What is edible for work birthday. Office holiday: save money and surprise colleagues

There are a lot of recipes for making light snacks that you can treat your work colleagues to. They cook quickly and are great for a buffet table. For example, salted crackers can be served as an appetizer. Cheese-garlic mass is applied on top of them. To prepare it, you need to mix 50 g of grated hard cheese, 1 clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.

Decorate the cracker with an olive or half a walnut.

Also, as an appetizer, you can cook a roll of pita bread. To do this, you will need: 2 boiled eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, 100 g of slightly salted salmon, mayonnaise, 100 g of herbs (dill, parsley). Lavash is unrolled on the table and coated with mayonnaise. Grate eggs and cheese on top. Add finely chopped salmon, greens. Lavash is carefully rolled into a roll and heated in the microwave for 5-7 minutes. This is enough time for the cheese to melt a little. Cut the roll before serving. Therefore, it is very convenient to transport it to the place of celebration.

As a light snack, you can prepare simple salads. For example, by mixing finely chopped Chinese cabbage and boiled chicken fillet. It is recommended to fill such a salad with mayonnaise.

No less original appetizer recipe - stuffed dryers. For their preparation, the following ingredients are required: cheese, mayonnaise, minced meat, vegetable oil, milk, drying. Ordinary dryers are soaked in milk until they become soft and large. After that, they are carefully transferred to a baking sheet pre-greased with vegetable oil. A small amount of minced meat is placed in each drying hole. For 10-15 minutes drying are baked at a temperature of 180°C. After that, the resulting stuffed baskets are coated with a thin layer of mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese. 7-10 minutes in the oven at the same temperature, and the snack is ready.

If you don’t have the time and desire to mess around at home with snacks for the festive table, and finances allow you to purchase ready-made products, follow the following tips. You can buy tartlets in any major supermarket. In the same store there is also a department with a variety of ready-made salads.

Already at work, lay out the treat on tartlets, and the snack is ready.

No less popular today are food delivery services to the office. There is no need to invent anything here. Just decide what will be on your table. It can be rolls, and salads, and pizza, and hot dishes. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. Your order will be delivered at a convenient time and place for you. And for the birthday, most likely, they will offer a good discount.

If you have a birthday, there was a wedding, a child was born, then colleagues will probably want to present a gift. In response, set the table and treat them to delicious dishes. You can cook them in a hurry right at the office or bring them from home.


If at the workplace there is no way to make dishes from the brought ingredients, then cook them at home. You can treat your colleagues with meat, berry or fruit pies, Napoleon cake. You can quickly make all this at home from ready-made frozen puff pastry.

Defrost 2 packs, then unroll the dough. It lies in the shape of a rectangle. Roll it lightly so that you can cut each layer in half and at the same time you get 2 squares in each package. Prick them with a fork in two or three places, put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven, which is already preheated to 180 ° C. Here they will be baked over low heat until golden brown.

At this time, prepare the cream. His recipe is very simple. First, remove 300 grams of butter from the refrigerator so that it lies in a bowl on the table and reaches kitchen temperature. Now pour a jar of condensed milk into it and beat the cream thoroughly. If there are 100 grams of nuts, then grind them in a coffee grinder or food processor and add to the cream.

When the dough is baked and completely cooled, take a plate of a suitable diameter, cut out 4 circles. Spread a layer of cream on each and collect the top of the cake. Grind the rest of the baked cakes and decorate the top and sides of the cake with it.

To prepare pies, roll out a thin layer of puff pastry, cut it into small squares. Place sliced ​​apples, nectarines, or pitted cherries inside, sprinkle with half a teaspoon of sugar, and roll each patty into a triangle shape. For the other part of the puff pastry, prepare the filling of boiled meat and fried onions. Brush the pies with egg and bake until browned.

The office is a small life. However, why is it small? For some, it's definitely big. Many people spend what is called “half their lives” in the office. What can you do - work is work. Not everyone can and wants to change and become freelancers.

In addition to work, there is also a holiday in Osis. Birthdays, New Year, February 23, March 8, sometimes May 1 (sometimes immediately along with Victory Day - after all, many have holidays in May). Add here the First Salary Holiday (some celebrate), promotion, going on vacation, returning from vacation, having children, and so on, so on, so on ... Actually, it all depends on the customs and traditions that have developed in the team. There are many companies where no one notes anything at all. But now it's not about them.

So, how to arrange an original holiday in the office? You can, of course, go to a hypermarket, pick up a huge cart of cheese, meat, fish cuts, salads ... Of course, alcohol. Gentlemen - vodka, ladies - wine. Champagne - if the New Year. Do not forget plastic everything: forks, knives, plates, glasses (the industry now even produces plastic glasses and glasses). The result is an ordinary, hardly memorable holiday. Unless the boss, having gone over a little, will very frankly look at the "secretary" Lyudochka. This, of course, will be remembered .. So let's leave the boss and his Lyudochka alone.

Boss in love and cabbage pie

We return to the question that opened the previous paragraph - how to arrange an original holiday in the office. Options for an unusual office "sabantuy", in principle, are not so few. The main thing is to treat the matter with imagination, with fiction. For example, in the Russian representative office of a large German company, there is such a tradition: the head of one of the departments bakes a huge (at least not small) cabbage pie on her birthday. She bakes herself, does not order from the bakery. And employees are waiting for this event, it has become a tradition, it is remembered. So, a couple of years ago, the birthday girl salted the filling. The whole office, of course, for another two weeks then gossiped that the cook had finally fallen in love! Great, isn't it? Here's the cabbage pie recipe for you.

cabbage pie

Dough Ingredients:
granulated sugar,
dry yeast,
200 g butter.

Filling Ingredients:
odorless vegetable oil
1.5 kg of white cabbage,
6-7 hard-boiled eggs (boil 6 minutes to keep yolks from browning)
dill, parsley, green onions - to taste.

Dissolve a dessert spoon of sugar in 1 cup of warm water, then add and stir until half a packet of dry yeast is dissolved. Put the mixture in a warm place (you can in the oven, preheated to 40 ° C). After that, knead a pack of butter in a bowl (softened, as it was pulled out in advance, half an hour or an hour before the action) with 3 cups of flour. It is most convenient to do this with a tablespoon. Pound to the consistency of a free-flowing product. During this time, the yeast should rise with a hat. If you haven’t risen, it’s bad, the dough will do, but the cake may smell of yeast. Take the yeast and pour it into the flour mixture, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Stir first with a spoon, then with your hands, knead thoroughly, until fully conditioned - peeling off the hands and the walls of the bowl. Cover the dough with a towel.

Finely chop the cabbage, pour water in a saucepan or deep frying pan (a little water, no more than 2/3 cup) and simmer under the lid. Stir occasionally. Salt well, taste it, the main thing is not to oversalt (remember the boss in love!). While the cabbage is stewing, cut the boiled eggs, practically chop them finely and finely. Also finely chop the herbs and green onions. Grease a baking dish generously with vegetable oil. Roll out a little more than half of the dough and put in a form so that it goes a little beyond the edges. The thinner the dough, the tastier.

Throw the stewed cabbage into a colander. Put the cabbage on the dough in an even layer, sprinkle with eggs on top, then with herbs, onions. Top the cake with a second layer of dough, stretch the edges and blind with the edges of the bottom layer. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places and grease with melted butter (or a beaten egg - the cake will turn out bright, glossy and ruddy). Bake in the lower third of the oven at 220°C for about 40 minutes. When the cake is baked, you will see and smell it. There is such a cake should be chilled, preferably even from the refrigerator, the next day.

Other Wonders of Office Cooking

But modern office festivities can be red not only with pies! Some offer as a light snack (one of the snacks) a cheese-garlic-mayonnaise mass spread on salted crackers. Top with half a walnut or olive for decoration. Another option is to wrap cream cheese and pieces of lightly salted salmon in pita bread, you can add dill. Cream cheese and ham slices are also suitable for the filling. And also boiled chicken fillet and Chinese cabbage with mayonnaise. These "sandwiches" are prepared quickly. So that they do not fall apart - fasten with a skewer (you can hold it for 20 minutes in the freezer before that). Some cook and bring to the office, for example, homemade pizza. Not that it is very original, besides, it is not always convenient to deliver various dishes to the office. Not everyone has a car, and in the subway during the morning rush hour, your treat runs the risk of turning into an unattractive mess. But on the other hand, if there are no problems with delivery, pizza is a great option. And satisfying, and with your own hands, which means that colleagues will appreciate your informal approach to business. However, pizza is still closer to pies, we have already talked about them.

Sandwiches. Yes, don't forget about them! But not simple, but, for example, like this:

Sandwiches "Office-holiday"

sandwich bread,
leaf lettuce,
pickled gherkins,
fresh tomatoes,
ham (or sausage),


Mix mayonnaise and ketchup. Spread this sauce on slices of sandwich bread. Just not too much so that it doesn’t flow from and through the bread. Put a lettuce leaf, ham or sausage, cheese on the bread. Add more halves of cut lengthwise gherkins, a thin piece of fresh tomato. Put another piece of bread on top (you can also smeared with sauce, then the “sauce” side down). Let the sandwiches lie down for half an hour in the refrigerator or at room temperature. After that, cut the large sandwich crosswise - into 4 small ones. Secure with skewers. Light snack is ready.

And here is an option for those who, at a minimum of costs, want to be known as if not a great, then certainly a “noble” culinary specialist. A dish (or rather, even two) will have to be cooked at home, since the office is unlikely to have, for example, an oven.

Career Rise BBQ Wings with Blue Cheese Sauce and Jacket Potatoes

chicken wings,
barbecue sauce (for grilled chicken, just for chicken) - sold in stores,
cream (22%),
Cheese "Dor Blue",
soy sauce,
salt (preferably coarse)
olive oil,

Cut the chicken wings into 2 parts, the uppermost part (the so-called "whisker") can be put aside altogether. Marinate in commercial sauce. After two hours, spread on a baking sheet, preferably immediately on the foil. Bake in the oven on high heat. While the wings are baking, heat the heavy cream over low heat. They should boil slightly (not intensely). Crumble blue cheese into cream (Dor Blue is the most economical option). Stir until smooth, until the sauce begins to thicken (but it should not be too thick). If desired, pour in a little soy sauce in a thin stream.

Wash potatoes, cut in half. Make cross cuts on the cut, lay cut side up on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with coarse salt, rosemary (this is ideal, but you can use any seasoning you like), drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven at medium temperature.

Another option. Perhaps it is somewhat more costly in terms of finances compared to cooking at home, but, again, less hassle. Just ask colleagues what they would like to eat. Rather, it’s better to give them the menu of a restaurant or cafe that offers meals with delivery in the morning. Let them choose. For example, each salad and main course, drinks. Or make a choice for them. In the lunch area, a couple of hours before the start of the “event”, place an order (or earlier, depending on the size of the order). And that's all. When food and drinks are brought - start the holiday! The downside of this option, as mentioned above, is the cost (especially if the team is rather big). But if this is some kind of common holiday, this trouble is leveled: you can chip in. Another minus is the delivery time. Sometimes, for example, due to traffic jams, they are delayed.

You can, again, by ordering food delivery, arrange an evening of Japanese cuisine. Sushi, rolls are original substitutes for tartlets and cuts. They go well with dry white wine, with Brut champagne. Yes, and a snack for vodka (not necessarily sake) are not bad. Remember, however, that most likely not all of your colleagues know how to use traditional Japanese chopsticks. In order not to put any of them in an uncomfortable situation, stock up on forks and spoons.

If the holiday is in the office in the summer, and there is a refrigerator (preferably with a freezer) - buy different ice cream for your colleagues - let everyone choose according to their taste. Get a sweet compliment from you. By the way, for sure it will be remembered. Indeed, in ordinary life, adults who are busy with eternal affairs rarely buy ice cream for themselves, you see. Except for children. And here you are, like a magician in a blue helicopter, giving everyone “five hundred popsicles”. You can make it a tradition. For example, if you have a birthday in the summer.

Another option for an "office" treat is fruit. Cut various fruits into cubes (melon, apricots, watermelon, etc.), peel the pitted grapes from the branches. Place each fruit in a separate bowl (or bowls) and serve. And to them - several bottles of whipped cream of different flavors, those that whip into foam when shaken.

Do not forget that there must be not only alcoholic drinks on the table, but also drinks for those who are driving. In addition, if you are already buying disposable tableware, make sure that there is enough for everyone. Because if someone doesn’t have enough ordinary dishes, this is still somehow forgivable (although it’s also bad manners), and if this someone doesn’t get even disposable, a person, depending on his character and attitude to life, may well take offense. Silly, of course, but everything happens. Remember napkins, as well as roomy trash bags, so that after the holiday is over, you can quickly clean everything up. Delicious and boring office holidays for you! Unless, of course, you like them.

And here you can always find delicious recipes and ideas for a holiday in the office and for any other occasion.

On your birthday, you will probably be congratulated at work, maybe even given a collectively purchased gift. As a token of gratitude on your part, it would be appropriate to offer colleagues some kind of treat.

We list variants of the latter below. Choose according to the capabilities of your wallet and the features of your business schedule.

Treat for a joint tea party

No one will require you to be affixed in full, with a corporate party and wine. Everyone will also enjoy a simple tea party spent in fifteen minutes.

What can I bring to tea on my birthday:

  • good sweets;
  • cake;
  • cakes;
  • pasta;
  • cupcakes;
  • buns;
  • expensive cookies;
  • croissants.

It is easy to cook a successful charlotte, waffles or nuts with your own efforts. True, nuts and waffles need a shape.

If you have no time to cook for the whole company, order pizza or ready-made pies for delivery (sweet pie, kurnik - at your discretion). Many shops and cafes provide a similar service at a reasonable price.

Dishes for a birthday buffet

The buffet is usually arranged for the anniversary. It involves the serving of light main courses, snacks and - in most cases - alcohol (just check in advance whether the holiday with alcohol is allowed at your place of work).

Be sure to bring juice in addition to wine - it may turn out that one of your colleagues cannot drink for health reasons. Buy something sweet, at least candy. After a few toasts, your colleagues are unlikely to refuse a cup of hot tea.

In the heat, kvass will be a worthy alternative to hot tea. Some people treat colleagues to ice cream and jelly.

Have a nice holiday! Accept congratulations from us.

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Birthday is a special holiday. We usually celebrate at home with friends or work colleagues.

It happens that inviting all your colleagues to a restaurant or cafe is quite an expensive pleasure, but a birthday is still a great occasion to have fun and celebrate it with a banquet.

In most cases, we bring ready-made salads and cuts directly to the office, and a modest buffet is organized directly at the workplace.

If you have a similar situation and you are thinking about what to cook for your birthday at work, how to arrange a banquet in the office at no extra cost, then read on.

What to cook for a birthday at work

I had banquets or mini buffets at work several times, but my husband had them regularly.

The specificity of celebrating a birthday in the office is that it is impossible to set a full table with a tablecloth and cutlery.

Therefore, we reveal the secrets of the buffet-banquet at work in order.

  • To get started, prepare a lot of napkins, paper and wet, a lot.
  • Next is the utensils. Plates of different sizes and shapes, cups, glasses or glasses. But forks and knives, it is better to bring from home, real ones, made of steel.
  • If you are allowed to set up a table with a tablecloth, then I recommend stocking up on several tablecloths. Disposable ones are quite suitable, the main thing is that there should be several of them. So the workplace will remain in order and all the garbage can be thrown away with the tablecloth.

So, with dishes and other supplies, we got ready. Now let's get to the actual menu.

It is often customary to apply for such events sandwiches or caviar tartlets, sausage cuts and canapes.

The traditional components of such snacks are cheese, olives, olives, caviar, sausages and various meat delicacies.

If you really want to surprise your guests, then I recommend preparing unusual snacks. What to serve with champagne, decide for yourself, it all depends on taste and imagination.

I offer you my recipe for an original and at the same time very simple - an appetizer with red fish, kiwi and cheese. Kiwi perfectly sets off the taste of red fish and cheese. Pepper and parsley will spice up this appetizer.

Recipe Appetizer of cheese, pink salmon and kiwi


  • Cheese "Russian"
  • salted pink salmon
  • parsley
  • hot chili pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry in the oven or in a dry frying pan.
  2. Cheese cut into triangles.
  3. Ripe kiwi peel and cut into slices.
  4. Cut salmon into thin slices.
  5. Cut the pepper into rings and remove the seeds.
  6. All ingredients can be collected in sandwiches at home, or right before the banquet. Put cheese, fish, kiwi and pepper on slices of bread. Decorate with parsley.

For the following pink salmon snack recipe, you will need 25 minutes of free time, but your colleagues will definitely check out this snack!

Appetizer video recipe Pink salmon rolls in sesame

For eggplant lovers, the recipe is below.

Recipe Eggplant rolls "In a new way"


  • eggplant
  • fresh cucumbers
  • vegetable oil
  • ham
  • crab sticks
  • mayonnaise
  • dill
  • green onion

Cooking method:

  1. Eggplant wash, peel and cut into longitudinal plates. Salt the plates and fry in vegetable oil. Lay out on a napkin.
  2. Cucumbers cut into cubes.
  3. Ham, preferably not greasy, cut into strips or sticks.
  4. Cut crab sticks lengthwise into several strips.
  5. Put cucumber, ham, crab sticks, a sprig of dill and a little mayonnaise on eggplant plates.
  6. Roll tightly into rolls. Place in a plastic container and refrigerate. Serve on green lettuce leaves. It turns out tasty and satisfying!

For a hearty holiday meal, cook fish or meat skewers. Everything is very simple: marinate chicken fillet or red fish fillet in soy sauce with spices and salt for 20-30 minutes. Then thread onto wooden skewers and fry in olive oil.

Roll the finished skewers in sesame seeds and put in the refrigerator. Very tasty both hot and cold.
Salads, you yourself will probably figure out which ones to cook, everyone has their own preferences. But you need to cook one salad for sure. It will become both a salad and a side dish, and an appetizer.

From simple and quick to prepare salads, you can make Caesar salad.

chicken caesar salad video recipe

Kamdi Cha Salad Recipe


  • potato
  • garlic
  • pork or beef tenderloin
  • soy sauce
  • ground pepper
  • vegetable oil

Cooking method:

  1. Cut potatoes and meat into strips. Fry separately in vegetable oil. Put on napkins, dry from oil.
  2. Garlic can be fried or simply chopped if desired.
  3. Mix potatoes, meat, garlic, soy sauce in a salad bowl.
  4. Season with spices, salt and pepper.
  5. In the Russian version, I replace meat with boiled tongue with straws. Men will especially appreciate this salad! Verified!

For thin women, and ladies from the office striving for them, a Korean cabbage salad with sweet peppers and onions is suitable. Season this salad with olive oil, salt and pepper.

A person spends most of his adult life at work, where there are routines and rules that apply to all areas of life. The corporate ethics of each private company has its own peculiarities of holding holidays.

Usually it all comes down to congratulating the boss and employees, as well as a mini-banquet. There are institutions in which, since Soviet times, the customs of celebrating holidays in a "big way" have still been preserved. Every day appears All more opportunities to make the holiday unusual and interesting even during the working day.

How to celebrate a birthday at work?

First what needs to be done is notify management and employees. Try to pay attention to everyone personally by inviting them personally.

Options for celebrating a birthday at work

    If you don't have office parties, you can bring cake, desserts or seasonal fruits. Having treated everyone, you thereby will not distract anyone from, but at the same time symbolically mark. Fruit can be arranged in vases, which will be placed in the office and offered to everyone.

    If the authorities are against celebrating during working hours, you can get together for lunch. In this case, as a treat, it is suitable pizza or other light snacks. Alcohol is unacceptable, the minimum dose is a glass of champagne.

    The next celebration after-work gatherings. In this case, the table can be plentiful, with the necessary amount of alcohol and competitions.

    With enough money, you can arrange small office worker in the nearest cafe or a restaurant.

Features of celebrating a birthday in the office

    Knowledge of traditions. If you decide to celebrate your birthday in the office, it is better to immediately learn all the traditions that have developed in the team, and not introduce your own rules. Find out from colleagues how everything is going, what is being prepared and how the management relates to this.

    office birthday invitation. It is better if someone from your team does this, he will go around the entire office, announce an invitation to the upcoming holiday and collect a specific amount of money from everyone. After the envelope is transferred to the "boss" and he will already hand it to the hero of the occasion as an unexpected and pleasant gift. In some groups, it is not customary to give money, so a gift is chosen by the exception method.

    When do we walk? It is better to take care of the time of the celebration in advance, plan working hours and the event itself. Check with the management in advance at what time their workload is less active in order to start the holiday without any problems.

    What to cook and how to behave at the table. All organizational issues except the table itself are resolved quickly enough. Not everyone pursues the goal of making their holiday perfect, but you can’t be irresponsible in choosing a menu, as there is an etiquette of behavior with employees.

    Menu strategy. To compile it, you can use the tips of any culinary sites where recipes for such events have already been developed. Decide on the two main courses, already pick up appetizers and salads for them. Piquancy and convenience when serving salads can be achieved when serving it in tartlets. Sandwiches and cuts that have long been bored can be easily replaced with original canapes. Do not forget about dessert, here you can also be original. Now in almost every store you can buy small, but very beautiful and delicious cakes.

    Taboo. Regardless of your relationship, do not forget that you are not among your friends, but among colleagues. It is this fact that imposes some restrictions on topics: personal life, family problems, political and issues related to other employees.

How to make your birthday celebration at work festive and stylish

    set yourself up in a positive and festive way;

    buy bright disposable tableware;

    come up with a light musical accompaniment;

    make a beautiful speech that will be the answer to all congratulations;

    be cheerful and kind.

buffet in the office

On the one hand, the scheme is simple, at the end of the working day, gather everyone and eat treats with great pleasure, listen to wishes and congratulations from employees. On the other hand, to don't be banal need everything think to the smallest detail.

beautiful table- already half the success of the event. First deal with serving if you are using disposable tableware which is comfortable enough, try to pick up colored so that it is combined with each other and do not forget about tablecloth and napkins. In this case, you will avoid the feeling of a cheap snack in the “gateway”.

Treats should be to the taste of all invited, pick up treats for people who drink alcohol, and also keep in mind that among the employees there may be adherents of proper nutrition. The same goes for alcohol, there must be some choice if the team is heterogeneous. Don't forget about juice and mineral water.