What are you going to do on February 14th? What not to do on Valentine's Day: the main prohibitions of the holiday. Make a colorful confession poster and decorate your front door with it

The most romantic and most annoying holiday of the year is approaching -. If you are still driving away crowds of fans, because there is not a single young and handsome oligarch among them yet, and you are left to yourself - here is a rough plan for February 14th. Not without adventure and definitely fun.

You need to start the day with the words “well, please, I didn’t really want to” and with the encouraging songs of Mrs. Lolitas(53) from the series " I will send it to". Sing along loudly and persistently so that all the neighbors know how free and independent you are.

For breakfast, treat yourself to half of the huge chocolate cake that you, of course, bought the day before. Today, everything is possible, so you drink a glass of champagne for mood - your eyes will sparkle, everyone will think that you are incredibly happy and meet at least with.

You go to the spa and spend at least four hours there - so that all the unworthy ghouls that you met before cry and bang your head against the wall: how did they miss this one? Well, as a bonus - you are preparing the body for the future oligarch husband.

Of course, you need to brag about your girlfriends with the induced marafet - only very unobtrusively, as if you walk with every day, and you don’t need the services of a beautician at all. So feel free to gather a bachelorette party - let your friends quietly turn green with envy while they drink collectible champagne (which, of course, was presented to you at work, but they don’t need to know about it). Feed them the second half of the cake and bad eclairs - you managed to have breakfast before 12, so nothing threatens your figure. And then let them puff in the gym.

You definitely can’t do without a movie on this day - run on "". We do not promise an interesting and exciting plot, as well as super-sexy scenes (memories of the first part of the trilogy are still fresh), but throwing popcorn from the last row of the cinema and laughing at the lip Anastasia, which will soon break from her constant biting, no one forbids.

While the makeup and hair are still holding on, put on your most seductive dress (so that the girlfriends become even greener) and go with them to the male striptease. Another plus of Valentine's Day without a boyfriend is that no one will grumble in your ear and try to take you out of the club at the most interesting place. You can feel the oil dancers - you can today, and they are paid money for it. In many striptease bars, by the way, but we will not advise this - who knows what venereal disease you will wake up with in the morning. Or, at the very least, be safe. But we still do not recommend.

In general, the reason for celebrating Valentine's Day is not the most joyful - in 269 in Roman Empire rules Claudius II. He forbade his legionnaires to marry, because a married person would think about how to feed his family, and not about praising the empire. So the priest Valentine began to secretly marry legionnaires in love. Claudius found out about this and executed Valentine. Later, he was canonized, and February 14 was declared Valentine's Day. Well, do not forget that the popularity of Valentine's Day is greatly exaggerated by talented marketers - sales of flowers and postcards on this day are just going wild. Happy holiday!

The closer the date of the holiday, the more often we begin to think about how to spend it. There are certain traditions for each holiday: on New Year's Eve it is customary to go to the Christmas tree, on March 8 to give women tulips and mimosas. And how to spend February 14?

We began to celebrate this holiday not so long ago, so strict traditions did not take shape. And this is wonderful, because each person can spend this day as he wants.

Of course, every girl wants to spend February 14 with her beloved, because this is the holiday of lovers, so you can choose any format, just to be together. Here are some ideas you can use.

Timeless classic

If the couple is not too fond of inventing something new, then they should pay attention to the classic scenario that requires spending February 14 with their girlfriend in a restaurant. Most restaurants prepare a special program for Valentine's Day, so that a romantic atmosphere for the couple will be provided.

Of course, you can’t go to a restaurant without money, so if you have financial problems, you can organize a romantic dinner at home. The same option is often chosen by couples with small children who have no one to leave for the evening.

However, you don't have to worry if you try, then at home you can organize a wonderful holiday. You just need to think carefully about his script. In addition to delicious food, there should be a "cultural" program. It is not necessary to arrange a home striptease (if there are children at home, it can be embarrassing), you can just talk to each other not about business or household chores, but about love, and watch some good movie.

Another classic option for a festive evening is a visit to a cultural event. Depending on the interests, it can be a theatrical performance, an art exhibition, a concert. Or maybe you haven't been to the cinema with your wife for a long time? Buy tickets to "kissing places" and feel like high school students who escaped from class.

If the classic traditions of organizing the celebration of Valentine's Day seem boring, you can think of other options. Here are some ideas that you can implement.

Relax for two

Most of us work a lot, so proper rest is a necessary condition for maintaining health. Visit the sauna or spa for two, ordering the most pleasant relaxing treatments. Such a vacation, for sure, will be very pleasant and useful.


Pictures on a home "soap box" are like the work of a professional photographer, like heaven and earth. Therefore, it is worth planning a professional joint photo session in a romantic style for the holiday. This is interesting, and the result in the form of beautiful pictures will please for a very long time.

Resting actively

Winter is the time to go skiing, sledding and skating. There is no way to go to a ski resort, or at least to a country recreation center? Nothing! Go to the city ice rink. Such a joint vacation with your husband or with your beloved guy will help to shake things up. And if you take a thermos with hot fragrant tea and sandwiches with you, then during the rest after skiing you can have a bite to eat.


If the holiday falls on a weekend, then you can spend it on a trip. Of course, few people can afford to fly to Paris for the weekend, but it is quite possible to go on an interesting sightseeing trip around the surroundings. Contact the tourist office, for sure, they will offer several options for “weekend routes”. And if you want to save money, you can independently develop a travel program. Fortunately, now you can book tickets to museums and hotel rooms online.


It's cold February outside, but you want warmth! Is it possible to travel to countries where there is eternal summer? Fabulous! But, most likely, this is not possible, so you should go to the water park and have fun there, riding water slides and swimming in a warm pool. You can go to the water park together with your loved one or organize a party there by inviting your closest friends.

Learning new things

Why not attend some interesting workshop with a guy and get new skills? There are plenty to choose from today. For example, why not take a cooking class and learn from a real chef how to cook original dishes?

Those with a sweet tooth will surely prefer to go to the lessons of making handmade sweets. And connoisseurs of good wines will be happy to attend a lesson where a professional sommelier will talk about the art of selecting drinks, especially since such a lecture will be accompanied by a wine tasting.

Walks under the stars

What could be more romantic than walking under the stars? Of course, in our climate in mid-February, the weather is not always conducive to night walks, and low clouds may not allow you to see a single star. But it's not a problem. It is enough to go to the planetarium to admire the stars in all their glory, and even learn a lot of interesting information.

simple walk

If there is no money for entertainment, you can just wander around the city together. Parks and entertainment centers often organize entertainment programs for city residents, in which you can take part completely free of charge.

Of course, not all options for organizing a holiday are given here. Each couple can spend time in a way that is interesting to them.

The main thing is not where the holiday takes place, but how lovers treat each other. Even a simple walk with a loved one through a snow-covered square can bring more joy than a trip to Paris with a person who causes irritation with his presence.

What about lonely?

So, there are many options to spend the evening of February 14 with your loved one. What about lonely people? Sitting at home worrying about no one loving you? Alone, it is somehow inconvenient to go to the cinema or to a cafe. What to do? First of all, learn a few simple rules:

  • Don't wind yourself up! Yes, today you do not have a loved one, but who knows, what if fate has prepared a pleasant surprise for you in the form of a meeting with the right person on this February day filled with romance? Therefore, there is no need to spoil your mood, because hardly anyone wants to meet a person who is angry with himself and the whole world.

  • Look for the positive! In any event you can find positive moments. Yes, your past relationship ended, but would it be better if you continued to be together with the unloved and unloving? And now you are free and open to love and new happy relationships.
  • This holiday is for everyone! Valentine's Day is a holiday for all people, because we all love someone - parents, children, friends, our cat, after all! So, you should definitely try to make yourself happy on this festive day.

Self love

Even if you are so lonely that on a festive evening there is no one to call to cry about your "difficult" fate, it is worth organizing a holiday for the sake of self-love.

Sign up at the beauty salon for various pleasant treatments(epilation and anti-cellulite massage, which cause pain, should be left for another day). But a relaxing massage, chocolate wraps, aromatherapy, hot tubs - all this will come in handy.

Of course, all these procedures in the salon are quite expensive, and you need to sign up for them in advance. If you are late or simply do not have enough funds, then you can arrange a spa at home. Fill the bath with fragrant foam, place candles and feel like Aphrodite born from the foam.

Love for friends

Why not organize a fun party with friends? It is unlikely that you will not find acquaintances who do not know with whom to spend the evening. A fun "bachelor" party is a great way to spend Valentine's Day, and one more step to meet a guy who is not in a relationship.

Love for others

If you can't get over the feeling of self-pity about your loneliness, try to help those who are much worse off than you.

In most cities, there are charitable organizations that provide assistance to people in difficult situations, as well as abandoned animals. Helping those who are now ill, you can easily feel needed and happy.

Love for best friend

If both of you are currently single, then you should spend the evening with your girlfriend.

Evening can be spent at home, for sure, you will have a lot of topics that you can discuss. But it’s better, of course, to go out “in public”. Nothing that all around in pairs! Just change the setting in your head that you are not alone, but free. And two free girls can afford a wide variety of entertainment.

You can organize a grand shopping for the two of you, because no one but your best friend can give the best advice on choosing a dress or shoes. You can go to the cinema or theater and watch a beautiful melodrama, because on this evening, films and performances about love are shown almost everywhere.

Do you want to not just have fun, but to break away to the fullest? Then choose the brightest outfit and go to the club to light up the dance floor there. Be confident in your irresistibility and catch the admiring glances of men.

So, regardless of whether you have a loved one or you are still free, you can have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Forget about everyday worries and plunge into the romantic atmosphere of this wonderful holiday.

The closer the holiday is, the more often we think about how to make Valentine's Day unforgettable. Surely, everyone dreams of celebrating it beautifully and romantically in the company of their loved ones. But how do you make a holiday special?

How to celebrate February 14? Ideas.

Here are a few ideas that you can use to turn the holiday into a real fairy tale, the memories of which will warm you up on long and chilly evenings. Don't forget to talk to each other and .

Unforgettable about gift ideas,.

Romantic dinner at home.

1. Do you think going to a restaurant is boring and banal? Then it is better to arrange a romantic dinner at home. At the same time, you can act as a seductress and dance an oriental dance. Evening, candles and slow music will make your evening unforgettable. For very busy people, the easiest option is to order a romantic dinner with delivery, many companies provide this service. Choose the cuisine that you like (Japanese, Russian, Tatar, Italian). Don't forget wine, candles, flowers.

If you decide to cook dinner yourself, then.

Romantic photo session.

Travel or excursion.

5. No less exciting can be a joint trip out of town. It is worth organizing a horse ride or just a tour through the forest. You will like to feel free away from civilization.

In travel agencies, there are programs for lovers, for example, to the city of love Paris or romantic Venice.

Unusual date.

6. By February 14 - Valentine's Day, many establishments and companies offer many options for celebrating the holiday. interiors are decorated in a special way, a festive program is being prepared. It is unusual to arrange a date and dinner: on the roof, in the subway, in the tram, in the museum. Originally arrange dinner in the dark.

Cinema for two.

7. Almost every major city has a cinema where you can watch almost any movie in two. A romantic menu and appropriate setting may be attached to the film. It is better to book such entertainment in advance.

Party at the water park.

8. Loved the idea of ​​going to a night party at the water park. Look at the Poster of events in your city, perhaps such a Poolparty is also held in you. Lovers are provided with refreshments, a festive program and music from invited DJs, and beautiful lighting of the pools.

Joint master class.

9. A new direction that is gaining momentum - joint master classes. Choose what you like, I will list what master classes can be:


  • Sand show. You will watch the sand show and then create your own sand painting.
  • Cooking a romantic dinner. City restaurants offer this service. You cook dinner at a location with a chef and then eat it in a romantic setting.
  • Pair dance lesson with a professional choreographer.
  • Somille for two or Valentine's Day in wine. At such a master class, you will learn the history of wines, the romantic moments of creating one or another wine, you will learn and taste wines that enhance romantic feelings, an experienced sommelier will tell you about the secret of choosing wines.
  • Pottery, learn how to make original clay products.
  • Master class "Sensual massage". Experienced specialists will teach the couple in love the art of massage.

Star romance.

10. Spend time with your loved one among the stars and planets. This can be tripled by ordering an excursion to the Star Planetarium. The tour should be booked in advance, as there are many people who want to.

Simple walk.

11. Walk hand in hand through the snowy streets and soak up the spirit of celebration and love. Many parks and central places of the city are preparing their entertainment program. Everyone can easily participate in such an event, for example, in the competition for the longest kiss.
In fact, there are many options for celebrating Valentine's Day. But remember, the main thing is not where you spend it, but how much attention and care you give to each other. This day should not only start beautifully, but also end beautifully.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

On the eve of February 14, young men and women in love are preparing to congratulate their "halves" on St. Valentine's Day: they prepare gifts, figure out how to spend an unforgettable evening. Celebrating Valentine's Day in the Russian Federation began at the end of the nineteenth century. The attitude to the holiday in different regions is extraordinary. In some cities of Russia, governors forbid celebrating Valentine's Day in order to ensure the spiritual security of citizens. No prohibitions, innovations affect the decision of people to congratulate their loved ones.

How to make it unforgettable? Where to spend and what to give your beloved (beloved) for the holiday? Many people want to diversify the standard norms, surprise their loved ones with romantic gifts. You should not think: if people met a week ago or vice versa, they live together for twenty years, then congratulations are not necessary at all. In the first case, celebrate February 14 - Valentine's Day, this is an occasion to get closer, strengthen relationships, sympathy. In the second case: to spend a bright evening in a pair with your beloved (beloved) - to prove your love, carried in your heart through many years of living together.

Why Valentine's Day is celebrated: the legend of St. Valentine

Saint Valentine lived in the Italian town of Terni during the reign of Claudius II, the militant emperor of Rome. Claudius was against marriage unions, he believed that the family life of soldiers contributed to the corruption of the military spirit, had a negative effect on valor and obedience to the authorities. The Roman emperor issues a decree that forbids marriage unions for soldiers.

Valentine - a young bishop (gave a vow of celibacy), resorted to the sacraments of the wedding, united military soldiers with their beloved; reconciled feuding couples; presented lovers with bouquets of flowers. According to the denunciation of envious residents, Valentine was captured and sent to prison until the moment of execution. It follows from ancient historical sources that the young priest at the time of his imprisonment also secretly married ordinary citizens and soldiers.

Before the execution (February 14), Valentine wrote a letter and passed it through the executioner to one girl. Here the historical facts are divided into two opinions: some argue that the letter was intended for the daughter of the jailer, with whom the priest himself was secretly in love; the latter prove that the jailer's daughter was blind, and on the eve of the beheading, Valentine healed her blindness. As a result, the young girl was able to marry her lover. The Catholic Church canonized the face of St. Valentine, recognizing that the martyr died in the name of Love.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated in other countries: beliefs and signs

Russian Federation

As already noted, in Russia the opinion of the people was divided into two halves. Some of the respondents said that they do not consider it a special holiday and give the other half of the standard "valentines" on this day. The second part of the respondents meets the holiday in a particularly romantic way: they spend the evening alone with their loved one or visit an expensive restaurant; give unforgettable gifts, trying to surprise a loved one.

In Russian cities, there are certain "places of Love", where guys and girls conduct a "rite" on February 14th. So, in St. Petersburg, a bridge was built, which the inhabitants dubbed the “Bridge for Kisses”. If a loved one kisses a chosen one, happiness and love will accompany this couple all their lives. In other regions of Russia, lovers hang a lock on bridges, close it, and throw the key into the water. In Russia, many couples choose the wedding day on February 14th.

Great Britain

In Scotland, the spouses come to the blacksmith and ask him to legalize the relationship. To do this, the blacksmith hits the anvil with his hammer once. At this moment, according to legend, the marriage union is illuminated.

In the Kingdom of England there is a ritual: on February 14, young men give guipure gloves (white, red) to their beloved as a sign of passionate desire. In another region of the English kingdom, it is customary to give wooden cutlery (spoons) engraved with a heart and a key. In the UK, since the beginning of the twenty-first century, it has become fashionable to celebrate February 14 - the day of parting with your other half. The "holiday" of a divorced couple takes place in one of the chic restaurants.


In the French town of Roquemart lies the body of the most holy Bishop Valentine. In February, a great number of married and simply in love couples gather near the grave of the priest. It is considered a tradition to kiss in front of the "eyes of a saint" - then life will pass in love and happiness. In other towns in France, lovers kiss the statue of O. Wilde, a poet and philosopher who has written so much about relationships and love. French girls receive jewelry from men in the form of rings, chains, earrings, pendants and bracelets as a bright gift.


The Italian street in the city of Verona - Via Capello, on the feast of St. Valentine becomes extraordinarily beautiful. Bright garlands lead to the second house, where, according to legend, Juliet lived. In honor of the heroine of the famous novel, a statue was erected near the house, which lovers kiss in turn. According to legend, the union of the couple who kissed her will be protected by Juliet herself. It is considered good manners to give a girl or a sweet unusual gift in the form of a heart on a holiday.


In the United States, it is celebrated especially brightly. On the eve of the holiday, the media spread messages about grandiose sales of natural fur coats, jewelry, discounts on trips to exotic countries. A few weeks before the holiday, tables are booked in restaurants; by February 14, not a single place remains free in an entertainment venue. Men give women flowers, sweets. Girls make hearts for guys from foil, flowers and other unusual materials.

How to spend Valentine's Day: original celebration options

Many couples in love on the eve of the holiday think about how to spend "Valentine's Day" in an extraordinary way. By applying fantasy to an idea, effective results can be achieved.

Romantic dinner in an extreme atmosphere

Dinner at a restaurant on February 14th sounds trite and predictable. It is recommended to diversify a standard trip to a drinking establishment, for example: arrange an unforgettable evening on the roof of a high-rise building. The initiative is in the hands of the man. You should first meet with the chairman of the house, the one who manages the keys to the attic; discuss the situation, get permission. Then follows the very preparation for the surprise: a table, two chairs (stools), dishes and, accordingly, flowers, champagne and a snack.

Do not think that during the festive evening the chosen one will freeze. The girl will be shocked by the surprise and after a glass of champagne, a strong kiss, the frost will not be terrible for her. You can limit yourself to a few minutes spent in solitude on the roof of a high-rise building: decorate the place for presenting a gift with balls, flowers, ribbons; give a surprise, a declaration of love and continue a pompous evening at home.

love journey

A surprise can be prepared by both a man and a woman. In advance, it is recommended to read ads for excursions in another city and buy two tickets for a “love trip”. If there is no limit in funds, you can purchase a ticket for two abroad.

If on a February day you don’t want to travel far, but you want to get an unforgettable experience, you can book tickets for a helicopter tour. In large cities there is entertainment: hot air ballooning.

Valentine's Day in the sauna

A simple trip to the sauna can be turned into an unforgettable festive evening for lovers. The day before, it is recommended to choose a room, buy the necessary attributes:

Candles "aroma" with the smell of roses, patchouli;
Music disc with calm romantic music;
A bottle of light tableware (no more than 90);
Products: sushi, chocolates, fruits;
Gift for the second half.

If a group of friends is visiting

There are situations when a couple in love cannot be left alone: ​​friends come to visit. How fun to celebrate Valentine's Day at home?

Arrange a masquerade fashion show. On the eve of the holiday, it is recommended to warn guests: only lovers in fancy dress are allowed to the holiday. The image of visitors can be different: fairy-tale characters, celebrities. Pairs should form a complete composition, for example: Romeo and Juliet, Tom and Jerry, Ivanushka and Elena the Beautiful. During the celebration, you can hold a competition for the best couple in love.
Screening of Scary Movie. On the eve of February 14, call friends or send out invitations. Decorate the apartment, prepare a festive dinner. After congratulations and presenting gifts, you can proceed to, which must be filmed in advance on camera. The plot should be shocking and unpredictable. Guests must think that a maniac is after a beautiful girl. A masked man with a knife in his hand flickers on the screen, a young charmer has just got out of the shower. And now the maniac sneaks into the kitchen, brandishing a knife; the blade penetrates the pink gelatinous mass. The pleased face of a maniac eating a birthday cake appears on the wide screen. The surprise effect is guaranteed.

What to give for Valentine's Day

Standard gifts for Valentine's Day - flowers and sweets will not add sensuality and a sense of a special holiday. Monotonous "valentines" in the form of hearts will not make men's and women's hearts tremble with sensuality. It is recommended to devote a day before February 14 to preparing a special surprise for a loved one.

Valentine's Day gift for a girl

talking flowers

For a bouquet, it is recommended to buy nine flowers (roses, lilies, orchids) in a flower shop. The number "9" means in numerology a declaration of love, a man's readiness for a serious relationship.
Write declarations of love (prose, poetry) on nine crisp pieces of paper (from papier-mâché);
Twist the papers, fix in the center to each flower with a decorative small pin;
Decorate the bouquet in a shiny wrapping film with a silk bow.

Jewelry. As a jewelry present, it is recommended to give a woman a medallion made of precious metal (gold, silver) in the form of a heart with an engraving on the back of the product. The inscription may contain a declaration of love, beautiful wishes or the name of the chosen one.

Home photo session. All girls love to be photographed. A man is recommended to prepare a room for a photo session: decorate with flowers, hearts, lit candles. Lighting needs to be adjusted. The girl can be photographed on a bed strewn with roses. To do this, you can buy rose petals or separate whole buds from the stems, place the flowers on a beautiful bedspread.

Handmade gifts. A girl will melt in feelings if a man gives her a gift made with his own hands. It can be a plush heart with a pocket in the middle that contains a wish list; cosmetic soap with the name of the beloved.

Gift for a man on Valentine's Day

Men are very fond of receiving gifts, especially on Valentine's Day. What can please your brutal half?

Knitted gift. Valentine's Day takes place in winter, so a woolen sweater, scarf or knitted mittens will not cause indignation in a loved one. A great gift would be things made by hand.

Gift Baskets. If a woman has been dating a man for more than a day, you can give him a shaving kit, a set of thermal underwear or a bottle of expensive cognac. For smoking men, a set of elite cigars can be purchased as a gift.

Gift certificate for a massage room. A man will appreciate the surprise - a ticket to visit a massage parlor. It can be a Thai massage or a massage according to oriental traditions with incense and tea drinking.

Extreme gift. If a man is fond of sports, you can give a coupon for a parachute jump.

Name present. A man who is fond of fishing will be pleased to receive a spinning rod with his initials from his beloved girl; a set of spinners or an item of clothing for winter fishing (hat, jacket).

Arabian night. A truly exotic gift for Valentine's Day will be the "Arabian Night", where a man will act as a padishah, and his girlfriend as a concubine. On the eve of the holiday, it is recommended to decorate the bedroom under the oriental type (burgundy curtains, patterned bedspreads, carpets, scented candles). You also need to purchase a concubine costume. If it is not possible to buy an outfit, you can sew it yourself. For a costume, you should purchase an airy translucent fabric (2 x 2), monisto, beads or beads. The fabric is recommended to be divided into two parts, one of which will be tied on the chest instead of the bodice; the other part serves as a replacement for the skirt. String beads, monisto or beads on a strong thread; attach a decorative embellishment to the bodice and skirt. The concubine costume is ready. If a girl does not know how to dance, and you want to bring a gift in the form of an Arabian night "to life", it is recommended to take a one-day crash course in Arabic dances. It is unlikely that a man will evaluate the quality of the dance at such a moment.

January 16, 2014, 03:27 pm

The most "favorite" day of all is February 14 or Valentine's Day tomorrow! Many people, especially lonely ones, actively sabotage this holiday, claiming that it was artificially created for commercial purposes. Such an opinion is not without logic, but one really wants to believe in a romantic fairy tale about the Roman priest Valentine, who gave his life for marrying lovers contrary to the orders of Emperor Claudius II. This story is passed from mouth to mouth by those who firmly believe in the invincible power of love and enjoy celebrating this day with their soulmate.

By the way, February 14 is a Catholic holiday. Orthodox traditions have their own Valentine's Day - on July 8, the church celebrates the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who lived in love and harmony and died on the same day, but for some reason few people even know about it, let alone celebrate it! Moreover, this is not the first holiday that we adopt from the West, so it is not surprising that on February 14, many Ukrainians buy thousands of bouquets and postcards, kilograms of sweets and take their loved ones to some romantic place!

But this is the easiest and most unpretentious way to celebrate Valentine's Day. If you want something more original, read to the end!

Since February 14 this year is Tuesday, the time spent together can be quite small. Your job is to put it to good use!!

You can, for example, meet after work and go out for dinner (it's trite, but you need to eat something!). In this case, a table must be booked in advance. And after that, go to some square or just a fairly large open space and launch a heart-shaped flashlight into the sky. They are now sold at every turn and this fun is becoming more and more popular among young people.

If you have just met your couple and have not yet confessed your love to each other, but still decided to celebrate this day, then this is a great opportunity to get to know each other better. For these purposes, the game "truth or dare" is perfect. The essence of the game is that you take turns asking each other questions, maybe provocative, and the partner must answer, only the truth is necessary. The one who refuses to answer the question will have to fulfill the desire of another. Desires, by the way, can also be provocative.

A more original option for a romantic dinner may be cooking it together at home. It’s better to prepare the necessary products in advance so that you don’t have to run to the store for green peas!) And then look, it won’t even come to food! The main thing is not to burn the apartment, the rest is up to you!

If you and your soulmate have been married for several years, then a romantic candlelit dinner will not surprise you for a long time! Try something more radical. For example, go to a sex shop together and pick up something there that will undoubtedly warm up your feelings for each other! Of course, a test drive on the same night will be a prerequisite!

You can arrange a street quest for your soulmate. Better of course, that it was during daylight hours! Leave messages in different places of the city with further instructions and tips, and coordinate the process using SMS messages. You can find a lot of examples on the Internet, and the prize at the end of the game will be a meeting with you - why not the best gift?

What if you haven't met your soul mate yet? What then, this holiday is not for you?! No! On this day, everyone should feel, so to speak, the spirit of love! You can prepare small cards and souvenirs for all the relatives and friends you love to express your feelings once again! Indeed, often we simply do not have time for this.

Often in educational institutions they arrange the so-called "Mail for Lovers". For example, when I studied at KUTEP, who doesn’t know (Kyiv University of Tourism Economics and Law), we put a large beautifully decorated box for anonymous messages for each faculty! (Hello classmates !!)) You could secretly confess your feelings to anyone. Of course, a little childish, but the feeling of a holiday appeared. A couple of times I received such anonymous messages. I remember it cheered me up for the whole day! If your university has such an opportunity, take advantage of it.

In general, you can choose any method that you like. The main thing is not to ignore this day! After all, this is another great reason for a good mood!