Let's meet! A smart offer to win a girl. The most beautiful and original phrases to correctly invite a girl to meet

Most guys, having an object of sympathy and even falling in love, for a long time cannot decide on a more serious stage in the relationship. Most often, they are hindered by banal ignorance of how to invite a girl to meet and fears of being refused. But psychologists and pickup masters offer win-win ideas and ways to propose to a girl to be officially a couple.

Only by risking you can get something, this is not in vain said by a well-known saying. Experts insist that any girl dreams of a determined and purposeful guy, while many guys lack ingenuity, a little arrogance and assertiveness. The proposal to meet the girl will be approved if it goes in an original and beautiful way, as girls love with their ears.

A phrase such as “dating a girl” actually means having a serious and official relationship that requires both partners to behave and be responsible. If we are talking about teenagers, relationships involve spending time together, walking and dating. The intimate component of relationships is observed in older couples.

Guys need to understand that dating a girl doesn’t just mean spending time with her, enjoying tactile contact, kisses and caresses. The object of adoration will expect certain obligations from him, namely:

  • protection of the girl in any situation;
  • support and support in any disputable situations and conflicts with other people;
  • protection for the honor and dignity of the girl, if someone offends her.

Usually, a girl in a relationship must be taken home, met from school or training, depending on her schedule and hobbies. The guy is obliged to look after her, to be gallant towards her, to indulge in small surprises, to say compliments, all this only warms up the feelings.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

Every girl loves attention in relation to herself, and most importantly, she loves with her ears. Therefore, in addition to good deeds in her direction, it is important for a man to take care, wishing good morning and good night by phone or correspondence on the Internet, mark her external data, and maintain close contact with her.

How to prepare for an offer

Any phrases and options on how to propose to meet can turn out to be a failure if you do not prepare in advance for such an important step.

Preparation usually consists of several points:

  • The guy should think carefully about whether he made the right decision so that she does not refuse in the end. Only if the sympathy is mutual, and this girl is really important to the guy, can such a responsible step be taken.
  • You can test the waters by asking her casually how she was previously offered to meet fans from the past. Perhaps some options will need to be immediately dismissed so as not to be repeated. When talking, you can understand what actions she would consider beautiful and original.
  • To protect yourself from a rash act and a girl’s refusal, you can covertly ask how a girl treats a potential boyfriend. If she ignores this question, most likely, she is not yet sure of her feelings, and it is better to postpone the proposal.
  • In order for the proposal to be beautiful and original, a man needs to draw up an action plan. You need to think over the situation, time, topics for a casual conversation and the moment when the proposal will be made. Beautiful words must also be chosen in advance in order to speak boldly and confidently.
  • You need to implement the plan as soon as possible, otherwise delaying the proposal will lead to doubts, worries and self-doubt.

How to dress?

Girls always pay attention to the appearance of a guy. Therefore, at a meeting at which an offer will occur, the guy needs to be neat, stylish, well-groomed. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it so as not to look like a groom at your own wedding.

What should I say?

You can say beautiful words throughout the meeting, noting her beautiful outfit and visual appeal. Then you can bring the conversation to the proposal with the words of confessions about your feelings and the seriousness of your intentions towards her. Girls love with their ears, so you can make promises that a man can fulfill. At the end of this, you can already say the final phrase - “Let's meet” or “Will you be my girlfriend?”.

How to say?

The girl's answer depends not only on her feelings and desires, but also on what the man will say and in what way. Speech should be calm and measured without unnecessary emotions, stammering and excitement. The main thing is to be sincere, have the courage and say everything that a man feels for a girl.

How to propose a girl to meet?

The response of the object of sympathy depends on what words a man chooses, in what circumstances he makes an offer, and also what recognition will accompany this. Psychologists offer several effective scenarios on how to invite your beloved to meet so that she agrees 100 percent. It remains only to choose the best option according to the preferences of partners.

By correspondence

The easiest way to make an offer in a beautiful and original way with strong excitement is with the help of the Internet. Most people today have pages on social networks, for example, in VK or classmates. More often than not, teenagers prefer to conduct correspondence on the Internet, so this proposal option is more suitable for this age group.

Do you think it's right to propose to a pen girlfriend?


Also, guys who lack self-confidence and courage can also resort to Internet correspondence. Not knowing how to write, you can send a collage of joint photographs, music that is associated with them and their dates, poetry, and at the end offer to be a couple.

Romance is always in fashion

Almost all girls are romantic and sentimental by nature. Therefore, you can think of an unusual and touching way to propose, which you can then tell your grandchildren about.

The most romantic options are as follows:

  • a proposal in verse of his own composition, which will definitely conquer any girl;
  • the inscription of a beautiful phrase on the pavement;
  • a serenade under a window or a sentence spoken through a loudspeaker;
  • a gift of a plush toy that says a sentence phrase;
  • a romantic trip and a declaration of love on the beach and sunset;
  • dinner in a candlelit restaurant.

Important! Before resorting to such advice, a man needs to make sure that his chosen one has a positive attitude towards romance. Some girls are down-to-earth by nature and appreciate a secluded, candid setting without white horses and chivalrous deeds.

Original ways to confess feelings

It is unusual to propose to men with creative thinking, as well as if their girls love surprises and surprises. There are several ways to make an original proposal to meet:

  1. DIY craft- creating a diary in which the best character traits and appearance of the girl will be recorded, joint photos, memorable events, and at the end a sentence will be written.
  2. Flash mob- for such a proposal, you need to gather a large number of people who will help in the implementation of the plan. For example, a girl looks out the window, and there a crowd of people shouts “Be his girlfriend” or releases balloons into the sky.
  3. Quest- you can make an offer in a beautiful and original way by arranging a game. You can make a map by which the girl will find clues, and at the finish line there will be a bouquet of roses and a postcard with an offer.

If a girl loves extreme sports, you can jump from a parachute together, fly in a helicopter or a hot air balloon. Mixed with thrills, the proposal to be a couple will be remembered for almost a lifetime. You can arrange a date depending on the interests and hobbies of the girl, for example, when riding horses, in the gym, swimming pool, organizing a dance battle or at a concert of your favorite band.

By phone

If a man does not have the opportunity to meet a girl due to employment or the distance between them, you can make an offer by phone. Psychologists call several important rules of this option:

  • a clear and frank conversation on the phone, but with notes of tenderness and affection;
  • pause during the conversation to assess her reaction;
  • you can’t interrupt so as not to knock the girl out of her thoughts;
  • you can send an SMS to a girl with an intriguing text and confessions of feelings.

According to experts, this is the least effective way of recognition, since a man will not be able to see the girl’s sincere reaction to the proposal, and the entire emotional message will not be fully conveyed.


If a girl loves literature and poetry, a man needs to make every effort to write a work with his own hand. In it, you must definitely show all the intentions and feelings for the girl, and at the end make an offer to become a couple. Even if the verse is not perfectly coordinated, for sure, the girl will appreciate the efforts and the semantic message that is invested in it.

What should not be done?

Regardless of feelings and desires, the guy needs to think in advance and prepare for two scenarios for the development of events - the girl's consent or refusal. Whatever the outcome, you need to behave competently and with dignity, not to succumb to emotions and feelings. Girls value endurance, balance and moral maturity in men even in the most unforeseen circumstances. No need to be persistent and importunate, and the offer can be postponed to a later date.


The proposed examples of how to make an offer to meet a girl will help many men avoid mistakes and banality, as well as achieve favor with the chosen one. You just need to remember that all the fair sex love with their ears, appreciate deeds, but do not tolerate banality and importunity. Before taking a responsible step, you need to assess the degree of seriousness of the relationship and feelings between partners.

Why do the most desperate guys suddenly start to give in before asking the girl they like to meet? There are two reasons for this:

    a person experiences timidity not at all in front of a weaker, from a physical point of view, creation, but in front of his own feelings, that is, incipient love; a man is a conqueror by his nature, therefore it is psychologically difficult for him to be suddenly rejected.
It is worth adding to this that love between people arises in order to subsequently form a family. Moreover, this feeling gives us some “trial balloons” in the form of teenage love, which rarely results in a lasting attachment and leads to family relationships. First love often falls on us as a test of feelings, does not come true, leaving wounds in the soul. But that's no reason not to try. Maybe you are the chosen one of fate who will have to enter into a marriage alliance with his first love. It would be foolish to turn away this chance. In addition, nothing in this life is in vain, and if you feel the need to date this particular girl, then it’s still worth trying. Of course, this does not apply to situations where you can’t wait to start a relationship simply because your friends are already they meet with someone, but you still don’t have a couple even on the horizon. Starting a relationship just to show that you are no worse than the rest is simply a deceit and dishonesty in relation to the girl you are fooling.

How to start dating a girl

Another thing is if you really like the girl. Let her be modest and nondescript, let her not be a source of pride for you, but she will become the only desired person with whom you would like to be alone. You need to listen not to public opinion that “it would be nice to tie this cutie up,” but to your heart. Understand your feelings and make a firm decision Before you decide to make an offer to meet, understand for yourself why you need it:
    to be no worse than friends; to look brave next to a beauty; to be closer to someone you have been interested in for a long time.
Only the last answer will be correct. If the girl herself is dear to you, and not the fact of having a creature of the weaker sex nearby, then this will be the true reason for which you can decide on recognition. Plan your offer Guys play out in their minds a thousand times how they will make this proposal, and you should not be an exception either. In this case, you need to rely on the fact that you can get a refusal. Of course, youthful maximalism and male pride can do their job, and such a refusal may seem tantamount to a final break. But how much can be lost from this! After all, a girl can then change her mind. In addition, at the moment she could just be shy, or maybe you just didn’t have time to charm her with anything. While you're both young, you have about a thousand or more chances to try and fix things. Only each time you need to go from the other side. And there are many of these sides. Not just black and white. The world is colorful, and there are many shades in it. Try, try, and you will always find the color she loves. And she will fly to him, like a bee to a flower, in which there is more honey nectar. These arguments mean that in addition to the only plan "A", there must be a plan "B", and so on. We were endowed with a fairly long alphabet and an almost endless number of numbers. So there must be many plans, and they must be worthy, that is, none of them should contain a hint of revenge for another refusal. Accept any of her answers with dignity You can only take revenge for a public refusal, when you were humiliated in front of your friends, and what is even more offensive - in front of your enemies. But this "little revenge" is planned only if you do not want to be associated with this person anymore. And if you have a new passion on the horizon, then in no case do not involve it in this revenge plan. This is unworthy and can lead to a break in new relationships. If the girl refused delicately, then in fact there is nothing for her to take revenge on. It is a simple right to love someone else or take time out to sort out your own feelings. swear with satisfaction. Such ardor can simply repel or frighten your chosen one. Yes, it was a crazy success for you, and it's great! But to expose yourself as the most crazy, and even a maniac, is not worth it. If you yourself are afraid of your own feelings, then you can use the old method: “paper will endure everything.” Our distant ancestors used letters if they were afraid to look into the eyes, declaring their love or offering to meet. Now, in addition to paper, thanks to new technologies, there are several more ways to make an offer in absentia.

On the Internet: Vkontakte or other social network

This method is good if your chosen one herself is a fan of communication in social networks. And only if you are well acquainted with the girl. If you just find her Vkontakte page and write that you would like to meet, then you may be mistaken for a person with sexual deviations or something like that. Also, the girl may not take this proposal seriously. Therefore, it is better to first just make an acquaintance on a social network, talking on neutral topics. Yes, and the proposal should be beautifully arranged so that it can be compared with a presented bouquet of flowers. For example, send a charming landscape and against its background - soul-stirring poems.

Make an offer by SMS or phone

You can use this way not only social networks, but also a mobile phone. For example, to fit verses into SMS, and even better - into MMS. If you are familiar with a girl, and the only thing that scares you is not the speed of her reaction, but an evaluating look, then you can simply call her and offer to go somewhere together. And you can make a confession both by phone and at this meeting, if it takes place.

When meeting tete-a-tete

Even if it so happened that you met in person, but you are shy, then just look down, as if thinking, and ask if the girl wants to meet with you. Only the meeting should not take place in some prosaic place, but, for example, in a gazebo over the water, against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape or in a cozy cafe over a cup of tea or a serving of ice cream. The atmosphere should be relaxed, so you should not call your future girlfriend to an expensive restaurant or an expensive trip. This, too, can cause tension and give the impression that you are buying a person's favor.

How beautiful it is to invite a girl to meet so that she agrees

A woman, no matter what age she is, is a real esthete. Therefore, the proposal on your part should be beautifully framed. And to finally hook this person, do it unusually. Banality is a bad companion for romantic relationships.

original date proposal

If you can furnish an invitation to a date with the help of a sent bouquet, an envelope sealed with gold thread and postal sealing wax, as well as an imitated telegram, then what to do when you have already met? After all, a single date does not mean the start of a long-term relationship. It is necessary to somehow offer the girl to spend more time together in an original way. One good way is to show up on a date with a guitar or other musical instrument and serenade it with your own composition. Only at the same time, you must master the instrument well so as not to cause laughter or frank regret from the new girlfriend. If you are with music on “you”, but you can recite well, then you can read her poems of your own composition. Of course, you can take as a basis an excerpt from one of the classics, but at the same time not read poetry, as at school at the blackboard, but as a famous theater actor would do - with all the storm of emotions, with MAT pauses, with accents. In general, you have to rehearse carefully to be appreciated. And if you read prose - Bulgakov, Bunin, Nabokov ... The girl will be delighted with your memory. But do not memorize passages that are too long: it is tiring for you and for the listener. In addition, ordinary envy can work here, which will replace admiration. Suddenly, the girl could never remember a single verse at school or was embarrassed to read them at the blackboard. And here also the prose bounces off the teeth!

Romantic proposal to meet in verse

Poems themselves are more romantic than prose. You know how to write them yourself, and your success is appreciated by others - this is your plus and your trump card. It is really worth taking on the recitation of classical poetry only if you have a minimum of acting skills. You can read your own verse with less pathos - it will be appreciated anyway. And if you are generally embarrassed to read it aloud, then you can simply send it as a paper version - in a beautiful envelope, on a postcard enclosed in it, or by e-mail, in a social network (but not on the “wall”, but in a personal!) But what to do if you are not a poet from birth? Sometimes an excess of feelings pushes a person to do something that he has never done before. And you can come out with beautiful poems. And let this verse be generally the only one in life, but successful. Sometimes - on the verge of genius. However, the muse does not visit people with enviable regularity, and may not come to you at all. Then it remains to climb for a verse on the Internet. Let's make a reservation right away: taking a ready-made confession-offer from a popular youth site is the worst option. Imagine how many people like you will read the same poem to their beloved girl at the same time as you. And if with the same verses yesterday or the day before yesterday the gentleman rejected by her “rolled up” to your chosen one, and now you will present the same thing to her? You won’t even catch the meaning, because of what the girl became so funny. You might think that you yourself are pathetic in front of her. And she laughs, because you and the loser “composed” photocopied poems. If you already use the Internet, it’s better to order a poem there on a special site. By the way, to be sure, it is better to check it with an anti-plagiarism program. So you will understand if these poems were published somewhere else, or if the order was made for you personally. After all, the performer will also be tempted not to write himself, but to take the little-known lines of the same Alexander Blok, for example, and pass them off as his original verse, composed just for you. It is even better to compose a haiku - a national Japanese verse of three lines, than to use a large replicated verse. For example, like this:

flying sakura petal
Catching up with another
To keep going together.

Beautiful, but a little sad. There are only three lines, and they can only contain a hint that you want to be with this girl. But even such a hint can be understood. You can add some humor:

How the thread follows the needle
As the waves rush after the ship,
So I would like to be with you
And always be, not in passing.

It is not necessary to use the verse form to propose meetings. There are phrases that work almost unmistakably. This does not mean that the above expressions need to be memorized. This is just an example of how to be unobtrusive at the same time, but at the same time show your interest in this particular girl.

The most popular words and phrases for the best offer

“It seems to me that I feel for you something more than ordinary friendly feelings,” this is how you can say to a girl with whom you are in the same company. If this is your colleague, then just tell her: “I think that our relationship could be less formal. Maybe we can go out to dinner together?" Such an offer, on the one hand, does not oblige you to anything, on the other hand, you will show that you care about the person. But immediately offering to go to a restaurant is unnecessary. Especially if the girl herself is still young and could never afford to dine in such establishments. Your task is to hook, not to overwhelm with luxury. Therefore, you do not need to immediately say that you would like her to become your destiny, or that you alone decided (personally) that you should meet. Swearing that you will make your chosen one a hundred times happier than now is also not worth it. Just leave her the choice and time to think. Otherwise, you can just frighten off your sympathy.

How to become a couple if you are friends

When you have been friends for a long time, go hiking together or wander around your hometown, and in the usual company, it can be difficult to change the status of “to your friend’s board”. But if it so happened that yesterday's girlfriend suddenly became beloved, then you need to act. The most interesting thing is that in this case you can get closer somehow smoothly, without even separating two periods in time - friendly and love. Of course, you can immediately dot all the “e” and say that for some time now you see in her more than just an outgoing girl. But if you do not dare, then you can do otherwise. When you already spend time in the same company, you can just be near your beloved a little more often. Offer her an umbrella when it rains from a clear sky, treat her with ice cream, lend mittens if it gets cold, give her a hand when you need to get over, albeit through a small, but obstacle - these and similar signs of attention contribute to a smooth rapprochement. If you are in a large company, then no one will immediately pay attention to the fact that you decided to retire with a girl in order to start a conversation that is interesting for the two of you. It is not necessary to devote it immediately to your relationship. It may just be the topic that she and you like. If this continues from time to time, then your mutual friends will gradually get used to the fact that a “couple” has formed in the company, with which “everything is clear.” In this way, you can quietly move to permanent residence with this girl or settle her at home . And then you will become an accomplished couple. No stress, no emotions, etc. And you ask: where is the beauty of feelings? Why did everything suddenly happen on its own? You just gave the lady a reason to understand that next to her is a real knight. And even if there was no serenade, haiku, poetry, but your actions said more than words could express.


If you want to propose to the girl you like to meet, in whatever form you do it, try to choose the right time and place. You should not make such an offer if the girl sees you for the second or third time in her life. She knows nothing about you, and therefore is unlikely to consider your candidacy seriously. And if she agrees to a close relationship from the first meeting, then you should think about the reliability and seriousness of the girl herself. Choose a place for a responsible conversation as secluded as possible so that you are not disturbed, and that the girl feels comfortable and relaxed.

Romantic natures will not remain indifferent to an offer made in a cozy, inviting atmosphere of a cafe or restaurant. Invite your girlfriend there one evening. A private booth where you can talk, a candlelit dinner, champagne, enchanting sounds of lyrical melodies, a bouquet of excellent flowers in a vase - all this will help to achieve the desired result. An offer can be made during a slow dance. Agree in advance with the musicians about some song with the subtext you need.

Send the girl home a sumptuous bouquet of her favorite flowers with a proposal letter you wrote. The text can be composed in, write it in a romantic style or with a sense of humor.

Find out from your friends what the girl is interested in, and do something nice for her. If she collects something, present the appropriate little thing and beat your offer in connection with this. If she loves animals, like horses, invite her to go to a place where she can ride and feed them. After that, in her honor, organize a small picnic in nature. During the meeting, find the right moment to express your feelings.

Invite the girl on some interesting trip (which in itself is a kind of offer). For example, to Lake Baikal, to ride a boat along the Volga, to look at the edelweiss valley, blooming magnolias, etc. Beautiful landscapes, walks under the moonlight, the soothing splash of water will be a wonderful backdrop for your confessions.

If you are advanced computer users and you cannot live without the Internet for a day, really, but with the help of virtual space - just for you. Make a short video with your confessions, post it on Youtube and send the link to your chosen one. Find funny, interesting ones that would demonstrate what you want to say, sign them and send them to the girl. Or just compose an original text and send the girl a virtual postcard with your proposal.

There are simply no universal recipes for how best to initiate a serious relationship. But if you have serious intentions and too, she will accept any version of your proposal.

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While philosophers argue about the existence of friendship between a man and a woman, mere mortals are forced to independently solve the problems of relations with the opposite sex. True friendship is always based on mutual sympathy. She exudes warmth, selfless generosity and sincerity, and at any moment she can develop into great and pure love.


Then offer to take a walk, that is, invite her to. To do this, choose a convenient opportunity, go up to her and start a conversation. During the conversation, ask her about what she will do in the evening and after that, feel free to invite her for a walk. Let her know in advance that you want to talk about something very important.

Before you propose, prepare well for a conversation with her. Don't be afraid to look funny or stupid. Remember that only insecure people cannot talk about their feelings and desires. Even if you worry a lot, it will only benefit you. Then the girl will understand that you have the most serious feelings for her.

Teddy Lupine 26 years old - Gryffindor
Marie-Victoire Lupin Age 24 - Ravenclaw
Molly Weasley 21 - Ravenclaw
James Potter 20 years - Gryffindor
Dominic Weasley 20 years - Gryffindor
Fred Weasley 20 years - Gryffindor
Frank Longbottom Age 19 - Gryffindor
Albus Potter Age 18 - Slytherin
Rose Weasley Age 18 - Gryffindor
Scorpius Malfoy 18 years old - Slytherin
Alice Lonbottom 17 years old - 7th year, Gryffindor
Lysander and Lorcan Scamander 17 years old - 6th year Gryffindor and Ravenclaw
Louis Weasley 17 years old - 7th year Ravenclaw
Roxanne Weasley 17 years old - 7th year Gryffindor
Lucy Weasley 16 years old - 6th year Gryffindor
Hugo Weasley 16 years old - 6th year Gryffindor
Lily Potter 16 years old - 6th year Gryffindor
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Lily, where are you? Quickly come over here and help me with the cooking! Mom's dissatisfied voice was heard throughout the house.
- I'm going, Mom! I replied, quickly putting the books back in their place. Shaking off the dust from my clothes, I hurried downstairs until, Merlin forbid, my mother herself went up to the attic.
- God, how long will you wait? The guests will arrive in 2 hours, and you are reading books! I shouldn't have told you about them, - mum sighed sadly, shaking her red head.
- I'm sorry mom, just such interesting books, there, in the attic, you just can't come off!
But today is your father's birthday! I could have delayed this. Don't stand like a pillar, go peel the potatoes!
I had no choice but to obediently carry out the task. It’s better not to argue with your mother when she is annoyed - it’s more expensive for yourself. Only dad could argue with her, and even then not always.
- Ma, whose owl was flying in? It seemed to me or was it really the Scamanders' owl, - I asked my mother, who was waving a baton like a conductor.
- Ah, I completely forgot! The scammers have arrived. Luna and Rolf, finished with those excavations in Bulgaria, finally. I have no idea what they found there, but Luna writes that this is simply the greatest discovery of the century. I don’t know whether to believe her or not, you know that she sometimes likes to exaggerate too much.
- Scamanders? They are back? - James burst into the kitchen, followed by Brick, our house elf.
- Yes, Luna writes that they will stay in England for a long time, - Mom looked up from cooking and looked at James. Did you find what I asked for?
- Do you know how difficult it is to find a snowy owl now? Yes, and similar to my father's Hedwig? James whined, lounging in an armchair next to the fireplace.
- So you didn't find it? Mom dropped her hands in frustration.
"I'm James Potter!" I can do everything! After a heavy pause, my brother smiled smugly, I rolled my eyes. - Brick, bring it in!
Brik obediently left the kitchen and returned in a couple of seconds with a cage in which an incredibly beautiful snowy owl was sitting.
- Oh, what a beauty! - Mom and I exclaimed in admiration.
Mom's happiness knew no bounds, she even kissed James to celebrate.
- Father will be happy with such a gift. It must have been terribly expensive.
- The seller, a terrible crook, overcharged, but Brick and I persuaded him to sell it at half price, - James continued to brag.
Well done Brick! I complimented the elf. I understood that he did all the work, not James. In response, Brick clapped his ears happily.
- Brick tried, little miss!
- James, take the owl to your room and give it a drink, then come back, I need your help. And you, Brick, start decorating the cake.
Yes, Mrs Potter.
- So Lysander and Lorcan will study at Hogwarts? I continued to question my mother as soon as James took the owl away.
- Yes, they will be enrolled in the sixth year.
- On the sixth? But I thought they were older than Roxanne and Louis, - I began to sort out the dates of birth of cousins ​​and cousins. - Yes, that's right, the Scamanders are a few months older than them, they should be in their seventh year.
- I told you, they will study in the same course as you! Stop arguing! It's just that Drumstrang has a different system of education, Professor McGonagall decided that they should first get used to the new school, and only then, a year later, take the TOAD.
- Ah, then it's understandable. Perhaps they will come to celebrate dad's birthday?
- Yes. Luna writes that she missed everyone terribly and wants to see everyone.
“It would be just fine if Aunt Luna’s children didn’t come, especially Lysander,” I remarked, as if by the way.
- Lily! How can you say that? They are part of our family! Mom exclaimed reproachfully, she even stopped stirring the sauce.
- I know they are part of our family. But do you remember what the twins were like in childhood, and what they did, they were even worse than James and Fred! - I shuddered at the thought of how they grew up, I knew that nothing could change their character.
- Oh, come on, Lily. You just speak childish resentment. So what if they shaved you bald, they were children, - with a laugh in her voice, mother began to justify the twins.
- They crippled my child's psyche, mom! You have no idea how happy I was when I found out they were leaving for America.
Mom just laughed, and I snorted with resentment.

Our house, on Rue Grimmauld, was always full of guests. Not a day went by that we were not visited by an old friend of my father, my mother's colleague, members of our large family ... Parents said that earlier, during the second war with Voldemort, our house was a rather gloomy sight. What was the cost of one portrait of Walburga Black. Dad, as soon as they invented a remedy for eternal glue, first of all removed her portrait from the wall, and put it away much longer. He would never have done such a thing if Kreacher had been alive, but by that time he was no longer alive.
With the portrait, the oppressive atmosphere in the house also left. Of course, there was a general cleaning, but after that our house “bloomed”. Mom also liked to say that the best remedy for the ghosts of the past is children's laughter. I suspect that she meant that the ghosts simply could not stand the children's screams and cries.
And now our house was full of guests from top to bottom, and this time, the reason was dad's birthday. Even Scorpius was here, brought by Rosa, and this was his first introduction to our family. Uncle Ron nearly choked on his pie when Rose arrived in the middle of the party, holding hands with Scorpius, who was clearly resisting. Of course, everyone knew they were dating, but Uncle didn't think Rose would dare to come here with "that Slytherin ferret." But, thank God, Aunt Hermione stopped him in time, and the relatives gladly received Skor.
In addition to our family, there were Uncle Neville and Hannah with children, and Aunt Luna with Rolf who, thank Merlin, came without sons. A little late, Teddy and Marie-Victoire, who was in her last month of pregnancy, arrived.
Father, despite his fatigue, beamed with happiness and sincerely thanked everyone for the gifts. At the sight of our owl, he even got a little emotional. Mom also beamed with happiness from the fact that everyone praised her culinary skills, Molly's grandmother even admitted that her daughter surpassed her in this.
There was a terrible noise at the table. Everyone asked Luna and Rolf about their digs, James about his work as the new Seeker in the England team, congratulations on Rosa's admission to the Institute of Witchcraft, Al to the Academy of Aurors and Scorpius to the High School of Law at the Ministry of Magic, every now and then raised a toast, remembered old times, joked, argued, talked about things at work ...
From the middle of the holiday, all the guests dispersed to their corners. In the kitchen, grandmother, mother, aunts Fleur, Angelina, Hannah, and Marie-Victoire remained to talk about the difficult life of the mothers of the family, grandfather remained to sit with them; Uncle Percy, Audrey, Neville and Uncle Bill continued to question Rolf and Luna about their work in Bulgaria in the living room; Dad and Aunt Hermione and Ron closed themselves in the office; Uncle George, James, Fred, Teddy, and Frankie were discussing the latest Quidditch World Cup; Scor, Al, Hugo, and Louie went up to Al's room, and we—me, Rozzie, Roxy, Lucy, Alice, and Olivia Lonbottom—were comfortable in mine.
- Wow, how well I ate! Lucy exclaimed as she plopped down on my bed. “I wish my mother could cook just as well.”
“Absolutely agree,” Rossie said.
- And how do you not get fat Lily?
"It's just that I have a high metabolism," I waved it off, then turned to Roxy. - Well, how are you and Mike?
I finally decided to break up with him. That's it, I don't need a guy who is not even able to stand up for himself, no matter how beautiful he is. So I sent him a letter last week.
Did you write to him like that? Lucy looked at her in horror.
Yes, I did, word for word.
- Well, you give, Roxy. Couldn't it have been a little softer? - Alice asked worriedly, as always her good heart began to worry about poor Mike.
- And with him it is impossible to be softer! If I had written to him “oh sorry Mike, I realized that we are not suitable for each other”, or “Mike, I realized that I am not worthy of you, let's break up”, he would never have left me saying that he did not worthy that we are simply made for each other, and all such nonsense, and after reading what I wrote to him, he won’t even greet me in a year, let alone talk, - Roxy smiled happily, finishing her speech.
“What a cruel Roxy you are,” Rose shook her head reproachfully.
- Yes, I'm tough and independent, but mind you, many guys want to date me, knowing these traits of mine. Apparently they want to tame my temper.
We laughed together.
“I don’t even know why I agreed to date him?” Roxy thought.
"Because he's very handsome and he's the Hufflepuff goalkeeper," Olivia came to the rescue.
- Yes exactly! Wait, did little Ollie fall in love with this "pretty goalkeeper", huh? Roxy asked her, narrowing her eyes mischievously.
Olivia just blushed in response.
- Roxy stop teasing her! She just turned fourteen a month ago, it's too early for her to think about boys! Alice stood up for her sister.
- Early? You know, Alice, that I've been thinking about boys since my second year. As are you, by the way.
- Well, yes, but I was in love with Dan since childhood, and we went to school together, and this Mike is three years older than Olivia, - Alice calmly answered her.
“And I agree with Roxy, Scorpius and I started dating from the fourth year,” Rose entered into an argument.
- But you study in the same course!
- Isn't it up to Olivia herself? After all, she is ALREADY in her fourth year, and she may well meet a guy, and not just think about them. And in general, did she say that she was in love with Mike? Roxy figured it out herself. Am I right Olivia? I asked her. She nodded vigorously.
- And this is said by the one who has not yet met with anyone? Lucy cheered, jumping up and down on the bed.
- So what, it's not a sin - I didn't like it when they raised this topic.
- No, honey, that's a sin considering how many guys want to date you. Forgot how many valentines came to your name? It seemed like half the guys at school were in love with you, Roxy remembered.
- Do not invent! Half of the valentines were with wishes and congratulations! And let's stop this conversation, you know how I don't like to talk about it. Let's talk about Rose.
- About me? Rose looked at us in surprise.
- Yes, about you. When is Skor going to propose to you?
- Mm, actually ... - Rosa was embarrassed, fiddling with her naughty red hair.
- What?! Has he already done it? – Roxy even jumped on the spot.
- Not officially yet.
- Wow! That's why you're so quiet all this time, usually you can't be shouted down," Lucy joked.
- When are you going to get married? Olivia asked curiously, she even sat down closer to her.
- It's too early to think about it. Of course, Skor wanted us to get married in a year, but I dissuaded him, said that this would interfere with our studies.
- Nu and silly woman, - ascertained Roxanne. - I could agree. Oh yeah, did you meet Scorpius' parents?
- Yes. It seemed to me that his father was very unhappy. For all the time that I stayed at their place, I uttered only a few words. But Mrs. Malfoy was very nice, and she also told me not to be upset because of her husband. But in general, they reacted to the fact that we are going to legitimize our relationship soon, quite tolerably, unlike dad. He's been acting disgusting today. And this is another reason to postpone the wedding. Dad needs to get used to Scorpius.
- Why are you in a hurry? Alice took Rose by the hand. - You are right that you want to postpone the wedding, family life will interfere with you. And you want to build a career. What does your mom think about your relationship? After all, she married Uncle Ron herself after she was firmly on her feet.
Thank Merlin she doesn't mind. She says that Scorpius is very different from his father. And she doesn't mind if we get married soon.
“It will be so boring at Hogwarts without you, without you, Al and Scorpius,” Roxy whined, suddenly changing the subject, coming up to Rose and hugging her shoulders.
"Yeah, I feel bad too when I think of Hogwarts without you," I agreed with her.
- And why worry so much, we'll see each other on holidays.
- Well, it's completely different! Who will work out punishments with us, hide from caretaker Kirk, tease Peeves, run away from class, sneak into Hogsmeade, arrange all sorts of tricks and practical jokes? I could put up with the departure of James and Fred, because after them Al and Skor continued their work, but I will never put up with your departure.
- What about Hugo and Louis? And by the way, don't forget the Scamanders, because they transferred to Hogwarts, - said Rosa.
- What? Scamanders transferred to our school? Roxy perked up.
- Oh, Roxy, what were you listening to when Aunt Luna talked about this at the table?
- I ate in general, and there was such a noise that I could not understand anything.
Lucy snorted.
- Then it's a completely different matter! If they are the same as before, then we will not be bored at school. What am I talking about, this is going to be the most interesting year at school! Roxanne was so happy about this that she and Lucy started jumping on my bed.
- Hey hey, this is not a trampoline for you! I walked over to them and made them sit down. “I don't think it's a good idea to transfer the Scamanders to our school. Did you hear what Uncle Rolf said? They were the main brawlers in Drumstrang!
- But it's great!
- It's not cool at all. As a child, they were simply out of control. Remember how they mixed their grandfather's potions and blew up almost half the house, or how they threw Hugo into the river, whom they wanted to awaken his natural magic from? Yes, they shaved off Lily's hair, after all! Alice began to argue that the transfer of the Scamander twins did not bode well. And since she became the head girl of the school, she was worried about discipline.
- So what? They were kids back then! And in general, their grandfather immediately rebuilt the house, and it became much better than before, then Hugo really woke up natural magic, and he didn’t drown, and Lily’s hair had grown long ago, how long! Roxy didn't want to give up.
- They were so cute when they were kids, I bet they are just handsome now! said Roxy Lucy.
Rose rolled her eyes, Alice sighed heavily, giving up, Olivia just sat and listened, fortunately for her, she did not remember the twins very well, and I almost burst into tears, from annoyance.
"Got to pray they don't end up in Gryffindor," I muttered grimly. If that happens, I don't know what I'll do with myself.

When a guy is crazy about a girl, he unconsciously feels fear, wanting to invite her on a date. This is due to the fact that the young man is afraid of rejection, as a result of which his hopes and feelings will sink into oblivion. If you really want to create a couple with a lady of the heart, you have to take a chance. We have collected 3 effective ways: ordinary, non-standard and sincere. Let's consider each of them in order.

Method 1: Normal

Step #1. Get to know us better
Start a full-scale operation to get to know the object of adoration better. From now on, greet her at every opportunity, start unobtrusive conversations. Discuss the weather, animals, school. Choose neutral topics, try to keep her around for a while. Tell us about an interesting book you read or share the release of new episodes of a popular series. Stay on topic.

If the lady of the heart studies with you at school or college and is constantly in the circle of friends, get to know her friends. So you will become closer to the girl and gain the location of friends. This will count in the future. Approach the company more often, talk with those present, but do not forget that the main attention should be paid to the object of sympathy.

Step #2. Come up with a strategy

It is important to prepare in advance for the proposal and the possible consequences. A plan will help contain your emotions in case of rejection, but now you should not think so negatively.

Think in advance in what environment you will invite her on a first date, what you will wear, take care of interesting topics for conversation. Work on making the sentence sound frivolous by rehearsing the speech.

As a meeting place, you can choose a cozy cafe without a large crowd of people. If you are sure that the lady loves sushi, study the city's Japanese restaurants.

Cinema is considered a banal way. First, make sure that the girl will like the film, only then buy tickets. Otherwise, discard this option.

Step #3. Stay alone with her
Wait until the girl is alone. No need to embarrass her in front of strangers, inviting her to spend time together. Find the right moment and act. An offer must be made after an unobtrusive conversation.

In cases where you can’t be alone, start a conversation with friends. Let her know you want to chat with her later. No need to be nervous, keep a positive wave so as not to frighten the girl.

Designate a non-romantic meeting place. For example, arrange to meet at the gates of the institute, workplace or supermarket.

Step number 4. Focus on important things
You have already prepared the ground, it remains to wait for the meeting. When the girl arrives at the appointed place, ask how the day went and what unusual happened. Play a joke on her, but not rudely, then tell her about your affairs. Perhaps the two of you have common interests, the discussion of which will not be superfluous. You need to relax the lady and gently touch on an exciting topic.

Smoothly transition to romantic overtones. Don't hint that you have a lot in common and that you get along great. This topic should be brought up at the moment when a joke was made that made both of you laugh. Note similarities in views and sense of humor. Express yourself as usual, do not dramatize, but state the fact. Get the girl in the head that you are a great match.

Step number 5. Express your feelings
When the lady confirms that you are a great friend, offer her more. Confess your feelings, but don't push. Let her know that you want to see her as a companion and want to invite her on a first date. Speak sincerely, in a joking way, specify that the refusal is not accepted. It won't look like pressure if you do it right.

The lady may fall into a stupor, do not be nervous, wait. If she agrees, exhale, smile, you can pick her up. Prove that you are serious. Even the victory dance of the peacock will do, if you wish.

If the answer is no, thank the girl for her honesty, express understanding. Don't ask questions or blame her.

Method 2: Non-standard

Step #1. Connect
The method is to project a situation where a lady is interested in a secret admirer. The operation can be started only after personal contact. Start talking to her every day, joke and tease each other, evoke positive emotions.

You have to be able to start a conversation and make it interesting, make the girl laugh and feel comfortable. Be interested in her in terms of communication, but do not go beyond. Flirt, touch "accidentally" to the hand and lean lower to better hear the phrase.

When all the points are completed, you can act on behalf of a secret admirer. It is better if the girl in the future guesses who he is. She must wait for further developments. Create your own game.

Step #2. Write a letter
Bring some mystery to your courtship by throwing a romantic message at the lady. The letter is intended to arouse interest, but its content should not be too loving.

You can write a poem mentioning the girl's name, but you shouldn't sign it yourself. Write casually with a touch of humor, avoid loud declarations of love.

You should not expose yourself as a maniac chasing the victim day and night. Don't pressure. Do not forget about flirting, intrigue her so that the girl wants more.

Step #3. Make a gift

After the first note reaches the addressee, and the lady starts throwing glances at you, make a new move. Rewrite the message and attach a small present. It can be a small rose or a Kinder chocolate stick. Put the gift in an envelope and seal it. In the letter, match the girl with a beautiful flower or sweet candy.

No need to give expensive gifts like perfume, rose bouquets or jewelry. Choose cute options that will make her smile. Otherwise, courtship will look like a bribe.

Pay attention to behavior. If, upon receiving a message, the girl tears the envelope, stop courtship. In cases where she starts to avoid you, clarify the situation and apologize. If everything is in order and the lady is happy to read them, continue.

Step number 4. Hints reveal your personality
When communicating with a girl, gradually begin to reveal yourself. Do not talk about it directly, casually quote a phrase from a letter or ask if she loves Kinder (all girls love them). At this stage, you need to bring her to the moment when you confess your feelings openly.

No need to delay with notes so that the lady does not lose interest. Take care of her in this way for 2-3 weeks.

Step number 5. expose yourself
Write a final letter requesting a meeting. Choose the right place and clothes. Tell the girl the distinguishing features by which she can recognize you. Express a desire to meet with her, setting it out in a message.

Example: “Hi, it's time to stop secrecy and reveal your identity. I want to invite you on a date. I will wait for a personal answer in the cafe “…” on the street…”. The job is done, all you have to do is wait. Buy her a beautiful bouquet as a courtesy gesture. Give it in case of consent or refusal.

Method 3: Sincere

Step #1. Become good friends
First you need to become friends, this will take some time. The girl should feel safe and trust you completely. There is a risk of being just a friend forever, but it's worth a try. Communicate in a common company, gradually getting to know each other.

Step #2. Spend more time alone
There will come a time when you can easily communicate without third parties. Take her to the movies or ask her for help picking out a new shirt. Buy medicine if she gets sick, in a normal environment, laugh and have fun without a hint of more.

Inform that a new cafe has opened nearby, invite her to try their dishes. Visit a theater, exhibition or entertainment show together. Pay for tickets, don't accept rejection, be gallant.

Step #3. Make a gift
Give her a beautiful bracelet after a long period of your friendship, buy delicious cupcakes or a box of chocolates. You can give gifts for no reason, saying that you want to see her happy. Buy a soft toy, call it your name, let it be your joke. You can also give the lady a kitten or a parrot, thereby causing a storm of emotions.

Step number 4. Show sympathy
On another day of spending time together, ask her to take a minute to have a serious conversation. Grab her attention and tell her that you like her. Do not beat around the bush, express your thoughts clearly. Don't mumble, but don't push either. Make it clear that the girl is an integral part of your life. For this reason, you want to take her on your first real date with a delicious dinner and candles.

To invite the lady of the heart on a date, use one of the suggested options. A classic of the genre is suitable for shy young ladies. The role of a secret admirer is suitable for girls with a sense of humor. The sincere method will work on young people who do not have much experience in terms of relationships. Build rapport, stay positive, and tread carefully.

Video: how to invite a girl to meet