To conceive a girl. What to eat to give birth to a daughter? Artificial change in the environment of the vagina

Planning a child is a crucial period in the life of a married couple. Some of them will be happy with a baby of any gender, others approach conception with responsibility in order to independently plan the gender.

Almost every woman dreams of giving birth to a girl, because raising a daughter means putting all her feelings into her.

To conceive a girl 100 percent, it is necessary to adhere to a certain strategy.

As you know, rare sex is a direct path to planning a female child. However, this factor is not always true.

Consider the basic tips and ways to calculate the birth of a baby by ovulation:

American scientists conducted a study, where it was proved that at the time of stressful situations in men, fewer male spermatozoa are released.

Because of this, during the period of world catastrophes, more girls are born. But do not equate pregnancy planning with risk, it is better to use these tips.

The best positions for conceiving a girl

As you know, spermatozoa with a female chromosome move longer than male ones. On the other hand, they are able to survive and not die in the internal environment. Planning a girl should be accompanied by sexual intercourse with certain positions.

note! Choose in what position to conceive a girl you need together.

The most optimal options will be those where a man penetrates a woman shallowly. So the female chromosomes will slowly but surely reach the finish line.

Male sperm will die faster than females can fertilize an egg.

Below is a table describing a selection of poses for conceiving a baby:

Pose Description
missionary The likelihood of having a baby during intercourse in this position increases. The man lies on the woman facing her, leaning on his hands.

The essence of the position is that the penetration is shallow, which means that the female chromosomes will not die in an acidic environment and will successfully reach the intended goal.

Such an unchanging classic was considered the only decent option for sexual intercourse in Soviet times. It is also considered the most optimal position for pregnancy.

Spoon To properly perform this position, a woman needs to lie on her side. At the same time, the man lies down behind her, as if hugging.

Penetration in this version is also shallow. In addition, the partner may not control the process, since he will not experience stress.

A woman feels protected, so relaxation comes by itself

Lotus A position common in the East helps to completely influence the conception of a baby.

The man sits on his knees, the woman sits down to face him, wrapping her legs around him. In this case, it is better for a partner to hold his beloved by the waist to maintain balance.

A man helps his partner move, controlling the process

Folk methods

In addition to the standard ways to conceive a female child using an ovulation calendar, there are several methods of popular use.

They were invented by grandmothers and, according to observations, were inherited. Consider the basic tips and popular planning methods:

  1. Before sexual intercourse, it is necessary to tie the little finger left hand sewing thread.

    When a girl comes to bed with her husband, it is worth putting a female object in bed. It can be a comb, scarf, apron.

  2. Planning to get pregnant with a girl a week before intercourse it is necessary to drink a glass of plum juice at night. If there is an allergy to the fruit, the juice is replaced with apple juice.
  3. Some couples are wondering when is the best time to conceive a baby.

    Superstitious grandmothers believed that the winter time is the most relevant period. It is better to have sex on Wednesday, Sunday and Friday.

  4. Ancient methods helped to calculate the most relevant months for conceiving girls.

    If the woman's age consisted of even numbers, then conception can be made only in the same months of the year. Do the same with odd numbers.

  5. It was possible to calculate the month of birth of a daughter according to another principle.. It is recommended to add up the age and the planned month of sexual intercourse. If the number is even - be a girl.

It is not worth relying completely on folk methods, she acts as a secondary one in the independent planning of the appearance of the baby.

For the first birth, it is better to use the traditional methods of calculating the days of ovulation.

Important! Sometimes you can determine the sex of the child by the blood of the parents. In women, blood is renewed every 3 years, in men, once every 4 years.

Whoever has the last blood to be renewed before conception will transfer the sex to the heir.

Do not forget about special nutrition for planning a daughter. It is worth introducing foods containing magnesium and calcium into the diet, as well as limiting the intake of sugar and salt.

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Today, already during pregnancy planning, many future parents are wondering how to make sure that the future baby is born exactly the gender they want. Today we will talk about how to give birth to a girl. There are many theories, methods and calculations on how to give birth to a child of a certain gender, but even using them, not everyone succeeds in fulfilling their desire.

For any pregnancy, by and large, the chances of having a girl or a boy are equal. There are no methods to plan the sex of the baby and be 100% sure of the result, luck, nevertheless, also plays a role.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - truth and myths

For the birth of a girl, it is necessary that the X chromosome associated with the sperm first reaches the egg. Otherwise, when a sperm with a Y chromosome reaches the egg first, a boy will definitely be born.

The gender of the unborn child is determined by the man, only he has X and Y chromosomes. A woman is a carrier of only X chromosomes.

There is a judgment that not courageous, effeminate men can only conceive a girl - this is a myth. This does not affect the sex of the baby at conception at all.

There is also a misconception that in one testicle of a man, X chromosomes (female) are produced, and in the other, Y chromosomes (male). This is not true, each testicle contains chromosomes of both species.

How to get pregnant with a girl? Doctors have some advice on this:

  • Purchase some alkaline tests to determine your vaginal pH.
  • You need to eat more foods that increase the acidity of the vagina. These include: blueberries, green leafy vegetables, corn, sweets, meats, whole grains, etc.
  • For sex, the missionary position is better, deep penetration is not needed at the moment.
  • Refrain from having sex at least a couple of days before ovulation.
  • For correct calculations, you can use the ovulation table.

Methods to conceive a girl

Most of the described methods are based on physical activity, as well as on a certain diet. Conceiving a girl by ovulation is the most proven and effective option. It has been scientifically proven that it is by using this method that we significantly increase the chances of achieving the desired result.

But even if you unquestioningly follow all the advice, you cannot be 100% sure of the result.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - conception calendar

In another way, it is also called the ovulation method. It is simple, but at the same time very effective. With simple calculations, you can determine when the egg is released from the ovary, and the most favorable time for fertilization will come.

For the calculation you need a sheet of paper, a pen and a calendar. According to the results of the graph, you can try to conceive a baby of a certain gender. It’s not so easy to determine the moment of ovulation, it can take several months.

The first day of the cycle is the day when menstruation began, mark it on the calendar. Some cycles are longer, some are shorter, you should not worry, this is a natural process. Sometimes the cycle can be 30 days, and sometimes only 25.

To compile a calendar for the conception of a girl, you need to select the shortest cycle and subtract 16. Thus, we will determine the expected day of ovulation, it must also be highlighted on the calendar. Then we subtract 3 days, and we get the day that will be the most favorable for conceiving a baby. It is then that you need to have sex, and then stop having sex until the moment of ovulation. Here is such a simple calculator on how to conceive a girl by ovulation.

You can calculate ovulation by cycle, or you can calculate this process by simply observing yourself:

  • Somewhere in the middle of the cycle, many women complain of pain in the abdomen. It is at this time that they presumably ovulate.
  • During ovulation, the mucus in the cervix changes. It becomes like chicken protein - elastic and watery. Doctors explain this by the fact that nature stimulates the rise of spermatozoa. In order not to destroy the sperm on the way to the egg, the vaginal mucosa during this period has an acidic environment.

If you are not satisfied with approximate calculations, and you want to calculate everything up to an hour, then you can calculate the moment of ovulation in the following ways:

  • Before the onset of ovulation, basal body temperature rises sharply by a couple of degrees.
  • You can buy special tests at the pharmacy. They work by detecting a rise in latinizing hormone.

In general, calculating ovulation is a great way to conceive a child of the desired gender. He has helped many couples achieve their dreams.

There are other ways to calculate. How to conceive a girl 100%. Table.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - the method of "Youth of the Blood"

Experts say that the sex of the child can be calculated by blood. How to conceive a girl? In the human body, blood is renewed cyclically. For men - after 4 years, for women - after three. To determine the sex of the baby, you need to divide the age of the father by 4, and the age of the mother, respectively, by 3. It is believed that whose blood at that time will be younger, this sex will be the child. To conceive a daughter, you need to actively act at a time when the result of division is greater for a man.

It is important to remember that you need to count the time from the last blood loss (donation, operation, birth of a child, etc.). Doctors say that if mommy has a negative Rh factor, then the result may be the opposite.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - participation in the partner's sperm process

Many people wonder why, in order to get pregnant with a girl, you need to have unprotected intercourse exactly 3 days before ovulation, and not earlier and not later? Answer: because spermatozoa carrying male chromosomes are weaker and smaller than their counterparts carrying female ones. In the three days preceding ovulation, there is a high probability that the carriers of male chromosomes will die, but the carriers of female chromosomes are quite capable of surviving and fertilizing the released egg, while naturally conceiving a girl.

Everything is simple. It is necessary to take a break in sex exactly 3 days before hour X.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - nutrition

To increase the likelihood of conceiving a daughter, doctors recommend avoiding alkaline foods before ovulation. Its use is dangerous because it reduces the level of acidity in the vagina, which contributes to the survival of sperm that carry male hormones.

What foods should be avoided:

  • Cabbage.
  • Grape.
  • Cherry.
  • Radish.
  • Bananas.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Apples.
  • Green beans.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Garlic.
  • Broccoli.
  • Mustard.

These products are not harmful, but it is better not to use them when planning the conception of a girl.

How to calculate the conception of a girl - is it possible to use dietary supplements?

To increase the acidity in the vagina, you can use dietary supplements. It is recommended to use those supplements in which the largest amount of calcium, vitamin C and magnesium. This helps to create a favorable environment in the vagina. But drugs containing a lot of potassium should be avoided, because this can lead to the conception of a boy, not a girl.

Try to eat less salt. Remove the following foods from your diet:

  • Shrimps.
  • Blue cheese.
  • Olives.
  • Baking.
  • Smoked salmon.

Video how to conceive a girl

The conception calculator for boys and girls will help you determine the most appropriate time to conceive a child of the desired gender based on the date of ovulation.

Pregnancy, future motherhood and fatherhood are among the most important events in life. After receiving the news about the imminent replenishment of parents, the question is always tormented: who will be born? Girl or boy? Since ancient times, there have been many methods and will accept sex determination, but none of them guarantees a 100% result.

How to conceive a boy or a girl?

It has been scientifically proven that the sex of the baby is programmed at the moment of conception. This is because both men and women have two chromosomes. In men, this is a Y-chromosome and an X-chromosome, in women - 2 X-chromosomes. It is from the chromosome of a man, from whether X or Y will fertilize, that the sex of the child depends. Although the body of a man produces approximately the same number of X and Y chromosomes, there is still a chance to conceive a child of the desired gender.

The body of any healthy woman is designed in such a way that conception can occur only on certain days of the month. As you know, a woman's menstrual cycle has a strictly individual period, it ranges from 25 to 35 days. Around the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary. Pregnancy will take place if a meeting with a male sperm cell occurs during the period of ovulation.

Gender of the child by date of conception, day of ovulation and conception

A woman has a menstrual cycle of 28 days, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation is May 31. Thus, her cycle in the current month is from May 31 to June 27. The estimated date of ovulation in this case is June 13th. The chances of getting pregnant are high if you make love between 4 days before ovulation and 2 days after, that is, from June 9 to 15.

It has already been proven by science that spermatozoa with a Y chromosome (so-called male) move faster than spermatozoa with an X chromosome (female). Although male cells reach their target (eggs) faster, they die faster. Female cells in this respect are slower, but tenacious.

How to conceive a boy? To get pregnant with a boy, intercourse must be arranged exactly on the day of ovulation or within a few hours after it.

How to conceive a girl? To get pregnant with a girl, it is best to have intercourse the day before ovulation.

Example calculation for the same woman:

When ovulating on June 13, to increase the chances of giving birth to a boy, sex should be directly on the day of ovulation and a little later, that is, on June 13 and 14. In order to get pregnant with a girl, sex must be on June 11 or 12.

It is important to understand that this calculation, although scientifically proven, cannot guarantee the exact result, because any female body is unique.

To start calculating the gender of the unborn baby, you need to fill out the calculator form.

The modern world is characterized by a high pace of life. Today, women and men are quite busy people. They have everything planned out for years to come: when to get married or get married, what brand of car should be bought, where to live, how many and what gender children should be born. But as you know, planning and the birth of children is given from above. Let's try to compete with higher powers and plan a daughter.

What determines the gender of the unborn child

Often parents ask themselves the question, is it possible to plan the gender of the future baby? What to eat, how to behave during conception, does age or zodiac sign affect the birth of a girl or a boy? There are scientific explanations for determining the sex of a child, we must remember the anatomy course of the school curriculum.
There are several methods for conceiving a daughter

So, a person has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Women have XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosomes. When fertilization occurs, the chromosomes meet. If the XX chromosomes unite, then a girl will be born, and the XY chromosomes - a boy. Therefore, only the man and his Y chromosome are responsible for the sex of the unborn child.

Methods and ways to conceive a girl

Often parents dream of a daughter who will be the hostess and helper in the family. Especially when you already have one or even several sons, you want to plan a girl. It turns out that there are scientific and not very methods for the successful conception of a girl.

Methods for determining ovulation for conceiving a girl

The essence of the technique is that the X and Y chromosomes have different features. X chromosomes live longer than Y. In order for a couple to have a daughter, sexual intercourse must occur 3-4 days before. This time will be enough for the Y chromosomes to die, and only the necessary X groups remain.

First, let's look at what is ovulation? This is the release of a female egg from the ovary. There are several ways to determine the release date of an egg.

Method for measuring basal temperature

During the day, body temperature changes. It reaches its lowest levels at night when the woman is sleeping. This is the "basal" temperature, which shows the temperature of the internal organs. Basal temperature should be measured from the first day of menstruation, for 5-6 months at the same time in order to draw a graph and determine the days of ovulation.

How do we measure the "basal" temperature.

  1. In the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed, we take a thermometer.
  2. We insert a thermometer into the rectum.
  3. Hold for 3-5 minutes.
  4. After menstruation, it ranges from 36.4 to 36.8 degrees.
  5. Before ovulation, the temperature drops.
  6. Then it rises sharply to 37.0–37.4 degrees.
  7. During this period, ovulation occurs.
  8. To conceive a daughter, the couple should have sexual intercourse 3 days before the release of the egg from the ovary.

If you measure your basal temperature correctly, you can correctly determine the days of ovulation.

Here's what I'll tell you the basal calendar - a great method, we actually made ourselves a little boy thanks to him. Only the most important thing, when you start measuring, then take into account the minimum of movements as you wake up. Take a thermometer and put it where you want it.


Calendar observation method

This method is based on the observation of menstruation throughout the year. In the calendar, we mark the date of the beginning and end of menstruation, we calculate the shortest and longest cycle for a more accurate date for the release of the egg. Normally, the cycle is 28 days, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, about 14 days before the start of the next menstruation. If the cycle is 30 days, then ovulation occurs on the 16th day of the cycle, if 32 days - then on the 18th and so on.

Let's do the calculation:

  1. We look when the first day of the last menstruation: July 2.
  2. Calculate the average cycle length: 28 days.
  3. We add the first day of the last menstruation to the average duration of the cycle and get the day the next menstruation begins: 2 + 28 = July 30.
  4. Subtract 14 from the received date: 30–14=16.
  5. We get the day of ovulation: July 16th.

This method is easy to calculate, but not always reliable, because not all women have the same cycle from month to month, so the days of ovulation can shift.
By correctly calculating the days of ovulation by the method of calendar observation, you can conceive a daughter

Method for determining ovulation using test strips

They are commonly available in pharmacies. They work in the same way as pregnancy tests, but they react to a different hormone, which is produced on the eve of the release of the egg. The test should be carried out on the 9th day of the cycle (we count from the first day of menstruation) and for the next 5 days. For a more accurate calculation of the days for conceiving a girl, ovulation should be determined using test strips for 3-4 months in a row.
If tests are carried out within 5 days, then their reliability will be more accurate.

I caught the tests and we immediately managed to get pregnant. Prior to this, a year of unsuccessful attempts, maybe it coincided of course. But the fact remains.

Ultrasound diagnostics to determine fertile days

One of the most reliable ways to determine ovulation is to do an ultrasound. You should visit an ultrasound doctor for 2-3 months to determine the days of ovulation in the cycle. You need to come a few days before the middle of the cycle, and then another 1-2 days later for a more accurate result. The doctor will determine the size of the follicles and, based on this, will conclude when the egg will be released from the ovary.
Ultrasound is the most reliable way to determine ovulation

Having determined, we begin to plan a daughter. The fact is that the Y-chromosomes, which are responsible for the birth of a boy, are quite mobile, there are more of them in the seminal fluid, but they are fragile and do not live long. And the X chromosomes are slower, but more viable.

Based on this, a married couple should have sexual intercourse 3 days before ovulation. For Y chromosomes to die in the acidic environment of the vagina. And the X chromosomes during this time will survive and meet with the egg for further fertilization.

Video: doctor Ekaterina Makarova's consultation on methods for determining ovulation

Chinese and Japanese calendars for determining the sex of the child

Even in ancient China, a table was developed for the imperial families to determine the sex of the child. This diagram was found in the tomb of a monk who lived more than seven centuries ago.
Ancient Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child, which was used by emperors

How to use this table.

  1. On the vertical, a woman chooses her age.
  2. Finds the letter D in the table, which means girl.
  3. Horizontally, it looks at which months it is better to conceive a child of the desired gender.

For the emperors of Japan, it was also important to know the gender of the unborn baby. For them, the birth of a son was and remains one of the main events in life. If a girl is born into a Japanese family, it is believed that this family has experienced bad luck.
Knowing the month of birth of the father and mother, we determine the "code" figure for the second table

Nowadays, it is not known for certain how the Japanese calculated the “code” figure. Just take table number 2 as a basis.
We plan the birth of a daughter in certain months of the year

We calculate the floor using these tables.

  1. On the vertical we find the month of birth of a woman.
  2. Horizontally - the month of birth of a man.
  3. At the intersection we find the "code" number and go to the second table.
  4. In table No. 2, we find the desired number vertically.
  5. We are looking for the letter D in the table.
  6. Months for the conception of a girl are written horizontally.

I tested the Chinese and Japanese method for determining the sex of the child and came to the conclusion that for me the Japanese method is more accurate. Judge for yourself, I have 2 daughters. According to the Chinese method: the result was the same for the eldest daughter, but not for the youngest. According to Japanese tables, 100% match.

Sex positions during the conception of a daughter

Before conceiving a long-awaited daughter, poses should be chosen such that the man enters the woman shallowly. Then the chance for the X chromosomes in the seed increases due to the increase in the distance on the way to the egg. And their more sensitive brothers Y-chromosomes will die in the acidic environment of the vagina.

There are many positions for shallow penetration. Let's choose the most common.

  • "Missionary", when the woman lies on her back, her legs are apart, and the man is on top. It is worth noting that the higher the woman raises her legs, the deeper the penetration. For the same reason, you should not put a pillow under the female buttocks.
  • "Spoons" - a woman on her side, a man behind in the same position.
  • "Rider" - the man lies on his back, the woman is on top, but with this position, the penetration is controlled by the woman.

To conceive a girl, poses should be chosen such that the man enters the woman shallowly

During conception, a woman should not experience an orgasm, since when satisfaction is achieved, the Y chromosomes can penetrate deeper into the vagina and fertilize the egg faster than the slower X groups.

Diet before and during fertilization

What do you need to eat for the birth of a girl? First of all, start the diet 1-2 months before the intended conception. There is an opinion that by eating foods rich in magnesium and calcium, a woman creates a favorable environment in the vagina for X chromosomes during conception.

  • Dairy products and eggs. You can make smoothies, boil milk porridge, add milk to drinks, cook yogurt, eat cottage cheese, make casseroles, omelettes.
  • Meat. Eating meat should be limited, but not completely abandoned. Give preference to beef, veal and lean pork. Better boiled or baked.
  • Fish and seafood. Suitable: sardine, halibut, shrimp, squid. From seafood, you can cook salads seasoned with yogurt. Cook fish soup or bake.
  • Vegetables and greens. There is no special restriction here: carrots, arugula, cucumbers, bell peppers, beans, dill, parsley.
  • Cereals. Boil porridge from rice, millet, oats.
  • Fruits and berries. It is better to eat: apples, grapes, quinces, peaches, apricots, citrus fruits, gooseberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries, watermelons.
  • Bread and other baked goods. It is better if a woman bakes herself at home, since pastries should be without yeast and with the least amount of salt.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. For a snack or in salads, add: almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts.
  • Beverages. Drink natural fruit and berry juices, tea, coffee, cocoa more often.
  • Sweets. And, of course, sweet lovers give birth to girls. Eat: chocolate, jam, sweets, honey.

To conceive a daughter, you need to eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium.

I did not follow a special diet for conception. I love sweet things, especially chocolate. If I don’t eat 3 slices with a cup of coffee in the morning, I think that the day is gone. I always snack on nuts at work. I love fruits and berries. And without 4-5 cups of tea I can not live a day. I don’t know if it was thanks to the foods I ate or fate decreed, but I gave birth to two beautiful daughters.

Planning a girl by blood type and Rh factor of parents

It is known that there are four blood groups and two Rh factors: positive and negative. When planning a girl, it is necessary to take into account the group and Rh factor of the blood of mom and dad.
Knowing the blood type and Rh factor, parents can predict the birth of a daughter

Another method related to blood is its rejuvenation or renewal. In a man and a woman, blood is renewed in different ways: once every three years for a woman, once every four years for a man. Therefore, the calculation of blood rejuvenation is not difficult to make: we divide the age of a woman by 3, and the age of a man - by 4. Whose blood, when counted, turned out to be “younger” - the baby will inherit the gender. But this method requires adjustment if there have been blood transfusions, childbirth, abortions, miscarriages in a woman's life.

Determining the sex of a child by blood group and Rh factor really works. I have 100% hit.

Lunar calendar to help parents

The lunar calendar has been known to people since time immemorial. This is a calendar that displays the changes in the phases of the moon. The phases of the moon are divided into four: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon.
There are 4 phases of the moon: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon

The lunar calendar is used by:

  • women who plan haircuts and rejuvenation procedures;
  • gardeners and gardeners for agricultural work;
  • single people choose their life partners.

Let's use the lunar calendar and plan a girl. Conception should be planned in the lunar phase in which the woman was born. For example, if the birth of a future mother occurred on a new moon, then conception should occur on the new moon itself. A daughter is obtained on days when the moon is in the signs of the Zodiac of water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) and earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).

The age of the woman is also important. To calculate the conception of a girl: we take the age of the mother and divide it by two, if it turns out to be an integer, then the conception of a daughter should be carried out in even months.

My husband planned everything according to the lunar calendar and even the gender of the child) As a result, the gender actually coincided)))


That's what I'm talking about .. My girls also matched. Now I will look up to the moon to get the boy)))


Folk methods for conceiving a girl

These are perhaps the most unusual methods for conceiving a daughter. But, if they have survived to this day, then they have the right to exist.

Let's analyze the "grandmother's" methods:

  • tie a thread on the little finger of the right hand, immediately before conception;
  • put feminine accessories under the mattress: a mirror, a scarf, a comb;
  • have sex for fertilization on the "women's" days of the week: Sunday, Friday, Wednesday;
  • plan a girl in the cold season, especially on days when the temperature is below 10 degrees;
  • drink plenty of plum and apple juice.

Do you want to know how to conceive a girl? For many couples, this question is very important. What gender the unborn child will be is of great importance in families where there are already one or more boys, and the desire to have a girl has not decreased.

We bring to your attention several methods that can bring this possibility closer.

Conception Information


A woman has a uterus and two ovaries. With the production of estrogen, the female sex hormone, the egg grows.

This monthly movement of the egg starts from the ovary, in medicine this moment is called ovulation, continues through the fallopian tubes and ends in the uterine cavity.

There are cases when the ovaries secrete not one, but two, three or more eggs, in such situations, everything is fertilized by spermatozoa. This is how twins and triplets appear, according to the number of fertilized eggs. When a fertilized cell divides into two, a pair of twins is born.

The standard menstruation cycle is considered 28 days, of course, you can safely add or subtract two days. The discharge of blood flow continues for five days, however, the most abundant is always the very first day of discharge.

Ovulation occurs fourteen days before the start of the discharge. It is determined by the basal body temperature, which rises by 0.5-1 degrees, with the beginning of the movement of the egg. Often this is accompanied by tension in the lower abdomen.


The main responsibility for the sex of the unborn child is borne by men. After all, only they have the necessary set of chromosomes for this.

Male spermatozoa are stored in the ovaries, packed in the scrotum. The storage temperature is below the usual temperature of 33 °C, but constant. The male body secretes testosterone, a hormone that is responsible for the production and accumulation of sperm. At the time of ejaculation, the body releases approximately 3.5 grams of semen, which contains more than three hundred thousand spermatozoa.


For conception, one sperm and an egg are needed. The egg carries two chromosomes, but both X, the sperm contains a set: X and Y. During fertilization, the male chromosomes are combined with the female, fusion occurs. There are two possible combinations of chromosomes:

  1. XX - this combination makes it possible for a girl to be born.
  2. X Y - with this combination, a boy will be born.

Even outwardly, the X and Y chromosomes are different. The oval head and vitality is the X chromosome. They live longer, but the number of Y chromosomes is more than X.

Y chromosome - round head, fragile structure, high speed of movement and short life expectancy.

The moment of conception is the union of the sperm and the egg. As a result: the united egg begins to divide and forms a zygote, this is how the fetus begins to develop.

It is necessary to take into account the onset of ovulation, the movement of spermatozoa and their life expectancy. It has already become clear that the male Y chromosomes are nimble, but quickly dying. They live 24 hours after the eruption. Women, on the contrary, are slow, but able to live for several days in the vaginal cavity.

Sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation will maximize the likelihood of a boy.

To increase the possibility of giving birth to a girl, you need to have sex the day before the probable ovulation.

It is not difficult to calculate the exact date of ovulation, the entire cycle is divided in half. Example: 28 days cycle, half is 14 days before the start of the discharge. This is for reference, and the exact date must be set by measuring the basal temperature. You will have to do the procedures for 3-4 cycles to accurately determine the time of ovulation.

Step-by-step instruction

The first appearance of discharge is considered the beginning of a cycle, which is divided into safe and unsafe days. Take for example, twenty-eight calendar days of the cycle.

  • 1–9 first days- it is impossible to get pregnant. A woman feels slight weakness, malaise;
  • 10–14 days- the characteristics of the female body make this period of time conditionally safe. Ovulation is unstable, so the chance of getting pregnant at this time is possible;
  • 14–16 days- the beginning of ovulation, the first days. The best time to conceive a child in general. The female chromosomes are very strong, the first two days the highest probability of fertilization and fusion XX, if you have sex the day before;
  • 16–18 days- female chromosomes are a little tired, Y-chromosomes are fresh and active. High probability of fertilization XY, that is, a boy;
  • 19–20 days- conditionally safe time for sexual intercourse;
  • 21–28 - absolutely sterile time for sex. It's impossible to get pregnant.

This schedule can be used with complete confidence, a proven method. We can summarize all of the above:

  1. Carry out sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception a day before the onset of ovulation.
  2. The amount of sperm must be kept to a minimum in order to reduce the number of male chromosomes.
  3. Monitor the correct microflora in the vagina.

Conception based on the blood of parents

It is believed that parental blood, that is, the youngest and strongest blood, is responsible for the sex of the baby.

Which of the parents has younger blood, the child will have this gender.

The age of blood lies in its periodic renewal. After a certain period of time, human blood is renewed, moreover, a different period of time is needed for the renewal of female and male blood.

The blood of a man goes through a renewal period in four years, the female counterpart - three years. To determine the age of the blood, it is necessary to divide the age of the future father by four, and the mother by three. Whoever has the smallest remnant has the youngest blood. It is laid down by nature that a child should have the youngest, healthiest and strongest blood possible.

There can be many corrections in such calculations, it is for this reason that the method is not very popular. Life is full of factors affecting blood renewal besides time:

  • A deep wound that caused a lot of blood loss;
  • Surgical intervention in the body;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Abortion.

Such factors affect the renewal of blood, and the countdown must begin with such an event.

Conception according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese offered their solution to the problem of how to conceive a girl. They invented an information calendar that makes it possible to calculate the gender of the unborn baby. The local sages believe that a woman is able to conceive a child of a certain gender, based on her age and month of the year.

This Chinese calendar quite popular in Russia. It is quite simple to use: the table has columns and rows. The data of the columns is the age of the woman, the rows indicate the months of the year. A woman of a certain age wants a girl, looks at the table in which month it is necessary to do this. It remains to transfer the information to her husband, and it is better to study the table together.

Japanese calendar for conception

The Japanese calendar consists of two tables. The first table is somewhat similar to the Chinese one, it is based on the dates of birth of both parents. The top row is for the father's date of birth, the left column is for the mother's date of birth. A non-random number is indicated at the intersection. Its calculation is necessary to use the second table.

The line above is for the found number, the left column indicates the months for conceiving a baby. Table consists of colored columns and rows with crosses. Which crosses will be more, this is the expected gender of the unborn baby.

Slavic method of conception of a certain sex

The basis of this technique is also calculations. In order to conceive a girl, it is necessary to make attempts to conceive a child only on even numbers of the month.

The next version of even numbers suggests adding the serial number of the month when they think to conceive to the age of the mother. For the birth of a daughter, an even number must be obtained. Otherwise it will be a boy.

Nutrition Based Conception

This method makes a support for achieving a result based on certain foods. It is assumed that by introducing certain foods into the diet, a certain environment is created in the body, which creates the desired effect on the sex of the unborn child.

The chance of giving birth to a healthy baby will increase significantly if a man leads a healthy lifestyle, eats quality food and gives up bad habits. The sperm of such a father significantly improves its quality. Similar behavior of the mother gives the right to count on the objective work of chromosomes in parents.

To conceive a girl, you should adhere to the following diet:

  • Having decided to conceive a girl, you need to start preparing for this four months in advance. Start by limiting the diet of sugar, potatoes, any meat and salt.
  • It is necessary to fill the body with minerals, calcium and magnesium are especially important. You should fill the table with carrots, cucumbers, beets, onions.
  • Pay attention to seafood, raw and processed eggs, milk and fruits, cereals. It is recommended to give up bananas and peaches.
  • Avoid any harmful foods.

Erickson's conception technique

A technique that may not be applicable in all countries. This is a relatively new method. This method is based on laboratory analysis of semen and its forced filtration. Filtration allows you to remove the fastest sperm from the sperm, they are the chromosomes of boys.

The purified semen is fed into the vagina. The egg has no other choice, it is fertilized by female chromosomes.

Psychological component

Not everyone believes in such a possibility, choose the future sex of the child but the method really works.

Even at the stage of planning a future conception, it is necessary to apply psychological visualization. The expectant mother must imagine that the girl already exists, here she is, next to her. All thoughts and dreams are completely absorbed by the awareness of my daughter. Imagine her, all the details of the child: hair color, eye shape, lips, height. Feel the character and behavior of the baby. It has long been proven that thoughts are material, the future daughter can appear through visual programming.

Moon calendar

The lunar calendar has been used for many years, our ancestors used it. Moon calendar helps to determine the optimal day for conceiving a girl. According to this calendar, the moon will pass through the necessary female signs of the zodiac every 2.5 days. Female signs: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer. There is a high probability of conceiving a girl while the moon is in Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio.

Blood analysis

In the laboratory of the clinic, the blood group of both parents is determined, and the Rh factor is also compared. Blood is taken for analysis before conception. Then compare the parental Rh factor:

  • Parents have a different Rh factor - the probability of becoming pregnant is extremely small if a woman has it negative. Such a female body simply rejects spermatozoa.
  • If the Rh factor is the same, the probability of having a daughter is greater.

During the conception of a girl women shouldn't have orgasms. An alkaline environment adversely affects the X chromosomes. Have sex to conceive two days before ovulation. Male Y-chromosomes simply will not survive until the appearance of the egg.

After ovulation, one should not have sexual intercourse or careful protection is necessary. You will have to abstain or protect yourself for three days. Otherwise, there is a chance that the nimble Y chromosomes will still outpace the X.

We'll have to minimize foreplay and foreplay. Necessary reduce the percentage of arousal.

To increase the acidic environment of the vagina, positive for X chromosomes, it is recommended do a vinegar douche. Weak solution - two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water. The solution should be made and used immediately, do not store.

Use poses with the least penetration, such as missionary, spooning, the man on top of the woman with her back to him.


Folk omens if the future child is a girl:

  • Frequent heartbeat;
  • A woman in labor constantly wants sweets;
  • Fetus at the top of the abdomen;
  • Constant drowsiness in mom;
  • The child began to move in the lower abdomen;
  • It is more comfortable for a woman to sleep on her right side.

In modern times, there are IVF opportunity. They do preliminary implantation genetic diagnosis. Using these services, parents will know in advance whether they will have a girl or a boy. After all, here the egg is fertilized in a test tube, and only then it is injected into the mother's body.

Only this possibility requires certain medical indications for the couple, well, it costs good money.

All of the above does not 100% guarantee the birth of a girl. It is worth noting that giving birth to a child of any gender is a gift and joy for parents.