What to do with willow branches after Palm Sunday

It is known that in the 18th-19th centuries, believers already consecrated large bouquets (bunches) of willow twigs, which were often decorated with fruits, flowers, and cherub figurines. The consecrated willow was kept for a year, gradually spent during various rituals and ceremonial actions.

The people believed that the consecrated willow has healing properties, protects from evil spirits.

Recipes for consecrated willow: how willow was treated in old age

There is always something to learn from the ancestors, because they lived in greater harmony with nature and knew a lot that we do not know now. For example - what willow from Palm Sunday helps with, how and what can it be cured. With willow branches, there are many simple folk rituals and beliefs that are used to this day:

  • Willow branches were touched to people, wishing them health, they were placed at the head of the sick, and children were even whipped with them so that they would grow up healthy and not get sick.
  • Blooming willow buds were used as a cure for diseases. With a headache, a willow twig was applied to the head or worn under a headdress. With joint pain and rheumatism, they were tied to sore spots. In crushed form, dried willow buds were used to treat skin diseases and wounds, added to herbal medicinal preparations, as well as to bread and various pastries.
  • Sometimes pastries were specially made in the form of willow buds. “Palm” porridge was cooked from the opening buds, or sacred willow earrings are put into porridge so that a person is healthy for a whole year.
  • Willow branches were hung in the corners of the rooms, they decorated the icons in the red corner, laid them behind the icons ( to protect the house from evil spirits).
  • It was considered useful to eat a few willow buds before starting a serious business, then success would be sure to accompany it. They were also eaten before setting out on a long journey.
  • According to popular belief, willow not only healed, but also strengthened physically, gave courage and determination. Therefore, timid young men wore amulets with willow buds, and a peg from its branch was driven into the wall of the hut above the place where they slept.
  • In a number of regions, newlyweds were whipped with willow branches or showered with buds, which should have contributed to the appearance of healthy offspring.
  • Willow branches were placed under the feather bed of the marriage bed. In case of infertility, women ate ten buds of willow five days after the end of the next menstruation, and wore amulets with buds around their necks.
  • Be sure to strengthen the willow over the entrance to the premises for livestock and poultry, hung in sheds and barns.
  • On Palm Sunday, livestock were whipped with branches so that they would not get sick and give a good offspring, in addition, they could be tied to horns or woven into manes, added to feed. The first drive of livestock to pastures (on George, May 6) was necessarily carried out with willow branches. It was believed that in this case the cattle would not be poisoned by poisonous grass, would not get lost and would not become a victim of thieves or predatory animals.
  • At the beginning of plowing, a willow twig was stuck into the first furrow, sacred willow catkins were placed in the first hole. In some regions, crushed willow buds were added to seeds when sowing. In the garden, willow branches were tied to fruit trees or stuck into the ground under berry bushes.

The magical properties of the willow were used to deal with natural disasters and natural phenomena. It was believed that the consecrated willow prevents lightning from entering the house, does not allow hail to beat the crops, calms the wind and calms the storm. In case of fire, they tried to throw willow into the fire, as it would help the water to extinguish it and prevent it from spreading to other buildings. Branches thrown into the water during the ice drift will prevent a large flood.

The consecrated willow helped to look for treasures. If in some place the buds began to fall off the twig, then it was necessary to dig here, having previously read a special prayer that removed the vow of inaccessibility from the treasure. With the help of willow, sorcerers and witches were identified. If on Great Saturday, after returning from the church, a branch of consecrated willow is burned in a hut under the icons, then the person who came to the house before dusk with a request to give him fire is clearly known with evil spirits.

The willow preserved its healing and magical properties for a whole year. If last year's unused willow branches remained by Palm Sunday, they were not thrown away, but burned, thrown into a river or stream, but not into stagnant water. A pond or lake was not suitable for these purposes.

Before consecration, new willow branches could only be cut from non-old trees, on which there was no mossy bark and damage. It was strictly forbidden to take branches from trees that have hollows, as well as from those that grow near the cemetery. It was not recommended to take branches from trees that lean over the water, because at night water and mermaids could rest on them.

The use of consecrated willow in folk medicine

Willow treatment from Palm Sunday

Let's recap:

  • Taking a decoction of the branches, you can get rid of headaches, fever, fever, insomnia.
  • Rubbing the decoction on sore spots relieves rheumatic pains.
  • Willow infusion on vodka will help to cope with intestinal infections and disorders.
  • The leaves are able to heal wounds.
  • Swallowing consecrated open buds helps with infertility.
  • Babies sleep more peacefully after bathing in water infused with willow branches.

Stock up on willow and be healthy!

There are various traditions in the Church that have become widespread among the Russian people. One of these is the consecration of willows on the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem in Orthodox churches.

It is worth noting that the very triumph of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is not limited solely to the practical side of the consecration of the branches of the tree, which is the first to bloom in spring (willows and willows). The main essence of the celebration is the remembrance of the Savior's procession to free suffering and death for the sake of saving man and reconciling the latter with God. Therefore, visiting churches solely to consecrate willows is not correct from the point of view of the Orthodox faith. The consecration of the willow cannot be given special mystical significance, this action should not be an end in itself for an Orthodox Christian.

During the entry into Jerusalem of the Savior, branches of palm trees were laid under the Lord's feet. In Russia, willows have replaced palm trees. This tree has become a symbol of spiritual joy and awakening, just as nature awakens through the flowering of willow and willow buds.

The consecrated is a shrine for an Orthodox person, a testament to the grace of God sent down at the time of consecration. Believers keep these shrines for a year, after which the branches are burned or inserted into the ground in garden plots in a place that cannot be trampled underfoot.

When and how willow be consecrated

Many mistakenly believe that the consecration of the willow is performed on the holiday itself on Sunday. However, the church charter does not provide for such a rite at the liturgy or after it on the day of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. The consecration of the willow takes place the night before during the Saturday service of the All-Night Vigil.

In the church tradition, services begin in the evening on the eve of the celebrated event. The All-Night Vigil on the Saturday before Palm Sunday already refers to the festive divine service of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that willows are consecrated in churches during this service, and not during the service of the liturgy on Sunday.

The consecration of willows takes place at Matins after the reading of the texts of the Gospel. After the reading of the Holy Scriptures, the fiftieth psalm is read, during which the prepared branches of willow and willow are censed. The priest reads a prayer for the consecration of the willow and sprinkles the branches with holy water. After that, the service continues with its festive rite.

Find out when willow blossoms, when to collect and sanctify it, what to do with willow at home after consecration.

A week before Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. On this day, willow twigs are consecrated in churches. Not only church, but also near-church traditions are associated with the holiday, which you cannot read about in the Bible. You should know how to properly collect and sanctify willow, as well as after storing it at home.

When does the willow bloom, when does it bloom?

IMPORTANT: Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem on a donkey, knowing that his fate was destined. The city, having heard about the deeds of the Lord, met him joyfully, forgiving palm leaves on the road in front of his feet. Therefore, if something was to become a symbol of the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, a symbol of readiness to meet Christ at any moment of one's life, it was a plant.

Most Orthodox Christians are Slavs living in a temperate climate where palm trees do not grow. This holiday falls at the beginning - the middle of spring, when the snow had just melted, most of the plants had not yet departed from winter. But not willow, it begins to bloom one of the first.

Willow begins to bloom in March.

Willow, or willow, is a shrub and tree that is part of the large Willow family. These plants are pollinated by the wind, which must be strong enough to disperse the pollen.

IMPORTANT: Willow blooms in early or mid-spring, from March to April. Flower buds appear on shoots with a characteristic red color (krasnotalah), which bloom very soon.

Willow flowers are different in male and female trees.

  1. Men's are called "seals" - they are collected in round "lumps", painted in a grayish-white color, soft to the touch.
  2. Women's - grayish-green, oblong, not so fluffy.

It was the willow that Orthodox Christians chose as a symbol of the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Moreover, it received another name - Palm Sunday. People wear willow color from both male and female trees to church for consecration.

When do you need to tear the willow on Palm Sunday? How to save willow until Palm Sunday?

According to tradition, willow twigs are torn on the eve of the holiday, on Lazarus Saturday, or a couple of days before it.

IMPORTANT: It must be remembered that willow is not just a talisman, home decoration, but a plant, a living being. On the eve of Palm Sunday, willow bushes growing in cities and villages are subjected to a real raid - they are broken off almost to the last branch. It is unlikely that such harm to nature is a charitable deed. No need to bring a whole broom to church! A small unpaired number of twigs is enough.

It is customary to tear the willow on the eve of the holiday, on Lazorev Saturday.

It is necessary to store the willow until the Palm Sunday holiday in a vase with water, then the branches will remain fresh.

When do they bless the willow in the church: on Saturday or Sunday?

Correctly illuminate the willow on the Sabbath.

  1. On the eve of Palm Sunday, on Saturday evening, a festive divine service is held in the temples - Vespers.
  2. Parishioners attend it with candles and willow branches.
  3. After reading the Gospel, the priest says a special prayer, goes around the people holding willows with a censer and sprinkles them with holy water. The Church focuses precisely on the fact that they themselves and the parishioners are sanctified, receive grace, and not the branches of the plant.
  4. Willow is consecrated with the words:

Prayer for the consecration of the willow.

Re-sprinkling takes place on Sunday morning, after the liturgy. Usually, it is in the morning that the largest flow of those wishing to receive grace is observed. They not only fill the temple, but also line up around it. But this sprinkling is no longer preceded by prayer.

IMPORTANT: Priests complain that Palm Sunday today has turned from a holiday dedicated to the Lord into the day of the consecration of the willow. People flock to the church not to praise Christ, to remember his miraculous deeds, but simply to sprinkle willow twigs in their hands with holy water. Will it bring any benefit to the soul and body? Church officials are skeptical. For true grace, they advise to come to the All-night service.

VIDEO: Palm Sunday

How to decorate a willow with your own hands to the church?

Willow for consecration in the church does not require special decoration. Usually, several branches are simply collected into a bouquet, tied with a thread or a colored ribbon.

You can also collect a beautiful bouquet of willow twigs with male and female flowers, add branches of willow-like plants, such as willows, to them.

It is worth repeating that the ministers of the church do not attach such great importance to the willow. Therefore, they do not have any requirements for her appearance during the consecration.

What to do with the consecrated willow after the holiday? How many willow branches should be planted at home? How much should willow stand after Palm Sunday?

After consecration, willow branches should be brought home and stored in a red corner:

  • spreading out behind the icons, then the willow will dry
  • put in a vase with water, then the plant will remain fresh for a long time and, possibly, will take root

The place of the consecrated willow is in the red corner, near the icons.

Everything else that is connected with the willow after its consecration in the church is already near-church traditions that were born from our ancestors. Here are some of them:

  1. At home, you need to put the number of willow branches equal to the number of family members, or any odd number.
  2. It is impossible to distribute your willow to anyone either in the church or after it. If someone who, for a good reason, could not come to the temple himself, asks for a service, it is necessary to make a separate bouquet for him.
  3. Upon coming home from church, it is customary to symbolically whip all household members, especially children, with a willow. It is believed that then the plant gives them strength and health, while they say: “I don’t beat, the willow beats” or

A person who has any ailment can be cured by running a willow on that part of the body that hurts and worries, and saying:

It is believed that willow buds after consecration can be eaten in order to:

  • protect yourself from disease and trouble
  • get pregnant
  • finish something important

A willow is also stuffed into a pillow for the deceased, put it in a coffin so that his soul goes to Paradise.

IMPORTANT: Priests consider many of these folk traditions to be absurd. They categorically do not recommend eating willow, putting it in a coffin, and also thinking that it alone will save the house from fires, robberies and various natural disasters.

The consecrated willow branches stand in the house until the next Palm Sunday, that is, a whole year.
If desired, it can be used to make interesting interior decorations, such as bouquets and wreaths.

Is it possible to throw away willow after Palm Sunday? Where to put the old consecrated willow from last year? Is it possible to plant a consecrated willow on the site?

Willow branches consecrated in the church acquire the character of a shrine. Therefore, after they become unusable (for example, they fade or dry out), or the next year, you can’t just throw them in the trash.
According to the church, the willow should not be in a dirty, trampled place, mixed with garbage and waste.
Priests advise to do with last year's consecrated branches in this way:

  1. Bury them where people do not go, animals do not relieve themselves. For example, under a tree in a garden or in a summer cottage.
  2. Let the eyelids on the river.
  3. Put the willow on fire - burn it in the oven or at the stake.
  4. Feed the animals.
  5. Take it to the church, where the ritual of burning will take place.

If willow twigs have roots, they can be planted in a warm place and provided with abundant watering. A tree is planted on a site near a reservoir - a river or a pond.

How to bless willow at home?

Having consecrated water for Baptism, many people think that now with its help they themselves will be able to consecrate anything, up to Easter cakes, Easter eggs and willows. The description of the rituals is known to "knowledgeable" women, they are also on the Internet.

  1. In theory, a person who, for a good reason, is not present in the temple, can consecrate the willow at home.
  2. A woman during menstruation cannot perform the ceremony.
  3. To carry out the consecration, in addition to the willow itself, you will need holy water. They sprinkle it on the willow, pronouncing the same words as the priest in the church.

There is an opinion that willow can be consecrated at home yourself. The priests do not agree with him.

Priests believe that there is nothing wrong with sprinkling the willow at home with holy water. But this rite has nothing to do with real consecration.

VIDEO: Willow. To illuminate or not to illuminate. Where to put the old willow. Palm Sunday

Every time before Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians have a question: what to do with last year's willow, which they kept all year? And when should you get rid of it? On the eve of the holiday or on Palm Sunday itself? The consecrated willow is no longer just tree branches, but a real shrine. You can't just throw it in the trash. It is believed that willow retains its magical properties until next spring.

You can conduct a small ritual on Palm Sunday itself, before it or immediately after Palm Sunday.

There are several options for getting rid of willow:

  • Let the old willows through the flowing water into any body of water.
  • Burn dried willow branches. In this case, the ashes must be poured out in a place where they will not stomp on it. You can throw the ashes into the river.
  • If willows sprouted in water, they are best planted in a forest or near a river.
  • Willows can be stored for several years. But at the same time, celebrate the holiday with fresh branches every year.
  • If someone dies in the coming days, then the willow is placed in the coffin.
  • Some older people collect willows to be laid with them in the grave.
  • With a lit willow branch, you can cleanse the house, sanctify it by going around the house with this branch and prayer.
  • Take them to the Church, where they are burned with prayer.
  • Take it to the forest and leave it between the willow bushes.
  • If there is a stove in the house, then last year's dried willow can be kindled for baking Easter cakes.

With an old willow, symbolic ones sweep around the corners of the house, and then burn it, thanking for the service.


  • Coming home from the church, consecrated with a willow, they lightly beat all the household members so that they are healthy. Do not forget about all the cattle. All living things absorb the power of spring and renewal.
  • Willow protects the house from evil forces and spirits.
  • Willow is planted in the garden if the house has a marriageable bride or a young guy. As soon as the willow is accepted, there will be a wedding.
  • On St. George's Day, cattle are driven out to the fields with willows. Then he will be healthy and fruitful.
  • It is believed that a willow can ward off thunder, hail and clouds, tilting it towards the clouds.
  • The willow reduced the destructive power of the fire by throwing it into the conflagration.
  • Willow buds were swallowed to get rid of fever, sore throat, and infertility.
  • Wells were lined with willows so that evil forces would not fall into the water.


To this day, there are many signs and traditions associated with Palm Sunday. They are passed down from older to younger family members.

  • On the night of Palm Sunday, you can make conspiracies for headaches. To do this, the hair from the comb was dipped into water and the willow was poured with this water. The water will go into the ground along with the headache.
  • On Palm Sunday, the girls did a love spell on a willow. When pronouncing a spell, the willow was laid behind the icons. It is impossible to throw away the charmed branches.
  • You can “hit” with a willow only on the back, wishing health. If you were whipped on the back, this person wishes you sickness and evil, and it can come true.
  • Willow branches could only be cut from young trees. It is important that there are no damages and mossy bark on the trunks.
  • You can not pick branches from a willow tree if it has a hollow. It is also impossible to tear branches from a cemetery willow.
  • You can not tear the branches bent over the river. It is believed that mermaids sit on them at night.


  • If it was frosty enough on Palm Sunday, then a fairly good harvest of spring bread was expected.
  • If there were frosts on the night of Verbnoye, then there will be a good harvest of cabbage and cucumbers.
  • If there is a strong wind on Verbnoe, then the whole summer will be quite windy, there will be hurricanes and storms. And if the day is warm and quiet, this will be the summer.
  • What kind of wind in Verbnoye will be like this all summer.
  • If the sun shines on Palmnoye, there will be a rich harvest of cereals and fruits.
  • Knock on the body with a willow on Palm Sunday, you will be healthy all year.
  • Willow is the most tenacious tree. Stick a branch into the ground and a tree will grow. A tree gives a person the same vitality.
  • If you eat a bud of a consecrated willow, any business will be easily solved. Of course, you can use the "magic" properties of the willow only in extreme cases.
  • Think of your beloved on Verbnoe, and he will come to you.
  • If you plant a home plant on Palm Sunday, you will be rich. But if the flower withers, you will live in poverty all your life.
  • The energy of Palm Sunday helps to make all wishes come true.


How to collect willow?

Tear several branches from small young trees. Do not cut off all the branches from one bush. But you need enough branches to put several pieces in each room, and in livestock buildings too.

Take the branches to the church for consecration. If it is not possible to go to the temple, you can sprinkle willows with holy water at home.

Arrange the branches in vases. They do not need to be removed for two weeks. On Maundy Thursday, the branches were used as sprinkles: they were moistened with holy water and sprinkled on all corners of the house.

And then the branches can be used in different ways: leave it until the next Palm Sunday, or immediately let it flow along the river ....

The main symbol of the great Christian holiday Palm Sunday is the consecrated willow, as well as willow branches with the first leaves that appeared on them. The consecrated willow in Rus' has always been credited with miraculous properties. It was believed that she helps to heal from diseases and drives away misfortune from home all year. But what to do with last year's willow?

After all, the consecrated willow is not just branches, but already a shrine, which symbolizes the entry of the Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.

Interestingly, since the birth of Christianity, the celebration of Palm Sunday, or, as Catholics and Protestants call it, Palm Sunday, has not changed. In Rus', it was impossible to find palm branches, with which, according to legend, the Jews met Jesus Christ. Therefore, the symbol of the holiday in the Slavic territories was replaced by willow (willow) branches, which are available in large quantities in early spring.

Every year, new branches of willow are consecrated in churches and temples, but what to do with the willow from last year? First, we must remember that it is better to leave the branches consecrated this year at home for the whole year. Branches decorate the house. You can arrange them in all rooms, put in a red corner. Willow bouquets at home on Easter Eve remind us that the Holy Resurrection of Christ will come very soon.

Willow, illuminated during the holiday, will protect the house and its inhabitants from problems and hardships throughout the year. Secondly, before you engage in the arrangement of fresh willow, you need to understand where to put the willow from last year. Under no circumstances should you just throw it away!

When and how to get rid of last year's willow

A year later, on Palm Sunday, after the consecration of new branches, it is time to carry out certain rituals to get rid of old bouquets. There are several scenarios of action, from which you can choose the most convenient for a particular case.

  1. You can simply collect all the branches that are at home and burn them. Ash from burned branches must be poured out in places where people will not walk on it. For example, a good place is under a tree in your own garden or in the thicket of the forest. Also a good opportunity to get rid of the ashes is to pour them into the flowing river.
  2. You can not burn the branches, but simply collect them all together and float down the river with a rapid current. It is important not to throw willow into stagnant bodies of water, namely into rivers and streams in which there is a current.
  3. It happens that the willow grows. If it so happens that the branches have roots, then the best way to get rid of them is to land. Such trees should not be planted in one's own yard, because there is a belief that then someone will die in the house. It is best to plant sprouts in a forest or near a river.
  4. You can also take last year's branches to the church. There they are burned with the reading of the appropriate prayers.
  5. Alternatively, you can burn the branches in your own oven. At the same time, in the heat that will turn out, it is good to bake Easter cakes and pies.

These are the most suitable options for what to do with willow after Palm Sunday. The new willow has magical qualities that you can use for your own purposes.

It is believed that the consecrated willow will bring health to a person if he is lightly hit with a bouquet on the body.

There is a sign that willow can cure infertility. A woman needs to make a belt out of willow or eat a few buds that have already blossomed on Palm Sunday.

If you hang a willow in the corners of the room, as well as near the front door, then it will protect the house from the penetration of evil spirits into it.

Willow will help protect the house from fire and thunderstorms throughout the year.

If you hang a willow in a barn, then the cattle will please you with health and offspring.

Willow will also help in the performance of important matters. If you want to succeed in some very important matter, you can even swallow one bud of a consecrated willow.

If a girl makes a wish on Palm Sunday to meet her fiancé, then it will certainly come true.

If you plant a houseplant on this day, it will bring wealth.

According to the site NaMenu

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