Do-it-yourself flowers from tree leaves: instructions. Unique autumn leaf topiary: gold decor for the interior

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Autumn is a great time, because there are so many beautiful colorful foliage, chestnuts and acorns around, which means it's time to make your own autumn Topiary from natural material. Everything you need for work is easy to find in the yard or park. Such a craft will decorate any home and bring an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, because a decorative flower or tree is made from what nature itself gave. Consider some of the most interesting master classes with step-by-step instructions and recommendations for beginners and experienced craftsmen.

Decorative trees with bright autumn leaves, cones, dried flowers and acorns fascinate with their beauty

Topiary - what is it

This is the name of a small original craft in the form of a tree or flower in. Many consider Topiary to be the "Tree of Happiness", they believe that it will certainly bring prosperity and prosperity to the house. Some use this product as a good luck charm, while others simply give their friends such handmade gifts made with love and warmth.

In Russia, the fashion for plant architecture came only in the 18th century from Europe (Ancient Rome) and for a long time was entrenched in the design of the crown of garden and shrubs. The first Topiaries were beautiful, decorated using the curly haircut technique in the form of animals, birds and human silhouettes. With their help, so-called labyrinths were created and the perimeter was framed with green patterns and ornaments.

Then the florists got carried away with the style, and the updated Topiary returned to us already in the 20th century as an unusual craft - a small decorative tree in a flower pot.


  1. Coffee - from grains, cinnamon, beads and orange slices;
  2. Tape - from satin stripes, leaves and dry inflorescences;
  3. Paper - from corrugation and sweets;
  4. Money Tree - from decorative banknotes.

Original crafts are made from dough, salt, cotton wool, woolen threads, Christmas toys and other improvised means - it all depends on your imagination.

Usually the design of a homemade Topiary consists of several parts:

  • flower pot - the basis and foundation of the product. You can make it yourself from plastic, cardboard, baskets or paper, or you can buy a ready-made version;
  • trunk - a wooden branch, a knitting needle, a pencil, a brush, a long plastic or wooden toothpick, etc.;
  • crown base - almost everything is suitable here: from mounting foam to a cardboard ball;
  • the magic crown is the main part of the Topiary. Materials for it are collected in advance, based on the subject;
  • decor - the final finishing touches for decoration.

From what natural materials can such an autumn composition be assembled:

  • dry leaves and flowers;
  • branches and straw;
  • walnut shells;
  • acorns;
  • chestnuts;
  • dried berries and citrus fruits;
  • coffee beans;
  • cinnamon sticks;
  • star anise;
  • carnation, etc.

Such a decorative flower can stand on the windowsill for a long time and delight the eyes of the household. It does not need to be looked after and watered, and it will not be difficult to make such a miracle - it will take a little effort, patience and creativity.

autumn tree

Such an amazing homemade product can be used to participate in a school fair or exhibition, as well as to decorate a home interior.

To collect the autumn symbol, we need:

  • long wooden sticks for sushi;
  • small clay flower pot;
  • gypsum composition;
  • plastic container;
  • glue gun;
  • adhesive tape;
  • sisal fiber;
  • foam ball;
  • natural materials;
  • you can additionally buy artificial berries and mushrooms.

First, the base ball is well wrapped with sisal, sushi sticks are inserted into it, which are tightly glued with electrical tape, as in the photo.

Then, with the help of a glue gun, the decor is fixed on the ball, additional figures can be twisted from sisal for decoration. After that, you should begin to dilute the gypsum solution, which is poured into the bottom of the pot. The workpiece is inserted inside and left for several hours so that the gyp is frozen. The gypsum bottom can be hidden with sisal, cones, berries and acorns. Autumn tree is ready!

Gifts of Autumn

Another similar master class on creating a Topiary from sisal, masking tape, newspaper sheets, lace stripes, alabaster, a ceramic pot, corilus branches, natural materials and decorative fruits.

A small ball is made from a sheet of newspaper; to maintain its shape, the ball is wrapped with tape. Corilus is inserted inside the ball (3 cm) into a pre-made hole. The branch is fixed with a glue gun.

The ball is decorated with cones (they must be well dried, otherwise they simply won’t stick), neatly glued at an equal distance from each other. They are followed by maple leaves and sisal fibers rolled into bundles, as in the photo.

Sisal elements are also fixed on the base ball, after which small loops are made from cotton lace pieces, the edges are fastened with glue. The final touch will be the decoration of the crown of the tree with decorative elements and the shrinkage of the structure in a mini planter. The gypsum mortar prepared in advance is added to the pot, where the finished tree is inserted. To make the craft even, when the composition solidifies, the barrel can be fixed with something heavy, for example, a bottle of water.

You can hide the plaster inside the pot with sisal spirals wrapped around a branch and glued to a glue gun. At the end, an artificial pumpkin, an acorn, a few berries and autumn leaves are placed below!

autumn exotic

This is an unusual craft made from jute rope, an apple branch, a basket, foam plastic, skewers, reeds, berries, dried flowers, cones and acorns, as well as dried maple and oak leaves, as in the photo.

Styrofoam is used for the crown, which is then covered with natural decor and mesh. The branch-trunk is wrapped with twine.

On the second ball, you can stick ranetki apples, and make a ladder out of wooden skewers glued together.

The lower part of the branch is inserted into the foam and glued inside the basket. All seams are covered with embellishments, jute and mesh.

The “New Year's” Topiary can be shaped like a Christmas tree, and the product itself can be assembled from a wreath, Christmas toys, cotton wool, sequins, tinsel, cones, coffee beans, spruce branches or twine, as in the photo example below.

Autumn Topiary, made by hand from natural material, will be a wonderful interior decoration. You can put it on the windowsill in the bedroom, make several identical crafts for the loggia or garden. Below in the video master class you can see the creation of a product on the theme of autumn with step-by-step instructions using blanks and decorative fruits.

Autumn Topiary may well be made from dry leaves, chestnuts, acorns and more. The most important thing is to show imagination, which will allow you to create original and very beautiful fakes. A topiary made with soul will definitely decorate any space and will be a wonderful gift for a loved one.

It makes no sense to limit the imagination, trying to repeat the finished work on the chosen topic. Two identical compositions on the same topic will still not be found! After all, each performer sees them in a completely different way.

Every person can easily make a lovely topiary for himself, even if until recently he did not show any interest in fakes. A master class can easily help with this, clearly, structured and step by step presenting all the material.

And first of all, you need to arm yourself with materials:

  • Leaves, acorns, chestnuts (everything you want to create from).
  • Fabric for decor.
  • Unnecessary newspapers.
  • Wooden ice cream sticks.
  • White paper napkins.
  • Leg-split.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Small cardboard box.
  • PVA glue, "Moment".
  • Gypsum.

What does the process of creating a topiary look like?

At the heart of any topiary is a round ball, which can easily be made from newspapers. It is enough just to crush them, giving the desired shape. In order for the ball not to fall apart, it must be tightly rewound with threads.
Next, you need to stick napkins on the ball and wait until the workpiece is completely dry. There is no need to rush into this matter! Therefore, at least several hours should elapse from the moment the adhesive is applied to the following steps.

Now the future tree needs to grow a trunk, which will be a wooden stick. It must be inserted into the ball, and then wrapped with twine in order to make the design look more aesthetic. In this case, it is desirable to glue the end of the twine with Moment glue. In fact, the tree, although not yet ennobled, is ready.

The next step is to create a "vase" for the tree. For these purposes, a candy box prepared in advance is perfect, but just painting it in the color you like will be very boring! Wooden ice cream sticks prepared in advance can definitely give it some charm. They need to be carefully glued around the perimeter, creating the illusion of a wooden fence. Gold paint can be used for its decor, but this decision is at the discretion of the performer. In any case, it will look very stylish and modern.

In order for the tree to hold securely in its flower garden, it will have to be strengthened first. Suitable for this is any small vessel that matches the height of the vase. The tree must be installed in the selected dishes exactly in the center and poured with plaster. For about a day, the structure will dry, and after work it can be resumed again.

Now the fortified tree can be put in a vase, and the remaining space can be filled with foam and decorate the fabric. The work can be considered half done, but only the most important process remains - to decorate the "crown" with flowers, leaves and other attributes of autumn that you like. As a "highlight" can be small birds and butterflies, which can also be planted on a tree.
Having completed such a task, you can get an exquisite souvenir that will remind you of such a pleasant and memorable time of the year - autumn for a long time to come.

Do-it-yourself autumn topiary: nuances

On average, autumn topiary can be completed in a couple of days. And this is taking into account the fact that the material will take time to dry.

However, in order not to be distracted by the search for materials in the process of work, you need to prepare for work in advance. Remarkably, crafts can be performed absolutely at any time of the year! It is only important to stock up on "autumn" attributes in time.

The initial task is to decide what exactly you want to see in the end, preferably even make a sketch. Of course, some elements may change slightly in the process of work, but the overall picture will be unshakable!

After that, you need to think about what exactly you might need in the process of work. If the instruction is taken as the basis for the work, it will be much easier to navigate.

In any case, attention should be paid to:

  • Materials.
  • Tools.
  • Decor elements.

Having started the creative process, being distracted by all these nuances will be quite inconvenient. Much better to have everything at hand. In the event that the topiary is to be taken to a kindergarten or any other institution, you need to start work in advance, about a couple of weeks before the delivery of the finished work. It is likely that the initial result will be unconvincing, so it will have to be redone. This, although rare, does happen.

In addition, to make your work more exotic, starting from the summer period, you can collect a bouquet of your favorite flowers, turn it into a herbarium, and then add it to the composition. There are more than enough options for creativity! It is important to find one among them.

Autumn tree topiary: installation options

Having done it with their own hands or received a topiary as a gift, many people are wondering: where would it be better to put it? It should immediately be noted: there are no restrictions on this matter! The product perfectly complements any interior. But in order for the topiary to please the eye for a long time, you still have to choose the “right” place for it.

In the event that the kitchen is chosen as the habitat, care must be taken that the craft made from natural materials does not come into contact with greasy or hot surfaces. Under their influence, it will very quickly lose its original appearance, and the owner will be forced to send the once beloved piece of furniture to the trash.
In other rooms, this autumn garden will also take root, but it is best that direct sunlight does not fall on it. Under their influence, even if gradually, the product will lose its appearance and, again, will become unusable.

It is best to put the topiary under glass, where it will be reliably protected from dust, pets and external negative factors.

Fake does not need so much, just enough:

  • Competent approach to placement.
  • Careful handling.
  • Timely care.

With this approach, the product will be able to stand for a very long time and with all its appearance to please the owner at any time of the year. And he looks in any case more exotic than any picture!

Topiary "Gifts of Autumn": how to care

Having presented the gifts of autumn to yourself or your loved ones, it is important to understand that the product will need, albeit the simplest, but, nevertheless, care. From time to time, dust can accumulate on the surfaces of the material, which you still have to remove.

You can do this in several ways at once:

  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Hairdryer with cold air function.
  • Rag.

The first option is the most preferable, however, cleaning must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage fragile elements with your own hands. Perfectly deletes pollution and the hair dryer included in the cold blowing mode. However, it can only remove external contaminants.

How to create an autumn topiary (video)

The classic cleaning option is to use a barely damp cloth, which needs to be walked over the entire product. Accuracy in this matter is in the first place! Then it will be possible to regularly clean the topiary without much harm to it.

DIY autumn topiary (photo)

Autumn is a great time! You always want to take with you in the long winter a piece of autumn with its sunny colors in order to carry the atmosphere of warmth and creativity through the cold. The warming rays of the sun pass through the crowns of trees, the leaves of various warm shades rustle underfoot, in some places, fruits ripen on the branches ... All this gives inspiration to do something with your own hands from natural materials. A great option is a maple leaf topiary.

Leaf Topiary

Topiary is an ornamental tree with a crown in the shape of a ball. It will be a wonderful interior decoration, a gift or a September fake to school.

Topiary consists of three parts:

  1. The base or form in which the tree will "grow", we will use a regular flower pot.
  2. The trunk, for it we will select a tree branch of a suitable thickness and decorate it with a jute rope.
  3. Crown, decorate it with roses made from maple leaves.

The future topiary is based on natural materials. Each element is decorated in a certain way, so that in the end a harmonious composition is obtained. Depending on the material available, various decorative elements are added to the topiary, giving zest to the composition.

How to make a maple leaf topiary

In order to make a do-it-yourself maple leaf topiary, we need:

for the topiary:

  • maple leaves of different colors,
  • jute rope,
  • flower pot;

for decor:

  • cones,
  • dried flowers,
  • cereals,
  • pine bark,
  • mosses or lichens id.;


  • scissors,
  • thin threads,
  • hot glue or any quick dry glue
  • perhaps a solution of alabaster, polystyrene or plasticine to secure the trunk in a pot.

I covered some parts with gold paint.

How to make a maple leaf topiary: step by step instructions

Let's start the step-by-step production of maple roses. Then we will form a topiary crown in the shape of a ball from roses.

How to make roses from maple leaves for topiary:

1. Fold the maple leaf in half, twist it into a voluminous tube and fix the shape with a thread. The middle is ready.

2. We bend the next sheet in half and wind it around the middle. Try to make voluminous flowers, do not wind the leaves too tightly, and tie each leaf with a thread so that in the end the flower is strong.

3. We continue to work until the desired volume of the flower is reached. In total, about 17 roses will be needed for the topiary.

How to make a maple leaf topiary crown

4. The next step is to prepare the crown. It is necessary to collect a bouquet of roses in the shape of a semicircle, tightly tie the flowers with a thread and cut off excess leaf petioles. Gradually add more flowers for splendor, sticking them on hot glue, forming a ball. All excess petioles must be removed.

How to make a maple leaf topiary stem:

5. A thin tree branch, decorated with a jute rope, was chosen for the trunk. Fix the trunk well with plasticine in a flower pot. You can fix it in another way, for example, by sticking it into a piece of foam. Next, install a flower ball on the trunk, gluing it to the glue.

How to decorate maple leaf topiary:

6. For decor, take sphagnum moss. Place it tightly in a flower pot, covering plasticine or other imperfections. Other decorative elements can be placed on the moss: cones, nuts. In this composition, glass beads are selected.

Do not forget to decorate the crown by adding, for example, dried flowers to it. The trunk can be supplemented by wrapping it with a liana or gluing an elegant spikelet to it.

By connecting more imagination and spending more time, you can improve the presented technology. As the materials dry, the topiary will acquire new noble shades of yellow and brown.

By adding various original hand-made compositions to the interior, we create a unique atmosphere of home comfort and warmth.

Victoria Ukhareva, landscape designer

For more information on how to make home decor from natural materials, read the master classes:

Autumn strikes the imagination with the richness and brightness of colors. This time of year is a favorite among artists and photographers. Topiary from autumn leaves will allow you to keep unearthly beauty at home and admire it on long winter evenings. An autumn souvenir will remind you of the warm rays of the sun peeping through the golden-purple foliage, the rustling of leaves and generous harvests. Topiary is a decoration in the shape of a tree. The brightness and originality of crafts is achieved not so much through the form, but through the use of unusual materials, a combination of tones and shades. The classic topiary consists of a ball - a base, a crown, a trunk and a stand, as well as various decorative elements.

Material for autumn topiary

During a walk in the autumn park or forest in sunny, dry weather, you need to collect as many beautiful leaves as possible. In autumn, maple leaves are covered with bizarre patterns of yellow, orange, red, crimson and green. You can choose foliage in one color or different shades. It is better to bring home different beautiful leaves, and already at home choose from them suitable for the topiary. Collecting material in wet weather is not recommended.

You should pay attention to other gifts of autumn - flowers, fruits, seeds, twigs. The crafts will be decorated with rowan berries, needles, rose hips with berries, acorns, nuts, cones and autumn flowers. Of the autumn flowers, the most suitable will be those that, when dried, do not lose their visual appeal. Immortelle retains not only the shape of the petals, but also the color. You should also look at the beautifully curved sticks for the barrel of the product. Any natural material can be useful.

How to make a do-it-yourself topiary from leaves? From large maple leaves of various shades, you can create buds of elegant roses and form a crown from them. This topiary looks very unusual. It can be given as a bouquet. To create a beautiful thing, view the master class with a description of all the steps step by step.

Step by step assembly

Preparing foliage for crafts:

  1. It is necessary to select maple leaves of approximately the same size and desired color.
  2. In order for the leaves to bend easily and not crumble, they should be treated with a special solution. It is prepared from 200 g of glycerin and 400 g of water.
  3. Leaves are carefully placed in a dense plastic bag. They should be spacious in the bag so that each leaf is completely saturated with the solution. After the material is filled with a solution, the bag must be hermetically sealed. It can be soldered with an iron or sealed with tape.
  4. After a few hours, the material is taken out of the bag and laid out on a cloth to dry. A master class will help you easily make delicate rose buds from leaves.

Steps to create a rose from leaves:

  1. The prepared sheet must be folded in half with the right side out. The top must be connected to the petiole.
  2. Starting from the lateral tip, the leaf is wrapped across the width into a tight roll.
  3. The roll is wrapped in a second sheet, folded in the same way. In this case, the petioles of both leaves should be at the bottom. The second leaf imitates a pink petal. The fold line represents the outer edge of the petal. In order for the petal to be voluminous, it does not need to be pressed strongly against the bud.
  4. Continuing to wrap the bud in new leaves folded in half, gradually form a flower. If, when laying the petals, they are shifted down, the rose will look opened. When laying the upper petals, their outer edge (the fold line) should be slightly turned away, imitating the wrapped petals of opened roses.
  5. The petals are fastened with a thread near the petioles. Since it is difficult to guess the exact number of colors in advance, they need to be done with a margin.
  6. The resulting flowers can be additionally coated with vegetable oil. It will make the rose petals sparkle. Thanks to the oil treatment, the leaves will not crumble and will not lose their shape for a long time.
  7. At this stage, you can paint the rosebuds in the desired color or leave them in their natural color. Painted flowers should dry well. A step-by-step master class will help you form a craft.

How to assemble an ornamental tree:

  1. First you need to make a base ball. It can be made from newspapers, stacking them one on top of the other like a snowball.
  2. When the ball reaches the desired size, it is fixed with threads, winding them like a ball.
  3. The ball is covered with a thin layer of PVA glue. Paper napkins torn into pieces are placed on top of the glue. It is advisable to stick several layers of napkins and leave the base to dry overnight. Such a measure will help to give the ball a shape close to geometrically correct.
  4. The trunk can be crafted from a branch found in the forest, wire, several tied Chinese sticks, or other material at hand. It can be varnished, painted, wrapped with decorative thread, twine or pasted over with colored paper.
  5. To connect the base ball and the barrel, a cruciform cut must be made in the ball. The tip of the barrel with glue applied to it is inserted into the hole and pressed against the ball.
  6. When the trunk is fixed in the base, you can form a crown of roses. For each rose in the ball, a hole corresponding in size is made. You need to drop a little glue into it and place the bud. Flowers should be placed tightly on the ball so that the base is not visible between them.
  7. A topiary stand can be any container - a children's bucket, a mug, a saucepan without handles or a flower pot. You need to pour gypsum into the container and install the barrel in it when the gypsum begins to dry out.
  8. Glue is applied over the dried gypsum, on which decorative elements are laid - acorns, cones, nuts. Dried flowers and maple leaves can decorate the walls of the container from the outside.
  9. Twigs with rose hips and dry flowers can be placed between the buds. They are also fixed with glue.

How to make roses from autumn leaves (video)

Making a crown from autumn leaves

A master class on making an autumn topiary from autumn leaves includes the steps to create a base ball, a trunk and a stand.

The leaves are treated with a glycerin solution in the same way as in the manufacture of buds. But the decoration of the crown with them occurs in a different way.

Small holes are made in the ball. For these purposes, you can use a nail or the tip of scissors. It is necessary to drop a little glue into the hole and immerse the petiole of the leaf into it. To make the crown look lush, the holes must be made close to one another. Between the leaves, you can fix bunches of berries of chokeberry or red mountain ash, dry flowers, twigs of needles or rose hips.

A curved twig will look organic as a trunk. It can be wrapped with twine. By winding the thread around the trunk, you can tie several leaves to it by the petioles.

A layer of golden leaves can be glued on top of the plaster. A rowan branch, nuts, cones or acorns will look beautiful on them. You can fix an artificial apple or mushroom carved from chestnut on a crown or stand. The cap of the mushroom will be part of the brown surface of the chestnut, and the stem is cut from its core.

With a little imagination, you can create amazingly beautiful floral topiaries.

DIY autumn crafts (video)

Topiary is a kind of eco-decor that can serve as an excellent element of your interior, as well as an original gift for relatives and friends. This craft can be done at any time of the year using various materials. For people who love needlework, this word is no longer new. Your attention is presented to the master class "Topiary from autumn leaves".

We all know that autumn is very rich in natural materials, and especially in a variety of leaves. But before you start making the “Tree of Happiness” from dry tree leaves, you need to dry the leaves. There are several ways to dry the leaves: put them in a book or magazine, the second way is to put the sheet on an ironing board, cover it with a sheet of white paper and iron it a little.

This method will dry the leaves much faster than the first, but if you think it over in advance, there will be no problems with this.

Topiaries can be from maple leaves and even combined - from leaves and cones, acorns.

tree of happiness

Your attention is presented to the master class "Topiary from autumn leaves". In it, you will learn how to make such a miracle for decoration with your own hands.

Before starting work, need to look at materials, which we will use in today's master class:

  • scissors;
  • newspapers, napkins or plain paper;
  • glue (super glue, glue gun);
  • wooden stick or pencil (it all depends on the size of your tree);
  • a container for wood (a cup of yogurt, a pot, the bottom of a plastic bottle);
  • tape wide;
  • dry tree leaves (maple leaves make a good craft);
  • gypsum;
  • satin ribbons, beads, pebbles.

When you stock up on everything you need, you can start working.

Prepare the pot for use. After you choose the desired container (it can be a yogurt cup, a pot, the bottom of a plastic bottle), you have the right to decorate it. You can use paint, nail polish to paint the pot, or use ribbons and pebbles to glue the outer surface (you can choose colors, sizes, shapes of materials yourself).

When the appearance of our pot is much more attractive than before, you can move on.

Let's prepare the base. As for the base that will hold the tree trunk, here you can choose any mounting mixture (cement-sand mortar, putty, gypsum or alabaster) or the same floral foam / polystyrene.

If you like the first option more, then we recommend using alabaster. It is available, it can be bought at any building materials store, it is easily divorced and does not crack.

Instructions for using alabaster:

To fill 1 container with alabaster, you will need about 300-400 g of the mixture and about 1.5 cups of water. Stir the solution for several minutes. As soon as the mixture thickens to the consistency of thick sour cream, pour it into a container, then install the barrel and hold it in a level position for 2-3 minutes. Leave the mixture to dry for 12-24 hours.

If you use gypsum, then its consistency should resemble thick sour cream, and the drying time of such material is 30-35 minutes.

Next, you need to prepare the very crown of the tree. You can use plain paper, newspaper and even napkins. It is necessary to crumple the paper so that a smooth ball is obtained, and so that it does not unfold, we will fix it tightly with a wide adhesive tape. When the crown is ready, it is necessary to make a small hole for the future trunk of our tree.

We prepare dry leaves for decoration. In order to qualitatively fix the leaves on the crown of the tree, we will use a glue gun (working with it requires utmost care).

Leaves can be arranged on top of each other, make all kinds of compositions that your imagination and soul desire. Here are photos that you can use in the manufacture of wood. You can also add touches such as beads and pebbles.

The final stage is the manufacture of the trunk of our tree. Any wood stick can be used as a trunk: a strong branch (previously dried), a simple pencil, a knitting needle, sushi sticks or a wooden stick (the height of the trunk may be different, depending on the height of the pot, the diameter of the ball and your wishes about the height of the product). If you do not like the original appearance of the trunk, then you can wrap it with ribbons, plaits, or simply paint it with paint (nail polish).