Wonderful tree. Summary of an open lesson on cognitive development for the second junior group Classes in the second junior group on cognition

Target: introduce children to the basic properties of water.

Software tasks:

· Educational:

Introduce children to the properties of water (liquid, transparent, tasteless and odorless);

Clarify its meaning for all living things;

· Developmental:

Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;

Learn to work with utensils (cups, straws, chopsticks);

Learn to work with solutions;

Develop mental operations;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary;

Encourage independent formulation of conclusions;

· Educational:

Foster respect for water;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Educational area: Cognitive development

: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment: transparent cups, cocktail straws, stones for an aquarium, cards for the educational game “Who needs water?”, berry syrup, presentation “What do we know about water?”

Methods and techniques: gaming, visual (did. game “Who needs water?”), practical (experiments), verbal.

Progress of the lesson:

Let's hold hands and smile at each other to create a good mood. To learn a lot in our class, you need to be attentive, not shout, and listen to each other.

Listen to the riddle:

She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,

It boils in our kettle too,

She runs and rustles in the river.

Who needs water? Now we will play the game “Who needs water?” Go to the table and look at the drawings.

Let's pick up pictures of “Who needs water?” and why do you think so?

Children come to the table and take turns choosing pictures: birds, animals, trees, fish, insects, people.

Conclusion: without water, all life on earth will die.

Guys, I invite you to visit our mini-lab and learn more about water. What do they do in the laboratory? That's right, they are conducting experiments.

I'll ask you to come to my desk. I have two glasses on my table: one with water, the other glass is empty.

Experiment 1 Offer to carefully pour water from one glass to another. Is water flowing? Why? Because it's liquid. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, and would not flow from the tap.

Conclusion: Because water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid.

Experiment 2: offer to try the water through a straw. Does she have taste?

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experiment 3. Children sniff water. Does the water have a smell?

Conclusion: water has no odor.

Experience 4: -Guys, I suggest you play hide and seek. I have a stone in my hands. Now you close your eyes, and I will hide it. (I throw it into a glass of water). Open your eyes. Where is the stone? Why is it clearly visible? Correct, because the water is clear.

Conclusion: the water is clear.

Experiment 5. Let's pour water from one container to another, different in shape. Water takes the shape of the vessel it is in.

Conclusion: water has no shape.

Let's now remember all the properties of water:

· Liquid water;

· Has no taste;

· No odor;

· The water is clear;

· Has no shape.

We lay out the diagram “Properties of water”

Listen to the poem and look at the screen.

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere.

You will find her in the pond,

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's boiling on the stove.

The kettle steam hisses.

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

Guys, do you want to make friends with water? What can be done for this?

We can't hug her, offer her candy,... But we can save water, not pollute it, not litter rivers and lakes, close the tap tightly so that the water does not flow in vain.

As a sign that you have become friends of water, I want to present you with these medals. (in the form of droplets).



Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Why and who needs water.”

Target : introduce children to the basic properties of water.

Software tasks:

  • Educational:

Introduce children to the properties of water (liquid, transparent, tasteless and odorless);

Clarify its meaning for all living things;

  • Educational:

Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation;

Learn to work with utensils (cups, straws, chopsticks);

Learn to work with solutions;

Develop mental operations;

Activate and enrich children's vocabulary;

Encourage independent formulation of conclusions;

  • Educational:

Foster respect for water;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Educational area: Cognitive development

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development

Equipment : transparent cups, cocktail straws, stones for an aquarium, cards for the educational game “Who needs water?”, berry syrup, presentation “What do we know about water?”

Methods and techniques : gaming, visual (did. game “Who needs water?”), practical (experiments), verbal.

Progress of the lesson:

Let's hold hands and smile at each other to create a good mood. To learn a lot in our class, you need to be attentive, not shout, and listen to each other.

Listen to the riddle:

She is in the lake, she is in the puddle,

It boils in our kettle too,

She runs and rustles in the river.

What is this?


Who needs water? Now we will play the game “Who needs water?” Go to the table and look at the drawings.

Let's pick up pictures of “Who needs water?” and why do you think so?

Children come to the table and take turns choosing pictures: birds, animals, trees, fish, insects, people.

Conclusion: without water, all life on earth will die.

Guys, I invite you to visit our mini-lab and learn more about water. What do they do in the laboratory? That's right, they are conducting experiments.

I'll ask you to come to my desk. I have two glasses on my table: one with water, the other glass is empty.

Experiment 1 Offer to carefully pour water from one glass to another. Is water flowing? Why? Because it's liquid. If it were not liquid, it would not be able to flow in rivers and streams, and would not flow from the tap.

Conclusion: Because water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid.

Experiment 2: offer to try the water through a straw. Does she have taste?

Conclusion: water has no taste.

Experiment 3. Children sniff water. Does the water have a smell?

Conclusion: water has no odor.

Experience 4: -Guys, I suggest you play hide and seek. I have a stone in my hands. Now you close your eyes, and I will hide it. (I throw it into a glass of water). Open your eyes. Where is the stone? Why is it clearly visible? Correct, because the water is clear.

Conclusion: the water is clear.

Experiment 5. Let's pour water from one container to another, different in shape. Water takes the shape of the vessel it is in.

Conclusion: water has no shape.

Let's now remember all the properties of water:

  • Water is liquid;
  • Has no taste;
  • Odorless;
  • The water is clear;
  • Has no form.

We lay out the diagram “Properties of water”

Listen to the poem and look at the screen.

Have you heard about water?

They say she's everywhere.

You will find her in the pond,

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,

And in the water tap.

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest.

It's boiling on the stove.

The kettle steam hisses.

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk.

I dare to report to you:

We can't live without her!

Guys, do you want to make friends with water? What can be done for this?

We can't hug her, offer her candy,... But we can save water, not pollute it, not litter rivers and lakes, close the tap tightly so that the water does not flow in vain.

As a sign that you have become friends of water, I want to present you with these medals. (in the form of droplets).

Fedorova Tatyana Vitalievna - teacher of the preschool educational institution OT "Berezka" of the Starobeshevsky district of the DPR

Email: [email protected]

Summary of an open lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group "Amazing Journey"


An integrated lesson on cognitive development for children of the second junior group, quest-type, which allows you to avoid overstraining children during the lesson, due to physical activity, switching to a variety of activities, thereby maintaining cognitive interest and children's curiosity. The lesson uses: articulatory gymnastics, health-saving technologies, sensory, didactic, round dancing and outdoor games, musical accompaniment. Game motivation, a large amount of didactic material arouses interest in children and their high activity.

Age group: second youngest.
Type of activity: integrated by quest type

Tasks priority educational area:

"Cognitive development": Support children's curiosity and develop children's interest in joint and independent knowledge with adults, form ideas about sensory standards: colors of the spectrum, geometric shapes, number of objects, relationships in size and support their use in independent activities (developmental and didactic games), enrich children's knowledge about forest animals;

to activate the speech of children, encouraging them to actively use words denoting the characteristics of objects, and to develop the articulatory apparatus.

"Physical development": contribute to the enrichment of motor experience, the development of movement coordination, hand-eye coordination, gross and fine motor skills, and contribute to the preservation and strengthening of physical health.

“Social and communicative development”: Help children learn ways to interact with peers in play, promote the establishment of positive contacts between children, cultivate a desire to help others in difficult times, and follow fire safety rules.

Vocabulary work: words-names of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle; words-concepts: “one”, “many”; names of forest animals: hedgehog, fox, bear, hare.

Material: soft toys: hedgehog, fox, wolf, Lego set, clothespins, geometric shapes for the game “Build a house”, a bag with different items for the sensory game “Choose by touch”, Bunny’s hat, basket of apples, “Health track”, track with footprints, skittles for walking “snake”, “bumps”, “stream”, model of an autumn tree, audio recording of the song “Our Bus is Blue” (music by A. Fillipenko T. Volgina), round dance game “We went to the meadow”, music and sounds forests

Preliminary work: conversations about forest animals, reading fiction about them, conversations about fire safety rules, learning articulation gymnastics, finger gymnastics “Fire”, the song “Our Bus is Blue” (music by A. Fillipenko, T. Volgina), round dance game “We are on walked around the meadow"


1.Organizational stage.

Educator: Children, I invite you to join a circle.

“Get up children, stand in a circle,
You are my friend and I am your friend
Let's hold hands tightly,
And let’s smile at each other.”

Educator: Guys, do you like to travel?

I want to invite you today on an amazing journey into the autumn forest.

You will find out what we will travel on today by guessing the riddle:

What a miracle - a long house!
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.

That's right, by bus. So I have bus tickets, not ordinary ones, but made from colored Lego. Now I will give them to you.

Masha, what color is your ticket... and Timofey? On command, you need to find a pair with the same ticket color as yours.

D/i “Find your match”

Children find their mate, ride, sing the song “Our Bus is Blue” (music by A. Fillipenko, T. Volgina)

2. Main part

Educator: Well, here we are in the forest. It’s like the forest is light, beautiful and quiet.

An audio recording of forest noise plays.

Let's show together how quiet it is in the forest.

Articulation gymnastics.

Quiet in the forest in autumn.

Su-su-su, su-su-su

The wind swirls in the forest.

Fu-fu-fu, fu-fu-fu!

Leaves rustle in the forest

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.

Exercises for the tongue .

I found a hazelnut in the forest.

Let's put it by the cheek (the guys move their tongue behind the cheek), try how hard it is, and now we'll roll it in the mouth by the other cheek.

How do the birds scream in the forest? Let's pull the tongue out of our little house - mouth and make a "Chatterbox"

Well done, kids, everyone did well!

Educator: Children, tell me what animals live in the forest?

Children answer, make assumptions, and name the forest inhabitants.

And how can all these animals be called - forest animals? Let's say this word all together - forest.

Educator: Who is that hiding behind the stump? Let's come and have a look. Children, it's a hedgehog!

The teacher shows the children a toy - a hedgehog.

Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?

This is me just in case!

-Hedgehog, who are your neighbors?

Foxes, wolves and bears!

Hedgehog: Guys, touch my thorns - for some reason they have become soft and now I won’t be able to defend myself from predatory animals.

Educator: Children, do you want to help the hedgehog? Let's, like I did, put thorns and clothespins on the hedgehog's back.

Children complete the task.

Educator: Katya, how many thorns did you attach to the hedgehog’s back? (one thorn). And you, Vova, how many clothespins and thorns did you attach? One too. Well done, children. That's right, each of you attached only one thorn. How many thorns are there on the hedgehog’s back (many thorns) Children’s answer: a lot.

Educator: Well done kids, now the hedgehog is not in danger.

Educator: Children, why does a hedgehog need needles?

Children: To protect yourself from enemies.

Educator: Children, do you know how a hedgehog defends itself from enemies? (children's answers). He curls up into a ball, hides his nose, and there are needles at the top that protect him. Like this (show on a toy). Can you guys do it like a hedgehog? Then teach me...

P/i "Ezhata and Fox"

Educator: I suggest you play. Now you will turn into hedgehogs. Well, they started spinning and spinning and they all turned into hedgehogs. Here you are, hedgehogs. Now you will run around the hall to the music, and when the fox appears, you will have to sit down and quickly curl up into a ball (group and sit motionless). The fox has left, the hedgehogs are walking again.

At the end of the game, the children turn back into guys.

Lisa addresses the guys:

Guys, I'm in trouble. My little foxes were playing with matches in the house and there was a fire, now we will have to spend the winter outside...

Educator: Chanterelle, our guys know that you can’t play with fire. They will tell you about it now and show you.

Finger game "Fire".

I am fire, I am a friend of the guys, (palms are connected diagonally, fingers move)

But when they play pranks on me - (they shake their finger)

Then I become an enemy (we raise our hands up, move our fingers)

And I burn everything around. (we lower our arms down in waves)

Educator: Well, guys, we and Chanterelle need to help make houses for her and her foxes. From what shape will we make the walls (square), the roof (triangle), and the window (circle).

D/i “Fold up the house” -Children lay out houses.

Foxy: Thank you.

Educator: Let's go for a walk along the forest paths.

(children, together with the teacher, move along the “health path”, jump over a “stream”, walk like a “snake” between the pins, step over the “bump” cubes)

They meet a bear near the den

Educator: Who is that sitting on the stump?

Children: bear.

Educator: Brown Bear

He sat down on a stump and began to roar.

Educator: What are you upset about, Mishenka?

Bear: Well, winter is coming, and it’s damp and cold in my den.

Don’t be sad, Mishenka, we have a “Magic Bag” in which there are many items, and the children will choose only warm, soft and fluffy things from them.

Sensory game “Choose by touch”

Educator: Who meets us here under the bush?

Children: Bunny.

Educator: The hare is not a rare animal in the forests,

He just hides under a branch.

- We see you, big-eared one.

Well, come out and play with the guys!

X\i “We went to the meadow”

Bunny (child) thanks the guys:

Thank you guys,

You woke me up

For this I will treat you

Forest apples.

Children: Thank you.

3. Final part

Educator: Well, we need to go back. Get on the bus, guys.

The guys sing a song and move in pairs.

Educator: Well, our journey has ended. What did you like about the forest? Who did we meet in the forest? Were you able to help everyone?

Let's hold hands tightly,
And let's smile at each other,
And we say goodbye to the guests

Let's say together: Goodbye!


    N.N. Podyakov, V.A. Avanesova “Sensory education in kindergarten” - M., “Enlightenment”, 1981.

    L.A. Wenger “Raising a child’s sensory culture”

    Internet resources

Summary of the educational lesson in the second junior group:

"My family".

Program content:

To form an idea of ​​the concept of “Family”;

Teach children to name their family members; - cultivate love and respect for your family, a sense of affection for your family members.

org. moment:

hello palms, clap-clap-clap hello legs, stomp-top-stomp hello cheeks, plop-plop-plop hello lips, smack-smack-smack hello teeth, click-click-click hello my nose, beep-beep-beep Hello children!!!

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen to the riddles and guess who they are about?

A comb on the head Two legs and two spurs He wakes us up at the same hour Early in the morning. (rooster)

Our good friend

He will give us feathers for our pillow.

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies (chicken)

Yellow crumb, looking for crumbs of bread.

If he meets a worm, he will peck his sides! (chick)

Children, who is this? (chicken)

Children, who is this? (chickens)

Guys, who is the chicken for the chickens? (Mother)

What about a rooster for chickens? (dad)

And who are the chickens for the papa-cockerel and the mama-chicken? (children)

How does a mother hen talk to her chicks? (ko-ko-ko)

How does daddy cockerel talk to his chicks? (ku-ka-re-ku)

How do the chickens respond? (wee-wee-wee)

Guys, do you think they have a friendly family? (Yes)

How did you guess? (they are all together, mom takes care of the chickens, dad protects them, etc.)

What do you think a family is? (children's answers)

Guys, I know that all our children also have a family, they have a dad and a mom. Let's listen to the poems and guess which of your family members they are about.

There are many mothers in the world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

“This is my mommy!”

Who are these poems about? (about mom)

Of course, you guessed that this is about mom.

Guys, look what a magic chest we have here. Let's choose the tenderest, most affectionate words for our mother, and put them in this chest.

When mom hugs you and kisses you. What is she like? (affectionate)

When mom dresses fashionably. What is she like? (beautiful)

When mom smiles, she laughs. What is she like? (cheerful)

And if you love your mother, what is she like? (darling)

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we collected in a chest. In the meantime, we will close it so that our words are not lost and forgotten.

Tell me, what does mom do to keep the house clean and comfortable? (cleans, washes, etc.)

Are you helping your mother? But as? (yes), (children's answers)

Who else helps mom in the family? (dad)

How does dad help, what does he do? (vacuum cleaning, washing dishes, etc.)

Guys, what wonderful dads you have! What things in the house can only dad do? But mothers don’t know how to (saw, plan, repair a TV, etc.)

Let's play the game “What Dad Can Do.”

Imitation game: What dad can do


Vacuuming - ooh-ooh

Hammering nails - here, there,

Planing - chick-chick.

Guys, does daddy love you? How did you guess? (children's answers)

What kind words do your mothers and fathers call you? (children's answers)

Let's open ours magic chest and let's put some kind words there for dad (children choose words)

Well done boys! You have chosen a lot of words for dad too. Let's now close our chest (we will need it later). And now we’ll play with you.

Physical exercise: We were working out, we were tired,

Together we all stood up quietly.

They clapped their hands - one, two, three!

They stomped their feet - one, two, three!

Let's wave, wave, wave,

Let's dance with our feet, dance, dance!

Guys, let's remember who we talked about today? (about mom and dad)

Guys, who has a grandmother? (children's answers)

Do you love your grandmother? (Yes)

For what? (she is kind, walks with her grandchildren, buys candy, etc.)

And let's put some kind words in a chest for grandma? (children choose words)

And now we will play with you!

Game "Ladushki"

Okay - okay

Where were you? At Grandma's (clap hands)

And grandma's palms

Collected in wrinkles (show hands with palms up)

And grandma's palms

Kind - very kind (stroke palm on palm)

All palms worked

For many years (tapping fist on palm)

Good palms smell

Cabbage soup, pies (bring palms to face, sniff)

They will stroke your curls

Kind palms (patting oneself on the head)

And they can cope with any sadness

Warm palms (hug yourself by the shoulders)

Okay, okay!

Where were you? By Grandma! (clap hands)

Guys, who else lives in your family? (grandfather)

Do you love your grandfather? (Yes)

What does grandfather do with the children? (walks, plays, reads books) - Let's collect kind words for grandpa in our magic chest? (children's answers)

Our chest is filled with words. Let's remember for whom we collected kind words? (for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa)

And all together - who is this? (family)

It's so good that you all have a family!

Guys, do your family love you? (Yes)

How did you know that they loved you? (kiss, feel sorry, say kind words, etc.)

Why do your family love you? (I obey mom, dad, I put away my toys, etc.) - Well done, that means you also take care of your family: you obey, help, put away your toys, you don’t want to upset your family. How nice it is when every person has a friendly family! And if in a family everyone takes care of each other and loves each other, then peace, friendship and love always live in such a family.

And look, our fingers have a friendly family. Let's play with our fingers:

Finger game: This finger is grandpa,

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's the whole family!

Now let's open our magic chest. But first, let’s agree to remember affectionate words more often and call our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers with them (I open the chest and show hearts made of colored paper)

Guys, look, every kind word has turned into a heart. Now I will give out hearts to you all, and in the evening you will give it along with a kind word to any member of your family!

A comprehensive lesson on cognitive development in the 2nd junior group “Journey to the Village”

Target: Formation of a value attitude towards the animal world in children of primary preschool age.
Continue to introduce children to familiar domestic animals - cow, horse, pig, sheep.

To form ideas about what animals are fed, how they are cared for, and what they receive from them; clarify ideas about adult animals and cubs, who screams what.
Learn to distinguish a rooster from chickens by characteristic features (the rooster has a large red comb, goatee, multi-colored tail; the rooster crows).
Enrich and activate your vocabulary. Develop goodwill in communication.
Develop attention, imagination, the ability to enter into a game situation, and distinguish colors.

Screen, tape recorder, sound recording “In the Village”, flannelograph; soft toys: calf, cow, horse, sheep, pig, rooster, piglets; pictures with lambs, green circles; d/game “Give the cockerel a feather.”
For applique - a background picture of a village, pets cut out of colored paper, adhesive pencils.

Progress of the lesson

There's a knock on the door. The Calf comes to visit the children.
Calf. Hello guys. You recognized me? I'm a calf. I got into trouble. I walked and walked and lost my mother. I just can't find her. Please help me find her. Can we help Calf find his mother?
Children. Yes.
Educator. Do you remember what your mother looks like? How does she scream?
Calf. No, I do not know.
Educator. Guys, the Calf lives in the village. To find his mother, we will have to go there. Do you agree?
Children. Yes.
Educator. Then we hit the road. Getting dressed (imitation of movements).
We walk along the path (make a path).
Over large snowdrifts (raising your knees high).
We are approaching the village. (The sound recording “In the Village” is turned on.)
Can you hear your pets screaming?
Who did you hear? (Children list).
Cockerel is walking towards the guys. (Verse: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb...”)
Calf. This must be my mother!
Educator. Guys, do you agree with Calf?
Children. No.
Educator. Who is Daddy Cockerel's child?
Children. Chick.
Educator. Who is the chicken's mother? How does the Cockerel crow?
What does a hen call her chicks?
Calf. Then you need to go look further.
Cockerel. No, play with me first.
My friend the cockerel has lost his feathers, help him.

D/game:“Give the cockerel a feather.”
The cockerel says what color feather to give him.

Cockerel. Thanks guys for your help.
Educator. We set off on our journey further to look for Calf’s mother.
We go across the narrow bridge. We climb the hill.
Look who's running towards us? (Lamb).
Calf. That's my mom!
Children. No. This is the mother of the lamb.
Educator. How does she scream, call him? What is she like, how can you say about her? (Selection of adjectives).
Calf. Sheep, have you seen my mother?
Lamb. Feed my lambs, then I'll tell you where she went.
Educator. What do they eat? (In summer - grass, in winter - hay).
There are pictures of lambs on the tables. Everyone needs to be given “hay” (green square).
So that there is enough for everyone (to have it equally).
Lamb. They fed us, well done, there was enough for everyone.
Calf's mother went behind that hillock.
Calf. Look. There's my mom running!
Children. This is a horse. She has a baby foal.
Calf. Crying. Well, where is my mother? I want to see my mother.
Educator. Don't cry, baby, we will find your mother.
Let's take Little Calf for a ride on a horse and have some fun.
Educator. Look, whose mom is coming?
Children. Piglet. And her name is pig.
Pig. Oh, guys, all my little pigs have run away. Please help me find them and gather them all.
Looking for in a group. (Attention exercise).
Educator. Everyone was gathered. Well done.
Calf. Tell me, Aunt Pig, have you seen my mother?
Pig. I saw it. She went to the farm.
Calf. Hooray! I found my mom! Here she is, my mom.
Educator. Guys, tell me, what kind of cow is it?
Educator. What does the cow give us?
Educator. What is made from milk? What are the healthy foods?
- sour cream
-cottage cheese
Educator. That's how wonderful Calf's mother cow is.
Now it's time for us to return to kindergarten.
Cow. Thanks guys for helping my calf. For this I will treat you with milk. (Gives treats.)
We walk through the snowdrifts, along a narrow path. This is our kindergarten.

In the next lesson:
Educator. Children, who did we meet in the village? (list).
Let's make a picture to remember our trip and stick all our friends on it.
I suggest you choose the animals you like and glue them to this picture. Do you agree? Choose and let's get to work.

Collective application “In the village”.

We got a wonderful picture. We will hang it in our group.

Khlopina Tatyana Evgenevna
MBOU "Kamenskaya Secondary School" Structural unit Kindergarten "Zhuravushka No. 2"
Arkhangelsk region, Mezensky district, Kamenka village
Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group on cognitive development "Long live scented soap!"

. Introduce children to the properties of soap;
To form a child’s cognitive interest and cognitive actions in various types of activities through experimentation in conditions of health conservation and life safety;
To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge of what people use soap for.
Promote curiosity and cognitive motivation;
Enrich children's vocabulary (scented, toilet soap, shavings, foam)
Maintain an interest in learning about the diversity of the world around us;
To develop cultural and hygienic skills.
Preliminary work:
. reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”;
. playing a game with soap bubbles;
. Examination of plot pictures and illustrations.
. Conversation: “Before eating, wash your hands with soap.”
Material for the lesson:
. pieces of toilet soap according to the number of children;
. dirty doll
. toilet soap of various forms, a wonderful bag, a towel, shampoo, a toothbrush, a comb, a washcloth.
. for experiments: containers with water, soap shavings, molds, spoons, liquid soap; .

Progress of the lesson
Organizing time
The teacher and children enter the group. Children, look, guests have come to us, say hello to the guests. And now all eyes are on me.
Educator: (A dirty doll sits on a chair).
- Oh, guys, look what a dirty doll.
- Why is she so dirty? (Because she didn’t wash her face. Because she wasn’t washed.)
- What needs to be done to make it clean? (The doll needs to be washed and bought.)
- Do you wash your face? (Yes.)
- I’ll ask you now, and you answer with words and show with your hands.
Finger gymnastics:
Have you washed your hands? (Washed.) - imitate washing hands
Have you washed your ears? (Washed.) - imitate washing ears
Have you washed your cheeks? (Washed.) - imitate washing your cheeks
Have you washed everything? (Yes.)
Have you forgotten anything? (No.)
Let us help our doll become clean. Sit on the chairs.
Game "Wonderful bag"
Guys, look what a beautiful bag I have. Let's find out what's in it.
Let's start the game. Children take out objects and answer questions
Washcloth. It is needed to wash the body.
Towel: This is a towel. You need it to dry yourself.
Comb: This is a comb. It is needed to comb your hair.
Shampoo: This is shampoo. It is needed to wash your hair.
Toothbrush: This is a toothbrush. It is needed to brush your teeth.
- Guys, all these are called personal hygiene items.

But what is missing from our wonderful bag?
What do you think is missing? Listen to the riddle
So as not to be “dirty”,
You should be friends with me.
Foamy, fragrant,
Handles will be clean.
What do you guys think this is?
If you find it difficult to ask a leading question. What do we use to soap a washcloth? (answer: soap)
Right. We don't have enough soap. Do you want to learn more about soap and help our doll become clean?
I ask you to come to our laboratory.
Physical education minute:
(Children go to a makeshift laboratory where everything is prepared for experiments).
On a smooth path,
Our legs ran -
By the pebbles, by the pebbles
And into the hole behind a friend -
We got back on our feet
On a flat path.

So we came to the laboratory.
I open it and there is soap on the table on a plate.
How many pieces of soap are there guys? (A lot of)
Take one piece at a time.
Children examine pieces of soap.
- Guys, touch the soap, what does it feel like? (smooth). Smell it. (it smells nice). What color is it? (pink, white, yellow).
- Guys, what is the shape of the soap? (round) And this? (I take out the square one) - (square). Soap comes in different shapes, colors and smells.
I summarize the children's answers:
The soap used to wash your hands and face is called toilet soap.
The soap used to bathe is called bath soap.
The soap used for washing is called laundry soap.

Guys, why do you think we need soap? (children's answers)
Of course, we need soap to wash away dirt. Soap helps us fight germs; those who wash their hands with soap rarely get sick.

1 experiment “Soap dissolves in water.”
Look, I have a glass of water on the table. What kind of water? (children's answers - clean, transparent, odorless, etc.)
Let's add a little soap to the glass and see what happens (children's answers and reasoning - the soap dissolves, melts). If necessary, offer to stir with a spoon.
Conclusion: soap dissolves in water, foams, and forms a lot of bubbles.

2 experience
“Put the foam into the molds”
I whip up the foam in two bowls and place the molds and spoons on the table. I show the kids that the foam can be put into different shapes using a spoon. Children are happy to start experimenting.
Guys, let's help our doll become clean. I begin to wash the doll while reciting a nursery rhyme.
“Water, water, wash my face.
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks blush,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.”
Look how clean the doll Masha has become.
Doll Masha wants to tell me something (I bring it to my ear)
Our doll says thank you for learning a lot of new things and now she will always be clean.
Well, now guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.
Children sit on chairs.
Result: Guys, have we learned a lot of interesting things about soap? Soap dissolves in water, foams, and forms a lot of bubbles.
. (soap smells, foams, dissolves in water, has different shapes and colors)
Did you like it? (Children's answers). Now everyone will be friends with soap? Yes (soap removes dirt)
Can you wash your hands without soap? (No,)
And I would like to end our lesson with words from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”:
“Long live scented soap!
And the towel is fluffy"
Guys, the doll Masha wants to thank you and give you soap bubbles.
The children leave.