, pine branches were burned in every house so as not to get infected.

Before buying, it is important to decide what exactly you need - to relax or concentrate, to protect your home from envious people or to awaken passion in a partner. When the necessary incense is bought and brought into the house, you need to kindle it.

Special stands for sticks, which are called incense burners, can be wooden, marble, clay or glass. If you use a rod stick, you can take a wooden censer for it, since the rod itself does not burn without aromatic substance. If you use incense without a stem, then you need to choose a non-combustible material so that a fire does not happen. Today, incense burners can be a real piece of furniture - they are very beautiful, artsy, patterned. If you don’t have a special incense burner, you can use improvised means - a glass of rice, sand or salt. The incense stick will just need to be stuck into the bulk composition.

  1. When the incense burner is ready, simply insert the stick into the holder. If the incense burner is homemade, stick the stick in salt or sand.
  2. If the room is small, it is better to use half an aroma stick so that the pungent smell does not cause a headache.
  3. Choose a place where the burning stick will stand. It is better to place it away from carpets, curtains and other flammable objects. Place the censer on the table (if there are no children in the house), on a bookcase or a high shelf.
  4. Lighting aroma sticks is not difficult, just hold a lighter or a burning match to the end of the stick and wait until it lights up. It will not burn in the literal sense - only a barely noticeable smoldering. If a red light is visible at the end of the wand and the wand smokes heavily, everything is in order, you did everything right. If the wand is extinguished, it must be lit again. You are probably lighting the wand in a draft, so it will die out.
  5. Place the smoldering stick in the holder so that it is tilted at a slight angle over the stand into which the ashes fall. If you are using a homemade incense burner, insert the stick into the bulk composition so that it holds well and does not fall.
  6. The incense stick usually burns for half an hour, but long after burning, it fills the room with its aroma.
  7. Do not leave burning incense unattended. If you urgently need to leave, just dip the burning end of the stick into the water.

This simple way to burn incense will help you achieve your desired goal.

Incense will help to relax and calm down, if necessary, increase efficiency and give your home a pleasant aroma. Along with all these advantages, incense also has its downsides.

Scientists have found that the constant use of incense sticks increases the risk of developing lung cancer. However, this does not threaten those who fumigate their house less than twice a week. In addition, a certain aroma can cause individual intolerance. Allergic reactions can manifest as dizziness, coughing, and even spasm of the respiratory organs.

When choosing incense sticks, special attention should be paid to the place where they are sold. Cheap incense of low quality may consist of synthetic substances, the combustion of which is very harmful to the body. To test the quality of the incense, sniff the sticks through the packaging. If they exude a sharp aroma, it is better to refuse them. Real incense sticks don't have a strong smell when they're not burning. It is best to buy this product in its home country, such as India. Keep in mind that aromatic compounds in India are sold not only in the form of sticks. They can be loose - the powder is poured onto burning coals. Animal figurines are also very popular. They are set on fire, and they envelop the room with a magical aroma.

Incense sticks are an effective way to relax in this noisy and fast paced world. Look for time for self-knowledge and relaxation, live in harmony with yourself. And incense, which helps to expand your consciousness, will help you with this.

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