Plasticine flower: master classes for children and their parents. Entertaining lessons on modeling figures from plasticine

In this master class, I collected and showed several ways to make plasticine flowers, from the simplest, easiest to the most complex, requiring perseverance and patience.

Materials and tools for the master class "Modeling from plasticine with children: flowers"

Plasticine "Kohinoor", steak, knife, toothpick, plastic lid from a food container, syringe 10 ml.


Making a rose

Roll out a long sausage from plasticine, cut into equal pieces. Roll out the same balls from each piece. Flatten the ball on one side - you get a petal.

Lay out the flower: arrange the petals in a circle so that the next one steps on the edge of the previous one. I rolled out plasticine on paper, and molded it on a plastic lid from a food container. Plasticine adheres well to plastic. After class, the lid is easily washed with soda.

Lay out the petals in several (2-3) tiers.

Roll out a thin rope of orange plasticine, cut into equal pieces, roll them into balls - the stamens of a flower.

Place the stamens in the middle of the flower, lightly compact them with your finger.

Making a wild flower

Roll out the sausage (white for chamomile, blue for cornflower). Cut into equal pieces and roll them into balls. Flatten each ball on one side. Pinch the thin edge with your fingers, forming a petal bend.

Lay out the petals in a circle in the shape of a flower. Press the wide side of the petal against the plastic. In the middle place a ball of plasticine of a different color. Draw stamens with a toothpick.

Making a chrysanthemum

Roll out three balls so that their sizes are slightly different. Flatten with a knife to a thin cake. With a knife or steak, make a fringe along the edge.

Fluff the fringe with the tip of a knife, bend part of the petals up, part down. Connect the flower: put the smaller and the smallest on the larger circle. From a thin yellow tourniquet, cut the same columns - stamens.

Press all three circles with your finger, which will cause them to stick together and the fringe will rise even more. Place yellow stamens in the middle of the flower, slightly compact them.

Making feces

The simplest flower Roll out a ball from plasticine, flatten it into a cake, truncate one side of the petal with a steak, make it narrower. Roll out a green sausage - a trunk, a yellow sausage - a pestle. From a piece of green plate, make a cake - a leaf.

Wrap the edges of the petal around the pistil and stem. Attach the feces to the surface, pressing on the wide side and without disturbing the smooth curve of the petal. Press the stem and leaf. Use a toothpick to draw the veins on the leaf. You can also make kala as a separate flower. To do this, hide a toothpick in the leg for rigidity.

Final design of the application. Roll out long thin flagella from green plasticine, roll them up. Decorate the flowers with leaves, blades of grass, curls - everything that your imagination tells you.

Of course, I do not urge you to make the same panel with a preschool child) In terms of difficulty, this task is approximately for a 10 year old child. For classes with young children, they usually take one modeling technique and show it to the baby, repeating it many times. Therefore, I hope that the ideas presented in this master class will be enough for you for a long time.

How nice it is to receive flowers as a gift, and making them yourself is very interesting. Flowers are made from mastic, polymer clay and other materials. This tutorial will show you how to make beautiful plasticine flowers. Even this material, which at first glance is not suitable for creating delicate flowers, can turn into an unusual craft. Of course, the basis of the stem, as in any other case, must be made of a strong wire or wooden stick, otherwise the soft plasticine will not hold its shape.

What beautiful flowers can be made from plasticine, see our selection. These step-by-step descriptions of crafts will come in handy for working with children at home or in kindergarten. The flower sculpting technique can also come in handy when working with polymer clay or salt dough.


It will not be difficult to make a camomile from plasticine on your own. This flower has a simple structure and consists of white petals, a yellow center and a green stem with leaves. The step-by-step process of creating crafts is described in this article.

Prepare to create an elegant lily:

  • Plasticine (white, pink, berry, green, yellow and brown were used here);
  • stack;
  • A piece of hard wire;
  • Pieces of soft copper wire.

Master Class

The work will use several bars of plasticine. Green is an indispensable shade that is needed for sculpting the stem and leaves. But the bud itself can be different, because there are a lot of varieties of lilies in nature. There are white, yellow, red, lilac and many, many other varieties of plants of this variety. But for all, the color of the petals is uneven, interspersed with dark pigment. Here is a model of a lily with a white head, the additional color of the petals is pink and green. A strong wire will help to get a solid stem, and thin copper pieces will be needed to create stamens.

Knead the white plasticine in your hands, divide into portions. Crush each of them into a thin oval cake. In total, you need to prepare 5 or 6 such cakes for flower petals.

Tear off a drop of pink plasticine from the bar, warm it in your palms, then spread it with your finger on the central part of each petal. Do it casually so that the edges are blurry. At the base of the petal, smear some green plasticine in the same way.

Also take some mass of berry color (any shade similar to pink but darker will do). Apply soft plasticine dotted on the inner rough surface of the petals - these will be specks.

To make stamens, prepare a few fairly long pieces of thin wire. On one of them stick a yellow ball - a pestle, on all the others - gray oval heads.

Gather 5 or 6 prepared petals into a delicate lily head.

Turn the flower upside down and glue the green cup in the center (where all the parts meet).

Insert a rigid wire - a stem - into the cup, and attach a bunch of thin stamens inside.

Cover the stem with green plasticine, prepare 2-3 meager oblong leaves.

Glue the leaves to the stem.

Plasticine lily flower is ready.


Rose is the queen of flowers, and you can blind her simply and quickly. Modeling master class from Victoria Shchepeleva.

A plasticine rose can be both an independent creative object and an additional element in the overall composition.

Plasticine, as one of the most malleable materials for needlework, makes it possible to manufacture almost any craft. It can be:

  • figurines of representatives of flora and fauna, as well as the underwater world (flowers, corals, various animals, etc.);
  • products in the form of various equipment (cars, tanks, airplanes, and so on);
  • food (fruits and vegetables, sweets and sausages);
  • figurines of various cartoon and fairy-tale characters;
  • applications;
  • full-fledged compositions, for example, plots from cartoons.

However, like any other type of needlework, such modeling requires a gradual transition from less to more complex crafts, which makes it possible to more comfortably and quickly master the figurines and figurines necessary for making heavy ones. This is especially true for young children, in whom logic, abstract and spatial thinking are just beginning to form, and fine motor skills are also in development.

In addition, the quality of crafts made, their durability and the ability to maintain an aesthetically attractive original appearance largely depend on the quality of the material itself. The molding material must:

  • warm up well and quickly (but do not leak), maintaining its elasticity for a long time;
  • do not crack or shrink after drying;
  • do not leave greasy marks on the hands.

If the material is selected for modeling classes with children, then, among other things, its composition must include exclusively natural components, that is, it must not contain toxic substances that are especially harmful to a growing child's body.

In general, this mass, known to everyone since childhood, allows you to make a wide variety of crafts, some of which may well play the role of decorative elements of the interior of various premises of the dwelling. For example, an original rose can become such a craft, which will not be difficult to make not only for an adult, but also for a child of 4-6 years old who already has certain skills. So, let's figure out how to mold a plasticine rose, which can act as a spectacular decoration for any interior or an original gift to a loved one.

PHOTO step by step - How to make a rose from plasticine

To begin with, take red, pink, white or yellow colors and knead them well. We divide the mass into 10-12 parts, each of which is rolled into the shape of an irregular circle or oval. Then we twist one blank into a cone shape so that inside we get a spiral with one or two turns.

On each side of the cone, we attach the following blanks, slightly bending their upper part from the center of the future rosebud. We wrap the bud with new layers of all prepared blanks for the petals.

The bud is ready, which means you can start making the stem for the flower, which should be supplemented with two or three leaves in order to achieve maximum similarity with the natural prototype.

This will require a green mass, from which it is necessary to fashion a thin long leg and attach it to the bottom of the bud. To achieve the best fixation of the two parts of the flower, you can use a toothpick or a match, one end of which must be inserted into the upper part of the stem, and the other directly into the bud.

It remains to make only a few leaves of different sizes and thorns for a rose, for which we also use green. It remains only to attach the leaves and thorns to the stem, and the rose is ready.

Now you know how to make a rose from plasticine, and you can sculpt it yourself in just 20-30 minutes. By the way, after drying, it can be varnished, which will give the craft a more spectacular appearance, as well as contribute to its durability and protect it from fading colors due to exposure to sunlight and dust. Among other things, such a craft can become a rather original romantic gift for a loved one.

Stay tuned for site updates to learn how to make a flower from plasticine of other varieties.

VIDEO lesson - Rose from plasticine

How to make a plasticine rose updated: April 12, 2018 by: i7allia

Flowers are an integral part of any holiday for mothers and grandmothers. How about making bright plasticine flower arrangements as gifts? Or maybe it will be a hot plasticine island with luxurious palm trees and green cacti? I will be happy to help you bring your most daring ideas to life.

To make flower arrangements you will need:

  • plasticine,
  • stack,
  • plastic work surface.

We make flowers from plasticine

Who would not want to have a tiny plasticine miracle at home, for example... a graceful flower that would effectively harmonize with the shade of the wallpaper, or follow the contours of the carving on the furniture? Everyone can make an original decoration for a room. And plasticine flowers will certainly come in handy when preparing a product with your own hands for a school or kindergarten.

Charming roses

The queen of the kingdom of flowers - an elegant rose - can be molded in two ways: from flagella and droplets, as well as from plasticine balls. Let's consider both.

Method 1

From plasticine of your favorite color, make a drop and a flagellum.

Give the flagellum a flat shape, as it should, knead it with your hands, and stick it around a plasticine drop.

Make another flagellum and, flattening it, stick around the middle of the flower. The more flagella you make, the more magnificent the flower will be.

Congratulations! Rose is ready.

Method 2

Download small plasticine balls of approximately the same size.

Give the balls the shape of cakes and lay out in one row, as shown in the photo.

Roll flattened balls into a pretty rose.

This is what beauty should turn out in you:

Plasticine dandelion

A bright yellow dandelion is a ray of sunshine in your palm. Let's make a plasticine dandelion and invite spring to visit.

Make a long plasticine sausage.

Flatten and trim with a stack, trimming the bumps. Use scissors to make a fringe for the future flower.

Roll the flattened and fringed flagellum into a fluffy dandelion.

Hooray! A tiny plasticine sun is ready!

Flowering glade from plasticine

How about to make a rose, chamomile, chrysanthemum and calla plasticine and make an original picture for mom? If you like the idea, follow me!

From the opened plasticine balls, make rose.

The middle will consist of orange-colored stamens. Lightly press them against the flower to make them stick better. Rose is ready.

Let's move on to production chamomile.

Download sausage from white or yellow plasticine. Divide it into equal pieces and make balls out of them. Flatten each ball on one side and pinch the thin edge with your fingers. Like this:

Lay the petals in the shape of a flower on the surface of the future picture (for example, on the lid of a plastic tray), press the wide edges of the petals to the plastic. From orange plasticine, make a round center and use a toothpick to make stamens. Chamomile is ready.

We make chrysanthemums.

From plasticine of your favorite color, make three balls, different in size. Flatten them and make cuts with a stack.

Put the layers of chrysanthemum into each other, slightly pressing the middle of the flower. Spread the petals with a knife or a stack, bending some of them up. Inside the “mound” of yellow plasticine balls-stamens, press lightly.

And now let's do callu from plasticine.

Flatten a white or purple plasticine ball into a thick cake. With a stack, cut off a little plasticine from two edges, making one side of the pancake narrowed.

The small yellow flagellum will be the stamen, while the long and massive green flagellum will be the stem.

Wrap the calla petal around the stem and stamen. From the wide side press to the surface of the picture.

Decorate flowers with leaves, make stems. Roll up rolls from thin flagella, add plasticine herbs.

Congratulations, a flowering clay meadow is ready!

And if you prefer video tutorials, watch online how to make a flower from plasticine.

How to mold a cactus from plasticine

Handsome plasticine cactus is a stylish decoration for any desktop. Do you want to have a prickly plasticine miracle at home? There are many options for decorating cacti. Choose yours!

Plasticine and corrugated paper cactus

This cactus is made by trimming. Simply connect three plasticine blanks together and use a trimming stick to attach colorful pieces of corrugated paper.

Incredibly beautiful work!

Cactus from plasticine and vermicelli

To make this cactus, in addition to plasticine, you will need sparkles and vermicelli.

Add the glitter to the green plasticine and knead it well to distribute the glitter evenly. From two massive flattened balls of different sizes, mold a cactus pot.

Download three balls from green plasticine and flatten them, giving them the shape characteristic of a cactus. Connect together, attaching in turn to the plasticine pot. Make spines from vermicelli, or tiny needles from plasticine.

Complementing the composition, mold a snake from plasticine. How do you like this "Texas Ranger"?)

Beautiful plasticine cacti

A cactus looks cool, the needles of which are made by pulling plasticine with the sharp end of a pen, or with an ordinary stick.

And if a green handsome man also decorates with a flower, he will become a small find for all connoisseurs of beauty. See what different shapes your plasticine cactus can have and get ideas for creativity!

And finally (how did you guess?) video master class on modeling a cactus from plasticine.

How to mold a palm tree from plasticine

It is very easy to make a luxurious plasticine palm tree. Shall we try?

Download a lot of brown plasticine balls for the barrel.

Make palm branches.

Using toothpicks, connect all the details of the palm tree and place it on a sand island.

Plasticine palm is ready!

How to make a palm tree out of plasticine quickly and easily, a funny cartoon will tell. Enjoy watching!

Plasticine is considered an excellent material not only for the implementation of creative ideas, but also for the development of hand and finger motor skills, which will help children quickly master the technique of writing. But plasticine is molded not only by small children, but also by many adults. Softening the hands of a plastic mass made of powdered clay, wax, and petroleum jelly calms the nervous system, and the creative ideas embodied in the works will delight and cheer you up.

The child, working with plasticine, learns orientation in space and learns the shape and components of objects, acquires the necessary knowledge about the properties of the material, its features. For example, if you make modeling from plasticine "Flowers", then children will learn to distinguish them in appearance. And also remember the shape of the petals, parts of the plant, understand how many varieties of flowers there are on Earth.

In the article we will look at how to make a flower from plasticine with our own hands: both on cardboard and voluminous. After reading the detailed instructions, you can independently create a beautiful craft for an exhibition at school.

Bulk flower

For this work you will need plasticine of pink and white colors. First, the petals are molded. As with all modeling work, the material is first softened by kneading in the hand. Then you need to divide the plasticine into several parts, according to the number of future petals. Each piece is rolled into a round and smooth ball. Then with your hand we flatten it a little into a flat oval.

One side of the resulting workpiece is flattened in half by pressing the fingers on both sides. So work on all the elements. When the required number of petals is made, attach them to each other in the middle. In order not to see the joints between the parts, you also need to blind the middle of the flower. To do this, a ball is rolled out of white plasticine and flattened into a circle with your fingers. Attach it in the center of the craft. You can make dents-dots with the tip of a knitting needle or a pencil.

How to mold a flower from plasticine, you already know. Now let's dream up what kind of picture on cardboard can be made from such a few flowers. One option is to make a bouquet and put it in a vase. Another is to make grass out of green sticks and plant flowers vertically along the width of the sheet. There will be a simple lawn. From above we will add the sun with rays and a bee. You get a beautiful landscape.

Plasticine flowers on cardboard

This method of modeling is significantly different from the previous sample. Here, on cardboard, from thin sticks of plasticine, the contours of a flower are laid out, and then from plasticine of the required color, these voids are filled with small balls.

For petals, you can take several shades of the same color. In the work it is necessary to use balls only of the same size. Such a plasticine flower looks like a mosaic picture.

How to make a rose from plasticine?

The photo in the article shows that this process, in principle, is simple. Depending on the size of the flower, the required number of petals is also prepared. A large piece of plasticine is divided into several equal pieces. A ball is first rolled from each, then placed on a modeling board and flattened with your fingers, giving it the shape of a circle. When the blanks are ready, they are laid out along a horizontal line with an overlap, as in the photo below.

Then gently, holding the lower part of the flower with your fingers, twist the circles into a roll. The upper edges of each petal are bent slightly outwards. And the bottom part is fastened together and smoothed to a flat surface. Then the flower can be put on a stick and pasted over with green plasticine.

The leaves are cut out of green plasticine rolled out with a rolling pin using a stack. She also draws the veins of the leaf.

big poppy

To make such a large plasticine flower, we will use a plastic rolling pin, stacks and planks. The desired color is selected, for example, red, because the poppy is most often found in this color. A piece of plasticine rolls into an even ball and flattens slightly. The manufacturing option resembles rolling out dough for dumplings.

Using a plastic rolling pin, make a round thin sheet of plasticine. If you roll out the mass simply on a plank, then carefully removing it from the surface will be problematic. And if you lay a plastic bag or cling film, then the product will be removed much easier.

Then the petals are cut in a stack. In our case - 4 pieces. Each edge of the petal is crushed by waves, and the petals themselves are overlapped. In the middle, a large ball is attached and many small ones around it. The middle of the poppy in nature has a black color, so we will also use plasticine of this color.


To create such flowers from plasticine, you need to be able to master this material well. Of course, only an adult who is not devoid of the necessary skills and artistic taste can complete this complex craft.

But if you carefully consider a photograph with plasticine flowers, then you can, without fear of difficulties, still try to cope with the task. The centers of the flowers are simple brown circles, on which dents are made with a stack. Petals are elongated with stripes drawn along the leaf. The whole originality of the craft lies not in the manufacture of parts that everyone can handle, but in their correct placement, because only due to this the picture seems voluminous.


As you saw from the text of the article, it is not difficult to make plasticine flowers, most importantly, read the tips and detailed instructions when making them. And fantasy and the presence of a creative idea will help to create your masterpiece.